NH state test What is the form of government of the United States?

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Some states have more representatives than other states. Why?

(Because of) the state's population

What is the purpose of the 10th Amendment?

(It states that the) powers not given to the federal government belong to the states or to the people.

What does the Bill of Rights protect?

(The basic) rights of Americans (The basic) rights of people living in the United States

How many U.S. senators are there?


How long is a term for a member of the House of Representatives?


How many amendments does the U.S. Constitution have?


The President of the United States is elected for how many years?


How many voting members are in the House of Representatives?


How many Supreme Court justices are usually needed to decide a case?


How long is a term for a U.S. senator?

6 years

How many seats are on the Supreme Court?


What does the President's Cabinet do?

Advises the President

How are changes made to the U.S. Constitution?


Name your U.S. representative.


Who is the governor of your state now? *

Christopher Sununu

Who elects members of the House of Representatives?

Citizens from their (congressional) district

Who elects U.S. senators?

Citizens from their state

Who does a member of the House of Representatives represent?

Citizens in their district

What is the capital of your state?

Concord, NH

What is the supreme law of the land?


Many documents influenced the U.S. Constitution.

Declaration of Independence

The words "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" are in what founding document?

Declaration of Independence

What founding document said the American colonies were free from Britain?

Declaration of Independence

What is the rule of law?

Everyone must follow the law

The President of the United States is in charge of which branch of government?

Executive branch

Why is the Electoral College important?

It decides who is elected president

Why is the Declaration of Independence important?

It says America is free from British control

What is the name of the President of the United States now?

Joe Biden

Who is the Chief Justice of the United States now?

John Roberts, Jr.

What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now?

Kamala Harris

Name the three branches of government.

Legislative, Executive, Judicial

Who is one of your state's U.S. senators now?

Maggie Hassan

What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now

Nancy pelosie

The executive branch has many parts. Name one.


Who appoints federal judges?

President of the United States

Name one thing the U.S. Constitution does.

Protects the rights of the people

What are two Cabinet-level positions?

Secretary of defense Secretary of education

What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?

Senate and House of Representatives

Name one power of the president.

Signs bills into law

There are three branches of government. Why?

So one part does not become too powerful

What is one part of the judicial branch?

Supreme Court

What is the highest court in the United States

Supreme Court

Name the U.S. war between the North and the South.

The Civil War

What U.S. war ended slavery?

The Civil War

What founding document was written in 1787?

The Constitution

Who is Commander in Chief of the U.S. military?

The President

If the president can no longer serve, who becomes president?

The Vice President

Supreme Court justices serve for life. Why?

To be independent of politics

Why do U.S. representatives serve shorter terms than U.S. senators?

To more closely follow public opinion

What part of the federal government writes laws?

US Congress

Why does each state have two senators?

equal representation

How long do Supreme Court justices serve?

for life

What is the economic system of the United States?

market economy

Name two important ideas from the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

natural rights and liberty

What is the form of government of the United States?


What does the judicial branch do?

reviews laws explains laws resolves disputes (disagreements) decides if a law goes against the Constitution

Name one thing the U.S. Constitution does.

self government

The President of the United States can serve only two terms. Why?

the 22nd Amendment

Who does a U.S. senator represent?

the people of the state

How many senators does each state have?


Name one power of the U.S. Congress.

writes laws

George Washington is famous for many things. Name one.

• "Father of Our Country" • First president of the United States • General of the Continental Army • President of the Constitutional Convention

James Madison is famous for many things. Name one

• "Father of the Constitution" • Fourth president of the United States • President during the War of 1812 • One of the writers of the Federalist Papers

. The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the U.S. Constitution. Name one of the writers.

• (Alexander) Hamilton • (John) Jay • Publius

The American Revolution had many important events. Name one.

• (Battle of) Bunker Hill • Declaration of Independence • Washington Crossing the Delaware (Battle of Trenton) • (Battle of) Saratoga • Valley Forge (Encampment) • (Battle of) Yorktown (British surrender at Yorktown)

The Civil War had many important events. Name one.

• (Battle of) Fort Sumter • Emancipation Proclamation • (Battle of) Vicksburg • (Battle of) Gettysburg • Sherman's March • (Surrender at) Appomattox • (Battle of) Antietam/Sharpsburg • Lincoln was assassinated.

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

• (Thomas) Jefferson

What amendment gives citizenship to all persons born in the United States?

• 14th Amendment

What group of people was taken and sold as slaves?

• Africans • People from Africa

When did all men get the right to vote?

• After the Civil War • During Reconstruction • (With the) 15th Amendment • 1870

Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived?

• American Indians • Native Americans

What war did the Americans fight to win independence from Britain?

• American Revolution • The (American) Revolutionary War • War for (American) Independence

Who can vote in federal elections, run for federal office, and serve on a jury in the United States?

• Citizens • Citizens of the United States • U.S. citizens

There are four amendments to the U.S. Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them.

• Citizens eighteen (18) and older (can vote). • You don't have to pay (a poll tax) to vote. • Any citizen can vote. (Women and men can vote.) • A male citizen of any race (can vote).

Alexander Hamilton is famous for many things. Name one.

• First Secretary of the Treasury • One of the writers of the Federalist Papers • Helped establish the First Bank of the United States • Aide to General George Washington • Member of the Continental Congress

Benjamin Franklin is famous for many things. Name one.

• Founded the first free public libraries • First Postmaster General of the United States • Helped write the Declaration of Independence • Inventor • U.S. diplomat

What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?

• Freed the slaves • Freed slaves in the Confederacy • Freed slaves in the Confederate states • Freed slaves in most Southern states

Abraham Lincoln is famous for many things. Name one.

• Freed the slaves (Emancipation Proclamation) • Saved (or preserved) the Union • Led the United States during the Civil War • 16th president of the United States • Delivered the Gettysburg Address

The colonists came to America for many reasons. Name one.

• Freedom • Political liberty • Religious freedom • Economic opportunity • Escape persecution

What are three rights of everyone living in the United States?

• Freedom of expression • Freedom of speech • Freedom of assembly • Freedom to petition the government • Freedom of religion • The right to bear arms

Name two promises that new citizens make in the Oath of Allegiance.

• Give up loyalty to other countries • Defend the (U.S.) Constitution • Obey the laws of the United States • Serve in the military (if needed) • Serve (help, do important work for) the nation (if needed) • Be loyal to the United States

Name one reason why the Americans declared independence from Britain.

• High taxes • Taxation without representation • British soldiers stayed in Americans' houses (boarding, quartering) • They did not have self-government • Boston Massacre • Boston Tea Party (Tea Act) • Stamp Act • Sugar Act • Townshend Acts • Intolerable (Coercive) Acts

When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?

• July 4, 1776

What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803?

• Louisiana Territory • Louisiana

How can people become United States citizens?

• Naturalize • Derive citizenship • Be born in the United States

There were 13 original states. Name five.

• New Hampshire • Massachusetts • Rhode Island • Connecticut • New York • New Jersey • Pennsylvania • Delaware • Maryland • Virginia • North Carolina • South Carolina • Georgia

58. Name one power that is only for the federal government.

• Print paper money • Mint coins • Declare war • Create an army • Make treaties • Set foreign policy

59. Name one power that is only for the states.

• Provide schooling and education • Provide protection (police) • Provide safety (fire departments) • Give a driver's license • Approve zoning and land use

Why is it important to pay federal taxes?

• Required by law • All people pay to fund the federal government • Required by the (U.S.) Constitution (16th Amendment) • Civic duty

It is important for all men age 18 through 25 to register for the Selective Service. Name one reason why

• Required by law • Civic duty • Makes the draft fair, if needed

Name one leader of the women's rights movement in the 1800s.

• Susan B. Anthony • Elizabeth Cady Stanton • Sojourner Truth • Harriet Tubman • Lucretia Mott • Lucy Stone

What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance?

• The United States • The flag

Why were the Federalist Papers important?

• They helped people understand the (U.S.) Constitution. • They supported passing the (U.S.) Constitution.

What is one way Americans can serve their country?

• Vote • Pay taxes • Obey the law • Serve in the military • Run for office • Work for local, state, or federal government

What are two examples of civic participation in the United States?

• Vote • Run for office • Join a political party • Help with a campaign • Join a civic group • Join a community group • Give an elected official your opinion (on an issue)

Name one war fought by the United States in the 1800s.

• War of 1812 • Mexican-American War • Civil War • Spanish-American War

Name one war fought by the United States in the 1900s.

• World War I • World War II • Korean War • Vietnam War • (Persian) Gulf War

Thomas Jefferson is famous for many things. Name one.

• Writer of the Declaration of Independence • Third president of the United States • Doubled the size of the United States (Louisiana Purchase) • First Secretary of State • Founded the University of Virginia • Writer of the Virginia Statute on Religious Freedom

Who signs bills to become laws?

▪ the President

Who vetoes bills?

▪ the President

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