NASM Chapter 7 Quiz Answers

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How is an isokinetic muscle contraction best described?

A contraction that occurs when the speed of movement is fixed and the resistance varies with the force exerted

Pronation of the foot describes what multiplanar movements?

Eversion, dorsiflexion, and ankle abduction

Which of the following force couples is accurately linked to the movement created by their combined action?

Internal and external obliques functioning to create trunk rotation

What type of lever could be described as having a fulcrum in the middle like a seesaw?

first class

During a squat, which muscle group isometrically contracts to prevent unnecessary thigh movement in the frontal plane?

hip abductors

Which type of exercise accommodates effort whereby the harder the individual pushes or pulls, the more resistance they feel, despite the movement speed remaining constant?


What term is used to describe muscle tension that is created without a change in muscle length and no visible movement of the joint?


What anatomical term is used to describe something that is relatively closer to the midline of the body?


What is a key mechanism involved in internal feedback?


What type of input may provide a runner with a cue to contract the evertor muscles to avoid an inversion injury?


Which plane of movement can be described as an imaginary line that bisects the body into right and left sides?


What movement term is used to describe the concept of adducting the shoulder blades so that they become closer together?

scapular retraction

The upper trapezius works with what muscle as a force couple to create upward rotation of the scapula?

serratus anterior

Which of the following solutions would allow an individual to achieve greater depth during the lowering phase of the squat if ankle stiffness is the cause?

Place a small board under the heels

Which of the following muscle groups work eccentrically in the sagittal plane during the lowering phase of the squat?


Improved performance during a plyometric jump is dependent upon which of the following?

Rapid amortization phase

What scientific term is used to describe the concept whereby a loaded eccentric contraction prepares the muscles for a rapid concentric contraction?

stretch-shortening cycle

What is the anatomical term that describes something positioned above an identified reference point?


Which concept should be used to describe the functioning of the serratus anterior as it assists the anterior deltoid during shoulder flexion?


Performing a biceps curl is an example of what type of lever?

third class

Performing a biceps curl with a dumbbell in the hand is an example of which type of lever?

third class

What measurement is dependent upon the length of the lever arm and the angle between the force application and the lever arm?


During normal walking, the pelvis rotates in what plane to facilitate the necessary momentum for the swing phase?


In what plane of movement do shoulder horizontal adduction and abduction occur?


What is the scientific term that describes the nervous system's role in the contract/relax relationship between agonists and antagonists?

Reciprocal inhibition

What term is used to describe the concept of how the functioning of one body segment can impact other areas of the body?

Regional interdependence

Which of the following effects may occur if the amortization phase of a plyometric exercise is prolonged?

Stored energy will dissipate, and the unloading phase will be less powerful.

What is the most accurate description of motor control?

The ability to initiate and correct purposeful controlled movements

The anterior oblique subsystem includes which of the following muscle groups?

Adductor (inner) thigh muscles, obliques, and hip external rotators

Movements that take place within a joint and are not visible to the human eye may be classified in what way?


Which of the following statements would be accurate with regard to muscle force and velocity during an eccentric muscle action?

As the contraction velocity increases the ability to develop force also increases.

Which of the following statements would be accurate with regard to muscle force and velocity during a concentric contraction?

As the velocity of the muscle action increases, its ability to produce force decreases.

The deep longitudinal subsystem includes which of the following muscle groups?

Hamstrings, erector spinae

Which of the following benefits may occur as a result of exercises that comprise only eccentric muscle actions that are appropriately loaded?

Increased anabolic hormone stimulation

Which subsystem is responsible for providing both frontal plane mobility and stabilization of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex?

Lateral subsystem

In order to optimally load muscle during the eccentric phase, the fitness professional should recommend which of the following?

Lower the weight more slowly to increase time under tension

Which muscle functions in a feed forward mechanism in anticipation of limb movements?


Movement represents the integrated functioning of which three main body systems?

Muscular, nervous, and skeletal

Which of the following examples describes a muscle that is functioning as an antagonist?

The biceps brachii being active during elbow extension

How should an eccentric muscle action be described?

The development of muscle tension during lengthening of the contractile tissue

The posterior oblique system includes which of the following muscle groups?

Thoracolumbar fascia and contralateral gluteus maximus

Which of the following muscles is primarily targeted when performing a biceps curl exercise with the thumb up?


Stored energy from an efficiently functioning stretch-shortening cycle is released during which muscle action?


What type of muscle action would expend the highest amount of energy at a fixed resistance level over a comparable duration?


What is the anatomical term that describes something positioned on the opposite side of the body?


During a squat, the lowering phase would be described as what type of muscle action?


Which muscle functions as part of the global muscular system?

erector spinae

What is the concept used to describe the action of muscles that have the ability to contract automatically in anticipation of movement?

feed forward

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