N340 Exam 1 Cards Combined

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In ______ the first nursing school opened in US with Florence Nightingale model.


Community oriented nursing or community based nursing?? o Focus either on health of community (population-focused) or individuals, families/groups in the community o Goal: Preserve, protect, promote, or maintain health o Clients are individuals, families, groups at risk o Group Oriented: personal health management o Community advocate o Case finder

community oriented nursing practice

Under Public Health Achievements (20th and 21st century), there are 3 components: safety, disease, and family. Immunizations would fall under which of the 3 components? **also control of infectious _____, decline in hearts from heart disease and stroke, and fluoridation of drinking water


____ _____ nursing includes: · Prevention is the key to improved health o Population focused § is those in community NOT in hospital setting o Health and disease prevention § Look as primary, secondary, and tertiary o Community oriented: § focuses on population and environment o example of prevention: sanitation and other population based programs in 20th century which increased life expectancy of individuals

population focused

The following are underlying causes of death that is ______: o Tobacco use, nutrition, physical activity, and underage and excessive alcohol use **public health


What are the 3 community nursing roles?

1) The values of society at the time. 2) The knowledge available at the time. 3) A reactive rather than proactive approach to change.

What are the 3 key nursing modes in the community?

1. community-based nursing practice 2. community-oriented nursing practice 3. public health nursing practice

What early Public Health period is described below: · Communicable disease o Industrial Revolution pushed healthcare change § Previous care was by friends and family and here there was not enough friends and family so we created nursing care and institutions in homes § Because of migration and urbanization which made the Industrial Revolution where many people were coming in and transition to nurses came about to care for individuals o 1st hospital founded in America (1751) Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia

American Colonial Period

What early Public Health period is described below: · Early township government responsible for care (friends and fly) o Friends and family actually took care of those that were sick · *****Must be resident of the community or sent to place of residence to be taken care of***** · Collected birth and death stats of individuals

American Colonial Period

What early Public Health period is described below: · Early township government responsible for care (friends and fly) o Friends and family actually took care of those that were sick · Must be resident of the community or sent to place of residence to be taken care of · Collected birth and death stats of individuals · Sanitation o WAS BIG ISSUE and they developed ways to improve this. Anytime they went to the bathroom, they did not have septic tanks and they pooped in a hole and buried it. another issue was the water and contamination of it. they developed ways to create clean water. · Spread of Leprosy · Communicable disease o Industrial Revolution pushed healthcare change § Previous care was by friends and family and here there was not enough friends and family so we created nursing care and institutions in homes § Because of migration and urbanization which made the Industrial Revolution where many people were coming in and transition to nurses came about to care for individuals o 1st hospital founded in America (1751) Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia · 1798 Marine Hospital Service established that later became Public Health Service System o Remains in US government as an agency today · Public Health Service continues to be a main US government health agency o Most public health agency in this century

American Colonial Period

What early Public Health period is described below: · Sanitation o WAS BIG ISSUE and they developed ways to improve this. Anytime they went to the bathroom, they did not have septic tanks and they pooped in a hole and buried it. another issue was the water and contamination of it. they developed ways to create clean water. · Spread of Leprosy

American Colonial Period

In 1601, who did the following for community nursing/ early public health: o Guaranteed medical care for poor, blind and lame individuals of that area o Established systems of care for sick, poor, aged, mentally ill, and dependent o Was basis for many provisions we have for US Welfare System; very well mimics Medicaid

Elizabethan Poor Law

Between 1820 and 1910, ____ ____ organized nursing practice and education in hospitals to replace lay people with trained nurses (1858) o Credibility began during Crimean War o Reduced deaths with changes: environmental, diet, nutrition. o Used epidemiological measures § Documented decreased mortality from 415 to 11.5/1000 end of war § Believed nursing should promote health and prevent illness. § If we can find what is going on in the area that is causing the disease, if we go to the root of it and fix it, we will prevent the disease o District nursing association founded (1859) o First nursing school opened in US w/ Nightingale model (1870) o Visiting nurse associations founded in US (1885) o Instructive district nursing - created to emphasize relationship of nurse to health education (1886)

Florence Nightingale

During what US war did the following occur: o Agencies and communities not able to meet needs and # of poor people o Education and employment of public health nurses o Medicare evolved from SS Act o Life expectancy at birth in 1930 was indeed only 58 for men and 62 for women, and the retirement age was 65 § This day and age, people are retiring at 65 but living to be 80, 85, 90. Social Security which is within system will run out and that is because the age and life expectancy has increased dramatically since the development of this legislation § In all age groups, the mortality has declined (from infants, children, middle adults, older adults) · Life expectancy has increased **community nursing history highlights

Great Depression and the Social Security Act of 1995

The following falls under goals for ___ _____ _____: · Adolescent health · Blood disorders & safety · Dementias · Early & middle childhood · Genomics · Global health · Healthcare associated infections · Health related quality of life · Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender health · Older adults · Preparedness · Sleep health · Social determinants of health

Healthy People 2020

In 1893, ____ ____ founded the Visiting Nurses Services NYC. She was teaching a class in HOME NURSING HYGIENE. She met a child and agreed to visit her sick mother. After seeing the poor living conditions of the mother, she began her life work on creating tenement houses.

Lillian Wald

In 1894, ___ ____ founded the Henry Street Settlement with Mary Brewster. § leader of public health nursing § fee for service § nursing recruiting § reducing mortality

Lillian Wald

In 1922, The National Organization for Public Health Nursing and ___ ____ was the 1st president.

Lillian Wald

In 1914, ___ ___ ____, working with the Henry Street Settlement, began the 1st post training school course in PHN at Teachers College in NYC.

Mary Adelaide Nutting

When talking about early public health: in 1850 the Shattuck Report was created by the ___ ____ ____ which eventually developed guidelines for modern health organization. The recommendations made in these guidelines still remain important for this day and age!! They include the following: o Establish state and local health dept o Sanitary surveys and collection of vital statistics o Environmental sanitation o Food, drug and communicable disease control o Well-child care and health education o Smoke and alcohol control o Town planning o Teaching preventive medicine in medical schools

Massachusetts Sanitary Commission

Under Public Health and Community Health Nursing History Highlights: the ____ ___ and other ancient codes (Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans) o Primitive peoples developed simple methods of providing health and illness care o Ancient Babylonians knew about medications and hygiene o Egyptians knew about sanitation, earth privies, public drainage systems

Mosaic Law

Under Public Health and Community Health Nursing History Highlights: the ____ ___ included the following: · Lasting impact on civilization (a sacred text that addresses public health and safety though specific hygiene and dietary laws if followed will decrease illness and death; teaches principles of sanitation, infection control, disease prevention, and health education · Old Testament includes prescriptions for maternal health, communicable disease control, protection of food and water, and waste and sanitary disposal. · The laws against leprosy in Leviticus 13 may be regarded as the first model of a sanitary legislation · The regulations in Deuteronomy as to how soldiers should prevent the danger of infection coming from their excrement by covering it with earth constitute a most important document of sanitary legislation.

Mosaic Law

Under Public Health and Community Health Nursing History Highlights: the ____ ___ included the following: · The laws against leprosy in Leviticus 13 may be regarded as the first model of a sanitary legislation · The regulations in Deuteronomy as to how soldiers should prevent the danger of infection coming from their excrement by covering it with earth constitute a most important document of sanitary legislation.

Mosaic Law

During the American Colonial Period, the 1st hospital was founded in America in 1751. What was the name of the hospital?

Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia

_____ ______ does the following things: · Protects o environmental hazards · Promotes o healthy behaviors and lifestyles · Responds o disaster & community assistance in these response efforts · Ensures o quality & accessible health services for individuals

Public Health

During the American Colonial Period, in 1798 the Marine Hospital Service established that later became the ___ ___ ___ ____ which remains in US government as an agency today. It continues to be a main US government health agency.

Public Health Service System

Under Public Health and Community Health Nursing History Highlights: the ____ ___ ___ _____ included the following: · Classical Romans believed in community health and its social value · Romans to believe that ill health could be associated with, amongst other things, bad air, bad water, swamps, sewage, debris and lack of personal cleanliness. · Developed extensive system of water purification and transport - some still in use today. · Understood idea of transmission of disease · Drained swamps, etc.

Romans and Public Health

Under Public Health and Community Health Nursing History Highlights: the ____ ___ ___ _____ included the following: · Developed extensive system of water purification and transport - some still in use today. · Understood idea of transmission of disease · Drained swamps, etc.

Romans and Public Health

In 1617, who did the following for community nursing./ early public health: o Was started by St Vincent DePaul. Home visits and setting up of hospitals

Sisterhood of the Dames of Charity

T or F. In early Public Health, ·all people and all cultures have been concerned with events surrounding birth, death, and illness.


In 1909, "_____ ____ ____" publication established an 1st continuing nursing program given on a university campus.

Visiting Nurse Quarterly

During what US war did the following occur: o Flu epidemic (Spanish flu 1918) § Came and that was something that public health had to focus on due to respiratory issues and spread of virus o Needed public health nurses to stay in US to care for those serving in military **community nursing history highlights


During what US war did the following occur: o Increased need for education o Nurses served at home and abroad o Flu epidemic (Spanish flu 1918) § Came and that was something that public health had to focus on due to respiratory issues and spread of virus o Needed public health nurses to stay in US to care for those serving in military **community nursing history highlights


During what US war did the following occur: o Increased demand for nurses o Cadet Nurse Corp (1943) § government funding nursing education


What historical person in nursing is described below: o British o First district nursing association o Provided nursing care in the home o In 1860 he wrote to Florence Nightingale, who advised him to start a nurse training school and home for nurses attached to the Royal Infirmary in Liverpool and with typical Victorian organization and energy this was built by May 1863. o Nurse training school and home for nurses attached to infirmary

William Rathborne

What historical person in nursing is described below: o Provided nursing care in the home o In 1860 he wrote to Florence Nightingale, who advised him to start a nurse training school and home for nurses attached to the Royal Infirmary in Liverpool and with typical Victorian organization and energy this was built by May 1863.

William Rathborne

What Public Health Core Function is described below: (example: flu epidemic studies/research) o Systematic; Ongoing monitoring to identify community health problems o Investigation of health problems and hazards in communities and populations o Making information available o Where we assess the needs of our population; we actually go to them in their communities


What are the 3 Public Health core functions?

assessment, policy development, assurance

What Public Health Core Function is described below: (OSHA, CDC, Dept. of Health) o Enforce laws and regulations o Ensure competence of health workers § BIG THING o Evaluate health services o Ensure community-oriented services are available o Go to these agencies and to ensure they are competent agencies and make sure they are compliant


______ ______ includes: o Funding for priority diseases or groups o Examples Maternal and child service (1935) o Venereal diseases (1938); TB 1944 § TB was big issue and so we got a lot of funding for TB at the time o Critical for program development **community nursing history highlights

categorical funding

The following are _____ for the future in community health nursing: · Trend - move more care into community settings (new emerging infections, emergency preparedness, increase chronic illnesses) · Reduce # of hospital days for "sick" clients o Decreasing hospital days and discharging individuals into community o Want to stop patients from going into hospital setting o Insurance gives certain amount of days will pay for certain illnesses · Community care (less expensive; appealing to people who prefer to remain at home rather than hospital tx) · Trend is expected to grow, and role of nurse in community likewise to grow and continue to change


Community based or Community oriented? · focus on illness-oriented care across the life span o Typically provides TERTIARY CARE o They are connected to the community based on location o Urgent care, home health, hospice, local pharmacy, etc.

community based

Community oriented nursing or community based nursing?? o Focus only on individuals and families o Manage acute/chronic conditions o Clients are individuals and families o Group oriented: disease management

community based nursing practice

According to the ANA standards of ___ ____ nursing, they define it as: · Defined as: o "Community health nursing practice promotes and preserves the health of populations by integrating the skills and knowledge relevant to both nursing and public health... § ... the practice is comprehensive and general § ... it is continual, and is not limited to episodic care § ... emphasizes promotion and maintenance o of the population's health goals § ...to reduce the amount of disease, premature death, discomfort and disability."

community health

The following are the major nursing roles in ___ ____ nursing: · Clinician o Educate, advocate for vulnerable populations, collaborate with businesses and individuals within communities, lead and do research · Educator · Advocate · Manager · Collaborator · Leader · Researcher

community health

The following falls under public health and ____ ____ nursing history highlights: · Mosaic Law & other ancient codes (Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans) o Primitive peoples developed simple methods of providing health and illness care o Ancient Babylonians knew about medications and hygiene o Egyptians knew about sanitation, earth privies, public drainage systems

community health

The following are the 3 ___ ____ roles: 1) The values of society at the time. 2) The knowledge available at the time. 3) A reactive rather than proactive approach to change.

community nursing

Community based or Community oriented? · focuses on populations, communities, and families (Ex: Public Health Nursing) o These are organizations which track populations and focus on health promotion methods. Typically provides PRIMARY AND SECONDARY CARE. Tertiary care is given based on population needs o Public health

community oriented

What key nursing mode in the community is described below: o GOAL: prevent disease & disability; promote, protect, & maintain health § In health promotion and disease prevention o Focus is on "health care" of individuals, families, & groups in community § Provide health care to promote quality of life § Community diagnosis, health surveillance, monitoring, & evaluation of community & population

community oriented nursing practice

What key nursing mode in the community is described below: o GOAL: prevent disease & disability; promote, protect, & maintain health § In health promotion and disease prevention o Focus is on "health care" of individuals, families, & groups in community § Provide health care to promote quality of life § Community diagnosis, health surveillance, monitoring, & evaluation of community & population o GROUP ORIENTED o Provide services to control costs to populations (FNP run rural practices) o Focus on disease prevention and health promotion (health fairs) o Organize services where people live, work, and play (CO) o Provide referrals when clients need them (St. Bernadette's) o Work in partnerships o Work across the life span o Work with at risk populations o Participate in epidemiological investigations o Work with policy makers o Work on environmental issues to improve health of community (battery drop off...) o Louisiana department of health

community oriented nursing practice

What key nursing mode in the community is described below: o GROUP ORIENTED o Provide services to control costs to populations (FNP run rural practices) o Focus on disease prevention and health promotion (health fairs)

community oriented nursing practice

What key nursing mode in the community is described below: o Organize services where people live, work, and play (CO) o Provide referrals when clients need them (St. Bernadette's) o Work in partnerships o Work across the life span

community oriented nursing practice

What key nursing mode in the community is described below: o Work with at risk populations o Participate in epidemiological investigations o Work with policy makers o Work on environmental issues to improve health of community (battery drop off...) o Louisiana department of health

community oriented nursing practice

What key nursing mode in the community is described below: o A setting-specific practice: care provided where people live, work, and attend school § Connected based on location · meaning that they may live in Duson, liuve in Duson, and their clinic is within community in Duson § Typically tertiary care · It si going to deal with illness care, disease management of acute and chronic conditions

community-based nursing practice

What key nursing mode in the community is described below: o Focus on illness (acute & chronic) of individuals and families across the lifespan § Manage acute or chronic conditions § Clients are individuals and families § Group Oriented: Disease management (such as cardiac)

community-based nursing practice

What key nursing mode in the community is described below: o Focus on illness (acute & chronic) of individuals and families across the lifespan § Manage acute or chronic conditions § Clients are individuals and families § Group Oriented: Disease management (such as cardiac) o Provision of comprehensive, coordinated, and continuous care o A setting-specific practice: care provided where people live, work, and attend school § Connected based on location · meaning that they may live in Duson, liuve in Duson, and their clinic is within community in Duson § Typically tertiary care · It si going to deal with illness care, disease management of acute and chronic conditions o Page 11 has examples of primary, secondary, and tertiary care (need to know when it comes to prevention, care, treatment. MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THESE.

community-based nursing practice

What key nursing mode in the community is described below: o Provision of comprehensive, coordinated, and continuous care

community-based nursing practice

Public Health helps prevent what 3 things?

epidemics, disease spread, and injuries

What component of QSEN is described below: o Best current evidence is used o Clinical expertise and patient preferences

evidence based practice

Under Public Health Achievements (20th and 21st century), there are 3 components: safety, disease, and family. Healthier mothers and babies fall under which of the 3 components? **also ____ planning


The ____ ____ ___ shifts from treating illness to preventing illness. · To base of the pyramid to prevent need for tertiary care (treat not prevent) · Currently more funding is given to tertiary care services · Needs: focus on the base of the pyramid to prevent need for tertiary care o Socioeconomic determinants (bottom of pyramid) o Public health interventions o Protective interventions o Direct clinical care o Counseling and education (top of pyramid)

funding focus shift

What are the 4 leading causes of death? **public health

heart disease, cancers, stroke, chronic lower respiratory disease, and unintentional injuries

What type of practice focus in nursing is described below: · Focus providing services to individuals o Whereas population focused looks at individuals themselves · Example: developmental screening tests of children in the Head Start school program to evaluate each child

individual, family, and group focused

What component of QSEN is described below: o Communicate, manage, and limit errors o In community side, we may not see computer systems as in hospital setting. We use paper charting and communicate verbally and not by electronic means.


The following are the 3 key ___ ____ in the community: 1. community-based nursing practice 2. community-oriented nursing practice 3. public health nursing practice

nursing modes

The following are ____ _____ today: · National League of Nursing (NLN) · American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) - est. 1969 · American Nurses Association (ANA) · These agencies support health care reform and nursing education. Which led to the development of many specific nursing agencies o The Association of Community Health Nurse Educators o 1950: PHN required part of most BSN programs

nursing organizations

What component of QSEN is described below: o They are the source of control

patient centered care

What are the 6 components of the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses or QSEN?

patient centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence based practice, quality improvement, safety, and informatics

What Public Health Core Function is described below: (TV commercial) o To support health of population using scientific knowledge and data o Inform, educate, and empower the population regarding health issues and hazards o Mobilize partnerships within these communities and also develop policies to enhance or prevent hazards, outbreak of disease, etc.

policy development

What type of practice focus in nursing is described below: · Emphasizes health protection, health promotion, and disease prevention of a specific population · While maintaining an appreciation for the values of the community o Anytime you are going out into a community setting, you will have to respect their values and beliefs · Example: look at all children in the Head Start preschool program to evaluate if the program is achieving its goals (not just the individuals)

population focused

When talking about ____ _____ practice on a large scale, · Know your population · Know your community · Know the statistics in your area and the population you serve · Be aware of existing programs and services in your area · Know the environment and potential hazards of your community · Community focused care is on a smaller scale pg 10 o Population based but on a smaller scale

population focused

____ _____ nursing includes: · Educate practicing nurses and nursing students on the changes in healthcare · Reestablish priorities for health care funding · Focus on needs of populations

population focused

What are the 2 types of practice focus in nursing?

population focused and individual, family, and group focused

The following if the order from the top of the pyramid down the pyramid for ____ ___ ___: Tertiary- hospital Secondary- early detection Primary- screening Clinical Preventive Services- Population based health care services - community -Poverty, social economic status -Public health interventions, clean water, immunizations, etc -Focus on things out in community **the higher you move up, the more individualized it gets ; hospital care and tertiary care

population focused care

Early ____ _____ included the following: · All people and all cultures have been concerned with events surrounding birth, death, and illness · The ability to treat illness had depended on the civilization's knowledge of science, use and availability of technologies, and degree of social organization o Primitive peoples developed simple methods of providing health and illness care o Ancient Babylonians understood need for hygiene and some medical skills o Egyptians knew about variety of pharmaceutical preparation, public drainage systems, and earth provides · Industrial Revolution previous care structures (fly/friends) were not enough so created nursing care institution and homes · Sanitation WAS BIG ISSUE and they developed ways to improve this. Anytime they went to the bathroom, they did not have septic tanks and they pooped in a hole and buried it. another issue was the water and contamination of it. they developed ways to create clean water. · Spread of Leprosy

public health

In 1923, the ___ _____ Nursing Section was formed within APHA.

public health

In 1979, ____ _____ nursing expanded and included the following: o Healthy People initiative: Strategy to improve health by prevention & delay of major chronic illnesses, injuries & inf. dis

public health

In 1985, ___ _____ nursing expanded more and now included: o National Center for Nursing Research (NCNR) established; • 1993: NCNR become National Institute of Nursing Research

public health

In 1988, ___ _____ nursing expanded more and included: o Institute of Medicine report—The Future of Public Health o Showed reduced political & finance support of PH

public health

In the 1910s, ___ ____ organizations began to target infectious and parasitic diseases in rural areas.

public health

In the 1980s, ___ ____ nursing expanded more and now included: o Rising health care costs: Health Pro/Prev not well supported -$ shift to acute

public health

The following are ___ ____ achievements in the 21st century: · Vaccine · Prevention & Control of Infectious Disease · Tobacco Control · Maternal & Infant Health · Motor Vehicle Safety · Cardiovascular Disease Prevention · Occupational Safety · Cancer Prevention · Childhood lead Poisoning Prevention · Public Health Preparedness & Response

public health

The following are essential services of ____ _____: · Develop --> policies/plans to support individual & community efforts · Enforce --> laws & regulations that protect health & ensure safety of population · Link --> people to needed health services and ensure the provision of health care that is otherwise unavailable

public health

The following are essential services of ____ _____: · Ensure --> competent public and personal health care workforce · Evaluate --> effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal and population-based health services · Research --> for new insights and innovative solutions to health problems

public health

The following are essential services of ____ _____: · Monitor --> health status to ID community health problems · Dx & investigate --> health problems & hazards in community · Inform, educate, empower --> people about health issues · Mobilize --> community partnerships to ID/solve problems

public health

The following are essential services of ____ _____: · Monitor --> health status to ID community health problems · Dx & investigate --> health problems & hazards in community · Inform, educate, empower --> people about health issues · Mobilize --> community partnerships to ID/solve problems · Develop --> policies/plans to support individual & community efforts · Enforce --> laws & regulations that protect health & ensure safety of population · Link --> people to needed health services and ensure the provision of health care that is otherwise unavailable · Ensure --> competent public and personal health care workforce · Evaluate --> effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal and population-based health services · Research --> for new insights and innovative solutions to health problems

public health

The following are the benefits of ____ _____: · Medical care o reduce early death by 10% · Population focused care - reduce early death by 70% o Influence daily lives § Eat § Drink § Drive § Exercise § Treat the environment

public health

The following falls under the introduction to chapter 2: history of ____ _____: · To understand today and plan for tomorrow is to examine the past · What past lessons can be learned about health care, nursing, and the communities in which care is provided · Historical approach can be used to: o Increase understanding of public and community health nursing in the past, as well as its contemporary dilemmas and future challenges · Public and community health nursing: products of various social, economic, and political forces, and incorporate public health science, in addition to nursing science and practice o Depending on how community is shaped will influence this

public health

When talking about ____ _____ nursing from the 1970s, the following occurred: o Hospice movement, development of birthing centers, daycare for elderly & disabled persons, drug-abuse treatment programs, & rehabilitation services in long-term care o Shift to services outside acute care facilities and vulnerable populations

public health

When talking about community nursing history highlights, there was an increased demand for ____ ____ departments after WW2 which included: o Screening/treatment disease § communicable disease, sexually transmitted diseases .... o Nurses were key players in the expansion of _____ _______ care and community nursing care o 1950: Americans living longer, leading cause of death shifted from infectious disease to heart disease, cancer, and CVD § In early stages, it was infectious diseases, viruses, contaminations and then it shifted in the 1950s

public health

· The study of epidemiology, statistics, and assessments ("Scientific Discipline") o Focuses on behavior, cultural and economic factors § Environment, social conditions, education, culture, economics, working conditions, and housing o Program planning and policy development

public health

What key nursing mode in the community is described below: · Goal: o Prevent disease & disability o Promote health o Protect the community as a whole

public health nursing practice

What key nursing mode in the community is described below: · Goal: o Prevent disease & disability o Promote health o Protect the community as a whole · Practice focus: o Community as a whole o Effect of the community's health status (resources) on the health of individuals, families, and groups

public health nursing practice

What key nursing mode in the community is described below: · Practice focus: o Community as a whole o Effect of the community's health status (resources) on the health of individuals, families, and groups

public health nursing practice

When characterizing ___ ____ ___ _____, it is: · 1. Population-focused · 2. Community-oriented · 3. Health and prevention focused · 4. Interventions at community and/or population level o Concern for population o Nurse often reaches out · An individual cannot be separated from the health of the community. · Are that RNs with bacchealarate degree can go but no other nurses can !

public health nursing practice

In 1872, the American Public Health Association (APHA) was created to facilitate ____ _____.

public hygiene

Under Public Health Achievements (20th and 21st century), there are 3 components: safety, disease, and family. Improvements of motor vehicle safety through seat belt laws, drinking and driving, etc as well as safer and healthier foods through ADA fall under which of the 3 components? **also workplace ______, fluoridation of drinking water


What component of QSEN is described below: o Want to minimize risk


What component of QSEN is described below: o Shared decisions with our community as well as with individuals

teamwork and collaboration

In the late 1800s, local health departments were formed in _____ areas to target environmental hazards.


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