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What is the Jackson and pollock 3-site measurement for women?

- triceps - suprailiac - thigh

What is the waist- to- hip ratio classification for men who have a high health risk?

1.0 or higher

For more fit population groups , what assessments is appropriate?

1.5 mile ( 2.4km) run test

Healthy body fat typically ranges from what percentage for women?

20% to 30%

A health risk assessment ( HRA) is different from what?

- A Fitness assessment

Cardiorespiratory fitness is often assessed to evaluate what ?

- A clients capacity for performing work

The health history questionnaire ( HHQ) collects information about what? - The questionnaire will also include questions about?

- A clients lifestyle habits, including exercise, diet, sleep, stress, occupation, and recreational pursuits - medical history, including past injuries, past surgeries, chronic diseases, and medication

- In the context of a fitness assessment, recreation refers to what? - this is also referred to as?

- A clients physical activities outside of the work environment - leisure time

Health history questionnaire ( HHQ)

- A questionnaire with lists of questions that pertain to health history and habits, such as exercise history, eating behaviors, and general lifestyle

What is a subjective rating of perceived exertion ( RPE) ?

- A technique used to express or validate how hard a client feels that they are working during exercise

What is blood pressure traditionally measured with?

- Aneroid sphygmomanometer

What is the most widely used measure to determine overweight and obesity levels?


Describe the ventilatory threshold 2 ( VT2) test instructions

- Briefly discuss the protocol, answer all questions, and allow adequate warm-up, stretching, and recovery prior to conducting the test - to start, increase the intensity to a predetermined pace . Some careful programming is required to determine this pace, but allow for some minor adjustments as needed during the first few minutes of the bout . Remember that the client will need to hold this pace for 20 minutes; it should be the most intense pace they can safely handle - Record the individuals heart rate and marker of performance ( speed, wattage, RPE) during the last five minutes of the bout - use the average heart rates collected over the last five minutes, then correct that number by 95% to estimate the clients VT2 . This 5% correction is needed because a 20 minute pace is usually more intense than when a client is performing a 30 to 60 minute test

What is cardiorespiratory fitness commonly referred to as?

- Cardio fitness - aerobic fitness

What are the seven sites of the Jackson and Pollock seven site measurement for men and women ?

- Chest - mid-axillary - subscapular - triceps - abdomen - suprailiac - thigh

High intensity interval training is a popular exercise format, but because of the more intense nature of the type of exercise, it might not be suitable at the outset for which individuals?

- Deconditioned - or have health concerns like high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease

- What is the effect of ankle sprains on the functioning of the human body? - what can this lead to?

- Decrease muscle activation of the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus muscles - - this can lead to poor control of the lower extremities during many functional activities, which can eventually lead to injury

Prolonged periods of sitting are indicative of low _____ ____ throughout the day and potentially poor cardiorespiratory conditioning.

- Energy expenditure

All new exercisers should be appropriately screened using Some form of _____ ____ _____ prior to initiating and exercise program to evaluate the benefits versus the risks of starting a program.

- Health risk assessment ( HRA)

Which screening tool is used to evaluate the benefits and risks associated with starting any type of exercise that is strenuous in nature?

- Health risk assessment ( HRA)

Prior to starting an exercise regimen that involves exertion it is always necessary to screen an individual with what?

- Health risk assessment (HRA)

What is the recommendation for someone with elevated blood pressure?

- Lifestyle changes

The diastolic blood pressure ( DBP) reflects what?

- Low pressure during the cardiac cycle

Why is the quality of the bioelectrical impedance analysis ( BIA) device also an important consideration?

- Lower quality devices are more likely to produce inaccurate results versus higher quality multi extremity devices that measure at both extremities ( hands and feet)

What is oxygen consumption ( VO2) ?

- Measure of body's usage rate of oxygen - it is the difference between inspired and expired oxygen

In a fitness assessment both subjective and objective measures are important, but out of both which is necessary to determine risk while quantifying any baseline or starting measures?

- Objective measures

If clients are sitting for long periods throughout the day, their hips are also flexed for prolonged periods, which in turn can potentially lead to?

- Overactive hip flexors - Low back pain

- A thorough pre-exercise health history questionnaire (HHQ) collects what ? - what does the Health history questionnaire complement? And what it does ?

- Relevant information on the individuals past and present health - the PAR-Q+ - expanding one's understanding of the participants health

It's not always practical to measure VO2 Max because of equipment requirements, time involved, and the willingness of clients to perform at maximal physical activity. therefore, what is used as a preferred method for determining cardiorespiratory functional capacity and fitness ?

- Submaximal tests

The screening procedure should always be valid, simple, and cost and time efficient, and it should also be appropriate for?

- Target population

What does oxygen consumption ( VO2) reflect ?

- The body's ability to deliver oxygen to the exercising muscles and use it in mitochondria to manufacture Energy Aerobically

What does VO2 max , or maximal oxygen uptake measure?

- The body's upper limit of oxygen use

Proficiency in identifying ( VT1 ) depends largely on ?

- The fitness professionals ability to accurately determine when continuous talking becomes challenging

Why does the resting heart rate lower with improve fitness levels ?

- The heart and lungs become more conditioned -

-What occurs when the heart And lungs becomes conditioned? - what does this cause?

- The heart becomes stronger and can pump out more blood with each beat -more oxygen and nutrients are transported throughout the body

What are the instructions to measure resting heart rate via manual palpation

- The individuals should sit or lie comfortably for several minutes prior to testing - The resting heart rate is measured via fingertip palpation, use index and middle fingertips rather than the thumb, which has its own pulse - The fingertips are placed directly over the artery and with lightly applied pressure - note that there is no universal consensus on whether the first beat measured should commenced with zero rather than the Number one because cardiac cycles Are being counted - which ever you decide to do, do it consistently -when measuring exercise heart rate, this count can be measured over a 10 second interval, and then multiplied by 6

Occupational demands and work history also provide valuable insight into potential conditions and concerns. Fitness professionals should inquire about these aspects of their clients work:

- The nature of the clients occupation - whether the job requires extended periods of time standing, sitting, or performing repetitive movements ( with explanation ) - The workspace environment ( Office layout) and typical attire (shoes with elevated heels)

Describe how the pressure within each heartbeat. - this explains what ?

- The pressure fluctuates between a peak and a low pressure in the bloodstream during each Beat - why two numbers are measured , both are important to score because collectively, they provide insight to the average pressure within the bloodstream

Fitness professionals should inquire about their clients stress levels, such as using a scaling system of 0 to 10 to write their average stress level. Conversations about stress are also relevant. Fitness professionals should investigate whether or not the individual is cognitively aware of?

- Their sources of stress, - the frequency with which the individuals exposed to specific stressors, - the magnitude of each stressor, - and whether or not the person has identified or implemented any methods to manage these stressors

What are the proper assessments of body composition using skin folds?

- Train with an individual skilled in skinfold ( SKF) assessment and frequently compare your results against theirs - take a minimum of two measurements at each site; each site must be within 1 to 2 mm to take an average - completely open the jaw of the caliper before removing from the site - Be meticulous when locating anatomic landmarks - do not measure Skinfold sites immediately after exercise - instruct clients ahead of time regarding test protocol - avoid performing Skinfold sites on obese clients

What is the most valid measurement of aerobic fitness?

- VO2 Max

What is the single most effective predictor of heart function ?

- VO2 Max

Why is VO2 Max The single most effective predictor of heart function?

- VO2 scores reflect overall heart health

Describe the ventilatory threshold 2 ( VT2) considerations.

- VT2 testing is only recommended for individuals with performance goals given the purpose, nature, and intensity required for measuring this physiological marker - while several standardize field tests exist ( 60 minute ride , 30- or 60-minute runs ) they demand a lot of time and are tedious to administer. - a modified test, Such as a 20 minute run or ride test protocol, provides a viable alternative, which is easier to conduct then the standardized 30 or 60 minute protocols - the test requires the subject to maintain their highest -sustainable pace for 20 minutes and the fitness professional to record the clients heart rate and marker of performance ( RPE, speed, wattage) over the last 5 minutes

The 1.5 mile run test is used to measure what ?

- a clients aerobic endurance

- What is the effect of knee injuries involving ligaments on the functioning of the human body?

- a decrease in activation to muscles that stabilize the patella ( kneecap) and lead to further injury -Noncontact knee injuries are often the result of ankle or hip dysfunction because the knee is caught between the ankle and the hip. - If the ankle or hip joint begins to function improperly, this results in altered Movement and Force distribution of the knee. Overtime, this can lead to further injury

The 1.5 mile run test is much like the rockport walk test , it was originally developed as ? - it can be administered on?

- a field test ( conducted on a track ) - indoors on a treadmill

Gynoid or pear-shaped individuals may be associated with?

- a lower health risk when compared to an android shape

Once the 60 second heart rate count is collected, the individuals fitness level can be categorized using ?

- a table

For new exercisers who may not be very fit, what test is considered an appropriate cardiorespiratory assessment, providing an appropriate challenge while requiring little skill development or learning to complete the test.

- a walking test

After the four sites have been measured, what is the next step ?

- add the totals of the four sites and then find the appropriate sex and age categories for the body composition on the Durnin-womersley body fat percentage calculation

The YMCA 3-minute step test is a cardiovascular assessment that assesses what ?

- aerobic fitness of deconditioned clients

What type of test is the ventilatory threshold 1 ( VT1) test?

- aerobic test

The YMCA 3 - minute step test is very basic and does not impose much of a cardiovascular challenge for ?

- aerobically fit adults

What information does a health history questionnaire ( HHQ) contain about a client that is considered private and confidential?

- age - gender - height - weight - Physicians name and contact information - emergency contact information

- What is the effect of shoulder injuries on the functioning of the human body?

- altered muscle activation of the rotator cuff muscles, - which can lead to instability of the shoulder joint during functional activities

With all the different skinfold assessment protocols it can be confusing about which protocol to use. Some simple guidelines can simplify the decision making process. These are :

- although the seven site method is considered the most accurate because they collect Skinfolds at more locations across the body, this protocol is certainly more invasive to the client. As such, it may be best used for clinical or athletic populations - while the Jackson and Pollock Three site protocol is perhaps not as accurate as the seven site protocol, it is still considered valid. An advantage is that at three site protocol is less invasive to conduct - The durnin- womersley formula is best used for individuals between the ages of 17 and 49 years of age and may not be as applicable for older adults. A potential advantage is that it only requires requirements for the upper body; it does not require an individual to wear shorts for a thigh measurement

The ventilatory threshold 1 will serve as what?

- an important intensity marker when designing cardiorespiratory exercise programs

What does conducting a VO2 Max assessment provide the fitness professionals ?

- an indication of the clients overall aerobic fitness

The PAR-Q+ and preparation process reflects what health indicators?

- an individuals current level of physical activity - presence of signs or symptoms and/or known cardiovascular, pulmonary ( respiratory ) , renal ( kidney) , or metabolic disease ( diabetes) - desired exercise intensity ( light, moderate, vigorous)

What does a Aneroid sphygmomanometer consist of ?

- an inflatable cuff - pressure dial - A bulb with a valve - stethoscope

The PAR-Q+ and preparation process reflects what three health indicators ?

- and individuals current level of physical activity, - the presence of signs and symptoms of disease, - and the individuals desired exercise intensity

New exercisers might be apprehensive, both about starting exercise and the use of a long, overly detailed and time-consuming health risk assessments, which might increase their _____ Associated with moving forward

- anxieties

Blood pressure is measured within the ____ _____ while using the _____ _____ as the standard site of measurement, given its ease of access and the ability to hold the arm level with the position of the heart, which increases the accuracy of measurement

- arterial system - brachial artery

Where can resting heart rate be measured ?

- at many points around the body where an artery's pulsation is transmitted to the body's surface often occurring when a blood vessel is compressed against another lying structure, such as a bone or joint .

Why is bioelectrical impedance analysis becoming more commonly conducted in fitness settings ?

- because of advantages in technology in assessing body composition, and the concerns over skinfold measurements ( invasive nature, time investment, reliability of fitness professionals)

When is the resting heart rate most accurately measured?

- before an individual gets out of bed in the morning

What are the four sites of the four-site Durnin-womersley protocol for men?

- biceps - triceps - subscapular - suprailiac

What are the four sites of the four-site Durnin-womersley protocol for women ?

- biceps - triceps - subscapular - suprailiac

What are the four sites of the four-site Durnin-womersley protocol?

- biceps - triceps - subscapular - suprailiac

Many clients might be keen to have their body composition measured, but accurate assessments of body composition are not always easy to obtain. Measuring circumference can become a good alternative, because measurements taken at various locations can provide valuable feedback to clients on ____ ____ while they work toward achieving their fitness goals .

- bodily transformation

Many different anthropometric measures exist, these include?

- body fat assessments - body mass index ( BMI) - circumference measurements

In hydrostatic weighing or underwater weighing a persons weight on land is compared to their underwater weight to determine what?

- body fat percentage

A waist measurement is taken as follows :

- identify the narrowest point of the torso below the rib cage and above the iliac crest ( top portion of the hip bone) at the hips - take this measurement as close to the skin as possible - be sure the tape runs horizontally around the entire body circumference - keep the tape flat and avoid any twisting - pull the tape snuggly but not to the point of causing an Indentation in the skin - take the waist measurement at end-tidal volume , following normal expiration. - record scores to nearest millimeter or 1/16in

Similar to sleep, it is beyond a fitness professional scope of practice to provide counseling services and mental health treatment for stress management. However, gaining a basic overview of the client stress level provides a coaching opportunity. Fitness professionals can share with their clients how exercise and physical activity can improve what ?

- mood and disposition and - reduces stress when integrated into a daily routine

Describe the YMCA 3 - minute step test instructions .

- briefly discuss the protocol, answer all questions satisfactorily, and allow adequate warm-up, stretching, and recovery prior to conducting the test - ensure that proper athletic footwear is worn for the test - terminate the test if the individual experiences any symptoms of lightheadedness, dizziness, chest pain, or excessive shortness of breath - The client will perform 96 steps per minute. Fitness professionals can demonstrate proper step cadence by setting a metronome to 96 " clicks" per minute and allow practice trials. If the fitness professional does not have access to a metronome , they can state out loud " up, up, down , down " to help keep the correct cadence. - begin the three minute test and maintain cadence throughout the test - after completing the test, the individual sits while the fitness professional quickly palpates the radial pulse ( within 5 seconds) and measures the number of heartbeats over the ensuing 60 seconds • count starts at zero •the individual should lightly paddle feet to maintain circulation • allow for a proper cool-down following data collection

Describe the rockport walk test instructions

- briefly discuss the protocol, answer all questions satisfactorily, and allow adequate warm-up, stretching, and recovery prior to conducting the test - ensure the proper athletic footwear is worn for the test - terminate the test if the individual experiences any symptoms of lightheadedness, dizziness, chest pain, or excessive shortness of breath - The goal of the test is to complete the 1 mile ( 1.6km ) distance as quickly as possible. Pacing may be necessary, but no running or jogging is permitted. Instead, the client will walk as quickly as possible.

Describe the 1.5 mile run test instructions

- briefly discuss the protocol, answer all questions satisfactorily, and allow for adequate warm-up, stretching, and recovery prior to conducting the test - ensure that proper athletic footwear is worn for the test -terminate the test if the individual experiences any symptoms of lightheadedness, dizziness, chest pain, or excessive shortness of breath - The goal of the test is to complete the 1.5mile distance as quickly as possible. Pacing may be necessary

Describe the ventilatory threshold 1 ( VT1) test instructions

- briefly discuss the protocol, answer all questions, and allow adequate warm-up, stretching, and recovery before starting the test - begin the test at an intensity considered light to easy and gradually progressed through incremental stages, performing the continuous talk test toward the end of each stage, once a study state heart rate is obtained - repeat the continuous talk test until the talk test becomes challenging, but not difficult, for the client. This is a sign that the client has reached ventilatory threshold 1 ( VT1) . At this moment, record the clients heart rate and speed, grade, or wattage, depending on which type of equipment is being used - evaluate the challenge of continuous talking: • observe the ability to speak continuously at a conversational pace ( smooth, streamlined, and continuous versus choppy, interrupted, and disjointed • ask the individual to rate the challenge ( and easy, small challenge, and uncomfortable/challenging task, or a difficult, nearly impossible task); VT1 is marked as uncomfortable or challenging. • listen to the clients breathing sounds; VT1 occurs when breathing becomes clearly audible with fairly visible signs of rib cage elevation • consider one stage beyond the suspected VT1 stage to validate the assessment

What is the 1.5 mile ( 2.4km) run test ?

- cardiorespiratory assessment

Men with a waist circumference greater than or equal to 100cm ( ~40in) are at higher risk for developing health issues such as?

- cardiovascular disease - diabetes

The risk of chronic disease increases dramatically in those who are physically and active. Chronic diseases can include the following:

- cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, coronary artery disease, or congestive heart failure - hypertension ( High blood pressure) -High cholesterol or other blood lipid disorders - stroke or peripheral artery disease - lung or breathing problems -obesity -diabetes Mellitus - cancel

What is the Jackson and pollock 3-site measurement for men?

- chest - abdomen - thigh

If abnormal readings are made during a blood pressure assessment, repeat the measurement on the opposite arm. A significant discrepancy in the readings between the arms could represent a ______ problem, and the individual should be referred to the physician for a medical evaluation

- circulatory

Describe the bioelectrical impedance conduction for muscle

- conductive - Low resistance - Low impedance

Obtaining a clients medical history is vitally important because it provides fitness professionals with information about known or suspected chronic diseases, such as:

- coronary heart disease - High blood pressure - diabetes

The YMCA 3 - minute step test is primarily intended as a protocol for who ?

- deconditioned individuals or older adults who do not have any balance, joint issues, or concerns associated with stepping to measure how quickly their heart rate returns to normal after exercise

- What is the effect of low-back injuries on the functioning of the human body?

- decreased activation to stabilizing muscles of the core, resulting in poor stabilization of the spine. This can further lead to dysfunction and pain

Assessing body fat using Skinfold calipers can be a sensitive situation. Additionally, the accuracy of the skin folds for obese individuals ______; thus, it would be more appropriate not to use this method for assessing body fat. Instead, use bioelectrical impedance, circumference measurements, scale weight, or even the fit of clothing to evaluate one's weight loss and body fat reduction process

- decreases

Because the duration of the 1.5 mile run test is longer than the 1 mile run test, there is more of a what?

- demand for experience and pacing throughout this assessment

Which of the following health indicators is reflected in the PAR-Q+ and pre- participation process? - injury history - current body fat percentage - current blood pressure -desired exercise intensity

- desired exercise intensity

What is systolic blood pressure ( SBP) measured in?

- millimeters of mercury (mm Hg)

Because bone and muscle are denser than water, a person with a larger percentage of lean body mass will weigh ____ in water and ultimately have a _____body fat percentage versus someone with ___lean body mass

- more - lower - less

Describe the ventilatory threshold 1 ( VT1) test considerations

- determine the preferred exercise modality ( treadmill, bicycle) - determine the preference for increasing workloads ( speed, grade, wattage ). A range of 0.5 to 1 mph increases or 1% to 2% inclines are used for treadmills; 15 -to 25-watt increases are used for cycling, and 10-to 15-watt increases are used for arm ergometers - determine the duration of each stage. Stages usually lasts between one and three minutes to ensure that steady state heart rate is attained. Larger increases in intensity require longer durations to attain steady state heart rate and are not recommended. Remember, steady states heart rate implies a visible leveling of the clients heart rate at each stage, rather than continuing to climb upwards. -Conduct the continuous talk test once a steady state heart rate is attained. The continuous talk test involves Speaking continuously for about 20 seconds, although the talking challenge can usually be observed within 10 seconds. The continuous talk test must be continuous and recited from memory, for example, the phonetic alphabet " A is for apple, B is for boy , C is for cat" . Another option is to have the client share information regarding their typical morning routine, detailing the steps involved in getting ready for work or school. Just remember that the dialogue they provide needs to be continuous, as explained previously.

Women with a waist circumference greater than or equal to 88 cm ( ~35in) are at higher risk for developing health issues like?

- diabetes - cardiovascular disease

android or apple-shapes Individuals are associated with ?

- elevated health risks

Chronic sleep deprivation has many health consequences such as?

- elevated risk for chronic disease -negative impact on cognition and mood

Why is it not always practical to measure VO2 Max ?

- equipment requirement - Time involved - willingness of clients to perform at maximal physical capacity

A health history may be accomplished by a verbal discussion and perhaps additional questionnaires to sign together for the information regarding?

- exercise history -eating behaviors - general lifestyle

fitness professionals should inquire about their clients preferred exercise activities, such as running, weight lifting, group exercise, and others. These questions will provide opportunities to learn more about an individual preference and desires, which can become relevant for ?

- exercise programming

Many common types of hobbies do not involve vigorous physical activity, yet still need to be considered to create it properly planned _____ ____ program

- exercise training

Some assessments should be conducted prior to performing specific exercises because of the way physical _____ impacts these measurements. For example resting heart rate, blood pressure, and skinfold body for testing are acutely affected by physical exertion, which makes Q results. On the other hand, flexibility is frequently assessed following a light cardio warm-up because at this time the body displays greater tissue _____

- exertion - extensibility

What is the disease risk for someone with a BMI of >_ 40.0? ( greater than or equal to 40) - what is this classification?

- extremely high - obesity III

The current PAR-Q+ includes additional follow up questions to better guide participation and recommendations that were not part of the original PAR-Q+ for individuals who indicated yes on one or more questions. These questions aim to reduce what?

- false-positive screenings - barriers to exercise initiation - help customize pre-exercise recommendations based on relevant medical history and symptomology

What is a less efficient conductor than lean body tissue ?

- fat

Once the HRA is completed, and if the individual does not require medical clearance to initiate exercise, the fitness professional should then start to consider the need and the propriety of conducting various _____ ____. Although fitness assessments provide lots of valuable information to the certified personal trainer, clients may not feel comfortable undergoing specific assessments, especially if they believe they might not be able to complete the assessment. It's possible that they might feel embarrassed by their results. For example, if Mary is deconditioned, the notion of completing a 1.5 mile run test might be both intimidating and uncomfortable. The decision on What and when to assess is never straightforward it requires careful consideration on the part of the fitness professional.

- fitness assessments

The health history questionnaire ( HHQ) is not normally standardized for? - it is rather customized for what?

- fitness industry - respective facilities or organizations

Surgical procedures create trauma for the body. These procedures may produce effect similar to injuries on the functioning of the human body and the safety and efficacy of exercise. Fitness professionals frequently interact with clients who have experienced some of the following more common surgical procedures:

- foot and ankle surgery - knee surgery - back surgery - shoulder surgery -caesarean section for birth ( cutting through the abdominal wall to deliver a baby) - appendectomy ( cutting through the abdominal wall to remove the appendix)

A higher VO2 Max score reflects what ?

- greater oxygen utilization - greater capacity for physical work

VO2 Max is a better marker of what ?

- health - mortality - morbidity

Individuals with higher VO2 Max scores generally have what ?

- healthier hearts - greater capacity to perform work - lower risk of developing heart disease

Although this assessment is not assigned to assess body fat , BMI is a quick and easy method for determining whether a persons weight is appropriate for that person's _____

- height

What is the disease risk for someone with a BMI of 30.0-34.9? - what is this classification?

- high - obese

Why are blood pressure scores important?

- higher scores indicate greater risks for developing cardiovascular disease, which can become life-threatening

Understanding a clients lifestyle helps provide context for what? - with this information, the fitness professionals will be better equipped to design what?

- how a client eats, works, sleeps, and spends leisure activity - individualized exercise programs for their clients

Although general purposes of conducting physiological assessments are to collect baseline data to help fitness professionals develop personalized exercise programs, they serve many other important roles such as?

- identifying individuals who are at increased risk for any cardiovascular, pulmonary, or metabolic diseases, or their signs or symptoms, and should first undergo more thorough medical evaluation's - identifying individual's with medical contraindications Who should be excluded from exercise until conditions have been corrected or are under control - identifying those individuals with medical Contraindications Who should participate in medically supervised programs - reducing the need for unwarranted medical evaluation's prior to partaking in an exercise program for apparently healthy adults - providing appropriate recommendations regarding initiation or continuation of exercise or physical activity -educating individuals about their current physical condition - enabling effective program evaluation (tracking progress) using baseline and follow up data -using the information to motivate individuals to the realistic goal setting

General eating behaviors can be collected. This information helps the fitness professional, without pre-existing judgment or presumptions, gain further insight into the clients dietary habits. Overtime, the clients eating habits can be reevaluated to determine if any _____( or setbacks) Have been made. In addition, gathering this information assets the fitness professional to a certain if the client should be referred to a registered dietitian or medical professional due to an unexpected concern

- improvements

What is the disease risk for someone with a BMI of 25.0-29.9? - what is this classification?

- increased - overweight

What is the disease risk for someone with a BMI of <18.5? - what is this classification?

- increased disease Risk - underweight

An elevated BMI is linked to ?

- increased risk of disease, especially if associated with a large waist circumference

Once a fitness professional is proficient in identifying VT1 , this will allow the fitness professional to identify what?

- individualized and unique metabolic event where the body shifts from fat as its primary fuel to an equal mix of fat and carbohydrate fuel sources

Body fat ranges can vary significantly based on?

- individuals age - gender - ethnicity

By discovering the recreational activities that a client performs, a certified personal trainer can better design an exercise program to fit the needs of their clients. For example, many clients like to dance, golf, ski, play tennis, or perform a variety of other sporting activities in their spare time. Proper exercise training must be incorporated to ensure the clients are conditioned in a manner that optimizes her physical ability, without predisposing them to ___

- injury

How to record blood pressure?

- instruct the client to assume a comfortable seated position and placed the appropriate size cuff on the clients arm just above the elbow - next either rest the arm on a supportive chair, or support the arm using your own arm, and placed the stethoscope over the brachial artery, using a minimal amount of pressure - continue by rapidly inflating the cuff to 20 to 30 mmHg above the point at which the pulse can no longer be felt at the wrist. - next, release the pressure at a rate of about 2 mmHg per second, listening for a pulse. - to determine the systolic blood pressure, listen for the first observation of the pulse - diastolic blood pressure is determined when the pulse fades away. For greater reliability, repeat the procedure on the opposite arm

What is one weakness that BMI has ?

- it fails to differentiate fat mass from lean body mass .

What is a key point for the ventilatory threshold 1 ( VT1) test ?

- it is an aerobic test that aims to estimate the intensity of the body's usage of a balance of fuels ( 50% fat, 50% carbohydrates)

When a persons fitness level decreases, or they become ill, what happens to the resting heart rate?

- it may elevate

Why is The 1 - mile run test's ability to evaluate cardiorespiratory fitness across the general population limited?

- it's validation ( research studies) was focused primarily on youth and college-aged individuals

The faster the conduction, the ____ the individual

- leaner

Because muscle cells can contain as much as 70% to 75% water in comparison to fat cells that contain only about 10% to 15% of water, a _______ individual will experience less resistance and reactance to the electrical flow versus an individual with more _____ ___

- leaner - body fat

What does the ventilatory threshold 2 ( VT2) talk test measure ?

- level at which the body can work at its highest sustainable steady state intensity for more than a few minutes

A person with more body fat will make the body _____ in water and will have a _____ percentage of body fat. This technique is very accurate, but for obvious reasons, it is not practical outside of a laboratory setting

- lighter - higher

Although many clients have goals of weight loss, what is really implied is?

- lots of fat mass while retaining or gaining lean muscle mass

What is the disease risk for someone with a BMI of 18.5-24.9? - what is this classification?

- low disease risk - healthy weight

The PAR-Q+ has always been recognized as a minimal yet safe pre-exercise screening measure for what?

- low to moderate, but not vigorous, exercise training

The YMCA 3 - minute step test is considered suitable for which individuals?

- low-risk, apparently healthy , nonathletic adults

What is the recommendation for someone with normal blood pressure?

- maintain

The PAR-Q+ criteria also provides general recommendations for _____ ____ rather than a specific need for medical exams

- medical clearance

What is the gender differences that exist in resting heart rate?

- men average approximately 5 to 10 fewer beats per minute then women

What is diastolic blood pressure ( DBP) measured in ?

- millimeters of mercury

Individuals described as android or apple-shaped are characterized as having what ?

- more fat within the abdominal region of the body ( more visceral fat)

Individuals described as gynoid or pear-shaped are characterized as having what?

- more fat within the hips and thighs

All past or recent injuries should be recorded and discussed in enough detail to make decisions about whether exercise is recommended, or if a medical referral is necessary. Previous history of ________ injury is also a strong predictor of future injury during physical activity

- musculoskeletal

What are the circumference measurement sites?

- neck - chest - waist - hips - thigh - calves - arm

Is blood pressure consistent with each heartbeat?

- no

-Should men and women's resting heart rate be compared each to assess fitness levels? - what should they do?

- no - see how an individuals own resting heart rate changes with training

Describe the bioelectrical impedance conduction for fat

- not conductive - high resistance - high impedance

Nutritional information that can be Collected should be more generalized and qualitative in nature, For example general eating behaviors can be collected rather than calculations of portion sizes and tracked calories . Some examples to consider include answers to the following questions :

- on a scale of 0 to 10 do you consider your overall diet to be healthy? ( 0 for unhealthy and 10 for very healthy? - are you currently following any kind of diet? If so, what diet and for what reason? - how would you rank your daily salt intake: low, medium, or high? - how would you rank your daily sugar intake: low, medium, or high? - how would you rank your daily fat intake: low, medium or high? - on a scale of 0 to 10, how effectively are you able to control your Temptations for junk food ( 0 for easily and 10 for very difficult) - how many alcoholic drinks do you consume for a week ? - do you consume caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, soda and:/or Energy drinks? How many per week?

During the rating of perceived exertion ( RPE ) What should a clients subjective rating be reported based on?

- overall feelings of how hard they are working - overall sense of fatigue rather than isolated areas of the body ( tired legs during treadmill testing)

What is VO2 Max, or Maximal oxygen uptake sometimes called ?

- peak VO2

What does a fitness assessment measure?

- physical parameters of fitness like aerobic capacity or body composition.

What is subjective rating of perceived exertion ( RPE) based on ? - which includes what?

- physical sensations experienced by person during physical activity - increased heart rate, - increased respiration rate, - increased sweating, - muscle fatigue

Structured exercises and physical activities are known to provide many benefits such as?

- physiological - Emotional - Cognitive

Wearing shoes with high heels puts the ankle complex in a _______ position for extended periods, which can lead to tightness in the calf muscle and Achilles tendons, causing postural _____, such as decreased _____ and _______ at the foot and ankle complex, resulting in flattening of the arch of the foot . This may lead to pain in the feet, knees, hips, or low back

- plantarflexed - imbalance - Dorsiflexion - overpronation

Some circumference measures can also be used to quantify body composition ( percentage of body fat) ,Even with significantly overweight clients, but they unfortunately correlated ____ with true body composition measurements. They are better used to assess ____ changes in the body overtime, rather than ____ ____percentage, and offer the convenience of being inexpensive and easy to administer.

- poorly - girth - body fat

Both systolic blood pressure ( SBP) and diastolic blood pressure ( DBP ) represent what ?

- pressure within the bloodstream

In a fitness assessment what does objective measures focus on?

- quantified through the collection of data - for example ( blood pressure, heart rate, body fat percentage)

For accuracy, safety, and ease of administration, What is the anatomical location that can be used to measure a client's resting heart rate according to an NASM ?

- radial pulse

A fitness professional should always be able to provide good ____ for any fitness assessments that they elect to conduct on a client. Does rationale often manifests itself out of the following events, which should always be considered on a case by case basis.

- rationale

In the YMCA 3 - minute step test , cardiorespiratory fitness is evaluated from what instead of ?

- recovery heart rate ( RHR) - VO2max

In a fitness assessment, what does subjective measures focus on?

- reflect what the individual feels, experiences, or reports - for example ( Low energy, back discomfort, headaches)

What is the rationale for fitness assessments?

- relevance -appropriateness -Validity - Reliability

- What is the effect of other injuries on the functioning of the human body?

- repetitive hamstring strains, - groin strains, -patellar tendinitis ( jumpers knee) , - Plantar fasciitis ( pain in the heel and bottom of the foot) -shinsplints, -biceps tendinitis ( shoulder pain ) , - headache

Sleep is necessary, and when done right, it does what ?

- replenishes energy stores depleted from exercise and physical activity

Physical activity races a person's heart rate and blood pressure. Consequently, measurements for _____ and ____ _____Should be taken while the client is at rest

- resting heart rate - blood pressure

Fitness assessments that does not require physical assertion should be conducted prior to more vigorous fitness assessments that measure aerobic fitness, strength, or power output . Measurements measurements that do not require physical exertion are:

- resting heart rate - blood pressure - body composition (should always be conducted prior to vigorous fitness assessment)

How does The 1.5 mile run test estimate aerobic fitness levels ?

- scoring individuals timed performance - or heart rate response - , which is used to estimate VO2max

What occurs in bioelectrical impedance analysis ( BIA) ?

- sensors are applied to the skin -A week electrical currents is run through the body - estimates body fat and lean body mass

If clients are sitting for prolonged periods, especially in front of a computer, there is a tendency for the _______and _____ to experience fatigue under the constant effect of gravity, which can lead to postural imbalances, including rounding of the shoulders and a Forward head

- shoulders - head

During the administration of an assessment involving physical exertion (cardiorespiratory test) , The fitness professional should always be aware of ____ and _____ the moment immediate termination of the test and a possible referral to a medical professional

- signs - symptoms

The second section of the PAR-Q+, Contains 10 questions divided into multiple parts, focus on identifying what ?

- signs and symptoms of any significant cardiovascular, pulmonary, or metabolic condition

Cardiorespiratory assessments help the fitness professional identify?

- starting exercise intensity's that are safe and effective for clients, - appropriate modes of cardiorespiratory exercise

Because the ventilatory threshold 1 ( VT1) test is an aerobic test, what must be attained before any assessment of talking is collected ?

- steady-state ( SS) heart rate

What is becoming a more prominent aspect of life and can cause serious health effects, including raising the risk of chronic disease?

- stress

Fitness assessment can include what two types of measures?

- subjective - Objective

When using the rating of perceived exertion ( RPE) method , what is a person doing ?

- subjectively rating the perceived difficulty of exercise

Name the pulse locations where the resting heart rate can be taken

- temp -carotid - apical - Brachial - Radial - Femoral -popliteal - posterior tibial - Dorsalis pedis

VO2 Max is highly trainable , which implies ?

- that an active person in their 40s could have a higher VO2 Max than during their secondary 20s

Underwater weighing, or hydrostatic weighing is founded on what principal?

- that bone, muscle, and connective tissues are denser and heavier in comparison to fat tissue, which is the less dense, lighter, and floats.

In the PAR-Q+ , if a client answers no to all seven questions, that does that mean? - if the client answers yes to any of the initial seven questions, what must they do?

- the Survey is considered complete - complete part two of the survey

In the ventilatory threshold 2 ( VT2) talk test , the body relies heavily on what?

- the anaerobic energy systems that begin to overwhelm the blood's lactic acid buffering capacity

Over the past 20 years, researchers have investigated the concept of the talk test further and determined what?

- the intensity that disrupts talking and breathing is connected to specific metabolic events happening within the body's energy system

What does the ventilatory threshold 1 ( VT1) test rely on?

- the interpretation of the way a person talks to determine a specific event at which the body's metabolism undergoes a significant change.

There are two versions of the RPE:

- the original 6 to 20 scale - the newer 1 to 10 scale

Systolic blood pressure ( SBP) is sometimes referred to as ?

- the top number

For individuals who have more performance centric goals, what becomes an important predictor of success?

- their capacity to sustain high intensity work.

What is the biggest limitation of the assessments ?

- they only provide generalized estimates of aerobic fitness rather than a personalized score unique to the individual

What are questionnaires used for?

- to collect information regarding existing risk factors for participation in exercise and physical activity to determine the need for medical clearance before hand

Why is a health risk assessment ( HRA) conducted?

- to evaluate the safety of an individual participating in exercise

Why is it important for fitness professionals to monitor each clients waist circumference?

- to identify health risks - track weight loss efforts

Why was the physical activity readiness questionnaire ( PAR-Q+) developed?

- to simplify the pre-participation screening -remove some of the unnecessary barriers for individuals seeking to adopt active behaviors, such as excessive and unnecessary doctor referrals

In the PAR-Q+, The seven questions are simple to administer but it's simplicity was also problematic as It offered little opportunity for interpretation of the questions ask which resulted in what?

- too many individuals not being cleared for participation and being referred unnecessarily to their doctors for medical clearance - for example, an individual diagnosed with any pulmonary diseases ( asthma) was automatically referred to their medical provider for clearance before initiating an exercise or physical activity program. In reality, these diseases do not appear to increase the risk of fatal or non-fatal cardiovascular complications during or immediately following exercise

The rockport walk test was originally developed for outdoor use on a track, it can also be used indoors using a ?

- treadmill

Cardiorespiratory assessments can use multiple formats such as? - these assessments can range from _____ to ___ , All depending on the clients abilities or the fitness goals that they plan to achieve

- treadmill - step machine - bicycle - simple - complex

What are the standardize Skinfold sites of measurement?

- triceps - biceps - chest - abdomen - mid-axillary - subscapular - suprailiac - thigh

Any information collected about an individual during the assessment process cannot be shared without written consent from that individual; further, the information must be securely stored away from other coworkers and the public - true or false

- true

Even though research has shown the risk for premature death and illness does increase with a high BMI score, individuals who are underweight are also at risk. True or false ?

- true

Fitness professionals should continue to consult with medical professionals for any questions pertaining to disease or signs and symptoms found in their clients PAR-Q+. - true or false

- true

Many clients seeking fitness and exercise training advice from fitness professionals will currently be under the care of a physician or another medical professional, and they may be taking one or more prescribe medications. It is not the role of the certified personal trainer to administer, prescribe, or educate clients on the usage and effects of any form of legally prescribe medication by a licensed physician or other healthcare provider. Certified personal trainer should always consult with her clients decision or medical professionals regarding the clients health information and which medications they may be currently taking if any. - true or false

- true

There is no universally accepted, standard percentage of body fat for all ages and genders. True or false ?

- true

Fitness professionals should keep in mind that for fit individuals, the rockport walk test will most likely what ?

- underpredict their VO2max because it was not designed for fit individuals

In the ventilatory threshold 2 ( VT2) talk test the individual cannot do what ?

- verbally respond to a question or responds " no " to the question , " can you speak competently ?"

What is the most commonly measured circumference?

- waist circumference

Heart rate ( HR) is a valid indicator of what?

- work intensity or stress, both at rest and during exercise

Does the Jackson and Pollock 3-site protocol hold good validity and offer convenience as it only requires measurement to be taken at three locations?

- yes

Is men's body fat percentage is lower than those for women?

- yes

The screening of him health risk assessment ( HRA) should take place prior to participation in?

-any strenuous fitness assessments or exercise

Monitoring changes in resting heart rate helps to identify what?

-cardiovascular adaptations ( becoming more aerobically fit) - regressions (Deconditioning)

It is important to recognize that it is out of scope for fitness professionals to perform detailed sleep evaluations or recommend clinical treatment to improve sleep quality. However, gaining basic insight into a client sleeping habits provide a ____ opportunity on the importance of getting a good nights sleep


While the topic of nutrition cannot be understated, considering the depth and breadth of nutritional information that can be collected, the initially gathered information should be more _____ and ______ in nature

-generalized - qualitative

When collecting exercise and physical activity information, the fitness professional should gather information on whether or not the individual is currently active and participating in any regular exercise or physical activity. If so it's important to know details regarding the activity such as ? :

-length of time ( history) , -The nature, or type, -frequency, -duration, - intensity.

Structured exercises and physical activities are known to reduce an individuals risk for what?

-mortality - morbidity

What is a strong predictor of future injury during physical activity?

-musculoskeletal injury

Sleep quality and quantity is another area of interest. Fitness professional should inquire about their clients sleeping habits, including?

-the number of hours slept each night, -the quality of sleep, -even the difficulties associated with falling asleep

While light to moderate intensity of exercise, such as walking or jogging are generally considered safer much of the population, higher intensity activities and certain individuals may hold inherent risk of harm. - true or false


What is the disease risk for someone with a BMI of 35.0-39.9? - what is this classification?

-very high - obesity II

An established written emergency plan should be clearly posted, including emergency medical services telephone numbers. Regularly scheduled emergency medical services response rehearsals are adviced to help improve response rates and times


Discussions inquiring about a clients willingness to participate in exercise programs can prove useful when developing exercise regimen's. For example, if it is professional can ask a client to rent the importance of a list of outcomes using a scale of 0 to 10, with zero being on importance and 10 being very important. The list of all comes can include many items like losing weight, improving overall health, increasing muscle mass, or enhancing sports performance


Fitness professional should inquire if their client smokes or use tobacco products. Furthermore, medical history provides information about the clients past and current health status, as well as any past or recent injuries, surgeries, or other chronic health conditions. Gathering this information helps determine if a client is ready for a new exercise routine or if a medical referral is necessary


Prior to conducting any assessment, measures should be taken to ensure individual safety and comfort. In advance, the fitness professional should provide precise and clearly defined instructions regarding preparation for testing. Clients should wear comfortable, athletic clothing and in just plenty of fluids over the 24 hour. Preceding the test to optimize hydration levels. Clients should also avoid heavy food, tobacco, alcohol and caffeine at least three hours prior to testing , avoid exercise or strenuous activity the day before or the day of the test, and get adequate amount of sleep the night before the test


To maximize safety and minimize legal implications, all personnel involved in exercise testing and supervision must have a current certification for cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external to celebrator (AED). With a new fitness facility, the responsibilities of certified personal trainer is responding to emergencies should be clearly defined and documented


Describe the RPE scale 1-10

0 : no exertion, at rest 1: very light 2-3 light 4-5: moderate, somewhat hard 6-7: high, vigorous 8-9: very hard 10: maximum effort, highest possible

What is the waist- to- hip ratio classification for women who have a low health risk?

0.80 or lower

What is the waist- to- hip ratio classification for women who have a moderate health risk?


What is the waist- to- hip ratio classification for women who have a high health risk?

0.86 or higher

What is the waist- to- hip ratio classification for men who have a low health risk?

0.95 or lower

What is the waist- to- hip ratio classification for men who have a moderate health risk?


What is the rockport walk test ?

1 mile walking test that predicts maximal oxygen consumption ( VO2max) from either a timed performance or heart rate response

For simplicity and ease of use , NASM recommends which RPE scale ?

1 to 10 scale

What is another popular cardiorespiratory assessment?

1-mile ( 1.6km) run test

What are the exercise test termination criteria?

1.) any indication of chest pain or angina- like symptoms 2.) A drop in systolic blood pressure( SBP) falling below the pre-exercise measurement by more than 10mmHg during any increase in exercise intensity 3.) excessive elevations on blood pressure where the individuals SBP exceeds 250 mmHg or the individuals diastolic blood pressure (DBP) exceeds 115mmHg 4.) visible signs of unusual or excessive fatigue, shortness of breath, or a wheezing type of breath that is not typical of intense exercise 5.) indication of poor blood supply to the head and face, which is often indicated by feeling lightheaded or nauseated, exhibiting pale skin or a bluish coloration around the mouth, or having cold and clammy skin 6.) evidence of increased uncoordinated movements, dizziness or confusion , or a sudden , temporary loss of consciousness; all of these are usually attribute it to a lack of adequate oxygen supply to the brain 7.) The presence of sharp leg pain or cramping that would generally disappear when exercise stops 8.) The end of visual chooses to stop or requests to stop the test being administered 9.) any malfunction or failure of any exercise or testing equipment

Which test provides a more valid evaluation of aerobic fitness across a larger population group and is therefore considered a more appropriate test to use with clients ?

1.5 mile run test

The risk for disease increases with a BMI of what?

25 or greater

Describe the RPE scale 6-20

6: 7: very, very light 8: 9: very light 10: 11: fairly light 12: 13: somewhat hard 14: 15: hard 16: 17:very hard 18: 19 very,very hard 20:

What is the imperial formula to calculate BMI?

703 x weight (lb) / [height (in.)]^2

What is the diastolic blood pressure for someone who has hypertensive crisis ?

> 120mmHg

Describe the standardize Skinfold site of the measurement for the chest

A DIAGONAL Skinfold taken half the distance between the anterior axillary line ( armpit) and the nipple. Women: a DIAGONAL Skinfold taken 1/3 the distance between the anterior axillary line and the nipple

Describe the standardize Skinfold site of the measurement for the abdomen

A VERTICAL Skinfold taken 1 inch ( 2.54 cm ) lateral to the umbilicus ( belly button)

Describe the standardize Skinfold site of the measurement for the thigh

A VERTICAL Skinfold taken Midway between the hip and the patella ( kneecap)

Describe the standardize Skinfold site of the measurement for the biceps

A VERTICAL fold on the anterior aspect over the belly of the biceps brachii muscle, 1 cm higher than the level of the triceps measurements

Describe the standardize Skinfold site of the measurement for the triceps

A VERTICAL fold on the back of the arm, halfway between the shoulder and elbow

Bioelectrical impedance analysis ( BIA)

A body composition assessment technique that estimates body fat percentage by measuring the resistance to the flow of electrical currents introduced into the body

Physical activity readiness questionnaire ( PAR-Q+)

A detailed questionnaire designed to assess an individuals physical readiness to engage in structured exercise .

What is circumference?

A measure of the girth of body segments ( arm, thigh, waist , and hip)

Waist circumference

A measurement that represents the narrowest circumference taken around the midline of the body at the approximate height of the umbilicus ( belly button )

Health risk assessment ( HRA)

A screening tool used to evaluate the benefits and the risks associated with starting any type of exercise that is strenuous in nature

False-positive screenings

A screening where the results of the health risk assessment might indicate a need for medical clearance, when one is in fact not needed

The formula four-site Durnin-womersley protocol uses what ?

A simple four-site upper body measurement process


A specific situation where a medication, procedure, or exercise should be avoided because it may prove to be harmful to the individual


A state of lost physical fitness, which may include muscle imbalances, decreased flexibility, and a lack of core and joint stability


A state of risk of death or dying

Skinfold measurements

A technique used to estimate body fat in which calipers are used to pinch the skin in certain areas of the body

Unlike a skinfold assessment, bioelectrical impedance analysis ( BIA) is ?

A very easy body fat assessment to administer that does not require additional hands-on training or tables to reference

Hobbies refer to what ? - make some examples

Activities that a client might enjoy on a regular basis but are not necessarily athletic in nature . - examples can include gardening, car repair, fishing, singing, or playing music .

Explaining and demonstrating assessments

Adopt a philosophy of briefly explaining the purpose of the task, the protocol, and expectations. However, keep your explanations short and simple and use appropriate and easy to understand language. Because many individuals are visual learners, include demonstrations whenever possible The explanation and the demonstration can occur simultaneously. When appropriate, allow for some practice trials to facilitate learning and mastery of the physical tasks required

Rockport walk test

An aerobic test for deconditioned individuals or those of low fitness levels in which they are instructed to walk as fast as possible and have their pulse taken immediately after completing 1 mile

1.5 mile ( 2.4 km) run test

An aerobic test that measures cardiorespiratory endurance by having the participant cover the distance of 1.5 miles in as short a time as possible

YMCA 3- minute step test

An aerobic test that measures the cardiovascular fitness of an individual based on a three minute bout of stair-stepping at a specific cadence

Talk test

An aerobic test that measures the participants ability to talk or hold a conversation during an activity at various intensity levels

High intensity interval training ( HIIT)

An exercise training method defined by intervals of near maximal intensity broken up by relatively short rest periods

What is the ventilatory threshold 1 ( VT1) test?

An incremental test performed on any device ( treadmill, bicycle ) that gradually progresses in intensity level

What is the talk test ( or continuous talk method) ?

An informal cardiorespiratory assessment used to gauge the intensity of the activity based on the clients own unique metabolic markers and ability to hold a conversation

What are the limitations that can compromise the accuracy of the measurements taken in a bioelectrical impedance conduction? - give an example

Any event where the body either retains or loses water. - fluctuating hydration levels, dehydration, extreme temperatures, heavy sweat rates, the use of diuretics, and even the presence of urine in the bladder volume.

Steady-state ( SS) Heart rate

Any stage at which the physiological response of heart rate from the cardiovascular system becomes relatively constant in relation to the amount of work being performed ( The heart rate response matches the level of work being performed)

What is the waist-to-hip ratio ( WHR) used for?

Assess health risk by defining the shape of the body ( android , gynoid )

ventilatory threshold 2 ( VT2) is a critical measurement for what ?

Athletic performance

What is the metric formula to calculate BMI?

BMI= weight (kg) /[height (m)]^2

Once the sum of the skin folds have been recorded, various online resources ( tables , calculators ) can be used for estimating ____ ____ Percentage

Body fat

What does the measure of circumference identify ?

Body shape and changes

Archimedes principle is a physical law of ?


To measure the skinfold measurements one needs significant skill in locating the Skinfold sites and accurately measuring fat fold using what tool?


Describe the standardize Skinfold site of the measurement for the subscapular

DIAGONAL fold, 1 to 2 cm below the inferior angle of the scapula

What is the Jackson and pollock 3-site method used for?

Determining body composition in healthy populations

Anaerobic energy systems

Energy systems used to perform work in which glycogen is converted to glucose and oxygen is insufficient to break down pyruvate and create adenosine triphosphate

Which test is not a uniformly recommended screening process for all individuals initiating an exercise program?

Exercise testing

Some clients may feel apprehensive and do not wish to have their waist measured. In these instances what should a fitness professional do?

Fitness professionals are advised to teach their clients how to measure their own waistline and report their findings back to the professional.

The systolic blood pressure ( SBP) equals what?

Force of blood pushing against the arterial Walls when the heart is contracting

What is an alternative to the Jackson and pollock formulas ?

Four-site Durnin-womersley protocol

What has been used during aerobic exercise that has existed as a nonspecific guide for exercise intensity for many years?

Gauging the clients ability or inability to talk continuously

How is the aerobic fitness of deconditioned clients assessed using the YMCA 3-minute step test ?

Having them complete 3 minutes of continuous stepping on and off a 12in ( 30cm) box

the measure of circumference is an important indicator of what ?

Health risks for diseases such as heart disease and diabetes

ventilatory threshold 2 ( VT2) talk test corresponds with an individual's what ?

Inability to speak during exercise

What are skinfolds ( SKF) ?

Indirect measurements of the thickness of subcutaneous adipose tissue ( fat beneath the skin)

why does A waist -to- hip ratio ( WHR) have significant health implications?

Individuals who are more apple shaped and carry more fat in the abdominal region are at greater risk for developing cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, such as diabetes

what is the description of the location of the waist , for the circumference measurement?

Measure at the narrowest point of the waist, below the rib cage and just above the top of the hip bones. If there is no apparent narrowing of the waste, measure at the Naval

What is the assumption of the amount of fat present in the subcutaneous region of the body ?

It is proportional to overall body fatness, and most of the time, this is the case.

Why is it important to evaluate a clients capacity for performing work?

It serves as a significant predictor of overall health, of one's capacity to perform physical work, and even longevity

What is the physical activity readiness questionnaire ( PAR-Q+) for?

It's a questionnaire given to prospective clients to gain insight into their current health and wellness

What is an alternative to the seven site protocol?

Jackson and Pollock 3-site protocol

what is the description of the location of the neck, for the circumference measurement?

Measure just below the larynx ( across the Adam's apple for men)

what is the description of the location of the chest, for the circumference measurement?

Measure across the fullest part of chest

what is the description of the location of the calves , for the circumference measurement?

Measure the calf at its fullest part, taken between the ankle and knee

what is the description of the location of the arm, for the circumference measurement?

Measure the upper arm at its fullest part, taken at midpoint between the shoulder and elbow

What is blood pressure ?

Measurement of force applied to artery walls

Four-site Durnin-womersley protocol

Measures the thickness of skinfolds at four different places ( biceps, triceps , subscapular, and suprailiac ) within the body to estimate body fat percentage

Jackson and pollock 7-site protocol

Measures the thickness of skinfolds at seven different places within the body to estimate body fat percentage

Jackson and pollock 3-site protocol

Measures the thickness of skinfolds at three different places within the body to estimate body fat percentage

Which of the following is the part of the cell that uses nutrients to create energy for the cell?


In the rationale for fitness assessments describe Appropriateness:

Not all individuals benefit, need, or desire physiological assessments, at least initially. These assessments may prove to be demotivating , As a person my phone comfortable, intimidated, or even embarrassed by their current physical condition. Clients may also struggle with an inability to perform or complete the tests, which Kenny Road self-confidence. Fitness professionals should consider these factors before implementing's for certain assessments.

Cardiorespiratory assessments

Protocols intended to measure the aerobic fitness of an individual

What is the recommendation for someone with hypertensive crisis ?

Seek immediate medical attention

What continues to remain a popular method for determining body composition?

Skinfold measurements

Why does NASM recommend fitness professionals measure resting heart rate ( RHR) at the radial pulse versus the carotid pulse ?

The Vagus nerve lies adjacent to the carotid artery, and pressure on this nerve can slow a clients heart rate response.

Why does NASM recommend fitness professionals to measure resting heart rate at the radial pulse versus the carotid pulse( which is located at the neck just to the side of the larynx) ?

The Vagus nerve lies adjacent to the carotid artery. Applying to much pressure to the Vagus nerve can inadvertently slow a clients heart rate response

Cardiorespiratory Fitness

The ability of circulatory and respiratory systems to provide the body with oxygen during activity

Peripheral vasodilation

The action of expanding the diameter of a blood vessel near the surface of the skin, which helps remove heat from the body.

Gluteal fold

The area where the fold of the buttocks joins The back of the thigh

Archimedes principle

The assumption stating that the volume of fluid displaced is equivalent to the volume of an object fully immersed in that fluid or to the specific fraction of the volume below the surface

Body weight scales With sensors, as well as handheld devices, or available to conduct ?

The bioelectrical impedance analysis

Diastolic blood pressure ( DBP) is sometimes referred to as what ?

The bottom number

Collecting exercise and physical activity information will provide an indication of what?

The clients fitness level


The field of study of measurement of living humans for purposes of understanding human physical variation in size, weight, and proportion

Systolic blood pressure ( SBP) reflects what ?

The greatest pressure during the cardiac cycle

Why is ventilatory threshold 2 ( VT2) a critical measurement of athletic performance?

The intensity immediately below this level represents the exercise pace that an endurance athlete can sustain throughout their race or training to attain their best performance

Body mass index ( BMI)

The measurement of a persons weight relative to his or her height, which is used to estimate the risks of obesity

Heart rate (HR)

The measurement of the number of times a heart beats within a specified time period ( usually 1 minute)

Circumference measurement

The measurement that determines the overall dimension ( girth ) of a body segment, which can be used to estimate body composition or the prevalence of obesity

Resting heart rate ( RHR)

The number of heart beats per minute while at complete rest

Recovery heart rate ( RHR)

The number of heartbeats measured after exercise ceases, which provides some indication of an individuals fitness level. ( more conditioned people recover more rapidly )

Blood pressure ( BP)

The outward pressure exerted by the blood on the vessel walls; reported as systolic/diastolic


The part of the cell that uses nutrients to create energy for the cell; commonly known as the powerhouse of the cell


The physiological process by which the body maintains a relatively constant internal body temperature, including events like sweating to cool the body and shivering to warm the body

Ventilatory threshold 1 ( VT1 )

The point at which the body uses an equal mix of carbohydrate and fat as fuel sources

ventilatory threshold 2 ( VT2)

The point where glucose provides nearly all of the energy for the activity

Diastolic blood pressure ( DBP)

The pressure in arteries and other blood vessels when heart is at rest or between beats; the second ( bottom ) Number recorded

Systolic blood pressure ( SBP)

The pressure in arteries and other blood vessels when the heart is contracting; the first ( top) Number recorded

Brachial artery

The primary artery of the upper arm, which is often used as a site for measuring blood pressure

While scale weight can measure and monitor weight loss, it is unable to determine what?

The relative ratios of fat and muscle mass potentially being lost

Waist-to-hip ratio ( WHR)

The relative score expressing the ratio of the waist circumference to the hip circumference, which correlates to the risk for developing cardiovascular disease

The diastolic blood pressure ( DBP) equals what?

The remaining force generated by the blood in the arteries while the heart is relaxed ( not contracting)


The state of having a disease

To perform the Jackson and Pollock seven site protocol, what is done?

The sum of the averages of the acceptable measurements from each sites are totaled and used to calculate body density

Arterial system

The system of arteries carrying blood away from the heart

What does the hip circumference measure?

The widest circumference around the hips or buttocks region, above the gluteal fold, where the buttocks join the back of the thigh.

Why should Skinfold body fat testing always be conducted while the client is in a rested state?

Thermal regulation during exercise creates peripheral vasodilation at or around the skin to help remove heat, but this can increase a skin full body fat measurement score

In the rationale for fitness assessments describe reliability:

This refers to the ability of tests to produce consistent and repeatable results. For example, skin fall assessments, which are discussed later in this chapter, may have poor reliability if the test administered has not properly learn how to locate and graph skinfold sites correctly

In the rationale for fitness assessments describe Validity :

This refers to the degree that has specifically measure what they are intended to measure. For example, the sit and reach test, which is often limited by tight hamstrings and calves, may not be a valid test excess overall body flexibility

Waist circumference as a stand alone can be used for what ?

To assess health risk

What are the purposes behind body composition measurements?

To qualify body compositional changes (losses of fat Mass) from which an individual can be classified as healthy or unhealthy

Like the seven site measurement, various online resources can be used for estimating body fat percentage once the three skin fold sites have been calculated. True of false ?


What is an important step before designing an exercise program?

Understanding a clients lifestyle

What is the most common technique used in exercise physiology labs to determine body composition?

Underwater weighing often referred to as hydrostatic weighing

What is a vital first step in the pre-participation screening process?

Using a questionnaire.

Describe the standardize Skinfold site of the measurement for the mid-axillary

VERTICAL Skinfold taken on the mid axillary line at the level of the xiphoid process ( which is typically just below the nipple line)

What formula is used to find the waist- to -hip ratio ( WHR) ?

WHR= waist circumference \Hip measurement

What is another commonly used set of circumference measurements?

Waist -to-hip ratio ( WHR)

what is the description of the location of the thigh, for the circumference measurement?

While standing, legs 10 cm ( 4in) apart, measure the largest circumference immediately below the gluteal fold

In the rationale for fitness assessments describe relevance:

While the HRA is almost always relevant, initial fitness testing, such as cardiovascular, muscular strength, or body composition testing, may not be as relevant and must apply to client specific goal, needs, and abilities

what is the description of the location of the hips, for the circumference measurement?

With feet together, measure circumference at the widest portion of the buttocks

Why do gender differences occur in resting heart rate between men and women?

Women have smaller sizes of the heart chambers and lower volumes of circulating blood , which require an elevated heart rate response

Are the seven sites to calculate body density the same for men and women?


For the four-site Durnin-womersley protocol , are the same sites used for men and women ?


Describe the standardize Skinfold site of the measurement for the suprailiac

a DIAGONAL fold taken immediately superior to and in-line with the natural angle of the iliac crest ( top portion of the hip bone) , Aligned with the anterior axillary line

Although the rating of perceived exertion ( RPE) Scale is a subjective measure , if clients report their exertion ratings accurately, RPE does provide what?

a good estimate of the actual heart rate during physical activity

What are the general purposes of conducting physiological assessments?

collect baseline data to help fitness professionals develop personalized exercise programs.

Signs or symptoms must be interpreted by a qualified professional within the clinical context in which they appear; certified personal trainers are not qualified to make any such diagnoses. For example, if an individual complains of some occasional chest pain and tightness, the fitness professional should not make any diagnoses, assumptions, or deductions. To respect scope of practice, the fitness professional should do what ?.

encourage the individual to consult with their own medical provider

While the seven questions in the PAR-Q+ are simple to administer, it's simplicity was also problematic why?.

it offered little opportunity for interpretation of the questions asked

How many questions does the second section or a follow up inquiry consist of in the PAR-Q+, ?

• 10

VO2 Max decreases by approximately how much per decade in unfit individuals ?

• 10% ( an average of 1.0% per year )

Healthy body fat typically ranges from what percentage for men?

• 10% to 20%

What step height is used for the YMCA three minute step test ?

• 12 inches

What is the systolic blood pressure for someone who has elevated blood pressure?

• 120-129mmHg

What is the systolic blood pressure for someone who has stage 1 hypertension ?

• 130-139mmHg

Ideally , The ventilatory threshold 1 ( VT1) test should be repeated within how many days ? - why ?

• 2 to 3 days - for purposes of reliability; use the average physiological response to notate the clients VT1

In ____ the American College of cardiology and American Heart Association revise the classification scores for blood pressure and the risk they pose to overall cardiovascular health . - what does the diastolic blood pressure scores predict ? - What does systolic blood pressure scores predict?

• 2017 - independent mortality risks in younger adults - independent mortality risks in adults older than 50 years

What is The lowest risk for disease within a BMI a range ?

• 22 to 24.9

VO2 Max usually peaks at around what ages ?

• 25 years to early 30s

VO2 Max decreases by approximately how much per decade in fit individuals ?

• 5% ( an average 0.5% per year)

Part one of the PAR-Q+ consists of what?

• 7 questions

Muscle cells can contain as much as ____% to ___% of water in comparison to fat cells that contain only about ___% to ____% water .

• 70% to 75% • 10% to 15%

What is the diastolic blood pressure for someone who has stage 1 hypertension?

• 80-89mmHg

What is the systolic blood pressure for someone who has normal blood pressure?

• <120mmHg

What is the diastolic blood pressure for someone who has elevated blood pressure?

• <80mmHg

What is the diastolic blood pressure for someone who has normal blood pressure?

• <80mmHg

What is the systolic blood pressure for someone who has hypertensive crisis ?

• >180mmHg

What is the systolic blood pressure for someone who has stage 2 hypertension ?

• >_ 140mmHg ( greater than or equal to 140)

What is the diastolic blood pressure for someone who has stage 2 hypertension?

• >_ 90mmHg ( greater than or equal to 90)

What step cadence is used during the YMCA three minutes step test?

• A cadence of 96 steps per minute

What is the most valid measurement of aerobic fitness?

• VO2max test

What is the recommendation for someone with stage 1 hypertension?

• lifestyle changes + medical monitoring

What is the recommendation for someone with stage 2 hypertension?

• lifestyle changes + medical monitoring + medications

Using BMI , athletes or body builders with a large amount of muscle mass can mistakenly fall within which BMI categories?

• moderate -to high-risk categories

When was the physical activity readiness questionnaire ( PAR-Q+) developed ? - when was the physical Activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q+ ) updated?

•2011 • 2019

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