Multiple Choice Questions - BIO

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Given the hypothetical food chain: grass -> grasshoppers -> lizards -> hawks; the grasshoppers are the a. secondary producers. b. tertiary consumers. c. secondary consumers. d. primary consumers. e. primary producers.


Glycolysis occurs in the ____. a. chloroplast b. mitochondria c. cytoplasm d. glycolysis can occur in any of the above.


If an environment has a carrying capacity, K, of 5,000 individuals for a given species, and 6,000 individuals of that species are present, we can predict that the population a. size will increase. b. will go extinct. c. size will remain roughly the same. d. size will decrease.


Imagine that beak color in a finch species is controlled by a single gene. You mate a finch homozygous for brown (pigmented) beak with a finch homozygous for ivory (unpigmented) beak and get numerous offspring, all of which have a pale, brownish-ivory beak. This pattern of color expression is most likely to be an example of a. incomplete dominance. b. codominance. c. pleiotropy. d. polygenic inheritance.


In a community, which of the following describes a +/- interaction? a. two different species hunting squirrels at the same in the same place. b. a prey species and its predator. c. plants and their pollinators.


Mendel conducted his most notable experiments on a. peas. b. roses. c. guinea pigs. d. fruit flies.


Mitochondria differ from chloroplasts in that mitochondria a. contain three different membrane-bound inner compartments, whereas chloroplasts contain two b. contain inner membrane folds called cristae, whereas chloroplasts contain disk-like structures called thylakoids c. convert light energy to chemical energy, whereas chloroplasts convert one form of chemical energy to another d. are not found in plants, whereas chloroplasts are not found in animals


Parental investment is a. anything a parent does to increase the probability that its offspring will survive to reproduce. b. the same in both sexes. c. a key component of speciation. d. the amount a parent spends to send their child to college.


Producers include all organisms that can a. photosynthesize b. use pollinators to achieve pollination c. survive on land d. consume dead organic material


Selection acts on__________ which allows __________to evolve. a. populations/species, individuals b. individuals, populations/species c. populations, species d. species, populations


Sex-linked traits are more common in men than in women because a. men more commonly acquire two copies of the defective gene during fertilization. b. men need to inherit only one copy of the recessive allele for the condition to be fully expressed. c. the sex chromosomes are more active in men than in women. d. the genes associated with the sex-linked conditions are linked to the Y chromosome, which determines maleness.


The alleles of a gene are found at ________ chromosomes. a. the same location on non-homologous b. different locations on homologous c. different locations on non-homologous d. the same location on homologous


The appearance of segmentation was a big evolutionary advance. The first group of animals to have segmentation is the a. Segmented worms b. Arthropods c. Flatworms d. Molluscs e. Vertebrates


The genetic information carried by a DNA molecule lies in a. the sequence of the nucleotides along the length of the molecule. b. the sequence of amino acids that run along its backbone. c. the type of sugars it possesses. d. the total number of nucleotides it contains. e. the order in which the nitrogenous bases pair up with those of the opposite strand.


The graph below illustrates what pattern of selection? (past: line is a dome shape. present: parabola, peaks in the middle.) a. Directional selection b. Disruptive selection c. Sexual selection d. Stabilizing selection


The idea that a cell is the smallest unit of life, all living things are composed of cells and all cells come from other cells defines a. the properties of life b. the laws of inheritance c. organelle theory d. cell theory


The light reactions occur in the _____, while the dark reactions (Calvin cycle) occur in the _____ of a chloroplast a. thylakoid membranes, stroma b. stroma, thylakoid membranes c. stroma, nucleus d. cytoplasm, thylakoid membrane


The lobe-finned fish are evolutionarily significant because some members of this group gave rise to a. the dinosaurs. b. all the terrestrial vertebrates. c. the reptiles. d. all land dwelling creatures.


The pigment that absorbs energy during the light reactions is a. a biological catalyst b. a ribosome c. an organelle d. chlorophyll


The process during which females choose the best male to mate with is a. Intrasexual selection b. Stabilizing selection c. Disruptive selection d. Females do not have any choice over which male she mates with. e. Intersexual selection


The scientific name of an organism comes from part of its classification. The scientific name of the wolf is Canis lupus. The Canis refers to the organism's a. species b. genus c. family d. class


The specific form of chemical energy that is used to power metabolic reactions is a. molecules of glucose b. a diverse array of proteins c. certain types of lipids d. molecules of ATP


Two chromosomes that carry genes for the same inherited traits are a. homologous chromosomes. b. heterologous chromosomes. c. complementary chromosomes. d. parallel chromosomes.


Ultimately, the reproductive success of females is limited by a. the number of eggs she can produce over the course of her lifetime. b. the competitive ability of males in her population. c. the length of the breeding season. d. the number of males she is able to mate with. e. the ability of high quality males to perform proper courtship displays.


What is the ultimate source of new genetic variation in populations? a. artificial selection b. a large gene pool c. mutation d. genetic drift e. natural selection


When one DNA molecule is copied to make two DNA molecules, the new DNA contains a. none of the parent DNA. b. 50% of the parent DNA. c. 75% of the parent DNA. d. 100% of the parent DNA


Which of the following animal features evolved first (in evolutionary time)? a. radial symmetry b. the amniotic egg c. the placenta d. an exoskeleton


Which of the following best describes the difference between ectotherms and endotherms? a. Ectotherms regulate their body temperature using environmental sources like moving into the sun or shade while endotherms regulate their body temperature using metabolic heat. b. Ectotherms cannot regulate their body temperature but endotherms can. c. Endotherms cannot regulate their body temperature but ectotherms regulate their body temperature using heat from the environment. d. Ectotherms cannot regulate their body temperature but endotherms regulate their body temperature using heat from the environment.


Which of the following is NOT generally used as evidence to support evolution? a. molecular evidence b. homologous structures c. the fossil record d. astrological observations


Which of the following is an example of a population? a. All of the plants found in prairies in the western United States b. All of the organisms living in an aquarium c. All of the students in this classroom d. All of the species of fish in Lake Victoria e. All of the microorganisms on your skin


Which of the following is false regarding the amniotic egg? a. It first appeared in reptiles. b. Its appearance required the evolution of parental care. c. It is a self-contained system that has little dependence on external moisture. d. It has 3 extra embryonic membranes (amnion, chorion, and allantois) not found in the eggs of fish or amphibians. e. Its appearance allowed the organisms that produced them to more completely invade terrestrial environments.


Which of the following is generally not included as part of the definition of biodiversity? a. The evolutionary relationships among the species. b. The genetic variation within and among the species. c. The variety of ecosystems those species inhabit. d. The variety of species in the biosphere.


Which of the following is not a characteristic found in members of the kingdom Fungi? a. They are autotrophs. b. They are multicellular. c. They are made up of networks of filaments called hyphae. d. They possess cell walls. e. They have external digestion.


Which of the following is not a characteristic of mammals? a. possess hair or fur b. mammary glands c. endothermy d. heterodonty e. radial symmetry


Which of the following is not a part of the biotic environment? a. The average temperature during the month of July. b. The dominant species in a community. c. All the microorganisms in the environment. d. The variety of plants found in the Mojave desert. e. The species that is trying to eat the same food as another species.


Which of the following is not a reason why it's important for populations to maintain a high level of genetic variation? a. variation is necessary for natural selection and evolution to occur b. Variation is what allows populations to better adjust to changing environments. c. Variation allows populations to better resist diseases. d. Populations with high variation have greater access to resources.


Which of the following is not considered a form of asexual reproduction? a. Binary fission b. Budding c. Parthenogenesis d. Vegetative propagation e. Induced ovulation


Which of the following is not necessary for natural selection to occur? a. There is a struggle for existence among individuals. b. Individuals need to have several opportunities to reproduce. c. There are differences in Darwinian fitness among individuals. d. Variation has a genetic basis.


Which of the following is not true about the advantages of asexual reproduction? a. Asexual species are better able to maintain desired or beneficial combinations of traits. b. Asexual species are guaranteed to be able to reproduce because they do not depend on others. c. Asexual species can easily respond to changes in the environment. d. Asexual species have a much higher reproductive potential.


Which of the following is true about adaptations? a. Adaptations are necessary for the survival of the organism. b. All traits are adaptations. c. Evolutionary biologists define adaptation as the process in which an organism adjusts to its environment. d. Adaptations are the result of natural selection.


Which of the following occurs/occur during Interphase of the Cell Cycle? Choose the best answer. a. The cell grows b. DNA is replicated c. The cell cytoplasm and its contents divides d. All of the above occur during interphase e. A and B are correct, but not C


Which of the following options best shows the flow of information when a gene directs the synthesis of a new molecule? a. RNA → DNA → RNA → protein b. DNA → RNA → protein c. protein → RNA → DNA d. DNA → tRNA → mRNA → protein


Which of the following statements about cell division is false? a. Cell division is how old or damaged cells are replaced. b. Cell division is the process that enables multicellular organisms to grow. c. Cell division only occurs in cells of that produce eggs and sperm. d. Cell division is the process during which the DNA is copied and the cell is split into daughter cells. e. Cell division is the basis of reproduction in every living organism.


Which of the following statements about combat is true? a. It is one of the lines of evidence that supports our understanding of evolution. b. It occurs as a type of intersexual selection c. It plays an important role in allopatric speciation. d. It occurs as a type of intrasexual selection.


Which of the following statements about dominant species is false? a. A dominant species sets the conditions in a community to which all other species must adapt. b. The dominant species is typically the most abundant species in a community. c. A dominant species is just another word for keystone species. d. All of the statements are true, none are false.


Which of the following statements about evolution is true? a. Evolution aims to improve species. b. Organisms evolve structures in response to needs. c. Evolution is deliberate and purposeful. d. Evolution is generally a random process. e. Individuals evolve within the span of their own lifetimes.


Which of the following statements about gene regulation is false? a. It plays an important role in the proper development of organisms. b. Many cancers begin because of problems associated with gene regulation. c. All genes are regulated by factors called oncogenes. d. Understanding gene regulation involves understanding the factors that determine if a gene is expressed or not.


Which of the following statements about invasive species is false? a. The presence or absence of invasive species is a common descriptor of communities b. Invasive species can be introduced to an area either on purpose or accidentally. c. An invasive species outcompetes local species, often driving the local species towards extinction. d. Invasive species' are species not native to a particular area.


Which of the following statements about members of the Kingdom Plantae is true? a. All members possess vascular tissues. b. They descended from a type of multicellular fungi. c. They are the only kingdom to have members with cell walls. d. All members of the kingdom Plantae are autotrophs.


Which of the following statements about membranes is false? a. membranes are selectively permeable meaning some substances are allowed to enter or leave the cell while others are not b. membranes are composed of a phospholipid bilayer with a fluid mosaic of molecules embedded in it c. the phospholipid bilayer is made up of two adjacent rows of phospholipid molecules d. phospholipids have hydrophobic heads that face outwards and are exposed to water and hydrophilic tails that face the center of the membrane and are shielded from water. e. the molecules embedded in the phospholipid bilayer perform a variety of essential functions of the membrane


Which of the following statements about protists is false? a. Protists are evolutionarily significant because they were the first eukaryotic organisms to appear. b. Protists are evolutionarily significant because some forms were the ancestors to the plants, fungi and animals. c. Protists are evolutionarily significant because they are the dominant life form on the planet.


Which of the following statements about seeds is true? a. Seeds require a pollinator to achieve successful dispersal. b. The appearance of the seed meant plants were no longer tied to watery environments for reproduction. c. The seed is the site where pollination occurs. d. Without seeds, plants are unable to reproduce.


Which of the following statements about single trait, multiple gene inheritance is false? a. It occurs when many genes influence one characteristic. b. It tends to affect males much more than females. c. It produces phenotypes that tend to vary along a continuum. d. It works when the effects of many genes add together to produce a particular phenotype. e. It is also called polygenic inheritance.


Which of the following statements about water is false? a. water molecules are cohesive which is important for the upward movement of water in plants b. water has a high specific heat capacity which means it gives off heat quickly c. water has a high heat of vaporization which allows terrestrial organisms to cool themselves by sweating d. many substances dissolve easily in water, making it an excellent solvent e. water has a unique density behavior in that solid water is less dense than liquid water


Which of the following statements is false? a. During transcription, codons on mRNA are read by molecules of tRNA. b. The beginning and end of every gene is designated by a set of promoter and terminator sequences. c. "Promotors" and "terminators" are nucleotide sequences that either start or stop transcription at that location on the molecule of DNA. d. Molecules of RNA are produced via a process called transcription.


Which of the following statements is false? a. Mating guarding is a strategy that may evolve as a result of sperm competition. b. The dominant male is the one that usually has the highest reproductive success. c. Differences in parental investment typically lead to the evolution of females that are choosy in their selection of mates. d. Differences in parental investment typically lead to the evolution of males that are competitive. e. Males tend to have greater parental investment than females.


Which of the following statements is false? a. The red queen hypothesis helps to explain the prevalence of asexually reproducing organisms. b. There is a lot of variation with respect to how organisms go about reproducing. c. Many species with internal fertilization are induced ovulators and require the stimulation of copulation before an egg is released. d. Sexually reproducing species have a much lower reproductive potential than asexually reproducing species.


Which of the following statements is true? a. In order for evolution to occur, the gene pool must remain static. b. Macroevolutionary studies examine changes in the gene pool of a population. c. The gene pool is entire collection of genes and alleles present in a population. d. Mutations typically do not affect the gene pool.


Which of the following statements regarding genetic recombination is false? a. Genetic recombination results from random fertilization. b. Genetic recombination results from independent assortment of chromosomes during metaphase I. c. Genetic recombination occurs during all forms of cell division. d. Genetic recombination is a product of sexual reproduction. e. Genetic recombination is increased by crossing over events that occur during prophase I.


Which of the following statements regarding speciation is false? a. Speciation is the process largely responsible for the diversity of life on this planet. b. All of the statements are true, none of them are false. c. Speciation is considered to be a microevolutionary event. d. Most speciation events occur via the allopatric model.


Which of the following statements regarding the end-membrane system is false? a. the end-membrane system is an important component in all types of cells b. the end-membrane system is involved in the manufacture, storage, and export of important molecules c. the end-membrane system includes the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. d. the end-membrane system includes the Golgi apparatus


Which of the following terms refers to a change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA? a. Translation b. Non-disjunction c. Pleiotropy d. Mutation e. Replication


Which of the following types of reproductive barriers works to prevent individuals from interbreeding because one prefers to mate in forests where it can hide and the other prefers to mate on open plains where it can see danger approaching? a. habitat isolation b. temporal isolation c. geographic isolation d. mechanical isolation


Which one of the following represents two structures that are homologies? a. the wing of a beetle and the wing of a bird b. the arm of a human and the flipper of a whale c. the wing of a bat and the wings of a butterfly


While wading in the ocean, you look down into the water and notice an umbrella-shaped, translucent animal. You recognize it as a jellyfish. It floats by, pulsing its body, with long tentacles trailing behind it. One of them brushes your leg. Ouch! You feel a burning, stinging sensation where it touched you. What part or structure of the animal is the most likely culprit for causing the stinging sensation? a. Teeth b. Radula c. Poisonous spines d. Tube feet e. Nematocyst


While walking around campus, you notice that hummingbirds often visit red flowers. You wonder why hummingbirds often visit red flowers. You think that perhaps hummingbirds prefer red flowers to flowers of other colors. You conduct an experiment in which you give hummingbirds the choice of visiting a red flower, a white flower, or a yellow flower, to see which they prefer. In the scenario above, which represents a prediction? a. why do hummingbirds visit red flowers? b. hummingbirds prefer red flowers to flowers of other colors c. hummingbirds often visit red flowers d. if hummingbirds prefer red flowers, then they will choose to visit a red flower over a white or yellow flower


While walking around campus, you notice that hummingbirds often visit red flowers. You wonder why hummingbirds often visit red flowers. You think that perhaps hummingbirds prefer red flowers to flowers of other colors. You conduct an experiment in which you give hummingbirds the choice of visiting a red flower, a white flower, or a yellow flower, to see which they prefer. In the scenario above, which represents an observation? a. why do hummingbirds visit red flowers? b. hummingbirds prefer red flowers to flowers of other colors c. hummingbirds often visit red flowers d. if hummingbirds prefer red flowers, then they will choose to visit a red flower over a white or yellow flower


anything that prevents ATP formation will most likely a. have no effect on the cell b. result in cell death c. force the cell to rely on lipids for energy d. force the cell to rely on glucose for energy


plant cells... a. have mitochondria and chloroplasts b. lack mitochondria and chloroplasts c. lack mitochondria but have chloroplasts d. have mitochondria but lack chloroplasts


the Kreb's Cycle occurs in the ____ while the electron transport chain and chemiosmosis occur in the ____. a. metric of the mitochondria, thylakoid membrane b. matrix of the mitochondria, cristae c. stroma, thylakoid membrane d. cytoplasm, cristae


the idea that life is ordered, is able to reproduce, goes through a period of growth and development, has a metabolism, seeks to maintain homeostasis, responds to environmental stimuli, and experiences evolutionary change defines a. the scientific method b. the properties of life c. organelle theory d. cell theory


the nucleoid region is a. the fluid environment inside all cells b. the area in a prokaryotic cell where DNA congregates c. a membrane bound structure that contains all the DNA d. made up of many folds of the inner membrane of mitochondria.


which of the following is not one of the types of macromolecules? a. proteins b. carbohydrates c. lipids d. water e. nucleic acids


which of the following processes move a solute up a concentration gradient (from lower to higher concentration)? a. active transport b. osmosis c. passive transport d. facilitated diffusion


which of the following processes produces the most ATP per molecule of glucose? a. alcoholic fermentation b. lactic acid fermentation c. cellular respiration d. all of the above produce approximately the same amount of ATP per molecule of glucose


which of the following statements about science is false? a. science works only with testable ideas b. science and scientific information must be observable c. scientific conclusions are always open to revision if new information warrants it d. science is evidence based e. it is okay to choose to believe in science


which of the following statements regarding enzyme function is false? a. enzymes work by lowering the energy of activation (Ea) of the reaction b. an enzyme is a type of protein whose function depends on its three-dimensional shape. c. enzymes are specific for certain substrates/reactions d. enzymes are used up when they catalyze a chemical reaction, so must be synthesized for each new chemical reaction


A biological species is defined as a a. group of organisms that share many of the same behaviors b. group of organisms whose members have the potential to interbreed and produce fertile offspring c. group of organisms that share a common ancestor d. group of organisms that are phenotypically similar and that share a high proportion of genes


A cell that shows no net gain or loss of water when it is immersed in a solution must be a. metabolically inactive b. in an isotonic environment c. in a hypertonic environment d. in a hypotonic environment


A dog breeder wishes to develop a breed that does not bark. She starts with a diverse mixture of dogs; some that bark a lot and others that bark very little. For many generations she selects only the quietest dogs and allows them to breed. After 30 years of work she has a new breed of dog with interesting traits, but on average, the dogs continue to bark at about the same rate as other dog breeds. Which of the following would be a logical explanation for her failure? a. The tendency to bark is not a heritable trait. b. There is no variation for the trait (barking). c. The selection was artificial, not natural, so it did not produce evolutionary change. d. She did not breed enough of the frequently barking dogs to obtain the desired result.


A hypothesis is: a. a widely accepted idea about a phenomenon b. the same as a theory c. a testable explanation for a set of observations d. an explanatory idea that is broad in scope and supported by a large body of evidence


All members of the kingdom Animalia a. are heterotrophs and have cell walls. b. are prokaryotic heterotrophs. c. are multicellular autotrophs. d. are heterotrophs with internal digestion.


All the offspring of a cross between a black-eyed fruit fly and an orange-eyed fruit fly have black eyes. This means that the allele for black eyes is ________ the allele for orange eyes. a. codominant to b. recessive to c. more aggressive than d. dominant to


An explorer found an organism that had roots, stems, and leaves. It had no flowers but produced seeds. This organism is most likely a(n) a. Bryophyte b. Angiosperm c. Gymnosperm d. Fern


An organism that is able to produce both eggs and sperm at the same time is a. a sequential hermaphrodite b. a simulataneous hermaphrodite. c. an induced ovulator d. parthenogenetic.


Angiosperms are the dominant plant form on Earth today. This largely due to the evolution of a. flowers and fruits b. cones with seeds c. having roots, stems and leaves. d. vascular tissue


Biological evolution is defined as a. Any change in the DNA of an organism b. The growth and development of an individual over time. c. A change in the genetic structure of a population. d. The process where one species splits in to two species.


Choose the proper pair of words to fill in the blanks in this statement: A codon consists of three _______, and codes for one _______. a. nucleotides...... protein b. nucleotides......amino acid c. polypeptides......amino acid d. amino acids......protein


DNA and RNA are made up of molecular subunits called a. monosaccharides. b. nucleotides. c. fatty acids. d. nucleic acids.


Darwinian fitness is increased when an organism a. is stronger than other organisms in its community b. passes on a greater proportion of its genes to the next generation (compared to its peers) c. lives for a long time d. survives many hardships


Diffusion does not require the cell to expend ATP. therefore, diffusion is considered a type of a. endocytosis b. exocytosis c. passive transport d. active transport


Echinoderms are uniquely characterized by the presence of a. a condition known as heterodonty. b. a water vascular system. c. many sporangia. d. a network of filaments called hyphae.


Eukaryotic cells spend most of their cell cycle in which phase? a. interphase b. prophase c. metaphase d. telophase


Exocytosis is ____ and endocytosis is ____. a. the movement of small molecules in to the cell, the movement of small molecules out of the cell b. the movement of large molecules out of the cell, the movement of large molecules in to the cell c. the movement of large molecules in to the cell, the movement of large molecules out of the cell d. the movement of small molecules out of the cell, the movement of small molecules in to the cell

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