MVU NURS 620 Exam 4

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Emotional support is best given to the client with a sexually transmitted infection by: A. Offering many alternatives B. Authentic active listening C. Assuring the client that everything will be ok D. Emphasizing the duration of the disease


Darcy it to undergo a cone-needle biopsy for a suspicious breast mass. This procedure includes: A. A 21- or 22- guage needle that is used to aspirate cells from the lesion for analysis B. Removal of a large core of tissue from the lesion for histological evaluation usually a large guage cutting needle C. Removal of a wedge of tissue for examination D. Removal of the entire lesion


Which of the following is an indication for a colposcopy in a 35-year old woman? A. A PAP smear showing dysplasia with high-risk HPV B. Recurrent Chlamydia C. HIV Infection D. History of Leiomyomas


when premenstrual syndrome sxs do not respond to dietary and nonmedical therapies, which of the following drugs might you try? A. Antidepressants B. Antihistamines C. Corticosteroids D. Anticholinergics


Which of the following statements do you use when instructing women about their fertile period (when they are most likely to become pregnant)? A. Ovulation occurs on the 14th day; plus or minus 2 days, before the next menses B. Sperm are viable for 24 hours C. The ovum is viable for 6 hours D. The ovaries always release one ovum per month


A 27-year-old presents to your office for a Mirena (levonorgestrel intrauterine system) insertion. She reports that her menses started 3 days ago and is normal. How soon after the insertion will she be able to safely rely on Mirena for contraception? A. Immediately B. After 48 hours C. In 1 week D. In 1 month


A 33-year-old woman complains of dyspareunia in the lower back during orgasm. The nurse practitioner should consider A. Endometriosis B. Cystitis C. Vagintitis D. Causes related to pelvic inflammatory disease


A sexually active woman should be aware that genital herpes simplex virus A. May be transmitted to a partner or newborn even in the absence of lesions because of viral shedding B. Is suppressed during menstruation, physical or emotional stress, immunosuppression, sexual intercourse, and pregnancy C. Included recurring outbreaks that last the same length of time as the initial outbreak D. Requires the use of condoms only during outbreaks


A treatment used to improve the chance of pregnancy in an infertile woman who has minimal or mild endometriosis is A. A laparoscopic resection or ablation of the lesions B. Dilation or curettage C. The use of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs D. The use of birth control pills for 3 months followed by an abrupt stop


Brianne, age 24, complains of urgency, frequency, and dysuria. Your dipstick test shows no hematuria, and her urine culture shows no growth. What is your next action? A. You suspect a sexually transmitted infections so you obtain a culture of the urethra, do a potassium hydroxide wet prep, and obtain another urine culture B. You suspect urethra irritation, so you tell her to take showers not bubble baths and to wear white , dry underwear and loose-fitting clothing C. You suspect a urinary tract infection not visible yet on culture, so you start her on sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim (Bactrim DS) D. You suspect that the vulva is irritated. You tell her to take a relaxing shower and dry the area well and come back in 1 week if there is no improvement


Cynthia says that her healthcare provider wants to do a colposcopy. She asks what this is. You tell her that colposcopy is A. Visualizes the cervical, vaginal, or vulvar epithelium under magnification to identify abnormal areas that may require a biopsy B. Involves removal of one or more areas of the endometrium by means of a small device without widening the cervix C. Allows visual examination of the abdominal and uterine cavity with a small scoped passed through the cervix D. Allows visualization of the abdominal and pelvic cavity through a small scope passed through a small abdominal incision


During a pelvic examination, you ask Mrs. Kane to Valsalva (strain). While doing this, a pouching is seen in the anterior wall of the vagina. This in indicative of: A. A cystocele B. A rectocele C. An enterocele D. A uterine prolapse


Herpes simplex virus can be potentially acquired through maternal transfusion. This is least likely to occur: A. Before labor B. During delivery C. Postnatally D. During the neonatal period


If a woman is using the basal body temperature (BBT) method of birth control and does not want to become pregnant, when would you tell her to avoid unprotected intercourse? A. From the beginning of the menstrual cycle until the BBT has been elevated for days B. Whenever the BBT is elevated C. Whenever the BBT is lowered D. From the end of the menstrual cycle until the BBT has been low for 5 days


Jennifer, age 42, presents for her well woman's examination and you notice 'dimpling' on her left breast. Your differential diagnosis: A. Breast Cancer B. Fibrocystic breast disease C. Paget's Disease D. Striae from recent dieting


Jill would like to be fitted for a diaphragm. She has been on numerous hormones in the past and does not like the side effects. She is 40 years-old and does not want to get pregnant. Her partner uses condoms but she would like a second method "just to be sure. It is important to remember that when the properly fitting a patient for a diaphragm it should: A. Allow a finger tip between the anterior edge of the diaphragm rim and the inside of the pubic arch B. Be small enough to allow for vaginal expansion C. Lie snugly over the pubic arch and under the cervix D. Provide firm tension against the vaginal walls


Lori, age 38, states that she has not had a pelvic examination in 5 years because she does not like having the digital rectal examination. How do you respond? A. "Let's schedule an examination now because women no longer need a rectal exam with a routine pelvic examination" B. "Ok, we'll do a pelvic, and I'll just put 'refused' on the chart to cover my liability" C. "We really need to do one because the rectal examination has been shown to pick up many abnormalities such as rectal polyps" D. "I'll try to be quick with the rectal examination and get it over with"


Maria, age 21, presents to your office today for a well woman visit. She has never had a PAP smear before. She is sexually active with one partner and uses the vaginal contraceptive ring for her birth control. She admits her partner uses a condom only occasionally. She has received only two of the HPV vaccine (Gardasil) injections. Regarding a PAP smear at this visit: A. She will need a PAP smear only today B. She should not have a PAP smear until she gets her 3rd Gardasil injection C. She does not need a PAP smear at this visit. She needs only HPV testing today D. She will need a PAP smear with HPV cotesting today


Marsha, age 42, is having chronic abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB-C) and cannot take oral contraceptives due to a history of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Management includes which medication A. Medroxyprogesterone B. Ethinyl estradiol C. Conjugated estrogen D. Piroxicam


Of the following symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, the one most commonly expressed by women A. Fatigue B. Depression C. Breast Tenderness D. Swelling of the extremities


Samantha, age 19, has a diagnosis of a chlamydia vaginal infection. You believe that is questionable whether she will fill the prescription that you write or take it for 7 days as ordered. What do you do? A. Give Azithromycin (Zithromax) 1 Gram PO now B. Emphasize the importance of the drug and tell her the consequences of not taking it C. Send out the public health nurse to follow up on whether she takes the drug for 7 days D. Assume that Samantha is an adult and will follow your instructions.


Sandra, age 63, says that her previous doctor never discussed why he took her off of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) 3 year ago. Her last menstrual period was at age 49, and she started HRT that same year. You share with some of the results of the Women's Health Initiative (WHI). Which statement is true regarding the study A. Estrogen to progesterone increased the risk of a cardiac event in apparently healthy women after 10 years of use B. Women on HRT are at higher risk of colorectal cancer C. Postmenopausal hormones do not actually prevent fractures of the hip D. Estrogen alone is associated with a greater risk of breast cancer than a combination of Estrogen plus Progesterone


Sydney, age 21, is taking an oral contraceptive (OC). She complains of acne. How should you adjust the estrogen in the OC? A. Increase the estrogen content B. Decrease the estrogen content C. Delete the estrogen content D. No adjustment should be made to the estrogen content


The best method to diagnose uterine polyps is a: A. Hysteroscopy B. Dilation and curettage C. Colposcopy D. Laparoscopy


Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) may be caused by which of the following? A. Tampon contamination with Staphylococcus Aureus B. A short vaginal canal C. The use of super absorbency tampons D. A urinary tract infection involving the bladder and kidneys


Unilateral galactorrhea may be present with: A. An intraductal papilloma B. A woman who is lactating C. A ruptured breast implant D. Pregnancy


What are some consequences of Chlamydia infection? A. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Infertility, Ectopic Pregnancy B. Increased chance of pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease C. Co-infection of Gonorrhea, increased the chance of pregnancy, rash


What is the MOST commonly reported Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) in the United States? A. Chlamydia B. Syphilis C. Gonorrhea


Which of the following drugs may have their effects enhanced when used in combination with oral contraceptives A. Beta Blockers B. Oral Anticoagulants C. Antacids D. Anti-convulsants


A 17 year old female asks to start Depo-Provera injections as her method of birth control. She discloses she has had four sexual partners in the past year. Her last menstrual period was 12 days ago, and she had unprotected sex 3 days ago. The appropriate management for this patient would be to: A. Administer the injection today B. Advise her to use another method for now and return with her next menses C. Give the injection after a negative pregnancy test and tell her to use a condom for the next 7 days D. Give her injection and tell her to use a barrier method for 7 days


A 21-year-old woman comes to your office and reports a history of genital herpes. In reference to the HPV vaccination (Gardasil or Cervarix), she should be educated that: A. She is not in the correct age group and is not a candidate for the vaccination B. She should receive the HPV vaccination C. She already has been exposed to HPV, therefore, she is not a candidate for the vaccination D. There is a vaccine coming out shortly specifically for those who have been exposed. She should wait.


A 23-year-old sex worker comes in for a renewal of her birth control prescription. She says that everything is fine. one examination you find greyish-white vaginal discharge, greenish cervical discharge, and cervical motion tenderness. Which of the follow diagnoses is most unlikely? A. Gonorrhea B. Interstitial cystitis C. Bacterial vaginosis D. Chlamydia


A woman presents to discuss her contraceptive options. She is breastfeeding on demand. She wishes to continue breastfeeding. What the MOST appropriate contraceptive for her situation? A. Combination estrogen/progesterone oral contraceptive B. Progesterone only oral contraceptives. C. Condoms


Jackie, age 29, presents with no menstrual bleeding for 4 months. Her usual menstrual cycle is every 21 days and generally lasts for 7 days. She has never missed a period before, and her pregnancy test in the office is negative. This disturbance in her menstrual cycle is termed as: A. Irregular Menstrual Bleeding (IrregMB) B. Absent Menstrual Bleeding (amenorrhea) C. False Pregnancy (Pseudocyesis) D. Early menopause


Jennifer, age 25, complains of dysuria. In taking a thorough history to formulate a diagnosis, it is most important to ask: A. "Do you have painful intercourse" B. "Do you have an associated vaginal discharge or irritation?" C. "Do you also have a problem with defecation" D. "Do you have stress incontinence"


Jennifer, age 27, is complaining of lower abdominal pain. After doing some laboratory studies, you find leukocytosis, an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and an elevated C-reactive protein level. Which is the most appropriate diagnosis A. Ovarian cyst B. Pelvic inflammatory disease C. Tubal pregnancy D. Diverticulitis


Joy has been breastfeeding and has developed puerperal mastitis. You tell her A. "Using cool compresses to the affected breast before pumping will increase milk expression" B. "Continue breastfeeding the baby to avoid mild stasis" C. "Continue doing your normal activities during the acute phase to keep things flowing" D. "Do not massage the breast"


Judy, age 30, has severe pain monthly due to her fibrocystic breast disease. Which medications do you suggest she try? A. Micronized Estradiol (Estrace) B. Danazole (Danocrine) C. Paroxetine (Paxil) D. Venlafaxine (Effexor)


Lactobacilli in the vagina: A. Decreases glycogen metabolism B. Maintains an acid pH range C. Increases the development of WBCs D. Maintains an alkaline pH range


Mary, age 50, desires hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for her hot flashes, which she cannot stand. You have discussed the pros and cons and given her some alternative suggestions. Her mother had a history of osteoporosis. You have decided to initiate therapy for 1 year. She asks you if she also needs to take calcium or vitamin D for prevention of osteoporosis. How do you respond? A. "Research has shown that HRT alone is sufficient to protect against osteoporosis" B. "yes, calcium intake should be increased to 1000mg a day along with 600mg of Vit D to decrease bone turnover and increase intestinal absorption C. "If you decide to take calcium and Vit D, you can stop the HRT" D. "If you are getting sufficient exercise, you don't need to take Calcium and Vit D"


Mrs. Henderson, age 54, asks why she needs progesterone in addition to her estrogen hormone replacement. Women who have an intact uterus need to add progesterone to their prescribed estrogen because progesterone: A. Assists in relieving the typically hot flashes of menopause B. Reduces the incidence of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer C. Decreases the risk of osteoporosis D. Controls mood swings


Sara, age 29, complains of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). She states she was told that changing her diet might help in managing some symptoms. What change in her diet do you recommend? A. Decrease her intake of protein B. Increase her intake of complex carbohydrates C. Increase her intake of salt and salty foods D. Decrease her intake of fatty foods


The Mobiluncus species is responsible for which sexually transmitted infection? A. Condylomata acuminata B. Bacterial vaginosis C. Human papillomavirus D. Lymphogranuloma venereum


The majority of breast carcinomas are found in which anatomical site in the breast? A. Around the areola B. In the upper outer quadrant C. In the lower half of the breast D. Toward the sternum


Which for of Estrogen is secreted in the greatest amount by the ovaries during the reproductive years and is considered the most potent? A. Estrone (E1) B. Estradiol (E2) C. Estriol (E3) D. The potency and secretion of all of the above are in equal amounts


Which of the following drugs may have their effects diminished when used in combination with an oral contraceptive A. Corticosteroids B. Oral Anticoagulants C. Antibiotics D. Anticonvulsants


Which of the following is a sexually transmitted infection? A. Candida vaginitis B. Trichomonal vaginitis C. Atrophic vaginitis D. Lactobacilli vaginitis


Which type of breast cancer involves infiltration of the nipple epithelium and has an initial symptom of itching or burning of the nipple? A. Ductal Cancer B. Paget's Disease C. Mammary duct ectasia D. Fibroadenoma


Which type of cyst of the female reproductive system usually results in pain, redness, perineal mass, and dyspareunia A. Ovarian Cyst B. Bartholin's Cyst C. Gardner's Cyst D. Nabothian Cyst


which blood tumor marker is highly specific to epithelial ovarian cancer? A. BRCA 2 B. CA 125 C. CA 3 D. CA 19-9


A 17-year-old female presents to your office with the complaint of lower abdomen pain since her period ended 2 days ago. She has had a new sexual partner in the last 3 months and does not use condoms. On physical examination, you find that she has cervical motion tenderness. You are concerned she may have Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) criteria, which finding supports this diagnosis? A. An oral temperature greater than 101 F and mucopurulent cervicitis B. A positive test for cervical infection and an adnexal mass C. Lower abdominal tenderness and adnexal tenderness D. Mucopurulent cervicitis and a decreased white blood cell count on saline microscopy


A 26 year comes to your office to discuss birth control options. Her history includes migraine headaches with aura while on combination oral contraceptives in the past. She does not want to become pregnant. Which of the following birth control options would be the best choice for her? A. Combined hormonal contraceptive pills B. Ortho Evra Patch C. Mirena Intrauterine device (IUD) D. Vaginal Nuva Ring


A patient is being treated with Metronidazole for Bacterial Vaginosis, why should you counsel them to avoid alcohol? A. Mixing the two can cause liver failure B. Mixing the two can increase chances of getting pregnant if not using a contraceptive method C. Mixing the two can cause, headache, nausea/vomiting, chest pain, and or hypertension.


Beth is breastfeeding her 3-month-old infant with no supplementation. She says she has heard she can not get pregnant during this time. What do you tell her: A. "It's highly likely that you may become, so you should use another method of birth control" B. "Yes, you are safe as long as you breastfeed" C. "For the first 6months, if you breastfeed and have very little supplementation, you chances are less than 2% that you will get pregnant" D. " You're more at risk for getting pregnant now because of your fluctuating hormone levels"


Candidiasis is more common in: A. Teenage girls B. Women on low-fat diets C. Women with diabetes D. Women with frequent urinary tract infections


First line treatment of Polycystic Ovary syndrome A. A Bilateral Oophorectomy B. Oral Testosterone therapy C. A combination of diet modification, weight loss, and stress management D. A laparoscopy with a bilateral wedge resection


Judi, age 24, has a seizure disorder. She would like to conceive within the next year. Her visit is for preconceptual counseling. What is the drug of choice for her during pregnancy? A. Valproate (Depakene) B. Trimethadione (Tridione) C. Phenobarbital (Luminal) D. Phenytoin (Dilantin)


Laura, age 65, presents to the office complaining of vaginal bleeding for 12 days. She reports that she had not had a menses since the age of 52 and that this bleeding looks much like her menses used to look like. Part of the initial work up for postmenopausal bleeding (PMB) should include A. A pregnancy test B. A diagnostic pelvic laparoscopy C. An endometrial biopsy D. A colonoscopy


Lynne, age 43, comes to your office in tears, stating that last night she had unprotected sex and forgot to take her birth control pill. She wants to know about "the morning-after pill". You tell her: A. "If your period does not start at the scheduled time, come back to see me" B. "I'll go ahead and order the estrogen-only postcoital contraception pill" C. "I'll go ahead an order the Yuzpe regimen" D. "I'll refer you to a gynecologist"


Marsha, age 40, has been given a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. She asks you whether she should continue taking her birth control pills. You tell her: A. To check with her Rheumatologist B. To Stop C. To Continue D. The dose will have to be altered


Mrs. Thomas, age 69, comes to the office for the results of her DEXA scan. She reports her mother had osteopenia before she died. The DEXA scan result shows a T score of -2.7 in the hip and -2.8 in the spine. You explain her results show A. Normal Bone density B. Osteopenia C. Osteoporosis D. Osteoarthritis


Ms. Russo, age 59, is a postmenopausal woman who comes to your office complaining of vaginal dryness. She has been sexually active with a new partner and says that penetration is very painful. She has tried over the counter lubricants but has not found one that works. Her history is significant for HTN only. After examination and wet prep, you diagnose her with atrophic vaginitis. The treatment for this condition includes. A. Terconizole cream B. Metronidiazole gel C. Vaginal estrogen cream D. Hydrocortizone ointment


Small-quantity incontinence with nearly continuous dribbling is symptomatic of which kind of incontinence A. Stress Incontinence B. Urge Incontinence C. Overflow Incontinence D. Functional Incontinence


The average age of menopause in the United States is: A. 45 years B. 48 years C. 51 years D. 53 years


The simplest and safest method of suppressing lactation after it has started it is to: A. Wear a snug brassiere B. Use ice packs C. Gradually wean the baby to a bottle or a cup over a 3-week period D. Begin oral hormones or long-acting hormonal injections


Thelarche is the first sign of puberty in most girls. It usually occurs at about what age? A. 8 yrs B. 10 yrs C. 11 yrs D. 13 yrs


Ursula, age 19, is going to begin taking birth control pills. She asks you if she is "safe" immediately. How to you respond? A. "Yes, you should not get pregnant once you start taking the pill. However, it does not protect you from STI's" B. "For the first month, you need to be on a backup birth control method. However, the pill does not protect you from STI's" C. "A second birth control method needs to be used during intercourse for the first 7 days while taking the pill. However, the pill doesn't protect you from STI's" D. Until you have your second period (cycle) with the pill, you are not considered safe."


What is the recommended treatment for Chlamydia? A. Flagyl 1gm one time B. Ceftriaxone 150mg one time C. Azithromycin 1000mg one time.


Which of the following drugs given to nursing mothers may cause a reduction in the milk supply A. Antihistamines B. Antithyroid medication C. Oral contraceptives D. Laxatives


Which of the following drugs may diminish the effectiveness of oral contraceptives A. Beta-Blockers B. Oral anticoagulants C. Antibiotics D. Oral hypoglycemics


Which of the following lifestyle factors is associated with an increased risk for breast cancer? A. Being Underweight B. Having once to two drinks of alcohol per day C. Smoking D. Eating a low-fat diet


Which of the following signs and/or symptoms of a genital herpes infection usually occurs first A. Painful or pruritic vesicles. B. Dysuria C. Prodromal tingling or pruritus of the genital region D. White, curdlike plaques on a red base in the vagina


Women who take oral contraceptives are less likely to experience A. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection B. Migraine headache C. Iron-deficiency anemia D. Herpes simplex virus


an occurrence of genital herpes is: A. Cured with acyclovir (Zovirax) B. Best managed with trichloroacetic acid, 80%-90%, applied directly to the lesion C. Expected to be completely resolved within 21 days (for the primary lesion) D. Not a factor in continuing with intercourse


Joanne wants to use some form of birth control, but because she is getting married next year, she wants to be able to stop the birth control method after the wedding and have her fertility restored almost immediately. Which method do you recommend for her? A. Birth control B. Vaginal Ring C. Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate injections D. Lea's shield


A vaginal pH of 4.2 is an expected finding in: A. A healthy prepubertal-age girl B. A woman with Trichomoniasis vaginalis C. A postmenopausal woman with atrophic vaginitis D. A healthy woman of reproductive age


Characteristics of polycystic ovarian syndrome include: A. Hirsutism, thinness, hypoinsulinema B. Menopause onset, vitilago, hyperinsulinemia C. Alopecia, thinness, abdominal cramping D. Premenarcheal onset, obesity, hyperinsulinemia


Dana, age 23, has been diagnosed with dyspareunia. Which of the following is NOT included as a cause for this condition? A. Vulvovaginitis B. An incompletely stretched hymen C. Vaginismus D. Multiple pregnancies


Emergency contraception refers to: A. An induced abortion in an emergency room (ER) B. Quickly starting on birth control pills in anticipation of sexual intercourse C. Having a medroxyprogesterone (Depo Provera) in the ER every 12 weeks D. Taking emergency contraceptive pills


Endometrial cancer, hirsutism, acne, breast cancer, increased risk of diabetes, infertility, menstrual bleeding problems, and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease are clinical consequences of: A. Mastalgia B. Menorrhagia C. Endometriosis D. Persistent anovulation


Geri, age 33, complains of external vaginal irritation after adding new fabric softener to her laundry. You have diagnosed her with reactive vaginitis The treatment of choice for this condition is A. Metronidazole (Flagyl) 500mg po BID X 7 days B. Conjugated vaginal estrogen cream externally every day for 1 week C. Rewashing undergarments without fabric softener and applying petroleum jelly to the affected area D. Rewashing undergarments without fabric softener and applying corticosteroids to the affected area


Gerri, age 26, is thinking about getting pregnant in the near future, and she asks about what kind of vitamins she should be taking. You respond A. "You don't need any additional supplementation to your diet until you become pregnant" B. "You need to increase your iron level by taking one 325mg iron tablet twice a day" C. "You need to start taking an extra 1500mg of calcium a day now to help promote bone growth of the fetus when you become pregnant" D. "All women capable of becoming pregnant should take a supplement of 0.4mg of folic acid a day to reduce the risk of neural tube defects"


In a patient diagnosed with cervical gonococcal infection, you would also suspect a co-infection with: A. Candidiasis B. Syphilis C. Trichomoniasis D. Chlamydia


Infertility is best defined as the: A. An inability to conceive when having intercourse during ovulation B. Inability to conceive for 9 months of unprotected intercourse when both partners are younger than 30 years of age C. Choice to be childless D. Inability to conceive after 1 full year of unprotected intercourse


Janice, age 26, who has genital herpes asks if her partner has to use condoms during sexual intercourse even if she does not have a visible lesion. How do you respond? A. "yes, we're not sure if it's still transmitted when the lesions are not visible, so it's better to be on the safe side." B. "No, you're not contagious when the lesions are not visible" C. "No, use of a spermicide agent is all that is required" D. "Yes, shedding of the herpes simplex virus is a primary mode of transmission even in the absence of a lesion"


Julia, age 60, asks you about taking Alendronate (Fosamax). What do you tell her about using this medication? A. "If you decide to take it, stick with a lower dose of 5mg because the side effects are much worse with the 10mg dose" B. "Fosamax works better in younger women, so you should start this now rather than wait until you are 70" C. " You should take a daily dose because the weekly dose is not as effective" D. "In addition to its efficacy in the treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women, it is also useful in the prevention of Osteoporosis"


Mrs. Hale, age 73, was diagnosed with procidentia. This condition is a: A. Cystocele B. Rectocele C. Vaginal fistula D. Third-degree uterine prolapse


Mrs. Williams would like to schedule an appointment to bring her 18-year-old daughter in for her first gynecological exam and Pap smear. The most appropriate reply would include: A. "I would be happy to see your daughter and complete her gynecological exam and Pap smear" B. "Your daughter does not need gynecological exam and Pap at this time" C. "Your daughter only needs a gynecological exam and Pap smear when she becomes sexually active" D. "I would be happy to see your daughter and complete her gynecological exam; however, she does not need a Pap smear until the age of 21"


Reiter's Syndrome is a complication of A. Bacterial Vaginosis B. Syphilis C. Chlamydia D. Gonorrhea


Sharon, age 37, states that she has heard that douching effectively washes out the sperm after intercourse and that she has been using this as a method of birth control. Which of the following statements about douching is true? A. Douching prevents sperm from entering the uterus B. Douching should be used at least once a month after menses if not used after intercourse C. Douching is a reliable contraceptive D. Douching may increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy


The most likely cause of amenorrhea is A. An anatomical deviation B. A genetic factor C. An endocrine abnormality D. Pregnancy


There are many causes of amenorrhea. In ballet dancers or marathon runners, which anatomical structure is the probably cause? A. Outflow tract B. Ovary C. Anterior pituitary D. Hypothalamus


Which of the following is a contraindication to using the copper intrauterine device (IUD)? A. History of ectopic pregnancy B. Nulliparity C. Treated cervical dysplasia D. Heart Disease


Which of the following ovarian tumors or cysts has the potential for malignancy? A. Follicle cysts B. Brenner's tumor C. Fibroma D. Secondary ovarian tumors


Which of the following terms describes the bluish or purplish discoloration of the vulva, vagina, and a portion of the cervix that occurs in pregnancy? A. Goodell's Sign B. Hegar's Sign C. Piskacek's Sign D. Chadwick's Sign


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