Org Behavior Quiz 1

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o Seven basic strategies to restore equity

Alter the person's outcomes Alter the person's inputs Alter the comparison other's outcomes Alter the comparison other's inputs Change who is used as a comparison other Rationalize **most common Leave the organizational situation

o Barriers of Social Perception-

Selective perception-The tendency to select information that supports our individual viewpoints while discounting information that threatens our viewpoints. Stereotyping-A generalization about a group of people. For example, attractiveness. First impression error-Forming lasting opinions about an individual based on initial perceptions. Projection- Overestimating the number of people who share our own beliefs, values, and behaviors. Self-fulfilling prophecy- Allowing expectations about people to affect our interaction with them in such a way that those expectations are fulfilled. **Short answer

Hofstead's cross cultural research found that Japanese value

(B) group decisions


- A process of interaction and integration among people/companies of different nations.

Myers/Briggs Test-

- An instrument developed to measure Carl Jung's theory of individual differences. o Extravert/Introvert- Represents where you find energy. Extraverts are energized by interaction with people while introverts are energized by time alone. This is the most distinguished grouping. o Sensing/Intuition-Sensing pays attention to information gathered through five senses and to what actually exists. Intuition pays attention to a 6th sense and what could be. o Thinking/Feeling-Thinkers make decisions in a logical, objective fashion where as feelers make decisions in a personal, value oriented way. Men are thinkers and women are feelers. o Judging/Perceiving-Judgers love closure, prefer to lead, planned, organized lives and like to make decisions. Perceivers prefer flexible, spontaneous lives and like to keep their options open.


- Healthy, normal stress

Characteristics of international executives-

- Integrity, insightfulness, risk taking, courage to take a stand, and the ability to bring out the best in people. Also cultural adventurousness, flexibility, openness to criticism, desire to seek learning opportunities, and sensitivity to cultural differences.


- The study of the field of the design and fit of tools for work. Concerned with how people fit with their working environment and how to make that environment as comfortable and efficient as possible

Ethical behavior-

- acting in ways consistent with one's personal values and the commonly held values of the organization and society.

o Value Systems

-Enduring beliefs that a specific mode of conduct or end state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end state of existence. (Achievement, concern for others, honesty, and fairness) Cultures like china are collectivist while the USA has an individualist approach.

The four steps to adapting to change: **short answer

1) Positive attitude 2) Ask questions 3) Listen to the answers 4) Be committed to success

o Emotional Contagion

A dynamic process through which the emotions of one person are transferred to another, either consciously or unconsciously, through nonverbal channels.

o Machiavellianism

A personality characteristic involving one's willingness to do whatever it takes to get one's own way.

Six Sigma-

A philosophies for company-wide quality improvement. Characterized by its customer driven approach, it tackles problems in four phases: measure, analyze, improve, and control.

Job satisfaction-

A pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences.


A psychological tendency expressed by evaluating something with a degree of favor or disfavor. o Closely linked to behavior


A relatively stable set of characteristics that influence an individual's behavior.

Cognitive Dissonance

A state of tension produced when an individual experiences conflict between attitudes and behavior.

Glass ceiling-

A transparent barrier that keeps women from rising above a certain level in organizations.


All forms of difference among individuals, including culture, gender, age, ability, religion, personality, social status, and sexual orientation. Diversity can be beneficial but it also has negative aspects to it. It can cause disagreements due to a wide variety of opinions but a company could benefit from all of the opinions.


An employee who informs authorities of the wrongdoings of his or her company or coworkers. This is usually a very serious event.

o The Myers Brigg test

B is a way to study individual differences.

How to become culturally sensitive-

Cultural sensitivity training and human resource management must adopt a global view of HR planning, recruitment and selection, compensation, and training and development.

Emotions vs. mood

Emotions are discrete and fairly short-lived feelings that have a specific known cause. They are mental states that include feelings, physiological changes, and an inclination to act. Moods are classified as positive or negative. They last longer than emotions and have no specific cause. o Fit rules of the job o Process of managing emotions o Emotional intelligence- balance o Emotional Contagion

o International

Executives whose jobs have international scope, whether they have an expatriate assignment or deal with international issues.

o True/False- Anthropology is the study of individual differences.


o True/False- Mood is generally stable.


Formal vs. Informal Organization

Formal is the official, legitimate, and most visible part of the system while informal is the unofficial and less visible part of the system. (Informal=Hawthorne studies)

Individualism vs. Collectivism

Individualism is a cultural orientation in which people belong to lose social frameworks and their primary concern is for themselves and their families. Collectivism is a cultural orientation in which individuals belong to tightly knit social frameworks and depend strongly on extended families or clans.

What influences behavior?

Jobs, design of work, communication, performance appraisal, organizational design, and organizational structure.

Adam's theory of inequity-

People are motivated when they find themselves in situations of inequity our unfairness. Inequity occurs when a person receives more or less than she believes she deserves based on her effort and/or contribution. Inequity creates tension, which in turn motivates a person to take action to resolve the inequity.

What effects does change have?

People experience change as a threat and respond by relying on well-learned and dominant forms of behavior. People are often rigid and reactive in the midst of change, rather than open and responsive.

True/False- The workforce labor is increasing.


o True/False- A higher self monitor is likely to adjust their behavior more to environment.


o True/False- Global competition is the leading force driving change at work


o True/False- Hygiene factors and motivational factors were created in a theory by Herzberg.


o True/False- In the midst of change, people are reactive


o True/False- Those with an internal locus of control are more satisfied


External vs. internal perspective

The internal perspective looks at workers' minds to understand their behavior. It helps to understand human behavior in terms of thoughts, feelings, past experiences, and needs of the individual. It says people are best understood from the inside and that their behavior is best interpreted alongside their thoughts and feelings. The external perspective focuses on factors outside of the person to understand behavior such as external events, consequences, and environmental forces. o 4 major internal components: thinking, feeling, perceiving, and judging.

Social responsibility

The obligation of an organization to behave ethically in its social environment. An example would be how Theo Chocolate had sensitivity training and created equal pay for all of their workers across various countries.


The process of arousing and sustaining goal-directed behavior.

o Cognitive moral development-

The process of moving through stages of maturity with regard to making ethical decisions.


The science of human behavior.


The science of human learned behavior.

Human Capital

The stock of knowledge, habits, social and personality attributes, including creativity, embodied in the ability to perform labor so as to produce economic value. What you bring to an organization.

Organizational Behavior-

The study of individual behavior and group dynamics in organizations. **short answer

TQM- Total Quality Management

The total dedication to continuous improvement and to customers so that the customers' needs are met and their expectations exceeded.

Which is true of organizational commitment and job satisfaction?

They are strongly positively related.

o Expatriate

Those who work in a country other than their home country, benefit greatly from knowledge of cultural differences.

o Locus of control-

Those with an internal locus of control believe that they control events in their lives and are responsible for their own experiences. Those with an external locus of control believe that outside forces such as fate, chance, or other people control what happens to them.


What is in the best interest of and benefit to an individual.

Major challenges for a manager:

globalizing the firms operations to compete in the global village, leading a diverse work force, encouraging positive ethics, character, and personal integrity, and advancing and implementing technological innovation in the workplace.

Positive Energy and Full Engagement

o Created by Jim Loehr o Individuals should manage energy rather than time and should strategically disengage from certain activities to balance the power of full engagement. o Stresses the role of energy recovery in overall performance.

The Individual-Organizational Exchange Relationship

o Demands vs. contributions o When both parties benefit, it is a positive orientation o If a loss or conflict occurs, it is negative

3 Types of Sexual Harassment-

o Gender harassment- crude comments or behaviors that convey hostility toward a particular gender. o Sexual coercion- Implicit or explicit demands for sexual favors by threatening negative job-related consequences or promising job-related rewards. o Unwanted sexual attention- Unwanted touching or repeated pressure for dates.

Three levels of cognitive moral development

o Level 1- Premoral Level- based on rewards, punishments, and self-interest Stage 1- People obey rules to obey punishment Stage 2- People obey rules only if it is in their immediate interest to do so. o Level 2- Conventional Level- People focus on the expectations of others Stage 3- Individuals try to live up to the expectations of people close to them Stage 4- They broaden their perspective to include the laws and norms of the larger society. o Level 3- Principled level- Universal values to determine what is right Stage 5- Individuals are aware that people have diverse value systems. They upload their own values even if others disagree. It is based on the principles of justice and rights. Stage 6- The individual follows self-selected ethical principles. Individuals act according to their own self-selected ethical principles, even when these principles conflict with a law. o Most adults don't make it to stages 5 and 6.

Herzberg's hygiene factors

o Motivational vs. hygiene o Situational based o Some factors overlap like work and salary o Very critiqued over the years o Work conditions related to satisfaction of the need for psychological growth are motivational. o Work conditions related to dissatisfaction caused by discomfort or pain were labeled hygiene factors.

Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) vs. Workplace Deviance Behavior (WDB)

o OCB- Behavior that is above and beyond the call of duty. Help coworkers. o WDB- Any voluntary counterproductive behavior that violates organizational norms and causes some degree of harm to organizational functioning.

Technology in the workforce

o Positives- Telecommunication (work from home), organized and accessible, order easily, easier navigation o Negatives- risk of loss, leaning curve, training, less human interaction, always changing

Personality characteristics-

o Situational- strong situations overwhelm the effects of individual personalities. Strong situational is ideal. o Locus of control-An individual's generalized belief about internal vs. external control. High locus of control is ideal. o Self efficacy- overall view of themselves as being able to perform effectively in a wide variety of situations. High self efficacy is ideal. o Self esteem- an individual's general feeling of self-worth. High self esteem is ideal. o Self monitoring- the extent to which people base their behavioral cues from other people and situations. Has a huge impact on behavior. High self monitoring is ideal. o Positive/Negative Affect- Individuals who focus on the positive aspects of themselves, other people, and the world in general are said to have a positive affect while those who accentuate the negative in the world are said to possess negative affect. Positive affect is more ideal o **short answer

Progression hypothesis

you need to meet all lower needs to move up

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