nutrition exam #4

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Energy stored in carbon-hydrogen bonds is captured in the high energy compound _________.

Why is glucose the best biological fuel for intense, brief exercise? -Fatty acids have fewer oxygen atoms in relation to carbons • cells require more oxygen to metabolize fatty acids • during short, intense exercise, the lungs and heart cannot deliver enough oxygen to the muscles for them to use much fat or energy.

Why is glucose the best biological fuel for intense, brief exercise?


____________ period can make the identifying source of illness difficult

Vigorous exercise > 60 minutes depletes glycogen stores: • Athletes "hit the wall"

during an event, how long does it take before glycogen stores are depleted?


fat should supply to ___________ of energy

males generally need 50 kcal/kg/day females generally need 45-50 kcal/kg/day

females generally need _____kcal/kg/day

First catabolism of breaking down: • 1. Glucose • 2. Fatty acids • 3. Amino acids • 4. Alcohol

first there is the catabolism of what four things?

Factors that influence intensity: Duration Type of activity Body weight

what are 3 factors that influence intensity?

Tooth decay: results from infants being put to bed with: Bottle of formula Juice Sugar-sweetened milk -The sugars bathe the teeth, providing a source of nutrients for bacteria that cause tooth decay. -Bedtime bottle should be only water

what are baby bottle caries and what causes them?

-Chemical contaminants (lead or mercury) are naturally in our environment amounts -Chemical contaminants are naturally in our environment and may be in foods

what are chemical contaminants?

What are ergogenic aids? -Foods, devices dietary supplements or drugs used to improve physical performance

what are ergogenic aids?

Vermin: animals such as: Flies Cockroaches Mice/rats These vermin live around sewage or garbage

what are examples of vermin and where do they usually live?

1. Breast changes: the hormone prolactin stimulates developing of milk-producing tissue in the breast 2. Morning sickness: -Nausea with or without vomiting can occur any time of the day. -Occurs early in pregnancy and typically ends by week 16 -Avoid odors and foods, such as fried or greasy foods, that trigger nausea can be helpful -Eating smaller but more frequent meals and snacks can be helpful 3. Fatigue in pregnancy -May result from physiological anemia 4. What is edema? -Fluid retention that usually results from minor swelling -Especially in the hands and feet

what are nutrition related signs of pregnancy?

Pesticide residue tolerances - maximum amount of pesticide residues allowed

what are pesticide residue tolerances?

Pesticides: any substances used to control or kill unwanted organisms Insecticides control or kill insects Rodenticides - control or kill mice and rats Herbicides - destroy weeks Fungicides - limit spread of fungi

what are pesticides and examples of them?

Allergenic foods: • Egg whites • Chocolate • Nuts • Cow's milk

what are some allergenic foods that babies should wait to have until their first birthday?

1. Changes in body weight - loss of lean tissue 2. Physical inactivity contributes to some physiological changes associated with aging 3. Tooth loss - 25% of American who are 65 years of age or older have lost all their natural teeth 4. Intestinal tract problems - constipation is a major complaint of older adults 5. Depression in older adults - in 2006, 18% of women and 10% if men age 65 and over reported having symptoms of depression

what are some common nutrition-related concerns for older adults?

1. Vermin: animals such as: Flies Cockroaches Mice/rats -These vermin live around sewage or garbage 2. Poor personal hygiene Failure to wash hands after using the toilet or coming in contact with sources of pathogens 3. Improper handling of food: Cross-contamination Failing to keep foods at proper temperatures

what are some common routes for transmitting pathogens?

o Congregate meals o Home-delivered meals on wheels

what are some community nutrition services for older adults?

1. Constipation: hormones relax muscles of digestive tract resulting in slowing of the GI tract -Treatment: adequate intakes of fiber and fluid 2. Heartburn: baby pushes on mother's abdominal cavity, causing stomach acid to enter the esophagus -Treatment: eat smaller meals and avoid troublesome foods

what are some digestive tract discomforts that occur during pregnancy?

1. Bacteria - simple, single celled microorganisms -Common pathogenic bacteria: campylobacter, clostridium, Escherichia, listeria, salmonella, staphylococcus 2. Viruses - "simply genetic material created with proteins" -Invades living cells to reproduce -Examples: Hepatitis A, Norovirus 3. Protozoans - single-celled microorganisms that have a more complex cell structure than bacteria -Ex: Giardia, cryptosporidium 4. Parasitic worms - organisms that live in/on other living things -Ex: trichinella and anisakis 5. Fungi - live on dead/decaying matter

what are some examples of food-borne illnesses?

-Recommended activities: Walking Cycling Swimming Light aerobics -Pregnant should consult their physicians with exercise concerns

what are some examples of physical activity recommended during pregnancy?

factors that influence athletic performance: genetic endowment physical training diet

what are some factors that influence athletic performance?

Food sources: -Sports drinks -Sports gel -Other sources of carbs

what are some food sources of carbs during an event?

-Benzene and polychlorinated biphenols (PCBs) are in the environment -These compounds result from human manufacturing practices and can pollute sources of water used by consumers (well water for example).

what are some human made compounds that are found in the environment?

Major signs of "preeclampsia" o Increased blood pressure o Sudden weight gain o Edema o Protein in urine

what are some major signs of preeclampsia?

Methods of determining intensity: Assess breathing rate Assess heart rate

what are some methods of determining intensity?

methods to determine adequate caloric intake: keep a food log monitor body weight

what are some methods to determine adequate caloric intake?

Recommendations: About 2 -4 hours before an event, eat a low-fat meal. Provides ~200 - 300 g of carbs

what are some recommendations for pre-event meals and snacks?

-Replenishment possible in a few days by resting and eating a high-carb diet -Recommendation: • 8-10g carb/kg of body water/day • To replenish glycogen quickly after intense exercise: sports drinks, sugar sweetened drinks, fruits and fruit drinks

what are some recommendations for recovery after an event?

Teens may choose vegetarian diets: -To define their identities and assert independence from their parents -To mask disordered eating behaviors -Teenage vegans should include food sources of calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamin D and B-12

what are some recommendations for vegetarian teens?

Risk factors for obesity Family history of obedience Increases in birth weight Too much fried foods and sugar-sweetened beverages

what are some risk factors for obesity?

Signs and symptoms system responses to foreign proteins in the body: Vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal gas or constipation Itchy swollen or reddened skin Runny nose and breathing difficulties such as asthma.

what are some signs and symptoms of allergies?

Signs and symptoms include: • Nausea • Vomiting • Cramps (intestinal) • Diarrhea

what are some signs and symptoms of food-borne illnesses?

Our: Skin Nasal passages Large intestines -These have vast colonies of various kinds of microbes, some of which can be pathogenic Animals, including cats, dogs, reptiles, cattle and poultry, can also harbor harmful microbes on and in their bodies, especially in their intestinal tracts.

what are some sources of pathogens?

1. Honey -May contain spore of Clostridium botulinum 2. Excessive formula or human milk 3. Semi-solid baby cereal in a bottle that has the nipple opening enlarged -Helps the baby teach themselves how to feed themselves 4. Candy, flavored gelatin water, or soft drinks 5. Small pieces of hard or coarse foods such as hot dogs, whole nuts, popcorn and peanut butter -May cause choking 6. Excessive amounts of apple or pear juice -May cause diarrhea 7. Unpasteurized (raw) milk -May be contaminated by bacteria or viruses 8. Goat's milk -Low in iron, folate and vitamins C & D

what are some things that should not be fed to an infant?

Integrated pest management (IPM) involves methods that control pests while limiting damage to the environment -Ex: growing pest-resistant crops, using predatory wasps, or trapping adult insects -Produce grown without pesticides may be labeled as "organic"

what is Integrated pest management (IPM)?

Traveler's diarrhea (TD) -Results from consuming food and water that has been contaminated with pathogens -Causes abrupt onset of abdominal cramps, loose or watery bowel movements, nausea, vomiting, bloating and fever -Generally last 3-4 days

what is TD?

-A HBW baby weighs more than approximately 8.8 pounds at birth -A large baby is difficult to deliver vaginally and in many cases requires birth by C section -A C section involves surgical removal of the baby from the mother's uterus

what is a HBW baby and why are they difficult to deliver?

LBW infants generally weigh< 5 ½ lbs. at birth -High risk of dying soon after birth before 15 years of age • In 2012, 8% of infants born in the US were LBW

what is a LBW baby and how much do they have to weigh to be defined as a LBW baby?

First "solid" food generally is rice cereal Least likely to cause allergies Pureed meat or chicken is a better source of iron

what is a babies first solid food?

Food additive: any substance that becomes incorporated in food during production, packaging, transport or storage.

what is a food additive?

Food borne infection: illness that results when a pathogen in food inflames the intestinal tract or other body tissues

what is a food borne infection?

Food-borne illness: disorder that is caused by consuming disease -causing agents in food or H2O

what is a food-borne illness?

Major sign is rapid weight gain after the 5th month of pregnancy

what is a major sign for gestational hypertension?

Pathogens: disease causing microbes

what is a pathogen?

Preterm infants: born before 37 weeks

what is a preterm infant?

Before leaving the US, consult a physician: -Bismuth subsalicylate (BSS) can reduce the risk (the active ingredient in Pepto-Bismol -Side effects of BSS can include - nausea, constipation, and blackening tongue and bowel movements.

what is a preventative medication that can be used or subscribed for TD?

simple way to know your VO2 max: -when you exerciseto the point that you cannot carry on normal conversation because of increased breathing rate

what is a simple way to know your VO2 max?

The maximal oxygen intake during vigorous physical exertion (VO2 max)

what is aerobic capacity?

Aerobic catabolism: if oxygen is available, pyruvate can enter either aerobic respiration pathways.

what is aerobic catabolism?

Aerobic exercise -Sustained rhythmic contractions of large muscle groups -Raises HR, giving the heart an effective workout

what is aerobic exercise?

Early preterm infants: born before week 32

what is an early preterm infant?

Resistance exercises -Activities that increase: muscle mass and strength -Resistance exercises also increases bone mass

what is anaerobic exercise?

CHO loading: manipulating physical activity and dietary patterns, a few days before an event

what is carb loading?

What is colostrum? -This is a yellowish fluid secreted from the breast soon after birth -Contains lactobacillus bifidus and encourages the growth of it for a health GI tract of the infant.

what is colostrum?

Conception- moment when a sperm enters an egg (fertilization)

what is conception?

Energy metabolism: cells obtain energy through a series of chemical reactions

what is energy metabolism?

Exercise: physical activities that are usually planned and structured for a person

what is exercise?

Fermentation: process used to preserve or produce a variety of foods, including pickles and wine

what is fermentation?

Food intoxication: illness that results when poisons produced by certain microbes contaminate food and irritate the intestinal tract.

what is food intoxication?

Gestational diabetes Type 2 diabetes that develops during pregnancy Excess glucose is delivered to the fetus, resulting in a large infant with excess body fat. Occurs in 2-10% of pregnancies

what is gestational diabetes?

-Infant formulas contain: Heat treated cow's milk Lactose and or sucrose Vegetable oils Vitamins Minerals • Some provide DHA and AA (types of fatty acids) -AAP recommends iron-fortified formula for infants who are not breastfed

what is in infant formula?

Intensity : Level of exertion used to perform an activity

what is intensity?

Life expectancy: length of time an average person born in a specific year can expect to live

what is life expectancy?

Life span: maximum number of years an organism can live

what is life span?

Moderate intensity - target zone is 50-70% of age-related maximum Vigorous intensity -target zone is 70-85% of age-related maximum

what is moderate intensity and vigorous intensity heart rate zone?

Physical activity: movement resulting from skeletal muscle contraction

what is physical activity?

Physical fitness: ability to perform moderate to vigorous intensity activities without becoming excessively fatigued.

what is physical fitness?

-Craving and eating nonfood substances such as: laundry, starch, coal, cigarette ashes and dirt -May be associated with iron and zinc deficiencies • Not known if pica is the cause of the result of dietary deficiencies • Refrain from practicing pica

what is pica?

Pyruvate moves from cytoplasm into the mitochondria that are often called "powerhouses" of cells

what is role of pyruvate?

Shelf-life: period of time that a food can be stored before it spoils

what is shelf-life?

sports nutrition: applying nutrition principles and research findings to improve athletic performance

what is sports nutrition?

Sterilization: process that kills or destroys all microorganisms and viruses

what is sterilization?

Anaerobic catabolism: the 1st stage of glucose oxidation is glycolysis-splitting of glucose molecule to form 2 pyruvates molecules -A small amount of ATP is formed by glycolysis

what is the 1st stage of glucose oxidation is glycolysis-splitting of glucose molecule to form 2 pyruvates molecules?

Delaney Clause of the Food Additives Amendment: prevents manufacturing from adding a new compound to foods that causes cancer at any level of intake -Does not apply to pesticide residue

what is the Delaney Clause of the Food Additives Amendment?

-PCr provides the energy by providing P to ADP, forming ATP. -PCr supplies muscles with ~6 seconds of energy

what is the PCr system?

The Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 established safety standards of "a reasonable certainty of no harm" for pesticide residues.

what is the The Food Quality Protection Act of 1996?

U.S. DHHS recommendations for healthy adults under 65 years of age -Moderate intensity physical for 150 minutes per week OR -Vigorous intensity physical for 15 minutes a week AND -Eight to 10 strengthening exercises (8-12 repetitions of each exercise) that focus on major muscle groups 2X a week.

what is the U.S. DHHS's recommendations for healthy adults under 65 years of age?

USDA recommended safe minimum internal temperatures: Beef steaks and roast - 145 F Fish - 145 F Pork - 145 F Ground beef, pork, lamb and veal - 160 F Egg dishes - 160 F Poultry dishes - 165 F

what is the USDA's recommended temperature for beef steaks and roast?

USDA recommended safe minimum internal temperatures: Beef steaks and roast - 145 F Fish - 145 F Pork - 145 F Ground beef, pork, lamb and veal - 160 F Egg dishes - 160 F Poultry dishes - 165 F

what is the USDA's recommended temperature for egg dishes?

USDA recommended safe minimum internal temperatures: Beef steaks and roast - 145 F Fish - 145 F Pork - 145 F Ground beef, pork, lamb and veal - 160 F Egg dishes - 160 F Poultry dishes - 165 F

what is the USDA's recommended temperature for fish?

USDA recommended safe minimum internal temperatures: Beef steaks and roast - 145 F Fish - 145 F Pork - 145 F Ground beef, pork, lamb and veal - 160 F Egg dishes - 160 F Poultry dishes - 165 F

what is the USDA's recommended temperature for ground beef, ground pork, lamb and veal?

USDA recommended safe minimum internal temperatures: Beef steaks and roast - 145 F Fish - 145 F Pork - 145 F Ground beef, pork, lamb and veal - 160 F Egg dishes - 160 F Poultry dishes - 165 F

what is the USDA's recommended temperature for pork?

USDA recommended safe minimum internal temperatures: Beef steaks and roast - 145 F Fish - 145 F Pork - 145 F Ground beef, pork, lamb and veal - 160 F Egg dishes - 160 F Poultry dishes - 165 F

what is the USDA's recommended temperature for poultry dishes?


what is the best biological fuel for intense, brief exercise?

The real flu is actually called influenza -Specific group of viruses that infect the respiratory tract: • Characterized by coughing, fever, weakness, and body aches • Gastrointestinal disturbances are not typical signs of influenza Food-borne illnesses -Pathogens infect the intestinal tract • Characterized by intestinal cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting • Generally, don't have respiratory signs and symptoms

what is the difference between the real flu and the stomach flu?

Extrusion reflux - infant thrusts tongue forward when a solid food is placed in its mouth (reflex disappears 4-6 months) -Developmental readiness for solid food occurs around 4-6 months

what is the extrusion reflux?

The real flu is actually called influenza Specific group of viruses that infect the respiratory tract: -Characterized by coughing, fever, weakness, and body aches -Gastrointestinal disturbances are not typical signs of influenza

what is the flu?

-1958: required manufactures to provide evidence that a new additive is safe before use in products -Generally recognized as safe (GRAS) • List of ingredients used before 1958 that were thought to be safe -Exempt from safety testing -GRAS list substances are not classified as additives • All new additives must undergo safety testing before FDA grants approval

what is the food additives amendment?

0.8 g

what is the g Protein/kg of body weight/day for a non athlete?

1.2-1.4 g

what is the g Protein/kg of body weight/day for a person in the maintenance phase?

1.6-1.7 g

what is the g Protein/kg of body weight/day for a person in the muscle building phase?

1.2-1.4 g

what is the g Protein/kg of body weight/day for an endurance athlete?

-In anaerobic conditions, glucose is converted to pyruvate and then lactic acid Enough ATP is formed to last 30 to 40 seconds. -Lactic acid releases hydrogen ions and becomes lactate Certain muscles can use some lactate for energy Most lactate enters the bloodstream • Liver removes lactate and converts it into glucose

what is the lactic acid system?

Caffeine is the most widely used ergogenic aid

what is the most widely used ergogenic aid?

-In the US, the norovirus is the most common of food-borne illness outbreaks -People who are infected with the norovirus will have the virus in their vomit and feces and can infect others if they do not wash their hands after vomiting or having bowel movements -Symptoms of the norovirus include: Stomach pain Diarrhea Vomiting

what is the norovirus and what are the symptoms?

-During low to moderate intensity exercise (aerobic conditions), muscle cells can completely metabolize glucose -Produces ~18x more ATP than during anaerobic conditions -(aerobically is more efficient than anaerobically)

what is the oxygen system?

-What is the placenta? Organ of pregnancy that connects the uterus to the baby via the umbilical cord -What does the placenta do? Transfers nutrients and oxygen to the developing baby Removes wastes from the developing baby

what is the placenta? what is the placenta's role?

Prenatal period -time between conception and birth

what is the prenatal period?

food irradiation preserves food by using a high amount of energy to kill pathogens -process does make foods radioactive -used on spices, dry vegetables seasonings, meats, seeds, shell eggs, and fresh produce -irradiated foods (except dried seasonings) must have the Radura symbol on package.

what is the process of food irradiation?

o Goal: to increase muscle glycogen stores o The diet and training manipulation greatly increase glycogen stores

what is the purpose and goal of carb loading?

Adequate intake for total water: 11 cups for young women 15.5 cups for young men

what is the required amount of water needed for both men and women?

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Monitors quality of drinking water Regulates toxic substances and wastes

what is the role of the EPA?

Food and drug administration (FDA): Regulates food sold in interstate trade Establishes standards for safe food manufacturing

what is the role of the FDA?

U.S. department of agriculture (USDA) & Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS): Enforces food safety laws for domestic and imported met and poultry

what is the role of the FSIS?

Federal Trade Commission (FTC): Overseers consumer protection laws

what is the role of the FTC?

Target heart zone: range of heart rate that reflects the intensity of exertion during physical activity

what is the target heart zone?

Uterus- female reproductive organ that protects the developing human during pregnancy

what is the uterus?

17% of children ages 2-19 years are obese

what percent of children are obese between ages 2-19?

15-25% of women with the condition develop preeclampsia, which can lead to eclampsia -Eclampsia is the leading cause of pregnancy related maternal death

what percentage of women develop preeclampsia?


what stage is this? The stage in which a child matures physically into an adult -Youth also develop: Emotionally Intellectually Socially -Variations occur in rate of maturity -Age range for most US children at onset of puberty: Girls 8-10 years Boys 10-12 years

1900: 47 -Leading causes of death were pneumonia, influenza, and other infectious diseases 2011: 79

what was the life expectancy in 1900 and in 2011?

Iron deficiency during adolescence: -Boys may become iron deficient during a growth spurt -Girls who have heavy menstrual bleeding may become iron deficient -Calcium status is often low • Many teens drink soft drinks instead of milk

when might girls and boys become calcium/iron deficient?

Populations at risk include: 1. Pregnant women 2. Very young kids 3. Elderly persons 4. People who have serious chronic diseases or a weakened immune system

which populations are at risk for food-borne illnesses?

Athletes at risk for iron deficiency include: Females Distance runners Vegetarians (especially vegans)

who are some people that are at risk for iron deficiencies?

Vegans and people who are restrict intake of milk and milk products are at risk for calcium deficiency -Weak bones or osteoporosis may result

who are some people that might be at risk for calcium deficiency?

-Vegans and people who are restrict intake of milk and milk products are at risk for calcium deficiency Weak bones or osteoporosis may result -Female athletes who have irregular or no menstrual cycles may be deficient in estrogen Weight bearing exercise increases bone density, but estrogen is needed to maintain healthy bones

who are some people who might be at risk for osteoporosis?

Who is at high risk for gestational hypertension? • Under 20 or over 35 years of age • Are obese • History of diabetes or hypertension • Are African American • Carrying multiple babies (twins)

who is at risk for gestational hypertension?

-Why mothers stop breastfeeding: Lack of information and support Uncertainty concerning the amount of milk production Return to work or school -Women need support from partners, female relatives, or groups such as the La Leche League.

why do women stop breastfeeding?

Cows milk is not appropriate for infants because: Its too high in minerals and proteins and too low in carbohydrates It may cause intestinal bleeding and iron deficiency Reduced fat-free milks are too low in energy Casein, the main protein in cow's milk, is difficult for infants to digest Its proteins may cause allergies

why is cow's milk not appropriate for babies?

AAP recommends delaying introduction of solid foods until 6 months

AAP recommends delaying introduction of solid foods until _____ months

Best by/best if used by - about quality than everything else, how long the product with be fresh

what does it mean when an expiration date says "best by/best if used by"

Sell by/packed on: how long to display a product for sell, don't have to be consumed by then.

what does it mean when an expiration date says "sell by"

Use by - found on fresh foods like dairy/meat products, don't purchase items after this date.

what does it mean when an expiration date says "use by"


ATP forms when an inorganic phosphate group (P) bonds with __________.

1. Hard cheese 2. Raised bread 3. Pickled foods 4. Alcoholic beverages 5. Yogurt

Certain food microbes: are beneficial and desirable. Microbes alter the color, texture, taste and other factors in production such as in:

Consult a physician when an intestinal disorder is accompanied by one or more of the following signs: 1. Fever (oral temp. above 101.5 F) 2. Bloody bowel movements 3. Prolonged vomiting that reduces fluid intake 4. Diarrhea that last more than 3 days

Consult a physician when an intestinal disorder is accompanied by one or more of the following signs:


In the mitochondria, pyruvate is completely oxidized, forming..

1. Prolactin - stimulates milk production in the breast 2. Oxytocin - triggers milk "let down", a reflex that enables milk to travel via ducts to the nipple area

Infant sucking on a mother's nipple stimulates the release of two hormones:


Most microbes grow well when temperatures are between ________-_________ degrees F

• Pathogens • Insect parts • Pesticide residues • Metal fragments

Other microbes contaminate food, making it unsafe for humans. Contaminates include:

Refrigerate or freeze leftover foods within 2 hours -If environmental temperatures are > 90 F, refrigerate within 1 hour.

Refrigerate or freeze leftover foods within ___ hours -If environmental temperatures are > 90 F, refrigerate within __ hour.

30 minutes

Sports drinks generally are recommended when an event last longer than ______ minutes.

The microbes that cause food-borne illness can live practically anywhere - in: Air Water Soil Sewage Animals On various surfaces -To reduce risk of illness, keep files, cockroaches and other vermin way from food.

The microbes that cause food-borne illness can live practically anywhere - in:

General recommendation: drink 2 ½ - 3 cups of fluids for each one pound of body weight lost during exercise.

To estimate fluid needs, weigh yourself prior to exercising and again after. If difference is > 2 % fluid replacement is needed. How much water is needed for each pound of body weight lost?


To maintain adequate glycogen stores, athletes need __________g of carbohydrate/kg of body weight.

Cravings are common in pregnancy -Cause is unknown but may be related to: hormonal changes

are cravings common in pregnancy?

Are they effective? -Little reliable scientific evidence supports effectiveness of most dietary supplements

are ergogenic aids effective?

-This surgery can improve the health of adolescents with extreme obesity -According to a review of bariatric surgery outcomes in the USA, the surgeries are safe for adolescents -Adjustable gastric banding procedure has not been approved for patients who are under 18 years old -Regardless of one's age, bariatric surgery is a drastic measure to lose excess body weight and involves some risks.

can bariatric surgery help adolescent obesity and is it safe?

-Encourage youngsters to eat breakfast regularly -Breakfast ideas: 1. Leftovers from the previous night's dinner 2. Ready to eat cereal with milk and fruit 3. Cottage cheese and fruit 4. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich 5. Yogurt topped with trail mix or pieces of fresh fruit

how can parents improve their kid's breakfast patterns?

Conception to week 2: -Sperm enters egg; fertilized cell divides, forming a mass of cells that buries itself into the uterine lining

from conception to week two, describe the development of the baby

Weeks 2-8: -The rapidly dividing mass of cells increases in size and forms organs

from weeks 2-8, describe the development of the baby

Weeks 8-birth: -The human organism at 12 weeks of age weighs ~10z; at birth the typical newborn weighs 6-8 lbs

from weeks 8-birth, describe the development of the baby

occurs in 2-10% of pregnancies

gestational diabetes happens in what percentage of pregnancies?

Gestational hypertension: 3-5% of pregnant women develop hypertension

gestational hypertension occurs in what percentage of pregnant women?

-Brush teeth with a pea-sized amount of fluoride-containing toothpaste twice daily -Provide routine pediatric dental care and fluoridated drinking water -Reduce the number of snacks the child eats and provide more nutrient dense snacks, such as raw fruits and vegetables or pieces of cheese -If preschoolers want to chew gum, have them chew sugarless gum to reduce the risk of dental caries

how can parents prevent dental caries?

o Consume a nutritionally adequate diet o Obtain regular moderate-to-vigorous intense physical activity o Maintain a healthy weight o Avoid tobacco products o Limiting your alcohol consumption o Have regular checkups

how can someone extend their life expectancy?

1. Store at least one gallon of water/person/day -Keep a 3-5-day supply 2. Keep water in a cool place in sturdy plastic containers 3. Changed stored water every 6 months 4. Drink only bottled, boiled or treated until water supply is safe 5. Fill a bathtub, with water to use, if needed 6. Make sure the seal on bottled water has not been broken

how can someone prepare for a food disaster?

Use caution when selecting foods and beverages -Avoid food: • From street vendors • Undercooked meats • Raw foods washed in water -Avoid contact with contaminated drinking water and water for brushing teeth or hand washing

how can someone reduce their risk for TD?

-Keep the refrigerator temperature below 41 F -Cook or freeze ground meats and poultry soon after purchasing -Cook raw fish, shellfish and poultry: -The day they are purchased -Use refrigerated ground meat within 1-2 days, use frozen meat and patties within 3-4 months after purchasing them -Use refrigerated leftovers within 4 days

how can someone reduce their risk for food-borne illness when storing foods?

1. When shopping for groceries: -Select frozen and highly perishable foods such as meant and fish last. 2. When shopping for groceries: -Check "best by" dates on packages of perishable foods. -Choose products with the latest dates -Don't buy food in damaged containers -Don't buy cartons with cracked eggs 3. Purchase only pasteurized milk, cheese and fruit and vegetables juices 4. Pack meat, fish, and poultry in separate plastic bags to avoid cross-contamination with other foods 5. After shopping, take groceries home immediately, then store foods promptly and properly 6. Refrigerate (or freeze) meat, fish, egg and diary products promptly 7. Store whole eggs in their cartons even if your refrigerator has a place for storing eggs

how can someone reduce their risk from getting a food-borne illness when grocery shopping?

1. Avoid eating moldy foods: -Small amount of mold on hard cheeses and on firm fruits and veggies can be removed by cutting away the mold, along with at least 1 inch of food that surrounds the moldy area. 2. Wash fresh produce under running water to remove surface dirt and bacteria 3. FREEZING DOES NOT KILL BACTERIA/PATHOGENS = SLOWS THEM DOWN 4. Remember: when in doubt, throw it out!

how can someone reducing their risk of food-borne illness when preparing foods?

1. Wash hands thoroughly with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds before and after touching food 2. Clean food preparation surfaces with warm soapy water before preparing food 3. Use cutting boards with unmarried surfaces made of: Plastic Marble Glass 4. Replace cutting boards when they become streaked with cuts 5. Have separate cutting boards for: Meat Produce Breads 6. Sanitize food preparation surfaces and equipment that have come in contact with raw meat, fish, poultry and eggs as soon as possible 7. Don't use or taste foods from containers that: Leak, bulge or are severely dented Or jars that are cracked or have loose or bulging lids Have damaged safety seals Squirt liquid or have a bad odor when the can is opened 8. Read the product labels to determine proper storage conditions 9. Sanitize the kitchen sponges and wash hand towels often -A few ways to clean a sponge: Wet and microwave for one minute Soak in bleach Get a new one -(one Tbl. of bleach to one gallon of H2O)

how can someone set the stage for food preparation?

To calculate your age related maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220.

how do you calculate your age related maximum heart rate?

To reduce risk of heat-related illness: -Avoid exercising in hot and humid weather and replace fluids

how does someone reduce their risk for heat-related illnesses?

Consume 30-60g carb/hour

how many carbs should be consumed each hour during an event?

Milk production requires ~800 kcal/day

how many extra calories are needed for milk production?

Length: a 50% increase in length from birth to 1 year

how much increase in length is expected in a baby throughout one year?

Healthy weight gain: up to 4 lbs. during the 1st trimester

how much should someone gain during the first trimester?

Gaining about one pound per week is typical for the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

how much should someone gain weekly during the 2nd and 3rd trimester?

Birth weight doubles by 4 to 6 months

how much weight gain is expected for a baby from 4-6 months?

Birth weight triples by 1 year

how much weight gain is expected for a baby throughout one year?

Pesticides have the potential to harm humans, animals and the environment -Once pesticides are applied to crops, they may: • Remain in the soil • Be taken up by the plant root • Enter ground water and other waterways or be carried to other location by the wind -Each path can be route to the human food chain

how safe are pesticides?

Water needs vary, depending on: The sport Fitness levels Environmental conditions

hydration/water needs vary, depending on what three things?

Overweight 15-25

if someone is overweight, how much weight should they gain during pregnancy?

Underweight 28-40

if someone is underweight, how much weight should they gain during pregnancy?

-Iron may be needed to: Produce RBC Transport O2 Obtain energy

iron may be needed for:

Benefits of physical activity: Enhances muscle tone and strength Reduced edema Improved mood and sleep

is physical activity recommended during pregnancy?

Healthy weight 25-35

is someone is a healthy weight, how much weight should they gain during pregnancy?

Obese 11-20

is someone is obese, how much weight should they gain during pregnancy?

1st trimester: no increase

is there an energy increase in the first trimester of pregnancy?

2nd trimester: + 340 kcal/day

is there an energy increase in the second trimester of pregnancy?

3rd trimester: + 452 kcal/day

is there energy increase in the third trimester of pregnancy?

Iron deficiency: anemia can result in decreased stamina, learning ability, and resistance to infections

what can iron deficiency lead to in young children?

males generally need 50 kcal/kg/day females generally need 45-50 kcal/kg/day

males generally need _____kcal/kg/day

most athletes need at least 3000 kcal/day males generally need 50 kcal/kg/day females generally need 45-50 kcal/kg/day

most athletes need at least __________ kcal/day


o Food-borne pathogens thrive at "room temperatures" that are between _____-______ F.

Compared to preschoolers, school-aged children: Often skip breakfast AND eat: • More foods away from home • More fried foods and sweetened foods Diets of school-aged children tend to provide excessive amounts of solid fat, added sugars and sodium

pertaining to eat patterns, how are preschoolers different compared to school-aged kids?

Ground meats, poultry and fish -The interior portion of meat contains little or no bacteria, however the surface may contain bacteria -Grinding mixes pathogenic bacteria throughout the meat

pertaining to ground meats, poultry and fish... are they clean?


true or false: -Human milk may be inadequate in vitamins D, B-12 and iron and fluoride. -Lactating vegetarians need vitamin B-12 supplements


true or false: -Infants need breast milk only, for the first 6 months -Breastfeeding should continue until 12 months


true or false: Alcoholic beverages increase the risk of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder


true or false: Catabolism involves oxidation, removal of electrons from 1 compound to create another


true or false: Cooking food to the proper temperature destroys food born pathogens

true: Free radical formation increases during aerobic exercise -Oxidative stress may contribute to muscle fatigue and damage

true or false: Free radical formation increases during aerobic exercise


true or false: Glucose can be catabolized anaerobically or aerobically

Home-canned foods may contain Clostridium botulinum and its toxins. -Low acid foods, such as corn and beans, are most susceptible. -do not taste home-canned, low-acid foods before they are boiled for at least 10 mins

true or false: Home-canned foods may contain Clostridium botulinum and its toxins.


true or false: It may be difficult to distinguish between sports anemia and true anemia.

FALSE: Microwave cooking can result in uneven temperatures that may not destroy all pathogens

true or false: Microwave cooking can result in even temperatures that destroys all pathogens


true or false: Relying heavily on foods from vending machines and fast food outlets may increase risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease


true or false: Serve meat, poultry and fish on a clean plate. Never use the same plate that held the raw product


true or false: Signs of food-borne illness can be so severe, hospitalization may be required.

true Smoking cigarettes increases the risk of preterm low birth weight infants -Smoking increases the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)

true or false: Smoking cigarettes increases the risk of preterm low birth weight infants


true or false: Sport drinks provide benefits over plain water -Sport drinks provide desirable carb content (6%) -Soft drinks and juices provide > 10% carbs

1. Emphasize nutrient dense foods when planning menus 2. Try new foods, seasonings and ways of preparing foods 3. Having easy to prepare nutrient dense foods on hands 4. Serve meals in well-lit or sunny areas and plan appealing meals by using different foods with different flavors, colors, shapes, textures, and smells. 5. Plan occasions for the older adult to share cooking responsibilities and eat meals with friends and relatives 6. Encourage the older person to eat at a senior center whenever possible. 7. Investigate community centers helping the older adults obtain groceries, cook or manage other daily care needs 8. Encourage the older adults to be physically active 9. If biting and chewing are difficult for an older adult: Chop Grind Blend Tough or crisp foods 10. Prepare extra amounts of soup, stew or casserole so leftovers can be frozen for future meals

what are some tips for caregivers to help improve nutrient intakes in elderly adults?

1. Guide your family's food choices instead of dictating what they eat 2. Eat meals together as a family as often as possible 3. If necessary reduce the amount of fat, especially saturated and trans fat in your family's diet 4. Don't place your child on a restrictive diet unless the diet is recommended by the child's physician 5. Avoid using food as a: Punishment Reward 7. More tips to improve a child's diet Encourage your child to drink water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages Keep healthy snacks, such as fat-free or low-fat milk, fresh fruit and vegetables on hand Serve at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day 8. Discourage eating meals or snacks while watching TV 9. Encourage a child to eat a nutrient-dense breakfast daily

what are some tips to improve a child's diet?

1. Always that high-risk foods: In the refrigerator Under cold water Or in the microwave 2. Cook foods immediately after thawing 3. Do not refreeze after thawing 4. Marinate food in the refrigerator and if marinating meat, fish or poultry, discard the marinade. 5. Don't remove cold foods from the refrigerator or hot foods from the stove until serving time. 6. Cook beef, poultry, thick pieces of fish and egg-containing dishes thoroughly 7. Cook eggs until the yolk and whites solidify

what are some tips to reduce your risk for food-borne illnesses?

Fostering healthy lifestyles: -New mothers should breastfeed their babies exclusively for the first 6 months of life and continue breastfeeding along with introducing appropriate foods after 6 months -Communities and childcare providers should provide opportunities for children to be physically active throughout the day -Limit children's exposure to TV and forms of digital media (screen time) to less than 2 hours per day

what are some ways to prevent childhood obesity?

o Antibiotics are the main treatment o Antimotility agents o Fluids to prevent dehydration

what are some ways to treat TD?

-The goal is to slow the rate of weight gain without interfering with normal growth and development -This goal can be accomplished by balancing the calories children consume with the calories they use for physical activity needed for growth -Caregivers should not place a child or youth on a weight reduction diet without consulting the child's physician -For severely obese adolescents, treatment may include prescription medication and weight loss surgery

what are some ways to treat childhood obesity?

Adverse effects: o Shakiness and rapid HR o Sleep disturbances o Diarrhea and frequent urination

what are the adverse effects of caffeine?

Benefits: -1. Raises blood fatty acid levels o Enhances contraction of skeletal muscle and heart muscle o Mental alertness

what are the benefits of caffeine?

o Warm-up o Aerobic workout Type Duration Frequency Intensity Progression o Cool down

what are the components of a workout regimen?

1. Genetic and other biological factors: Having overfat parents Having a mother who gained too much weight and/or had diabetes during pregnancy Having a mother who smoked during pregnancy Being undernourished during prenatal development 2. Impact of the child's environment In the US, many children are exposed to an environment that encourages: • Overeating • Consumption of empty-calorie foods 3. Additionally, the environment often does not provide children with opportunities to participate in enough physical activity o Public health measures to prevent obesity among children generally focus on modifying the environment

what are the contributing factors to adolescent obesity?

Four types of exercise o Aerobic o Balance o Flexibility o Weight training

what are the four types of exercise?

Health consequences include elevated: • BP • Glucose • Cholesterol

what are the health consequences of being obese during adolescence?

Sufficient water and electrolytes, carbs and a balanced varied diet are the most important ergogenic aids:

what are the most important ergogenic aids?

-Direct or intentional additives are added to foods to: • Facilitate processing • Increased nutrient content • Prolong freshness • Enhance taste • Improve color • Make food safe -Color additives include dyes, pigments, or other coloring agents such as beta-carotene

what are the purpose of adding food additives to foods?

1. Phosphocreatine (PCr) Anaerobic 2. Lactic acid Anaerobic 3. Oxygen Aerobic

what are the three main energy systems and list is they are anaerobic or aerobic

1. Initiation - first 3-6 weeks Incorporate short periods of activity to a total of 30 minutes on most days. For example, gardening or taking the stairs instead of elevators 2. Improvement - the next 5-6 months Increase intensity and duration of exercises Exercise near the lower end of target heart zone 3. Maintenance at 5-6 months Fitness goals are reached Continue present program

what are the three stages of a fitness plan?

o Boiling: for at least one minute o Chemical disinfectant: contain chlorine or iodine o Filtering water: removes bacteria and protozoans but may not remove viruses.

what are the three ways someone can sanitize their water to reduce their risk for TD?

Unintentional food additives - substances that get into foods accidentally -FDA permits very small amounts, such as dirt and insect parts in food. -Small amounts are not harmful when consumed in minute amounts.

what are unintentional food additives and examples of them?

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