RQ #4 (ch.12)

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_____________ are produced by flooding events, when a stream/river loses competence and drops larger sand-sized material near the stream edge. -Natural levees -Terraces -Floodplains -Distributary channels

Natural levees

Consider the equation Q = wdv. According to the equation, if Q (discharge) remains constant, but w and d decrease (as when a channel becomes more narrow and shallow), the velocity will: -increase -decrease -remain constant


Creation of a local base level through construction of a dam and reservoir on a river: would have no effect on stream erosion and deposition processes. would cause sediment accumulate upstream from the dam in response to decreased flow velocity. would cause a slight, long-term increase in sea level. would cause sediment to erode upstream from the dam in response to a higher volume of water.

would cause sediment accumulate upstream from the dam in response to decreased flow velocity.

Complete the sentence: Knickpoints ____________________. Xgradually move downstream. on a longitudinal profile will exhibit a steep break in gradient. typically occur where a stream flows into a reservoir.

on a longitudinal profile will exhibit a steep break in gradient.

Which of the following lists of processes are in the correct sequence as to their occurrence in nature? -deposition, erosion, transport, weathering -weathering, erosion, deposition, transport -weathering, deposition, erosion, transport -weathering, erosion, transport, deposition

weathering, erosion, transport, deposition

What is the problem with the Atchafalaya river? it often floods into the Mississippi river and increases the discharge of the Mississippi. It has a steeper gradient, and is a shorter distance from the ocean. If the Mississippi abandoned its current channel through New Orleans, and permanantly flowed into the Atchafalaya, it would be a financial disaster for New Orleans. It dumps a lot of sediment into the New Orleans area, which is increasing subsidence. It is a distributary of the Mississippi river and currently carries 30% of the discharge from the Mississippi river.

It often floods into the Mississippi river and increases the discharge of the Mississippi.

Which of the following statements is FALSE about meandering rivers. Meandering rivers are characterized by cut banks and point bars. Meandering rivers typically form in areas characterized by glaciation. Oxbow lakes are associated with meandering rivers. Velocities within the channel decrease along the sides and edges of the stream.

Meandering rivers typically form in areas characterized by glaciation.

A __________________ is formed by coalescing alluvial fans. -pagoda -alluvial apron -bajada -evaporate -bed load


The largest material that can be carried by a stream is carried as: -bed load -suspended load. -dissolved load -truck load.

bed load

The glaciated shield regions of Canada and northern Europe have disrupted surface drainage patterns that are called ________ patterns. -trellis -parallel -annular -deranged


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