Nutrition (Heidi Jeffs) Quiz Answers

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In class quiz Toddler and Preschool nutrition conditions/interventions

1. 3 year old Patrick's fat intake was shown to be at 37%. Is this within the recommendations for his age? (yes) 2. Most children should and need to take a chewable vitamin pill. (false) 3. Ben, age 3, had 1 cup of milk for breakfast and a piece of string cheese for lunch, Are his dairy needs met for the day? (yes) 4. Which of the following is true? (up to 13% of children have a disability) 5. If a child is recommended to eat less saturated fat, what foods below would be a good choice for lunch? (tuna sandwich)

In class quiz Toddler/Preschool Nutrition

1. 3 year old Sam is in the 78th percentile for his weight. What would this be considered? (healthy weight) 2. 4 year old Kylie is 4th percentile for her weight. What would this be considered? (underweight) 3. If children serve themselves, then they should be required to eat everything on their plate. (false) 4. Ellyn Satter's Division of Responsibility says that parents are in charge of which? (what, when, and where the food is offered)

In class quiz Adolescent Nutrition

1. According to the Ted Talk, the teen brain is really good at: (seeking new experiences) 2. When do females experience peak growth in height? (6-12 months before the start of her first period) 3. When does facial hair typically appear in males? (age 14.4) 4. Exercise has been shown to: (all of these answers apply) 5. What should nutrition messages focus on with teens? (what matters to them now)

M03: Quiz

1. Approximately, (10)% of fetal growth occurs in the first half of pregnancy and (90)% occurs in the second half. 2. It is not possible to reserve or correct errors in growth or development that occurred during a previous critical period. (true) 3. The fetus accounts for the majority of the increased energy needs of pregnancy. (false) 4. To prevent a food borne illness such as listeria monocytogenes, pregnant women should not eat the following: select all the apply (IDK I GOT PARTIAL CREDIT FOR THIS ONE but I selected soft cheese, raw fish, cold hot dogs, pasteurized milk. IDK IF IM MISSING MORE OR IF I SELECTED MORE THAN I SHOULD 5. Healthy pregnant women should not participate in vigorous exercise as it can be harmful to the fetus. (false) 6. In the US it is generally recommended that pregnant women consume _____ mg iron supplement daily. (30 mg) 7. Children born to obese mothers are more likely to be obese children. (true) 8. Which type of hypertensive disorder occurs before 20 weeks? (chronic hypertension) 9. What percent of the dietary intake should be from carbohydrates in pregnant women with gestational diabetes? (45%) 10. A woman carrying twins should gain ____ pounds per week in the second and third trimesters. (1-2 pounds)


1. At least ___ percent of grains should come from whole grains. (50) 2. 1/2 cup of cooked oatmeal is 1 ox grain equivalent. how many grain equivalents is 2 cups of cornflakes? Use digits, not alphabet characters. (2) 3. According to the 1 ounce-equivalent of grains table, how many grain equivalents is a 2" mini bagel? Use digits, not alphabet characters. (1) 4. According to the 1 ounce-equivalent of grains table, which of the following is considered 1 ounce equivalent of grains? (1/2 english muffin) 5. How many cups of romaine lettuce is 1 cup vegetable equivalent? Use digits, not alphabet characters. (2) 6. How many cups of sliced tomatoes is 2 cups vegetable equivalents? Use digits, not alphabet characters. (2) 7. What size of white potato is considered 1 cup vegetable equivalent? (medium) 8. Green peas belong in the ______ vegetable subgroup. One word answer. (starchy) 9. About how many large strawberries is considered 1 cup equivalent of fruit? Use digits, not alphabet characters. (8) 10. Only _____% juice counts towards a fruit equivalent. Use digits, not alphabet characters. (100) 11. If you ate 1 cup of raisins, how many fruit cup equivalents would that be? Use digits, not alphabet characters. (2) 12. 1 cup of _____-fortified soy milk counts as 1 cup equivalent in the dairy group. (calcium) 13. How many ounces of yogurt counts as 1 cup dairy equivalent? (8) 14. If you ate 2/3 cup shredded cheese, how many 1 cup dairy equivalents would that be? (2) 15. 2 cups of cottage cheese would be ____ cup dairy equivalents. (1) 16. You order a 6 oz. sirloin steak at Outback Steakhouse. how many 1 oz. protein equivalents is that? (6) 17. How many almonds is considered a 1 oz. equivalent of protein? Use digits, not alphabet characters. (12) TOO MANY CHARACTERS- SEE NEXT SLIDE FOR OTHER ANSWERS

M06: Quiz

1. Children are born with the innate ability to select and consume a well-balanced diet. (false) 2. What is the main reason the appetite of toddlers decreases after the first year of life? (decrease in growth velocity) 3. Match the average weight and length gains for toddlers and preschoolers. (toddlers weight 9 ounces per month, toddlers height 0.4 inches per month, preschoolers weight 4.4 lbs per year, preschoolers height 2.75 inches per year) 4. The general recommendation for toddlers is _____ of food per year of age. (1 tablespoon) 5. In 2016, what percentage of U.S. households reported food insecurity? (12%0 6. What is the best treatment for obese children between 2-5 years old? (maintaining weight, gaining height) 7. According to the Dietary Reference Intakes, the acceptable macronutrient range for fat are: (1-3 years 30-40%, 4-18 years 25-35%) 8. No television viewing is recommended for children less than 1 year of age. For children older than 1 year, screen time should be limited to 2 hours daily. (false)

M04: Quiz

1. Colostrum is _____ in protein and _____ in carbohydrate and fat than mature milk. (higher, lower) 2. Human milk fat is ____ at the beginning of a feed foremilk and ____ at the end of the feed hindmilk. (lower, higher) 3. Breastfeeding for any duration reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome SIDS. (true) 4. Normal newborn weight loss of up to ____% can occur in the first 5 days. (7%) 5. Only breastfed infants will receive a vitamin K supplement at birth. (false) 6. Zinc is more bioavailable in infant formula than breast milk. (false) 7. What is the most common reason women stop breastfeeding? (low milk supply) 8. What is the most frequent cause of hospital readmission during the first 2 weeks of life? (hyperbilirubinemia) 9. What percentage of infants breastfed by a mother with HIV will contract the virus? (5-20%) 10. Infants born between ____ and ____ weeks are considered late-preterm. (34 and 37)

M01: Quiz

1. Essential nutrients are substances required for health that cannot be made by the body in any amount. They must be obtained from the diet. (false) 2. Which nutrient is our main source of energy? (carbohydrates) 3. Please match the correct percentage of calories each nutrient is recommended to provide in your diet. (protein: 10-35%, carbohydrate: 45-65%, lipids: 20-35%) 4. Most Americans consume adequate amounts of EPA and DHA daily, around 300-500 mg. (false) 5. What are all the usual steps int he development of nutrient deficiencies. (Inadequate nutrient intake, Depletion of tissue reserves of the nutrient, decreased blood nutrient level, Insufficient nutrient available to cells, impaired cellular functions, Physical signs and symptoms of deficiency, Long-term impairment of health) 6. Malnutrition can result from poor diets as well as from diseases that interfere with the body's ability to use the nutrients consumed. (true) 7. A dietary supplement must be shown to be safe and effective before they are sold. (false) 8. Nutrition assessment of individuals contains which components. Select all that apply. (all of them) 9. Which nutrition program provides nutrition education and food vouchers fro low-income pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women along with children under 5 years. (WIC) Which is NOT one of the key recommendations of the MyPlate: (switch to 2% milk)

M08: Quiz

1. Even though the sequence of pubertal events is consistent, the age of onset, duration, and tempo of these events vary greatly. (true) 2. Match the correct timing or amount: (male peak velocity of linear growth 14.4 years old, female peak linear growth 6-12 months prior to menarche, female body fat increases by 120%, male body fat decreases to about 12%) 3. chronological age should be used to assess adolescent nutrition needs. (false) 4. Iron deficiency anemia occurs frequently in adolescents. (false) 5. The availability of healthy foods including fruits and vegetable in the home is associated with higher intake of these foods and lower BMI. (true) 6. Adequate fiber can help reduce cholesterol levels, moderate blood sugar levels, and reduce the risk of: (obesity) 7. poor folate intake can lead to birth defects such as: (spina bifida) 8. What percent of overweight adolescents can be expected to remain overweight into adulthood? (I dint get it right so I dont know but its NOT up to 70%)

M02: Quiz

1. Excessive an inadequate levels of body fat are related to declines in fertility in women only. (false) 2. Select all actions that can reduce fertility: (all of them) 3. How much folic acid is recommended daily for women during preconception? (400 mcg) 4. All women who may become pregnant all that apply (take no more than 10,000 IU of vitamin A, consume adequate folate from fortified foods or supplements, limit or omit alcohol) 5. _____ is the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide. (iron) 6. Physical activity of any level of intensity has positive benefits on fertility. (false) 7. High blood glucose levels in the first 2 months of pregnancy are teratogenic, they are associated with a ___ to ___ fold increase in the incidence of congenital abnormalities. (two, three) 8. It is well established that the effect of celiac disease on reproductive functions in males and females is related to malabsorption-induced deficiencies of nutrients such as zinc, folate, and iron along with direct effects of inflammation on intestinal tissues. (false) 9. Premenstrual syndrome PMS is currently considered a psychogenic disorder and not a physiological one. (false)

Bonus quiz on calculations!

1. How many kcalories would be int he following food? 3 grams fat, 13 grams carbohydrate, 3 grams protein (91 kcals) 2. Sam's daily kcalorie recommendation is 3,000. What number of sugar grams should he try to stay under based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans? (75 grams) 3. Desi's yogurt has 140 total kcals. The label states there are 0 grams of fat and 14 gram of protein. Determine how many grams of carbohydrate there must be. (21 grams) 4. Fran ate 26% of her total kcals from fat. is this within the AMDR? Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range. (Yes, the AMDR for fat is 20-35% of total kcals.) 5. How many kcalories are in the following food item? 1 gram fat, 23 grams carbohydrate, 2 grams protein. (109 kcals)

In class quiz Adult Nutrition conditions/interventions

1. If Jane created a 750 calorie deficit per day by eating less and exercising more for 1 year, how much weight would she lose? (78 pounds) 2. What was found to be the strongest predictor of premature death? (low activity levels) 3. All adults should take protein and vitamin/mineral supplements to get their requirements met. (false)

In class quiz Infant Nutrition conditions/interventions

1. Infants should be given water every few hours as well as breastmilk and formula. (false) 2. Which of the following was not given as a way to relieve colic? (take off all clothing except diaper) 3. What are some of the possible problems with giving a baby a bottle in bed? Mark all that apply. (increased dental caries, increased infections) 4. It's imperative to follow the MyPlate for babies plan and assure that they are given the exact amounts of each food group and recommended quantity in the first year of life. (false) 5. About ____% of children under age 4 have a true food allergy. (6-8%)

In class quiz Adolescent Nutrition conditions and interventions

1. Males experience iron deficiency anemia more often than females. (false) 2. Regular use of marijuana by teenagers can lead to a loss of IQ that isn't recoverable. (true) 3. What type of diabetes is most common in teenagers? (Type 1) 4. Teenagers need to take a supplest pill to obtain all the nutrients they need since they are growing and changing so quickly. (false) 5. Best strategies to help teens with body acceptance include: (Connecting with others and developing inner qualities)

M05: Quiz

1. Match the correct percentile with size for gestational age. (SGA <10th%, LGA >90th%, AGA 10th-89th%) 2. Motor development progresses from the bottom up starting with the lower legs. (false) 3. Energy needs of infants range from ______ per kilogram of body weight. (80-120 calories) 4. What is the most common chronic disease of childhood? (dental caries) 5. At what age do you being introducing complementary foods into an infants diet? (6 months) 6. What are some of the reasons a preterm infant may be more difficult to feed? (idk but its NOT stress response) 7. What is the daily weight gain goal for preterm infants in the hospital? (20-30 grams) 8. An infant is born 12 weeks early. When she is 5 months old what is her corrected age? (2 months) 9. All infants with developmental delays will continue to have developmental disabilities that continue into childhood. (false)

In class quiz Nutrition during Lactation part 1

1. Most mothers in the US are still breastfeeding at 1 year postpartum (false) 2. What hormone stimulates milk ejection? (oxytocin) 3. What part of the brain is involved in the milk letdown reflex? (hypothalamus) 4. Which of the following is a benefit of breastfeeding for the mother? (all of the answers apply) 5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of breastfeeding for the infant? (less bioavailability of nutrients)

M10: Quiz

1. Older adults have proportionately more illness than younger adults, and the two leading causes of death are heart disease and cancer. (true) 2. The CDC suggests that longevity depends more on lifestyle factors than on genetics. (true) 3. US life expectancy at birth rate is the highest in the world. (false) 4. Fat-free mass or lean body mass tends to shrink in old age. This results in significantly decreased need for calories, vitamins, and minerals. (false) 5. The OAANP serves individuals aged 67 and older. The congregate meal program was established to increase socialization as well as to improve nutritional intakes of older adults. (true) 6. The DASH diet has been shown to reduce HBP; additional sodium restrictions have led to further reductions in blood pressure. (true) 7. Even a small loss of body weight can improve OA. (true) 8. Vitamin K levels present in dark green vegetables may interfere with warfarin anti-coagulant therapy. (true) 9. Eating a Mediterranean-style diet is associated with lower CVD mortality in older adults. (true) 10. Older adults who suffer from sarcopenia may benefit from high protein diets. The protein intake will also help to keep their bones strong. (true)

In class quiz Nutrition basics part 1

1. Sally ate 1450 kcalories in one day. According to the Dietary Guidelines, what would her added sugar consumption recommendation be? (under 36 grams) 2. Which of the following is a complete protein? (milk) 3. What type of lipoprotein builds up in the blood vessels and leads to heart disease? (LDL) 4. How many kcalories would the following food item have? 17 grams fat, 104 grams carbohydrate, 14 grams protein (625 kcalories)

Final Exam (Part 1)

1. Weight and BMI peak between ________, then stabilize, then start to slowly decrease around ________. (50-59, 70) 2. Very easy in pregnancy, inadequate folate levels are related to the development of ___% of cases of neural tube defects, like spina bifida. (50) 3. An obese adult must lose more than 10% of their body weight to reduce or prevent obesity health risks. (false) 4. All infants with developmental delays will continue to have developmental disabilities that continue into childhood. (false) 5. Children are born with the innate ability to select and consume a well-balanced diet. (false) 6. Match the correct pregnancy weight gain recommendations. (underweight BMI <18.5 -> 28-40 lb, obese BMI >30 -> 11-20 lb, normal weight BMI 18.5-24.9 -> 25-35 lb, overweight BMI 25-29.9 -> 15-25 lb) 7. For every one man that is diagnosed with osteoporosis, ____ women are diagnosed. (four) 8. Motor development progresses from the bottom up starting with the lower legs. (false) 9. Colostrum is _____ in protein and _____ in carbohydrate and fat than mature milk. (higher, lower) 10. Only a small number of medications are excreted in breast milk. (false) 11. Cancer is the first leading cause of death for adults aged 24-44. (false) 12. What are some of the reasons a preterm infant may be more difficult to feed? (lethargy, stress response) 13. What is the most frequent cause of hospital readmission during the first 2 weeks of life? (hyperbilirubinemia) 14. What are some reasons why older adults need more vitamin D? (idk I got it wrong, but I got 1.33 out of 2 points selecting all of them) 15. Essential nutrients are substances required for health that cannot be made by the body in any amount. They must be obtained from the diet. (true)

M07: Quiz

1. What are some of the warning signs of growth problems? Select all that apply. (I GOT PARTIAL CREDIT FOR THIS ONE AND DONT KNOW REAL ANSWERS but this is what I put plateau in weight, pattern of weight loss and then gain, failure to regain weight after illness. I GOT .75/1 SO I THINK IT MIGHT BE ALL OF THEM) 2. What are some of the benefits of family mealtime? Select all that apply. (less likely to be overweight, eat less fried foods, less likely to have disordered eating, eat more fruits and vegetables) 3. ______ ________ is one of the most significant predictors or childhood obesity. (maternal obesity) 4. What are some of the negative effects of screen time on school-aged children? Select all that apply. (Disrupts sleep, Increased risk of obesity) 5. Why are soda and juice poor choices for hydration? (can cause stomach cramps, nausea) 6. What does actual food intake look like for school-aged children? (low calcium intake) 7. What is the recommendation for daily physical activity in school-aged children? (60 minutes) 8. A thin appearing child with a chronic condition can be assumed to have low fat stores. (false) 9. What are some examples of feeding problems in children with chronic conditions? Select all that apply. (low food intake due to meal length or food loss, adjustment in timing of meals and snacks) 10. The most common neurobehavioral problem ADHD occurs is ____% of children. (7%)

In class quiz Adult Nutrition

1. What are the number one and two causes of death in the US? (heart disease and cancer) 2. When does muscular strength peak? (age 25-30) 3. What number can you multiply a healthy body weight by to receive a ballpark estimate of how many Calories are needed per day? (15)

In class quiz Nutrition basics part 2

1. What disease is caused by lack of calcium? (osteoporosis) 2. What is the number one cause of death in the United States? (heart disease) 3. What is one of the nutrients on the new food label that wasn't there previously? (potassium) 4. If a food label says it has 15% of the DV for iron, what is that considered? (a good source) 5. If a product has 175 kcals per serving (1 cup), how many kcals are in 2.5 servings? (438 kcalories)

In class quiz Nutrition basics part 3

1. What food group is popcorn in? (grains) 2. How many dairy equivalents is 12 oz. milk? (1.5 dairy equivalents) 3. Many people eat over the UL for vitamins and minerals by eating too many kcalories. (false) 4. The supplement industry is highly regulated by the FDA. (false) 5. Susan ate 18% of her total kcalories in one day from fat. This is within the AMDR. Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range. (false)

In class quiz Child and Preadolescent Nutrition

1. What is the age range of the school age child? (ages 5-12) 2. What parenting style is considered to produce the most well adjusted, happy children? (authoritative) 3. Children raised by authoritarian parents are ____ likely to be responsive to energy calorie density in foods. i.e. stop eating when full. (less) 4. Which of the following increases calcium absorption? Pick two. (lactose, vitamin D) 5. It is typical for boys to have more body fat than girls in the "school age" classification. (false)

In class quiz Nutrition during Pregnancy part 1

1. What is the infant birth weight minimum that helps improve health outcomes? (7 lb. 12 oz.) 2. Does the mother's body prioritize the health of her own body over the fetus? (Yes, the mother must survive for the baby to survive.) 3. Mary started her pregnancy at a healthy weight at 140 pounds. By 40 weeks gestation, she weighs 180 pounds. Is she over, under, or within the recommendations? (She is over the recommendations.) 4. Jamie started her pregnancy at a healthy weight. She is 26 weeks pregnant and has gained 11 pounds. Plot her weight and assess if she is under, within, or over the recommendations. (she is under the recommendations)

In class Preconception Nutrition

1. What percent of couples fail to conceive after one year of attempting pregnancy? (15%) 2. What is the most common reason for miscarriage? (Defect in the fetus) 3. If a menstrual cycle is 26 days, what day of the cycle would ovulation be predicted? (Day 13) 4. BMI under _____ may result in infertility in men and women. (20) 5. Almost all women in the United States enter pregnancy with inadequate iron stores. (false)

In class quiz Nutrition during Pregnancy part 2

1. Which of the following food groups does NOT increase during pregnancy? (dairy) 2. Sally's DRI for protein is normally 65 grams per day. Now that she is 7 months pregnant, how many grams should she have per day? (90 grams) 3. Pregnant women should take cholesterol supplements to ensure the health of the fetus. (false) 4. Lack of which vitamin during pregnancy can cause spina bifida in the growing embryo/fetus? (folate/folic acid)

Nutrient Deficiency videos and quiz

1. Which of the following is NOT a fat soluble vitamin? (B1) 2. Why did pirates get scurvy? (lack of access to fresh fruit) 3. Why do children in underdeveloped countries have such high rates of night blindness? (due to lack of access to fruits and vegetables) 4. How long did it tale for the children to get their night vision back after receiving the vitamin A drops? (one day) 5. The video about Pellagra mentioned the main foods that poor Southerners lived off. Their high consumption and lack of niacin led to outbreaks of Pellagra. What were the foods mentioned? (corn and pork) 6. Which of the following was NOT a symptom that the prisoners had when they developed Pellagra? (improved vision) 7. What was the solution to gaining better access to iodine in the Middle East? (adding it to salt) 8. Besides a goiter, what can lack of iodine lead to? (lower intellectual ability)

In class quiz Child and Preadolescent Nutrition conditions and interventions

1. Which of the following is NOT a key phrase from the 5 protective factors given in the video to help prevent obesity and eating disorders. (Use the terms "bad" and "good" foods) 2. People with Cystic Fibrosis need 2-4x as many nutrients as typically recommended. (true) 3. What macronutrient is severely limited in the Ketogenic diet? (carbohydrate) 4. The limit for carbohydrates per day/meal/snack for a Diabetic diet is the same as someone on a Ketogenic diet. (False, the Ketogenic diet is much more restrictive of carbohydrates) 5. What macronutrient has to be severely limited in the PKU diet? (protein)

Learning more about research methods

1. Which of the following is NOT one of the red flags mentioned in the "Nutrition Misinformation" article? (Multiple studies that find the same result) 2. Which of the following is a common problem in the nutrition industry? (All of the answers apply) 3. Which area is reported to be the most popular common form of fraud? (weight-loss schemes and devices) 4. Why are certain groups most susceptible to health fraud? (they may be feeling desperate for solutions to their concerns) 5. Which of the following is a good way to evaluate whether a health product or service is reputable? (Asking questions like who, what, where, and why?) 6. Which of the following is NOT one of the questions mentioned in "How to evaluate health information on the internet?" (How much weight can I lose from the program?) 7. Which two answers show a website that would be the most likely to contain trustworthy information? Pick two. (.edu, .gov) 8. Which of the following is NOT one of the agencies mentioned that is involved in regulating consumables and protecting consumers? (CDC) 9. A hypothesis often looks like a prediction. (true) 10. Case control studies do the following: (Compare persons with a particular condition to persons without that condition) 11. Which types of studies are needed to make a true nutrition recommendation? (controlled experiments) 12. Why are laboratory experiments conducted on animals and cells often used in nutrition research? (All of these concerns) 13. When it was observed in the early part of the twentieth century that the number of crimes increased with membership in the Church of England, what was the real reason? (population had increased at the same time) 14. Causality cause and effect can only be proven by: (demonstrating a mechanism) TOO LONG SEE NEXT SLIDE FOR REST OF ANSWERS

Videos and quiz (Pregnancy condition/interventions)

1. Which of the following is one of the biggest health concerns a mother may face due to obesity during pregnancy? (high blood glucose) 2. What usually resolves pre-eclampsia? (birth of the baby) 3. What causes gestational diabetes? (placental hormones) 4. What is the condition during pregnancy that leads to vomiting throughout the day and sometimes throughout the pregnancy? (hyperemesis gravidarum) 5. All pregnant women who drink alcohol will have a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome. (false)

In class quiz Preconception Nutrition conditions/interventions

1. Which type of body fat distribution is more likely to cause difficulty with conception? (apple shape (central)) 2. Determine if Kris would be diagnosed with Metabolic syndrome: waist circumference 39", blood triglycerides 168 mg/dL, HDL cholesterol 55 mg/dL, blood pressure 144/96 mm/Hg, blood glucose 88 mg/dL (yes, she has 3 risk factors) 3. Which type of Diabetes is an autoimmune disease? (Type I) 4. Which of the following foods could a person with Celiac disease eat? (rice and beans)

M09: Quiz

1. While the rates of adult obesity are leveling off, the rates of severe obesity BMI>40 are continuing to rise. (true) 2. Match the definition to the three layers of fat: visceral fat (fat packed between the organs) subcutaneous fat (fat underneath the skin) ectopic fat (fat store in pancreas, heart, liver, and skeletal muscles) 3. All are components of weight management based on cognitive behavioral therapy except? (calorie increase) 4. A diagnosis of metabolic syndrome can be made when one has 3 of the 5 risk factors. What are the 5 risk factors? (idk I got it wrong but its NOT abdominal obesity, elevated blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, high triglycerides, low HDL) 5. Cancer is the first leading cause of death for adults aged 24-44. (false) 6. Match the appropriate bone status with age: bone building (20-30) bone breakdown (40+) bone maintenance (30-40) 7. Which is not a focal point of the dietary guidance systems? (including processed meats) 8. The thermic effect of food contributes ____% to our energy needs. (10%) 9. Which is not part of The Eat Competence Model? (food rejection)

In class quiz Nutrition during Lactation conditions/interventions

1. You should not breastfeed your baby if you get mastitis. (false) 2. Laying back when breastfeeding can help with hyperlactation (true) 3. Let down failure is due to a mother having small breasts. (false) 4. To avoid problems, one of the most important techniques in breastfeeding is putting as much of the areola of the breast int he baby's mouth as possible. (true) 5. It's important to breastfeed often when you have engorgement. (true)

Learning more about research methods part 2

15. Which of the following does Ionica Smeets insinuate in her Ted Talk "The danger of mixing up causality and correlation?" (correlations can give very good hints, but they need further examination, its easy to make correlation mistakes; it is done even by reputable scientists at times) 16. Ionica Smeets told the story of how it seemed that leaving the light left on when young children slept was causing near sightedness, but further research revealed that: (vision is largely genetic, and children with poor vision had parents with poor vision, who liked to leave the lights on to see better)

Final Exam (Part 2)

16. Iron deficiency anemia occurs frequently in adolescents. (false) 17. What is the main reason the appetite of toddlers decreases after the first year of life? (decrease in growth velocity) 18. The general recommendation for toddlers is _____ of food per year of age. (1 Tablespoon) 19. A 15-year-old healthy male who weighs 64kgs should consume ___ gms of protein daily. (54.4 gms) 20. Pregnant women need to consume a minimum of ___ gms carbohydrates to meet the fetal brain's need for glucose. (175 gms) 21. Match the definition to the three layers of fat: (visceral fat- fat packed between..., subcutaneous fat- fat underneath..., ectopic fat- fat stored in...) 22. Which is not a risk factor for hypertension? (high potassium intake) 23. What are some of the complications associated with being an overweight adolescent? (idk I got it wrong but I got 1 out of 2 points for selecting dyslipidemia, type one diabetes mellitus, and hypertension) 24. Infants born between ____ and ____ weeks are considered late-preterm. (34 and 37) 25. Normal newborn weight loss of up to ___% can occur in the first 5 days. (7%) 26. At what age do you begin introducing complementary foods into an infants diet? (6 months) 27. Even though the sequence of pubertal events is consistent, the age of onset, duration, and tempo of these events vary greatly. (true) 28. What percent of children with disabilities have a nutrition problem? (90%) 29. What are some of the benefits of exercise for older adults? (idk I got it wrong but I got 1 out of 2 points for selecting decreases lean body mass, maintains balance, and improves cognitive performance) 30. The distribution of fat is a more important indicator of health risk than weight or BMI. (true) 31. What does actual food intake look like for school-aged children? (low calcium intake)

Exploring (PART 2)

18. 3 slices of turkey about 4.5"x2.5" each would be ____ 1 oz. protein equivalents. Use digits, not alphabetical characters. (3) 19. You eat a 2 egg omelet with 1 oz. of ham. How many 1 oz. protein equivalents would that be? Use digits, not alphabetical characters. (3) 20. Cafe Rio serves 1 cup of black beans to you. How many 1 oz. protein equivalents is that? Use digits, not alphabetical characters. (4) 21. People who eat meat, poultry, and seafood would counts beans, peas, and lentils in the ______ group. People who get more of their protein foods from plants may want to count some or all of the beans, peas, and lentils they eat in the protein foods group. (vegetable) 22. Choosing unsaturated fat in place of saturated fat can reduce your risk of heart disease. (true) 23. Which of the following would have significantly less saturated fat than the other choices? (nuts) 24. Most oils are high in ________ fats or polyunsaturated fats, and low in saturated fats. Foods that are mainly made of oil include mayonnaise, certain salad dressings, and soft tub or squeeze margarine. Fill in the blank answer is one word. (monounsaturated) 25. What type of fat is in avocado, fish, peanuts, and vegetable oil? (unsaturated (poly or mono)) 26. Jerry wants to achieve a healthy weight. Click on that button and answer this question: How many ounces of 1 oz. grain equivalents should Jerry have every day? (8) 27. Using the same information for Jerry, if he had 2 cups of milk one day, how many more 1 cup dairy equivalents would he need that day to meet his recommendations? Use digits, not alphabet characters. (1) TOO MANY CHARACTERS- SEE NEXT SLIDE FOR OTHER ANSWERS

Exploring (PART 3)

28. If Jerry had the following foods in one day, what other one food item listed below could jerry eat to get up to his full vegetable recommendations for a day? (1 cup green beans) 29. Added sugars should be less than ____% of calories per day. (10) 30. Drinking alcohol in moderation is defined as _____ drinks per day for men and 1 drink per day for women. Use digits, not alphabet characters. (2) 31. Unsaturated fats are emphasized and saturated fats should be less than ____% calories per day. Use digits, not alphabet characters. (10) 32. Sodium should not exceed ____ mg per day. (2,300) 33. Which types of foods does the Dietary Guidelines promote? (nutrient dense) 34. What was the average healthy Eating Index score in 2015 on a scale of 0-100? (58) 35. Each step closer to eating a diet that aligns with Dietary Guidelines recommendations can help reduce the risk of developing diet-related chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and ______. (cancer)

Final Exam (Part 3)

32. Which parts of the gastrointestinal system are most likely to malfunction in older adults? (stomach, intestines, lower esophageal sphincter) 33. The most common neurobehavioral problem ADHD occurs in ____% of children. (11%) 34. What is the best treatment for obese children between 2-5 years old? (maintaining weight, gaining height) 35. What are some of the warning signs for growth problems? (idk I got it wrong but I got 1 out of 2 points for selecting pattern of weight loss and then gain, plateau in weight, failure to regain weight after illness) 36. What measures can reduce oxidative stress? (moderate exercise, eating colorful fruits and vegetables, limiting intake of sugary foods) 37. What is the main carbohydrate in human milk? (lactose) 38. Human milk fat is _____ at the beginning of a feed fore milk and ______ at the end of the feed hind milk. (lower, higher) 39. The availability of healthy foods including fruits and vegetables in the home is associated with higher intake of these foods and lower BMI. (true) 40. What are some of the negative effects of screen time on school-aged children? (disrupts sleep, increased risk of obesity) 41. Weight loss is the second choice of treatment for obese men and women with fertility problems. (false) 42. What are some of the long term physiological effects of diabetes? (idk I got it wrong and got 0 points for selecting all of them so I think there might be some mistake in the question idk) 43. Protein for adolescent athletes should not exceed 35% of calories. (false) 44. What gives colostrum the characteristic yellow coloring? (beta-carotene) 45. Celiac disease is three times more likely in men than women. (false) 46. What is the leading cause of female infertility? (idk but it is NOT eating disorder)

Final Exam (Part 4)

47. What percentage of infants breastfed by a mother with HIV will contract the virus? (5-20%) 48. Whole, cow's milk can be introduced into an infants diet starting at 10 months or older. (false) 49. Premenstrual syndrome

In class quiz Adolescent Nutrition (Eating Disorders)

Open response questions sorry!!

Scientific Method: Quiz

Step 1 (Ask a Question) Step 2 (Do Background Research) Step 3 (Form a Hypothesis) Step 4 (Test your Hypothesis) Step 5 (Analyze the Data) Step 6 (Determine your Conclusion)

In class quiz Nutrition during lactation part 2

quiz was locked so I couldnt see answers sorry!!

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