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Luke 13:6-9. What principle is taught through the parable of the barren fig tree? (pp. 162, 163)

" A certain husbandman(God) had a fig tree(the Jewish remnant of Israel) planted in his vineyard(the world); and he came(in the meridian of time) and sought fruit thereon(faith, righteousness, good works, gifts of the spirit) and found none. Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard(the Son of God), behold these three years(the period of Jesus' ministry) I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down(destroy the Jewish nation as an organized kingdom); why cumbereth it the ground(why should it prevent the conversion of the world by occupying the ground and pre-empting the time of my servants)? And he(the Son of God) answering said unto him(God, the husbandman), Lord, let it alone this year also till I shall dig about it, and dung it(preach the gospel, raise the warning voice, show forth signs and wonders, organize the Church, and offer every opportunity for the conversion of the Jewish nation). "And if it bear fruit, the tree is saved (the Jewish nation shall be preserved as such and its members gain salvation), and if not, after that thou shalt cut it down(destroy the Jews as a nation, make them a hiss and a byword, and scatter them among all nations.)" BRUCE R McCONKIE!! I dont really know what i should have put for this and so i just put this huge quote.

58. Matt. 20:1-16. According to Elder McConkie, What is the message of the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard? (p. 183)

"In principle of the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard applies to all who are called into the ministry of the Master. When the Melchizedek Priesthood is conferred upon them and they are ordained to offices therein, they make a covenant with the Lord to magnify their callings in the priesthood. On his part the Lord promises that if they do magnify their callings, he will give them 'all that my Father hath' which, of course, is exaltation in the kingdom of God. "This promise is to all; all are promised the same wages. The bargaining spirit has no place in the gospel. If every elder who magnifies his calling is assured of that eternal life which consists in attaining all that the Father hath, how can any receive more than the 'penny' appointed? For those who gain exaltation the promise is: "and he makes them equal in power, and in might, and in dominion. And though the laborers may not comprehend the full significance of all this while they are yet laboring in the vineyard, yet trusting in the Lord they know that 'whatsoever is right' shall be given them."

82. Luke 23:42, 43. What is a better translation of "today shalt thou be with me in paradise" according to Joseph Smith? (p. 245) Were Jesus' legs broken? (John 19:31-36) What Prophecy from the book of Psalms did this fulfill? (p. 246)

"King James translators make this out to say paradise. But what is paradise? It is a modern word: It does not answer at all to the original word that Jesus made use of... There is nothing in the original work in Greek from which this was taken that signifies paradise; but it was--This day thou shalt be with me in the world of the spirits. Jesus' legs were not broken. "they saw that he was already dead so they broke his legs not" Psalms 34:20 - "He keepeth all his bones; not one of them is broken" *note that the lambs (a symbol of Christ) that were sacrificed at passover, also were to have no broken bones as well as being male, first born and ublemished.

68. Matt 25:1-13. The parable of the Ten Virgins. Why did 5 virgins not share their oil? (p. 209; See Spencer W. Kimball Statement)

"Spiritual preparedness cannot be shared in an instant. This was not selfishness or unkindness. The kind of oil that is needed to illuminate the way and light up the darkness is not shareable. How can one share obedience to the principle of tithing; a mind at peace from righteous living? How can one share faith or testimony? " Spencer W. Kimball.

69. Matt 25:31-46 contains the parable of the sheep and the goats. To whom does the parable of the sheep and goats apply- to the world or to members of the Church? (p. 210)

"That the words here spoken by Jesus are DIRECTED TO THE CHURCH AND NOT TO ALL MEN is implicit in the whole is also interesting to note that the Inspired Version JST Matt 25:44 account says 'the twelve apostles' will be with Jesus in rendering judgement...In D&C 29:12 the Lord tells us that when the Twelve sit in judgement with him at the last day they will 'judge the whole house of Israel, even as many as have loved me and kept my commandments, and none else'. There can, thus, be no question as to who is being judged in this dramatic account; it is the saints, the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Matt 16:19. What definition did Pres. Joseph F. Smith give for the keys of the kingdom (priesthood)? (pp.130, 131).

"The priesthood in general is the power and authority given to man to act for God." every act performed under this authority shall be done at the proper time and place, in the proper way and after the proper order. The power of directing these labors constitutes the keys of the Priesthood.

Matt 15:32-37. What difference (if any) was there in the feeding of the 5,000 near Bethsaida and the feeding of the 4,000 in Decapolis? (pp. 121, 122)

"This miraculous feeding of the 4000 is not a mere duplication or repetition of the feeding of the 5000 which took place a short time before near Bethsaida. THEN our Lord was mingling with his own kindred of Israel; NOW he is teaching other hosts who in substantial part, being in habitants of Decapolis, are presumed to be Gentile. THEN he was laying the foundation for his incomparable sermon on the Bread of Life; NOW he is prefiguring the future presentation of the living bread to the Gentile nations. And significantly, this mixed multitiude from the east of the Jordan were MORE RECEPTIVE, and took a MORE SANE AND SOUND VIEW of the matchless miracle of feeding thousands by use of the creative powers resident in him, than did the members of the chosen seed.

Mark 7:1-5. To what did Elder McConkie compare the "traditions of the Elders?" (p. 119)

"Traditions of the Elders were Rabinical ordinances and interpretations that were added to the Mosaic law by the scribes and teachers over the years.. Among them, as supposed guards against ceremonial uncleanness, were the ritualistic washing which Jesus and his disciples had ignored. This same process of transforming truth into traditions - of changing the law of God into "the doctrines and commandments of men" by the interpretation and additions of uninspired teachers - is precisely what took place in the great apostasy of the Christian Era. Indeed THE SO-CALLED CHRSTIAN CHRUCH TODAY IS FOUNDED IN LARE PART ON THE TRADITIONS OF THE "ELDERS" THAN ON THE REVELATIONS OF HEAVEN."

Matt 16:18. Christ referred to "the gates of hell not prevailing." According to Elder Harold B. Lee, against what would they not prevail? (5 things) p. 130

(gates of the spirit world) The gates of hell would have prevailed: -if satan had been victorious in the war in heaven -had there ever been a time when the power to administer the saving ordinances of the gospel would not have been in each dispensation -if the gospel had not been taught to the spirits in prison -if there was not a vicarious work for the dead -were it not for other vicarious work pertaining to the exaltation which those who accept the gospel might receive. Hell cannot prevail against revelation

Luke 10:25-37. What interpretation was given in class for the various parts of the parable of the good Samaritan? The certain man, Jerusalem, Samaritan, priest, Levite. (pp. 153, 154)

- Certain man- us or you/me - Jerusalem- presence of the Lord—Celestial world. - Samaritan—Christ - Priest—Aaronic Priesthood ordinances alone cannot save you. - Levite—Law of Moses alone cannot save you. WE cannot make it alone without Christ to heal us.

Matt. 3:13-17. Where was Jesus baptized? What does the name of the place mean? (JST John 1:34 - LDS Bible Apx. p. 808, BD p.621, p. 33). What was the role of the Holy Ghost? What is the sign of the dove? (B.D. p. 658, p. 33). What did Elder Nelson say about the location? (p. 33)

Bethabara - House of the Ford. Elder Nelson - "For his baptism he was immersed in the lowest body of fresh water upon the planet." Sign of the Dove - A pre-arranged means by which JOhn the Baptist would recognize the Messiah at Jesus' Baptism. Instituted before creation of the world - Devil cannot take form of. Role of the Holy Ghost - ?

Luke 2:11. Know about Jesus' birth. Where did the angel say Jesus would be born? What type of men were the shepherds? (p. 25) What does Bethlehem mean? (p. 25) Did the shepherds keep the information given them by the angel secret? (Luke 2:17)

City of David. - These were not ordinary shepherds nor ordinary flocks - were destined for sacrifice on the great altar in the Lord's House, in similitude of the eternal sacrifice of Him who that wondrous night lay in a stable, perhaps among sheep of lesser destiny. Surely they were in spiritual stature - knew by revelation. Bethlehem means - "house of bread" Shepherds DID NOT keep info secret - 17 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.

Explain how an apostle is chosen (Acts 1:21-26; Matt 10:1-5; pp. 100, 102-103).

-Chosen by President through inspiration and revelation as he considers the names of those who, at his invitation, have been recommended by members of the Twelve, together with those whom he might be considering himself. -appointed by the 12 before being called and set apart and then later sustained in General Conference. -nominated by President approved by 12. ordained and set apart by 1st pres. and 12. and and then sustaining vote in GC

48. John 10:1-19. Know the symbolism of shepherds, sheep, sheepfolds, porter, hireling, thieves and robbers (p. 149) Who were the "other sheep" in John 10:16? (3 Nephi 15:21, pp. 149, 150) What was the reaction to the parable? (John 10:19)

-sheepfold = enclosed several flocks -porter = shepherd who guarded the door at night -shepherd = calls sheep by name(like pet dog) -sheep know shepherd's voice -sheep don't respond to strangers -thieves/robbers = Pharisees, Sadducees that reject Jesus(don't come in by the door) -hireling = not true shepherd - someone paid - doesn't care about his sheep -hireling = runs when wolf comes -good shepherd: knows his sheep, they know his voice -good shepherd sacrifices his life for his sheep JOHN 10:16 - Nephites in America REACTION - 19 ¶There was a division therefore again among the Jews for these sayings.

60. Matt. 21:23-27. How did Jesus respond to the question, "By what authority doest thou these things? and, who gave thee this authority?" (p. 192) What parable did he teach in response? (v. 28-32)

..RESPONSE - " 24 And Jesus answered and said unto them, I also will ask you one thing, which if ye tell me, I in like wise will tell you by what aauthority I do these things..... 25 The baptism of John, whence was it? from heaven, or of men? And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven; he will say unto us, Why did ye not then believe him?" Parable of the two sons*

John 4:1-42. Describe the situation with Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. Where did this happen? Was she a Jew? What did she do? What time of year was it (v. 35)? What did she realize? (pp. 43, 44)

City of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph - Jacob's well. NOT a jew - a SAMARITAN She asked him why Jesus asked drink of her...for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. Jesus taught her that he is the living water. Jesus called her out for her husbands. She then asked for the living water. WHAT TIME OF YEAR? JUNE

78. John 18:1-13. Jesus' arrest in Gethsemane. Explain John 18:6. What was the circumstance that caused the guards to be knocked backward? What did Peter do? (John 18:10) What did the disciples do? (Mark 14:50; Matt 26:56) Does it make a difference that the word "he" is in italics? What was Jesus declaring? (John 18:5-6, pp. 146, 147; 240)

..They asked where is Jesus of Nazareth, and he answered, I AM. He was declaring his divinity. He was also soaked in blood. What did Peter do? cut off the ear of a servant of the high priest. What did the disciples do? When a predetermined signal was given, they all fled (Mark 14:50; Matt 26:56) Does it make a difference that the word "he" is in italics? italics in the Bible refer to words added by the later scribes and monks to make the sentences more easily understood. that word was not originally spoken. What was Jesus declaring? I AM is one of the names of Jehovah (John 18:5-6, pp. 146, 147; 240)

John 6:22-59. Be familiar with the exchange between Jesus and the Jews at Capernaum the day following the feeding of the 5,000. (p. 114) Include: (1) What they said about signs (v. 30-32), (2) What Jesus said about manna (v. 30-38), (3) What Jesus said was the Father's will (v. 40), (4) What they said about him being God's son (v. 42). What was the result of the sermon? (John 6:66)

1) Jews were saying we can't accept your claim to divine sonship unless you show us a miracle 2) Moses gave you not the bread from heaven, but my Father gave you true bread from heaven 3) That every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life, and I will raise them up at the last day 4)"You can't be God's son, because we know your parents" Many of his disciples no longer walked with him

Matt 10:1-20. Know the events involved in Jesus calling 12 men to be his apostles. (Luke 5: 1-11, pp. 59, 60)

1. Jesus disciples were first disciples of John the Baptist. 2. These men became part time disciples of christ 3. Jesus called some part time disciples to be full time disciples. 4 from his full time disciples he called his apostles 5 jesus trained his disciples (sermon on the mount)

79. John 18:13-40. John 19:1-22. Jesus' trial took place in 2 stages. What 2 trials were there? (p. 241) Before whom did he appear in each? Who were Annas, Caiaphas, Herod, and Pilate? pp. 241-243, Apx. p. 67 (Chart), See also Luke 23:1-26; Matt 26:57-68; Matt 27:1-26.

1. Jewish Trial - Annas - former high priest - Caiaphas - roman appointed high priest - Sanhedrin (trial took place at Caiaphas Palace) 2. Roman Trial - Pilate - Roman procurator of Judea. - Herod- Tetrarch of Galilee - Pilate - Released Barabbas (gave permission to crucify Jesus) Who were Caiaphas and Annas? Caiaphas was a high priest 18AD - 36 AD appointed by Valerius Gratus, roman Governor of Judea who served under Tiberius, the Emperor of Rome. Annas (the former high priest and father-in-law to Caiaphas) exercised much religious and political control over the Jews as either substitute for the high priest, president of the Sanhedrin, or chief examining judge. His wealth was immense. See apx. pg 67

85. Be aware of the people to whom Jesus' appeared after his resurrection: (see list p. 251; See Also Acts 1: 9-13)

1. Mary Magdalene 2. To the other women (same say as Mary Mag) 3. To the two, on the way to Emmaus (same day as previous two) 4. To Peter 5. To the 10 disciples (Thomas and Judas were absent) 6. To the eleven (Thomas was present) 7. To the seven, beside the Sea of Galilee 8. To the eleven (mtn in galilee) 9. To James 10. On ascension day near Bethany 11. To Paul 12. To John on the Island of Patmos.

Know about the Beatitudes (pp. 66-68, Matt 5:1-12, 3 Nephi 12:1-12). Know how the Matt 5 and 3 Nephi 12 beatitudes compare. How many beatitudes does 3rd Nephi add? In the 3rd Nephi account, what is the significance of the phrase "who come unto me"? What is the significance of the "ands" in the Book of Mormon account? (p. 67) How do the poor in spirit inherit the kingdom? Through what medium are "they that mourn" comforted? (p. 67)

3 Nephi adds 2 Beatitudes - Following the 12 and being baptized. Sermon on the Mount -Before Atonement -Before Law of Moses was fulfilled -To the 12 and some 70s -In Galilee(Middle East) Sermon to the Nephites -After Atonement -After law of Moses was fulfilled -Select members(2500) and 12 -In Bountiful (America) Who come unto me - AND - teach that each beatitude refers to people who come to Christ through baptism and the Holy Ghost. He is teaching that those who "come unto him" through baptism will receive the HG and will then no longer be poor in spirit. THEY THAT MOURN - comforted through the Comforter - Holy Ghost.

Matt 5:44-45. What did Jesus teach about loving one's enemies? What did Brigham Young and Joseph F. Smith teach? (p. 75)

44 But I say unto you, aLove your benemies, cbless them that dcurse you, do egood to them that fhate you, and gpray for them which despitefully use you, and hpersecute you; 45 That ye amay be the bchildren of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth crain on the just and on the unjust. Brigham Young - Christ never told a man or woman to love their enemies in their wickedness, never. He never intended any such thing; his language is left as it is for those to read who have the Spirit to discern between truth and error, it was so left for those who can discern the things of God. Jesus Christ never meant that we should love a wicked man in his wickedness. Joseph F. Smith - I love them so much that if I had it in my power to annihilate them from the earth I would not harm a hair of their heads. I do not love them so that I would take them into my bosom, or invite them to associate with my family, or that I would give my daughters to their embraces, nor my sons to their counsels. I do not love them so well that I would invite them to the councils of the Priesthood, and the ordinances of the House of God, to scoff and jeer at sacred things which they do not understand, nor would I share with them the inheritance that God, my Father, has given me in Zion; I do not love them well enough for this, and I do not believe that GOd ever designed that I should; but I love them so much that I would not hurt them, I would do them good.

Mark 7:6-13. What did Jesus say to the Pharisees and scribes concerning Corban? (p. 119; Bible Dictionary p. 650)

6 He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people ahonoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. 7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. 8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the atradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. 9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. 10 aFor Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso bcurseth father or mother, let him die the death: 11 But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is aCorban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free. 12 And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother; 13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye. BD corban = given to god. the word describes anything dedicated to god and therefore not available for ordinary uses. the utterance of it was held to constitute a binding vow, and the fulfillment of a vow as regarded by the pharisees as of deeper obligation than the duty even to parents where it appears that the pharisees misused the opportunity of dedicating their material possessions to God, in order to avoid responsibility to care for their parents

Mark 7:24-30; Matt 15:22-28. Know about Jesus and the Syrophenician woman. Where was she from? Was she an Israelite or a Gentile? What did she ask for? How did Jesus reply? What eventually happened? (pp. 120, 121)

A greek, a syrophenician by nation - GNETILE - she asked her to heal her daughter - cast out a devil. Jesus said Let the achildren first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it unto the bdogs/ I am not asent but unto the lost sheep of the house of bIsrael. Then she persisted. And he said - 28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy afaith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

How does the JST render Matt. 5:41-43 about going the "extra mile"? (p. 74; Note: This JST change is only in the Packet, not in the footnotes)

And whosever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him a mile; and whosever shall compel thee to go with him twain, thou shalt go with him twain.

57. Matt. 19:24, Luke 18:25. What is the most reasonable interpretation of Jesus' teaching about the camel and the eye of the needle? (p. 182)

Are we to believe that Pharisees swallowed camels? THe best answer is that Jesus was using typical Hebrew exaggeration. Jesus used as an exaggerated image to make a point. In the Talmud it states it is easier for elephants to go through the eye of the needle. Jesus was simply exaggerating to emphasize his point.

Know the different usages of the word Elias (pp. 35, 36, JST John 1:20-34 Bible Appendix p. 808, D&C 110:12).

At least 4 different usages - 1. John the Baptist as a Preparer 2.Jesus as a Restorer 3. Joseph Smith as "that prophet" 4. Elias as a composite messenger "Since it is apparent that no one messenger has carried the whole burden of the restoration, but rather that each has come with a specific endowment from on his, it becomes clear the Elias is a composite personage. The expression must be understood to be a name and a title for those whose mission it was to commit keys and powers to men in this final dispensation.

Review material concerning Zacharias, Elizabeth, their lineage, the course of Abia. (p.19) How old was John when he was circumcised? What does it symbolize? (Luke 1:59; p. 22) When did John receive the priesthood and from whom? (p. 18) In what 4 ways did John precede Jesus? (Luke 1:76; p. 23) From whom did John receive his keys? (pp. 18-19)

Course of Abia - 20,000-24000 priests(literal descendants of Aaron) living in Zacharias' day. 2. There were 24 courses, quorums or families of these priests living in 13 towns near Jerusalem. This was established by David 1000 years earlier. Only 4 courses returned from Babylon but the rest had been reconstituted. 3. Each course(quorum) came, in rotation, to Jerusalem twice a year to officiate in the temple for one week and during festivals. (This was similar to local temple worker's assignments today) Duties of the priests were to offer morning and evening sacrifice, slaughter animals, keep fires in altars burning, keep candles burning etc. 4. The course of Abia(to which Zacharias belonged) came to Jerusalem in October and April. 5. During that assigned week the preists lived in Jerusalem and officiated in the temple. Their wives and children remained at home in their villages. 6. Zacharias and Elisabeth lived in Hebron approximately 20 miles south of Jerusalem. 7. Luke wanted the reader to know that both Zacharias and Elisabeth(John the Baptist's parents were of Aaron, the lineage of the priests. 8. During Jesus' time the determination of who held the priesthood was by lineage. It mattered very much who your father was. Today it is determined by worthiness only, with no regard to lineage. Circumcised at 8 DAYS, not age 8. PRIESTHOOD - at age 30 when he entered ministry - was set apart to receive keys at age 8 - from an angel. Received Keys from an Angel or translated being - Moses or Elijah 4 ways John Preceded Jesus. BIRTH - MINISTRY - DEATH - FUTURE SECOND ADVENT

76. John 17:1-21. Jesus' intercessory prayer as connected with the Day of Atonement. What was the Day of Atonement? When was it? With which feast was it associated? What else is it called? What did the High Priest do on that day only? What is a scapegoat? What is the associated symbolism? (pp. 231-234, also p. 142)

Day of Atonement: the only day when the high priest would enter the holy of holies and offer the intercessory prayer for the people of Israel. Was in OCTOBER With which feast was it associated? 5 days before the Feast of the Tabernacles. What else is it called? Today it is called Yom Kippur also called National Fast. What did the High Priest do on that day only? His role was as a mediator to intercede through prayer and ritual with the Lord in behalf of the people. What is a scapegoat? 2 goats were chosen, lots were cast, and one was killed and his blood was sprinkled on the alter. The other was set free. What is the associated symbolism? (pp. 231-234, also p. 142) had the High Priest lay his hands upon it, symbolizing the transfer of their sins, and then let it go into the wilderness, signifying sending the sins away so they would no more be brought up in judgement before God. A type of Christ.

65. Matt. 23:29.What did Jesus mean by "ye build tombs of the prophets and garnish the sepulchers of the righteous"? What did Elder McConkie teach? (p. 200); see also two quotes by S. W. Kimball. (p. 156)

ELDER McCONKIE taught, "Dead prophets, Yes: living prophets, No! Such is the pious feeling of sanctimonious though worldly religionists in every age. Almost all men, Christians and Jews alike, revere dead prophets...What pure, unadulterated hypocrisy it is for those who reject the living prophets to say: "If we had lived in former days, we would have accepted the prophets whom others rejected." Prophets are prophets, truth is truth, and rebellion is rebellion. The spirit which leads men to fight God in one age is the same that operates in every age. Those who reject the Lord's anointed today would have done so anciently. S.W. Kimball - "do you also build sepulchers for the dead prophets and tombs for those who have passed away long ago and disregard the living ones?" "Even in the Church many are prone to garnish the sepulchres of yesterday's prophets and mentally stone the living ones."

Matt 7:13-14; 2 Nephi 31:17. What is the gate to the celestial kingdom? How many find it in this life? (p. 82) Can you fall off the straight and narrow in paradise? What did Elder McConkie teach? (p. 81) Are "strait" and "straight" the same? (pp. 80-81)

Gate to the celestial Kingdom is baptism? Few there be that find it - 1% STRAIT = Narrow; close; not broad STRAIGHT = Direct; not deviating or crooked. McConkie - "Everyone in the Church who is on the straight and narrow, who is striving and struggling, and desiring to do what is right, though is far from perfect in this life: if he passes out of this life while he's on that straight and narrow, he's going to go on to eternal reward in his Father's kingdom. If you're on that path when you die, you'll NEVER GET OFF THAT PATH. NO SUCH THING AS FALLING OFF THE STRAIGHT AND NARROW IN THE LIFE TO COME - you're calling and election is made sure."

81. Matt 27:33-43. What does Golgotha mean? (p. 244) In which direction is its location from the Temple? (See LDS Bible map #12; also p. 244) What prophecy from the book of Psalms did Matt. 27:35 fulfill? (See footnote 35c.) (p. 245) Whom did Jesus ask the Father to forgive? (JST Luke 23:34-35, footnote 34c; see also p. 245)

Golgotha = place of a skull. Direction from the temple? NORTH. 35 And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my GARMENTS among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots. Footnote c: They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture. Matthew pointed out that Jesus fulfilled O.T. prophecy by recording that the Romans parted his garments and cast lots for them. This fulfilled Psalms 22:18 (They parted my

55. Luke 16: 19-31. Review the parable of the rich man and Lazarus (pp. 173-175) What did Joseph Smith say about Hades, sheol, paradise, spirits in prison, and the spirit world? Teachings p. 310 (Packet middle of p. 175) Where is "Abraham's Bosom" in the context of this parable? (Chart p. 174, 175) Was there an intermingling of righteous and wicked in the spirit would prior to Jesus visit? (Chart pp. 174,175, D&C 138) Was there intermingling of spirits after Jesus' visit? (Chart p. 175) Where did Brigham Young say the spirit world was? (p. 174)

Hades, sheol, paradise, spirits in prison, are all one: it is a world of spirits. Abraham's Bosom is in paradise Between Abraham's Bosom(paradise) and Hell - there is a great gulf fixed which prevents social interchange between the two. Such was the condition prior to Christ's visit to the spirit world between the time of his death and his resurrection. There was no intermingling by the spirits in paradise and hell until after Christ bridged the great gulf between these two spirit abodes. This he did while his body lay in the tomb. Brigham Young: "Where is the spirit world? It is right here. Do they both inhabit one kingdom? yes. Do they go to the sun? no. Do they go beyond the earth? No.

73. How did Joseph Smith say John 14:2 should read? (p. 222)

Instead of "In my Father's house there are many mansions," it should read, "In my Father's kingdom are many kingdoms in order that ye may be joint-heirs with me."

What was the order of preaching Jesus gave the disciples after his resurrection? (Acts 1:8; p. 101)

It was not until after his resurrection that Jesus told the apostles to go to all the world including the Gentiles. Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth After resurrection, go to all the world, including gentiles

In Matt. 12: 31-32 Jesus referred to denying the Holy Ghost. (pp. 87, 88) According to Joseph Smith: Can you become perdition after this life? (the dissolution of the body). Must you have the Gift of the Holy Ghost to become perdition? How did Joseph Smith describe the type of revelation you must deny? How does this connect with those who crucified Jesus? (Heb. 6:4-6) Will people who come to earth, gain a body, and become perdition be resurrected? (I Cor. 15:21-22)

JOSEPH SMITH - NO MAN can commit the unpardonalbe sin after the dissolution of the body, not after mortal death nor in this life until he receives the Holy Ghost. They must do it in this world. After you have received HG. He must receive the HG, have the heavens opened unto him, and know God, and then sin against him. When a man begins to be an enemy to this work, he hunts me; he seeks to kill me, and never ceases to thirst for my blood. He gets the spirit of the Devil--the same spirit that they had who crucified the Lord of Lofe - the same spirit that sins against hte Holy Ghost. The true fate of the sons of perdition will not be revealed to man - "The Lord never authorized....that the devil, his angels or the sons of perdition, should ever be restored; for their state of destiny was not revealed to man, is not revealed, nor ever shall be revealed, save to those who are made partakers thereof." - Joseph Smith

5. Know the following about the JST and KJV of the Bible. Of what did Jesus accuse the scribes? (JST Luke 11:52, see footnote 52c). From where does the Book of Moses come? How much information is missing from our present Old Testament? How do the brass plates add to our understanding? Who possess the original manuscript of the JST today? (pp. 7-9).

JST Luke 11:53 ...TAKE AWAY THE knowledge, the fulness of the scriptures; ye enter not in yourselves into the kingdom; and those who were entering in, ye hindered Reorganized Church from Emma Smith possesses the original manuscript. Book of Moses is the JST for the first few chapters of Genesis in the OT Brass plates which contained the words of the prophets had more writings contained in them than our entire present OT and NT combined.

Matt. 12:38-41. What did Jesus and Joseph Smith (pp. 88, 89) teach about sign seekers? How does faith come? (D&C 63:7-9). What happened with the Campbellite preacher? (p. 88)

Jesus taught Joseph Smith - Any man who wanted a sign was an adulterous person. Faith cometh not by signs, but signs follow those that believe. Campbellite preacher sought a sign from Joseph until Joseph suggested that he be struck blink or dumb as a sign. The preacher withdrew his request for a sign.

Luke 11:52. What did Jesus accuse the lawyers of? (pp. 156, 157) According to the JST, what was the "key of knowledge"? (See footnote 52c, words in italics)

Jesus was accusing the lawyers/scribes of intentionally leaving out parts of the OT that they didn't like as they made handwritten copies of the scriptures Key of Knowledge - JST Luke 11:53 ... knowledge, the fulness of the scriptures; ye enter not in yourselves into the kingdom; and those who were entering in, ye hindered. Luke 1:77. - "passages identifying Jesus as the Messiah. plain and precious parts"

56. John 11:1-54. Know the circumstance of Jesus raising of Lazarus from the dead. Where was Jesus when he received word that Lazarus was sick? (p. 175) Where was Lazarus? (v. 1) How long did Jesus wait before leaving to see Lazarus? Why? What did both Martha and Mary say to Jesus? (v. 21, 32) What type of being was Lazarus after Jesus raised him? Resurrected? Mortal? What did the chief priests and Pharisees decide to do with Jesus? (John 11:53). With Lazarus? (John 12:10, see summary p. 176) Had Jesus raised anyone from the dead prior to this time? (p. 176 point #6)

Jesus was in Perea - 25 miles away. Lazarus was in Bethany(close to Jerusalem) Jesus waited 2 days - He wanted Lazarus completely dead, not just mostly dead. said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. Mary was come where Jesus was, and saw him, she fell down at his feet, saying unto him, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. Lazarus came forth as a mortal being Chief Priests and Pharisees began to plot Jesus' death. Lazarus was wanted dead as well. He was Exhibit A of Jesus' Miracle. There had only been two dead people raised to life by this point in Jesus' ministry. DAUGHTER OF JAIRUS - SON OF THE WIDOW OF NAIN

72. John 13:36-38. Explain Jesus' conversation and relationship with Peter. How did that relate to Peter's three denials? (Matt. 26:69-72, p. 220) Did Peter ever deny his testimony of Jesus? (p. 220) What did Peter do in Gethsemane that illustrated he wasn't afraid to die for Jesus? (John 18:10)

Jesus wasn't prophesying that Peter would deny him, he was instructing him to do just that, so he could stay alive and lead the church. (John 18:10) grabbed a sword and tried to kill a high priest's servant named Malchus, which was punishable by death.

John 10:30-39. At the Feast of Dedication Jesus was accused of blasphemy for "making himself a God." (v. 33) How did Jesus reply? (v. 34-36) What did the prophet Joseph Smith add to Jesus' doctrine "ye are Gods"? (p. 164) What did Paul teach? (Romans 8: 17). Did the early Christian Fathers teach this doctrine? (pp. 163-165)

Jesus's REPLY - 34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are agods? 35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; "It is the first principle of the Gospel to know for a certainty the character of God, and to know that we may converse with him as one man converses with another, and that he was once a man like us; yea, that God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on earth, the same as Jesus Christ himself did; Here then is eternal life-to know that only wise and true God; and you have got to learn how to be Gods yourselves, and to be kings and priests to God, the same as all Gods have done before you, namely, by going from one small degree to another". -JOSEPH SMITH Romans8:17 - Heirs of God and join heirs with Christ - Saint Irenaeus - Christian theologian - 2nd century - "If the Word became a man, It was so men may become Gods" Saint Clement of Alexandria - "Yea, I say, the Word of God became a man so that you might learn from a man how to become a God" Saint Augustine - But he himself that justifies also deifies, for by justifying he makes sons of God. "For he has given them power to become the sons of God". If then we have been made sons of god, we have also been made gods.

Know about the Law of Moses in connection with Jesus' teachings. Who gave Moses the Law? Know about Jesus' role as Mediator (pp. 69, 70, JST Gal. 3: 19-20, LDS Bible Appendix p. 810; Apx p. 45) In what way was the Law of Moses like a "half step?" (p. 69) What did Paul teach the Galatians about the Law? (Galatians 3:24) Was the law of Moses a terrestrial or a telestial level of Law? (p. 70)

Jesus(Jehovah) gave Moses the Law? Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant. Moses was mediator of the old covenant. The Law of Moses was like a 1/2 step to help Israel come from a telestial level to a Celestial level. Paul taught (Gal. 3:24) - Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. Law of Moses was Terrestrial.

According to Biblical scholars, the anticipated Jewish Messiah as taught by the Rabbis of Jesus' day was different from the traditional views of the Messiah held by present day Christians. Know the Rabbinical teachings concerning the Messiah prevalent during Jesus' day. (p. 112)

Jewish Messiah - 1. the jewish messiah was the second messiah. moses was the first messiah 2. he was not the son of god; god does not have a son. the messiah was to be god's messenger 3. the jewish messiah would put an end to gentile rule over the jewish or chosen people of god. hence, he was to be a military leader. 4. the jewish messiah was a mortal, not a god. he was viewed as a type of "super mortal" 5. the jewish messiah would fulfill all needs of the people. he would miraculously provide a banquet of delectable food deserving of royalty. 6. after the birth of the messiah a strong wind would carry him away. when he returned to the jewish people no one would now where he came from or who his parents were. 7. the jewish messiah would not be meek and humble. rather he would put under foot all of the jews enemies ???????

At the time of Jesus' and Johns' births, who would have been King of Israel and High Priest of Israel if the Israelites had been righteous and not under Roman rule? (p. 23)

Joseph would have been the King of Israel and Zacharias would have been the High Priest of Israel

Luke 15: 11-32. Review the three parables of "the lost." What types of people do the parables of the Lost sheep, Lost coin, Lost son represent? (p. 170) Know for what reason each became lost. (p. 170) Review the parable of the Prodigal Son. (Luke 15:11-32; pp. 170-172) What did he do with his inheritance? (v. 13) How did the Pharisees and Scribes view "feeding swine?" (v. 15; p. 172) Could the father "undo the effects" of his son's choices? Was the son restored to the privileges he had 'forfeited"? (See M. G. Romney quote p. 171; see summary p. 172)

Lost Sheep: Someone who strayed without intending to Lost Coin: Someone lost through another's carelessness or neglect Lost Son: Someone lost through willful disobedience and selfishness Prodigal Son - wasted his substance with riotous living. Pharisees and Scribes view of Feeding the Swine - The jews considered any connection with swine to be the lowest, most disgusting situation possible since swine were considered unclean by the law of Moses. The father himself cannot undo the effect of the foregone choice. He did not have the younger son restored to all the privileges he had forfeited.

84. What does Matt. 27: 52 tell us happened after Jesus' resurrection? (p. 250) What do we learned happened in America at the same time from 3 Nephi 23: 9-12? To whom was Jesus statement "touch me not" given? (John 20:17) (p. 249) Were all 12 disciples present when Jesus appeared the afternoon of his resurrection? (Luke 24:33-39) Which two disciples were missing? (p. 252) (John 20: 24, Matt. 27: 5) What was unusual about Jesus' appearance to the 2 men on the road to Emmaus? (Luke 24:13-32) (p. 251) Did they recognize Jesus? (Luke 24: 16, 31-32)

Matt 27:52 - And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose. Many people in the Americas were resurrected (this began the morning of the first resurrection.) "Touch me not" - Christ had not presented himself as a resurrected and immortalized being to the Father yet. Christ appeared to the ten (thomas and judas were missing) Jesus appeared to Cleophus and another person who is not named. Their eyes were "holden" so they did not recognize him at first. After he taught them the scriptures about himself he vanished.

4. Who wrote to point out Jesus' royal lineage and the legal successors to the throne of David? Who gave the strict blood line of Jesus' genealogy? (pp. 23, 24)

Matthew pointed out Jesus' royal line to the Jews because they were of the same lineage. Luke gave a strict bloodline.

3. What was each of the Gospel writers main purpose or emphasis in writing? (BD 683, Apx. p. 7)

Matthew: Jesus is the fulifillment of OT prophecy. Jewish King - Persuade Jews Jesus is the promised Messiah. Mark: Gentile Audience - emphasizes the doings more than the sayings - gospel of action Luke: Jesus is universal Savior of both Jews and Gentiles, all mankind. John: Divine nature of Jesus as the Only Begotten Son of God in the flesh. Themes of light and darkness.

Matt 5:31-32. What did Jesus teach concerning divorce and adultery? What does it mean to "put away" your wife? What is the difference between "divorce" and "writing of divorcement"? What hypocritical practice was Jesus condemning with this teaching? (p. 73)

Must give a BILL OF DIVORCEMENT for the marraige to be legal and right. Divorce alone just means to separate. Jesus was condemning the hyprocritical practice of a man handing his wife a bill of divorcement prior to committing adultery with another woman just so it would appear legal. Jesus referred to this as "putting away" one's wife.

Luke 2:51-52. Where did Jesus live between the ages of 12-30? Bible Dictionary, p. 737.


John 3:1-21. Describe the situation of Jesus meeting with Nicodemus. Who was he? (p. 41, 42, Apx. pp. 37-40) Was he a Pharisee? Sadducee? Member of the Sanhedrin? What time of day did he visit Jesus?

Nicodemus was a PHARISEE - part of the SANHEDRIN - was a jew - wealthy - visited Jesus at night time. Called him Rabbi - told him 'we know that thou art a teacher come from God - for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.' How can a man be born again? Water and of the spirit.

61. Matt. 22:11-13. What did the wearing of the wrong clothes represent in the parable of the Royal Marriage Feast? (pp. 195, 196).

Not having the correct garment depicts the failure to accept Temple Covenants

6. Know about the pre-mortal existence (pp. 11-13). Were one or two plans presented? Who presented it? What did President Lee teach? Was there sin in the pre-mortal world? Do any other churches teach the doctrine of pre-mortal existence? Did the atonement affect other worlds? What did Jesus do as a pre-mortal spirit? (Also: Jesus as the Creator of Other Worlds, Apx. pp. 8-9, Sin and Repentance in the Pre-Mortal World, Apx. p. 10). See also Moroni 7:17 about what Satan does NOT do.

ONE PLAN. PLAN OF THE FATHER - originated, developed, presented and put in force by Him. YES THERE WAS SIN IN THE PREMORTAL WORLD - No other churches teach pre-mortal world PRESIDENT LEE - "Isn't it just as reasonable to believe that what we have received here in this earth (life) was given to each of us according to the merits of our conduct before we came here? Atonement effects all worlds - was in effect before this world was even created Satan does not persuade one man to do good NO NOT ONE Natedogg! Satan also... - persuadeth men to do aevil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God,

Matt 13:1-52. From what Greek word does the word "parable" come? (p. 92; see also BD, Parables pp. 740-741) Did Jesus use parables to teach the Nephites? (p. 92) What incorrect beliefs held by the Jews did Jesus try to correct using Parables? (p. 93) Is the parable of the child of the doctrine or is the doctrine the child of the parable? (p. 92) What did Joseph Smith teach was the "key" to understanding parables? (p. 93) What did Elder McConkie teach about teaching people and their spiritual capacity to assimilate doctrine? (p. 92)

Parable - means a setting side by side. Is the parable of the child of the doctrine or is the doctrine the child of the parable? The parable is the child of the doctrine, they taught doctrine first—then the parables refined them. Nephites weren't taught with parables Incorrect Beliefs - 1. The Kingdom would come suddenly not gradually. 2. The Jews would be saved as a race, just because they were Jews. 3.The kingdom would come in great military and political power and affect everyone. Joseph Smith - "I have a key by which I understand the scriptures. I enquire, what was the question which drew out the answer, or caused Jesus to utter the parable" Elder McConkie - "His purpose in using parables was not to present the truths of his gospel in plainness so that all his hearers would understand. Rather it was so to phrase and hide the doctrine involved that only the spiritually literate would understand it, while those whose understandings were darkened would remain in darkness. It is never proper to teach any person more than his spiritual capacity qualifies him to assimilate."

43. Know the difference between Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. When was each held? What did each commemorate? By what other name was each also called? When was the Day of Atonement? What happened on this day? (pp. 141, 142)

Passover - (commemorates - the destroying angel passing over israel and egypt. April (1st week). Also called: Unleavened. Bread. Pentecost - (commemorates - first fruits). May 1st. also called: Feast of Weeks. *hebrew: shauvoth Tabernacles - (commemorates - Final harvest.) Also called feast of ingathering. Oct (eight days) The day of atonement was in october as well.. it was always 5 days before tabernacles. on this day the high priest entered the holy of holies.

70. Matt 26:1-30. The Last Supper. Know how the Passover meal and Last Supper were connected. How is the date of Passover determined? (pp. 141, 142) With what feast had the Passover been combined? (p. 215; BD p.672) In what order was the bread blessed and broken? (Matt. 26:26; p. 216) What change does the JST make? (see footnote 26b)

Passover is celebrated on the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. It is celebrated in the spring during the month of Abib=green=March or April. How does Passover meal and Last Supper connect??????? Feast of Unleavened Bread and Passover combined. THE JST changes the order of the fords from blessed and brake, TO BRAKE AND BLESSED. Original: 26 ¶And as they were eating, Jesus took abread, band blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my cbody. JST Matt. 26:22 ... and brake it, and blessed it, and gave to his disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is in remembrance of my body which I give a ransom for you.

Matt 17:1-13. What happened on the Mount of Transfiguration? (pp. 131-134) Who was there? What type of beings were each of the people present (mortal, spirit, translated)? Who was the last legal administrator under the old Covenant? (p. 133) Who symbolized the Law? (p. 134 - Elder McConkie's statement) Who symbolized the Prophets? (p. 134 - Elder McConkie's statement) Who was a symbol of the first legal administrators of the new Kingdom? (p. 134 - Summary) What did they see? (D&C 63:20-21) p. 132. When did this happen? (p. 131) What event in this dispensation parallels the events of the Mount of Transfiguration? (p. 136) What 2 mountains are the best candidates for where this happened? (pp. 131, 132)

Peter, James, John - Moses, Elias(John the Baptist?), God, Jesus Christ. Jesus Peter James and John - TRANSFIGURED. Moses and Elijah - translated. WAS JOHN THE BAPTIST THERE? Either Mt. Hermon or Mt. Tabor. John was the last legal administrator of the Old Covenant. Moses brought the keys of the gathering(he was a SYMBOL of the law) Elijah brought the keys of sealing - He represented the PROPHETS. Peter, James, John symbolized the first legal administrators of the new kingdom(law). What did they see? - The transfiguration of the earth in the millennial day When did this happen? - 6 days after the testimony born by Peter - October - followed bread of life sermon - prior to feast of tabernacles - 6 months prior to the 4th passover of Jesus' ministry. Keys of the priesthood restored by Moses, Elijah, and others in 1836 in the Kirtland Temple.

62. Matt. 22:15-22. Which two groups joined together to "entangle" Jesus on the question of paying tribute? (p. 196)

Pharisees and Herodians. Pharisees hated the Roman tax. Herodians favored the Roman tax. Herodians hated the Pharisees.

47. John 9:1-49. Know about Jesus healing the man born blind. (pp. 147, 148) What did the disciples ask Jesus that indicated they were aware of a pre-mortal existence? (v. 2) Why wouldn't the parents answer questions? (v. 22) What day of the week was the healing done? (v. 14) What did it cause? (v. 16) What happened to the healed man? (v. 34) What does "cast out" mean? (p. 148)

Pre-mortal existence - " And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this aman, or his parents, that he was born blind?" PARENTS - "21 But by what means he now seeth, we know not; or who hath opened his eyes, we know not: he is of age; ask him: he shall speak for himself. 22 ***These words spake his parents, because they feared the Jews: for the Jews had agreed already, that if any man did confess that he was Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue." Healing done on SABBATH CAUSED A DIVISION - " 16 Therefore said some of the Pharisees, This man is not of God, because he keepeth not the sabbath day. Others said, How can a man that is a sinner do such miracles? And there was a division among them." CAST OUT HEALED MAN - because he said "If this man were not of God, he could do nothing" CAST OUT = EXCOMMUNICATE FROM THE CHURCH

Luke 4: 14-34. Know the circumstances of Jesus first rejection in his home town of Nazareth. How famous was he? What passage of scripture did he read in the synagogue? What did he say after reading the passage? (Luke 4:17-21) What question did the congregation ask? How did Jesus reply? (v. 22-24; p. 47) What prompted them to attempt to stone Jesus? (v. 25-29; p. 47)

Read Isaiah's 61:1-2 - " 18 The aSpirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath banointed me to cpreach the dgospel to the epoor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to fpreach gdeliverance to the hcaptives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at iliberty them that are bruised, 19 aTo preach the acceptable year of the Lord." After reading the scripture he said, "This day is the scripture fulfilled in your ears" Congregation asked, "Is not this Joseph's son?" Jesus' reply:" 23 And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in aCapernaum, bdo also here in thy country. 24 And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is aaccepted in his own country." Wanted to Stone Jesus because he compared them to Naaman the Syrian and a widow. Samaritans/Gentiles? To make a jew mad just say that a Gentile is better. When christ said that the jews got really upset!!!!

63. In Matt 23:1-22 Jesus chastised the Pharisees and scribes. To what groups of people would the hypocritical Pharisees and Scribes be compared today? (check Packet pp. 4-5 - see headings)


45. John 8:1-11. Describe the circumstances of the woman taken in adultery who was brought to Jesus (pp. 144, 145). Why was it a set up? Of what was she guilty? What was Jesus conflict as to breaking either Roman law or the Law of Moses? (p. 144) What did the Law of Moses say about witnesses being executioners? p. 144 (Deut. 17:5-7) What did S. W. Kimball teach? (p. 145)

SET UP - Where is the man? If she was "caught in the very act" they would know who the man was also. Why wasn't he brought up to Jesus? Where are the witnesses? No one admits to being a witness. Why BECAUSE ITS A SET UP NATE DOGG A SET UP! One of the men who brought her forth was her adulterous partner. No witnesses because their friend who was her partner would have been stoned as well. no witness. no trial. CONFLICT - because only Romans could execute people. If Jesus were to answer "stone her", he would advocate breaking Roman law. If he were to say let her go, he would disregard the law of Moses. Instead he turned their accusations against themselves. About witnesses being executioners - "The hands of the witnesses shall be the first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hands of all the people". Spencer W. Kimball - "Did the Lord forgive the woman? Could he forgive her? There seems to be no evidence of forgiveness. His command to her was 'go and sin no more'. He was directing the sinful woman to go her way, abandon her life, commit no more sin, transform her life. He was saying, Go, woman, and start your repentance; and he was indicating to her the beginning step - abandon her transgressions"

Matt 6:25-34. Why did Jesus teach "take no thought of what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink?" To whom was he speaking? (p. 79) See also chart comparing Sermon on Mt. with sermon to the Nephites p. 67).

SPEAKING TO THE 12! - apply to today's 1st Pres., 12, mission pres., 70s, missionaries. Sermon Sermon on the Mount -Before Atonement -Before Law of Moses was fulfilled -To the 12 and some 70s -In Galilee(Middle East) Sermon to the Nephites -After Atonement -After law of Moses was fulfilled -Select members(2500) and 12 -In Bountiful (America)

Be prepared to recognize the beliefs of the Pharisees and Sadducees. pp. 4, 5)

Sadducees - Similar to today's Catholics. AUTHORITY - rejected the oral law when it was added. Jewish aristocracy - exclusive - cant be baptized into you are born into. They controlled govt. Dealt with Romans. CONTROLLED TEMPLE. Had to be a levite to be a Sadducee. Opposed Apostles b/c they taught resurrection. Didn't believe in Angels or Devils. - Greek Hellenism in favor of. Masterminds behind the arrest, trial, crucifixion of Jesus. 2000 Pharisees - Protestants - very popular - didn't have authority so focus was THE LAW/SCRIPTURES - 6000 - strictly observed the Law of Moses - you must follow law and scriptures. - "Oral law" accepted. - rabbis instead of priests, temples. Controlled local SYNAGOGUE. believed in resurrection, spirits, and angels. did NOT believe in REVELATION.

Luke 10:1-16. Know about "the Seventy." (see bullets p. 138) Who are "standing ministers"? Who are "traveling ministers"? How does the Quorum of Seventy relate to the Twelve and the 1st Presidency? D&C 107:22-26. What are the Seventy called to do?

Seventies - traveling ministers Elders - standing ministers -The Seventy form a quorum equal in authority to the 12. -The 70 are called to preach the gospel and be especial witnesses to the Gentiles. -Their decisions are to be made by unanimous vote -There are to be seven Presidents of the 70 with one to preside over the other six - There can be more than on quorum of 70 -They serve as traveling ministers -Although the record does not list the names of the 70, one wonders if Mark, Luke, and Barnabus wouldn't have been included - special calling of Elders for the praching of the Gospel in all the world, under the direction of the 12

What does synoptic mean? Which are the synoptic gospels? (BD 683, Apx. p. 7)

Synoptic = "to see alike" MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE

John 6:4. Know what time of year (what feast was occurring) when Jesus taught the Bread of Life sermon (See also chart Appendix p. 27) and how it connected with feeding the 5,000 (John 6:1-13) pp. 109-110. Where did the feeding of the 5,000 happen (John 6:1-3)? How did Jesus command the people to sit down? (Mark 6:39-40) Why was this done, according to Elder McConkie? (p. 110) Were there only 5,000 people or were there more? (Matt. 14:21) What did the people want to do by force? (v. 15) Where did Jesus give the Bread of Life Sermon? (John 6:59)

The 5000 are those who were going to the passover. Where did the feeding of the 5,000 happen (John 6:1-3)? Near Bethsaida. How did Jesus command the people to sit down? In companies, groups of 50-100 on the grass (Mark 6:39-40) Why was this done, according to Elder McConkie? (p. 110) Treat everyone with fairness, in an orderly way. Were there only 5,000 people or were there more? 5000 plus women and children (Matt. 14:21) What did the people want to do by force? (v. 15) Make Jesus King. Where did Jesus give the Bread of Life Sermon? (John 6:59) Synagogue at Capernaum.

Matt 13:31-32. What application did Joseph Smith give for the parable of the mustard seed that grew into a tree and the birds lodged in its branches? (p. 97)

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed...Now we can discover plainly that this figure is given to represent the Church as it shall come forth in the last days. Book of Mormon - which a man took and hid his field securing it by his faith, to spring up in the last days, or in due time; let us behold it coming forth out of the ground, which is indeed accounted the least of all seeds, but behold it branching forth, yea, even towering with lofty branches, and God-like majesty until it, like the mustard seed, becomes the greatest of all herbs. And it is truth, and it has sprouted and come forth out of the earth, and righteousness begins to look down from heaven, and God is sending down His powers, gifts and angels, to lodge in the branches thereof."

Luke 14:28-31. What principle was Jesus teaching with the parables of the Tower Builder and the Rash King? (Luke 14:28-31; p. 166)

The Savior was emphasizing the commitment it takes to be a disciple. Becoming a disciple is not a casual thing. It is a serious commitment that should be weighed very carefully.

74. John 14:16-18. Who are the two comforters? (pp. 223, 224) Understand the characteristics of the Light of Christ and how it differs from the Holy Ghost. (See list of 10 things p. 225; D&C 88: 7-13) Note: The Holy Spirit of Promise is the Holy Ghost promised to those who were baptized (p. 225 #10)

The first Comforter is the Holy Ghost, the Second Comforter is Christ 1. It is given to every person born into the world 2. It proceeds from the presence of God and fills the immensity of Space. 3. It is the light in all things which quickeneth understanding 4. It gives life to all things. 5. It is the law by which all things are governed 6. It is also called 'the power of God' 7. All spiritual gifts come through the light of Christ 8. It is NOT the Holy Ghost 9. The light of Christ is an IT. It has no size or dimension 10. The Holy Ghost is a HE Note: The Holy Spirit of Promise is the Holy Ghost promised to those who were baptized (p. 225 #10)

75. John 15:1-8. Explain the parable of the True Vine. What do the vine and branches each represent? (p. 226)

The fruit of Eternal Life can only be picked from a living branch connected to the True Vine. Branches: The true vine is Christ. The branches are the Apostles.

Matt. 16: 13-19. Know what happened at Caesarea Philippi. Why did Jesus call himself the "Son of Man?" (p. 127) Who were people saying Jesus was? (v. 14) Why did Jesus say "thou art Peter" (p. 128) What was the rock upon which the church was built? (include 3 things) p. 129. What do "Petros" and "Petra" mean? (see footnote 18a for Matt. 16:18)

The phrase "Son of Man" is synonymous with "Son of God" - (Adamic Language) - Jesus was quizzing the Apostles concerning the "word on the street". None of the Apostles said that people thought he was the Messiah. People were saying Jesus was - John the Baptist - Elias - Jeremias - or one of the prophets. Jesus said "thou art Peter" to illustrate the connection between mortal and immortal. - Jesus was telling Peter(a mortal) that he was to be given immortal powers. Same thing with Nephi. THou are Nephi(mortal). I am God(immortal). I am giving you immortal power. 3 Things = Rock - REVELATION, CHRIST HIMSELF, PRIESTHOOD KEYS. PETROS = small rock PETRA = bedrock

71. Matt 26:20-25. Describe the "seating" arrangement at the last supper. Were the disciples "sitting"? (p. 216) (Apx. p. 52) Which disciples were on each side of Jesus? (See chart: Apx. p. 52) When did Jesus say he would again drink wine with them? (Matt. 26:29; D&C 27:5; pp. 217, 218). What did Peter volunteer to do? (John 13:37)

There were no chairs. The table was 6 inches off the floor. The guests reclined with an elbow on a pillow. Heads were towards the table - feet to the outside. Table of Triclinium - Greek for 3 sides. Jesus was over to the left as Host. JUDAS ON HIS LEFT. JOHN ON HIS RIGHT. PETER ACROSS. - look at appendix 52 for more info. 29 But I say unto you, I will not adrink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I bdrink it new with you in my Father's kingdom. - the final gathering at Adam-ondi-Ahman - The sacrament is to be administered in a future day on this earth when the Lord Jesus is present and when all righteous ages are present. This of course will be part of the grand council at Adam-ondi-Ahman. 37 Peter said unto him, Lord, why cannot I afollow thee now? I will lay down my life for thy sake.

John 8:33-59. Know the exchange between Jesus and the Jews concerning Abraham and his declaration of "I AM." (pp. 146-147) Who did each accuse the other of having as his father? (v.38-44) Of what did the Jews accuse Jesus? (v. 48) Why did Jesus say Abraham had rejoiced? (v. 56; See also JST Gen 15:9-12 LDS Bible Appendix p. 798) What did Jesus actually declare? (v. 58; See Elder McConkie's statement p. 146)

They both accused each other of having Satan as their father. Jews accused Jesus saying "Say we not well that thou art a Samartian, and hast a devil?" Abraham rejoiced because he saw the Savior - "17 Yea, and behold, Abraham saw of his coming, and was filled with gladness and did rejoice." - Hel. 8:17 Before Abraham was, I am - "This is as blunt and pointed an affirmation of divinity as any person has or could make, "I am God Almighty, the Great I AM. I am the self-existent, Eternal One. I am the God of your fathers. My name is: I AM THAT I AM." - Elder McConkie

64. Matt. 23:5. What are phylacteries? (p. 199) What is the origin of using phylacteries? (Deut. 6:6-9; see footnotes 8b and 9a, p. 264 LDS Bible)

Through a traditional interpretation of Exodus 13:9 and Deut. 6:8, the Hebrews adopted the custom of wearing phylacteries, which consisted essentially of strips of parchment on which were inscribed in whole or in part the following texts: Exodus 13:2-10 and 11-7; Deut 6:4-9 and 11:13-21. Phylacteries were worn on the head and the arm. The parchment strips for the head were four, on each of which one of the texts cited above was written. Pharisees wore above the elbow. Sadducees wore on palm of hand. do i need more for origin?????? Originated from this scripture: DEUT 6 6 And these awords, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine bheart: 7 And thou shalt ateach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt btalk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. 8 And thou shalt abind them for a bsign upon thine hand, and they shall be as cfrontlets between thine eyes. 9 And thou shalt write them upon the aposts of thy house, and on thy gates

77. John 17:3. What is the more complete meaning of "knowing God" as explained by J. F. Smith and B. R. McConkie? (p. 233)

To know the Father is to become like him, associate with him, and have Eternal increase--spirit children--forever.

66. From Jesus' discourse in Matt. chapter 24 (also found in Joseph Smith, Matthew, in Pearl of Great Price) know about the two times that the abomination of desolation would occur (v. 14-17; p. 206); What are the false Christs and false prophets? (v. 24-26; p. 207) Know about the symbolism of the Carcass (v. 28; p. 207). What did Joseph Smith say about Christ's statement found in Matt. 24:36 that neither men nor angels would know of the day and hour of his coming (p. 208)?

Two times when this great tragedy was to occur - spoken by Daniel - 1. In 70AD at the hand of the Romans 2. At the Time of the Second Coming "These false Christs will be the false religious systems of the world, and the false prophets will be the teachers and expounders of those systems. So profound and learned will be their doctrines....that the very elect will almost be deceived." - Bruce R. CARCASSES- The Carcass is symbolizing the Lord's Temple covenants. "Christ says, "No man knoweth the day or the hour when the Son of Man cometh" Did Christ speak this as a general principle throughout all generations? On no; he spoke in the present tense. No man that was then living upon the footstool of God knew the day or the hour. But he did not say that there was no man throughout all generation that should know the day or the hour. No, for this would be in flat contradiction with other scriptures, for the prophet says that God will do nothing but what he will reveal unto his servants the prophets. Consequently, if it is not made known to the prophets it will not come to pass." - Joseph Smith

44. What is the Feast of Lights or the Feast of Dedication? What did it commemorate? What is it also called? (pp. 141, 142, BD 673-74)

instituted in the days of Judas Maccabaeus to commemorate the dedication of the new altar of burn offering after the profanation of the temple and the old altar by Antiochus Epiphanes. Feast of dedication was always in dec. celebrated jewish independence. Also called.....Hanukkah or Lights

Matt 24:29-31. What causes the burning at the 2nd coming? (P. 208) Who is burned at His coming? In other words, what categories of people are burned? (Class Notes and Apx. p. 69) Who will come with Christ in the heavens at his 2nd Coming? (D&C 29:9-11) What color will Jesus' robe be? (D&C 133:54-55) When the grand sign of Jesus' coming is given, what did Joseph Smith say that some people of the world would think it was? (p. 207)

What causes the burning at the 2nd coming? The Lord's presence and the other glorified beings that come with him from the Celestial Kingdom (P. 208) Who is burned at His coming? In other words, what categories of people are burned? Telestial people and Sons of Perdition (Class Notes and Apx. p. 69) Who will come with Christ in the heavens at his 2nd Coming? All the hosts of heaven (D&C 29:9-11) What color will Jesus' robe be? Red (D&C 133:48-51) When the grand sign of Jesus' coming is given, what did Joseph Smith say that some people of the world would think it was? (p. 207) a comet or a planet

80. Matt 27:24-31. Who was Barabbas? (v. 26) What does his name mean? (p. 244) What was he guilty of? What did Pilate say? Where was the trial conducted? (John 18:28—note: the "judgment hall" is also called the "Antonia Fortress" p. 242) Were the Jews allowed to go into the Palace at the Antonia Fortress? (John 18:28-40) Why wouldn't they? (John 18:28) To whom did Pilate send Jesus? (Luke 23:6-7) What did Pilate have done to Jesus? (Matt 27:26) (pp. 243, 244)

Who was Barabbas? (v. 26) a murderer who was set free, it was the custom at Passover to grant freedom to a prisoner. What does his name mean? (p. 244) Son of the father. What was he guilty of? Murder. What did Pilate say? i find no fault in him. Where was the trial conducted? (John 18:28—note: the "judgment hall" is also called the "Antonia Fortress" (Jerusalem) p. 242) Were the Jews allowed to go into the Palace at the Antonia Fortress? Yes. (John 18:28-40) Why wouldn't they? (John 18:28) Entering a Gentile house during Passover would defile them. To whom did Pilate send Jesus? (Luke 23:6-7) Herod Antipus. What did Pilate have done to Jesus? (Matt 27:26) (pp. 243, 244) He had him scourged, in hopes to create compassion for Jesus.

59. Matt. 21:1-10. Know about Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem (pp. 188, 189). Know about Zacharias' prophecy (Zech 9:9), spreading of the garments, palm branches, and Hosanna shout. (pp. 188-190) What does "Hosanna" mean? What did the waving of the branches "prefigure"? Where did Jesus stay each night during the last week of his life? (p. 188)

Zechariah 9:9 - " 9 ¶Rejoice greatly, O adaughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy bKing cometh unto thee: he is cjust, and having salvation; lowly, and driding upon an eass, and upon a fcolt the foal of an ass." Spreading of Garments was a custom that was reserved only for kings and conquerors - previously occurred in OT when a prophet(probably Elisha) anointed Jehu King over Israel. Hosanna means literally save now, or save we pray, or save we beseech thee. He stayed each night in Bethany with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus and then walked into Jerusalem the next day. (1 and 1/2 miles away).

Matt 13: 24-30, 36-43. Know the parable of the wheat and the tares. Know the interpretation of the wheat and the tares (p. 96; also D&C 86: 1-7). Know the interpretation of: Men slept, sowers of seed, and field. Know the order of gathering (KJV Matt 13:30 vs. JST Matt. 13:30, footnote 30b)

field: was the world men slept: apostles deaths sowers of seeds: apostles sower of tares: satan the period of time represented in the parable:But behold, in the alast days, even now while the Lord is beginning to bring forth the word, and the blade is springing up and is yet tender— JST order - first WHEAT then the tares KJV order - first the tares then the wheat

83. Matt 27:51. What did the rending of the Temple veil symbolize? (p. 246)

the rending of the temple veil symbolized the opening of the way back to God for everyone, through the power of the atonement.

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