
Lakukan tugas rumah & ujian kamu dengan baik sekarang menggunakan Quizwiz!


// ==UserScript== // @name Quizlet Match Hack // @namespace Gabe B. Talafous // @version 1.6 // @description The time will freeze at 0.5 and the answers will be the same color // @author You // @match*/* // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== //Ignore the variable gravityScore because it doesn't work any more, but I decided to keep the code here var gravityScore, href = window.location.href; //<br><br><button class="UIButton" id="customWaitButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button> (function() { initLoad(); function initLoad() { if (href.includes("")) { if (href.includes("/learn")) { cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Learn</h2>Thank you for using gabes Quizlet Exploit<br>Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5<br><h4>Instructions:</h4>Just wait for this script to finish!<br><br><button class="UIButton" id="learnButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>'); getId("learnButton").addEventListener("click", function() { document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(); learn(); }); } else if (href.includes("/flashcards")) { cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Flashcards</h2>Thank you for using Ray gabes Quizlet Exploit<br>Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5<br><h4>Changelog:</h4>+ Added Match time freeze for regular match and diagrams<br>+ Added Gravity score exploit to get ANY score you want!<br>+ Added custom alert box<br>+ Fixed graphics<br>- Removed useless alert boxes.<h4>Instructions:</h4>Umm why are you here? Go cheat somewhere else...<br><br><button class="UIButton" id="flashcardsButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>'); getId("flashcardsButton").addEventListener("click", function() { document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(); }); } else if (href.includes("/write")) { cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Write</h2>Thank you for using Gabes Exploit<br>Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5<br><h4>Instructions:</h4>You dont even have to wait,<br> this is my favorite one to watch!<br><br><button class="UIButton" id="writeButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>'); getId("writeButton").addEventListener("click", function() { document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(); write(); }); } else if (href.includes("/spell")) { cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Spell</h2>Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit<br>Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5.<br><h4>Instructions:</h4>Hold down enter and wait.<br><br><button class="UIButton" id="spellButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>'); getId("spellButton").addEventListener("click", function() { document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(); spell(); }); } else if (href.includes("/test")) { cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Test</h2>Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit<br>Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5<br><br><h4>Instructions:</h4>Right click to toggle answers.<br>(Be subtle when using)<br><br><button class="UIButton" id="testButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>'); getId("testButton").addEventListener("click", function() { document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(); testMode(); }); } else if (href.includes("/micromatch")) { cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Micromatch</h2>Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit<br>Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5<br><h4>Instructions:</h4>The timer will be paused when at choosen time.<br>The answers will also be highlighted for you.<br>At your leisure, solve the questions.<br><h4>Match Time: </h4><input type="text" id="matchTimeInput" value="0"></input><br><br><button class="UIButton" id="micromatchButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>'); getId("micromatchButton").addEventListener("click", function() { document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(); micromatch(); }); } else if (href.includes("/match")) { cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Match</h2>Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit<br>Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5<br><h4>Instructions:</h4>The timer will be paused when at choosen time.<br>The answers will also be highlighted for you.<br>At your leisure, solve the questions.<br><h4>Match Time: </h4><input type="text" id="matchTimeInput" value="0"></input><br><br><button class="UIButton" id="matchButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>'); getId("matchButton").addEventListener("click", function() { document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(); match(); }); } else if (href.includes("/gravity")) { try { document.getElementsByClassName("UIModal is-white is-open")[0].style.display = "none" } catch (e) {} cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Gravity</h2>Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit<br>Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5.<br> <h4>What score would you like?: <input type="number" id="gravityScoreInput" value="4294967295" onchange="gravityScore = parseInt(this.value);"></input></h4><br><br><button class="UIButton" id="gravityButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>'); getId("gravityButton").addEventListener("click", function() { document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(); gravity(); }); } else { } } function testMode() { var question = getClass("TermText notranslate lang-en"); for (var i = 0; i < question.length; i++) { question[i].innerHTML += '<br><small style="font-weight: bold; display: block;" class="answers">' + findAnswerGlobal(question[i].innerHTML) + "</small>"; } window.oncontextmenu = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var answer = getClass("answers"); if (answer[0].style.display == "block") { for (var i = 0; i < answer.length; i++) { answer[i].style.display = "none"; } } else { for (var i = 0; i < answer.length; i++) { answer[i].style.display = "block" } } } } function gravity() { if (gravityScore === undefined) { gravityScore = parseInt(prompt("Enter exact score:")); } var t = window.QJP([], [], ["hyek"]).a, n = t.grader.grade.bind(t.grader); t._startGame(), t.dataMap = t.dataMap.update("points", function(t) { return gravityScore; }); for (var o = 0; o < 99; o++) t._advanceLevel(); function s(e) { t.grader.grade = function(e, t, n) { return !0; }, e(), t.grader.grade = n } s(function() { console.log(null); }); var a = t._promptCopyAnswer.bind(t); t._promptCopyAnswer = function(e) { a(e), setTimeout(function() { s(function() { t._checkCopiedAnswer({ liveTermId: e, answer: "" }); }); }, 0); }; } function write() { //This is sad... but works better... var remaining = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName("LearnModeProgressBar-value")[0].innerHTML); for (var i = 0; i < remaining; i++) { getId("user-answer").value = Math.random(); getId("js-learnModeAnswerButton").click(); getClass("js-learnModeOverrideIncorrect")[0].click(); } /* var buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button"), span = document.querySelectorAll("span"); if (getId("user-answer")) { getId("user-answer").disabled = true; getId("user-answer").value = findAnswerGlobal(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML); for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { if (buttons[i].childNodes[0].innerHTML == "Answer") { buttons[i].click(); } } try { for (var i = 0; i < span.length; i++) { if (span[i].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML == "Override: I was right") { span[i].click; } } } catch (e) {} write(); } else { for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { if (buttons[i].innerHTML == "Press any key to continue") { buttons[i].click(); } else if (buttons[i].innerHTML == "Start Over") { return 1; } } setTimeout(write, 0); } */ } function spell() { if (getClass("SpellModeControls-progressValue")[0].innerHTML == "100%") { return 1; } if (getId("js-spellInput") !== null) { getId("js-spellInput").value = findAnswerGlobal(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML); setTimeout(spell, 10); } } function match() { button = getClass("UIButton UIButton--hero")[0], button &&; setTimeout(function() { var matchLoop = setInterval(function() { waitForMatch(); }, 0); function waitForMatch() { if (getClass("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile") || getClass("MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tile")) { for (var F = setTimeout(";"), i = 0; i < F; i++) clearTimeout(i); var tiles = getClass("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile"); var colors = ["#FF0000", "#FF0000", "#FF6600", "#FF6600", "#FFFF00", "#FFFF00", "#00FF00", "#00FF00", "#00FFFF", "#00FFFF", "#0033FF", "#0033FF", "#FF00FF", "#FF00FF", "#CC00FF", "#CC00FF", "#6E0DD0", "#6E0DD0", "#C0C0C0", "#C0C0C0", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#A52A2A", "#A52A2A", "#F6CFFF", "#F6CFFF", "#CFD9FF", "#CFD9FF", "#FBFFA3", "#FBFFA3", "#FFD1A3", "#FFD1A3", "#710000", "#710000"]; for (var i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) { tiles[i].style.backgroundColor = colors[i]; for (var j = 0; j < tiles.length; j++) { if (tiles[j].childNodes[0].innerHTML == findAnswerGlobal(tiles[j].childNodes[0].innerHTML)) { tiles[j].style.backgroundColor = colors[i]; } } } clearTimeout(matchLoop); } } }, 500); } function micromatch() { button = getClass("UIButton UIButton--hero")[0], button &&; setTimeout(function() { setTimeout(function() { for (var F = setTimeout(";"), o = 0; o < F; o++) clearTimeout(o); }, 0); var tiles = getClass("MatchModeQuestionGridTile-text"); //[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML for (var i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) { if (getClass("MatchModeQuestionGridTile")[i].classList[1] != "is-selected") { click(getClass("MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tile")[i].childNodes[0], "pointerdown"); } for (var j = 0; j < tiles.length; j++) { if (tiles[j].childNodes[0].innerHTML == findAnswerGlobal(tiles[i].childNodes[0].innerHTML)) { if (getClass("MatchModeQuestionGridTile")[j].classList[1] != "is-selected") { click(getClass("MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tile")[j].childNodes[0], "pointerdown"); j = tiles.length; } } } } function click(e, t) { if (e.fireEvent) e.fireEvent("on" + t); else { var n = document.createEvent("Events"); n.initEvent(t, !0, !1), e.dispatchEvent(n); } } }, 500); } function learn() { if (getClass("ProgressSegmentedSemicircle-percent")[0].innerHTML = "100%") { return 1; } checkCheckbox(); if (getClass("AssistantMultipleChoiceQuestionPromptView-inner")[0] !== undefined) { var answer = findAnswerGlobal(getClass("FormattedText notranslate TermText lang-en")[0].innerHTML); var q1 = getClass("FormattedText notranslate TermText lang-en")[1]; var q2 = getClass("FormattedText notranslate TermText lang-en")[2]; var q3 = getClass("FormattedText notranslate TermText lang-en")[3]; var q4 = getClass("FormattedText notranslate TermText lang-en")[4]; if (answer == q1.innerHTML) {; } else if (answer == q2.innerHTML) {; } else if (answer == q3.innerHTML) {; } else if (answer == q4.innerHTML) {; } else { console.error("ERROR: Unable to find / click answer"); return 0; } getClass("UIButton")[4].click(); setTimeout(learn, 10); } else { setTimeout(learn, 100); } } function checkCheckbox() { document.getElementsByClassName("UIButton UIButton--whiteBorder UIButton--fill")[0].click(); if (document.getElementsByClassName("UICheckbox-input")[3].checked && document.getElementsByClassName("UICheckbox-input")[2].checked !== true && document.getElementsByClassName("UICheckbox-input")[4].checked !== true) { document.getElementsByClassName("UIButton UIButton--inverted")[0].click(); return 1; } if (document.getElementsByClassName("UICheckbox-input")[4].checked === true) { document.getElementsByClassName("UICheckbox-input")[4].click(); } if (document.getElementsByClassName("UICheckbox-input")[2].checked === true) { document.getElementsByClassName("UICheckbox-input")[2].click(); } if (document.getElementsByClassName("UICheckbox-input")[3].checked === false) { document.getElementsByClassName("UICheckbox-input")[3].click(); } document.getElementsByClassName("UIButton UIButton--inverted")[0].click(); } function findAnswerGlobal(question) { if (Quizlet.assistantModeData !== undefined) { //Quizlet.assistantModeData.terms return getAnswer(Quizlet.assistantModeData.terms, question); } else if (Quizlet.learnGameData !== undefined) { //Quizlet.learnGameData.allTerms return getAnswer(Quizlet.learnGameData.allTerms, question); } else if (Quizlet.testModeData !== undefined) { //Quizlet.testModeData.terms return getAnswer(Quizlet.testModeData.terms, question); } else if (Quizlet.spellModeData !== undefined) { //Quizlet.spellModeData.spellGameData.termsById return getAnswer(Quizlet.spellModeData.spellGameData.termsById, question); } else if (Quizlet.matchModeData !== undefined) { //Quizlet.matchModeData.terms return getAnswer(Quizlet.matchModeData.terms, question); } else if (Quizlet.gravityModeData !== undefined) { //Quizlet.gravityModeData.terms return getAnswer(Quizlet.gravityModeData.terms, question); } else { return 0; } function getAnswer(s, t) { var e = s; if (t.indexOf("_") != "-1") { if (t.slice(-1) == "_") { //Underscore at end for (var i=0; i<e.length; i++) { if (e[i].definition.indexOf(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_")[0]) != "-1") { return e[i].word; } else if (e[i].word.indexOf(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_")[0]) != "-1") { return e[i].definition; } } } else if (t[0] == "_") { for (var i=0; i<e.length; i++) { //Underscore at start if (e[i].definition.indexOf(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_").slice(-1)[0]) != "-1") { return e[i].word; } else if (e[i].word.indexOf(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_").slice(-1)[0]) != "-1") { return e[i].definition; } } } else { for (var i=0; i<e.length; i++) { //Underscore in middle if (e[i].definition.indexOf(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_").slice(-1)[0]) != "-1" && e[i].definition.indexOf(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_")[0]) != "-1") { return e[i].word; } else if (e[i].word.indexOf(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_").slice(-1)[0]) != "-1" && e[i].word.indexOf(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_")[0]) != "-1") { return e[i].definition; } } } } var answers = []; for (var i=0; i<e.length; i++) { e[i].definition = e[i].definition.replace("\n", "<br>"); e[i].word = e[i].word.replace("\n", "<br>"); if (t == e[i].word) { answers.push(e[i].definition); } else if (t == e[i].definition) { answers.push(e[i].word); } } return answers[Math.floor(Math.random() * answers.length)]; } } } function cAlert(message) { var html = '<div class="UIModal is-white is-open" id="customMessageContainer" role="document" tabindex="-1"> <div class="UIModal-box"> <div class="UIModalHeader"> <div class="UIModalHeader-wrapper"> <span class="UIModalHeader-close"> <div class="UIModalHeader-closeIconButton"> <span class="UIIconButton"> <button class="UIButton UIButton--inverted" type="button" id="customCloseButton" onclick="document.getElementById(&quot;customMessageContainer&quot;).remove();"> <span class="UIButton-wrapper"> <svg class="UIIcon UIIcon--x-thin"> <noscript></noscript> <use xlink:href="#x-thin"></use> <noscript></noscript> </svg> </span> </button> </span> </div> </span> <div class="UIModalHeader-childrenWrapper"> <h3 class="UIHeading UIHeading--three"><span id="customTitle">Gabes Quizlet Exploit</span></h3> </div> </div> </div> <div class="UIModalBody"> <div class="UIDiv SetPageEmbedModal-content"> <div> <p class="UIParagraph"><span id="customMessage">'+message+'</span></p></div></div></div></div></div>'; var j = document.createElement('div'); j.innerHTML = html; document.body.appendChild(j); } })(); function getId(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function getClass(id) { return document.getElementsByClassName(id); } //var learnInsertJs = "function figure(match) {termsWord = window.Quizlet.assistantModeData.terms.filter(function z(x) {return x.word == match}); termsDefinition = window.Quizlet.assistantModeData.terms.filter(function z(x) {return x.definition === match}); if (termsWord.length > 0) {return termsWord[0].definition;}; if (termsDefinition.length > 0) {return termsDefinition[0].word;}}; function solve() {input = document.querySelector('#AssistantModeTarget > div > div > div > div.ModeLayout-content > div > span:nth-child(2) > div > div > div.AssistantScrollableViewLayout-content > div > div.AssistantMultipleChoiceQuestionPromptView-promptArea > div > div > div > span').innerHTML; output = figure(input); outs = document.querySelectorAll('.AssistantMultipleChoiceQuestionPromptView-termOptionInner > div > span'); for (var i = 0; i < outs.length; i++) {if (outs[i].innerText === output) {outs[i].click();}}; document.querySelector('#AssistantModeTarget > div > div > div > div.ModeLayout-content > div > span:nth-child(3) > div > div.AssistantFixedActionLayout-action > div > button').click(); if (document.querySelector('#AssistantModeTarget > div > div > div > div.ModeLayout-controls > div > div > div > div.ModeControls-main > div.ModeControls-progress > div > div > div > svg > text.ProgressSegmentedSemicircle-text.ProgressSegmentedSemicircle-progressText > tspan').innerHTML.slice(0, -1) !== '100') {setTimeout(solve, 10);};}; solve();" //backupOptionsSet = "/*document.querySelector('#AssistantModeTarget > div > div > div > div.ModeLayout-controls > div > div > div > div.ModeControls-main > div.ModeControls-actions > div > button > span > span').click(); if (document.querySelector('body > div:nth-child(4) > > div > div.UIModalBody > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div > div > div > div > div:nth-child(3) > label > input').checked) {document.querySelector('body > div:nth-child(4) > > div > div.UIModalBody > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div > div > div > div > div:nth-child(3) > label > input').click();}; if (document.querySelector('body > div:nth-child(4) > > div > div.UIModalBody > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > label > input').checked) {document.querySelector('body > div:nth-child(4) > > div > div.UIModalBody > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > label > input').click();}; document.querySelector('body > div:nth-child(4) > > div > div.UIModalHeader > div > span > div > span > button > span').click();*/" /* function solveLearn() { script = document.createElement('script'); script.textContent = learnInsertJs; (document.head||document.documentElement).appendChild(script); script.remove(); } chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener( function(request, sender, sendResponse) { if ( == "write") { iters = parseInt($(".LearnModeProgressBar-value").html()) for (var i = 0; i < iters; i++) { $("#user-answer")[0].value = "*"; $("#js-learnModeAnswerButton")[0].click(); document.evaluate('//*[@id="js-learnModeInner"]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/span/a', document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null); } sendResponse({out: 0}); } else if ( === "learn") { solveLearn(); sendResponse({out: 0}); } else { sendResponse({out: 1}); } }); */


Instrucions; 1. Right click 2. Click on the tab called "Console" 3. Paste this script 4. Wait for word to come in screen 5. When you see word hit the "space bar" and then immediatly hit "enter" 6. Enjoy 7. Dont blame me */ if(!localStorage.cheat){ localStorage.cheatAutoType = true; localStorage.cheatActivated = true; } alert('You have just pasted the hack code, Enjoy hacking! -Dogzmodz.'); selector = "#GravityGameTarget > div > div > div > div.ModeLayout-content > div > div.GravityGameplayView-inner > div:nth-child(5) > div > div > div > .TermText > .TermText"; outputSelector = "#GravityGameTarget > div > div > div > div.ModeLayout-controls > div > div > div > div.ModeControls-main > div.ModeControls-actions > div:nth-child(2) > div > button > span"; inputSelector = "#GravityGameTarget > div > div > div > div.ModeLayout-content > div > div.GravityGameplayView-inner > div.GravityGameplayView-typingPrompt > span > div > div > div.GravityTypingPrompt-inputWrapper > textarea"; inputRepeatSelector = "#GravityGameTarget > div > div > div > div.ModeLayout-content > div > div.GravityGameplayView-inner > div:nth-child(3) > div > div > div > div.GravityCopyTermView-inputWrapper > textarea"; wordstotalint = 1; previouswordtotal = 0; setInterval(function() { if(document.querySelector(selector) && localStorage.cheatActivated == "true"){ translatedWord = words[document.querySelector(selector).innerHTML.replace(RegExp( '<!--[\\s\\S]*?(?:-->)?' + '<!---+>?' + '|<!(?![dD][oO][cC][tT][yY][pP][eE]|\\[CDATA\\[)[^>]*>?' + '|<[?][^>]*>?', 'g'), "")]; document.querySelector(outputSelector).innerHTML = "Coded by DogzModz"; if(localStorage.cheatAutoType == "true" && wordstotalint > previouswordtotal ){ document.querySelector(inputSelector).value = translatedWord; } } }, 0); words = {}; for(i = 0; i<Quizlet.gravityData.terms.length; i++){ if(Quizlet.gravityData.terms[i].definition == null){ } else { words[Quizlet.gravityData.terms[i].definition] = Quizlet.gravityData.terms[i].word; } }

please stop, please stop... STOP

Thank you for patiently waiting . I have successfully processed your request . I have sent the Inventory Control Sheet . You will receive an email within a few minutes ... Please take note of this Case Number : <NUMBER> . This will serve as your reference in case you need to chat us back for any questions or follow up . ok May I know what version did you use to update the BIOS . I updated my BIOS because I had been having issues playing games on my computer , involving my computer being frozen . The unexpected shutdowns did not begin until after the BIOS was updated . For the Inventory Control Sheet , you may download it here <WEBSITE> . Thank you for patiently waiting . I have successfully processed your request . I have sent the Fedex label . You will receive an email within a few minutes ... <NUMBER> is the tracking number ... Your case number is <NUMBER> ... Is there anything else I can assist you with ? correct . Do your techs '' have a difinitive solution as to what causes this because my guess is that it will go back like this within a month or less especially with how fast this happened Our point is that if the laptop can still be fixed on our service center , we will need to send it in for our technician to check on why it was not working after they replaced the HDMI board . Possible that the cables are not working or might be the monitor . I would have to look for it ... However the device is still under warranty , so what is the point ? We are sorry for the inconvenience Erik , but don ??? t worry , we will help you with this ... How long have you had the issue ? Hi , I've had troubles with the hinge of my laptop popping out off whenever I try to open or close it May i have your complete name ? . You still here sir ? GREAT I see you 're having graphics card issue , can you tell me more about this ? . <PERSON> Vicki keeney , I 'll be more than happy to assist you with your concern . is this tech support This is a company address correct ? . <PERSON> read the following reminders for shipping , . <BACKUP POST> . Please make sure to download and print the ICS <WEBSITE> . Here is the new case number <NUMBER> . I am now working on your free RMA and label . Infor Global Solutions . <NUMBER>th floor . <NUMBER> Sixth Ave ... New York , NY <NUMBER> . <NUMBER> . Sorry <NUMBER> Sixth Ave . <NUMBER>th floor . New York , NY <NUMBER> . Infor Global Solutions do you have another address we can use ? Mailing address is PO Box <NUMBER> Gordonsville VA <NUMBER> . phone number is <NUMBER> What 's the OS of the laptop ? . Sure . just wanted to know Are you connecting to the internet now ? . I mean , are we connected to the internet now ? . Are you still there , <PERSON> ? . I will be disconnected from here since the chat freezes and we will resume on the remote session . the website . www . <NUMBER>rescue . com I see , is it physically broken ? can you send me a photo showing the damage ? Great , the entire track pad is now broken . First the physical left-click button broke . It was loose since my computer arrived , and one day it just broke off . Then the actual trackpad broke , but every now and again it will work ... I 've been using a mouse connected through USB for the past couple of months for school . Thank you for patiently waiting . I 'm sorry for the long hold . Yes I see you 're trying to downgrade windows to <NUMBER> is that correct ? Hi May If these steps didnt resolve the issue , kindly contact <PERSON> at <NUMBER> <NUMBER> ... Just to set your expectations <PERSON> , you are currently chatting with <PERSON> . Our counterpart there in Czech will be in a better position to assist you in case this unit needed to be repaired ... Is there anything else I may help you with ? energy manager is the same as OneKey Optimizer ? Press the Windows Logo X key combination on the keyboard and , from the list , click Control Panel ... In the Control Panel window , click <PERSON> and Sound . maybe <NUMBER> days ago <PERSON> on customer support- contact us where is it on the webpage ? Thanks for that ... Please do . Okay I hit accept and now I am connecting Oh no ! . <PERSON> did not say it sooner . oh that would be great ! . I was writing all of it down haha I have resolved alot of customers issue with the flickering screen after going back to windows <NUMBER> . <NUMBER> It 's installing Thank you . May I also have an alternate phone number ? yes It says bought in USA , so I hope this is it . The previous case was way back in June but the serial number reported before was different from what you are reporting now . Yes . Was that it ? Are the pink pixels only happening on the browser ? . When you use a different borwser , does it still appear ? cool I 'm sorry for the inconvenience . I will do my best to resolve this today ... May I know when this happened ? Yeah it make no sense . Its what came with it You are welcome . You could also visit our support forums regarding with compatible Pens for the computer ... Is there anything else <PERSON> ? Ok , thank you for your help When did this problem start ? . Hi Lisa . Hi May I ask why did you downgrade to Win <NUMBER> , <NUMBER> ? When I dowgraded to windows <NUMBER> . <NUMBER> . and I have had it for <NUMBER> days It has been my pleasure JoAnne , no worries anytime . Thank you ... It just came into my Inbox . Okay , thank you ! Let me check my resources here , please give me <NUMBER> minutes . sure Ok . It seems that the issue is not happening with the hardware of your machine but only the signal strength of your wifi . You can connect to the internet fine because the wireless card is working properly . I would suggest for you to contact our Premium Support that handles software connectivity issues . Their number is <NUMBER> , then choose option <NUMBER> . You may start a chat session with them by using this link : <WEBSITE> ??? I had issues right out of the box I do understand your situation <PERSON> . <PERSON> to the nature of your concern , we will be escalating your case to Customer Relations Management . This is a higher department better suited to address your specific concern especially your request for a replacement unit . Please expect a call back from Customer Relations Management in <NUMBER> business days . My laptop has already been sent twice for the same issue . I would like to have a new identical laptop exchanged for this laptop that Lenovo does not seem to be able to fix . Can I have the error code ? I ran the solution center and I got an error message for the mother board PCI PCI-e test and the mathematical operations test I checked our parts sales , and they are not able to process the HDD Connector too ... I also can not send out an HDD cable ... We can try <NUMBER>rd party stores like amazon or Ebay ... I really apologize about this Mohit ... Is there anything else I may help you with ? ok ... Alright . We need to restart the computer however since we are using a web-based chat we will lose the connection once we restart the machine ... Please take note of the case number <NUMBER> . Done ... Asking to reboot . Thank you for waiting . OK To ensure I understand the concern , could you provide a little more details about your problem ? yes May I have the shipping address and an alternate phone number . oh ok . that make sense . how do i get the recovery disc ? I 'm felling great ! Thank you for asking . How May I help you today ? What information do you need , please ? . I 'm well ... and you ? Then click on update driver software for the wireless wifi . yeah , on it now Yes I got the last message . You double sent it ... I understand your concern <PERSON> , Let me help you process it for repair . is that ok ? For the hinge issue - I am sorry i can not assist with a picture right now . I applied glue to it and fixed the screws to the broken plastic so as to hold my laptop monitor . this is the only laptop and I need it for my everyday use . I had taken it to the local authorized service center . And they helped in screwing it up . I had taken it to the local authorized service center . And they helped in screwing it up . did u get my last message ? <BACKUP POST> . I will be sending you the ics and the rma , just incase . Please download the Inventory control sheet here . <WEBSITE> . Please take note of this Case : <NUMBER> . This will serve as your reference number in case you need to chat us back for any questions or follow up . ok Is because our system is doing some system updates and it also includes the update system for the repairs . weird that I am not able to pull it up If the necessary driver is not available there , then it 's a hardware limitations . ok , i 'll relad windows <NUMBER> <NUMBER>bit Yes it is , and the laptop will automatically activate it 's activation keys ... Try to check on the next <NUMBER> hours . OK ... anything more to do ? Any way to check back in when the actual time can be known ? . Oh , and does this machine support the Windows <NUMBER> upgrade Microsoft is endlessly offering me ? Any reason not to do that ? Precautions to take ? Was that after restarting the laptop ? Battery light is orange and windows is giving a message plugged in but not charging I am very sorry for the inconvenience . No worries Im here to help . Do you have an ethernet cable for the computer ? I was in this chat earlier with another person about my windows not being activated and they had me do a system reboot and now i can not connect to wifi . this was the orginial problem we had with the computer . it will only allow us to connect to broadband or dial up . no wi-fi option Hello . Hi Jay ! Doing the reset will isolate software issues ... Case number <NUMBER> just want to make sure I got it correct . I have to send for repair correct ? <NUMBER> . <NUMBER> Right ? iNSTALLING NOW . COULD FIND ANY SUPPORTED GAMES . DRIVER SHOWS <NUMBER> . <NUMBER> I see , If I may ask , what troubleshooting steps have you done so far ? . I mean have you tried to do a full factory reset as well ? yes i just travel a ton and just returned yesterday and have time to address the issue Alright , thanks . or <NUMBER> We can check the HdMi port and see for any possible issues ... when you plug in the HDMI cable , it should atleast give you a notification that a devoce pr cable is connected ... If it does not work , we send it in for repair ... The HDMI port is plug and play . Ok . I do not have the laptop with me , but we can try it later . If that does not work , is there anything else we can try ? In order to prevent data loss , please back up your data in case the hard drive needs to be replaced or reimaged . Also , if you have replaced the Operating <PERSON> on the machine , it will be reloaded with the original Operating <PERSON> including everything that came installed with it from the factory ... Accidental Physical damages are not covered by the standard warranty . You will be contacted to settle billable charges before repairs can continue if any physical damages were found ... Turnaround time for repair is <NUMBER> business days once the unit is received by the depot center ... If you 're unable to receive the ICS email , you may also download the inventory Control Sheet by visiting our support site online : lenovo . com depotstatus . Once there , just click on Ideapad Ideacentre , then click on Canada or United States to see the link to download the form ... <SEND POST> . Since this is not a power-related issue , please do not include the battery and the adapter when you ship the unit to our depot repair center . Also , please remove any external devices , upgraded devices and accessories like USB flash drives , memory cards , storage media ( CDs , DVDs , etc ) , cases , covers and screen protectors ... <PERSON> will cover the repair and parts replacement , the only thing that you need to do is ship the computer to our repair center . After repair , <PERSON> will pay to ship the computer back to your address . Please do not use the original box for shipping it as it may not be returned to you ... Jamil , we have good news for you . We have recently upgraded our system and now our depot center will keep you informed regarding the progress of your repair via text messages and emails . May I confirm if I have your email address correct here ? Your email address is <EMAIL> and your mobile number is <NUMBER> . Is that correct ? okay Have you also tried reinstalling the touchpad drivers ? I 've also uninstalled the drivers and reinstalled them Did you run the file that you downloaded ? yes On your keyboard . There is a print scrn button usually . whats the way to screen shot ? Yes , are we referred to the recovery button ? Hm , a jack that almost looks like a headphone jack on a computer , where you put that it . But the opening is too small for anything to go into it ... maybe the tip of a en ? . pen Are there adapters connected to the HDMI or just a straight connection from HDMI to HDMI ? This if the first time I 've used the hdmi on the laptop . So I do n't know if it worked before Is there anything else I may help you with ? . Thanks for your time today . I hope you have found this chat useful . Thank you for contacting <PERSON> . For helpful tips and information about our products , please visit support . lenovo . com . Have a nice day ! that is it Are you using the affected machine for this chat ? Its at <NUMBER> Thank you ... Thank you . wait . I will send a pic Worst case scenario is to send out the device for repair . sounds good I will be back <PERSON> . Sure , please do . These are the System info <PERSON> for the inconvenience but we will check it and provide you options . I have consistently had to restart my laptop due to the fact that every time I unplug charger or start a game it completely freezes the computer . I have checked the drivers and everything . The OS is Win <NUMBER> <NUMBER>x but nothing works ... I have read that a lot of these machines have had this problem , do you know what it could be ? Also the laptop is the y<NUMBER> touch Please take note of these following reminders before sending the laptop for repair ... You may use this link to download a copy of the Inventory Control Sheet : <WEBSITE> . <DOWNLOAD POST> . Please give me <NUMBER> minutes to finalize the repair ticket . I 'll provide you the case number afterwards . Home : <NUMBER> Is it still readable or visible when the lines are showing ? . Are you using the affected machine to chat us ? no . they are erratic . same with the screen going black . there was a really bad one a few minutes before i logged onto your site ... it was like ... a chunk of the screen , lower half , middlish , went all rainbow and static-ish , and the screen went black for a second , then it popped back ... You can actually do it by rooting the device , but it can be done by a local repair shops such as <PERSON> ... Unfortunately we do n't have way on how root it . If we ca n't wait that long , is there a way to download the update and manually push it instead of waiting for over the air ? Do you a physical damage on the bottom case ? And when you say it was plugged in incorrectly , do you mean using another charger or the charger was plugged in differently from what it should ? . Do you see a physical damage on the bottom case ? And when you say it was plugged in incorrectly , do you mean using another charger or the charger was plugged in differently from what it should be ? I think my daughter plugged it in incorrectly . underneath the laptop became hot it hasnt come back on since then Give me <NUMBER> minutes please . sure This will test out and reset the battery . This will solve the problem ? To save you time and effort in explaining all over again , here 's a case number <NUMBER> . Provide it to us the next time to contact for support ... Yes . Exactly ... Did you find it ? ... by pushing the little button on the side ? with this issue and status of the keyboard , I would like to assist you and process the device for repair . Ok I am sorry for the inconvenience , I 'm here to provide you assistance with your issue ... Is there any light turning on ? HI Marc . i have a problem . the laptop is dead ... i tried many ways by removing the battery and power cord . waited for <NUMBER> mins but still no sign it is working ... i looked up on the internet people suggested to remove the battery and power cord push on the power <NUMBER> times then hold the power for <NUMBER> seconds , then installing the battery and power cord . did not work <POST> ok I believe we would need to ask assistance from our specilist on this ... specialist . where do you get that app ? Is this an issue since you got the computer ? no . It has always felt like this ... I am worried that it is not right and damage may occur in the future Just to make sure . This happens randomly ? I 've had it happen while gaming , watching a movie , surfing the internet , while booting up , and while both unplugged and plugged in . Sure Tuhin . However I wont be able to provide you any exact turaround time as to when we would have an update or workaround on this . But I have your information saved on our record ... We will let you now right away should there be a feddback or an update that would fix this problem . Okay , I would not like to replace the unit at this time . Would you be able to pass this issue on to the technical department so they can find a software solution to this ? Lenovo seems to be pretty good about fixing issues like this and this could still be around only because the tech team is not aware of the problem . We can send you a replacement part and you should receive it within <NUMBER> business days for you to install . You will be required to send the defective part back to us should you find a return shipping label inside the box . If no shipping label will be found , you do not need to ship the defective part back and may be disposed off appropriately ... Please be advised that any damages incurred during part replacement will not be covered under warranty and we may not be able to assist you on how to install it . Can you expedite shipping ? Alright . LR<NUMBER>NU Am I chatting with <PERSON> ? yep Upgrading or customizing is on the customers side and option ... When we repair it , we will replace it with the same model , we are not capable of upgrading . my wireless card is in need of repair , which is why i 'm upgrading it Thanks . ok <BACKUP POST> ok Alright . Kindly just restart it then . You can press CTRL Shift ESC for you to see the power button and do the restart . I am not sure if I did the typing right because a bunch of red words with a black background showed up <PERSON> Ryan , sorry about that . Let me check the case and proceed from there ... I was able to read it , . I see that she offered you to send the machine to our repair center but you were not able to connect that time ... Would you like to send the machine to our repair center ? Hi Jay , I recently got done speaking to Shane a few minutes ago but the chat timed out , here is the reference number : <NUMBER> Does it have Intelm <NUMBER> or <NUMBER> ? . Intel k Yes , you will be receiving this after <NUMBER> minutes , just incase you wanted to check now , just open the link . Yeah ... So , just to clarify , you are going to email this sheet , correct ? Yes and run the key optimizer . should i restart Greate . Is there anything else I may help you with ? Yes , i will take this info and try at home with the Lenovo laptop . Thank . Please take note of the case number <NUMBER> ... I think we 're all set now . Thanks for your time today . I hope you have found this chat useful . Thank you for contacting <PERSON> . For helpful tips and information about our products , please visit support . lenovo . com . Have a nice day ! Nope . Very professional on your part so thanks again . As I see on the records you have a G<NUMBER> that is having some no boot freezing issue , is that correct > . correct ? sure welcome . You 're welcom . <DIV> That 'll be all Jerry . thank you so much Yes . I believed you are trying to install the wlan driver . I looked on the realtek and intel website Let me help you with this and check the current repair process ... Please give me <NUMBER> to <NUMBER> minutes to check my resources . I will get back to you as soon as possible . Would that be okay ? ( not sure if this where i should be contacting ) Ok . Please give me <NUMBER> to <NUMBER> minutes to check my resources . I will get back to you as soon as possibl . Thank you . I 'm not using one , and I do n't have an HDMI cable that would let me connect to one Unfotunately , you need to do that again ... I am sorry for the inconvenience , I 'm here to provide you assistance with your issue . OK , it is taking me to the regular LeNovo registration screen . Do I have to do all that over again and reload windows <NUMBER> ? Okay , let me access it remotely if that is okay . YES To better assist you , is it okay for me to access your computer remotely ? . Thanks . Kindly open an internet browser and go to this website . <WEBSITE> Yes I am . Can I connect to your computer ? Yes , I am . If you will chat us back , please use this case number again <NUMBER> ... Kindly finish that hardware scan and check of an error result code . ok . would it be better to just start a new chat when this is done ? or are you able to assist other people while this is going on ? et 's do some basic troubleshooting steps to make it work ... Let . What is the operating system of the laptop now ? yes Is this running windows <NUMBER> . <NUMBER> or windows <NUMBER> ? Yes Unfortunately , that 's the only one not covered ... Is there anything else I may help you with ? ok awesome <PERSON> New Year ! Thanks you too ! You will receive it within <NUMBER> minutes . Actually , when can I expect that email . I do n't have it yet . As I checked the update is not yet released by <PERSON> since it still unstable . Other users upgraded their 's manually and encountered a lot of problems . Ok thank you Where did you purchase the upgrade ? I bought more than a standard warranty . can u please confirm this for me . ? Please read these reminders and let me know if you have questions after ... <POST> . This is your case number <NUMBER> okay Choose the normal startup please . BOIS set up . boot menue . normal startup . it gives me <NUMBER> options . system recovery It seems that the damage may have been caused by forces that fall outside of your warranty coverage . We can still send your system to our repair depot but we have to charge you <NUMBER> for diagnostic fee ... Once we know what components are needed to repair the machine , we will send you an email to inform you about the total repair cost . The <NUMBER> will be deducted from the total cost . Yep , no problem . Yes that 's correct . You are on the right department also . first i want to note - lenovo has made me select that i have an ideapad ... i have a yoga <NUMBER> . is that actually considered an ideapad ? Thank you . Hi , Zoi , . Sorry to bother you again ! . I want to know the status of my machine ! Based on the warranty information , this unit has on-site warranty so we can send a technician to your address to replace the part . that is what I want I 'm now connected ... I 'm not sure Moses . why is it d c all the time Your welcome ... Sure . Thanks for the update . Can you give me the case number ? Parts labor <NUMBER> way shipping and packaging is covered . soo Yes , I was able to check the warranty of your machine , and no worries the warranty is up until <NUMBER> . <NUMBER> . <NUMBER> . WELL ITS NOT WHAT I WANT BUT I GUESS IM GLAD WARRANTY WAS STILL UP . IS THIS SOMETHING THAT YOU ALREADY ARE AWARE OF AND HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE Do you have the unit on hand ? <NUMBER> W . Springfield Rd . Taylorville , IL <NUMBER> Code is <NUMBER> I 've disabled the windows automatic brightness . Tried to reinstall a few drivers but was n't sure which one controls brightness ... Okay , I need the <NUMBER> digit code now . What about windows update ? . Since the driver is up to date , what I can only suggest right now is to monitor the wifi connection for another <NUMBER> hours and if the issue is still the same , what we can only do here in our end is to process a repair order for your computer even though the unit is brand new ... Your other option is , since the machine is brand new , you can still return the unit back to the store and have them replace it ... Here is your case number for this concern <NUMBER> . yes . it said the driver was up to date We would need to test it . Let us use an external speakers to see if you will still encounter the same issue . Is it no longer showing the display to the external monitor ? how about refunding my money ? . or repairing the port ? Based from what I have read , you are having an issue with wifi and flickering of the screen from time to time . hello . do you need some information or do you have what I typed as the summary of the issue I 'll can process a repair for this tablet . Let me create a new case number . May I have your shipping address , email address and mobile number ? ok , please let me know the process for sending the tablet for repair How to install the new driver ??? Go to device manager and open display adapters ??? double click on Intel ( R ) HD Graphics <NUMBER> ??? On the new window click on the driver tab ??? click Update Driver '' and a new window should appear ??? Click Browse my computer for driver software '' ??? On the next page do not click browse instead at the bottom click Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer '' ??? On the next page click Have Disk '' ??? On the new window click Browse '' and navigate to the location of the driver folder that you extracted earlier . ??? In the driver folder double click on the graphics folder and inside select the file that shold be similiar to igdlh<NUMBER> . inf or it possibly igdlh<NUMBER> . inf if you have a <NUMBER>bit OS . ??? Once selected click okay and click next to begin installing the driver . You should now be finished and if you run the Lenovo hardware scan the updated display driver will pass the mathematical operations test . I would recommend a restart after installation of the new driver . ??? . Then after that restart the laptop . thanks a bunch Can we try some more steps ? Not much else . I have tried to hold down the power button for <NUMBER> seconds but thats it . Hi , welcome to Lenovo Chat Services , I 'm <PERSON> . I 'll be your Lenovo technician today ... <PERSON> Eric , I 'll be more than happy to assist you with your concern . Hi I am sorry that you had to contact us today . Rest assured I ??? ll do my best to resolve this ... How can I help you ? yes Thank you for that information . It appears that it ??? s a hardware failure . We can fix this issue by processing a repair service . We will need to send the machine to our repair center so the technician can check it thoroughly ... May I have your shipping address , email address and mobile number ? Uninstalled . Clicked remove driver software . So it would n't reinstall back on startup , using the same software that was used to give me the driver . So I simply downloaded the necessary conexant driver . I rebooted into windows , and went to my downloads and installed the driver from my folder , into the install directory ... I have windows <NUMBER> . <NUMBER>currently ... I even upgraded to windows <NUMBER> to see if the problem would persist and it did . So I 'm sure it ca n't possibly be a driver . Thank you for waiting ! . Here is what you need to do now , you can call our <PERSON> in United <PERSON> <NUMBER> ( National Rate ) and request to have the unit repaired or service ... Here is your case number as well for this concern <NUMBER> . No worry carry on : ) Okay . Have you tried going to safe mode ? everything is up to date <PERSON> turnaround time for repair is seven ( <NUMBER> ) business days once the unit is received at the Lenovo Service Center . This also depends on parts availability . how long does the repair take ? Bye ... You 're very much welcome ! I 'm glad that I was able to help you today . Let me just inform you that you will receive a survey upon ending this chat session asking you to give feedback on how you were assisted today . It will be highly appreciated if you could take time to answer the survey . To further improve your experience , you can now reach us through chat or schedule a callback on your preferred time by visiting support . lenovo . com contact . Thank you for choosing Lenovo , have a great day ! ... Happy Holidays !!! That 's all . Thank you for your time ! Yes . We will send it to you on your email ... Please allow us to add at least <NUMBER> additional day to performed a comprehensive test before sending it back you , would that be fine ? when should I expect the shipping label and ICS ? Please give me <NUMBER> to <NUMBER> minutes to check my resources . I will get back to you as soon as possible . Would that be okay ? yes When was the last it worked ? unfortunately , I do n't have an HDMI cable Please let me go through the previous case notes for <NUMBER> minutes ... Hi <PERSON> ... Sure , hold on for <NUMBER> minutes please as I pull up the information on our system ... Thank you for patiently waiting <PERSON> . The service order is in process though part will be available on December <NUMBER>th . We 're working with our parts supplier to improve the availability dates . We 're working diligently to improve the availability date and we will contact you as soon as we have any more information about the part availability date . ? . are you still there . oh yes i am here . need to know status of <NUMBER> . hi <DIV> thx That was the initial scenario , they dont want to have an updated software that is full of bugs being rolled out . They want to make sure this time that all the bugs are fixed before releasing it through Over The <FACILITY> update procedure . So , it was available and then because of problems they took down the update . I saw on the Legnica form where people did receive it last fall Thanks for your time today . I hope you have found this chat useful . To further improve your experience , you can now reach us through chat or schedule a callback on your preferred time by visiting support . lenovo . com contactus . For helpful tips and information about our products , please visit <WEBSITE> . Thank you for choosing Lenovo , have a great day ! ahh ok got it Alright . Let me create the report . correct Let me provide you some important disclaimers regarding your depot repair request . If you have any further questions , feel free to ask ... <POST> You are welcome . OK . I apologize for the inconvenience but don ??? t you worry , I 'm here to help you ... So the fedex label will take care of the shipping and packaging , basically you need to take your computer to any local Fedex print and ship center and they 'll take care of it . today i went the fedex . and i am not sure it is me should pay for the shipping fee or the lenovo company ? What exactly happens if you do n't mind me asking ? So far I 've tried restarting my system Please go to <NUMBER>rescue . com sure So far the hardware is detected . I checked network adapter- > Realtek ... , they are also enabled Thank you for patiently waiting . I have successfully processed your request . Please make a note of the Service Request number ??? <NUMBER> for future reference ... Do n't worry we will do our very best to make sure when the onsite tech visits everything will be working properly ... Is there anything else I can assist you with ? Sure Is it still on <NUMBER> since you have started it ? . Okay ... Have you tried to do the recovery again ? Yes . It restarted by itself . It 's this kind of screen . Yes <NUMBER> <FACILITY> AR <NUMBER> is still your address , right ? yes Since you have told me that there is damage on the machine and that is not covered by the warranty , we are not able to perform the repair on-site . This is because it is very difficult to determine what repair parts are necessary over the phone . So I will get a couple of emails to initiate the process ... I have onsite coverage . Can they send someone to me ? Okay . Okay , launching test now . Yes that 's correct . They separate email . i have the ICS . Is there a seperate FED Ex Label , or is that the back page of the ICS ? <PERSON> start download and run the file . Please click OK and yes once you get the next prompts . Finally , click OK again on the last prompt ... Just to assure you , while I have access to your system , I ??? ll only access files and applications as needed to resolve the issue . I won ??? t be accessing any of your personal information , files or folders unless you ask me to or with your permission , and you ??? ll be able to see exactly what I ??? m doing on your monitor . If you feel uncomfortable with the session , feel free to end it by clicking the red X button on the Lenovo box . ok now what Thanks for your time today . I hope you have found this chat useful . To further improve your experience , you can now reach us through chat or schedule a callback on your preferred time by visiting support . lenovo . com contactus . For helpful tips and information about our products , please visit <WEBSITE> . Thank you for choosing Lenovo , have a great day ! Okay . Ill try changing the channel and hope that clears things up . Thanks Norman . Yeah that would be completely fine ! Take your time Hello , am I chatting with <PERSON> ? . How can I help you ? Hi . Yes <PERSON> ok , yes and allow access . ok Run network diagnosticsFollow the steps to run the <PERSON> diagnostics : Method <NUMBER> : <NUMBER> . Right click network on the taskbar . <NUMBER> . Click troubleshoot problems . Method <NUMBER> : <NUMBER> . Press Windows key C on your keyboard to show the Charms bar . <NUMBER> . Now type troubleshooting in the search option and click troubleshooting under Settings . <NUMBER> . Click on <PERSON> and internet . <NUMBER> . Then click <PERSON> Adapter . <NUMBER> . Click Next and Run the troubleshooter . Note : An automated troubleshooter is a tool that can find and automatically fix some problems with your PC ... Install driver manually<NUMBER> . Download the latest driver from the support website . <NUMBER> . Install latest driver . <NUMBER> . Select the latest driver manually . <NUMBER> . Go to Device Manager . <NUMBER> . Expand Network Adapters . <NUMBER> . Right click on the Wireless Adapter . <NUMBER> . Click Update driver software . ??? <NUMBER> . Click Browse my Computer for driver software . ??? <NUMBER> . Click Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my Computer . ??? <NUMBER> . Select the Manufacturers driver . ( Do not select the Microsoft driver ) ??? <NUMBER> . Click Next to install the driver . Note : If the latest driver will not work , try older drivers seen in the list . ( Repeat steps <NUMBER> ) . Reset TCP IP AutotunningWindows <NUMBER> , <NUMBER> . <NUMBER> <NUMBER> : <NUMBER> . Right click on the Windows logo on the Taskbar . <NUMBER> . Click Command prompt ( Admin ) . ??? <NUMBER> . Now in the black window type the following command . <NUMBER> . netsh int tcp set heuristics disabled<NUMBER> . netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel disabled<NUMBER> . netsh int tcp set global rss enabled<NUMBER> . Now to check if the settings are disabled type : <NUMBER> . netsh int tcp show global<NUMBER> . then hit enter . <NUMBER> . Reboot the Computer and retry the internet connection ... If problem is not resolved , I recommend that you contact our counterpart there in UK , <PERSON> support team at <NUMBER> ... Just to set your expectations , you are currently chatting with <PERSON> team . thank you Is the computer still working fine ? it 's also causing the panel to separate from the top cover , though the panel is n't cracked Perform a One Key Recovery<NUMBER> . <PERSON> down PC . <NUMBER> . Look press the Novo button ( A small button or pinhole that has an icon that looks like an inverted U '' turn arrow or a curved arrow ) . <NUMBER> . Press it , then a Novo menu option will appear . <NUMBER> . <PERSON> Recovery . <NUMBER> . <PERSON> using <PERSON> Backup . <NUMBER> . <PERSON> on Start to begin the process . <NUMBER> . Make sure to connect the AC Adapter when performing the One Key Recovery to avoid any interruptions like automatic shut down due to power failure ... Perfect ... Do this after backing up your files . I 'm not sure . Yes I do I ??? m sorry , this issue would be out of my expertise , but the Software Department will be able to help you . Likely because you want to charge me for the drivers , or you are incompetent I apologize for the inconvenience but don ??? t you worry , I 'm here to help you ... I see , we can troubleshoot it right now . Would you want me to remotely access the computer to do that or should I give you the instructions on how to do it ? I have had this for just a week or two and it spontaneously lost the function of the <NUMBER> finger scrolling gestures . When I attempt to <NUMBER> finger scroll , nothing happens . But if I <NUMBER> finger tap or <NUMBER> finger tap , it performs the appropriate function ... I tried updating drivers for the touchpad . Then I uninstalled the drivers altogether and reinstalled them . Then , I found something on the Windows website about turning off the power saving feature that allows the computer to turn this off when it sleeps . None of these efforts were fruitful . Okay , thanks ! . Kindly download the ICS or <PERSON> first and print the first page and fill up the first page and include it inside the box together with the unit . Here is the link : <WEBSITE> The number is a switchboard number . What happened ? Dropped ? correct I apologize for the inconvenience . Let me assist you today and provide you options . from the lenovo website . i got the new laptop . it was n't working ... got a replacement laptop . that is not starting either . can you please process a refund for me ? . and give me the return label . i was out of country . so did n't have a chance to send the first laptop back yet By the way , you will be getting a simple survey form right after we ended this chat session regarding the chat support experience and we will appreciated if you will provide me feedback . Thank very much for your time ! . <DIV> Excellent , Thank you . I will When was the last time you did a full scan ? Yes . Ms . Marcello upon checking the parts needed to repair your machine is currently unavailable and may take more than three weeks . We 're working with our parts supplier to improve the availability dates . We 're working diligently to improve the availibility date , and will contact you as soon as we have any more information about the part availibility date . The case number is <NUMBER> . You 've had the Computer since the end of Sept . I was told it was waiting on the glass for the screen . It 's been almost <NUMBER> months and there is still no ETA on it 's repair ... The last time I spoke with someone , he told me there was a shortage of the touchscreen glass . Computers are still being produced and sold , so how can there be a shortage of the glass for repairs ? You 're welcome , I hope that you found this chat session useful . If ever you have additional concerns or questions feel free to chat us or kindly visit our support site at <WEBSITE> Well , you 've done all you can , and I thank you for that You may use this case <NUMBER> next time when you contact us next time when you are readty to send it in . ok ... that will be great . Yes , we need to make sure all updates are completed . let me check , I think it did . nope , I ran the install again and it is just saying connecting '' You just need to flip the lcd panel of the machine . How can I set manually to tablet mode and laptop mode ? Press that button please . Ok Is there anything else I may help you with ? . <DIV> Oka . Thanks again Sure , we can also try to reset the unit back to factory settings if same problem persist ... Feel free to chat us back if you need further assistance ... Thank you for your patience . Please make a note of the Service Request number ??? <NUMBER> for future reference . OK ... Screen is working again . We may not be able to duplicate the problem at this moment . But , based on several weeks ' experience , it will recur . Can we open a case number to refer back to ? Could you hold on for around a couple of minutes for me ? . Just the button right ? Sure thing Yes . screen ? . it is not Thanks , will restart now from my end . ok I appreciate that . Any error or such message that you are getting when you connect them ? only to make sure the monitor works with another computer <POST> <NUMBER> Bonita Downs Dr Fair Oaks California <NUMBER> . <NUMBER> <NUMBER> <NUMBER> <NUMBER> <NUMBER> <NUMBER> ok it is asking for a <NUMBER> digit code The shipping box will be provided by <PERSON> . Just ask the box from them . Just make sure you are on a FedEx Print and <PERSON> . Yes . I have received them . I apologize for the inconvenience . Let me assist you today ... Is the computer experiencing overheating ? hi . Ever since I bought my Y<NUMBER> laptop , i have had a very common problem . the laptop would just randomly shut itself off , followed by a loud pop sound . it happens when I 'm either playing video games or watching youtube videos I apologize for the inconvenience , but do n't worry , I will try my best to help you and provide you options ... When did the issue start ? Yes , and a separate concern is the warranty date on my laptop is incorrect ... but the issues I need to address are the touchscreen and the touchpad not scrolling , yes . Is there anything else I may help you with ? yes . thank you Hi , welcome to Lenovo Chat Services , I 'm <PERSON> . I 'll be your Lenovo technician today ... <PERSON> Brent hi Here is your case number for this repair <NUMBER> ... Is there anything else ? No . Thank you . Post <PERSON> InquiriesMon-Fri <NUMBER>am-<NUMBER>pm EST <NUMBER> OPTiON <NUMBER> . I 'm sorry you 've had such a bad luck . You can speak to the Post Sales Department about that option if you want . <NUMBER> days from the invoice date is way to short of a time span especially if it is for defective equipment i got this back in december <NUMBER> and almost immediatly after that <NUMBER> day period this has started happening What is the error on the motherboard test ? and what is the error code ? last support guy said the latest lenovo sution will fix it . still the problem exists . yesterday I upgraded to latest lenovo solution Hello . How are you today ? . I 'm felling great ! Thank you for asking . How May I help you today ? hi You too ... Thank you goodbye . ok Let me check the specs , one moment ... Can you press windows key E ... It will open file explorer . I use vlc media player for cd and dvd files , I cant locate the cd writing software that came loaded on the PC when I bought it any more ... nothing comes up when I search for it . vlc will not open the audio disc I just installed said there was an error locating <EMOTION>E You can download it on their website ... Easy to use and the codecs are updated . It can run a lot of different file types . What is that or how do I get it ? I understand . If you want to talk to somebody right now you may call our Tech support hotline at : <NUMBER> . No , not acceptable . That was the same thing they told me this morning - they would call within <NUMBER> hours . I want to talk to someone with authority in the United States . If I may ask , what troubleshooting steps have you done so far ? . That 's good to know . No , it 's in good shape . Above will be the link for the Lenovo solution center ... Once you have run it to your computer , it will determine what hardware parts are failing . Try to take note of the results and I recommend that you contact <PERSON> team for further assistance . Number will be <NUMBER> <NUMBER> . ok ill try that I 'm sorry for the inconvenience . I will do my best to resolve this today ... May I know when this happened ? i have a <NUMBER>mbps internet connection but this pc cant get over <NUMBER> for some reason despite connecting at a <NUMBER>gb connection . neither the wired or wireless gets full speed . i 'm certain it is not my network , i 've done tons of troubleshooting and other devices on my network will connect at the full speed . it appears my computer is throttling the bandwidth for some reason The <NUMBER>st page needs to be inside in the box . <NUMBER>nd will be outside ... <NUMBER>rd page no need to print it . Just opened the link . Does this sheet need to be returned in the box ? Okay . No I ca n't scan because computer freezes . <PERSON> , I 'll be more than happy to assist you with your concern ... I see you 're having hardware scan issue , can you tell me more about this ? Hi May . I have a hardware scan fail . What do I do ? I apologize for the inconvenience , but do n't worry , I can help you submit a service request to repair the laptop ... Yes you are still connected ... When did the issue start ? I just wanted an address where I can send my laptop to . am i still connected ? it says disconnected I understandt . We would like to inform you that we have a specialized dedicated support for Think product . kindly call on the below mentioned numbers in order to get in touch with our representative so that they can assist you and get the issue resolved as soon as possible . Here 's their phone number <NUMBER> option <NUMBER> . Ca n't remember as I have many x<NUMBER> x<NUMBER> in the office . From my side , does n't matter , I just need a recovery CD for X<NUMBER> to install the windows xp or windows <NUMBER> and upgrade to windows <NUMBER> . The version I have is windows <NUMBER> Enterprise which ca n't be upgrade freely to windows <NUMBER> No problem ... Would there be anything else that I might be able to assist you with ? ok , I have that - thank you I can just go ahead and resend just to be sure . ok Please give me <NUMBER> minutes to process the repair ticket . I will give you all the details after . That is correct , Olmsted Falls High School <BACKUP POST> . Any questions or clarifications <PERSON> ? Thank you for the case number . do you have some additional information to send me ? You 're welcome . Anything else that I may assist you with ? Thank you for your help today . I am happy to know that I might actually get my machine back this month . : - ) Is this about a software issue ? sure I see . Have you tried removing the battery and while nothing is connected , press and hold power button for <NUMBER> seconds ? No . It was n't holding a charge and would completely die if not plugged in . I apologize for the inconvenience , but do n't worry , I will try my best to help you and provide you options ... When did the issue start ? i have purchesed idea pad recently . i have purchesed idea pad recently . the games are slow and ram upto <NUMBER> without using a single app . can u help me That is fine . If that is the case if you chat back with the same issue , we might need to roll it back to windows <NUMBER> again and see if the issue will happen there , if yes then that means we need a repair for this ... It has been my pleasure . Is there anything else ? thanks Thanks . Yes Is the screen is cracked . Do n't worry I 'm here to help . The hinge of my Y-<NUMBER> <NUMBER> is completely shattered It should . But if it 's outside the windows . It 's not . Is there anything else I may help you with ? is it not downward compatible The Lenovo Veriface is not designed or compatible with Windows <NUMBER> . Mean windows <NUMBER> is free for lifetime ? <BACKUP POST> ok Ok ... Can I have your shipping address and alternate phone number ? . We will send it in for repair . it syas default boot device missing or boot failed . insert recovery media and hit any key ... well that is no good I 'm just going to look at your previous chat transcripts so I can see what 's already been done . Please bear with me , we 'll get started soon ... Thank you for patiently waiting <PERSON> . Hi I haves the case for the continuous issue with power management Thank you ... I 'm sorry about what happened but do n't you worry , I 'm here to help you ... We can fix this by sending the unit to our repair center . May I have an alternate phone number if you have one , and the address where we can ship the unit after repair ? sure <NUMBER> is their number , just get ready with your order number and this case number from us : <NUMBER> . Do you have any concerns that I can address ? ok what is their number for me to call ? We are actually base in the Philippines . its loading ... where r u located ? I apologize for the inconvenience but don ??? t you worry , I 'm here to help you . thank you . im having a problem after updating my gtx <NUMBER>m to the latest graphics driver To further assist you , is it okay for me to access your computer remotely ? booting up The Miix <NUMBER> <NUMBER> and Miix <NUMBER> <NUMBER> have GPS capabilities . Who can answer this for me I apologize . That 's the facts that I can see on the reports ... I 'm not sure why there is a battery replacement since the computer 's issue is not power related . Thank you ... Yes . I believe the dates are unreasonable . I 've already had to go for almost a month without my laptop . And this is being extended almost regularly Can you try and go to <NUMBER>rescue . com from that computer ? im not sure We are sorry for the inconvenience <PERSON> , but this is the Lenovo hardware and warranty repair department . I will do my best to support you with your issue . hi I'm having problems making this laptop connect to the microsft wireless display adapter Can I also have your current shipping address ? It is windows <NUMBER> . <NUMBER> pro Thanks for your time today . I hope you have found this chat useful . To further improve your experience , you can now reach us through chat or schedule a callback on your preferred time by visiting support . lenovo . com contact . For helpful tips and information about our products , please visit <WEBSITE> . Thank you for choosing Lenovo , have a great day ! . Have a great day there Emma . Bye for now . No that is all . Thanks , West . I ??? m sorry for the inconvenience that you have faced , what I can do for you is to create a service request so we can again examine and check the problem with the laptop hard drive . I 've read online that this problem is common with the hard drive in question ... Having had the hard drive replaced and still having the same issue makes me inclined to believe that suspicion is true . Or you can save it on your end just to make sure , um ... No , you can not use it alone . <NUMBER>d camera will get activated with the application that supported it . ok is there any other way to access it without using those applications Is there anything else that I can help you ? ok , i will go through it , i hope it 's for DIY Got it . Let me process the repair request . Kindly hold please ... <POST> . Case number <NUMBER> <NUMBER> <NUMBER>th ave ne seattle wa <NUMBER> . <NUMBER> Thank you and should that be your mobile ? <NUMBER> Yes ... Hold on let me give a reference number too , so that you have to explain again in detail . OK and if I need to get a repair request then I just go to the chat again ? Like what I mention this is something to do with hardware andres , and machine needs to be check . Yes I can . May I know how did you perform the system restore ? hey , that 's awesome , great idea , only i 've returned it to factory specifications using the system restore <NUMBER> times , and every single time , the problem persists That is alright ... That is not really normal , charger light should stay off if the charger is not connected , now you have updated the bios but still doing the same ... Are you in United States right now ? Sorry fo the internet ... : . for Therefore the system should indicate a Pen and Touch ability ... To tell you honestly it does happend on the Windows <NUMBER> , however , those are only applicable for unit that was upgraded to Windows <NUMBER> ... And not those units that came in pre-installed . ok so its not a problem of it being windows <NUMBER> I apologize for the inconvenience but don ??? t you worry , I 'm here to help you ... Did something happen to the computer ? Were there any changes made to the computer or recent programs installed ? Hi Mabel ! . Yes , No Ian , it is an inconvenience and we apologize for this . some times the parts just breakdown that is why we have this warranty . ok . Have you guys had a lot of these hybrid drive with issues ? Thank you , Just a moment ... <PERSON> that is not it ... Here is your case number <PERSON> . <NUMBER> . <NUMBER> here is the case number . reminders . <PERSON> read the reminers . We will send you a replacement part and you should receive it within <NUMBER> business days for you to install . You will be required to send the defective part back to us should you find a return shipping label inside the box . If no shipping label will be found , you do not need to ship the defective part back and may be disposed off appropriately ... Is there anything else I may help you with ? that would be fine . Ok . I 'll be providing you these steps that you may perform just in case that the issue persists . Have not connected to an external display since I do n't have one Yes <PERSON> . Yes , go right ahead . I obviously do n't know what I 'm doing , and you do , so you can do a much better job than me , haha ! . I just bought it so there should n't be any problem with any personal files . so just go to that website on this PC ? Yes . <NUMBER> GB I apologize for the inconvenience . Let me assist you today ... Was the computer got dropped or anything that may cause the issue ? Hi , how are you today ? . good thanks ... I have a problem with my machine . I bought it <NUMBER> months or so ago , it is still in warranty but the left hinge has broken and damaged the screen as well . it slowly seazed up I apologize for the inconvenience but don ??? t you worry , I 'm here to help you ... Is this Tracy ? I would be happy chat , but we keep getting disconnected Anything else that I may assist you with ? ok got it . thankyou Here is the tracking number <NUMBER> great , thankyou Thank you . that 's actually my house , the <NUMBER> number is my cell It 's right in the middle . NOT GIVING ME A PLACE TO TYPE IN CODE Oh , I see . Just send the order confirmation here . I upgraded it to a bluray drive . I am searching for my past email confirmations from lenovo Thank you ... Thank you , please bear with me while I create the case for you ... Thanks for waiting ... Please take note of this Case : <NUMBER> . This will serve as your reference number in case you need to chat us back for any questions or follow up ... Let me give you a few reminders before you ship us the computer . <PERSON> read it carefully and let me know if you have any questions ... <BACKUP POST> . Please download the Inventory control sheet here . <WEBSITE> > The Fedex instructions should be in your email after a few minutes . <NUMBER> Lerner Hall , <NUMBER> Broadway , New York NY <NUMBER> . Alternative phone number ? I only have the one : <NUMBER> Please contact our post sales deprtment for more information . How to initiate a return replacement then ? . I 've contacted post sales , they need a complaint number with tech support to initiate a return it seems Please include the original charger of the laptop upon sending the machine to Lenovo ... I also sent you an email for the FedEx shipping label and here is what you will do , kindly print the <NUMBER> pages of FedEx shipping label that I sent on your email and bring it to FedEx Office Print and <PERSON> only so that FedEx will provide you a box and FedEx will do the packaging as well ... Here is your case number for this concern <NUMBER> . since this is a battery issue are you sure you do n't want me to send the power adapter ? I really apologize for the confusion . we can do this <NUMBER> ways ... By default , we ask our customer to contact our phone line while we are at fed ex and give them the instructions ... But you can also show then these steps that they need to do ... Make sure you bring all the documents like the RMA label with the ICS ... Please let them read these steps ... FedEx office team member will take the pack and return email letter over to their OTP POS . In the Account search '' feild , specifically enter LENOVO PACK AND RETURN ONLY and ensure the State '' feild is set to Any '' when performing the search , select the appropriate accountB : Scan or enter in the appropriate packaging SKUC : When completing the transaction , enter customer 's first name , last name and phone number as promted . D : In the PO field enter the <PERSON> Authorization ( RMA ) '' number or name of the email letter and any other bulling requests as noted on the POS , sign your first and last name on the signature pad to complete the transactionE : Turn the OTP receipt and Pakc and <PERSON> Email Letter in with your daily closeout . not now . I am at home <PERSON> was the one who called it in . with <NUMBER> devices correct ? How May I help you today ? Good . Thank you . Could you show me that again ? OK . did you see that ? . what about the drivers ? Is there an alternate number <PERSON> ? Excellent point ! Did you get an error message ? About <NUMBER> days ago . I have been attempting to resolve it since I apologize for the inconvenience , but do n't worry , I will try my best to help you and provide you options ... So the scree is cracked on your laptop ? . screen ? I need a address or information where to take my laptop locally or mail to get a screen scratch repaired ? Please turn conservation mode off , check and see if the laptop will start charging . I believe so yes . why ? Yes , you can , let me provide you the number for <PERSON> to inquire about the upgrade ... Sales : <NUMBER> . If so how much would that cost ? . Also can i upgrade my Warrenty ? . Yes thank you It is always happening when you started to play a game correct ? yes . and the sound is completely distorted ... like everything is <NUMBER> frozen That is why you need to register the unit first . btw , i entered the serial numberrin the myproducts '' website . and it returns machine model <NUMBER> <PERSON> but we can not do it without the US address . can you do it on an indian address ? . and the indian service center says they dont have the part . laptop is currently in india . eventhough the laptop is in warranty . we are helpless <PERSON> , I 'll be more than happy to assist you with your concern ... How can I help you ? Hi . How do I submit a warranty claim ? I see , are you getting any error message when you try using the camera ? never worked <PERSON> Bridge would be different from Solution Center , thanks for the information . The symptom to the problem is that the computer is slow when connected on line right ? yes , the Lenovo bridge ... I typed exactly what is on the cprompt dialog box . which has now disappeared . it appears that it never ran the test because of the qti Ok . it 's not an ISP or connection issue . It 's purely a wireless connection issue . That 's fine no poblem ... Is it almost done now ? sorry new computers take quite sometime to complete all of their updates . How many ? Should be <NUMBER> ... Is there anything else I may help you with ? I got the email ! We just need to wait for the part to be available and the rest we will take care of everything ... I just sent a request to expedite the repair . okay thank you . okay Thank you . I will dial it now ... I will have to disconnect from this session now Pochana as I think we are all set . You can reach us from <NUMBER>AM to <NUMBER>PM EST , Monday ??? Friday . Have a nice day ahead . yes Please give me <NUMBER> to <NUMBER> minutes to check my resources . I will get back to you as soon as possible . Would that be okay ? <NUMBER> benvenue ave apt <NUMBER> berkeley CA <NUMBER> Is there anything else I may help you with ? ok thank you Is there anything else I may help you with ? . Take care ! Bye ... Of course . Thank you ! sure , I would be more than happy to help you with anything . Hi Zoi . I have a question regarding the warranty coverage for a Yoga Pro <NUMBER> serial number : PF<NUMBER>WG<NUMBER> Just to confirm , the issue started from day <NUMBER> , am I right ? yes I 'll email them to you ... No worries . Should I hang on here for the case 's or are you going to email them to me like the ones from earlier today ? The process is to send the laptop to our service center . a key strike broke at the base ... the whole keyboar is ok just one key . do I need to send in to somewhere or can I bring it to a place to have it fixed ? Hello , am I chatting with <PERSON> ? . If I got the problem correctly , the touchpad is not working , is that right ? Hello Shane . Yes sir Sure ... Take your time . Yes give me a min . May I know whole replaced the screen of the machine ? correct I can assist you and process it for repair and report it with the photo . But please be advised that the final decision will be our technicians , is that ok ? . The standard turn around time for repair is <NUMBER> business days <NUMBER> way shipping time In terms of pixels there are potentially a few hundred affected by that single spot . It is a <NUMBER>k monitor From which country are you from ? ? . ??? Lenovo as the manufacturer can repair this unit for you but as you mentioned you would rather have a replacement rather than a repair order ... I would recommend then that you contact Bestbuy if they can provide you this option since the unit is defective right now . What are you saying , that I need to go back to Best Buy ? No ... As long as it 's a DDR<NUMBER>L . And if you wan na get the specific type that works best , look for the two info above . Does it matter what CPU is in the system ? Since this is an AMD-<NUMBER> CPU . Did they make requirement changes for the new CPU ? Would it be okay if I will access your system so I can perfom some troubleshooting ? <PERSON> assured I will not to touch or acquire any unnecessary folders , data , or contents . Should you be uncomfortable with the remote access , you can always terminate the session from your end . yes probably around <NUMBER> secs did that Let me give you a reference number for this chat session , it will be <NUMBER> ... You can now disconnect me from the chat session . Have a great day there <PERSON> . Bye for now ... I am happy that I was able to help you today . Let me just inform you that you will receive a survey upon ending this chat session asking you to give feedback on how I was able to assist you today . It will be highly appreciated if you could take time to answer the survey . thanks I apologize for the inconvenience . Let me assist you today and provided you options . That was what I was told the last time I contacted Lenovo on December <NUMBER> . I was told that the tech would open a new case ticket for the warranty dispute and the I would hear back within three business days . I have not heard anything yet . Please choose no ... Would you mind if I remote access the computer for you ? ok - so it in there , and so now when I open it , it is asking if I want to overwriter the newer '' versions I already have <NUMBER> . <PERSON> click on the desktop and select Intel graphics properties . <NUMBER> . Now , select the on battery tab and turn off <PERSON> . ok done <DIV> no I believe that is all for now thank you . Yes , just ship the machine to the Lenovo Service Center is the USA ... Here are the things that you need to do and things that you need to remember before you send the unit to Lenovo for repair ... Here is your case number <NUMBER> ... <POST> . Kindly read them all carefully and understand it and let me know if you have any questions . Thank you very much . Ok . ANd ship to address shown ? . what is my case number ? Thank you ... Let me give you a few reminders . <PERSON> read it carefully and let me know if you have any questions . <NUMBER> I think we 're trying to connect now . have at it . working on it . its a rescue by logmein ? I got it . I can send you a replacement dvd . please go to <WEBSITE> for help in installing the DVD . I would like to get your shipping address and your mobile number , If you have a home phone or alternate phone number , that would be great too . That would work ... It is also on Windows <NUMBER> <NUMBER>bit , but I have used a similiar model that the DVD drive still functions on . Yes we can do that ... I 'll have service center update you of the repair status . Can you please do that . Also I would like to be updated on that Okay , when did you start getting this issue ? were there any updates ? No We are sorry for the inconvenience CRYSTAL , but don ??? t worry , we will help you with this ... Can we please try and go to device manager and check the network adapters are disabled . The icon should show a small arrow pointing down . <NUMBER> nights ago windows did a update and my wifi card quit working And I would need to

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