Nutrition: Diet and Balance

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energy dense (low to high)

lettuce, beans, bagels, butter

biochemical (nutritional assessment technique in alcohol abuse)

low amounts of the vitamin thiamin and folate in the blood

anthropometric (nutritional assessment technique in alcohol abuse)

low weight-for-height recent 10 pound weight loss, muscle wasting in upper body

Upper Limit (UL)

max intake of a particular nutrient that is safely tolerated

background information used in evaluating nutritional status includes

medical history, family health history, level of education, economic status, list of medications taken


nutrient intake recommendation set to meet the needs of nearly all individuals of a given age and gender

first step in scientific method

observation of a natural phenomenon

optional on the Nutrition Facts panel of a food label

polyunsaturated fat, potassium, monounsaturated fat

moderation includes

portion size and dosage

over nutrition may result from

prolonged consumption of mega dose of vitamins or minerals

clinical (nutritional assessment technique in alcohol abuse)

psychological confusion, facial sores, and uncoordinated movement

heart attack

rapid fall in heart function caused by reduced blood flow through the heart's blood vessels

3 oz

size and thickness of palm

MUST appear on Nutrition Facts food labels

sugar, fiber, and total calories

Portion Rankings (large to small)

Plant foods, it and seafood, cheese and yogurt, meats and sweets

the credential that flags a health professional as the most accurate and reliable source of up-to-date nutrition advice


Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DHSEA) of 1994:

1) classifies vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbal medicines as foods 2) outlines that FDA must prove the product is unsafe before preventing its sale 3) restrains FDA from regulation vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and herbal medicines as drugs and food additives

Dietary supplements or herbal products can be marketed in the United States under DSHEA without FDA's approval if

1) the product is labeled as a dietary supplement bearing the supplemental facts panel 2) it is expected to be reasonably safe when used under conditions recommended

in 1994, congress passed the ______, a law that classified vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and botanicals as foods, thereby limiting FDA's ability to regulate dietary supplements

Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA)

Agency that has legal oversight over most food products


leading diet-related cause of death in North America

Heart disease

Adequate Level (AL)

Nutrient intake recommendation set when research is not sufficient to determine RDA

Foundations of a healthy food plan

Variety, balance, and moderation

A desirable nutrition state occurs when body tissues have enough essential nutrients from ____ of foods to support metabolic functions

a variety


abbreviation for the umbrella term that describes all the Food and Nutrition Board's nutrient recommendations


about 2 oz of snack food

a common mistake that consumers make about FDA's role in the regulation of dietary supplest is that they

assume FDA has carefully evaluated the products

fluid ounce

based on the volume of water that weighs one ounce

measuring concentrations of nutrients, nutrient by-products, or enzyme activities in the blood to determine nutritional status is known as _______ assessment


environmental (nutritional assessment technique in alcohol abuse)

currently residing in a homeless shelter, 35,.00 dollars in wallet, unemployed

nutrient density

determined by comparing its protein, vitamin, or mineral content with the amount of calories it provides

energy density

determined by comparing the calorie (kcal) content with the weight of food

dietary (nutritional assessment technique in alcohol abuse)

dietary intake of little more than wine and hamburgers for the last week


estimation of calorie needs based on gender, age, height, weight, and physical activity level


excess intake o calories, often leading to obesity

1 cup


RD credential indicates that the person

has completed rigorous classroom work in nutrition, participates in continuing education, and has completed rigorous clinical training in nutrition

myocardial infarction

heart attack

Benefits of variety in diet

helps ensure adequate intake of nutrients, increases phytochemical content, makes meals more interesting


the study of dietary and disease patterns among various populations

an explanation of a phenomenon that has numerous lines of evidence by different researchers to support it


1 oz cheese


1 tsp

thumb tip to first joint

anthropometric data

weight, skin fold, body circumfrence

desirable nutrition

when body tissues have enough nutrients to support normal metabolic functions


when sufficient nutrients are not consumed to meet one's needs

subclinical deficiency

when there are no outward symptoms of a nutritional deficiency

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