Muscles of the face origin, insertion, and function
Zygomatic major Origin
Anterior surface of the zygomatic bone, immediately lateral to the zygomatic minor muscle.
Zygomatic minor Origin
Anterior surface of the zygomatic bone, immediately medial to the zygomatic major muscle.
Levator anguli oris Origin
Canine fossa of the maxilla.
Orbicularis oculi Function
Closes the eyelids, draws tears from the lacrimal glands into the eyes.
Orbicularis Oris Function
Closes the mouth and puckers the lips.
Buccinator Function
Compresses the lips and checks against the teeth and draws the corners of the mouth outward. Involved in chewing.
Platysma Function
Depresses and wrinkles the skin of the lower face and mouth; aids in the forced depression of the mandible.
Depressor anguli oris Function
Depresses the angle of the lip and assists in compressing the upper lip against the lower lip.
Mentalis Origin
Incisive fossa of the mandible.
Platysma Insertion
Inferior border of the mandible and skin over the lower face and angle of the mouth.
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi Insertion
Lateral cartilages of the nose and the orbicularis oris. Inserts into the wing of the nostrils and UL (flares the nose)
Orbicularis oculi Insertion
Lateral palpebral raphe.
Risorius Origin
Fascia of the masseter muscle.
Orbicularis oculi Origin
Nasal process of the frontal bone, frontal process of the maxilla and palpebral ligament.
Orbicularis Oris Origin
Near midline on the anterior surfaces of the maxilla and mandible.
Levator labii superioris Function
Elevates and everts the upper lip.
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi Function
Elevates the upper lip.
Zygomatic minor Function
Elevates the upper lip.
Mentalis Function
Elevates, protrudes, everts the lower lip, and wrinkles the skin of the chin.
Epcranius frontalis Origin
Epicranial aponeuroses
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi Origion
Frontal process and infraorbital margin of the maxillae.
Levator labii superioris Origin
Lower margin of the orbit of the eye, maxilla, and zygomatic bone.
Orbicularis Oris Insertion
Mucous membrane of the margin of the lips and raphe with the buccinators.
Buccinator Insertion
Muscle fibers of both the upper and lower lips.
Depressor labii inferioris Origin
Oblique line of the mandible near the mental foramen.
Depressor anguli oris Origin
Oblique line of the mandible.
Depressor anguli oris Insertion
Orbicularis oris at the angle of the mouth and the upper lip.
Depressor labii inferioris Insertion
Orbicularis oris of the lower lip.
Zygomatic minor Insertion
Orbicularis oris of the upper lip
Zygomatic major Insertion
Orbicularis oris of the upper lip and skin of the corner of the mouth.
Buccinator Origin
Pterygomandibular raphe, lateral surface of the alveolar process of the maxilla, and the mandible in the region of the third molars.
Zygomatic major Function
Pulls the angle of the mouth upward and outward.
Levator anguli oris Function
Pulls the corner of the mouth upward and assists in closing the mouth by pulling the lower lip upward.
Corrugator Function
Pulls the eyebrows downward and inward, thereby wrinkling the skin of the forehead between the eyes.
Depressor labii inferioris Function
Pulls the lower lip downward and outward.
Risorius Function
Pulls the mouth angle outward (smiling).
Epcranius frontalis Function
Raises the eyebrows and causes the skin on the forehead to wrinkle horizontally.
Corrugator Insertion
Skin above the medial arch of the eyebrows.
Mentalis Insertion
Skin of the chin.
Risorius Insertion
Skin of the corner of the mouth and muscle fibers of the lower lip.
Epcranius frontalis Insertion
Skin of the forehead near the eyebrows.
Platysma Origin
Skin over the lower neck and upper lateral chest.
Corrugator Origin
Superciliary arch of the frontal bone.
Levator anguli oris Insertion
Upper lip and angle of the lower lip
Levator labii superioris Insertion
Upper lip between the levator angulis oris and levator labii superior alaeque nasi.