NS2 Questions

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What is the name of the ships, that are loaded with combustibles, that were set afire and sent drifting among enemy ships, meant to burn any that they might hit


Two-part question.......Where did the first major land battle of the Civil War take place and what year

First Battle of Bull Run in July 1861

At what fort did the Civil War begin

Fort Sumter

Navies came into being using this type of special ship which had oars and sometimes sails


What is the name of the person who would later be called a traitor, when he changed sides in 1780 over disputes with the Continental Congress and was appointed a general in the British army

General Benedict Arnold

In what city and state is Fort Taylor located

Key West Florida

What was the name of the official documents commissioning vessels as privateers

Letters of Marque

Vikings used wooden sailing vessels with shallow draft hulls and oars that facilitated travel through the Open ocean, as well as shallow coastal areas and rivers. What were those vessels known as

Long ships

What was the name of the colonial troops who were loyal to the British


What is the dreamor ideal of a country stretching from coast to coast, and was the most important result of the Mexican War

Manifest destiny

Two part question...............In the first century BC, rebellious Romans and their Egyptian allies under the command of what 2 people, tried to overthrow the Roman Empire during the confusion following the assassination of Julius Caesar

Mark Anthony and Queen Cleopatra

Who was the United States Navy's oceanographer

Matthew Fontaine

Who were the first European people to use Sea power

The Sailors and Traders of ancient Crete

In 1767, what was the name of the act that was passed by Parliament which taxed paper, lead, and tea

,The Townshend Act

Two part question..........What two countries were at war with each other during the Seven Year War

England and France

On what day did the Continental Congress establish the first two battalions of the Marine Corps

10 November 1775

The US Congress declared the American Revolution over on what date

11 April 1783

On what date did Congress declare war with Mexico

13 May 1846

Two part question.........What year was the first successful colony in North America founded and where was it founded

1607, Jamestown, Virginia

How many clipper ships were built between the years 1850 and 1855


Two part question..............Between which years was the seven year war

1756 to 1763

In what year did the Battle of Bunker Hill take place


What year was the USS Constitution launched


In what year did James Madison become president


In what year was the Battle of Lake Erie


In what year was the Battle of New Orleans


In what year was Texas annexed by the United States and admitted to the Union as a state


The Secretary of the Navy ordered the establishment of the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland in what year


Two-part question......... between what years was the Mexican War

1846 to 1848

The clipper ships had their greatest year in what year


Two-part question......... in what years did the Civil War start and end

1861 to 1865

In what year did Congress abolish flogging of sailors and ended the traditional daily ration of grog, a mixture of rum and water to shipboard personnel


Two-part question.......... of the 31 million Americans how many live in the North and how many live in the south during the Civil War

22 million live in the North and 9 million live in the south

On what date was the Treaty of Paris signed

3 September 1783

On what date was the Navy Department created

30 April 1898

On what day was the Declaration of Independence signed

4 July 1776

Abraham Lincoln won the presidential election with what percentage of the popular vote


The Navy act that Congress passed in 1794 provided for how many frigates


What is a tax on incoming foreign trade or goods

A tariff

What is a group of large metal hooks, with a central shaft attached to a heaving line and is used for latching onto an object such as a ship

A grapple

What is a Naval Armada

A large Fleet of Warships

How much money did Queen Isabella contribute to Christopher Columbus on his first voyage of Discovery in 1492

About $5,000

Before the Civil War ended the North had about 2.5 million men in uniform, including some 200,000 African Americans. How many did the South have

About 1 million

How many regulars did the United States Army have in uniform when the Civil War begin

About 16,000

In the year 1850 what percentage of the population lived in the southern states

About one-third

How many warships did the United States Navy have in the year 1812

And of that number, how many were frigates?18 warships, seven of them were frigates

In what month and year did the American Revolution began at Lexington and Concord

April 1775

What is an ironclad

Armored warship

How did the USS Constitution develop the nickname Old Ironsides

Because cannonballs would bounce off of her hull

What person did the Continental Congress send to France in order to convince the French that joining the American cause was the best way for them to take world leadership away from England

Benjamin Franklin

Who what's the first Secretary of the Navy

Benjamin Stoddert

Where is the USS Constitution homeported

Boston Harbor

Botstonians, disguised as Warlike Indians boarded a merchant ship and dumped some tea into the port rather than pay taxes on it. What was this incident called

Boston Tea Party

Two-part question.........who said the famous phrase "don't give up the ship" and what ship was he on when he said that phrase

Captain James Lawrence, USS Chesapeake

In the 1850s who was largely responsible for the Improvement of Naval Ordnance

Commander John Dahlgren

Who developed large bottle shaped guns, thick in the breach and tapered towards the muzzle, which could fire heavy spherical shells filled with explosive charges

Commander John Dahlgren

What term means suspension of trade


Who authored the book Moby Dick

Herman Melville

What was the name of the practice that the Continental authorities were forced to resort to, in order to effectively crew the ships, wherein the men were forced to serve by taking them onboard against their will


Two part question..............When did the American Revolution Start and when did it end

It started in 1775 and ended in 1783

After the first States succeeded from the Union who initially became the president of the Confederate States of America

Jefferson Davis

During the Civil War, what was the South's largest and most important port city

New Orleans

How many Southern electoral votes did Abraham Lincoln receive


When was the Treaty of Ghent signed

On Christmas Eve 1814

Over how many million Africans were transported to slavery in the Americas via the middle passage

Over 15 million

In what city and state is Fort Pickens located

Pensacola Florida

In 265 BC the first of several bitter conflicts between Rome and Carthage powers begin in Sicily Italy. What are the effects known as

Punic Wars

What country were the Vikings from


What is being able to defend a nation's own sealanes and being able to deny an enemy the use of the sea in time of War

Sea power

What is the ability to use the sea to meet a nation's needs

Sea power

Two-part question.........After the war had broken out in June 1812, a shipbuilding race had begun on Lake Ontario between the British Naval Commander and his American counterpart what were their two names

Sir James Yeo and Commodore Isaac Chauncey

The first Continental Naval squadron was composed of a total of how many schooners, brigs, and sloops


In response to Abraham Lincoln's nomination for president, which state immediately announced it would succeed from the union if he were elected

South Carolina

What was the first state to succeed from the union after President Abraham Lincoln was elected

South Carolina

Who was the youngest person to reach the rank of Captain in the United States Navy at the age of 25

Stephen Decatur

The Continental Navy went out of existence when its sole remaining warship was sold what was the name of that worship

The Alliance

Two part question..........The first use of a submersible was in which war and who authorized it

The American Revolution & George Washington

Two part question...........What were the names of the 1st two vessels that the US Navy bought and armed after its official birth

The Andrew Doria and the Cabot

In the year 1571, what battle ended Muslim attempts to move further into Europe and control the Mediterranean Sea

The Battle of Lepanto

What was the name of the incident in which the first casualties of the American Revolution died

The Boston Massacre

What is the period of Western European history from the fall of Rome until about the eleventh Century called

The Dark Ages

Two-part question...........What was the name of the frigate that ran a ground when she was blockading Tripoli and subsequently had more than 300 of her crew was held for ransom and who volunteered to lead a raiding party to burn said ship?

The Frigate Philadelphia, Lieutenant Stephen Decatur

What act eliminated the Missouri Compromise and made it possible for slavery to be introduced into any new territory based on the decision of the residence there

The Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854

To become richer and more powerful, a nation had to make some other Nation poorer through capture of its trade and colonies. What is this Theory known as

The Mercantile theory

What theory kept the world in almost continuous conflict well until the 1800s

The Mercantile theory

What was the name of the law which stipulated that a balance between slave and free states had to be maintained as new States entered the Union

The Missouri Compromise of 1820

What group of people were the first to use money as a means to facilitate trade

The Phoenicians

In August of 1776, Lieutenant John Paul Jones was the CO of a ship that captured 16 enemy vessels and destroyed many others in a single month. What was the name of that ship

The Providence

In the 11th century, the crusades begin to gradually hasten a reawakening of education and culture in Western Europe. What is this period known as

The Renaissance or the rebirth

What treaty ended the Mexican War in February 1848

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

In 1763, what document was signed when the war in North America between France and England ended

The Treaty of Paris

What was the name of the submersible, designed and built by David Bushnell during the American Revolutionary War

The Turtle

In the year 1789, the Articles of Confederation were replaced by what document

The United States Constitution

Two-part question.......... what were the two sister ships of the USS Constitution

The United States and The Constellation

In 1859, what Northern abolitionists raided the federal Arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia and called for a general Insurrection of Southern slaves

The abolitionist John Brown

Two-part question............ what percentage of the United States population lived in the south and what percentage of the United States population lived in the North in 1860 immediately preceding the Civil War

The south had 29% and the north had 71%

What does the term "status quo ante bellum" mean

The status before the war

What document ended the Revolutionary War

Treaty of Paris

In February 1862 a Joint Force of Navy gunboats and Union Army volunteers captured Fort McHenry in north central Tennessee who commanded those forces

Ulysses S Grant

Soon after taking command of the Army, George Washington, on his own initiative commissioned 7 ships to capture some of the supplies streaming in by the British to troops in Boston. Collectively, what were those seven ships called

Washington's Navy

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