Muscle exercises and stretches

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Pronator Teres

Location: Stretch: 1. Lay your right forearm on a table or bench with your palm facing the ceiling. 2. Wrap your left hand under the right hand on the table and grab the thumb-side of your wrist 3. While maintaining a bend in your elbow, gently pull your arm so that it rotates to face the palm outward, hold for 10-30 seconds 4. Repeat on other side Modifications: Make sure the elbow stays on the table so rotation isn't coming from the shoulder. Exercise: Seated pronation with a resistance band 1. Sit in a chair and step on the end of a resistance band to keep it secure 2. Hold the other end of the band in one hand with the palm facing down - this is the starting position 3. While keeping the elbow either pinned at the side or resting on the leg rotate the forearm so that the palm faces the ceiling 4. Return to the starting position and repeat Secondary Muscles: Supinator

Triceps Brachii

Location: Backside of upper arm from shoulder to elbow Stretch: Tricep Stretch: Hand behind head pull back with elbow. Exercise:Triceps Dips Stand in front of a step stool, have your back facing the stool. Place your hands behind you on the stool. Keep your hands facing forward and just past shoulder width apart. Walk your feet a few steps out in front of you so you are leaning backwards at a diagonal angle. Slowly bend your elbows to a 90 degree angle, keep your legs straight in front. Secondary Muscles: Pectoralis Major and Minor, Deltoids, Muscles of Forearms, and Latissimus Dorsi

Pectoralis Major & Minor

Location: Chest Pectoralis major originates on the sternum and clavicle inserting on upper portion of the humerus. The Pectoralis minor originates on the front ribs (#3-5) inserting on outer top of the scapula. Stretch: 1) Stand perpendicular to the end of a wall or doorway. Bend your arm at a 900 angle with elbow slightly higher than shoulder height and hand above head. Place inside forearm of bent elbow on wall. 2) Turn body and head away from positioned arm and hold. Repeat with other arm. Modifications: Make sure back is straight with body/head rotating to stretch not the shoulder. Exercise:Push-Up 1) Start in a high plank position with hands slightly shoulder width apart and toes on ground. Neck, back, and butt should be neutral in a straight line. Pelvis tucked forward towards belly button, core tightened, and shoulders rotated back. 2) Lower until upper arms are parallel with floor. Keep elbows close to body. 3) Push up by pressing through palms on the floor. Keep body in straight line with core tightened. ** Do not forget to breathe. Secondary Muscles: triceps, abdominals


Location: Posterior compartment of the forearm. Originates from the humerus and inserts into the radius. Stretch: Wrist Extensions: place arm that you want to stretch straight in front of body with palm up. With unaffected hand, bend back the fingers of the hand you are stretching, keeping the elbow straight Exercise:Forearm supination against gravity- Sitting in a comfortable upright position with feet flat on floor, rest working arm on a table or bed. Other arm can be relaxed on the table or in lap. Start with palms facing down and slowly rotate palms upward with the supination motion occurring when the thumbs rotate upwards. Return and repeat Secondary Muscles: Biceps Brachii


Location: Shoulder. Anterior, medial, posterior. Stretch: Anterior Deltoid Stretch: Lateral deltoid stretch Exercise: military shoulder press Secondary Muscles: trapezius, deltoid, triceps, core


Location: This muscle is located in the back region and helps keep the scapula, attached to the ribcage. The rhomboid also rotates the scapula and retracts towards the spinal column. Stretch: To perform the cross body shoulder stretch, stand tall with your shoulder blades together. Moving your arm in front of the body and support it by the opposite arm in front. Hold this position for the prescribed time and repeat Exercise - Bent over rows: The torso is nearly in a horizontal position and the R. or L. knee on a bench. Exhale when you pull the dumb bell up to your ribcage. Then slowly lower the dumbbell back to the starting position inhaling. Secondary Muscles: Trapezius: The Trapezius retracts which gives your arm and back muscles a solid base to generate force. This force comes from bringing your arm up to the level of your ribcage in the bent over rows.


Location: Top portion of the scapula runs top of shoulder blade to the top pf the humerus. Stretch: Apple Picking Stand: pick apple and put it in opposite pocket Exercise: Arm Abduction : legs spread palms out make a T with your body. Secondary Muscles: Deltoids


Location: Triangle thick muscle part of the rotator cuff located in the back of the shoulder. Stretch: Seated bent-over infraspinatus stretch. Hands on waist thumbs out sit on chair let elbows drop to the floor and abdomen reach thighs. Exercise: upright shoulder external rotation Secondary Muscle: teres minor, posterior deltoid, supraspinatus

Mid to Lower Trapezius

Location: Upper to middle back Stretch: Bear hug While standing, wrap arms around self as if you were giving yourself a hug. Slowly move your fingers toward the spine until discomfort is felt. Hold stretch for 15 seconds. Exercise: Prone cobra Lay flat on stomach, feet together and out straight, keep your feet on the ground. Reach arms straight ahead, palms down. Slowly lift arms and torso up, making sure to squeeze your scapula's together. Make sure to keep looking forward. Once at a comfortable yet challenging height, hold for 15 seconds. Secondary Muscles: Abdominals, deltoids


Location: anterior dep sternocleidomastoid Stretch: Scalene stretch hand over head bent Exercise: Head rotations Secondary muscle:sternocleidomastoid


Location: back Upper arm; triceps run along the posterior humorous between the shoulder and elbow. Stretch:Tricep Stretch: Hand behind head pull back with elbow. Exercise: Medicine Ball Chest Pass with Partner Pick a medicine ball you feel comfortable throwing and catching. Throw the medicine ball at chest level to your partner. Secondary Muscles: Rectus Abdominis and Transverse Abdominis

Bicep Brachii

Location:Bicep has two heads that lies on the upper arm between shoulders and the elbow. Stretch:Wall bicep stretch: Stand next to a wall. With the hand closest to the wall reach back to touch the wall. The arm should be outstretched behind you. Exercise:Door Way Curl: Find a door way and stand facing the door jamb. Position your feet against the door jam. Grab the door jamb with both hands with arms extended; body should be at an angle leaning from the door jamb. Secondary Muscles:brachioradialis


Location:occipital bone to the lower thoracic vertebrae of the spine and laterally to the spine of the scapula. Stretch: Ear to shoulder Stretch arm on ear pull down head. Exercise:Shrugs Stand up right, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in each hand. Arms should be by your sides. To perform, shrug shoulder up towards your ears while keeping your arms by your sides. Secondary Muscles:levator scapulae, erector spinae, scalenes

Erector Spinae

Muscle Location: three deep muscles running vertically up the length of the posterior spine throughout the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical regions of the back. Stretch: Double Knee to Chest Lie supine on the ground with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Keeping the head on the ground, gently lift one knee up at a time towards the chest. Wrap your arms around your legs just below the knees and gently pull them in towards the chest. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds. Exercise: Prone Superman Lie prone on the ground with the arms stretched overhead, palms down, and the legs hip width apart with the toes flexed towards the shins. Keeping the head neutral, lift your arms, head, and legs off the floor. Pause briefly at the top position and then slowly lower the body to the starting position before repeating the movement. Secondary Muscles: glutes, hamstrings, deltoids, & trapezius

Gluteus Medias and Gluteus Minimus

Muscle location: In the hips, originating at the ilium and inserting at the femur. Stretch: Pigeon Pose Bring your right leg under the body, angle your right shin under your torso, and bring yourrightfoottothefrontof your left knee. Straighten your left leg back behind you, and let the front of your thigh sit on the floor. Rest your chest on the leg bent forward. Make sure your knee is bent fully as to not cause injury. Secondary Muscles: Tensor Fasciae Latea, Sartorius Exercise: Side-lying Clam Lay on your side with your knees, ankles, hips and shoulders directly stacked on top of one another, top arm resting on side, bottom supportinghead. Bringyour knees forward, to a 90 degree angle with you ankles inline with hips. Keeping the ankles touching and bottom leg stationary lift the top leg, making a clam like motion


Muscle location: Located on the posterior aspect of the calf Stretch: Standing Wall Calf Stretch Stand several feet in front of a wall. Lean slightly forward and place both hands on the wall shoulder width apart and place feet hip width apart. Place right leg back in a lunge position, with left leg bent at the knee. Ensure the right leg is in an extended position to target gastrocnemius. Deepening the flexion of supporting leg will increase intensity of the stretch. Hold this position for 20 seconds and switch sides. Secondary Muscles: Soleus, Flexors, Plantaris Exercise: Single Legged Calf Raise Stand with legs shoulder width apart. Shift to weight to one foot. Tuck other foot behind the calf of the leg. With foot planted on the ground, lift your heel off the ground. Be sure to keep the palm of the foot planted firm on the floor. Lift the heel to a comfortable height, without losing balance or bending the knee. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds. Slowly release heel back to the ground. Repeat.

Latissimus Dorsi

Muscle location: One of the largest muscles in the back attached to the middle spine and extends to its insertion point on the intertubercular groove of the humerus. Stretch: Overhead Lat Stretch Start in a comfortable standing position, with your feet about shoulder width apart. Lift left arm up overhead, use right arm and hand to grasp the left elbow and pull towards right shoulder. Hold for 10-30 seconds. Switch to complete on the right side. Exercise: Isometric Press Up. Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Place your palms beside your bum on the seat of the chair. Firmly press palms down on the chair until some, or all of your body weight is lifted from the chair. Hold this position for about 10 seconds and repeat. Make sure that your spine is straight and your core is engaged. Secondary Muscles: Trapezius

Adductor Magnus

Muscle location: Originates at pubic bone and inserts along the medial Side of the femur Stretch: Butterfly Stretch Sit on the floor with both legs out in front of you. Keep your legs in front and sit up straight to elongate your spine. Bring the soles of your feet together. Your knees should bend and turn outward. Holding onto your ankles, bring your heels as close to your body as you can. Lean forward making sure your back stays straight. You may also use your elbows to push down on your knees to engage a larger stretch Secondary Muscles: Gluteus maximus and hamstrings Exercise: Wide Stance Squat Start with your feet wider than shoulder width apart. Turn your toes out about 45 degrees. Keep your abs tight and back straight, bending at your knees and hips lowering yourself back into a squat position. Make sure that your knees do not go over your toes. Hold your hands in front of your chest. Maintaining a slow and controlled pace.


Muscle location: The hamstrings originate below your butt and insert on the tibia and fibula of the lower leg. Stretch: Seated Straddle Pose - Sit on a floor. - Have your legs extend and form a V-shape. - Sitting upright, keep your toes pointing up. - Lean forward and reach forward with your hands. Avoid lowering or lifting your head. - Reach until you feel a stretch and maintain that position for 20-30 seconds. - Slowly move back to your original position. - Repeat for 2-4 more reps. Secondary Muscles: glutes and abdominal muscles Exercise: Glute Bridge Walkout - Lie on your back in a supine position. - Bring your heels under your knees. - Form a bridge by extending your hip forward, tightening your abs and glutes. - Remain in a bridge form and take small outward steps on your heels. - Step out as far as you can maintain your bridge form. - Retrace your steps to your original position. - Repeat this again for 8-12 reps for 2-4 sets.

Rectus and Transverse Abdominus

Muscle location: Both are located in the middle of the body and attach to the lower eight ribs and the anterior portion of the pelvis. Stretch: Cobra Stretch Lie face down and centered on your mat. The tops of your feet should be flat on the floor and your hands down to either side of you. You want your palms slightly lower than your shoulders. Make sure to keep your elbows close to your body, pointing behind you. Then you are going to pull your shoulders back and away from your ears. Engage your abs by drawing your belly button towards your spine. Then lift your torso up to where you feel the stretch. Exercise: Russian Twists Start by sitting on the floor then bring your body to a "V" position by lifting your torso up as well as your legs. Then you are going to grab your weight and hold it up to your chest. To begin you are going to twist your torso to one side as if you are trying to make your shoulder parallel to the floor. Make sure to twist to where you feel comfortable. After that you are going to return to the middle, hold it there for one second and repeat the twist to the other side. Secondary Muscles: Deltoids and Erector spine

Gluteus Maximus

Muscle location: Gluteus Maximus Stretch: Supine Knee Hug Lie down on a flat surface in supine position, legs together and arms at sides. Bring one knee toward the chest and hug it. Breath regularly and when exhaling, pull the knee closer to chest. Hold 10-30 seconds and complete on both legs. Secondary Muscles: Hamstrings, quads, lower back, hip flexors Exercise: Glute Bridge Lie down in supine position, knees bent and feet flat on the floor with hands and arms comfortably by your sides.Push the upper back into the ground and heels of feet into the floor to lift the hips. Push the hips to the ceiling until they are inline with the knees and shoulders. Knees should make a 90 angle. Then, in a controlled manner, return to the starting position.


Muscle location: Lateral to abdominals on both sides. External obliques are superior and superficial to internal obliques. Stretch: This is the Stand and Lateral Bend. Stand upright with feet shoulder width apart. Interlock fingers, palms facing outwards, and bring arms upwards so the palms face the ceiling. Bend laterally to one side. No lateral movement in hips. Hold 15-30 seconds, go back to neutral, and then bend laterally to other side. Exercise: The exercise is the seated weighted twist. Sit down on the edge of a chair with feet planted into the ground facing forward and knees bent at 90 degrees. Hold a barbell behind your shoulders while sitting upright andcoreengaged. Twistyour torso to one side, hold, and the twist back to starting position. Repeat on other side. Secondary Muscles: Rectus abdominis

Tibialis Anterior

Muscle location: Located in the lower leg toward the anterior part of the body. Emerges from the upper lateral surface of the tibia bone and ends at the base of the first metatarsal bone. Function: Helps with dorsiflexion and inverting the foot medially. Also helps to hold up the medial longitudinal arch of the foot. Stretch: Seated Shin Stretch. Sit on a chair and cross one leg over the thigh of other leg. Place hand associated with leg being stretched on top of the ankle and the other hand over the foot being stretched. Extend the foot by pulling on the forefoot and hold stretch for 30 seconds. Repeat with other leg. Secondary Muscles: Gastrocnemius aids in the plantar flexion of the foot. Exercise: Strengthening with cuff weights. Start by sitting on a chair and making sure feet are perpendicular to the floor and are at 90°. Wrap appropriate cuff weight around toes and feet, on both feet. Flex ankles as far as one can go, and hold for 3-5 seconds. Slowly extend foot back down and rest for 2 seconds.


Muscle location: Lumbar spine/ Iliac crest to lesser trochanter of femur. Stretch: Kneeling Hip Flexor Get in a kneeling lunge position. Place hand on bent knee. Push your hips forward, hold the stretch and repeat on the opposite side. Be sure to keep shoulders/chest upright. Secondary Muscles: Rectus Abdominis, Pectineus, Sartorius, and Quadriceps Exercise: Straight Leg Raise Lie supine with hands by side. Lift legs until hips are fully flexed, then lower until hips and knees are extended. Keep your lower back on the floor throughout movement.

Iliocostalis Lumborum

Muscle location: Originates at the anterior surface of a tendon from the sacrum, lumbar vertebrae and the iliac crest. Inserts at the inferior borders of lower six or seven ribs Stretch: Begin by kneeling on the floor with your knees wide apart and sit your butt back onto your heels. Bend forward dropping your chest between your knees while having your arms outstretched overhead. Reach your arms out onto the floor in front of you with your palms touching the floor. Then walk your hands over to the right, pause and walk your hands back to center and then repeat on the left. Secondary Muscles: Abdominals Exercise: Start on your hands and knees, hands shoulder width apart and knees hip width apart. Raise your right arm and reach forward until it's in line with your back. As you bring your right arm forward, lift your left leg up backwards until it's in line with your back. Hold this position and then slowly bring your arm and leg back to the ground and repeat with opposite arm and leg. Make sure to keep your head, neck and back straight and in line with each other as well as your core tight


Muscle location: Originates from the ilium of the hip and the femur to the patella and tibia. Made of 4 muscles: Rectus Femoris, V astus Lateralus, Vastus medialus, and the Vastus intermedius. Stretch: Star stretch with a quad pull. Lay on your back and pull your left leg across your body with your opposite arm. Keep a bent knee position. With the other arm, grab your other leg and pull it proximally to the body. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side. Secondary Muscles: Hamstrings, lower back, gluteus, and abdominals. Exercise: Jump squats. To perform, you will begin with your legs shoulder width apart and knees bent. Your hands can be in a prayer position at chest height. Next, you will jump straight up, extending your knees and moving tour arms to your sides. To land, come back to the starting position.

Quadratus Lumborus

Muscle location: Posterior to abdominal wall Stretch: Seated Side Bend Sit on flat surface, legs crossed, arms relaxed by sides. Back straight, core tight. Lift one arm out to the side, then above your head reaching to opposite side. Opposite hand should cross the outside of thigh on the side being stretched. Lean upper body to left side. Revolve chest open toward ceiling. Repeat on other side. Hold position for 20-30 seconds each. Secondary Muscles: Gluteus maximus, quadriceps, and hamstrings Exercise: Side Plank Lay on side. Arm closest to ground should make "L" shape on floor. Lift top half of body off the floor. Straight raise opposite arm or place hand on hip for balance. Keep hips aligned with the rest of body, core tight. Keep legs straight, feet stacked on top of one another. Lower weight rests on bottom foot. Hold for a certain period then switch sides.


Muscle location: located in the calf region anterior to the gastrocnemius. Origin: posterior of the fibular head and the medial side of the tibial shaft. Inserts at the Achilles tendon. Stretch: Soleus Towel Stretch Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Next place a foam roller or elevated object underneath the knee of the leg you wish to stretch. Next place a towel around the ball of your foot on the same leg. Pull both sides of the towel towards you until a stretch is felt, and hold. Secondary Muscles: Exercise: Box Jump Start by stepping on and off of your box get a feel for the height. Begin your jump by standing in front of your box with feet shoulder width apart. Next lower into a squat position while bringing your arms in front you parallel to the floor. Next jump onto your box, bringing your arms behind you. Avoid buckling your knees and landing partially on your box.

Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL)

Secondary Muscles: Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus, Obliques Stretch: Wall TFL Stretch Stand slightly more than arm's length away from the wall, with your feet together, and side toward the wall. Place your inside hand on the wall. Keeping your legs extended and hips facing forward, lower hips toward the wall. You will feel the stretch on the TFL/IT Band closest to the wall. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds and repeat on the other side. Be sure to breathe. Stretch: Side-Lying Leg Abduction. Lie on your side, legs extended, legs and feet stacked. Cushion your head using your bent arm. Your hips, shoulders, knees, feet should be in a straight vertical line. The exercise has an upward and downward phase. Upward: Raise the top leg, keeping it straight, approximately 45 degrees. Do not allow your hips to rotate. Focus on recruiting TFL, not obliques or low back. Keep your knee pointing straight ahead. Downward: Lower the leg in a slow controlled motion, return to starting position.

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