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Recommended Dietary allowance

(RDA) represents the daily intake of a nutrient that meets the physiological requirements of nearly all (roughly 97% of ) healthy individuals in a given life-stage group and sex

The recommended percentage of the general population to consume protein is ?

10 to 35 percent of total energy

Food Bank

An agency that collects donated foods and distributes them to local food pantries, shelters, and soup kitchens

Define Infectious disease

An illness that is contagious, caused by a pathogen, and often times short-lived

What happens when people consume large amounts of antacids?

Antacids impair copper absorption, people who consume large amounts of them can sometimes develop copper deficiencies

How many kcal/day is needed for additional energy required for milk production?

Approximately 500 and 400 kcal/day, respectively

What is the percentage of pregnant women developing gestational diabetes?

Approximately 9 percent of pregnant women develop a form of diabetes called gestational diabetes during pregnancy-usually around 28 weeks or later.

Cholesterol is also a component of ?

Cholesterol is a component of cell membranes, where it helps maintain flexibility

If partial hydrogenation converts oils, such as corn oil, into solid fats, such as margarine or shortening, how is this process done?

By converting many of the carbon-carbon double bonds into carbon-carbon single bonds partial hydrogenation can convert corn oil into solid fats, margarine or shortening

Food born illness facts based on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

CDC estimates that 48 million americans, or one out of every 6 people suffer from foodborne diseases annually. Of them, some 128,000 are hospitalized and 3,000 DIE


Carcinogens are compounds that initiate the formation of cancer

Explain the physiology of a pregnant woman's bodies need for additional calcium intake

Changes in maternal physiology such as increased calcium absorption and decreased urinary calcium loss, accommodate these needs without increasing dietary intake.

What can't EAR values do

Ear values cannot, be used to evaluate dietary intakes of individuals

What part of the body are fat-soluble vitamins mostly absorbed at?

Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed mostly in the small intestine

what is the percentage in alcohol when fermentation usually stops naturally in a barley-based beer ?

Fermentation usually stops naturally in a barley-based beer when ABV reaches 4-8percent

Where is folic acid found?

Folic acid is Rarely found in foods, but is often included in vitamin supplements and is added during the fortification of food

What do studies show with kids and food insecurities?

Food insecure children tend to have difficulties in school, exhibit more behavioral problems and depression

Misconception of food insecurity

Food insecurity is not caused by insufficient worldwide food production

What has 95% organically produced ingredients?

Foods that carry the USDA organic seal and are labeled 100% organic

How can dehydration and electrolyte imbalance occur?

Frequent vomiting and/or overuse of laxatives and diuretics can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance

Define Gastric banding

Gastric banding utilizes an adjustable,inflatable band that is carefully placed around the upper portion of the stomach.

what is glucose?

Glucose the most abundant monsaccharide in the human body; used extensively for energy, is produced when chlorophyll-containing plants use energy from sunlight to combine carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O)

where is glycogen found?

Glycogen is found primarily in liver and skeletal muscle

Food Desert

Residents rely on local food outlets that offer limited and expensive food choices that are low in nutritional value.

Explain how retinoic acid is synthesized and converted?

Retinoic acid can also be synthesized from retinal, but retinoid acid itself cannot be converted to any other retinoid.

Explain muscle tissue and water concentration

Muscle tissue contains more water than does adipose tissue, and therefore it more readily takes up alcohol

What is muscular endurance?

Muscular endurance refers to a person's ability to exercise for an extended period of time without becoming fatigued

What is the percentage of women with gestational diabetes ?

Nearly 40 percent of all women with gestational diabetes develop type 2 diabetes within the next 10 to 20 years

What does Niacin deficiency result in ?

Niacin deficiency results in Pellagra. A condition caused by niacin deficiency whereby dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea, and/or death occur

If your intake is below your AI?

No conclusion can be made about the adequacy of your intake

what is one advantage of sugar alcohol?

One advantage of sugar alcohol is that, unlike sucrose, they do not promote tooth decay

How is riboflavin destroyed?

Riboflavin is relatively stable during cooking but is quickly destroyed when exposed to excessive light. This is why milk cartons are generally packaged in cardboard, opaque, or translucent/cloudy containers to protect it from light and preserve its riboflavin content

People with a genetic disorder of Phenylketonuria (PKU) should not consume what?

Should not consume products sweetened with aspartame because they are not able to metabolize it properly. Examples are Nutrasweet and Equal

What mineral helps regulate a variety of body processes, such as water balance?

Sodium is a mineral that helps regulate a variety of body processes, such as water balance

what is a powerful defense against disease-causing bacteria?

Some health care professionals believe that consuming both probiotic and prebiotic foods provides a powerful defense against disease-causing bacteria

Explain sports anemia

Sports anemia is caused by a disproportionate increase in plasma volume as compared to the synthesis of new red blood cells

what does the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) suggest in regards to carbohydrates?

They suggests that 45 to 65 percent of your total caloric intake should come from carbohydrates.

How is Vodka processed?

This process of producing pure liquid alcohol concentrate is used to create distilled alcoholic beverages such as gin, vodka, and whiskey.

Why are trans fatty acids more likely to be solid (fats) at room temperature?

Trans fatty acids have fewer bend in their backbones than do their cis counterparts.

What are the estimates for undernourished people globally?

United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that approximately 793 million people are undernourished

E. Coli 0157:H7 is an Enterohemorrhagic serotype of E.Coli. E.Coli harbors pathogenic organism in ...

Unpasteurized milk, apple juice, and apple cider sometimes harbors pathogenic organisms as does improperly prepared meat, including poultry

Preformed toxin

preformed toxins typically cause rapid reactions occurring in 1 to 6 hours such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and sometimes neurological damage

Single-blind study

when researchers know who is in the treatment group and who is in the placebo group, but participants do not.

The recommended percentage of the general population to consume Fat is ?

20 to 35 percent of total energy

What are the consequences of melamine in pet foods?

2007 the consumption of pet food contaminated with melamine caused numerous dogs and cats to become ill and even die

The recommended percentage of the general population to consume carbohydrates is ?

45 to 65 percent of total energy

What happens during a clinical assessment?

A clinician will likely note each visible or measurement sign of illness

Heifer International

A community receives a gift of livestock that brings benefits such as food, wool, and non mechanized power. To repay this loan, the community gifts the offspring of the livestock to another farmer or community.

Define food neophobia

A disordered eating pattern characterized bean irrational fear or avoidance of new foods

Define phylloquinone

A form of vitamin K found naturally in plant-based foods

what does a healthy and diverse GI microbiota do ?

A healthy and diverse microbiota can help inhibit the growth of disease-causing bacteria

What is beribe?

A life threatening condition caused by thiamin deficiency

Define photosynthesis?

A process whereby chlorophyll-containing plants produce glucose by combining carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) using energy harvested from sunlight

Food Pantry

A program that provides canned, boxed, and sometimes fresh foods directly to individuals in need.

Define enmeshment

A style of family interaction whereby family members are overly involved with one another and have little autonomy

What is lacto-ovo-vegetarian?

A vegetarian who consumes dairy products but not eggs in an otherwise plant based diet

How is ATP generated?

ATP is generated from the metabolic breakdown of glucose, fatty acids, and, to a lesser extent, amino acids

Alcohol use Disorders

AUD's are not discriminatory; they affect men and women, young and old, professional and nonprofessional, and rich and poor

Explain aerobic metabolism

Aerobic metabolism utilizes pyruvate from glycolysis, fatty acids, and to a lesser extent, amino acids to generate ATP.

How do people achieve the gradual transition to senescence?

After achieving physical maturity in young adulthood, adults typically undergo a long period of physical stability (Maintenance) before gradually transitioning to senescence

What are the Health consequences of impact of heavy alcohol consumption in fat-soluble vitamin ZINC?

Altered taste, loss of appetite


Aspergillus MOLD found on some agricultural crops such as peanuts, rice, and wheat

Why is B12 a unique vitamin?

B12 is a unique vitamin because it can only be synthesized by microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi

what is one of the most common provitamin A carotenoids?

Beta-carotene (B-carotene), which the body converts to two retinal molecules.

How is blood magnesium regulated?

Blood magnesium concentrations are regulated primarily by the small intestine, and to a lesser extent, by the kidneys.

Similarities with food banks and food pantries

Both food banks and food pantries rely on community donations to stock their shelves with nonperishable and perishable items, which are then distributed to people who need them.

How is botulism destroyed?

Botulism toxin is destroyed by high temperatures. Recommend people boil canned foods for 10 minutes before consuming

Cholesterol is used to synthesize what?

Cholesterol is used to synthesize bile acids

How is hypervitaminosis A caused?

Chronic consumption of large doses of preformed vitamin A (three to four times the RDA) can lead to vitamin A toxicity, which can cause hypervitaminosis A

What do cones and rods inside your eyes enable you to do?

Cones enable you to see COLOR, whereas rods distinguish Black from White

The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans define excessive drinking as...

Consumption of eight or more alcohol beverages a week for women and 15 or more alcohol beverages a week for men

myth about alcohol metabolization

Contrary to popular belief, there is nothing a person can eat or drink to accelerate this process

What role does dietary fiber play in maintaining your health?

Dietary fiber maintains your health of your digestive tract and decreases the risk of certain conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

What does Epidemiologic studies suggests about the high levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood?

Epidemiologic studies suggest that high levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood, or at least cholesterol contained in some types of LDS, are related to increased risk for cardiovascular disease.

What do experts recommend to athletes?

Experts recommend that athletes focus on dietary strategies to satisfy protein requirements

Health consequences of impact of heavy alcohol consumption and the water-soluble nutrient Vitamin B6

Health consequences are Anemia, and Impaired metabolic reactions involving amino acids

What are the Health consequences of impact of heavy alcohol consumption in the water-soluble nutrient Vitamin B12?

Health consequences are possible neurological damage, numbness and tingling sensations in the arms and legs

Many foods like high-fat dairy and beef that contain cholesterol also tend to contain what ?

High levels of saturated fats

Human milk contains ample amount of what?

Human milk contains ample amounts of these conditionally essential fatty acids, and many infant formulas are now fortified with arachidonic acid and DHA, making them more like human milk in this regard.

what are cardiovascular consequences of heavy drinking?

Hypertension, stroke, and irregular cardiac function. These detrimental effects can begin to develop in as few as five years.

Ideally people should keep a food tracker for how long?

Ideally, you should keep a food record for three days, however, and one day should be on the weekend

What is the total body weight percentage that is composed of water?

In adults, approximately 50 to 70 percent of total body weight is composed of water.

How long does it take the body to eliminate alcohol?

It takes about 1 hour for the body to eliminate the alcohol in a 12-ounce serving of beer

Explain how vitamin B6 functions as a coenzyme

Its pyridoxal phosphate form is involved in numerous chemical reactions related to the synthesis of nonessential amino acids from essential amino acids

Define Biochemical measurement

Laboratory analysis of a biological sample, such as blood or urine

Where is food insecurity rampant?

In countries with large refugee populations such as Turkey, Pakistan, and Lebanon, food insecurity and malnutrition are rampant

What are good sources of dietary vitamin K?

In general, dark green vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli, and brussels sprouts are good sources of dietary vitamin K

How does the body best absorb folate?

In general, the body absorbs folate found in supplements and fortified foods/folic acid, better than it absorbs naturally occurring folate.

Define "Indirect Calorimetry"

Indirect calorimetry is the most commonly used method for estimating a person's BMR

What do they give individuals who are eligible for (SNAP) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program?

Individuals who are eligible for SNAP are given electronic benefit transfer (EBT)

What other effects does insulin have in our body?

Insulin promotes the storage of excess glucose as glycogen in liver and skeletal muscle cells

Explain why iron is essential in pregnant women?

Iron is essential for both the formation of hemoglobin and the growth and development of the fetus and placenta

Give one example of a theoretically way a person can lose weight

Limiting one's intake of starch and refined sugars should theoretically help a person lose weight

Linoleic acid is used to make?

Linoleic acid is used to make arachidonic acid. A 20-carbon, w-6 fatty acid.

More than one half of the calories in human milk comes from what?


Define lipoprotein lipase

Lipoprotein lipase enables chylomicra to deliver their dietary fatty acids to cells

What are some examples of resistance exercises?

Many types of resistance exercise such as free weights, muscle isolation machines and resistance bands can improve muscular fitness

What is an Example of a nonessential nutrient

Milk contains essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A and calcium, as well as several nonessential nutrients, such as cholesterol

What are the results of phosphorus toxicity?

Phosphorus toxicity, on the other hand, is more common, resulting in mineralization of soft tissues such as the kidneys.

Compounds and conditions that DENATURE proteins are called denaturing agents they include what?

Physical agitation, example shaking, heat, detergents, acids, alkaline-basic solutions, salts, alcohol, and heavy metals examples lead and mercury

How much are pregnant women advised to increase their energy intake?

Pregnant women are generally advised to increase their energy intakes by about 340 and 450 kcal/day for the second and third trimesters

What happens when individuals intake prolonged use of antibiotics?

Prolonged use of antibiotics can kill bacteria residing in the large intestine, resulting in vitamin K deficiency in all age groups

What are the benefits of cardiorespiratory exercises?

Promotes physical fitness by lowering blood pressure, improving blood lipid profiles, enhancing blood glucose regulation, and promoting a favorable ratio of lean to adipose tissues.

what is the American Heart association recommendation for the consumption of daily cholesterol ?

Recommendation is that individuals consume less than 300 milligrams of cholesterol daily

Recommendations for homemade cider?

Recommends that homemade cider be heated for 30 minutes at 155 Degree Farenheit

The Millennium Development Project

The Millennium Development project , initiated in 2000, pledged to have the proportion of people who live in hunger by the year 2015

What is the UL for magnesium

The UL for magnesium is 350 mg/day for adults

what does the accumulation of plaque do in our body?

The accumulation of plaque can slow or even block blood flow

How much can an average person metabolize of pure alcohol?

The average person can metabolize 0.5 ounces, 14.8 milliliters of pure alcohol per hour

How is the conversion of oils and margarine or shortening achieved?

The conversion of partial hydrogenation is achieved through the chemical addition of hydrogen atoms

What helps in long-term body weight regulation?

The hormone leptin primarily involved in long term body weight regulation

What is the phosphagen system?

The phosphagen system is the simplest and most rapid means by which active muscles generate ATP

What is one reason women produce less milk during the second 6 months ?

The reason women produce less milk during the second 6 months is that most infants are also fed supplemental foods by this age.

what is a sport of female athletes with the highest eating disorders?

The sports with the highest numbers of female athletes with eating disorders are cross-country, running, gymnastics, swimming, and track and field

What occurs with very high doses of Vitamin A ?

Very high doses of naturally occurring and/or synthetic vitamin A can also lead to birth defects such as neurological damage and physical deformities.

Where can you find visceral adipose tissue?

Visceral adipose tissue is primarily found in the abdominal cavity

Why is vitamin B6 unstable?

Vitamin B6 is somewhat unstable and is destroyed by extreme or prolonged heat and cold.

Water soluble vitamins

Vitamin C and the B vitamins dissolve easily in water

Fat-soluble vitamins

Vitamins A, D, E, and K do not dissolve easily in water.

Explain the roles of white adipose tissue (WAT) and Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT)

WAT serves as the body's primary depot for energy storage, BAT plays an important role in body temperature regulation and basal metabolism. Found primary in the neck and upper back.

Where can you find sufficient amounts of conditionally essential amino acids ?

We can typically find conditionally essential amino acids in our human milk or regular infant formula

Explain negative energy balance

When total energy intake (protein, carbohydrates, fat, and alcohol is less than energy expenditure (basal metabolism, physical activity, and thermic effect of food ) a person is said to be in negative energy balance

How many kilocalories is in alcohol?

While alcohol is not considered a nutrient, it does provide 7 kilocalories per gram

The 2015 Dieteary Guidelines for Americans for women stae

Women should only consume alcohol in moderation, as to not exceed ONE drink per day for women

Advice for a clean cooking environment

You should periodically sanitize counters, equipment, utensils, and cutting boards with a solution of 1 tablespoon of liquid chlorine bleach in 1 gallon of water

Define Maximal oxygen consumption

a measure of the cardiovascular system's capacity to deliver oxygen to muscles.


a nutrition professional who helps people make dietary changes and food choices to support a healthy lifestyle

nonessential nutrient

a substance that your body needs, but if necessary, can produce in amounts needed to satisfy its requirements

what is associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer?

chronically elevated intake of red meat, beef, lamb, pork, or processed meats, bacon, sausage, hot dogs, ham, cold cuts is associated with increased risk of colorectal cancer

what does disordered eating lead to ?

disordered eating can lead to very low levels of body fat, which can cause estrogen levels to decrease

Define Anorexia nervosa, binge-eating/purging type

low body weight is maintained through both food restriction and periods of bingeing and/or purging.

Explain cardiorespiratory exercise

moderate and or vigorous in intensity, and continuous and/or rhythmic in motion cardiovascular fitness. Examples are walking, jogging, and swimming can be performed daily in a single, continuous session (30 minutes a day) or performed in multiple sessions of at least 10 minutes spread throughout the day.

Intervention study

requires participants-regardlesss of whether they are humans, animals, or simply cells-to undergo a treatment or intervention

Define mortality rate

the number of deaths that occur in a certain population group in a given period of time.

If your intake is between the RDA, and the UL

then it's probably accurate

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