OM session 6 midterms

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Helping the employees to improve their knowledge and skill so as to be able to perform their tasks more efficiently

needs assessment

-the process of identifying and prioritizing the learning needs of employees. -can be conducted by identifying performance deficiencies, listening to customer complaints, surveying employees and managers, or formally testing employees' skills and knowledge.

better management

A manager can make use of training to manage in a better way. To him training the employees can assist in improving his planning, organizing, directing and controlling. For instance, maintaining higher standards of quality, building a satisfactory organization structure, delegating authority and stimulating employees are all assisted by effective training.

identifying training needs

A training program is designed to assist in providing solutions for specific operational problems or to improve performance of a trainee.

organizational determination and analysis

Allocation of resources that relate to organizational goal.

operational analysis

Determination of a specific employee behaviour required for a particular task.

less supervision

If the employees are given adequate training, the need of supervision is lessened. Training does not eliminate the need for supervision, but it reduces the need for detailed and constant supervision. A well-trained employee is self-reliant in his work because he knows what to do and how to do. Under such situations, close supervision is ordinarily not mandatory.

on-the-job methods

In these methods, the employees learn about their jobs while doing the work duly assisted by their supervisors or seniors. These methods encourage self-learning through practice. Job instruction (or coaching) and job rotation, learning while working as an assistant to a senior, understudy positions, temporary promotions are some of the common methods of on-the-job training.

ascertaining development needs

It aims at organizational planning & forecast the present and future growth.

setting development objectives

It develops a framework from which executive need can be determined.

induction or orientation training

It is a training programmes used to induct a new employee into the new social setting of his work. The new employee is introduced to his job situation, and to his co-employees. He is also informed about the rules, working conditions, privileges and activities of the company, what the company does, how it serves the community and other particulars pertaining to the company.

program evaluation

It is an attempt to assess the value of training in order to achieve organizational objectives.

conducting development programs

It is carried out on the basis of needs of different individuals, differences in their attitudes and behavior, also their physical, intellectual and emotional qualities. Thus, a comprehensive and well-conceived program is prepared depending on the organizational

man analysis

Knowledge, attitude and skill one must possess for attainment of organizational objectives

promotional training

Many concerns follow a policy of filling some of the vacancies at higher levels by promoting existing employees. This policy increases the morale of workers. They try to put up maximum efficiency so that they may be considered for promotion. When the existing employees are promoted to superior positions in the organization, they are required to shoulder new responsibilities. For this, training has to be given to them so that they may not experience any difficulty to shoulder the responsibilities of the new position to which they have been promoted.

higher morale

The morale of employees is increased if they are given proper training. A common objective of training program will mold employees' attitudes to achieve support for organizational activities and to obtain better cooperation and greater loyalty. With the help of training, dissatisfaction, complaints, absenteeism and turnover can also be reduced among the employees. Thus, training helps in building an efficient and cooperative workforce.

job training

The object of _____________- is to increase the knowledge of workers about the jobs with which they are concerned, so that their efficiency and skill of performance are improved. In job training, workers are enabled to learn correct methods of handling machines and equipment, avoiding accidents, removing bottlenecks, minimizing waste, etc.

performance tryout

The trainee is asked to go through the job several times. This gradually builds up his skill, speed and confidence.

getting ready for the job

The trainer has to be prepared for the job. And also who needs to be trained - the newcomer or the existing employee or the supervisory staff.

presentation of operation and knowledge

The trainer should clearly tell, show, illustrate and question in order to convey the new knowledge and operations. The trainee should be encouraged to ask questions in order to indicate that he really knows and understands the job.

off-the-job methods

These methods involve training employees away from the work place so that experts may conduct the training and employees are free from immediate pressure of completing the jobs at hand. Lectures with demonstration, conferences, case discussions, video shows and films are some of the common methods used as off-the-job training methods. Then, there is another off the job method of training called vestibule training. The vestibule training refers to the training in specially designed workshops in which an attempt is made to duplicate as closely as possible the actual condition of the work place. In such workshops a large number of employees can be trained in a relatively short period of time.

determining development needs

This consists of • Appraisal of present management talent • Management Manpower Inventory The above two processes will determine the skill deficiencies that are relative to the future needs of the organization.


This evaluates the effectiveness of the entire training effort

economical operations

Trained personnel will be able to make better and economical use of materials and equipment. Wastage will also be low. In addition, the rate of accidents and damage to machinery and equipment will be kept to the minimum by the well-trained employees. These will lead to less cost of production per unit.

increased safety

Trained workers handle the machine safely. They also know the use of various safety devices in the factory. Thus, they are less prone to industrial accidents.


Training creates a feeling of ___________ in the minds of workers. It gives safety and security to them at the workplace.


Training develops ____________ among workers. They don't worry when work procedures and methods are changed.

new skills

Training develops skills which serve as a valuable personal asset of the worker. It remains permanently with the worker himself.

higher production

Training increases the skills of the employee in the performance of a particular job. An increase in skills usually helps increase in both quality and quality of output. Training is also of great help to the existing employees. It helps them to increase their level of performance on their present job assignments.


Training paves the way for promotion and self-development.

preparation of future managers

When totally new skills are required by an organization, it has to face great difficulties in the selection process. Training can be used in spotting out promising men and in removing defects in the selection process. It is better to select and train from within the organization rather than seek the skilled employees from the outside sources. Training may be imparted to qualify them for promotion to more responsible jobs.

standardization of procedures

With the help of training, the best available methods of performing the work can be standardized and taught to all employees. Standardization will make high levels of performance rule rather than the exception. Employees will work intelligently and make fewer mistakes when they possess the required know-how and have an understanding of their jobs and of the interdependence of one job on another.


an organized activity for increasing the knowledge and skills of people for a specific purpose.

confidence, new skill, promotion, adaptability, increased safety

benefits of training to the employees

higher production standardization of procedures less supervision economical operations higher morale preparation of future managers better management

benefits of training to the organization

Work Keys Method

created by American College Testing (maker of ACT test used for college admissions) in Iowa City, Iowa, is a needs assessment tool used for 7,000 different jobs by more than 1,400 companies nationwide. It is a series of tests that can be used to determine employees' knowledge and skill levels in communication (listening, reading information, and writing), problem solving (applied mathematics, applied technology, locating information, and observation), and interpersonal skills (teamwork).

preparation of the learner

includes the following: • Putting the learner at ease • Stating the importance and ingredients of the job • Creating interest • Placing the learner as close to his normal working position • Familiarizing him with the equipment, materials and trade terms

refresher training

meant for the old employees of the enterprise. The basic purpose of refresher training is to acquaint the existing workforce with the latest methods of performing their jobs and improve their efficiency further. Retraining programmes are designed to avoid personnel obsolescence. The skills with the existing employees become obsolete because of technological changes and because of the tendency of human beings to forget.


the process of not only building up the skill and abilities for specific purpose but also the overall competence of employees to undertake more difficult and challenging tasks. It is generally used with reference to the training of managers and executives.

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