Old Testament EXAM 2

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458 BC

Stage 2 return under Ezra

538 BC

State 1 return under Zerubbabel

445/444 BC

State 3 return under Nehemiah

Elijah confers his ministry on Elisha before being taken up to heaven in "chariots of fire"

2 Kings

God says Israel is too far gone

2 Kings

The prophetic Ministry of Elisha

2 Kings

all of Israel gets taken into exile to Babylon

2 Kings

Absalom's revenge and rise to power

2 Samuel

David avenges Saul's treachery against the gibeonites

2 Samuel

David recognized as the psalmist of Israel

2 Samuel

David's adulterous and murderous affair

2 Samuel

David's kindness to Saul's remaining family member "Mephibosheth"

2 Samuel

David's military successes

2 Samuel

David's prideful census, its consequences, his repentant offering

2 Samuel

David's re-establishment as king

2 Samuel

God establishes a messianic covenant with David

2 Samuel

Israel is divided into two new Kingdoms for the first time - Israel in the north under Ish - bosheth son of Saul, and Judah in the south under David

2 Samuel

Israel is eventually united under David as king; Jerusalem is establish as its capital

2 Samuel

Nathan's prophetic confrontation with David; the deadly consequences of David's sins

2 Samuel

Sheba's rebellion and defeat

2 Samuel

character studies for later generations of the israelites

2 chronicles

the book ends with an incomplete sentence to show another return from exile

2 chronicles

this book ends pointing forward. the past is a hope for the future.

2 chronicles

Amnon's assault of Tamar

2 samuel

Birth of Solomon

2 samuel

How many wives did Solomon have?

1000 wives

how many judges represented?


Ezra is a direct descendant of...


Solomon ascended to the throne

1 Kings

Solomon is granted wisdom by God and becomes known for his judgments

1 Kings

Solomon oversees construction of the temple

1 Kings

Solomon's enemies: external and internal

1 Kings

Solomon's failures: foreign wives, idol worship

1 Kings

The prophet Elijah is introduced

1 Kings

The queen of Sheba visits Solomon

1 Kings

The story of Ahab and Jezebel in Israel

1 Kings

The temple is dedicated, and the ark of the covenant is place there

1 Kings

they set up a god competition of baal and the god of israel and only the god of israel responded.

1 Kings

How many years of exile?

70 years

The rest of Israel goes to war against the tribe of Benjamin and almost annihilates them


The treachery of the Danites, the theft of Micah's idols and the identity of the levite - the grandson of moses


for the first time, Israel has no clear leader


this book portrays a notable spiritual deterioration of Israel


Temple was


role of prophets:

- speak on gods behalf - covenant watchdogs - call out idolatry and injustice - challenge israel to repent and follow the torah

the criteria for kings...

- worship the God of israel alone? - rid israel of idolatry - faithful to the covenant

good kings in northern israel?


portrays david as a moses like figure

1 Chronicles

positive stories of David

1 Chronicles

Ahab killed in battle

1 Kings

David dies

1 Kings

Death of Solomon

1 Kings

Elijahs showdown with the prophets of Baal

1 Kings

Elisha becomes Elijah's disciples

1 Kings

Introduction of Jeroboam

1 Kings

Jeroboam's spiritual error (worshipping 2 idol salves)

1 Kings

Rehoboam, Jeroboam, and the division of Israel

1 Kings

Reminder of the Davidic covenant despire the King's sinfulness

1 Kings

Samaria becomes the capital of the northern kingdom, Israel

1 Kings

Capture of the ark of the covenant by the philistines and Eli's death

1 Samuel

David defeats goliath and philistines

1 Samuel

David leads raids against Israel's enemies

1 Samuel

Eli is not as faithful as Hannah. Eli is a little more clueless. He thinks Hannah is a drunk when she is praying

1 Samuel

Hannah is a virtuous woman and desires a child more than anything. Married from a man who is a descendant from Joseph

1 Samuel

Hannah says that if she gives her a child, she will give the child to God and he will serve God

1 Samuel

Israel and the philistines go to war; Saul and his sons die in the battle

1 Samuel

Israel demands a king "like all the nations"

1 Samuel

Jonathan, Michal, and Saul's growing jealousy of David

1 Samuel

Samuel Established as judge over Israel

1 Samuel

Samuel is crowned as Israel's first king

1 Samuel

Samuel's death

1 Samuel

Samuel's farewell speech

1 Samuel

Saul consults a medium and learns of his own impending death

1 Samuel

Saul pursues David as an enemy of the state

1 Samuel

Saul's disobedience in battle

1 Samuel

Saul's disqualifying sacrifice

1 Samuel

Saul's first military victory

1 Samuel

Saul's rejection as King

1 Samuel

The calling of Samuel

1 Samuel

The return of the ask of Israel - with gold tumors and rats

1 Samuel

The sins of Eli's sons, Hophni and Phineas "worthless men"

1 Samuel

The story of Hannah and the birth of Samuel

1 Samuel

These books recount the establishment of the ministry of the prophet Samuel who anoints Saul as the first king of Israel and is witness to the rise of the United Kingdom in Israel. These books then trace Saul's demise and David's ascendance and kingship

1 and 2 samuel in a nusthsell

David prepares for the temple

1 chronicles

explains that none of the kings are the messianic king

1 chronicles

in the beginning, states all of the main key characters

1 chronicles

Another of David's son Adonijah seeks to usurp David's throne, along with the highest priest and the general of Israel's armies

1 kings

God reaffirms the davidic covenant with solomon

1 kings

Includes the division of Israel into a northern kingdom

1 kings

Includes the story of the building of Israel's first temple and transition from tabernacle worship to temple worship

1 kings

David anointed as Israel's next king; enters the service of the king as armor bearer and music therapist

1 samuel


1&2 chronicles will be one book

which book covers a period of around 400 years

1&2 kings

These books tell the story of Solomon's kingship, the division of the kingdom into israel and judah, stories of the kings of the north and the south, and God's judgment of his obedient people into exile.

1&2 kings in a nutshell

focuses on the kings living in jerusalem

2nd chronicles

stories of obedient and unfaithful kings

2nd chronicles

Babylon takes southern kingdom in ...BC

587-586 BC

Seventy years of exile

607-538 BC or 587-516 BC

Good kings in southern Judah


Israel's northern kingdom is conquered by


722 BC

Assyria defeats Israel

Who had similar ways of conquering nation and what would they do?

Assyrians and Babylonans. They would bring them out of their homeland (advantage is that they have no boundaries and don't have a place anymore and they have no country to fight for).

timelines of conquering

Assyrians, Babylonians, and then the Persians

persia defeats...


612 BC

Babylon defeats Assyria

587 BC

Babylong defeats Judah

Book occurs after exile and between the rebuilding of the temple and the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls


Explains the origin of the feast of Purim


Haman plans to hang Mordecai


Haman schemes to exterminate the Jews


Haman's plot is revealed and he is executed


Introduction of Xerxes and his big celebration


Mordecai becomes second in command of the Persian empire


Mordecai prevents an attack on the king


One night the king cant sleep and asks for them to read him the royal chronicles to help him sleep and remembers that Mordecai saved his life and he wants to exalt mordecai


Queen Vashti's refusal and punishment


The jews are saved, and the feast of Purim is established


The only book in the OT that does not mention God


The queen agrees to help her people even if it costed her life


This book serves as a reminder of the providential care and activity of God on behalf of his people


Which book is read every year during the feast of purim?


Whos parents are both dead and had to live with her uncle?


what became the inevitable consequence for Israel's sin?


He denounces and deals with the foreign marriages that he finds among the Jewish people


This book begins the story of Judah's return from exile under the leadership of Zerubbabel, who guides the returning exiles in rebuilding the temple in the first 6 chapters. In the remaining chapters, the man for whom the book is names leads Israel in returning to faithfulness to God's laws.

Ezra in a nutshell

607 and 597 BC

Initial deportations from Judah

Rape and murder at Gibeah in Benjamin


The angel of the Lord outlines the consequences of incomplete obedience


The israelites conquer Jerusalem


What was Esther's lineage


Areas of Canaan not yet conquered


Cities of refuge established


Consequences for failure to conquer


Covers a period from the death of Moses until the death of Joshua


Crossing the Jordan river


Death of Joshua's son


Focus is on the crossing of the Jordan river and the conquest of the land under Joshuas leadership


Israel narrowly avoids civil war


Israel's campaign against canaan


Joshua's call to covenant faithfulness


Joshua's challenge to Israel


Joshua's encounter with the commander of the lord's army


Levitical cities establishes


The battle of Jericho


The deception of the Gibeonites


The destruction of Ai


The lord commissioning Joshua


The sin of Achan/God's punishment


Transjordan tribes - reubenites, gradites, east half Manasseh return home


Two spies sent into Jericho/the intriguing story of Rahab the prosititute


coveneant renewed/passover


Historical books


Babylon defeated...


Although israelites are initially successful, Israel fails to defeat all the caannanite people groups


Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon


Israel restores the tribe of Benjamin through further treachery


Jephthah (his vow)


List of unconquered Caananite nations


Micah's idols and the levite for hire


Presentation of the judges cycle


After Joshua's death, the people of God begin a continuing cycle which includes sin, oppression, repentance and deliverance (through God's raising of a judge), followed by a time of peace. Everyone does what is right in their own eyes, and there is no clear spiritual authority. The book of Judges concludes with two stories that illustrate the depths of depravity to which Israel has descended.

Judges in a nutshell


Know the dates they they are defeated and taken to Israel


Know the flow of what is happening externally of Israel

Ruth finds a protector and benefactor, Elimelech's kindsman Boaz - son of Rahab


Ruth gives birth to a son, Obed


Ruth pursues a Husband - Boaz


What is the name of Esther's uncle?


The family of Elimelech moves from Bethlehem to moab due to famine; two sons marry moabite women; the father and sons die during their 10 year stay in Moab


Dedication of Jerusalem's wall


Ezrah's torah based revival


Restoration of temple integrity, worship practices, sabbath observance, and reformation of the people.


This book continues the story was started in Ezra, but in this book the man for whom the book is named leads the turned exiles of Judah in the rebuilding of Jerusalem's curt wall. The book also includes the story of a torah-based revival, as the people gather to hear Gods word.

Nehemiah in a nuthsell

six major judges

Othniel, Ehud, Deborah, Giden, Jephthah, Samson

539 BC

Persia defeats Babylon

who acted just like their father

Rehoboam like Solomon

Boaz officially takes the role of kinsman redeemer


Family line from perez to David


Occurring during the time of the judges, this is the story of one family—really one woman, a widow who is not even of Jewish heritage, but nonetheless trusts God's provision for her, even after tragedy, and through that provision becomes a part of the lineage of the Messiah, the great-grandmother of King David.



Strong judge due to his Nazarite vow and long hair; wife Delilah betrays him judges

516 BC

Temple rebuilt

Who was thought to write Joshua

authorship is unclear but Joshua is thought to be the author during the Babylonian exile.

The first group of exiles to return consist of about 50,000 people


The prophetic ministries of Haggai and Zechariah are mentioned as the motivators for the rebuilding of the temple


The temple is eventually rebuilt, and the passover is celebrated


The word was stopped for a period of time by the decree of king Artaxerxes, but it was later restarted and given approval during the reign of king Darrius.


Worship is reestablished in the first year


the rebuilders face opposition from relocated peoples "the people of the land."


the rebuilding of the temple is started in the second year


Why does God allow them to continue on? SHORT ANSWER

go into more depth (he allows them to continue on for the sake of his promise to David)

why doesnt chronicles show Davids negative parts?

it is portraying him as the ideal king. Portrays an image of the future messianic king.

Stories of the judges


On test

know the timeline

In Ezra and Nehemiah, the power has shifted to


Naomi, a widow, along with her daughter in law Ruth return to bethelehem


Judges cycle

sin --> oppression--> repentance----> deliverance--> peace

Ezra's professional status was a ....

teacher, well verses in the law of Moses

which book summarizes all of the Jewish scriptures?

the Chronicles

- Nehemias calling - Nehemiah's sending - Nehemiah's observation - Nehemiah's organization and workforce - Nehemias opposition - Samaria, Ammon, Arabs, and others - Nehemias accomplishment - Nehemias genealogical census


does 2 kings have any hope?

yes it ends w a slight glimpse of hope.

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