muscle system cat

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masseter function

elevates the mandible

tricepts brachii

extensor of the elbow, under long and lateral head of triceps brachii

lumbodorsal fascia or thoracolumbar fascia

fascia on the back of the spine

cat rhomboideus

folding the arm under the body will expose it. flap on top of scapula we cut.

cat gracilis

from crotch to knee behind thigh, lower one we cut. thin muscle

able to extend the foot at the ankle

gastrocnemius and soleus as well as the tendon of achilles

cat quadriceps femoris

group of 4 muscles, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius. they extend the knee and flex the hip. on the inner thy.


group of three muscles, spinalis, longissimus, and illiocostalis. On the spine under a flap of fascia

cat cleidomastoid

hard to find on our cat, under the sternohyoid

cat gluteus maximus

inferior to gluteus medius on but part of cat on top of sine (abductors )

cat soleus

yellow, below the gastrocnemius.

digastric function

depresses the mandible

cat semitendinosus

meaty rope like muscle on the back of the thy, separated from the other muscles

cat vastus medialis

medial to the rectus femoris.

cat lateral head of the triceps brachii

middle most muscle of the upper arm


most lateral of the sacrospinalis, lateral to the longissimus. Under a flap of fascia on the side.

cat infraspinatus

muscle on infraspinuous part of scapula


muscle on the back of shoulder, directly below the clavotrapezius. cut this one.

cat supraspinatus

muscle on top of scapula, the supraspinuous part


on back below clavodeltoid

cat temporalis muscle

on the temporal bone (head)

cat digastric

2 to the side of the mylohyoid

cat masseter

round tough muscle on the side of the jaw

cat sartorius

runs the span of the thy, we cut it. inserts near the knee, a long spanning muscle on front of thy.

cat pectoralis major

second part from top of chest, #2

cat adductor longus

small part in crotch area

cat sternohyoid

sternohyoid, looks like a v neck sweater. On our cat its cut off.

cat external intercostal

#1 small part on the ribs, where there is a torn flap. looks like red meet. on top of flap

cat subscapularis

#2, muscle on the underside of the scapula

cat internal intercostals

#2, small part on the ribs, where there is a torn flap. looks like red meet. underneath the flap


a thin muscle on the back, goes towards the shoulder.

adductor femoris

above the semimembrenosis,

cat clavotrapezius

anterior most, top of neck


armpit area

cat long head of triceps brachii

armpit area, posterior part of upper arm

cat multifidus

basically the muscle on the back of the spine, most medial to the sacrospinalis on the side, under fascia flap on the spine.

cat semimembranosus

behind semitendinosus, big ass like muscle on back of thy, on front side it is between the semitendinosus and biceps femoris

cat pectoralis minor

below pectoralis major from top of chest. #3

cat tibialis anterior

below the knee, outer surface of the leg. seves to flex the foot at the ankle.

cat mylohyoid

between digastrics

cat hamstrings

biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. muscles flex the knee and extend the hip.

latissmus dorsi

big flap on back. basically where it is on a human. cut it

cat biceps femoris

big meaty one we cut.

cat rectus abdominis

center of the tummy.

cat sternomastoid

cleidomastoid and sternohyoid, under neck.

cat serratus anterior

large, fan shaped muscle behind scapula, underr romboideus

cat gastrocnemius

largest and most superficial on lower leg.

cat vastus lateralis

lateral to rectus femoris, large muscle on anterior and lateral surface of the thigh.


lateral to the multifidus, under a flap of fascia on the spine


lateral to the spinalis, under a flap of fascia on the spine.

transverse abdominis

little flap on the tummy.side, innermost layer, not cut away.

cat external abdominal oblique

little flap on the tummy/side, outermost layer

cat internal abdominal oblique

little flap on the tummy/side, second layer, very thin like external oblique

cat xiphihumeralis

lowest muscle on chest, below pectoralis minor.

cat gluteus medius

superior to gluteus maxinus on but part (hip area on top of spine) (Abductors)

pectoantebrachialis, pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, and xiphihumeralis

they orrigenate on the sternum, insert on the humerus and flex the shoulder.

facsia latae

thick peice of connective tissue off the tensor fascia latae, extends down the leg on to the knee.


thin strip right on top of shoulder.


top part of chest

cat tensor fascia latae

tryanguler fascia on leg,

cat vastus intermedius

under the rectus femoris we cut through.

tares major

very end of scapula, can feel the bone. ventral border of the scapula.

cat rectus femoris

we cut through it, rope like muscle we cut through.

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