Organizational Identity and Identification
What is phase 1 of socialization?
Anticipatory: socialization occurs before entry into the organization. Encompasses both socialization to an occupation and socialization to an organization.
What is phase 2 of socialization?
Encounter: sensemaking stage that occurs when a new employee enters the organization. The newcomer must let go of old roles and values in adapting to the expectations of the new organization.
What is phase 3 of socialization?
Metamorphosis: the state reached at the "completion" of the socialization process. The new employee is not accepted as an organizational insider.
a noun; a static thing. Defined: what makes it possible for us to recognize an individual or an organization as distinct
a verb, a process. Defined: organizational identification is a feeling of one's openness with an organization
What is assimilation?
the process of identification (occurs through communication)