Nutrition in Adolescence, the Adult Years and Aging

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Common concerns/probs among elderlies

*Difficulty in chewing due to loss of teeth and not getting used to dentures *Unwanted weight due to lack of physical activity and/or overeating. *Anxiety, confusion, insecurity, or loneliness *Difficulty in sleeping *loss of calcium *decreased lean muscle mass *dehydration *diseases & treatments *loss of smell & vision

How could adult men & women stay healthy?

*Eat a variety of foods *Maintain the ideal weight. *Avoid too much fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. *Eat foods with adequate starch and fiber. *Avoid too much sugar and sodium. *Drink alcohol moderately

Nutritional concern/risks for adolescents

*Eating and snacking pattern promote essential nutrients deficiencies (calcium, vitamins, iron, fiber) and overconsumption of sugars, fat, and sodium. Risks for anemia, and skin problems. *Dieting - the stigma of obesity and social pressure to be thin can lead to unhealthy eating practices and poor body image, especially for females. *Eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, obesity) are on the rise among adolescents. *Adolescent Pregnancy - physiologic demands of a growing fetus compromise the adolescent's needs for her own unfinished growth and development. Risks for anemia, pregnancy-induced hypertension, gestational diabetes, premature labor, spontaneous abortion, and delivery of a newborn of low birth weight.

Nutrition needs of aging & the aged

*Elderly persons - cut down gradually on food intake especially if lifestyle becomes more sedentary. *Retain the more nutritious foods like vegetables, fruits, cereals, low-calorie foods, and milk. *Eliminate the less nutritious or higher calorie foods such as sugar in beverages, candies, cakes and confectionaries. *Regular exercise to improve bone density, relieve depression, and enhance cardiovascular and respiratory function. *Vitamins A,D,C,E,B6 and B12 may be decreased and supplemental vitamins are recommended. *Calcium requirements increase as the efficiency of calcium absorption decreases with age.

Nutrition guidelines for adolescents

*Energy requirements average 2,000 cal/day for a 15-year-old female, and 4,000 cal/day for a 15-year-old male. *Growth spurt begins at 10 or 11 years of age, boys peaks at 14 years, and is completed by age 21, girls peaks at 12 years, and is completed by age 17. *During adolescence, 45% of bone mass is added. Female energy requirement are less than that of males, as they experience less growth of muscle and bone tissue and more fat deposition.

Poor absorption leading to anemia and other vitamin deficiencies

*Iron-rich food like liver, lean meat, egg yolk, saluyot, kulitis, himbabao, and seaweeds for anemia; *vitamin c-rich food like papaya, mango, to absorb iron and speed up healing; *take in foods like milk, milk products, dilis, alamang, and other leafy vegetables as it contain calcium for strong bones; *exposure to sunlight (vit.D helps maintain the bone structure.)

Nutritional concerns for adults

*Older adults may have problems with ill-fitting dentures, difficulty chewing or swallowing. *Decrease cellular function & reduced body reserves leading to decreased absorption of B12, folic acid& calcium *Decrease in renal function *Decrease in bone density

Nutritional objectives for adults

*Provide optimum nutrition support for the demands of rapid growth and high-energy expenditure. *Support the development of good eating habits by providing a variety of foods through a regular pattern.

Cancer nutritional recommendations

*Research has gathered evidences that diet and cancer are related. Recommendations: -Carotene lowers the risk of cancer of the larynx and esophagus. -Cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower reduce the risk of GI and respiratory tract cancer. -Milk, especially 2-3 cups of vitamin D fortified skim milk a day, may help ward off colon cancer. -Drink moderate amounts of alcoholic beverages. -Fruits, vegetables, and whole grain cereal such as oatmeal, bran and wheat may help lower the risk of colorectal cancer.

Nutrient allowances for adolescents

*The recommended daily amounts of nutrients from each of the food groups keep an adolescent strong and healthy. Teenage boys need more energy and body building foods than girls since they are more active. *Energy requirement average 2000cal/day for a 15 year old female, and 4000cal/day for a 15 year old male. *Protein needs are high for accelerated growth and development. *Vitamins are essential. Older male adolescents have higher allowances for Vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C. *Minerals - growth acceleration during sexual maturation increases iron requirements, also iodine should be supplied to compensate for increased thyroid activity associated with growth.

Nutritional Concerns / Risk during Adult years

*cancer *osteoporosis *hypertension *decreased cell-mediated immunity *recommended amt of protein is unchanged

Nutrient allowance for the elderly (calories)

- a reduction of calories is recommended because of reduced basal metabolism and physical activity. Recommended decrease in calorie intake is as follows: * 45 - 55 years = 7.5% decrease * 55 - 65 years = 7.5% decrease * After 65 years = 10% decrease

Nutrient allowance for the elderly (water & fiber)

- about 6 to 8 glasses should be consumed daily. The kidneys can function efficiently in eliminating waste solids if there are sufficient fluids. Also, water stimulates peristalsis, combating constipation.

Nutrient allowance for the elderly (prots)

- an allowance of 1.1g/kg body weight is required. This is necessary for the prevention of progressive tissue wasting and susceptibility to disease and infections.

Nutrient allowance for the elderly (vitamins & minerals)

- commonly found lacking in the diet for the aged because of low intake of meat, milk, green leafy vegetables, and fruits. - Vitamins and mineral supplements may be taken to further augment the intake of these nutrients.


- it is a transition period of human development that occurs between childhood and adulthood (from 13 to 20 years old). Girls go through this period earlier than boys do.


- period of being past the middle age


- period of life when one has attained full growth & maturity (between 21 & 50 yrs of age)

*Difficulty in chewing due to loss of teeth and not getting used to dentures

Chop meat or flake fish; slice or chop vegetables into small bite-sized pieces for easy chewing

Difficulty in sleeping

Drink warm milk just before going to bed to assure a restful night.; avoid tea or coffee late in the day, if any of these cold/hot drinks affect one's sleep.

Unwanted weight due to lack of physical activity and/or overeating.

Exercise regularly, eat only the lean part of the meat or fish (avoid the fatty portion); take in only moderate amounts of energy food (steam, boil or broil foods); avoid rich sauces, salad dressings, and pastries or cakes with heavy icings.

Poor digestion leading to constipation, gas pains, or diarrhea

Include fruits and vegetables in daily meals to prevent constipation; have four light meals (eat the heaviest meal at noon); drink 6-8 glasses of water and fruit juices daily; if suffering from diarrhea - take in simple foods like tea, crackers.

Nutritional management during adulthood

It includes the maintenance of the desirable body weight (DBW). *To prevent overweight and obesity, it is recommended that the daily caloric allowances be reduced with increasing age. A decrease of 3% is suggested for each decade of 30 to 39 ad 40 to 49 years because the resting metabolic rate declines brought about by the loss of lean body mass. *Regular exercise is encouraged for all *For healthy adults, it is generally acceptable to allow normal drinking and eating habits to provide needed fluids. Encourage water and natural juices, and discourage dinking only soda pop and other liquids that have caffeine.

True or false:

Loss of smell and vision interfere with the interest in eating.

Anxiety, confusion, insecurity, or loneliness

Start the day right with a good breakfast; have a hobby; keep up with a group (join a club and participate in community activities).

True or false: Cell-mediated immunity decreases as an individual ages.


True or false: Males susceptible to using supplements and high-protein drinks in order to build muscle mass and improve athletic performance. Some athletes restrict calories to maintain or achieve a lower weight.


True or false: The nutrients allowance for the elderly, based on the Philippine RENI are divided into 2 groups: allowances for the elderly age of 50 to 69 years, and elderly aged 70 years and older.


True or false: - Aging is a continuous process that starts in the womb and end in the tomb. - It is a developmental sequence of all living process as they change with the passage of time. - Old age is said to be related to psychological aging.


True or false: Adolescents tend to skip meals, especially breakfast, and eat more meals away from home. Food are often selected from convenience stores, and fast food restaurants which are typically high in fat, sugar, and sodium.


True or false: Decreased lean muscle mass. Exercise can help to counteract muscle mass loss.


True or false: Dehydration is the most common fluid and electrolyte imbalance in older adults. Fluid needs increase with medication-induced fluid losses. Some disease processes necessitate fluid restrictions.


True or false: Diseases and treatments may interfere with nutrients and food absorption, and utilization. It may include osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, arthritis, and alzheimer's disease.


True or false: Increased need for iron, folate, calcium, vitamin A and E, zinc, magnesium, and fiber. More pronounced in females than males.


True or false: Osteoporosis - is a silent enemy. It is a bone disease that leads to an increased risk of fracture


True or false: The decreased elasticity of blood vessels can lead to hypertension.


True or false: The loss of calcium can result in decreased bone density in older people.


True or false: The recommended amount of protein is unchanged in adults and older adults.


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