Nutrition 250 Exam 1 Practice

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Which of the following is true about the carbohydrate intake of Americans?

- Intake of high-fructose corn syrup and sucrose adds about 270 calories daily to the diets of Americans - Added sugars in the diet account for over 14.5% of total energy intake

Examples of probiotic foods

- miso -yogurt

Which of the following nutrients are absorbed in the cardiovascular system?

- proteins, carbs, B-vitamins, Vitamin C -short- and medium-chain fatty acids -water soluble nutrients

digestive enzymes are very specific with regard to

- vitamin or mineral cofactors they require to function -type of chemical reaction that catalyze -pH of the environment in which they function

Secretions from the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder are delivered into the small intestine via the

-Bile duct -pancreatic duct

For which nutrients are the DRVs set?

-Carbohydrates -Fats -Protein -Sodium

Select the food recommendations that promote s healthy lifestyle

-Eat more dark green vegetables -Replace whole milk dairy products with low-fat and fat-free dairy products -use oils to replace solid fats

Select the components that must be listed on most Nutrition Facts panels starting in 2018

-Fiber -Total calories -Protein -Total fat

Which of the following statements in true regarding fiber in the treatment if IBS?

-Fiber has not been shown to be important in treatment of IBS -Soluble fiber is more effective that insoluble fiber

Identify some sources of nutritious oils

-Fish -olive oil

what are some strategies that can be used to keep portion sizes under control?

-If you prefer low-fat milk to fat-free, find ways to cut fat out of the other foods you can eat -consume mostly nutrient-dense foods -If you eat a hamburger for lunch, have a salad with lots of veggies and low-calorie dressing for dinner

What are some strategies for building a healthy eating pattern?

-Limit saturated fats, trans fats, added sugars, sugars, and alcohol -Select an eating pattern that meets nutrient needs over time at an appropriate calorie level -focus on variety, nutrient density and amount

When planning menus using MyPlate, these are points to remember

-No specific food is required for good nutrition -The foods within a group may vary widely with respect to nutrients and energy content

What are some qualities of a typical North American diet?

-Not enough fruits and vegetables are consumed -It is too high in sugar and salt -It is too high in calories

Identify three organs that are important parts of the digestive system, that do not come in direct contact with food matter in the GI tract

-Pancreas -gallbladder -liver

Lingual lipase and salivary amylase are two components of the cells lining the stomach?

-alcohol -water

Which nutrients are absorbed from the lumen of the small intestine via active absorption

-amino acids -glucose

Hydrolysis reactions

-are catalyzed by digestive enzymes -yield molecules small enough to be absorbed through the intestinal wall -involve water molecules that are used to break down large molecules

Digestive enzymes

-are made of protein -catalyze chemical reactions

Which of the following foods contain little to no carbohydrates?

-butter -beef

Which of the following processed foods or beverages are high in added sugars

-cakes -ice cream -soda

Which cells in the body or body tissue derive almost all of their energy from glucose?

-central nervous system -red blood cells

Type 2 diabetes can often be effectively managed through

-diet -physical activity -moderate weight loss

Which of the following are traditional symptoms of diabetes?

-extreme thirst -blurred vision -frequent urination

Which of the following areas of the body are permanently damaged by poorly controlled diabetes?

-eyes -heart -kidneys

Which of the following foods are nutrient dense?

-fat-free milk (15% of nutrients; 4% of calories) -breakfast cereal (19% of nutrients; 6% of calories)

Which of the following are monosaccharides

-fructose -galactose -glucose

Which three of the following contain the highest % of calories from carbohydrates?

-fruit -jam -table sugar

Eating fibrous foods can

-help us feel full -aid in weight loss

What are some examples of empty calorie foods?

-ice cream -cookies

Ghrelin's role is to

-increase appetite -increase food intake

Which of the following foods are useful for managing blood glucose levels?

-kidney beans -whole grain bread

Nutrients absorbed in the small intestine are delivered to which circulatory systems in the body?

-lymphatic system -cardiovascular system

The role of beneficial bacteria in the large intestine is to

-make vitamin K and biotin -metabolize undigested food

Which of the following is a type of simple sugar?


Type 2 diabetes is positively associated with

-physical inactivity -obesity

What are some examples of medium and high energy density foods?

-potato chips - high -whole-wheat bread - medium -pumpkin pie - medium -ham - medium

What are some natural food sources of sucrose

-sugar beets -maple tree sap

Which of the following is true of polysaccharides?

-they are made of single-sugar units that are bonded together to form a chain -they are sometimes called starches -they are sometimes called complex carbohydrates -they are found chiefly in grains, vegetables, and fruits

Most causes of diarrhea result from

-viral infection -bacterial infection

Place the 5 sections of the colon in the order in which a substance would pass through the large intestine after it leaves the small intestine

1. cecum 2. ascending colon 3. traverse colon 4. descending colon 5. sigmold colon

Arrange the parts of the small intestine in the order they appear in the GI tract

1. duodenum 2. jejunum 3. ileum

Put the following digestive organs in the order they come in contact with food

1. mouth 2. esophagus 3. stomach 4. small intestine 5. large intestine

Place in order the following four steps in the in the digestion and absorption process of carbohydrates

1. salivary amylase is inactivated by strong acids in the stomach 2. enzymes break down starch into maltose in small intestine 3. soluble fiber ferments to acids and bacteria in the large intestine 4. nonfermentable fiber escapes digestion and is excreted in feces

The large intestine absorbs about percent of the water


The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend limiting added sugar to no more than of total daily energy intake


On Nutrition Facts labels, the % Daily Value is usually calculated based on a calorie diet


Match the percent of the Dietary Reference Value to their energy providing nutrients

35% of calories -> fat 10% of calories -> saturated fat 60% of calories -> carbohydrates

The Adequate Intakes should cover the needs of more than % of the individuals in a specific life-stage group


For each macronutrient, the provide a range of intake, as a percent of energy, associated with good health and a reduced risk of chronic diseases while providing for recommended intakes of essential nutrients

Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges

The pancreatic juices are very to neutralize the acidic chyme arriving from the stomach

Basic, alkaline

Reference Intakes are set for vitamins and most minerals; these nutrients have established nutrient standards


What is the generic nutrient standard for energy-producing nutrients?

Daily Reference Values

A is a generic nutrient standard use on Nutrition Facts labels

Daily value

have been set for 4 food groups: infants, toddlers, pregnant or lactating women, and people over the age of four

Daily values

Fat-free milk, low-fat cheeses and yogurt, and part skim cheeses are all good sources of which of the MyPlate food groups?


The latest recommendations from the food an Nutrition Board are called and they include 5 sets of standards

Dietary Reference Intakes

What should a person do to work towards optimal nutritional health?

Eat a health balanced diet, consume a variety of foods, and stay physically active

Foods, like cookies and chips, that are not nutrient dense are often called calorie foods because they tend to be high in sugar and/or fat but provide few other nutrients


calorie foods are ones that are high in solid fats and/or added sugar. They provide calories, but few to no nutrients


density is determined by comparing a food's calorie content per gram weight of the food


Short-chain fermentable carbohydrates that have been shown to reduce IBS symptoms are known as


Intestinal gas the is passed through the rectum is called


Match the nutrient to its food source

Grain -> iron Fruit -> vitamin C Dairy -> calcium

The Dietary are the foundation of the US Government's nutrition policy and education. They reflect what scientific experts believe is the most accurate and up-to-date scientific knowledge about nutritious, physical activity, and related healthy lifestyle choices


The substance necessary for the body to absorb vitamin A and B

Intrinsic factor

The website depicts the key elements of a healthy diet. It emphasizes the fruit, vegetable, grain, protein, and dairy food groups


A content claim describes the amount of nutrients in a food


content claims are those that describe the nutrients in a food. Examples are "low in fat," "rich in vitamin A," and "zero calories"


match the serving size unit to the appropriate food group

Ounce -> Grains Cup -> Vegetables/fruits teaspoon -> Oils

are live microorganisms, such as lactobacilli found in yogurt, that when consumed in sufficient amounts, colonize the large intestine and provide health benefits


Beans, skinless chicken, lean meat, and seafood are all good sources of which MyPlate food group?


The daily nutrient intake amounts sufficient to meet the needs of nearly all individuals in a life-stage is called

Recommended Dietary Allowances

is an alternative sweetener that was once thought to cause bladder cancer, but now is considered safe when consumed in typical amounts


Digestion is

The process of breaking down foods into smaller components

Which formula can be used to determine the total amount of calories for a nutrient in more than one serving?

The value on label * the # of servings

What is the ultimate goal of condensing nutrition labels?

To help busy customers make healthy choices

Identify one of the main goals of the Dietary Guidelines

To stress that nutrient needs should be met primarily by consuming foods

Nutrient intakes that are higher than the can cause health issues like diarrhea and inflammation of the stomach lining

Tolerable Upper Intake Levels

How much digestive fluid (including water, acid, mucus, digestive enzymes, bile, and hormones) is secreted into the GI tract over the course of a day?

about 29 cups

When a nutrient requires a carrier protein and energy in order to be absorbed, this is called

active absorption

The polysaccharide, , is used in many frozen foods because it remains stable over a wide temperature range


The two forms of starch digestible by humans are called amylase and


HCl destroys most harmful and viruses in food


Soluble fiber the absorption of cholesterol and cholesterol-rich bile acids into the blood


Feces in the rectum are powerful stimulation for


A common GI tract problem in which the stool is loose and watery is


Foods can have health claims based on incomplete evidence if the label contains a(n)


One function of digestion is to fats, to disperse fat into many tiny droplets


When swallowing a bite of food, the closes over the trachea to allow the bolus to enter the esophagus


The process of converting natural sugars and starches to lactic and other acids by bacteria, yeast, or fungi is called


Essential fatty acids, (a polysaccharide), and certain vitamins and minerals all have Adequate Intakes to set a daily intake amount for nutrients that do not have an established EAR?


What is the primary difference between fiber and starch?

fiber cannot be digested by humans but starch can

Which monosaccharide is commonly found as a component in fruit


Maintaining good blood control is critical to prevent long-term, diabetes-related complications


Name the most abundant monosaccharide found in the body


The protein found in wheat and related grains triggers an autoimmune response in individuals with celiac disease


The advantage of the branched structure of is that it allows multiple enzymes to attach to its structure and break it apart quickly


The storage form of carbohydrates in humans and animals is called


are swollen veins of the rectum and anus


Because of the hormones released during pregnancy, a pregnant woman is at risk for constipation


milk and other dairy products are major food sources of (a disaccharide)


The large intestine is described as large compared to the small intestine because it is

larger in diameter than the small intestine

Though the Food and Nutrition Board recommends a person consume 45 to 65% of their calories from carbohydrates, the actual RDA for carbs is much


Which of the following are major storage sites for glycogen?

liver and muscle

energy density foods contribute to a quicker feeling of fullness, while energy density foods need to be eaten in larger amounts to feel full

low; high

is a disaccharide important to the formation of alcoholic beverages


The resident bacteria throughout the GI tract are referred to as the gut


Which complex carbohydrate has 3 to 10 simple sugar units and cannot be broken down by the body's digestive system?


Waves of muscular contractions that propel food along the GI tract are called


Which type of carbohydrate is formed by linking many (eg hundreds) glucose units together


is a condition in which blood glucose levels are above normal but not yet diagnostic of diabetes


It is not important to eat adequate carbohydrates so that the body does not use for energy


MyPlate encourages consumers to imagine the size of a deck of cards in order to estimate a serving size for which food group?


The digestion of starch begins in the mouth via the action of the enzyme

salivary amylase

Match the taste sensation perceived by the taste buds with the appropriate cause

salty-> from metal ions such as sodium sour-> from acids sweet-> from organic compounds such as sugars Bitter-> from diverse compounds such as caffeine and quinine umami-> from amino acids, primarily glutamate

Monosaccharides are composed of

single sugars

In what form id glucose stored in plants?


Pancreatic amylase is responsible for breaking down for digestion


Chyme is formed in the as food is mixed with digestive secretions


The primary function of the pyloric sphincter is to control the flow of food contents from the into the small intestine


This layer of the four layers of the wall of the intestinal tract contains the blood vessels that carry nutrients and other substances both to and from the GI tract


All sweeteners are compared to the sweetness found in


The contents of the stomach pass through the pyloric sphincter at the rate of a at a time


Diet, exercise, and oral medications are typically treatments for

type 2 diabates

Which of the following are absorbed on the large intestine?

water and electrolytes

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