other half of final Psychology

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The mean age at the beginning of the growth spurt in girls is _____.


Emerging adults fail to develop health-promoting habits because they:

do not think about how their lifestyle will affect them later in life.

Cynthia is 91 years old. Her optic nerves have got damaged due to buildup of fluid in the eye. The doctor has told her that her condition can be treated with eye drops. The disease that has impaired Cynthia's vision is:


Cross-cultural studies show that in nonindustrialized countries the concept of middle age is: :

is not very clear, or in some cases is absent.

Latrell is very intelligent but only of average physical attractiveness. The matching hypothesis states that he will choose a partner who:

is of average physical attraction and intelligence.

A longitudinal study revealed that most bad health habits engaged in during adolescence _____ in emerging adulthood.


A national study of U.S. adolescents revealed that physical activity:

increased until 13 years of age but then declined through 18 years of age

Research indicates that links between early attachment styles and later attachment styles were _____ by stressful and disruptive experiences.


Telomeres and telomerase are increasingly thought to be key components of the _____ process, providing a possible avenue to restrain cancer and delay aging.

stem cell regeneration

Shafton wants to know how he can keep his young son out of trouble. You would suggest that he do all of the following EXCEPT:

use harsh discipline.

It is recommended that premarital education begin approximately:

6 months to a year before the wedding

According to Levinson, which of the following should occur at the end of one's teens?

A transition from dependence to independence

_____ refers to a lack of menstruation in girls who have reached puberty.


Which of the following is a similarity in the reasoning of Jean Piaget and information-processing psychologists?

Adults especially increase their knowledge in a specific area.

Penelope is describing her marriage of 15 years: "My husband and I were eating breakfast the other day. Neither of us was talking, both of us just reading and thinking our own thoughts. But it was a very comfortable, companionable silence, and I love it!" What aspect of their relationship does this illustrate?

Affectionate love

When compared with other ethnic groups, _____ have high death rates for stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, and female breast cancer.

African Americans

What is the "triple jeopardy" faced by African American and Latino women when it comes to income and financial levels of support in the elder years?

Ageism, sexism, and racism

Which of the following religions believes in reincarnation?


Gisela is suffering from a condition that involves thickening of the lens of her eyes. This causes her vision to become cloudy or distorted. Identify the condition that Gisela is suffering from.


Which of the following are drugs used to treat Alzheimer disease?

Cholinerase inhibitors

Which of the following is the conclusion of the study conducted by Costa and McCrae on approximately 1,000 college-educated men and women aged 20 to 96?

Considerable stability occurs in the five personality factors.

Which of the following is the most frequently cited factor associated with adolescent suicide?


Which of the following statements about dating in gay male and lesbian youth is true?

Disclosure of their sexual orientation to parents is the most stressful problem for gay and lesbian youth.

At which grade level does conformity to peers peak?

Eighth and ninth grades

Which of the following is a concern related to U.S. high school education?

Fostering of passivity in students

Which of the following statements about retirement is TRUE?

Higher levels of financial assets and job satisfaction were more strongly linked to men's higher psychological well-being in retirement.

Julie describes how she feels about Mark: "I'm very physically attracted to him, but we aren't what you would call emotionally close. I love being with him, but I don't know that this will be a long-lasting relationship". According to Robert Sternberg's theory of love, which type of love is Julie experiencing?


Which of the following statements about life review is NOT true?

Life reviews avoid reflecting on regrets.

Which living arrangement is the MOST common for elderly adults?

Living with a family member

Which of the following factors is NOT associated with an increase in divorce?

Marrying late in life

Which of the following is an outcome of the growing trend of having fewer children?

Men are apt to invest a greater amount of time in fathering.

The _____ are the age subgroup of older adults most likely to be living in poverty.


Which of the following has been found to be associated with prolonged, intense parent-adolescent conflict?

Movement out of the home

Which of the following statements about older adults and sexuality is NOT true?

Older couples emphasize sexual prowess over intimacy.

Which of the following statements about older workers is TRUE?

Older workers experience more job satisfaction than younger workers.

Kelly has just given birth to her first baby at age 37; her best friend, Olivia, age 26, just gave birth to her first child. Which of the following is likely to be TRUE for these new mothers?

Olivia will have fewer medical problems with pregnancy and childbirth.

Severe reductions in the production of dopamine have been linked with:

Parkinson's disease.

George wants to ensure that his sons become competent decision makers. Which of the following is a strategy you would suggest for improving their decision making?

Provide more opportunities for them to engage in role playing and peer group problem solving

What is Erikson's term that describes a period in which society leaves adolescents relatively free of responsibilities and free to try out different identities?

Psychosocial moratorium

Many psychotherapists prefer not to work with older patients, labeling them as _____.


Which of the following is NOT a biological theory explaining aging?

Reverse neurogenesis theory

The model of selective optimization with compensation proposes that successful aging is related to three main factors. Which of these factors is based on the concept that, in old age, there is a reduced capacity and loss of functioning that mandate a reduction of performance in most domains of life?


Which of the following aspects of life do middle-aged adults feel they have less control over?

Sex life

Which of the following statements is an accurate criticism of Kübler-Ross's theory of dying?

She did not demonstrate the existence of the five-stage sequence.

Which of the following statements about intergenerational relations is true?

Similarity between parents and an adult child is most noticeable in religion and politics.

Phyllis Moen described seven paths that individuals in their 60s usually follow. Which of the following is NOT one of those paths?

Some go to work for the first time after being homemakers.

According to an analysis focusing on individuals who were still showing maladaptive patterns in emerging adulthood but had gotten their lives together by the time they were in the late twenties and early thirties, which of the following is a characteristic shared by these "late-bloomers"?

Support by adults

_____ is a hormone associated in boys with genital development, increased height, and deepening of the voice.


Which of the following statements about the characteristics of a clique is NOT true?

The average number of people in a clique is 8 to 10.

What is a major criticism of research conducted on memory and aging?

The memory tests designed do not adequately represent everyday experiences.

Which of the following reflects the attitudes of health-care providers for older adults?

They share society's stereotypes and negative attitudes toward older adults.

n which of the following states is active euthanasia not considered a crime?


Which of the following is true about attention?

When the two competing tasks are reasonably easy, age differences among adults are minimal or nonexistent.

What could be a probable reason why studies find that self-esteem is the least stable in early childhood?

Young children provide responses to questionnaires based on their current mood.

Mini wants to know what activities would be most conducive to creative thinking. Based on what people reported in Csikszentmihalyi's research, you would suggest that Mini would be at her creative best during activities that:

are semiautomatic.

Mrs. Hernandez has considerable pain and swelling in her wrists, fingers, and knees. It is becoming very difficult for her to maintain her usual routines as her stiffness increases. Mrs. Hernandez has _____.


Recent research revealed that _____Parenting was linked to lower adolescent alcohol consumption


Ever since she passed out of college, Jane has been working long hours at her job as an accountant with a small company in the hope that her hard work will pay off and that she will achieve good career growth and economic stability. Jane obviously believes in what Phyllis Moen describes as the:

career mystique.

According to Robert J. Sternberg's triarchic theory of love, _____ is the cognitive appraisal of the relationship and the intent to maintain the relationship even in the face of problems.


Brenda and Jonathan have been married for 15 years. When Brenda develops a potentially fatal lung disease, Jonathan retires in order to care for Brenda. This shows that Brenda and Jonathan's relationship has a high level of _____.


In the dual-process model of coping with bereavement, coping with loss and engaging in restoration can occur:


Becky is careless, impulsive and disorganized. According to the Big Five personality factors, Becky will score low on _____.


Gina's boyfriend forced her to have sexual intercourse with him during their last date. Gina has encountered:

date or acquaintance rape.

Public attitudes about adolescence:

emerge from a combination of personal experience and media portrayals.

The retention of information about the when and where of life's happenings is called _____ memory.


Reggie, 16, gets into a lot of arguments with his parents. Going by what is generally observed about parent-adolescent conflict, it is likely that most of the arguments center around:

everyday events of family life.

The oldest-old today are mostly:


Karen, age 21, is a senior in college but her mother calls her five or six times a day to "check in" and to ask Karen what she is doing, what she had for lunch, and so on. This type of parenting has been called _____ parenting.


Being overweight or obese is linked to increased risk of:


In Erik Erikson's theory, adults strive for generativity to achieve a sense of _____


Remembering how to ride a bike without having to consciously think about it is a part of an individual's _____ memory.


Both divorced women and divorced men complain of all of the following EXCEPT:

lowered sexual gratification.

Dylan does his homework in front of the television, while listening to music on his iPod and also simultaneously text messaging his friends. This is indicative of a major trend in the use of technology known as:

media multitasking.

The tiny bodies within cells that supply essential energy for function, growth, and repair are known as:


A recent meta-analysis of 124 studies by Jane Kroger and her colleagues revealed that during adolescence and emerging adulthood, identity _____ status rose steadily to age 19 and then declined.


In a survey conducted by AARP (2004), the primary reason middle-aged and older men cited for wanting a divorce was:

no obvious problems; they just fell out of love

Before Jane has sex with her boyfriend, she asks if he has tested positive for HIV and also requires that he use a condom. Given our knowledge of HIV and the sexual behavior and attitudes of most adults, we can conclude that Jane's practice is:

not completely safe, because condoms can fail and many people lie to have sex.

Recent research concerning the prevalence of oral sex in the U.S. indicates that:

oral sex is a common occurrence among adolescents.

Basilio sustained severe and irreversible brain damage due to an accidental overdose of insulin. His wife and his children decided to remove the life-support system, and Basilio subsequently died. This is an example of:

passive euthanasia.

Damon has been terminally ill with multiple fractures to his skull. He has been in a vegetative state for over three years. Finally, his family agrees to end his suffering by removing him from the life-support system. This is an example of:

passive euthanasia.

Leila, 14, feels that nobody understands her, especially her parents and teachers. Leila's feelings reflect the _____ aspect of an adolescent's egocentrism.

personal fable

An individual's body image encompasses his/her _____.

physical identity

Delilah lost her husband Hendricks to a bloody highway accident. Being just three years into marriage, she was devastated. Four months later, she was hassled by problems such as intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, sleep disturbance, problems in concentrating. Delilah is probably experiencing _____.

post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms

Deborah Tannen analyzed the talk of men and women and found that compared with women, men prefer to engage in _____ talk.


After her husband's death, Lorna's had to start dealing with their finances. She has had to learn to balance a checkbook and pay the bills—things that her husband always did when he was alive. According to the dual-process model of coping with bereavement, Lorna is experiencing _____

restoration-oriented stressors

Travis, who is 25-years-old, knows that Beijing is the capital of China, but he can't remember when or where he learned this. This is an example of how:

semantic memory is independent of an individual's personal identity with the past.

Active euthanasia is legal in:

the Netherlands and Uruguay.

Most rites of passage focus on:

the transition to adult status

Ishmael is experiencing a lot of stress at the workplace. Trends indicated in a recent national survey of U.S. adults suggest that Ishmael:

will be less productive because of stress.

Anorexia and bulimia nervosa affect:

women more than men

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