Nutrition part 2, chapter 7-Proteins

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A process involved in the synthesis of nonessential amino acids is called ___.

Carbon skeleton

Amino acid without the amino group.

Nonessential amino acids (or dispensable)

Amino acids that the human body can synthesize in sufficient amounts.

Essential amino acids (or indispensable)

Amino acids that the human body cannot synthesize in sufficient amounts or at all and therefore must be included in the diet.


Many children with kwashiorkor maintain some muscle and some subcutaneous fat.


Condition occurring primarily in young children who have an existing disease and consume a marginal amount of energy and severely insufficient protein. It results in edema, poor growth, weaknesses, and an increased susceptibility to further infection and disease.

Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM)

Condition resulting from insufficient amounts of energy and protein, which eventually result in body wasting and an increased susceptibility to infection and disease.


Condition that results from a severe deficit of energy and protein, which causes extreme loss of fat stores, muscle mass, and body weight.


Essential amino acids must be supplied by the diet because the body cannot synthesize them in adequate amounts.


Hospitalized patients recovering from illness or trauma usually need additional protein to attain positive nitrogen balance.


Important body components such as muscles, connective tissue, transport proteins, enzymes, hormones, and antibodies are made of ___.

The small intestine/ liver

In ___, these polypeptide chains are digested into dipeptides and amino acids, which are absorbed by the small intestine, where any remaining peptides are broken down into amino acids. Absorbed amino acids then travel via the portal vein to the ____.


Nitrogenous waste product of protein metabolism and the major source of nitrogen in the urine, chemically depicted as this ...

Vitamin B12

Nutrient most likely to be LOW in a vegan diet?

Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score.

PDCAAS stands for:

The elderly

Population group increased at risk of PEM?

The stomach

Protein digestion begins in ___, where proteins are broken down into shorter polypeptide chains of amino acids.

Promoting bowel health

Proteins are involved in all of the following functions (providing energy, aiding in immune system, providing cell structure) except ____.


The carbon skeleton of an amino acid is the portion remaining after an amino group has been removed.

Primary structure

The sequential order of amino acids in a polypeptide chain is called the ____.

Peanuts, shellfish, eggs.

___ are a common cause of food allergies.

Food intolerances

___ are caused by an individual's inability to digest certain food components, usually due to low amounts of specific enzymes.

Food allergies

___ cause an immune response as a result of exposure to certain food components, typically proteins.


___ is NOT a usual characteristic of marasmus.


___ is associated with excessive protein intakes.

Complementary score

____ is NOT a means of determining the protein quality of food. These are: biological value, chemical score, & protein efficiency ratio.

Barbequed chicken

____ is a rich source of protein.

Fat-free milk

____ is classified as a complete protein.

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