N114 Ch.19: Thorax and Lungs

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A nurse is auscultating the voice sounds of a client with consolidation in his left lower lobe of his lung due to tumor. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect on performing pectoriloquy? a. "Ninety-nine" is soft and muffled. b. "1-2-3" is heard clearly. c. Sound is louder and sounds like "A" d. Letter "E" is heard distinctly.

b. "1-2-3" is heard clearly.

A 62-year-old construction worker presents to the clinic reporting almost a chronic cough and occasional shortness of breath that have lasted for almost 1 year. Although symptoms have occasionally worsened with a cold, they have stayed about the same. The cough has occasional mucus drainage but never any blood. He denies any chest pain. He has had no weight gain, weight loss, fever, or night sweats. His past medical history is significant for high blood pressure and arthritis. He has smoked two packs a day for the past 45 years. He drinks occasionally but denies any illegal drug use. He is married with two children. He denies any foreign travel. His father died of a heart attack and his mother died of Alzheimer's disease. Examination reveals a man looking slightly older than his stated age. His blood pressure is 130/80 and his pulse is 88. He is breathing comfortably with respirations of 12. His head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat examinations are unremarkable. His cardiac examination is normal. On examination of his chest, the diameter seems enlarged. Breath sounds are decreased throughout all lobes. Rhonchi are heard over all lung fields. There is no area of dullness and no increased or decreased fremitus. What thorax or lung disorder is most likely causing his symptoms? a. Pneumonia b. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) c. Asthma d. Spontaneous pneumothorax

b. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) This disorder is insidious in onset and generally affects the older population with a smoking history. The diameter of the chest is often enlarged like a barrel. Percussing the chest elicits hyperresonance; during auscultation there is often distant breath sounds. Coarse breath sounds of rhonchi are also often heard. It is important to quantify this client's exercise capacity because it may affect his employment and also allows examiners to follow the progression of his disease. Clinicians must offer smoking cessation as an option.

A client has a history of emphysema. The nurse percussing the client's chest expects to hear what characteristic sound? a. Resonance b. Hyperresonance c. Dullness d. Tympany

b. Hyperresonance

A nurse assesses the respiration pattern on a client who arrives in the emergency department due to an overdose of narcotics. The nurse notes that the respirations are decreased in rate and depth, and have an irregular pattern. How should the nurse document this finding? a) Bradypnea b) Cheyne-Stokes respiration c) Biot's respiration d) Hypoventilation

d) Hypoventilation

A nurse is receiving report from the night shift about four clients. Which client would the nurse see first? a. A 29-year-old woman with a history of drug abuse and a heart rate of 124 beats/min b. A 57-year-old woman who had surgery yesterday for a small bowel obstruction with possible wound dehiscence c. A 23-year-old woman who had a mountain biking accident in which she suffered a neck fracture and now has numbness and tingling in her right arm d. A 64-year-old man with COPD who is short of breath and has a respiratory rate of 32 breaths/min

d. A 64-year-old man with COPD who is short of breath and has a respiratory rate of 32 breaths/min

A nurse performs a respiratory assessment on a client and notes the respiratory rate to be 8 breaths per minute. The nurse knows the proper term for this rate is what? a. Tachypnea b. Hypoventilation c. Hyperventilation d. Bradypnea

d. Bradypnea

Question 12 of 20 A nurse is palpating the sternum of a client. If the client is healthy, which of the following would characterize his costal angle? less than 90 degrees 100 degrees 45 degrees 110 degrees

less than 90 degrees

A client is coughing copious amounts of purulent mucous. What disease condition is related to this finding? lung abscess pneumococcal pneumonia cystic fibrosis lung cancer

lung abscess

The clavicles extend from the acromion of the scapula to the part of the sternum termed the xiphoid process. manubrium. angle. body.


A nurse is interviewing a client who complains of dyspnea. Which of the following findings would tend to indicate an underlying cardiovascular problem in the client? Select all that apply. Coughing occurring at night Snoring and gasping while sleeping Orthopnea Angina Edema Coughing that produces white sputum

orthopnea, angina, edema

The nurse assesses an adult client's thoracic area and observes a markedly sunken sternum and adjacent cartilages. The nurse should document the client's pectus diaphragm. pectus carinatum. pectus thorax. pectus excavatum.

pectus excavatum.

While assessing an adult client's lungs during the postoperative period, the nurse detects coarse crackles. The nurse should refer the client to a physician for possible pleuritis. asthma. pneumonia. bronchitis.


While assessing the thoracic area of an adult client, the nurse plans to auscultate for voice sounds. To assess bronchophony, the nurse should ask the client to whisper the phrase "one-two-three." repeat the letter "A." repeat the phrase "ninety-nine." repeat the letter "E."

repeat the phrase "ninety-nine."

A client comes to the clinic and states, "I have a bad cold and am having trouble breathing." The nurse checks the client's breath sounds and hears bilateral fine crackles at the base. Of what is this finding indicative? No fluid present Fluid in the alveoli Fluid in the bronchus Fluid in the bronchioles

Fluid in the alveoli Rationale: When fluid fills the alveoli, fine crackles may be audible on auscultation. Excessive fluid in the alveoli may lead to airway collapse and decreased breath sounds. Fine crackles are not indicative of fluid in the bronchioles or bronchus or the absence of fluid in the lungs.

A client reports sharp and stabbing chest pain that worsens with deep breathing and coughing. A cardiac cause to this pain is ruled out. The description of the pain is consistent with what respiratory condition? Pleurisy Rales Pneumonia Asthma


Which of the following occurs in respiratory distress? Client torso leans posteriorly. The client speaks in sentences of 10-20 words. Neck muscles are relaxed. Skin between the ribs moves inward with inspiration.

Skin between the ribs moves inward with inspiration

The nurse demonstrates appropriate technique when using what part of the hand to assess for fremitus in a client? Fist Dorsal hand surface Pads of fingers Palmar base

Palmar base

A hospitalized client experiences respiratory distress. The nurse should include which most appropriate client outcome in the plan of care? Airway patent, breathing quiet, denies dyspnea Pain level stabilized at client goal Gas exchange with oxygen saturation greater than 85% Client maintains safety; no falls

Airway patent, breathing quiet, denies dyspnea

While inspecting the thorax, the nurse views it from posterior and lateral positions to assess which of the following? Inflammation of the costochondral junction Anteroposterior to lateral diameter Position of the trachea Curvature of the cervical spine

Anteroposterior to lateral diameter

An elderly client reports a feeling of dyspnea with normal activities of daily living. What is an appropriate action by the nurse? A. Ask the client how long they have to rest between activities B. Report this to the health care provider immediately C. Observe the client's respiratory rate and pattern D. Assess for symmetry of chest expansion

C. Observe the client's respiratory rate and pattern

The nurse is preparing to percuss a client's anterior chest area. Which approach will the nurse use for this assessment? Begin above the right clavicle and percuss each section comparing the right chest with the left chest. Begin at the sternal notch and percuss all areas on the right chest then all areas on the left chest. Begin above the left clavicle and percuss all areas on the left chest, then reverse the process and assess the right chest moving upward from the liver. Begin at the sternal notch and percuss all areas on the left chest then all areas on the right chest.

Begin above the right clavicle and percuss each section comparing the right chest with the left chest.

An adult client visits the client and tells the nurse that he has been "spitting up rust-colored sputum" the nurse should refer the client to the physician for possible A. Pulmonary edema B. Bronchitis C. Asthma D. Tuberculosis

D. Tuberculosis

A client experiences increasing difficulty taking in a deep breath. For which health problem should the nurse focus when assessing this client? Chronic obstructive lung disease Pulmonary embolism Congestive heart failure Anxiety

Chronic obstructive lung disease

The nurse observes the client sitting at the side of the bed in the position shown. What health problem should the nurse suspect the client is experiencing? (Tripod position) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Tuberculosis Asthma Heart failure

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease The tripod position is when the client leans forward and uses the arms to support weight and lift the chest to increase breathing capacity. This position is not routinely assessed in a client with asthma, heart failure, or tuberculosis.

Question 10 of 20 During the lung assessment for a client with pneumonia, the nurse auscultates low-pitched, bubbling, moist sounds that persist from early inspiration to early expiration. How should the nurse document these sounds? Coarse crackles Sibilant wheezes Pleural friction rubs Sonorous wheezes

Coarse crackles

Which characteristic feature of the sternum should the nurse observe in a client with the diagnosis of pectus carinatum? Midline and straight Horizontal sternum with increased intercostal angle Forward protrusion Sunken along with the adjacent cartilages

Forward protrusion

The nurse is reviewing the client's health history and notes he has pectus excavatum. The nurse would assess the client for what? Intercostal bulging Pigeon chest Funnel chest Pectoriloquy

Funnel chest

A grandmother brings her 13-year-old grandson for evaluation. She noticed last week when he took off his shirt that his breastbone seemed collapsed. He seems embarrassed and says that it has been that way for awhile. He states he has no symptoms from it and that he just tries not to take off his shirt in front of anyone. He denies any shortness of breath, chest pain, or lightheadedness on exertion. His past medical history is unremarkable. He is in sixth grade and just moved in with his grandmother after his father was transferred for a work contract. His mother died several years ago in a car accident. He states that he does not smoke and has never touched alcohol. Examination shows a teenage boy appearing his stated age. Visual examination of his chest reveals that the lower portion of the sternum is depressed. Auscultation of the lungs and heart is unremarkable. What disorder of the thorax best describes these findings? Funnel chest (pectus excavatum) Barrel chest Thoracic kyphoscoliosis Pigeon chest (pectus carinatum)

Funnel chest (pectus excavatum)

A nurse auscultates a client's lungs and hears fine crackles. What is an appropriate action by the nurse? a. Listen again with the bell of the stethoscope b. Have the client breathe through the mouth c. Assess for the use of accessory muscles d. Instruct the client to cough forcefully

Instruct the client to cough forcefully

A client presents to the health care facility with a 2-week history of persistent dry, hacky cough, chest tightness, and shortness of breath with activity. The client admits to a 1-pack-per-day history of cigarette smoking for 20 years. The nurse observes a respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, easy and regular. Which nursing diagnosis should the nurse confirm based on this assessment data? Disturbed Sleep Pattern Ineffective Airway Clearance Impaired Gas Exchange Risk for Imbalanced Nutrition

Impaired Gas Exchange

The nurse auscultates the base of the lungs to assess for what reason? It indicates early infection. It is where fluid occurs with pulmonary edema. It best reflects the health of the lungs.

It is where fluid occurs with pulmonary edema.

When auscultating the lungs, the nurse listens over symmetrical lung fields for which of the following? Two full breaths in through the mouth and out through the nose One quiet full inspiration through pursed lips Two full breaths every 10 seconds through the nose One deep inspiration and expiration through the open mouth

One deep inspiration and expiration through the open mouth

The nurse obtains a flat sound when percussing the right lower lobe of a client. What does this assessment finding indicate to the nurse? Gastric air bubble Healthy lung tissue Pleural effusion Emphysema

Pleural effusion

A 47-year-old receptionist comes to the office with fever, shortness of breath, and a productive cough with golden sputum. She says she had a cold last week and her symptoms have only worsened despite using over-the-counter cold remedies. She denies any weight gain, weight loss, or cardiac or gastrointestinal symptoms. Her past medical history includes type 2 diabetes for 5 years and high cholesterol level. She takes an oral medication for both diseases. She has had no surgeries. She denies tobacco, alcohol, or drug use. Her mother has diabetes and high blood pressure. Her father passed away from colon cancer. Examination reveals a middle-aged woman appearing her stated age. She looks ill and her temperature is elevated at 101 degrees Fahrenheit. Her blood pressure and pulse are unremarkable. Her head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat examination are unremarkable except for edema of the nasal turbinates. On auscultation she has decreased air movement and coarse crackles are heard over the left lower lobe. There is dullness on percussion, increased fremitus during palpation, and egophony and whispered pectoriloquy on auscultation. What disorder of the thorax or lung best describes her symptoms? Spontaneous pneumothorax Asthma Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Pneumonia


A client is brought to the emergency department by ambulance after being involved in a motor vehicle accident. The nurse finds that he has decreased breath sounds over the left lung fields. What might the nurse suspect is the cause? Atelectasis Muscular weakness Asthma Pneumothorax

Pneumothorax Breath sounds may be decreased when air flow is decreased (as in obstructive lung disease or muscular weakness) or when the transmission of sound is poor (as in pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or COPD).

A nurse is assessing a client with acute asthma. Which adventitious breath sound should the nurse expect to hear in this client? Sonorous wheezes heard primarily during expiration but may be heard throughout the respiratory cycle Course crackles occurring from early inspiration to early expiration Sibilant wheezes heard primarily during expiration but may also be heard on inspiration Fine crackles occurring late in inspiration

Sibilant wheezes heard primarily during expiration but may also be heard on inspiration Explanation: Sibilant wheezes heard primarily during expiration but may also be heard on inspirationSibilant wheezes are often heard in cases of acute asthma or chronic emphysema. Fine crackles occurring late in inspiration are associated with restrictive diseases such as pneumonia and congestive heart failure. Course crackles that persist from early inspiration to early expiration may indicate pneumonia, pulmonary edema, or pulmonary fibrosis. Sonorous wheezes are often heard in cases of bronchitis or single obstructions and snoring before an episode of sleep apnea.

Question 11 of 20 In palpating the chest of a client, a nurse feels a U-shaped indentation on the superior border of the manubrium. The nurse recognizes this landmark as which of the following? Acromion of the scapula Xiphoid process Sternal angle Suprasternal notch

Suprasternal notch

Which finding during an assessment of a client should alert the nurse to the presence of a persistent atelectasis? The presence of crepitus on palpation A depressed sternum and cartilages Retraction of intercostal spaces Unequal expansion of the chest

Unequal expansion of the chest

What associated symptoms might a client with a history of chronic bronchitis have? (Mark all that apply.) Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea Orthopnea Wheezing Chronic productive cough Recurrent respiratory infections

Wheezing Chronic productive cough Recurrent respiratory infections

A 21-year-old college senior presents to the clinic reporting shortness of breath and a nonproductive nocturnal cough. She states she used to feel this way only with extreme exercise, but lately she has felt this way continuously. She denies any other upper respiratory, gastrointestinal, and urinary symptoms and says she has no chest pain. Her past medical history is significant only for seasonal allergies, for which she takes a nasal steroid spray; she takes no other medications. She has had no surgeries. Her mother has allergies and eczema; her father has high blood pressure. She is an only child. She denies smoking and illegal drug use but drinks three to four alcoholic beverages per weekend. She is a junior in finance at a local university and has recently started a job as a bartender in town. On examination she is in no acute distress. Temperature is 98.6, blood pressure is 120/80, pulse is 80, and respirations are 20. Head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat examinations are essentially normal. Inspection of her anterior and posterior chest shows no abnormalities. On auscultation of her chest, there is decreased air movement and a high-pitched whistling on expiration in all lobes. Percussion reveals resonant lungs. Which disorder of the thorax or lung does this presentation best describe? a. Asthma b. Spontaneous pneumothorax c. Pneumonia d. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

a. Asthma

What replaces resonance when fluid or solid tissue replaces air-containing lung or occupies the pleural space? a. Dullness b. Hyperresonance c. Tympany d. Chief complaint

a. Dullness

What would the nurse expect to hear when auscultating the lungs of a client diagnosed with pleuritis? a. Friction rub b. Stridor c. Decreased breath sounds d. Sibilant wheeze

a. Friction Rub In pleuritis, inflamed pleural surfaces lose their normal lubrication and rub together during breathing. Reduced volume of pleural fluid increases the transmission of lung sounds and leads to a possible friction rub.

Which action by a nurse demonstrates the proper sequence for auscultation of the lung fields? a. Listen at each site for at least one complete respiratory cycle b. Move from anterior to posterior on the same side c. Instruct the client to breathe in and out rapidly through the mouth d. Use the diaphragm then the bell in each location

a. Listen at each site for at least one complete respiratory cycle

The thoracic cavity contains which of the following organs? Select all that apply. a. Most of the esophagus b. Heart c. Pancreas d. Lungs e. Stomach

a. Most of the esophagus b. Heart d. Lungs

The client tells the nurse that he has been coughing up pink, frothy sputum. The nurse notifies the health care provider because the client may have what condition? a. Pulmonary edema b. Infection c. Atelectasis d. Tuberculosis

a. Pulmonary edema

Which observation confirms to the nurse that the client is experiencing a normal inspiration? a. The thoracic cavity enlarges. b. Air can be heard moving out of the tracheobronchial tree. c. The diaphragm is seen relaxing. d. The abdominal wall is pushed inward.

a. The thoracic cavity enlarges.

A young toddler is brought to the emergency room by his parents. The mother states that the child was playing on the floor with toys and suddenly began to wheeze. The mother reports no recent illnesses. The nurse suspects that the most likely cause of the wheezing is a. a foreign body obstruction b. a severe cold c. exercise-induced asthma d. increased secretions

a. a foreign body obstruction

The apex of each lung is located at the area slightly above the clavicle. level of the sixth rib. level of the diaphragm. left oblique fissure.

area slightly above the clavicle.

The nurse is preparing to auscultate the posterior thorax of an adult female client. The nurse should ask the client to breathe deeply through her mouth. ask the client to breathe normally through her nose. place the bell of the stethoscope firmly on the posterior chest wall. auscultate from the base of the lungs to the apices.

ask the client to breathe deeply through her mouth. To best assess lung sounds, you will need to hear the sounds as directly as possible. Ask the client to breathe deeply through the mouth for each area of auscultation.

Auscultation of a 23-year-old client's lungs reveals an audible wheeze. What pathological phenomenon underlies wheezing? a. Blockage of a respiratory passage b. Narrowing or partial obstruction of an airway passage c. Fluid in the alveoli d. Decreased compliance of the lungs

b. Narrowing or partial obstruction of an airway passage

A triage nurse is working in the emergency department of a busy hospital. Four clients have recently been admitted. Patient A has an arrhythmia diagnosed as atrial fibrillation; Patient B is in chronic congestive heart failure; Patient C is assessed and found to have a probable pulmonary embolism; Patient D complains of chest pain relieved by nitroglycerin and rest. Which client would be the nurse's highest priority? a. Patient B b. Patient C c. Patient A d. Patient D

b. Patient C Explanation: Cardiac emergencies that necessitate rapid assessment and intervention include acute coronary syndromes, acute decompensated heart failure, hypertensive crisis, cardiac tamponade, unstable cardiac arrhythmias, cardiogenic shock, systemic or pulmonary embolism, and aortic dissection

A client arrives in the emergency department after a severe motor vehicle accident. The nurse observes irregular respirations of varying depth and rate followed by periods of apnea. What pathophysiological process is likely the cause of this breathing pattern? a. Renal failure b. Severe brain damage c. Diabetic ketoacidosis d. Narcotic overdose

b. Severe brain damage The respiratory pattern observed is Biot's respirations that may be seen with meningitis or severe brain damage. Diabetic ketoacidosis would reveal Kussmaul's respirations that are characterized by an increased rate and depth. Renal failure would reveal Cheyne-Stokes respirations characterized by a regular pattern of alternating deep and rapid breathing with periods of apnea. A narcotic overdose would reveal hypoventilation or possibly Cheyne-Stokes respirations.

When preparing to examine a client's thoracic cage, the nurse would locate which landmark as most helpful in determining where to start? a. Suprasternal notch b. Sternal angle c. Sternal border d. Sternum

b. Sternal angle

A high-pitched crowing sound from the upper airway results from tracheal or laryngeal spasm and is called what? a. Rales b. Stridor c. Wheezes d. Crackles

b. Stridor

Which terms are used to identify the lobes of the right lung? Select all that apply. a. base lobe b. upper lobe c. major lobe d. middle lobe e. lower lobe

b. upper lobe d. middle lobe e. lower lobe

A client presents to the health care clinic and reports a recent onset of a persistent cough. The client denies any shortness of breath, change in activity level, or other findings of an acute upper respiratory tract illness. What question by the nurse is most appropriate to further assess the cause for the cough? a. "How much do you exercise during the week?" b. "Have you changed your diet within the past few weeks?" c. "Are you taking any medications on a regular basis?" d. "Do you feel that you are under a great deal of stress?'

c. "Are you taking any medications on a regular basis?"

Which of the following statements relating to assessment of the lungs and thorax is most accurate? a. Loud and very loud percussion notes denote pathological findings. b. Hemoptysis is more common in children and adolescents than in older clients. c. Bronchitis is characterized by excess mucus production and chronic cough. d. Moderate to severe chest pain is associated with a cardiac etiology, while mild to moderate chest pain is most often respiratory in origin.

c. Bronchitis is characterized by excess mucus production and chronic cough.

Upon inspection of a client's chest, a nurse observes an increase in the ratio of anteroposterior to transverse diameter. The nurse recognizes this as a finding in which disease process? a. Tuberculosis b. Carcinoma of the lungs c. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease d. Pneumothorax

c. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

When auscultating a client's lungs, the nurse hears a sound like Velcro being pulled apart over the client's right middle lobe. How should the nurse document this finding? a. Sonorous wheeze b. Fine crackles c. Coarse crackles d. Sibilant wheeze

c. Coarse crackles

A nurse observes a client sitting in the tripod position. What is an appropriate action by the nurse in response to this observation? a. Palpate for tactile fremitus b. Percuss to determine diaphragmatic excursion c. Observe for the use of accessory muscles d. Auscultate for the presence of crackles

c. Observe for the use of accessory muscles

When percussing the anterior chest for tone, a nurse should anticipate what tone over the majority of the lung fields? a. Hyperresonance b. Dullness c. Resonance d. Tympany

c. Resonance

The spinous process termed the vertebra prominens is in which cervical vertebra? a. Eighth. b. Fifth. c. Seventh. d. Sixth.

c. Seventh.

Which characteristic associated with respiratory effort should be considered when planning care for a client diagnosed with a brainstem injury? a. There is an increased level of carbon dioxide in the blood. b. The client will respond negatively to increased stimuli. c. There is loss of involuntary respiratory control. d. The client's oxygen levels in the blood will be increased.

c. There is loss of involuntary respiratory control. The brainstem contains the medulla and the pons, which control involuntary respiratory effort

The nurse assesses an adult client and observes that the client's breathing pattern is very labored and noisy, with occasional coughing. The nurse should refer the client to a physician for possible chronic bronchitis. renal failure. atelectasis. congestive heart failure.

chronic bronchitis.

While assessing an adult client, the nurse observes decreased chest expansion at the bases of the client's lungs. The nurse should refer the client to a physician for possible pneumonia. chest trauma. atelectasis. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

A client who just underwent hip replacement surgery reports pain at a 10 on a scale of 0 to 10 and receives 4 mg of morphine. A nurse on the orthopedic unit enters the client's room and finds that the client has a respiratory rate of 7 breaths/min. The client is groggy and hard to arouse. What could be contributing to the client's findings? a. Opiates, which may cause hyperventilation b. Anesthesia, from surgery that morning c. Nothing, this is normal following surgery d. Opiates, which may cause hypoventilation

d. Opiates, which may cause hypoventilation

The client reports severe pain when breathing in deeply. The description suggests to the nurse that the client is experiencing which respiratory condition? an accumulation of fluid between the lungs and the visceral pleura an increase of sensory stimulation in the visceral pleura inflammation of the parietal pleura ineffective innervation of the of the parietal pleura by the phrenic nerve

inflammation of the parietal pleura

When percussing the posterior lung fields, which of the following findings is expected? a. Hyperresonance over apices b. Tympany over 11th interspace, right scapular line c. Dullness over the lung bases d. Resonance over all lung fields

d. Resonance over all lung fields

The nurse has assessed the respiratory pattern of an adult client. The nurse determines that the client is exhibiting Kussmaul respirations with hyperventilation. The nurse should contact the client's physician because this type of respiratory pattern usually indicates

diabetes ketoacidosis

Question 9 of 20 A 72-year-old woman has been admitted to the hospital for treatment of bacterial pneumonia. At the beginning of shift, the nurse notes that the client's previously existing wheeze is not as loud as it had been the day prior and is now audible only on inspiration. How should the nurse best interpret this change in the client's condition? Inspiratory wheezing suggests that the client's basilar secretions have become consolidated. The apparent decrease in the client's wheezing signals that antibiotic therapy is effective. The client's upper airway may be partially obstructed. The client is displaying a comorbidity of asthma.

e client's upper airway may be partially obstructed.

After percussing a client's lung fields the nurse suspects a client has a chronic lung disease. What sound did the nurse hear to make this clinical determination? hyperresonance flat dull resonance


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