Mullerian Duct Anomalies
What mullerian duct anomaly will have cleft in the external contour of uterine fundus?
Bicornate uterus
What cancer are women with T-shaped uterus at risk of developing?
Clear cell carcinoma of the vagina
What causes Uterus Didelphys?
Complete failure of duct fusion
What is treatment of Rokitansky Kunster Hauser Syndrome?
Create a Neovagina
What causes T-shaped uterus?
Diethylstillbersterol (DES)
What is treatment for emperforate hymen?
What forms the lower 1/3 of vagina?
Invagination of perineal body
Why do mullerian ducts persist in female development?
Lack of Anti-mullerian hormone
What syndrome has mullerian agenesis, amenorrhea, no upper vagina, cervix, uterus or tubes?
Rokitansky Kunster Hauser Syndrome
What is most common mullerian duct anomaly?
Septate Uterus
What mullerian duct anomaly causes one horn of uterus to develop?
Unicornate uterus
What do mullerian ducts become?
tubes, uterus, cervix, and upper 2/3 of vagina