Othello- Act 4 And 5

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Why is Roderigo angry at Iago?

Because every time he tried to set him up with desdemona it didn't work out

how does everyone know iago was behind all this?

Because of these letters that roderigo left

how did brabantio die?

Brabantio died of grief- a broken heart

my lord, this would not be believed in Venice, though I should swear I saw't

Lodovico is saying he would've never believed Othello would do this

what does lovodico say at the end?

Lodovico says othello has no more power, cassio is gonna rule now and be in charge. Were gonna contact venice and find out what we're gonna do to you. And were gonna torture iago

What do we discover Iago told Roderigo to do?

Roderigo gave iago jewels to give desdemona

your words and performances are no kin together

Roderigo is saying to iago- you say things, but your actions say the opposite

how is roderigo almost killed?

Roderigo stabs Cassio but Cassio fights back and stabs roderigo

How does Desdemona respond to Othello's accusations?

She asked what sin she committed. Desdemona doesn't know what's going on, she's confused. Shes tries to make it better and asks emilia to make their bed with their wedding sheets so she could remind othello of their love

How are Desdemona's comments in lines 25-26 foreshadowing?

Shes saying how if she dies, emilia should bury her with those sheets which is foreshadowing because Othello is about to kill her in bed with those sheets

How does Iago propose he kill her instead?

Strangle her in her bed

who stabs iago?


I look down towards his feet, but that's a fable.

othello is looking at his feet to see if he's the devil

sir, she can turn and turn and yet go on

othello is saying Desdemona is everywhere, she keeps on being unfaithful over and over again

then must you speak of one that loved not wisely, but too well

othello is saying he loved Desdemona so much that he killed her

That's he that was Othello. Here I am

othello is saying he's not himself anymore- realized he changed

if Cassio lives:

othello might reveal what Iago was doing

Ay let her rot and perish and be damned tonight, for she shall not live

othello wants to kill Desdemona

What song did she sing and why?

she fell in love with a crazy guy and she sang a song about a willow tree. In the song, it is the male lover who is false and the cause of the poor woman's sighing and weeping. Obviously the mood perfectly reflects that of Desdemona,

what is Emilia doing as she dies?

singing the willow song

"nobody. I myself. Farwell"

when Emilia asks Desdemona who killed her, Desdemona is saying nobody, she did this to herself

what are 3 instances of foreshadowing her death in this scene?

1.Her eyes are itching - she gonna cry 2. Song - she can't stop singing it 3. Bury me in these sheets - she's gonna die

"Yet I'll not shed her blood, Nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snow"

Othello is saying he doesn't want Desdemona to bleed, she muststay pure

"Yet she must die, else she'll betray more men"

Othello is saying he has to kill Desdemona or she'll keep doing this top other men (cheat)

how does Emilia get killed?

Emilia knows the truth about the handkerchief Iago tells her not to say anything and pulls out his sword on her Othello realizes he's being lied to and comes to attack iago but they grab his sword and iago kills Emilia

"Thou hast not half that power to do me harm"

Emilia says to othello and he can't hurt her more than she already is hurt

what are the differences between Emilia and Desdemona?

Emilia: jaded, cynical, realist, strong ,independent thinker, pessimistic Desdemona: innocent, romantic ,naive, victim mentality (all my fault) , optimist

I kissed thee ere I killed thee. No way but this, Killing myself, to die upon a kiss.

Othello is saying he kissed Desdemona before she died, so now he's gonna kiss her before he dies

why does othello think Desdemona is crying?

Othello thinks desdemona is crying because she loved cassio and he died

what does Othello ask Desdemona /tell her to do before killing her?

-Othello asks desdemona if she said her prayers yet because he's gonna kill her -He says to confess all her sins, then he'll kill her

what does Othello do before killing Desdemona?

-Othello smells desdemona and says that smell is making him not want to kill desdemona -He kisses her twice

Emilia gives a long speech to Desdemona about men and women. What are her main points in that speech?

-its the husbands fault if wives cheat on them -Husbands need to know that their wives are human beings too. They see, smell, and taste sweet and sour just like their husbands -Emilia says that if women cheat on their husband it because the men didn't treat them right -Emilia is assuming women are equal to men -Emilia says that if women do anything wrong they Learned it from the men

Roderigo had letters in his pocket detailing everything. what did the two letters say?

1 One said that roderigo is supposed to kill cassio 2. The other one says that iago was the one involved in all this roderigo also says how iago told him to pick a fight with Cassio

What letters does Lodovico bring to Othello?

A message from the Duke says that Othello must return to Venice and leave Cassio in his place to govern

Why does Bianca show up?

Bianca comes to ask about the handkerchief again. She asks whos was that and says she's not doing this job for him, go give it back to the women it belongs to

I will not charm my tongue, I am bound to speak.

Emilia is saying she's not gonna shut up

Who does Othello think they are talking about?


What does Desdemona ask Emilia to do? Why does she make that request?

Desdemona asks emilia to set up her and othello's bed with their wedding sheets. Desdemona wants to "turn on" the romance and remind othello about their wedding and how they were in love

when she finds out othello will kill her, what does she say?

Desdemona is begging for her life Don't kill me today, kill me tomorrow. Or give me half an hour She says, let me say one more prayer!

why is Desdemona crying?

Desdemona is crying because she's gonna die, there's no one to back her up

if I do die before thee, prithee, shroud me In one of these same sheets.

Desdemona is telling Emilia if she dies tonight , to bury her in these sheets

how have I been behaved that he might stick the smallest opinion on my misuse

Desdemona thinks this is all her fault. she's saying What have I ever done that he has anything to complain about?

What do we know about Desdemona's character from this scene? How do we know she is truly an innocent and honorable woman?

Desdemona wants to forgive him. She keeps saying its her fault even though she knows she did nothing wrong. Desdemona is very naive and really believes in her role as a wife

Hath she forsook so many noble matches, Her father and her country, and her friends, To be called "*****"? Would it not make one weep?

Emilia is saying Desdemona gave up everything just to be called a *****??

"O the more angel she, and you the blacker devil"

Emilia is saying Desdemona is the angel and Othello is the devil

Oh, are you come, Iago? You have done well, That men must lay their murders on your neck.

Emilia is saying Oh, are you here, Iago? You've done a good job, that other men can attribute their murders to you!

What is Othello's response to Desdemona speaking about Cassio?

He gets angry and smacks desdemona across the face

What happens to Othello as Iago continues to discuss Cassio and Desdemona?

He has a seizure

How did Iago deceive Roderigo in that regard (question 8)?

He never gave her the jewels, he kept them for himself

How does Iago explain that Bianca had the handkerchief?

He says desdemona gave it to cassio and then cassio gave it to bianca

How does Iago convince Roderigo to kill Cassio

He says killing Cassio is the only way to get desdemona. plan: Cassio is eating with Bianca tonight. So iago is telling roderigo to go to where he is eating and to kill him

Why doesn't Othello believe Emilia?

He thinks emilia is stupid, she doesn't know anything and that she's running a ***** house. He doesn't believe she is honest

Why does Othello like Iago's suggestion for how to kill Desdemona?

He thinks its fair since she cheated on him in bed, so too she will die in bed

Why is Othello speaking to Emilia?

He wants to ask her about desdemona and if it's true that she is cheating on him with cassio

How does Othello propose to kill Desdemona (line 223)?

He wants to poison h

What role does Iago say he will play in that murder?

He'll be there too to help

What does Iago tell Othello to do to confirm the stories that Iago has told him about Cassio and Desdemona?

He's gonna tell cassio to tell him the whole story, where, how often, how long ago—and when he plans to sleep with othello's wife in the future.

what does Othello say in his last speech?

I want to say one thing... I loved desdemona so much that i killed her When you write about me or talk about me, talk about me correctly. You should say i wasn't jealous, i fell into the spell of something I took something so beautiful and made it terrible I took this person who did this and i killed her

What is Iago's plan in his soliloquy (lines 110 - 116)?

Iago is now gonna question Cassio about Bianca. Whenever he talks about her, he can't stop laughing.

as he shall smile, Othello shall go mad

Iago is saying as Cassio laughs, othello will continue to get more mad

"this is the night that either makes me or fordoes me quite"

Iago is saying this is the night that'll either make or break me

what does iago say to Cassio about Bianca?

Iago is saying to Cassio look she looks guilty watch her you can see she's guilty by her face . And he says this is what you get for sleeping with a whre

"Work on my medicine"

Iago is saying, yes my plan is working!

do it not with poison. strangle her in bed, even the bed she hath contaminated

Iago is telling othello, don't poison Desdemona, strangle her in her bed

What does Iago tell Lodovico about Othello?

Iago says Maybe he got upset because of the letters that he got

what does iago say about this night?

Iago says this is the night where he either becomes a made man or he is done

if thou the next night following enjoy not Desdemona, take me from this world with treachery and devise engines for my life.

Iago tells roderigo is he doesn't have Desdemona by tomorrow night, he could kill him

what does iago then do to Cassio?

Iago, who's hiding, stabs Cassio in the leg

What does Emilia mean in her lines to Iago (171-173)?

It's the same kind of guy who got you upset and made you suspect I'd cheated on you with the Moor. someone did this to you and me iago. Someone else made you think that i was sleeping with othello. And now its happening to desdemona and othello

Iago's lies become more bold at the start of this scene. What outright lies does he tell Othello?

That cassio and desdemona kissed and they were in bed together

why doest othello want Desdemona to bleed?

because he wants to keep her pure

Who is Iago and Cassio talking about?


who is iago accusing for all this?


how is The handkerchief is such a pivotal symbol?

Ultimately the handkerchief is the proof of how terrible iago is

What is iago telling roderigo to be ready to do?

be ready to fight

what is a major problem in this scene?

desdemona is able to speak after shes been killed. You can't get your breath back after being suffocated

What is Lodovico's response to Othello's actions?

he is shocked and says he would never believe othello would do this and tells othello to say sorry

what does othello do before he stabs himself?

he kisses Desdemona

roderigo says he has no reason to do this and does what?

he pulls out his sword

othello is looking at Desdemona's face and says what?

he's saying saying when he sees that face in heaven , it will send him to hell

Who was Barbary?

her mothers maid

if roderigo lives:

iago has to give the jewels back to him that he stole

I told him what I thought, and told no more Than what he found himself was apt and true.

iago is saying he just said his opinion, he didn't say anything that didn't make sense

he's that he is

iago is saying othello is what he is, just like iago said I am what I am- he is two faced

how does roderigo end up dying?

iago pulls out his sword and kills roderigo

no matter who kills who....

iago wins`

What does Iago promise Roderigo?

if he doesn't get desdemona by tomorrow night, he could kill him

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