Organizational Behavior Ch. 7
Management by Objective
A goal-setting process in which a manager meets with his or her supervisor to set goals and evaluate the extent to which previously set goals have been achieved
A group of managers who have similar interests and join forces to achieve their goals
Motivating Potential Score
A measure of the overall potential of a job to foster intrinsic motivation
Merit Pay Plan
A plan that bases pay on performance
Scientific Management
A set of principles and practices designed to increase the performance of individual employees by stressing job simplifications and specialization
Social Identity Theory
A theory that describes how individuals use the groups and organizations they are members of to define themselves
Goal-Setting Theory
A theory that focuses on identifying the types of goals that are most effective in producing high levels of motivation and performance and why goals have these effects
Organizational Politics
Activities in which managers engage to increase their power and to pursue goals that favor their individual and group interests
Social Information Processing Model
An approach to job design based on the idea that information from other people and employees own past behaviors influence employees perceptions of and responses to the design of their jobs
Job Characteristics Model
An approach to job design that aims to identify characteristics that make jobs intrinsically motivating and the consequences of those characteristics
Charismatic Power
An intense form of referent power that stems from an individuals personality or physical or other abilities which induce others to believe in and follow that person
Political Decision Making
Decision making characterized by active disagreement over which organizational goals to pursue and how to pursue them
Job Crafting
Employees proactively modifying the tasks that comprise their jobs, how they view their jobs and who they interact with while performing their jobs
Contingent Workers
Employees whom organizations hire or contract with on a temporary basis to fill needs for labor that change over time
Job Enrichment
Increasing an employee's responsibility and control over his or her work; also called vertical job loading
Job Enlargement
Increasing the number of tasks an employee performs but keeping all of the tasks at the same level of difficulty and responsibility; also called horizontal job loading
Referent Power
Informal power that stems from being liked, admired or respected
Expert Power
Informal power that stems from superior ability or expertise
Formal Power
Power that originates from a persons position in an organization
Informal Individual Power
Power that stems from personal characteristics such as personality, skills and capabilities
Time and Motion Studies
Studies that reveal exactly how long it takes to perform a task and the best way to perform it
The ability of one person or group to do something they otherwise might not have done
Job Specialization
The assignment of employees to perform small, simple tasks
Job Simplification
The breaking up the work that needs to be performed in an organization into the smallest identifiable tasks
The degree to which a job allows an employee the freedom and independence to schedule work and decide how to carry it out
Experienced Meaningfulness of the Work
The degree to which employees feel their jobs are more important, worthwhile and meaningful
Knowledge of Results
The degree to which employees known how well they perform their jobs on continuous basis
Task significance
The extent to which a job has an impact on the lives or work of other people in or out of the organization
Task Identity
The extent to which a job involves performing a whole piece of work from its beginning to end
Skill Variety
The extent to which a job requires an employee to use different skills, abilities or elements
Experienced Responsibility for Work Outcomes
The extent to which employees feel personally responsible or accountable for their job performance
The extent to which performing a job provides an employee with clear information about his or her effectiveness
Comparable Worth
The idea that jobs of equivalent value to an organization should carry the same pay rates regardless of differences in the work and the personal characteristics of an employee
Organizational Objectives
The overarching purpose of an organization, what it stands for and what it seeks to accomplish
Information Power
The power that stems from access to and control over information
Legitimate Power
The power to control and use organizational resources to accomplish organizational goals
Coercive Power
The power to give or withhold punishment
Reward Power
The power to give pay raises, promotion, praise, interesting projects and other rewards to subordinates
Job Design
The process of linking specific tasks to specific jobs and deciding what techniques, equipment and procedures should be used to perform those tasks
What an individual is trying to accomplish through his or her behavior and actions