MTA HTML and CSS Glossary

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Border-Color Property

A CSS property which is used to alter to color of a border either by name or using hexadecimal colors.

Hexadecimal Colors

A color format which uses a pound symbol and six hexadecimal numbers, that is, six numbers 0 through 9 or A through F. 0 represents black, while F represents white. The six colors are in three pairs, which signify the amounts of red, green, and blue used in the color.


A command within an HTML document that specifies the formatting of the document or a portion of that document.


A common submission method which requests to remove information from a database.


A common submission method which requests to retrieve something, such as information from another webpage, an image, or a search engine.


A common submission method which requests to take data submitted and insert it into a database.


A common submission method which requests to take submitted data and modify data on the server as a result of user input.


A compressed sound file which allows for digital storage and transmission.

Responsive Web Design

A concept which refers to designing webpages which can be viewed on different devices, such as desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.


A content-holding frame inside of a webpage. It can be altered using programming.


A digital multimedia container often used to store video and audio data.

Media Query

A fairly granular method used to control how a webpage displays across different types of devices. It checks for screen width and changes styles according to that screen width.

Font-Weight Property

A font property which controls the bold level of text on a webpage.

Font-Style Property

A font property which is used in CSS to apply style to fonts, such as italics.

Select Tag

A form-based tag which creates a drop-down list full of options.

Hr Tag

A horizontal rule (hr) tag is a tag that creates a paragraph-level break within text on a web document.

Absolute Link

A link which contains the complete address to another link.

Li Tag

A list item (li) tag goes around every item listed in either an ordered or unordered list.


A measurement type which is relative to the height of the letter x.


A measurement which is 1/72 of an inch.


A measurement which is normally 1/96 of an inch but can vary based on screen sizes.

Border-Width Property

A property which is used in CSS to control the width of a border.

Font-Family Property

A property which is used in CSS to ensure there are backup fonts and web safe fonts available in the event a user does not have access to the web designers designated fonts.

Max-Width Property

A property which is used to control layouts on webpages using CSS. It can ensure that the total width of a webpage does not exceed the screen size of the user.

Overflow Property

A property which is used to ensure that text will fit on the screen regardless of the device.

Visibility Property

A property which is used to make an object invisible using CSS.


A relative measurement which is equivalent to the font size being used. For example, 3em = 3 x the size of the current font.

Summary Tag

A semantic tag which can hide the text inside of a details tag. The summary tag surrounds the line explaining what is in the details section.

Pixel Measurement

A static form of measurement in CSS. It allows the web designer to assign a specific measurement to a webpage element.

Head Tag

A tag type which contains information that describes the webpage but does not show on the webpage.

P Tag

A tag used to create paragraphs.

Textarea Tag

A tag used to create text boxes within a form so that users can type responses.

Video Tag

A tag which adds a video to a webpage.

Link Tag

A tag which allows web designers to link to external files, such as style sheets and scripts.

Output Tag

A tag which allows you to take what is in a form and run an instant calculation depending upon what is being input in a form.

Button Tag

A tag which can be used on a form to add a button option.

Audio Tag

A tag which can have multiple sources and should have the controls attribute added to allow a user to control when the audio plays.

Html Tag

A tag which contains data that makes up a webpage.

Body Tag

A tag which contains everything that displays on the webpage. Most of the tags used in CSS are placed inside of a body tag.

Fieldset Tag

A tag which creates fieldsets that allow you to group fields on forms to make them easier to read.

Aside Tag

A tag which is often used to mark off a side story.

Div Tag

A tag which is used in CSS to control alignment, backgrounds, margins, padding, and text flow for webpage elements. It can also be used to control the width of an entire page.

Caption Tag

A tag which is used on tables to allow a table description to be placed in close proximity to a table.

Br Tag

A tag which is used to create a line break.

Datalist Tag

A tag which is used to create a pre-populated list within a form.

Span Tag

A tag which is used to format a word or phrase.

Semantic Tag

A tag which is used to help organize a webpage and can be used to determine how a webpage should be rendered.

Script Tag

A tag which is used to hold programming scripts for programming languages.

Article Tag

A tag which is used to mark off self-containing text that can make up a story, blog entry, or an article.

Figure Tag

A tag which is used to mark up an image in a webpage.

Section Tag

A tag which marks off sections on a webpage.

Noscript Tag

A tag which notifies the user if their browser does not support the programming language that is currently in use.

Track Tag

A tag which works in conjunction with vtt files as part of the Web Video Text Tracks (WebVTT) standard.

CSS Framework

A template which is created by the web designer, downloaded for free, or purchased from a third-party which has built in CSS the designer can use to ease in the development process of a website.

Text-Indent Property

A text property which is used in CSS to indent the first line of text in a multi-line paragraph.


A tool used in CSS to describe items and elements and their usage.


A tool used to put placeholders in for text that will need to be added later to a webpage. It can also be used to explain parts of a webpage that do not display in a browser but will appear in a text editor. It will help any collaborative efforts to build a website.

Percentage Measurement

A type of measurement used within CSS. It can be applied to elements on a webpage where it will allow the element to fluctuate its size based on the screen size the user has.

Absolute Positioning

A type of positioning in CSS which places items in an exact location on a webpage.

Relative Positioning

A type of positioning in CSS which places items relative to where they normally are in relation to how things normally flow on a webpage.

Meta Tag

A type of tag used to embed metadata in CSS.


A video file format which works well on low-power devices, such as netbooks and tablets.

Text-Align Property

An alignment property which is used to align text on a webpage.

A Tag

An anchor (a) tag is used to implement a hyperlink for a user. This means that the user is anchoring himself to another page.

Action Attribute

An attribute used within a form tag to navigate users to the next page or script once the form is submitted.

Method Attribute

An attribute which is used within a form tag to tell the form what type of action to take once it is submitted.

Border-Style Property

An element used in CSS to control the overall look of a border.

Text-Decoration Property

An element which is used in CSS to apply underlines to text on a webpage.

Float Element

An element which is used to move one item next to another on a webpage.

Img Tag

An image (img) tag defines an image in an HTML document, which requires the src and alt attributes.


An open container format which is designed to provide for efficient streaming of digital multimedia. It is a royalty-free video format.

Ol Tag

An ordered list (ol) tag is a numbered list.

Ul Tag

An unordered list (ul) tag adds a bulleted list with no specific hierarchy to a webpage.


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a type of style sheet language which is used in web design to describe the presentation of a document that is written in a markup language, such as HTML5. It is the code used to format the text in a webpage.

Heading Tags

HTML has six levels of headings, with tags of h1 through h6. H1 is the largest heading while h6 is the smallest.

Relative Link

Hyperlinks used to link pages within a website.


Hypertext Markup Language 5 (HTML5) is a type of markup language used to build and present content on the Internet.


Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG), lso known as the H.264 format is the most common format for output from video editing software.


Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with the ability to support interactivity and animation.


The color or image used as the backdrop of an entire webpage.


The dynamic aspect of webpage building where scripts are used to manipulate objects based on an event.

Nav Tag

The nav tag is used to help spot, in HTML code, the area on the page containing navigation links on our webpage.


The space between the top, bottom, or side of a webpage's content and its edge.

Details Tag

The summary tag surrounds the line explaining what is in the details section in a details tag.

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