National Government Test 2

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The territory of Wyoming granted women the right to vote in 1869 and ______ followed as the first state to enfranchise women


Women were granted universal suffrage in​


According to a 2013 poll, ____ of Americans think the political parties do an adequate job of representing the American people.​


In 2009, how many of the House Democrats voted against reforming health care, President Obama's most important policy initiative?


The typical procedure for an initiative requires petitions to feature the signatures of _________ of the number of registered voters in a state.

5 to 10 percent

In the discipline of political science, party identification refers to

a sense of psychological attachment to a party.

Today, Americans aged 17-24 are much more __________ than the general public.


According to the __________ model of democracy, political parties are essential in making government responsive to public opinion.


Lack of political knowledge among individual Americans makes the ___________ model of democracy more difficult to sustain.​


In 2014, voters approved a number of ballot propositions, including ones in Alaska, Oregon, and Washington that​

make weed legal

Psychological explanations of turnout suggest that voting will rise if

more Americans believe that government is responsive.

A centralized organization that dominated local politics by controlling elections, sometimes by illegal means, is known as a

party machine

The set of values and beliefs that a person holds about the purpose and scope of government is called

political ideology

The system by which legislative seats are awarded to a party in proportion to the vote that party wins in an election is called _____ representation.


The goal of the statistical theory of sampling is to

reflect the views of the population with some predictable degree of accuracy.

Since surveying the American public about ideology began, the ideological distribution of the public has become

skewed toward conservatism

The extent of the influence of any socializing agent depends on

the extent of our exposure to it, our communication with it, and our receptivity to it.

A legal action brought by a person or group on behalf of a number of people in...

class action suit

The standard socioeconomic model recognizes the relationship between socioeconomic status and

conventional political involvement.

When a leader assembles crowds to confront businesses and local governments to demand a hearing, he or she is engaging in

direct action

The standard socioeconomic model of participation chiefly refers to

education, income, occupation

For most people, the first agent of political socialization is


The major agents of early socialization in the United States are

family, school, community, peers

The major agents of early socialization in the United States are

family, school, peers

A sample of one thousand randomly selected individuals is usually accurate to (plus or minus) _____ percentage points.


The majoritarian model of democracy favors

voting as the primary means of participation.

Based on the text, which of these factors does NOT determine the accuracy of the sample? ​

year sample is taken

Black Americans shifted significantly to the Democratic Party in the 1960s largely in response to​

​Democratic Party support for civil rights legislation.

The Democratic Party national committee changed its internal procedures to ​be more open and inclusive in response to

​a traumatic 1968 convention following the assassination of Robert Kennedy.

The text defines suffrage and franchise as the right to


One criterion that must be met for a country to be democratic is that it must​

​have more than one political party.

Because it depends on mass participation in politics, majoritarianism tends to

​limit individual freedom.

Surveys conducted over the Internet have been criticized because they

​may not be representative of the whole nation.

With respect to religion, the group that has grown rapidly in the 21st century and now makes up almost 23 percent of the American population is


____________ was the first candidate elected as a Republican​.

Abraham Lincoln

All of the following were considered part of the "Roosevelt coalition" except

African Americans

The South still casts many votes for Democrats because of the high proportion of

African Americans

Who was the leader of the Federalists?

Alexzander Hamilton

Which of the following statements best describes the attitude of the American people toward political parties?

Americans recognize the value of parties but distrust the existing ones.

Which of the following was the first known act of unconventional participation in America?

Boston Tea Party

People who have lower incomes and less education are more likely to consider themselves


The short-lived __________ Party nominated Robert La Follette of Wisconsin for the presidency in 1924, but carried only La Follette's home state and ceased to nominate candidates in 1925.


While third parties typically do not receive a large percentage of the vote, __________, candidate for president under the Reform Party in 1992, won 19 percent of the popular vote.

Ross Perrot

The term Solid South refers to the

South's consistent Democratic voting record for much of the twentieth century.

Which of the following accurately characterizes presidential poll results?

Survey results can be prone to random error because interviewers receive superficial responses.

The Framers wanted to build public opinion into our government structure by creating

The House of Reps

Which of the following is NOT one of the four principles of responsible party government?

Voters should choose candidates on the basis of ideological alignment.

The __________ was the first "third" party in American history to challenge the two major parties for the presidency and called the first national party convention.

anti-masonic party

In general today, women politically participate

at about the same rate as men

A polling company surveying public opinion on Obama's health-care plan finds public opinion to be almost evenly divided, for and against. The graph of such a distribution would be characterized as


The literacy tests that were used in the southern states after 1870 worked primarily against


Parental influence on party identification is greater when

both parents strongly identify with the same party.

Recently, media outlets have started including ________ in their sampling, particularly in response to the habits of younger Americans.

cell phones

In Oregon, everyone votes by


Of all the social and economic variables affecting political participation, _________ is the strongest single factor.​


According to Edmund Burke, the reason people unite in parties is to​

enact a set of policies

When considering the endurance of political beliefs in America, it can be said that Americans tend to

find their political niche and stay there

In the presidential elections since 1968, the South has tended to vote

for Republican candidates.

As a general trend, college-educated individuals are more likely to choose

freedom over social order

The role of the national committee is to

govern each party in-between conventions

Congress and the states moved quickly to pass the Twenty-sixth Amendment, which lowered the voting age to eighteen, because they

hoped to channel student energy away from demonstrations and toward more conventional forms of participation.

The contemporary political "gender gap" refers to the tendency of women to

identify more with the Democratic Party than men do.

The Socialist Party advocated for

ideological protest

Which of the following is NOT one of the political party functions discussed in the chapter?

increasing the stability of election outcomes

Political scientists know less about unconventional forms of political participation because

it is easier to collect data on conventional practices.

A sample size that is _____ will more accurately represent the population.


According to the text, Americans were __________ ​politically apathetic in 2012 compared to 1952.

neither more nor less

A(n) _____ is a designation as an official candidate of a political party.


Compared with citizens in other democracies, Americans are

not noticeably apathetic

​According to the text, if the criterion is ___________, America has the best and most democratic government in the world.

number of elections held

Someone who asserts that elections "socialize political activity" is contending that elections are mechanisms that maintain


the relationship between participation and order is complicated because

order promotes participation

e process whereby one becomes aware of politics, learns political facts, and forms political values is called

political socialization

The first political institution that young children tend to focus on is the


Political differences between the South and the rest of the country today are often rooted in attitudes about

racial politics and social issues.

The relationship between participation and order is complicated because

some types of participation promote disorder.

The 1955 Montgomery bus boycott is an example of

successful unconventional political participation

Serving as an election judge in a nonpartisan election or organizing a holiday parade are examples of ​

supportive behavior

The _____ Party is not considered a political party.


Although terrorism is an unconventional political action, it is generally not counted as unconventional political participation because

terrorists do not seek to influence government but to destroy it.

Which party of ideological protest is best known for arguing against government action in society?

the Libertarian Party

The march from Selma demonstrated to the nation the seriousness of

the civil rights problem

Pressure on an individual to conform to community values or views is strongest when

the community is homogeneous.

By law, the U.S. presidential election occurs

the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

Democrat Andrew Jackson won the presidency in 1828 in

the first mass election in US history

In nearly every other democratic country outside of the United States, the burden of registration is placed on

the government

According to psychological explanations, voter turnout in the United States is not likely to increase until

the government does something to restore people's faith in the effectiveness of voting.

One critique that pluralists make of the public as a whole is that

the public seldom demonstrates clear, consistent opinions on daily issues of government.

When it was first ratified, the Constitution provided that the vice president would be

the runner up in the electoral college

he framers of the Constitution left the issue of voter enfranchisement to

the states

Voters ​favor one-party control of the presidency and Congress when

their party is in control

Where in the Constitution are political parties discussed?

they are not discussed in the Constitution

Party organizations help coordinate the actions of public officials because

they are the major means for bridging institutional differences.

One recent criticism of referenda and initiatives is that

they create an expensive "industry" designed around circulating petitions and spending millions.

The American emphasis on freedom over equality in political participation works to the benefit of

those with greater resources

Learning political party identification from parents is known as the ___________ model of partisanship.​


To maintain order, the government has a stake in converting _______ whenever possible.​

unconventional participation into conventional participation

In 2015, the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, abruptly quit as speaker and retired from Congress. He did this because he

was frustrated by the lack of loyalty from the warring factions of the Republican Party.

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