NTR 332 Exam 2

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CACFP Adult Day Care Center Eligibility

public/private non-profit adult day care facility which provides structured, comprehensive services to nonresidential adults who are functionally impaired or 60yrs +

MOWAM Healthy Options for the Elderly (HOPE)

volunteers deliver an extra bag of non-perishable groceries, provided by CAFB, to the most needy clients 1x Saturday/month

MOWAM Groceries To Go Program

volunteers grocery shop 2x per month for clients who can still cook, but are unable to get to the store on their own; money is provided via social worker

MOWAM MediWheels Program

volunteers provide transportation for clients who need to get to/from regular medical appointments


provides researchers/nutritionist with different lenses through which to see situations and offer understandings

MOWAM Second Meals

provides shelf-stable 5 day supply of meals/breakfasts for those most nutritionally at risk


provides technical information to policy makers to help pass legislation

Reciprocal Determinism

behavior is determined by interaction among 3 elements: 1. PERSON 2. PERSON'S BEHAVIOR 3. ENVIRONMENT

CACFP Definition of "Adult"

Assume individual is of low-socioeconomic status --> person enrolled in adult day care center who is functionally impaired or 60yrs + *not eligible if residing in institution*

Efficacy Expectation

beliefs regarding one's ability to successfully perform a behavior -ex. SFC Happy Kitchen provides cooking classes to increase fruit/veg consumption

Outcome Expectation

beliefs that the performance of a behavior will have the desired effects -ex. changing someone's belief they are unable to lose weight b/c they've tried before OR family obesity, etc..

MOWAM Care Calls

volunteers are "phone friends" to homebound clients and call either 1x day or 2x week for longer chats

MOWAM Handy Wheels

volunteers are sent to homes of those in need one Saturday per month to make minor, home safety repairs and improvements

Mandatory Spending

meant for ENTITLEMENT programs (required)


-Course of action chosen by public authorities to address a given problem -framework that directs the selection of actions to be followed by individuals, orgs., or communities to meet needs of society -ex. Agricultural Policy influences food supply/costs

CATCH Programs

-K-5 (Elementary) & 6-8 (MS) -CATCH Kids Club -CATCH Early Childhood 3-5yrs

Types of PACS

-Non-connected Committee -Separate Segregated Fund *regulated by FEC*

WIC Categorical Eligibility

-Pregnant Women -Women up to 6 months Post-Partum -Women up to 1 year Post-Partum if BREASTFEEDING -Children under 5yrs -Parents/Guardians able to apply for children under 5yrs

Changes to WIC Food Packages

-aligned with DGA to increase fiber, reduce fat/sat fat -delays introduction of infant cereals -adds infant foods -eliminates infant juices -promotes breastfeeding -accommodates cultural food preferences (soy) -helps special needs participants


mental processes including attention, memory, information processing, solving problems and making decisions

CATCH Child Nutrition Services

-"EAT SMART" -provides children with tasty meals that are lower in FAT & SAT FAT -maintains req. levels of essential nutrients & student participation -coordinated health nutrition messages with other areas of school -guide ENTIRE campus toward creating healthy school environment

CATCH Research Trial

-1991-1994 -Child & Adolescent Trial for Cardiovascular Health -1st research trials to integrate school, child & family -covered an ethnically diverse population -covered CA, LA, MN, TX -had large # of schools (N=96) -originally meant to prevent heart disease

WIC Food Packages

-7 packages depending on category -encourages breastfeeding for cost saving/nutrition benefits -items available are provided on a list; can be bought ALL at once, or throughout month

MOWAM Brown Meal

-Combination meal

WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP)

-allows WIC participants to use coupons in addition to regular WIC food package -coupons available for fresh, unprepared fruits and vegetables -works with Coordinated Extension Programs to provide nutrition education, cooking, etc..

CACFP Eligibility of "For-Profit" Adult Day Care Centers

-at least 25% of participants receive benefits from XX or XIX -reimbursement depends on individuals qualification for free, reduced-price or paid meals

Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)

-authorized under National School Lunch Act -administered by USDA FNS through grants to states -states can chose to administer program via agriculture (TX) or education agency

CATCH Classroom Curriculum

-based on SOCIAL LEARNING/COGNITIVE THEORY (very effective) -uses modeling by cartoons & peers -provides skills training & self-monitoring -develops socials skills --> "being able to say no" -social norm setting via role playing -knowledge

Major Constructs/Concepts of SLT

-behavioral capacity -efficacy expectation -outcome expectation

CACFP Eligible Participants at Child Care Centers

-below 130% of poverty = FREE meals -130-185% of poverty = REDUCED-PRICE meals

MOWAM Orange Meal

-bland meal -for people with digestive disorders like GERD

Social Security Act Title XX/Block Grant

-capped entitlement program provided to states based on population -purpose is to achieve social policy goals, provide affordable child care, and community based care for the elderly/disabled

Social Learning/Social Cognitive/Social Influence Theory

-emphasizes interactive nature of cognitive, personal factors, and environmental events on behavior -comprehensive

Budget Authorization

-establishes programs -sets ceiling on spending -does NOT provide money

WIC Funding

-federal grants given to each state -state individualizes funds for clinics (i.e. language brochure) -TX Department of State Health Services

MOWAM Congregate Meal Program

-for individuals who want a place to go to eat & socialize -provide a meal, play games, lectures, exercise -no charge but accept donations

CATCH Home Team/Family

-homework completed by child with parent/grown-up assistance -focuses on skills development & changing family norms -complements curricula -includes family fun night health fairs for community participation

WIC Financial Eligibility

-households with incomes at or below 185% of federal poverty income level -based on GROSS income -includes ALL members of household; Pregnant = 2

Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010

-local school wellness policy -expands scope of school wellness policies -brings in additional stakeholders in development, implementation & review (School Health Advisory Committee TX) -requires public updates on implementation of policies -must review local wellness policy and implement by yr 2011-2012

MOWAM Red Meal

-low potassium meal -for people who are pre-dialysis or on dialysis -limits potassium to 1000mg/meal

CACFP After School Snack Requirements

-meal pattern is based on nutritional needs of children 6-12yrs -2 of 4 components must be served (ex. milk + fruit or meat & bread)

Texas Congress/Legislature

-meets every 2 years, odd numbered, for 140 days -special sessions requested by Governor -Representatives serves 2 yrs -Senator serves 4 yrs -legislators meant to hold other positions

Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) Program

-multi-component school based coordinated health approach to help children adopt healthy dietary & physical activity behaviors -involves students, teachers, PE, nurses, ADMIN, NTR staff, families -considered a TEA approved CSHP

Building Coalitions

-networks & other alliances that join with smaller groups to influence the political system -ex. Feeding America, Meal on Wheels, Dairy Farmers

Discretionary Spending

-not required -choices made in defense, energy assistance, nutrition assistance

CACFP "At-Risk" After School Care Programs Requirements

-offer enrichment for at-risk children/teenagers after regular school day -program must be offered in area where AT LEAST 50% of children are eligible for free/reduced-price meals based on school data

MOWAM Client Assistance Program

-only if FUNDS AVAILABLE -assist clients with bills -helps provide things like shower chairs, microwaves, fans, blankets, heaters

WIC Cereal Requirements

-only product that doesn't have to be generic -possibly due to cereal companies OR generic unavailable at small clinics

Standing Committee

-permanently established to create and approve legislation, to authorize programs, and supervise program implementation -allows for EXPERTS on committees -ex. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry

MOWAM Meals in ATX

-planned by RD -prepped by central kitchen -meals contain 1/3 of RDA -6 different meal options

Political Action Committee (PAC)

-political arm of an interest group -group/legal entity formed to raise & contribute money to campaigns of candidates likely to advance their interests -can be affiliated with a corporation, association, or union

Meals on Wheels and More (MOWAM)

-prepare over 1 million meals/yr -member of Meals on Wheels Association of America, but does NOT receive funds from it -relies on donations from organizations -receive some grants from government elderly programs

MOWAM Eligibility

-primarily homebound -unable to EASILY prepare nutritious meals -without consistent daytime assistance from another person -able to accept meals during delivery time frame -short-term service available for those with temp needs *each individual assessed by MOWAM social worker*

MOWAM Mike's Place

-program offered 1x/week for persons with Alzheimer's & other memory loss/dementia; serves as support/rest for caregivers -started as a result of one of the volunteers

Budget Appropriation

-provides money for programs -can be single year, multi-year, or indefinite number of years

MOWAM Pets Assisting the Lives of Seniors (PALS)

-provides monthly supply of pet food -offers free vet services 1x year at Senior Pet Fair

CACFP Child Care Eligible Centers

-public/private non-profit child care centers -outside school hours centers -head start programs -other licensed programs

CACFP Emergency Shelter Eligibility & Reimbursement

-public/private non-profit shelters which provide residential and food services to homeless children -can receive reimbursement for up to 3 meals for children up to 18yrs -all meals FREE given the setting

MOWAM Gray Meal

-pureed meal -for people who cannot swallow/chew

US Congress

-refers to meeting of the national legislature -covers 2 years -US in the 113th Session (1/3/2013-1/3/2015)

MOWAM White Meal

-regular -suitable for most including diabetics

WIC Classes

-required by participants -classes offered online -also provided to employees

Value Enhanced Nutrition Assessment (VENA) 2007

-resulted from IOM Report 2002 -made the WIC interview more PATIENT CENTERED -focuses on what the client wants to learn (ie. cooking, baby's first foods, meal times) -required training for WIC staff -improves client NUTRITION EDUCATION

MOWAM Blue Meal

-soft foods -foods cut up or blended

MOWAM History

-started 1972 ago in ATX with 8 volunteers & 29 seniors -originally called United Action for the Elderly, Inc. -name changed due to addition of programs

CATCH Physical Education

-students must be involved in Moderate/Vigorous Physical Activity 50% of class time -students provided MANY opportunities to participate -makes physical activity ENJOYABLE -students encouraged to be active OUTSIDE of school

Health Belief Model (HBM)

-traditional model -emphasizes perceived threat as motivating force and perceived benefits as providing a preferred path to action -taking action to avoid an illness or condition is more likely because people see themselves threatened -almost using a "scare-tactic"

WIC Formulas

-usually from a single company -special formulas require doctors prescription

Components of CATCH Program

1. Classroom Curriculum 2. Child Nutrition Services 3. Physical Education 4. Family

CACFP Definition of "Child"

Assuming individual is of low socio-economic status/enrolled in other programs: -under 12 yrs -under 15 yrs (if parents are migrant workers) -under 18 yrs if resident of emergency shelter -under 18 yrs if mentally/physically handicapped as defined by the state & enrolled in institution/emergency shelter

CACFP Eligibility of "For-Profit" Child Care Centers

must received Title XX Funds for: -AT LEAST 25% of enrolled children -or AT LEAST 25% of children in care must be eligible for free/reduced-price meals

Categorical Eligibility Children of CACFP Free Meals

Families who receive benefits from: -SNAP -FDPIR -TANF -children in Head/Even Start -children in emergency shelter

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program

Federal, non-entitlement program that provides: -Nutrition Assessment & Ed -Supplemental Food Packages -Breastfeeding Encouragement & Support -Referrals to other programs

Transtheoretical/Stages of Change Model

Health behavior change is a gradual, continuous and dynamic process; people progress in 5 stages: 1. Pre-contemplative 2. Contemplative 3. Preparation 4. Action: 5. Maintenance

MOWAM Country Wheels

MOW employs a driver to deliver 7 frozen meals 1x/week to clients who live in isolated, rural areas

CATCH Food Labeling

Reinforces balance between diet & activity; all foods "fit" & displayed for lunch meal. -GO -SLOW -WHOA

TX Senate Bill 19/1357

UNFUNDED MANDATE Passed in 2001 with 3 basic sections: -135 mins of structured physical activity per week -school must School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) -Each school district must implement Coordinated School Health Program (CSHP)

Additions to CACFP other than Cash Reimbursement

USDA makes donated agricultural commodities to institutions participating

Categorical Eligibility Adults of CACFP Free Meals

adults who receive benefits from: -SNAP -SSI -FDPIR -Medicaid Benefits

CACFP Requirements for Reimbursement

centers must maintain: -eligibility -menu (meals must contain certain components/nutritional guidelines) -meal production records

CACFP Reimbursement Meals

centers/day care can can claim up to: -2 meals (B,L,D) & 1 snack OR -1 meal & 2 snacks *flexible considering children dropped off at different times of day*

WIC Nutritional Risk Eligibility

clients must undergo a screening that determines risk as MEDICAL or DIET BASED: -H, Wt., BMI -Hct/Hgb -Premature, LBW, HBW, low maternal weight gain/loss during pregnancy -failure to meet DGA *almost everyone meets requirement due to DGA*

Section 204 of Child Nutrition & WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004

federal law under the NSLA that required school districts to establish a SCHOOL WELLNESS POLICY by 2006-2007 school year. the policy had to address: -goals for NTR ed & physical activity -NTR guidelines for foods available at school -goals for school-based activities to promote student wellness -plans for evaluation & implementation of the policy *only really getting things started*

Goal of CATCH Program

have schools where everyone is working together & speaking a common language that creates and maintains a healthy school environment

Behavioral Capacity

having the skills to perform desired behaviors/outcomes -ex. cooking, choosing ripe fruits, seasonality


higher fat, and/or added sugar, and may be more processed than GO foods -ex. biscuit, muffin


highest in fat, added sugar, and/or are the most processed -ex. croissant, doughnut *less available due to NSLP changes*

Action Stage

individual has begun changing their behavior, but the behavior is relatively recent and inconsistent -ex. exercise not yet permanent

Contemplative Stage

individual has formed intentions to change, but have no specific plans to change in the future -ex. quit smoking campaigns say SET DATE

Maintenance Stage

individual has maintained consistent behavior change for an extended period of time -ex. 21 days to form habit

Pre-Contemplative Stage

individual has no intention to change their behavior -ex. diabetic not changing diet

Preparation Stage

individual has plans to change their behavior in the immediate future and might have taken some initial actions -ex. NY resolution; buying a treadmill so they can workout

Reasoning WIC Developed

late 1960s, Presidential Commission found better pregnancy outcomes with nutrition; decrease in birth defects

CATCH "GO" Foods

lower in fat, and or/ added sugar and/or less processed -ex. plain skim milk, whole-wheat bread

WIC Residential Eligibility

participant must reside in State (TX) and county in which you are applying

Policy Making

process by which authorities decide what actions to take to address a problem or set of problems

MOWAM Breakfast Bag

provides a large cold bag to those in greater need IN ADDITION to their other meal

MOWAM Meal Delivery Program

provides clients with 5 hot meals & 1 frozen meal each week; delivered M-F, 11-1

MOWAM Meals for Kids

provides low-income children in after school programs across ATX with nutritious evening meal each weekday + monthly NTR lesson from RD

Purpose of Meals on Wheels & More (MOWAM)

seeks to nourish and enrich lives of homebound and other people in need through programs that promote dignity and independent living -less worry about food/money -keeps people out of nursing home (decreases costs) -lowers chances of depression -helps elderly feel connected -someone always checking up in case of falls, etc..

IOM Report 2002

study conducted that showed most people of low-incomes are nutritionally at risk, even more for women & children; reason most meet WIC nutritional risk qualification

Separate Segregated Fund

type of PAC in which its annual funds must be separated from the its original organization -ex. ANDPAC

Non-Connected Committee

type of PAC that is its own entity; not tied to anyone else

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