North Carolina DMV

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According to the North Carolina Driver's Handbook, your chances of being involved in an accident will increase once your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) reaches


If you encounter a curve while traveling downhill:

1. Consider the pull of gravity; 2. Shift to a lower gear before moving downhill; and 3. Begin to brake earlier and approach the curve more slowly than you would on a level roadway.

The best way to handle a curve:

1. Slow down before you enter the curve so that you will not need to brake while you are in the curve; 2. Gradually increase your speed to maintain the traction necessary for good control of the vehicle as you round the curve; 3. Studies show that the vehicle moving at a speed considerably below the posted limit is much more likely to cause or be involved in a crash than the vehicle moving at a normal speed.


1. you should drive more slowly than usual, and you must use your headlights and windshield wipers. 2. Stopping distances on slippery pavement increases from two to 10 times farther than on dry pavement; therefore, slow down and allow yourself at least twice the normal following distance. 3. Roads are more dangerous just after rain has begun to fall, especially if it has not rained for a while. For the first 10 to 15 minutes, rain combines with oil from asphalt and vehicles, and with dirt, dust and rubber to create a slick surface. 4. Drive at least five to 10 miles per hour slower on wet pavement than you would on dry pavement.

If your driver license is revoked because you refused to submit to chemical testing for drugs or alcohol, the DMV will revoke your license for an additional ________ at least.

12 months

The third time a driver' license is suspended by the point system, it may be taken for:

12 months.

You are about to make a left turn on a street where the posted speed limit is 45 mph. Before turning, signal continuously for at least:

200 feet.

Assuming you are traveling 55 mph with ideal road conditions and suddenly need to stop. How far will your car approximately go, before you can bring it to a complete stop?

211 feet.

If you are convicted of speeding in a school zone, ____ points will be added to your driving record.

3 points

If you are convicted of drag racing on North Carolina's public roads, your driver license will be suspended for

3 years

If a driver under 18 years of age is convicted of a second moving violation within a year, his or her provisional license may be suspended for

30 days

If you refuse to submit to chemical testing for drugs or alcohol upon the request of a police officer, your driver license will be immediately revoked for at least _____ days.

30 days

If your chemical test shows that your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08% or above, your driver license will be immediately revoked for at least _____ days.

30 days

Provisional Licensee (under age 18)

30 days, upon conviction of a second moving violation occurring within a 12-month period; • 90 days, upon conviction of a third moving violation occurring within a 12-month period; and • Six months, upon conviction of a fourth moving violation occurring within a 12-month period.

The percentage of highway deaths caused by drunken persons is about:


If you are convicted of passing where signs or pavement markings prohibit it, ____ points will be added to your driving record.

4 points

If you are convicted of tailgating, ____ points will be added to your driving record. 5

4 points

If you are convicted of DWI for the second time in three years, your driver license will be revoked for ____ years.

4 years

If your driver license is revoked because you refused to submit to chemical testing for drugs or alcohol, you may be eligible for limited driving privileges after ________ of the revocation period has elapsed.

6 months

Your second license suspension for excessive points will last

6 months

Your first license suspension for excessive points will last

60 days

If your drivers license is suspended by the point system, it may be taken for:

60 days, first suspension 6 months second suspension and 12 months for the third suspension

Child Seats

A child under age 8 and weighing less than 80 pounds must be properly secured in a weight appropriate child passenger restraint system. If the vehicle is equipped with an active passenger-side front air bag and the vehicle has a rear seat, then a child under age 5 and weighing less than 40 pounds must be properly secured in the rear seat unless the child restraint system is designed for use with a front air bag system.

Cross Road sign

A road crosses the main highway ahead. Look to the left and right for other traffic.

Side Road

A road joins from the right. Be alert for vehicles entering the roadway you are traveling on.

Ramp Meter

A set of traffic signals- red and green only- used to control traffic flow onto a highway

Hill sign

A steep grade is ahead. Check your brakes.

A suspension of a driving privilege is the same as:

A temporary withdrawal of a driver license.

When you see black-on-orange signs, you are about to enter:

A work zone.

When a traffic signal is showing a steady red light:

After stopping, you may turn right unless prohibited by signs.

About 38% all traffic fatalities involve which of the following?

Alcohol More than one car

Windshield Wipers/Headlights

All North Carolina motorists are required to use headlights whenever they are using windshield wipers due to inclement weather.

It is unlawful to use a cell phone for email or text messages for:

All drivers.

When your driving privilege is reinstated after a suspension by the point system:

All previous driver license points are canceled.


All vehicles in a traffic circle travel to the right around the circle in a counterclockwise direction until you come to the road or street where you want to turn. You leave the traffic circle by making a right turn. If there is more than one lane in the circle, be sure you are in the outside lane before you come to the place where you intend to exit the circle. Look and signal before you turn or change lanes. Never make a right turn from an inside lane.

Keeping a Margin of Safety

Allow a margin of safety around you by staying clear of other vehicles. Make sure there is enough room ahead and behind to pass or stop safely.


Always park on the right side of the road, except on one-way streets.

side road sign

Another road enters the highway from the direction shown. Watch for traffic from that direction.

What is distracted driving?

Any activity that takes your attention away from the driving task.

Things that can distract you from driving include

Anything that draws your attention away from the road can distract you. Some examples of distractions while driving are text messaging, talking on the phone, dealing with children, and lighting a cigarette.

You have been taking medicine for a few days. You are not sure how the medicine will affect your driving. What is the best thing to do?

Ask your doctor or pharmacist.

With an enabled front passenger air bag, a rear-facing infant seat must:

Be placed in the back seat.

Before changing lanes, you should

Before changing lanes, you should check your mirrors and then check your blind spot by looking over your shoulder toward the rear.

When brakes fail:

Carefully use your emergency brake.

When changing lanes, you should never:

Change lanes in an intersection.

Always be careful around school buses and school bus stops

Children waiting for the bus or leaving the bus might dart out into traffic. Even when the school bus is not in sight, children at a bus stop sometimes will run into the street unexpectedly.

stop sign

Come to a full stop.


Communicating means letting others know what you plan to do early enough to avoid a crash.

Deer Crossing Sign

Deer cross the roadway in this area. Slow down, be alert and be ready to stop.


Do not attempt to make repairs on a vehicle while it is in an area exposed to other traffic. Call a tow truck or mechanic for assistance.

Driving while impaired can be proven in one of 2 ways:

Driver's physical or mental fitness are appreciably impaired by alcohol, drugs or a combination of both or BAC is 0.08% or more or 0.04% or more if driving a Commercial Motor Vehicle.

Your driving privilege will be revoked for at least 30 days if you are convicted of:

Driving any vehicle more than 15 miles per hour over the speed limit

Why is it dangerous and deadly to leave children and/or animals in a vehicle?

During the spring and summer months, after sitting in the sun, with even a slightly opened window, the temperature can rise rapidly inside a parked vehicle. The temperature inside a vehicle can rise approximately 40-50 degrees higher than the outside temperature. Dehydration, heat stroke and death can result from overexposure to the heat. During winter months, snow can block a car's exhaust pipe, and warming up a car can cause carbon monoxide to back up into the car. Carbon monoxide is an invisible gas that has no smell, taste or color but is poisonous, even deadly.

True or false? In North Carolina, the same turns allowed against a steady red signal are allowed when a red arrow is displayed.


Farm Machinery

Farm Equipment may be crossing the road. Be read to slow down for slow-moving equipment.

What is the shape of a warning sign that tells you there is a roundabout ahead?

Four-sided diamond.

Tips to Prevent Drowsy Driving:

Get a full night of rest before driving. If you become tired while driving, stop. A short nap (15 to 45 minutes) and consuming caffeine can help temporarily. • Stop regularly when driving long distances. Get out of the car at least every 2 hours to stretch and walk briskly.

Emotions affect your driving. If overly worried, excited, afraid or angry, it is a good idea to:

Give yourself time to calm down.

defensive driving

Good drivers try to see 10 to 15 seconds ahead on the roadway

When driving on a clear night with a steady stream of oncoming traffic, you should use:

Headlights on low beam.

hybrid beacon

Hybrid beacons may be used to control traffic at mid-block crosswalks and entrances to emergency response facilities. The beacons remain dark until activated by pedestrians or emergency response personnel. Once activated, the beacons will flash yellow for a few seconds, then go steady yellow and steady red for a few more seconds to allow moving vehicles to safely stop.


If a crash seems likely: • Sound the horn; • Keep to the right; • Turn away from oncoming traffic, even if you must leave the road; and/or • Drive off the road, into an open field if possible.

If you are under emotional or physical stress while driving a vehicle, you should

If you are exhausted, sleep-deprived, worried, ill, nervous, frightened, angry, or depressed, either stop driving until you feel better or let someone else drive.

An emergency vehicle using flashing lights approaches you from the opposite direction. You may continue driving:

If you are on a four-lane limited access highway with a median divider.


If you do begin to hydroplane, take your foot off the gas pedal. Resist your instinct to use the brakes. Keep your steering wheel straight and let the car's momentum decrease until the tires grip the road again and you regain control.

Which of the following happen(s) under the point system?

If you get 12 points within 3 years, you may lose your license.


If you have extreme trouble seeing, you need to: • Pull far off the roadway; • Stop, secure the vehicle and turn on its emergency flashers; and • Leave the vehicle from the passenger side and stay away from the road.

Entering and Exiting the Interstate

If you miss an exit, do not slow down, back up or try to turn around. Proceed to the next exit and leave the highway there instead.

Snow and Ice

If you must drive during a snowstorm, reduce speed, use windshield wipers and turn on the low[1]beam headlights. It is recommended that you reduce speed by more than half for packed snow and slow to a crawl on ice. Use chains if necessary for better traction,

Which of the following statements about parking is FALSE?

In North Carolina, it is illegal to park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.

Maximum Speed Limits

In cities and towns 35 For school buses 45 For school activity buses 55 Outside cities and towns 55 For interstates 70

Which of these statements about pedestrian deaths is correct?

In cities, 2 of every 5 people killed in motor vehicle crashes are pedestrians.

Parking is prohibited:

In front of a private driveway.

When can you share the lane and drive beside a motorcyclist?

In no situation.

Curve Right

Increase in temperature affect on curve

Work Zones

It is unlawful to drive a motor vehicle greater than the speed limit that is set and posted while driving in a work zone.

Cell Phones

It is unlawful to use a cell phone for email or text messages while operating a vehicle on a public street or highway or public vehicular area

You approach the road sign - slower traffic keep right. What should you do?

Keep in the right-hand lane when driving slower than other vehicles.

Two way traffic

Keep to the right because you are leaving a one-way road and entering a two-way road.

Looking 10 to 15 seconds ahead on the roadway might help you to avoid:

Last minute moves.

Right Turn

Left hand and arm pointing upward


Like drivers, bicyclists must: • Ride on the right side of the road; • Stop for stop signs and red lights; and • Give hand signals.

Selective Service System Requirement

Males between 18 and 25 application for driver's license or ID card serves as consent to be registered with Selective Service System.

Offense Suspension Time

Manslaughter 1 year Death by vehicle 1 year Manslaughter while under the influence of an impairing substance Permanent Assault with a motor vehicle 1 year Failure to stop and give aid when involved in an accident 1 year Speeding in excess of 55 mph and at least 15 mph over the legal limit while attempting to avoid arrest 1 year

A broken yellow center line:

May be crossed when passing other vehicles, but only if it is safe to do so.

Symptoms of drowsy driving may include:

Missing road signs, Drifting from your lane and Eyes going out of focus.

When parking close to a fire hydrant you must keep what distance?

More than 15 feet.

If you are being followed too closely (tailgated), you should:

Move to another lane or turn off the road.

Drivers entering a roundabout:

Must yield to drivers already in the roundabout.

Driving in Flood Conditions

Never drive through standing water on a roadway. The water level may be much higher than it appears and it is possible that part of the roadway may be washed away. Take precautions whenever you see water moving across a roadway during or after heavy rains or during flooding conditions. Your vehicle may stall and be swept off the roadway into deeper waters. There have been reports that six inches of fast moving water can sweep a car off the highway and 12 inches of fast moving water can float a car or cause it to turn over.

You are driving on a highway posted for 60 mph. Traffic around you is traveling at 70 mph. You may legally drive:

No faster than 60 mph.

Back of a Pick-up Truck

North Carolina law prohibits children less than age 16 from riding in the open bed of a pick-up truck.

On a four-lane divided roadway or a one-way road, a solid yellow line usually marks

On a four-lane divided roadway or a one-way road, a solid yellow line usually marks the left edge of the pavement.

In your lifetime, the chances of being seriously injured or killed in a motor vehicle crash is:

One in three (33 percent).

When stopped by a law enforcement officer, you should exit your vehicle:

Only when instructed by the officer.

handicap parking

Parking in this space ins only for vehicles displaying an official permit and transporting a disabled person.

Points given for following convictions:

Passing a stopped school bus 5 Aggressive Driving 5 Reckless Driving 4 Hit and run, property damage only 4 Following too closely 4 Driving on wrong side of road 4 Illegal passing 4 Running through stop sign 3 No drivers license or expired license 3

Conviction for which item carries the highest number of points?

Passing a stopped school bus that is unloading children

Vehicles entering a roundabout must yield to:

Pedestrians crossing the roadway, Vehicles in the roundabout and Bicyclists crossing the roadway.

Offense Suspension Time

Prearranged racing with another motor vehicle on the highway *3 years Watching, betting on or loaning a car for prearranged racing *3 years Willful refusal to submit to a blood or breath alcohol test 1 year Two charges of reckless driving committed within 12 months 1 year Attempting to obtain a license or learner permit under false pretense 1 year Failure to yield right of way when entering an intersection, turning at a stop or yield sign, entering a roadway, upon the approach of an emergency vehicle or at a highway construction or maintenance area when the offense results in serious bodily injury 90 days and $500

15. When an emergency vehicle using flashing lights approaches you from the opposite direction on a four-lane limited-access highway with a center median, you should:

Proceed as normal, but be extra alert.

road closed 1500 ft


Under the North Carolina point system, which violation will result in a higher point value?

Reckless driving.

What is the most important driving technique when driving on icy or snowy roads?

Reduce speed and increase following distance.

When brakes fail, you should:

Shift to a lower gear. Use your emergency brake. Try not to panic.

A driver license is required for which of the following?

Sitting in the driver's seat of a car while the engine is running. Steering a car while it is being pushed or towed by another vehicle.

A school bus with flashing red lights is stopped on the other side of a four-lane roadway with a center turning lane. What should you do?

Slow down and pass carefully.

Because of its size, a tractor-trailer often appears to be traveling:

Slower than it actually it is.

You will lose your license if you are convicted of:

Speeding more than 75 mph

When you plan to exit an interstate or other limited access highway, you should:

Start slowing down in the deceleration lane.

If the rear of your vehicle starts to skid left, you should:

Steer left.

If the driver ahead of you stops at an unmarked crosswalk for a pedestrian, you should:

Stop and let the pedestrian cross.

You approach a stopped school bus on your side of a divided highway. Red lights are flashing. In this situation, you must:

Stop and not pass until the red lights are no longer flashing.

Sun Glare

Sunlight, either direct or reflected, poses a dangerous driving situation for drivers. To reduce this problem, adjust your sun visor and wear sunglasses. If these do not help, stop on the roadside until you can drive safely.

What is the correct hand signal for indicating a right turn?

The correct hand signal for making a right turn is hand and arm extended upward with the palm facing forward.

Seat Belts

The driver and all passengers in a motor vehicle manufactured with seat belts shall have a seat belt properly fastened about his or her body at all times when the vehicle is in forward motion on a street or highway in this state. Children under age 16 should be in an age and weight appropriate restraint.

About two-thirds of motorcycle crashes in North Carolina involve a car. Who is at fault in most of these crashes?

The driver of the car.

soft shoulder sign

The ground on the side of the road is soft. Don't leave the pavement except in an emergency.

Divided Highway ends

The highway ahead no longer has a median or divider. Traffic goes in both directions. Keep right.

Suppose you are driving on a four-lane highway. From which lane should you make a right turn?

The lane closest to the right edge of the road.


The law requires a white light shining on the license plate to make the numbers visible for at least 50 feet.

Night Driving

The law requires use of headlights from sunset to sunrise and when visibility is 400 feet or less.

Low Clearance Sign

The overpass ahead has a low clearance. Do not proceed if your vehicle is taller than the height shown on the sign.

Lane Drop Sign

The right lane ends soon. Merge when a space opens up.

This sign means

The road ahead curves to the right and then to the left.

Adjusting Your Speed to Driving Conditions

The speed at which you drive determines the distance required to stop your vehicle. Stopping distance also depends on your reaction time. Stopping distances are longer at higher speeds because a vehicle travels farther during the driver's reaction time, and it takes more braking distance to come to a full stop.

Winding road sign

There are several curves ahead. Drive slowly and carefully and do not pass other vehicles.

Stop Ahead Sign

There is a stop sign ahead. Slow down and prepare to stop.

do not pass

This sign marks the beginning of a no passing zone. You may not pass cars ahead of you in your lane, even if the way is clear.

What does this sign mean?

This sign means that you may not park on the left of the sign at any time.

The alcohol concentration in your blood will be reduced only by:


signal ahead sign

Traffic signals are ahead. Slow down and be ready to stop.

If a driver who is less than 21 years old is convicted for an offense of driving with any amount of alcohol or drugs in his/her body, his/her license will be revoked for one year.


If you are convicted of DWI while your license in revoked for an earlier DWI conviction, the court may order your vehicle seized and sold.


Convictions occurring outside North Carolina may result in your license being suspended or revoked just as if the violations occurred in this state.


What can you do in a two-way left-turn lane?

Turn left to leave the roadway

specific rules for a variety of situations involving stopped school buses:

Two-lane roadway: When school bus stops for passengers, all traffic from both directions must stop.

Which is one factor that greatly affects your stopping distance?

Type and condition of tires.

Traffic Officers

Under special circumstances, an officer may be directing the flow of traffic. If so, obey the officer's hand signals instead of the normal traffic signals or signs.

When are road pavements usually most slippery?

When it first starts to rain.

slippery when wet sign

When pavement is wet, reduce your speed. Do not brake hard or change direction suddenly. Increase the distance between your car and the one ahead of you.

Right-of-Way at Intersections

When two facing vehicles approach an intersection at the same time, the right[1]of-way rules are not much help. Both drivers can move straight ahead or turn right. If one driver is going straight while the other wants to turn left, the driver who wants to turn must wait. The driver who wants to turn left must give the proper signal and wait until the turn can be made safely. Therefore, in this case, the driver who is traveling straight ahead has the right of way. Never change lanes while you are moving straight ahead through an intersection.

Railroad Crossing Safety

Whenever any person driving a vehicle approaches a railroad grade crossing under any of the circumstances stated in this section, the driver of the vehicle shall stop within 50 feet, but not less than 15 feet from the nearest rail of the railroad and shall not proceed until he can do so safely.

Proof of liability insurance is needed:

Whenever you drive.

When driving at night, be sure that you can stop:

Within the distance you can see ahead.

Pavement Markings

Yellow lines separate travel lanes moving in opposite directions. White lines separate travel lanes moving in the same direction. A yellow skipped or broken line is used as the center line on a two-lane, two-way road where passing with care is permitted in both directions. When continuous, double, solid, yellow lines are the center lines, you cannot cross them to pass in either direction. On a two-lane road, passing with care is permitted if the skipped-yellow line is in your lane.

yield ahead sign

Yield sign ahead. Slow down and be prepared to stop at yield sign or adjust speed to traffic.

Merging Traffic Sign

You are coming to a point where another traffic lane joins the one you are on. Watch for other traffic and be ready to yield the right-of-way when necessary.

If you turn into a road where road reflectors shine red in your headlights, the reflectors tell you:

You are going the wrong way, against traffic.

You may always continue carefully against a yellow light if:

You are too close to stop safely.

Why can it be dangerous to drive with a leak in the exhaust system?

You can be a victim of carbon monoxide poisoning.

When you have 7 points, which of the following may happen?

You can have 3 points deducted if you complete a Driver Improvement Clinic.

You must turn on your headlights when:

You use your windshield wipers due to snow, it is dark outside and you cannot clearly see vehicles from a distance of 400 feet.

Four-lane roadway without a median separation: When school bus stops for passengers

all traffic from both directions must stop

Two-lane roadway with a center turning lane: When school bus stops for passengers

all traffic from both directions must stop

Police cars, ambulances, fire engines and rescue vehicles with flashing lights and sirens

always have the right of way

Distracted driving

any activity that could divert a person's attention away from the primary task of driving.

approaching an intersection with a traffic light that has malfunctioned due to a power outage or some other problem,

approach the intersection and proceed as though the intersection is controlled by a stop sign on all approaches to the intersection.

Route markers for U.S. highways

are in the shape of a shield

The law gives a blind pedestrian special consideration

at an intersection where there are no traffic signals when the pedestrian extends a white cane, or a white cane with a red tip or has a guide dog

North Carolina route markers

diamond shaped

flashing red signal

has the same meaning as the stop sign: stop and do not proceed to move until you can enter the intersection without interfering with approaching traffic

To signal a left turn

hold the arm and hand straight out and point the first finger

To signal a right turn

hold the arm straight out and the forearm and hand straight up, palm facing forward

yellow arrow

indicates that the "protected" green arrow signal is about to turn to a regular circular green signal, circular red signal or red arrow signal

The safe driver yields right of way to a pedestrian whether the pedestrian

is entitled to it or not

Farm equipment

is legally entitled to travel on most roads in North Carolina, except interstates

no passing zone sign

marks the beginning of a no passing zone, you may not pass cars ahead of you in your lane, even if the way is clear

green arrow

means that you have a "protected" movement and are permitted to cautiously enter the intersection to make the movement indicated by the arrow. U-turning traffic should yield to opposing right turning traffic when both movements simultaneously have their respective green arrow.

All vehicles, regardless of direction of travel

must yield right of way to an approaching emergency vehicle

What is this sign?

object marker on a road sign

Divided highway of four lanes or more with a median separation: When school bus stops for passengers

only traffic following the bus must stop

Roadway of four lanes or more with a center turning lane: When school bus stops for passengers

only traffic following the bus must stop

When you are driving, always yield right of way to_______


At intersections controlled by ordinary traffic signals

pedestrians must obey the same signals as drivers traveling in the same direction. Pedestrians should not start to cross during a red or yellow signal

To signal stopping and slowing down

point the arm and hand down, palm facing back

school crossing

portion of a street or highway near a school that is subject to special speed limits

N.C. secondary road signs

rectangular in shape

Even-numbered highways

run east and west

Odd-numbered highways

run north and south

. When a school bus displays its mechanical stop signal or flashing red lights to receive or discharge passengers

the driver of any other vehicle approaching the school bus must stop and not attempt to pass the school bus until the mechanical stop signal is withdrawn, the flashing red lights are turned off and the bus has started to move

Divided Highway Sign

the road you are on intersects with a divided highway. The divided highway is really two (2), one-way roadways that are separated by a median or a guide rail. At the first roadway, you can only turn right, and at the second roadway, you can only turn left

If a vehicle driver does not properly signal vehicle movements to a motorcycle operator and causes the motorcycle to change lanes or leave the roadway

the vehicle driver will be charged and fined as the law provides

At intersections without traffic signals, pedestrians have the right of way if

they are in marked crosswalks or in unmarked crosswalks formed by imaginary lines extending from the sidewalks across the streets

The only thing that sobers up a drinker


Distractions cause drivers

to react more slowly to traffic conditions or events, such as a car stopping to make a turn or pulling out from a side road.

red arrow

turning traffic must stop

If you accumulate seven points, which of the following may happen?

you may be required to attend a driver improvement clinic

The Two-Second Rule

you should allow two seconds between the time the vehicle ahead of you passes a given point and the time your vehicle reaches the same point.

if you are traveling 55 miles per hour

your vehicle requires approximately 211 feet to stop completely

Follow these guidelines when approaching or being approached by an emergency vehicle:

• As the emergency vehicle approaches (from ahead or behind), drive to the right-hand curb or edge of the road and stop completely; • Remain stopped until the emergency vehicle has passed, or until directed to move by a traffic officer; • Do not park within 100 feet of an emergency vehicle that has stopped to investigate an accident or to give assistance; • Do not drive or park closer than one block from fire trucks responding to a fire alarm; • Never drive a motor vehicle over a fire hose.

Places where you should not park:

• At an intersection or in front of a driveway; • Within 25 feet of the curb line of an intersecting street or within 15 feet of the intersecting right of way lines if there is no curb; • On a crosswalk, sidewalk or bridge; • Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or entrance to a fire station; • On the paved or primary-travel portion of any highway — parking on the shoulder is also against the law unless the parked vehicle can be seen by approaching drivers from both directions for a distance of at least 200 feet; • On the roadway side of another vehicle (double parking); • Where there are "no-parking" signs; • Within one block of a fire or fire truck in city limits or within 400 feet of a fire or fire truck outside the city; • Anywhere within the right of way of an interstate highway, except in designated parking areas or in cases of emergencies; and • Parking spaces designated for handicap/disabled use

Places where passing is always unsafe and usually illegal:

• At intersections in cities and towns or at railroad crossings; • At marked intersections in rural areas; • On any curve or hill where the driver cannot see at least 500 feet ahead; • Wherever there is a solid yellow line in the driver's lane; • Wherever there is a double-solid yellow line; • At intersections or crosswalks where a vehicle has stopped to allow people to cross the street; and • Wherever the driver cannot see that the road is clear of traffic far enough ahead to pass safely.

Wet Brakes

• Driving a short distance; and • Applying light pressure to the brake pedal. The heat generated by the friction of the brakes will evaporate the water from the brake linings.

Funeral Processions

• Every vehicle in a funeral procession must have its headlights on, and the hazard warning signals must also be on, if so equipped. • The driver of a vehicle shall not knowingly drive between vehicles in a funeral procession.

If a blowout occurs:

• Hold the steering wheel tightly and try to keep the vehicle straight on your side of the road; • Reduce speed by lifting your foot from the accelerator; • Do not apply the brakes until the engine has slowed the vehicle enough to allow you to maintain control of the vehicle; and • Find a safe place to move the vehicle completely off the road.

When you are starting or stopping on snowy or icy roads:

• Increase your speed slowly; • Get the "feel of the road" by testing your steering control and the braking friction; • Start to move in second gear or higher and release the clutch slowly (for manual shifts); • Allow at least three times the normal stopping distance to slow down; • (When you stop) keep your foot off the brake and let the engine slow the vehicle; and • Maintain extra distance between yourself and the vehicle in front of you.72 but do not forget that even chains and snow tires can slide on ice and packed snow. You cannot start, stop or maneuver quickly in these conditions. Watch for other drivers, especially those who do not have their vehicles under control.

Use caution before changing a flat tire.

• Move the vehicle completely off the road. • Set the parking brake and use emergency flares (if you have them) to warn other drivers. • Direct all passengers to leave the vehicle by the passenger side. Never allow passengers to remain in the vehicle during a tire change. Move passengers off the road or shoulder — do not allow them to stand in front or to the rear of the vehicle. • Turn on the emergency flashers and parking lights. • Block the wheels to prevent the vehicle from rolling.

The most important rules about speed are:

• Never drive faster than the posted speed limit or at a speed that is unreasonable or unwise given the existing conditions. • Allow a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of you (the "two[1]second rule"). • The faster you are moving, the farther ahead you must be able to see to allow enough distance for stopping.

When approaching any authorized emergency vehicle (police, fire department, ambulance, rescue squad or public service vehicle that is being used to assist motorists or law enforcement officers with wrecked or disabled vehicles) that is parked or standing within 12 feet of the roadway with the emergency or warning lights activated, a driver is required to do the following:

• On a highway with at least two lanes of traffic in the same direction you are traveling, you must move your vehicle into a lane that is not the lane nearest the parked or standing emergency vehicle and continue traveling in that lane until safely clear of the emergency vehicle. • On a highway with only one lane of traffic in the same direction you are traveling, you must slow your speed and drive at a reduced, safe speed until completely past the emergency vehicle.

Exceptions where passing on the right is allowed:

• On highways having at least two lanes traveling in each direction; • On one-way streets where all lanes of traffic move in the same direction; • When passing a vehicle that is in the left-turn lane; and/or • When driving in a lane set aside for right turns.

Some examples of moving violations:

• Passing a stopped school bus; • Reckless driving; • Hit-and-run; • Following too closely; • Driving on the wrong side of the road; • Illegal passing; • Running through a stop sign or red light; • Failure to yield right of way; • Failure to stop for an emergency siren; and • Speeding.

If you are about to be hit from the rear, and there are no vehicles in front of you:

• Press the accelerator and move away as quickly as possible; • Be ready to apply your brakes if there is no room to move; • Brace yourself between the steering wheel and the seat; and • Press the back of your head firmly against the head rest.


• Reduce speed gradually; • Engage your anti-lock braking system using firm, steady pressure on the brake pedal. Do not PUMP anti-lock brakes. If you do not have anti-lock brakes, you should pump the brakes gently to slow the vehicle.

Brake Failure

• Shift into a lower gear, release the clutch pedal (for manual transmissions) and apply the emergency brake. • If the vehicle is equipped with automatic transmission, apply the emergency brake and move the gear control lever into the low-range position. Using the emergency brake in this manner could cause damage to it and the transmission, but under the circumstances of brake failure there is no better choice.

Driving involves two important types of skills:

• Skills that enable the driver to drive defensively and to avoid a crash in spite of driving errors by others; and • Skills for the basic rules about turning, passing, packing and parking the vehicle.


• Slows brain functions so that you cannot respond to situations, make decisions or react quickly. • Reduces your ability to judge how fast you are moving or your distance from other cars, people or objects. • Gives you false confidence — you may take greater risks because you think your driving is better than it really is. • Makes it harder to do more than one thing - while you concentrate on steering, you could miss seeing traffic lights, cars entering from side streets or pedestrians. • Affects your sense of balance - very important if you ride a motorcycle. • Makes you sleepy.

Gas Pedal Sticks

• Tap the gas pedal to try to unstick the throttle linkage or lift the pedal with your foot; • Shift to neutral and apply firm pressure to the brakes without locking the wheels; and/or • Find a safe place to move the vehicle completely off the road.

types of distracted driving include:

• Texting • Using a cell phone • Eating and drinking • Talking to passengers • Grooming • Reading, including maps • Using a navigation system • Watching a video • Adjusting a radio, CD player, or MP3 player

In intersections without traffic signs or signals, the right[1]of-way rules state:

• The vehicle already in the intersection has the right of way ahead of any vehicle that has not yet entered; • When two or more vehicles reach an intersection at the same time, the vehicle to the right has the right of way; • A vehicle with the right-of-way may move straight ahead or, if legal and after signaling, turn right or left; and • Even with the right-of-way, be careful to avoid hitting other vehicles and pedestrians.

If you must drive during fog:

• Turn on the low beam headlights; • Reduce your driving speed and be alert for tail lights of the vehicle in front of you; and • Watch for the vehicles behind you.

Pedestrians should always:

• Walk on the left side of the road facing traffic; • Wear or carry something white — do not assume that drivers can see you; • Do everything you can to make yourself visible to drivers; • Be ready to move out of the way in case a driver cannot see you; and • At night, remember that it is more difficult for drivers to see you — use a flashlight.

Some warning signs of drowsy driving:

• You cannot remember the last few miles driven. • You hit a rumble strip or drift from your lane. • You yawn repeatedly. • You have difficulty focusing or keeping your eyes open.

In the event you are involved in a crash:

• You must stop the vehicle immediately. If you do not stop, you have violated the law; • Take precautions to prevent further crashes at the scene; • Do whatever you can to help those who have been injured; • Try to ensure that someone informs a law enforcement officer immediately; and • If the crash occurred on a main lane, ramp, shoulder, median or adjacent area of the highway and there are no injuries or fatalities, each vehicle should be moved out of the travel lane onto the shoulder of the road provided it can be driven safely under its own power and without causing further damage to the vehicle,

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