Ny permit test

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1. What does a flashing yellow light mean? A. Proceed with caution. B. Merging traffic. C. Come to a full stop. D. Pedestrian crossing.

A. Proceed with Caution

9. This sign means A. Trucks under 18,000 lbs. allowed. B. Hill ahead. C. Truck stop ahead. D. No trucks allowed

B. Hill ahead

86. You may pass another vehicle on the right if it is waiting to A. Turn right. B. Turn left. C. Park at the curb. D. Turn into a driveway on the right.

B. Turn left.

39. What are the consequences that can result from driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs A. A mandatory fine. B. Possible imprisonment. C. All of these choices. D. Driver license revocation.

C. All these choices.

57. What is the only effective way to reduce your blood alcohol content (BAC) A. Exercising. B. Drinking coffee. C. Allow your body time to get rid of alcohol. D. Taking a cold shower.

C. Allow your body time to get rid of alcohol.

77. You have the right-of-way when you are A. Backing out of a driveway. B. Entering a traffic circle. C. Already in a traffic circle. D. Leaving a parking space.

C. Already in a traffic circle.

19. A chemical test is used to measure A. Reaction time. B. Driving ability. C. Blood alcohol content. D. Vision

C. Blood alcohol content.

30. You come to an intersection which has a flashing red light. You should A. Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary. B. Stop only if cars are approaching the intersection. C. Come to a full stop, then go when safe to do so. D. Stop only if cars are already in the intersection.

C. Come to a full stop, then go when safe to do so.

71. Blood alcohol content (BAC) depends on each of the following except A. How much you drink. B. Your body weight. C. How physically fit you are. D. How much time passes between drinks.

C. How physically fit you are.

79. This sign means A. Continue at your current speed. B. You must stop ahead. C. There is a traffic signal ahead. D. Speeding is not allowed.

C. There is a traffic signal ahead.

67. In this state, what BAC (blood alcohol content) is evidence of intoxication A. 0.03% B. 0.05% C. 0.10% D. 0.08%

D. 0.08%

54. What does a "slow moving vehicle" emblem look like A. A diamond-shaped yellow sign. B. A square red sign. C. A round green sign. D. A triangular orange sign

D. A triangular orange sign.

84. Which of the following influence the effects of alcohol A. How much time passes between drinks. B. The amount of food in the stomach. C. The body weight of an individual. D. All three choices

D. All three choices

94. You want to turn right at the next intersection. You should begin to use your turn signal A. At least 50 feet before the turn. B. When you reach the intersection. C. As soon as you see cars behind you. D. At least 100 feet before the turn.

D. At least 100 feet before the turn.

27. An intersection has a stop sign, crosswalk, but no stop line. You must stop A. 50 feet before the intersection. B. With your front wheels in the crosswalk. C. Where you think the stop line would be. D. Before the crosswalk.

D. Before the crosswalk.

93. You may never park A. At the entrance of a building. B. On a one-way street. C. Within 50 feet of a fire hydrant. D. In a crosswalk.

D. In a crosswalk.

18. You are waiting in the intersection to complete a left turn. You should A. Drive around the rear of a car if it blocks you. B. Flash your headlights so the driver will let you get through. C. Signal and keep your wheels turned to the left. D. Signal and keep your wheels straight.

D. Signal and keep your wheels straight.

87. Which of the following must you obey over the other three A. A policeman. B. A flashing red light. C. A steady red light. D. A stop sign.

A. A policeman.

33. This sign is a warning that you are approaching A. A railroad crossing. B. An intersection. C. A blasting zone. D. A crosswalk.

A. A railroad crossing.

88. Which of the following does alcohol affect A. All of these choices. B. Judgement of distances. C. Recovery from headlight glare. D. Reaction time.

A. All of these choices.

91. As you near an intersection, the traffic light changes from green to yellow. Your best action would be to A. Be prepared to stop before the intersection. B. Apply the brakes sharply to stop. C. Be prepared to stop in the center of the intersection. D. Speed up to beat the red light.

A. Be prepared to stop before the intersection.

32. What are the colors of the warning signs that indicate hazards ahead, such as curves in the road or narrow bridges A. Black letters or symbols on a yellow background. B. White letters or symbols on a blue background. C. White letters or symbols on a green background. D. Black letters or symbols on a white background.

A. Black letters or symbols on a yellow background.

89. What are the colors of a sign which tells you the distance to the next exit of a highway A. Green with white letters. B. Red with white letters. C. Yellow with black letters. D. Black with white letters

A. Green with white letters.

24. When the road is marked with a solid yellow line and a broken yellow line on your side you may pass A. If traffic is clear. B. Only at an intersection. C. If you are on an expressway. D. Only in an emergency

A. If traffic is clear.

82. A bicyclist differs from a motorist in that he isn't required to A. Insure the bicycle. B. Report accidents resulting in serious injury. C. Obey the same traffic laws. D. Signal all turns.

A. Insure the bicycle.

60. A blind person legally has the right-of-way when crossing the street when he is A. Led by a guide dog, or using a white or metallic cane. B. Wearing dark-colored glasses. C. Helped by another person. D. Wearing light-colored clothing.

A. Led by a guide dog, or using a white or metallic cane.

50. If an approaching train is near enough or going fast enough to be a danger, you must A. Not cross the tracks until the train has completely passed B. Slow down and proceed with caution. C. Cross the tracks at your own risk. D. Find an alternative route across tracks.

A. Not cross the tracks until the train has completely passed.

11. This sign means A.Pedestrians only. B. School crossing ahead. C. Intersection ahead. D. Hiking trails ahead

A. Pedestrians only.

100. A diamond-shaped sign is a A. Road hazard sign. B. Interstate route sign. C. School crossing sign. D. Speed limit sign.

A. Road hazard sign.

51. This sign means A. Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary. B. Look both ways as you cross the intersection. C. Slow down if an emergency vehicle is approaching. D. Always come to a full stop at the intersection.

A. Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.

23. On long trips you can prevent drowsiness by A. Stopping at regular intervals for a rest. B. Slowing down so you can react better. C. Turning on your car radio. D. Moving your eyes from side to side as you drive.

A. Stopping at regular intervals for a rest.

26. What effect does drinking alcohol and taking a prescription drug or over the counter medicine have A. The combination could multiply the effects of the alcohol. B. No effect, they are different substances. C. The medicine reduces the effect of the alcohol. D. The alcohol will help the medicine cure the cold

A. The combination could multiply the effects of the alcohol.

5. You must yield the right-of-way to an approaching vehicle when you are A. Turning left. B. Going straight ahead. C. Already in an intersection. D. Already in a traffic circle.

A. Turning left.

34. You may drive around or under a gate that is being lowered or raised at a railroad crossing A. Under no circumstances. B. As long as an approaching train is not too close. C. If you first look carefully in both directions. D. If your vehicle can do so without damaging the gate

A. Under no circumstances.

70. A traffic light which has a green arrow and a red light means that A. You may drive only in the direction of the green arrow. B. You may only drive straight ahead. C. You must wait for a green light. D. Vehicles moving in any direction must stop.

A. You may drive only in the direction of the green arrow.

49. What does it mean when a school bus is stopped and its red lights are flashing A. You may not pass while the red lights are flashing. B. You may pass if it is on the other side of a divided highway. C. You may pass if you are facing the front of the bus. D. You may pass if no children are on the road.

A. You may not pass while the red lights are flashing.

92. A "no parking" sign at a certain location means A. You may stop temporarily to load or unload passengers. B. You may park there if the driver remains in the vehicle. C. You may leave your vehicle unattended for less than 5 minutes. D. You may never stop your vehicle there.

A. You may stop temporarily to load or unload passengers.

96. A "no standing" sign at a certain location means A. You may stop temporarily to pickup or discharge passengers. B. You may park there if the driver remains in the vehicle. C. You may stop to load or unload merchandise. D. You may never stop your vehicle there.

A. You may stop temporarily to pickup or discharge passengers.

99. Drinking alcohol and driving is A. Only dangerous to the driver who drinks. B. A serious traffic safety problem. C. A minor traffic safety problem. D. Safe if you only have a few drinks.

B. A serious traffic safety problem.

10. A driver may park in a space reserved for people with disabilities if the vehicle displays license plates for the disabled A. Only if the driver is disabled. B. And is carrying the disabled person named on the registration. C. Regardless of who is in the vehicle. D. If someone in the driver's immediate family is disabled.

B. And is carrying the disabled person named on the registration.

68.When you want to make a right turn, your car must be A. Past the center of the intersection when you begin to turn. B. Close to the right side of the street. C. Close to the left side of the street. D. Near the center of the street.

B. Close to the right side of the street.

90. What does this road sign mean A. Proceed carefully through the intersection, not always stopping. B. Come to a full stop, then go when it is safe to do so. C. Slow down and prepare to stop only if cars are approaching you. D. Stop only for traffic on an intersecting road.

B. Come to a full stop, then go when it is safe to do so.

98. A safe speed to drive your car A. Is the posted speed limit. B. Depends on the weather and road conditions. C. Depends on the mechanical skill of the driver. D. Is less than the posted speed limit.

B. Depends on the weather and road conditions.

81. This sign means A. One-way traffic ahead. B. Divided highway ends. C. Four-lane highway ahead. D. Divided highway ahead

B. Divided highway ends.

29. Motorists should be aware that all bicycles used after dark must have A. Brake lights. B. Front headlight and red taillight. C. White reflectors on the front and rear fenders. D. Reflective handlebar grips.

B. Front headlight and red taillight.

25. This sign means A. Hiking trails ahead to the right. B. Hospital ahead to the right. C. Hotel ahead to the right. D. Highway changes ahead to the right.

B. Hospital ahead to the right.

64. You may cross a single solid white line in the highway A. Whenever you want to. B. If traffic conditions require. C. Only to make a u-turn. D. Only to turn into a driveway.

B. If traffic conditions require.

56. What effect might alcohol and another drug have when combined in your blood A. Have no effect on driving ability. B. Increase the effects of both. C. Reduce the effects of the drug or medicine. D. Reduce the effects of the alcohol.

B. Increase the effects of both.

44. This sign means A. Divided highway ends. B. Keep to the right. C. Two-way traffic ahead. D. One-way traffic ahead.

B. Keep to the right.

61. In a parking space reserved for people with disabilities, a non-disabled driver A. May park in an emergency. B. May neither park, stop nor stand. C. May not park or stop, but may stand in an emergency. D. May not park, but stop in an emergency.

B. May neither park, stop nor stand.

20. This sign means A. Highway curves ahead. B. Merging traffic from the right. C. One-way traffic D. Intersection ahead.

B. Merging traffic from the right.

83. You are driving in the middle lane on a three lane expressway. A car begins to pass you on the right. The actions of that driver are A. Wrong because "pass to the left" is a firm rule. B. OK if no signs forbid passing on the right. C. OK as long as he does it on a limited access highway. D. Wrong because he's passing you in your "blind spot"

B. OK if no signs forbid passing on the right.

43. In general, you should pass vehicles going in the same direction as you are going A. Whenever you have the opportunity to do so. B. On the left. C. On the right. D. Only if the other driver signals it is safe.

B. On the left.

2. Seat belts can be most effective as injury preventive devices when they are worn by A. Passengers when they are on a long drive. B. Passengers and the driver whenever they are in the car. C. The person driving the car. D. All occupants of a car being driven on an expressway.

B. Passengers and the driver whenever they are in the car.

52. This sign means A. Hiking trails ahead. B. School crossing ahead. C. Intersection ahead. D. Pedestrians only.

B. School crossing ahead.

59. The driver's left arm and hand are extended downward. This hand signal means that the driver plans to A. Start up. B. Stop. C. Turn right. D. Turn left.

B. Stop.

85. A "no stopping" sign means that, unless directed to do so by a policeman, you may stop only A. For less than 5 minutes. B. To avoid conflict with other traffic. C. Long enough to unload packages. D. To discharge passengers.

B. To avoid conflict with other traffic.

74. The driver's left hand and arm are extended upward. This hand signal means that the driver plans to A. Turn left. B. Turn right. C. Come to a stop. D. Go straight ahead.

B. Turn right.

72. You may not cross a single broken white (or yellow) line A. When turning left into a driveway. B. When to do so would interfere with traffic. C. When the car in front is disabled. D. When passing to the right on a one-way street.

B. When to do so would interfere with traffic.

75. Which of the following is used on some highways to direct drivers into the proper lanes for turning A. White lines on the side of the road. B. White arrows in the middle of the lanes. C. Flashing red lights. D. Flashing yellow lights.

B. White arrows in the middle of the lanes.

36. A "no parking" sign at a certain location means A. You may never stop your vehicle there. B. You may stop temporarily to load or unload passengers. C. You may park there if the driver remains in the vehicle. D. You may leave your vehicle unattended for less than 5 minutes.

B. You may stop temporarily to load or unload passengers.

28. What happens to your driver's license if you refuse to take a chemical test (breath or blood) A. None of these choices. B. Your driver's license will be taken away. C. There is no evidence to find you guilty of drunk driving. D. You cannot be arrested for drunk driving

B. Your driver's license will be taken away.

31. On a New York State highway where there is no posted speed limit, the fastest you may legally drive is A. 50 B. 65 C. 55 D. 60

C. 55

37. What are the consequences that can result from driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs A. Driver license revocation. B. A mandatory fine. C. All of these choices. D. Possible imprisonment.

C. All of these choices.

40. A motorist approaching a bicyclist should A. Proceed as usual. B. Speed up to pass him. C. Exercise extreme caution. D. Swerve into the opposite lane.

C. Exercise extreme caution.

46. You are making a left turn from a two-way street into a one-way street. When you have completed the turn your car should be A. In the center of the street. B. In the right lane of the street. C. In the left lane of the street. D. In the lane with the least traffic

C. In the left lane of the street.

80. Minimum speed signs are designed to A. Show current local road conditions. B. Assure pedestrian safety. C. Keep traffic flowing smoothly. D. Test future traffic signal needs.

C. Keep traffic flowing smoothly.

21. Before you leave a parking space which is parallel to the curb you should A. Sound your horn. B. Look for traffic by using your inside rear-view mirror. C. Look for traffic by turning your head. D. Turn on your four-way flasher

C. Look for traffic by turning your head.

66. This sign means A. No stopping. B. No left turn. C. No U-turn. D. Detour ahead

C. No U-turn.

73. This sign means A. Truck route to the left. B. All traffic turn left. C. No left turn. D. No U-turn

C. No left turn.

58. If you drink alcohol socially, what helps insure safe driving A. Take a cold shower before driving. B. Stop drinking one-half hour before driving. C. Ride home with a friend who has not been drinking. D. Drink coffee before driving.

C. Ride home with a friend who has not been drinking.

12. What vehicles must stop at all railroad crossings A. Vehicles towing a trailer. B. Motorcycles. C. School buses and passenger buses carrying passengers. D. Pick up trucks.

C. School buses and passenger buses carrying passengers.

45. When you want to overtake and pass another vehicle you should A. Change lanes quickly so the other driver will see you. B. Stay close behind so you need less time to pass. C. Signal and pass when safe to do so. D. Wait for a signal from the other driver.

C. Signal and pass when safe to do so.

101. This sign means A. Road curves ahead. B. Don't drink if you are going to drive. C. Slippery when wet. D. You are approaching a hill.

C. Slippery when wet.

48. Assuming that the street is level, what should you do after you have finished parallel parking in a space between two other cars A. Leave your front wheels turned toward the curb. B. Move as far forward in the space as possible. C. Straighten your front wheels and leave room between cars. D. Make sure your car almost touches the car behind you.

C. Straighten your front wheels and leave room between cars.

47. Which of the following statements is true about BAC (blood alcohol content) A. After drinking, coffee or a cold shower will lower your BAC. B. A chemical test for BAC is needed for an alcohol conviction. C. The "breathalyzer" is a test of a person's BAC. D. BAC levels are reduced by a person's physical fitness.

C. The "breathalyzer" is a test of a person's BAC.

97. A solid white line on the right edge of the highway slants in towards your left. That shows that A. You are approaching a construction area. B. There is an intersection just ahead. C. The road will get narrower. D. You will be required to turn left just ahead.

C. The road will get narrower.

8. A "no stopping" sign means that, unless directed to do so by a policeman, you may stop only A. Long enough to unload packages. B. For less than 5 minutes. C. To avoid conflict with other traffic. D. To discharge passengers.

C. To avoid conflict with other traffic.

22. You want to back out of your driveway. You see children playing nearby. Before you start to move your car you should A. Sound your horn so the children will hear you. B. Race your motor to warn the children that you are moving. C. Walk to the back of the car to be sure the way is clear. D. Tell the children to stay away from the driveway

C. Walk to the back of the car to be sure the way is clear.

63. This sign is used to prevent A. Entrance to full parking lots. B. Entrance to dead-end streets. C. Wrong-way entrance on one-way streets and expressway ramps. D. Entrance to road construction areas

C. Wrong-way entrance on one-way streets and expressway ramps.

7. Which of the following does not happen after drinking A. Your judgement of speed and distance is distorted. B. You are less alert. C. You calm down so you can concentrate. D. Your reflexes and reaction time slow down

C. You calm down so you can concentrate.

6. Which of the following is true - People driving under the influence of alcohol are A. A police enforcement problem only. B. Not a problem in New York State. C. Only a problem to those who drink. D. Every driver's problem whether they drink or not

D. Every driver's problem whether they drink or not.

17. What does alcohol do to your driving skills and judgement A. It helps driving skills but harms your judgement. B. It has no effect on judgement but it harms driving skills. C. It has no effect on either driving skills or judgement. D. It harms both driving skills and judgement.

D. It harms both driving skills and judgement.

16. If an approaching train is near enough or going fast enough to be a danger, you must A. Find an alternative route across tracks. B. Cross the tracks at your own risk. C. Slow down and proceed with caution. D. Not cross the tracks until the train has completely passed

D. Not cross the tracks until the train has completely passed.

15. On average, the human body can dispose of the alcohol in 12 ounces of beer in about A. Five hours. B. Five minutes. C. One day. D. One hour.

D. One hour.

4. You drive along a street and hear a siren. You cannot immediately see the emergency vehicle. You should A. Keep driving until you see the vehicle. B. Speed up and turn at the next intersection. C. Slow down but don't stop until you see it. D. Pull to the curb and look to see if it is on your street.

D. Pull to the curb and look to see if it is on your street.

3. A driver who is taking a non-prescription drug should A. Drive only during daylight hours. B. Drink alcohol instead. C. Continue to drive. D. Read the labels on the drug before driving

D. Read the labels on the drug before driving.

14. A motorist should know that a bicyclist operating on a roadway must A. Ride on the side of the road with the least traffic. B. Ride on the side of the road facing traffic. C. Ride on either side of the road. D. Ride on the right side of the road.

D. Ride on the right side of the road.

62. After you have passed a car you should return to the right lane when you A. Have put your turn signal on. B. Have turned your headlights on. C. See the other car's headlights come on. D. See the front bumper of the other car in your mirror.

D. See the front bumper of the other car in your mirror.

55. On a road which has no sidewalks a pedestrian should walk on the A. Side of the road which has the lightest traffic. B. Side of the road which has the heaviest traffic. C. Same side of the road in which traffic is moving. D. Side of the road facing oncoming traffic.

D. Side of the road facing oncoming traffic.

76. What is the appropriate action to take when approaching a railroad crossing that does not have signals (such as lights or crossing gates) A. Increase speed to get across the tracks quickly. B. Do nothing; all railroad crossings have signals. C. Always bring the car to a complete stop. D. Slow down and be prepared to stop.

D. Slow down and be prepared to stop.

53. A rectangular-shaped sign is A. Railroad crossing sign. B. School crossing sign. C. Stop sign. D. Speed limit sign.

D. Speed limit sign.

35. One of the rules of defensive driving is A. Look straight ahead as you drive. B. Be confident that you can avoid danger at the last minute. C. Expect that other drivers will make up for your errors. D. Stay alert and keep your eyes moving

D. Stay alert and keep your eyes moving

65. You come to an intersection which is blocked by other traffic. You should A. Sound your horn to make the cars move up. B. Get as close as possible to the other car. C. Go slowly until the traffic ahead moves. D. Stay out of the intersection until you can pass through.

D. Stay out of the intersection until you can pass through.

69. At the collision scene, you should: A. Stand or walk in traffic lanes to wait for help to arrive. B. Move the injured, even if they're not in a burning vehicle or in immediate danger. C. Try to remove power lines, if there are power lines down with wires in the road. D. Stop your vehicle at or near the collision site. If you can move your vehicle, get it off the road.

D. Stop your vehicle at or near the collision site. If you can move your vehicle, get it off the road.

78. In which of the following situations is passing always forbidden A. The vehicle ahead is making a left turn. B. The vehicle ahead is going to park parallel to the curb. C. You are on a one-way street which has two lanes. D. The vehicle ahead is stopped for a pedestrian in a crosswalk.

D. The vehicle ahead is stopped for a pedestrian in a crosswalk.

95. This sign means A. Divided highway ahead. B. Intersection ahead. C. Four-lane traffic ahead. D. Two-way traffic ahead.

D. Two-way traffic ahead.

41. When two vehicles enter an intersection from different highways at the same time, which vehicle must yield the right-of-way A. Either one. B. Vehicle on the right. C. Neither one. D. Vehicle on the left.

D. Vehicle on the left.

38. You want to turn left at an intersection. The light is green but oncoming traffic is heavy. You should A. Use the next intersection. B. Wait at the crosswalk for traffic to clear. C. Take the right-of-way since you have the light. D. Wait in the center of the intersection for traffic to clear.

D. Wait in the center of the intersection for traffic to clear.

42. If you are parked parallel to the curb, you may get out of the car on the traffic side A. During the daytime when other drivers can see you. B. When the traffic light at the closest intersection turns red. C. If you use your four-way flasher first. D. When you won't interfere with oncoming vehicles.

D. When you won't interfere with oncoming vehicles.

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