Nutrition Test

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Core and Complementary Foods Model

Core foods are the staples eaten on a daily basis Secondary foods are widely eaten but not daily Peripheral foods are eaten only sporadically Combinations of core and peripheral foods or other combinations may improve taste, palatability, and nutrient values of total diet Changes in food behaviors more likely in peripheral than in core foods

living life according to God's will

Defining health: African Americans/Latinos/Middle Easter

dependent on the universe and balance between polar elements (ying and yang)

Defining health: Asians

harmony with nature

Defining health: Native Americans

changes in meal preparation techniques

During acculturation, changes in the meal patterns of Mexican Americans are most likely to include

Sephardim and Ashkenazi

During the Diaspora (the dispersion of Jews outside the homeland of Israel), Jews scattered and settled all over the ancient world. Two sects of Judaism eventually developed:


Emphasis on youthfulness - biomedical model

intra-ethnic variation

Flavor principles are the preparation and seasoning of foods to match the identifying spices and ingredients of a culture.


Flavor principles are the preparation and seasoning of foods to match the identifying spices and ingredients of a culture.


Handshakes, hugging, kissing, placing a hand an the arm or shoulder, unintentional bumping


Hindus are not all vegetarian, but cows are considered sacred and the meat of the cow is considered

2-4 times as great

How does the incidence of type 2 diabetes among Native Americans (especially those in the Plains and Southwest) compare to that of the general population?


In many high-context cultures with large power distances, the role of the patient is to follow the medical advice given by the doctor, who is the expert

program design

In nutrition education, triangulation relates to a method of checking


People from what country were the first documented South Americans to come to the U.S.?


What is the term for addressing the experience of illness, alleviating the infirmities of the sick, and responding to the personal, familial, and social issues surrounding sickness?


What is the term for the strictest kosher standards?


What is the term used to describe Mexicans of mixed Indian and Spanish ancestry?


What term best describes the Native American approach to life?


What type of evaluation keeps track of progress throughout an educational program?


What type of medicine proposes that blood and lymph flow, as well as nerve function, improves through manipulation of the musculoskeletal system?


When people from on ethnicity move to an area with different cultural norms, adaption to the new society begins, takes place among a continuum of behavior patterns that can be fluid, moving back and forth between traditional practices and adopted customs

Puerto Rico

Which Caribbean Island culture adds a "cool" category to the hot-cold system for diet and health?


Which cultural group is most likely to avert their eyes as a sign of respect?

herbal teas

Which of the following is a popular home remedy in Central America?

the head

Which part of the body is most sacred to many cultures and should not be touched?

cultural identity

a collective identity with food habits associated with religious beliefs or ethnic behaviors

low-context communication

actual words are more important than who is receiving the message or the nonverbal messages that accompany them information presented in linear, logical sequences Swiss, Germans, Scandinavians, Americans, Europe mostly

Human Equality

all patients deserve equal access to healthcare

masa harina

corn flour

Cultural membership or social identity is defined by


When considering diet in the context of other cultures, food habits can be classified according to nutritional impact. Which category of food habits is the first factor that should be considered?

food use that has positive health consequences and should be encouraged

which phrase is the best definition of culture?

he beliefs, attitudes, values, and practices of a community of individuals


how many nonverbal gestures have been identified?

1 million

in 2010, approximately how many Seventh-Day Adventists lived in the U.S.?

Sympathetic medicine and sympathetic magic use the word sympathetic to mean

items that have visible characteristics similar to human body parts or organs.

Disparities in _________ rates, chronic disease incidence, and access to care are prevalent among many U.S. ethnic groups.


Among the elements that differ regarding a meal are

order of meal courses

Children learn food preferences from valued or trusted others. Who has the least long-lasting influence?


During 2007-2008, the National Center for Health Statistics in the United States reported that the average daily energy intake for women was _______ kcalories (kcal).


culturally specific preferences become apparent at what age?


high-context communication

A style of communication in which much of the information is contained in the contexts and nonverbal cues rather than expressed explicitly in words. Asian, Middle-Eastern, Native American

blood from any animal

According to kosher standards, which food(s) is/are not permitted?


According to the 2011 Canadian census, what percent of the population claim membership in no religion?


According to the Seventh-Day Adventists, what results from violating the laws of health?


Alcohol intake was found to increase by approximately what percentage between Mexican Americans who were born in Mexico and first-generation Mexican Americans born in the U.S.?


All members of a cultural group can be expected to have the same high- or low-context dispositions towards communication, regardless of the situation in which communication is taking place.

Green Corn Festival

As thanks for a plentiful summer harvest, southern Native American nations celebrated what festival?


In the area that is today the United States, there are estimated to be about _____ different distinct Native American nations.


In what country are eggs typically dyed red for Easter?

Role of the individual

Individual is seen as a single, biological unit • Treatment is focused solely on the client; confidentiality is mandatory


Islamic dietary laws


It is always useful to use children as the translators in a medical setting because the child often knows the language better than the parents


Jewish dietary laws

Intercultural communication

Language and the context in which words are interpreted • Gestures • Posture • Spatial relationships • Concepts of time • Status/Hierarchy of individuals • Role of individual within a group • Setting


Majority American values emphasize ________ and control over fate.

Consumer Food Choice Model

Many interrelated factors influence an individual making a food selection at a given time Food selection primarily determined by taste: Color, aroma, texture, flavor; sugar and fats preferred Combining core and peripheral foods, flavor principles, meal elements What is expected is preferred Cost often the second most important influence Convenience - how much time for food preparation and eating Religious beliefs Self expression/self identity Advertising Physical and spiritual well-being Life stage: teen years, elderly, growth, maturity Developmental issues and perception of appropriate foods Gender State of health - from physical ability to eat certain foods to choosing certain foods based on perceived medicinal values Variety: the omnivore's paradox comes in to play - humans are motivated to try new foods


Maté is a beverage commonly drunk in South America that is made as a tea.

Symbolic use of food

Meanings from relationship, association, or convention - not nutrient content Example: associations with bread: staff of life, breaking bread with friends, white bread as upper class status, whole wheat as valuing health


Mexican Americans have high dietary consumption compliance regarding recommendations for what food group?


Native Americans of the southern region used _____ to thicken soups and stews, brew tea, and prepare a seasoning called filé powder

Flavor Principles

Preparation combinations and seasoning of foods to match flavor principles Transformation of feeding into eating - the significance of flavors are central to a cultural cuisine Flavor is imparted by geography, latitude, longitude, climate How foods are prepared for cooking, how they are cooked, and how they are preserved all contribute to signature flavors Herbs and spices Help palatability, enjoyment Produce physiological responses Disguise spoiled food flavors Preserve food as antimicrobial agents Unique seasoning combinations typify ethnic flavor principle Many very specific flavor principles associated with individual culture Serve as a marker for a culture's cuisine, not a doctrine


Regular seasonal migration of salmon created a constant and reliable protein source for which of the following groups?

medicine men

Sacred healers with exceptional powers among the Native American groups are called


The average Native American life expectancy is approximately 4.2 years greater when compared to the U.S. population

medical pluralism

The consecutive or concurrent use of multiple health care systems is called


The first five books of the Hebrew Bible are called the


The health beliefs of Caribbean Islanders are unique among Latinos


The integration of local, regional, and national phenomena into an unrestricted worldwide organization is

Roman Catholic

The majority of Caribbean Islanders are of what religion?


The number of Puerto Ricans who live in New York City is about half the number living in San Juan, Puerto Rico.


The origins of Mexican cuisine is least likely to stem from the

Maguey Cactus

The sap of what plant is credited with being a reliable substitute for fresh water in the arid countryside of Mexico?


To relieve yin (too much cold), a small, burning bundle of herbs is used to restore balance of energy. What is this procedure called?


Traditional healthcare of the US • Based on science and research findings • Treat disease using technology


Waving hello or goodbye, standing to indicate respect, nodding

Omnivore's Paradox

We are a flexible but cautious species; attraction to new but preference for familiar Need to experiment combined with need for conservation Conserve safe food choices within a culture through ritual and repletion

ethnicity (or nationality), age, gender​

What characteristics represent the "tip of the iceberg" in the iceberg analogy used to describe communication?


What does the term for the Puerto Rican concept of family—compadrazgo—mean?

Pacific Islanders

What ethnicity focuses most on the belief that fulfilling social obligations is essential to health and that disharmony with family or village members can result in illness?


What is flat, griddle-fried cornmeal bread called?

tannic acid

What is the harmful substance contained in acorns that must be leached out before consumption?


What is the most popular beverage in the Caribbean?


What is the name for thick pudding made from bison suet and berries?

Roman Catholic

What is the predominant religion in South America?


What is the proper term used to describe people originally from Mexico?


the affective and physical cues a speaker uses to indicate meaning (tone of voice, facial expression, posture, gestures)

conversation context

the affective and physical cues used to indicate meaning - tone of voice, facial expression, posture, gestures

health attributes

the characteristics associated with health also defined/specified culturally

Cultural imposition

the tendency for health care providers to enforce their beliefs, practices, and values upon clients

is unseen and not readily apparent

​In the "iceberg model of multicultural influences on communication," the iceberg analogy is used because much of what affects communication

facial expression

• Deliberate looks of attention or questioning, grimacing, smiling

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