Out of Many Chapter 25

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The High Cost of European Victory

Allies move north, want open NEtherlands for them to Germany's industrial heartland...Did not see the German division in Holland waiting for em. Hitler Direct last reserves 250k men, @ Allied lines in Belgian forest "Battle of the Bulge". --Drove Allies back 50 miles. *Bloodiest single campaign USA ppl involved in since Gettysburg.* --Exhausted German capacity for counterattack. Germans fell back. --Allies took Ruhr valley w/ its industrial resources --Germans hopeless..defended by young teens + elderly men. Hitler commit suicide + Nazi officials plan escape routes Allies had 200k killed, 800k wounded, etc.

Allied Air Raids

Ally Aerial Bombing Increase Pressure: B-17 Flying fortress...in bad weather/darkness, pilots can't distinguish btw factories + schools, and private homes. Bombs could fall *2 miles* in range of target! --Successfully took out plants...Germs. relocated --Royal Airforce Direct attack cities + fueld dumps/public transportation. DESTROYED Hamburg. --Worst Air Raid was @ Dresden (Had NO MILITARY Value) USA bomb during the Day, Brits @ night.

FDR Death

Dark shadow on long term peaceful solutions --Won a 4th term. Loyal Demos want link hopes for peace tto FDR's leadership, but he didn't live to see Germany's surrender --More challenges appear, loss of a great idealist. Harry Truman lack diplomatic experience + FDR's finesse. Negotiatsion @ Potsdam lack spirited cooperation tht FDR had Huge AGenda: Reparations, future of Germany, Status of other Axis powers,...committed to Japan's surrender --@ this meeting tht Truman 1st learned abt. successful testing of an atomic bomb in New Mexico. --Until that point, the US want Soviets enter Pacific War to avoid US land invasion....now no longer need their help

Atomic Bomb

Japan refusal surrender. then Enola Gay dropped, destroy Hiroshima. 200k dead --Pure nihilism. religious publications denounce as "moral earthquake". -Einstein said tht bomb changed everything except the nature of man Most US ppl learn about bomb when report about hiroshima, but concerns were overwhelemd by RELIEF when Japan surrender After Nagasaki 70k dead. *Most controversial*: Allie insistence on unconditional surrender + decision to use bomb against Jap.* --Japan might have surendered if Russia entered, not just bc of bomb. But nuclear did strengthen US diplomatic mission. Intimidated Soviet Union...made it enemy of us again.

The world at WAr

Japanese planes Hit US Base at the Philippines 2 hours after Pearl Harbor. MacArthur forced to withdraw troops to Bataan Peninsula, and Japan seized the Pacific Allies got some Important Advantages: Vast natural resources + skilled owrkforce w/ sufficient reserves to accelerate production of weapons/ ammo --Determination of millions of antifascists throughout Europe/Asia + Capacity of Sov.Un. to endure HUGE losses. --Slowly, these advantages worked out


Let's stay away from "entangling alliances" --College students anit war now. 70% USA ppl say WWI=mistake Special Committee: charged weapons manufacturers w/ driving USA into WWI for the sake of WIND FALL *Profits* *Neutrality Acts*: 5 acts deter future entanglemtns. Require Prez. declare *Embargo* on sale/shipping of munitions to all belligerent nations. *Keep America Out of War Congress*: socialists, trade unionists, liberals *American League against War and Facism*: Communist influenced. *committee to Defend America First*: oppose US intervention. --Some *America Firsters* championed the Nazis, some just want neutral. --Got attentions bc well known personalities + movie stars, Henry Ford, charles Lindbergh. --Soon got 450 Chapters, 850k members

Defense Spending

Lift US out of Depression + Create biggest economic boom in *History of ANY NATION*. Must change economy for produce arms --Pour $$ into defense production. After Pearl HArbor, spend $100billy for equipment + supplies. --FIndustries face order too hard to fill, All-out production! around the clock, 7 days a week!. Roosevelt set up *War Production Baord* toexercise resposibility for all this activity *2x's as productive as Germans, 5X's as Jap.* Fastest rate in history. *Military production grew 2-->40%. --Better tools + motivation. Businesses: got huge profits from military contracts. Gov't give low-interest *Loans* + *subsidies* for expansion of facilities. + *Tax Write offs* --100 largest corps. got 70% all war/civilian contracts + bulk of profits --*MANY SMALL BUSINESSES CLOSED*, 500k btw '41-'43

Families @ Wartime

Many rush into marriage. Economic boom= many young couples get own houses. Others didn't want be separated --1milly more ppl married now, than would in NO WAR. --Peaked in '46...but # of divorces set records too. Housing: shortages, rents were high. *Taxi's=guides to Vacancies!!!* -Landlords very discriminatory agnst. kids + minorities. Supplying House: Shopping had be squeezed btw long hours of work. --Extra planning necessary to buy gov't rationed staples. --Victory Gardens. 3/5ths population grow own. *Women found impossible balance demanding job w/ Houshold* --High turnover + absentee rates. --Caring for small kids= problem. Kids stay w/ 1 parent!, both adults work long hours. Need CHILD CARE!! --Not enough day cares for growing # of Latchkey children

The Allied offensive

Soviets want a 2nd FRONT: allied offensive against Germ. from the West ...but Allies focus on secure North AFrica from Italy, then moving onto Central Euro. @ El Almein: Brits halted offensive of the Germans. They destroy Italian North African Army + much of Germany's Afrika Korps. *USA enter war in Euro as part of OPERATION TORCH*: landing of US + Brits on coast of Morocco + Algeria. *Largest amphibious military landing* --Made 250k Germans + Italians in Tunisia Surrender, Now Allies control North AFr. + good position in the Mediterranean. --Allies want nothing less than unconditional surrender. Stalin no attend bc surrender would increase dtmnation to fight! Use Air bombs to increase pressure

Creating the Armed Forces

majority of men in US armed forces= military police, patrol Mex. Border, occupy colonial possessions (Philippines) --Army/Navy prepared for WWII...ONLY the MARINE CORPS (bc want Control Pacific from Japan) All men 21-36 legally obligated to register. Draft age lowered to 18, choose from the youngest! --1/3 men examined by Selective Service rejected...unfit for service. --*1st screening* for mental health. *1/4th ppl graduate high school.*. Many rejected bc illiterate. --Best educated *army in history* 1/2 high school grads, 10% college Most GI's limited contact w/ officers, forged bomds w/ Company commanders + men in combat units --Want loyalty of buddies to help them through war. Want get task done + return home.

Japanese-Americans in the Military

segregated units. Most fight far from the Pacific theatre --Better educated. Nisei soldiers who knew Japanese served *stateside* as translators/interpreters --Create Nisei regiment, w/ 10k volunteers...only 1/5 accepted *Nisei 442nd* fought in Italy/France + Became *Most decorated regiment in the war*

New Workers

1. Bracero Program: bring 200k Mex. for short term employ. *Mainly farms* 2. Wartime open trades previously closed to Mex.-Ams. (*Shipbuilding*) 3. Sioux/Navajos hired in large #'s build ordnance depots + Military train centers. 4. Blacks, in 4 years, got greater VARIETY of jobs....than in 7 decades since Civil War. *Black workers increase by 3milly-->4milly* 5. *War Most Impact Wage-earning patterns of Women*. --Female Labor force increase 50%. almost 20milly! esp. for White women over 35yrs. --*for 1st time*, Married women= majority of female wage earners! --*Changed very little for Black women* since 90% were in labor force..already *Many black women left domestic service for higher paying jobs @ industry*

Pearl Harbor

1. Carriers attack Pearl Harbor, caught USA off guard 2. Destroy 200 Plans, more than 2400 ppl killed --On the SAME day, Jap. Struck US bases on Philippines, Guam, Wake Isalnd 3. ONE DISS#ENTING VOTE, but Congress approve declaration of War. then They declare war on us 3 days later

Anti-Subversive Movement

1. FBI: increased funding. Attorney General authorize wiretapping, but FBI want to use it *Extensively* + *Illegally* in Domestic Surveillance 2. OSS: created by Joint Chiefs to assess enemy MILITARY STRENGTH, gather intel. Oversee *Espionage* --Engage Social Scientists Plot Psychological warfare. 3. Increase size of the Gov't: Fed gov't spend 2X's as much in war than ever, --Employee # quadrupled 4. New Deal no longer as important..Direct all resources to Secure PLANES,GUNS,SHIPS, FOOD. VICTORY --*many liberal Demos unseated*, Let REpubs get new members + better opportunity to extend social programs. -*New Deal Agencies Vanished*

Tensions leading up to Pearl Harbor

1. FDR transfers Pacific Fleet from Cali. to Pearl Harbor. --Then Jap. join German + Ital in the Axis --FDR want save resources to fight against Germany + want avoid fighting 2 FRONT WAR. --Japn want conquer SE Asia including the French Colonies + British possessions. bc USA = preoccupied w/ Europe. 2. When Jap. occupy Indochina..FDR freeze jap. assets in USA + Cut off oil supplies 3. US intelligence break Jap. Secret Diplomatic code. Knew they want to attack somwhere in Pacific. RED ALERT

Rise of Authoritarian Nationalism in Italy + Germany

1. Great Depression + Resentment of Treaty of Versailles, fueld their anger. 2. Say war= test of nat'l virility 3. Benito Mussolini + Adolf Hitler (militaristic rhetoric + Doctrine of Aryan supremacy) -- dominace of blue eyed ppl/blonde. 4. Became dictator, Renounce Versailles' Disarmament provisions. 5. Italy invade Ethiopia +make colony. 6.Hitler occupy Rhineland (demilitarized by the Versailles Treaty) --When Spanish civil War broke out, Italy/German support Facist gen. Franco. Both soon Made Rome-Berlin Axis. --Hitler want *Lebensraum* (living space for German. growing population w/ more expansion -Annex Austria, go to Czechslo (Brit + France allied w/) Compromise for JUST Sudetenland...Hitler then took over the rest of Czech. --Hitler's Nuremberg Laws deny civil rights to Jews, + Kristallnacht. Expropriate Jew property + exclude them from ALL but MENIAL employment.. *Pressured by Hitler*, Hungary + Italy had Anti-Jew Laws.

How did Roosevelt Try to Help the allies

1. LEND LEASE ACT: allow prez. sell, exchange, lease arms to any country whose DEFENSE VITAL to US Security --Made GB the first Beneficiary of Aid--Congress authorize merchant marine to sail fully armed w/ Lend Lease suppplies to Britain. --00...very close to war right now, bruh. 2. Met w/ Winston @ Atlantic Charter: to map military strategy + declare common Goals for the *Postwar* world --Specified the right of all ppl ive in reedom from fear, want, tyranny. --Declared Free Trade among all nations, *disarmament* + end to territorial Seizures! 3. US saw Hitler continue to conquer + invade Soviets.

Varieties of Americans chosen for war?

1. Many JEws + 2nd gen. Euro immigrants --"americanizing experience" 2. Indian peoples left reservations. 3. Navajo "code talkers" transmit info among military units . used special code based on native language. --learned english in special classes 4. Blacks: got civil right agitation 5. Homosexuals: banned from military service...most slippd through screening. -Fear of death/war time pressure encouraged close friendships + Found *MORE ROOM* than @ civilian life to express orientation *openly*. Men dance tgthr @ canteens *Most soldiers looked back @ war as GReatest Experience ever*... work together in harmony.

What was an Advantage that USA had over its Enemies

1. Outproduce enemies 2. Large industrial base + Large # natural resources 3. Civilian Population can increase labor force + military

Great Depression Undermined Political order

1. Production declined 40% 2. Int nat'l Trade drop 66% 3. Unemployment rose, Political unrest spread across Euro/Asia 4. Demagogues exploit nationalist hatreds + offer solutions like TERRITORIAL EXPANSION by military conquest 5. FDR no specific plan for foreign affairs, Many no want foreign entanglements

Why was FDR unpopular?

1. Roosevelt Recession 2. Unprecedented third Term 3. Promised not to send boys to any foreign wars 4

Black ppl vs. the Military

1. Selective Service Act: no discrim. against any race. Brought many blacks into army. 10% army's troops (1 milly served) --Segregate into *poorly* equipped units, w/ white commanders/officers. --Most: serve w/ Signal/Engineer/Quartermaster Corps, in Construction + Stevedore work. -When shortage of soldiers..Blacks allowed to rise combat status. 2. *All Black 761st Tank Battalion*: 1st Black Unit in Combat, got Medal of Honor. + 99th Pursuit Squadron --*Marine/Coast Guard* end exclusion of Blacks...but RECRUITED SMALL #. 3. Ordinary Black soldiers few benefits..Got Discrim everywhere! Even blood bank kept blood segregated. --'43 peak of unrest, violent conftonations, breaking out @ military installations, esp. South where Most Blacks stationed. --to Improve Morale, relax segregation policy. Helped pave way for *integration*

Why were the economic gains not evenly distributed

*17milly new jobs created during the War* --Wages increased by 50%...not as fast as profits/prices. --More workers strike in '41 (before USA enter war), than *ANY* Previous YEAR except 1919. Union drive @ Ford Motor Comp. made UAW (united auto workers) *1 of most powerful labor orgs. in the world* Total Union Membership= 15milly. 1.25milly Blacks! *2X's prewar* When we Enter the War, major unions agree No Strike...but "WILDCAT" strikes happen. e.g. Walkout by 500k coal mines --Led to *1st antistrike bill*: give Prez. power penalize strikers + *Draft* them... but *Strikes kept growing, reach level greater than any other 4yr period in history*

Recruiting Women

*No Rush to recruit*...Deptmnt War want business hold back until all males empployed! --Neither Gov't/Industry expect wome nn stay in jobs when war ended. "only for the duration". *Gender Stereotypes* make wartime jobs appealing to women. --Recruitment posters/info films make women's jobs as *Simple versions of Domestic tasks*. Sew curtains=Sew parachutes. Cook=cook gears *New Fields For women*: automobile workers, electrical workers. --75% women want keep their jobs + stay @ it.

How did Defense Spending Transform places?

*STRONGEST in the WEST*: Major staging area for war in the Pacific --$40 billy for military/industrial epansion. CALI got 10% all funds...and L.A. was *2ND Largest MANUFACTURING CENTER* (1st was Detroit) South: 60 new army camps. Textile factories boom!. --*LIFTED ENTIRE POPULATIONS out of SHARECROPPING/TENANCY* into Well-paid industrial jobs in cities! Pump unprecedented profits into business! --*Rural population decrease 20%*

Medical Corps

1. Soldeiers got 1st aid training as basic training. Battle equipped w/ bandages to treat minor wounds...but relied on train physicians + medics 2. Army Med. coprs send doctors to front lines --Makeshift tent hospitals. Use "Wonder drugs" (penicillin) + surgical techniques. --85% ppl needing surgery survive --Most success came from Blood plasma, reduced lethal effect of Shock from severe bleeding 3. American Red Cross Blood Bank formed, collected 13milly units! convereted it into dried plasma, readily avilable for Euro Theatre 4. Medics= true heroes. 30-40 medics per Infantry battalion. responsible for emergency 1st aid + Transport wounded to AID STATION/field hospital 5. Many medics were picked from OBJECTORS: *ppl who opposed to participation in war* 6. @ Military hostpiatals, Nurses supplied bulk of care to recovering soldiers --Army Nurse Corps was scarcely Military organization, recruits no earn military pay/rank. --To get More nurses, Congress gave rank to them, only for the DURATION + 6 months after war end... --*ALMOST* pass bill draft nurses. They went through training, -then 56k Women active duty in the Nurse Corps, *every theater of the war*

Roosevelt Readies for War

1. Want to Quarantine the agressors...But Majority oppose economic sanctions. But got $1billy to *enlarge* navy. --Hitler invade Poland, GB + Fran declare war. Fighting slowed down...but Soviets invade Poland too...signed nonagression pact w/ Germans. Shocker. Then they invade Finland 2. Hitler uses *blitzkrieg* (fast moving tanks w/ air power* to overwhelm. conquer France, go to England. --Battle of Britain: Nazi Bombers pounded population/industrial centers + U Boats cut off incoming supplies --More ppl still want stay out of war back home 3. Many USA ppl Belive: *Security of USA need strong defense + defeat Germans*. --*Neutrality Act 1939*: permit sale arms to Brit,France,china. "all aid to Allies short of war" --President made 1st *Peacetime military draft* in us History. --*Selective Service Act* sent 1.4 milly men to army training camps.

Mobilizing for war

1. War Power Act: Made an EXECUTIVE Authority PRECEDENT. The Prez. can organize fed. gov't + create new agencies. --Establish program censor all news/info, *Abridge Civil Liberty* --Seize Property owned by foreigners. --Award gov't contracts w/o competitive bidding. Agencies: SPAB oversaw use of SCARCE resources vital to the war-Adjust domestic consumption to military needs OPA: check inflation w/ price controls. NWLB: Mediate dispute btw labor + management WMC: Direct Mobilization military + Civilian Services. OWM: coordinate operations *Among Agencies*

The Holocaust

1. experimentation on other "inferior races" gypsies, homosexuals, enemieso f the Reich --kill 6milly Jews, 250k gypsies,60k homos. 2. DURING war, US gov't release little info. some liberal magazines + small groups of intellectuals try bring attention...but Major NEWS media treat it as minutiae. --WWI, Most German atrocities=exaggerated by Brits... --Not really falling for it THIS time! --43% ppl believe Hitler killing Jews 3.Leaders of USA Jewish community, bettter informed, petition gov't suspend Immigration QUOTAS, allow erman JEws refuge her...FDR + Congress reject it. --President said tht Liberation of Jews depend on ALLIED VICTORY...Brushed off evidence of Nazi Genocide. then he changed policy. --*Anti semitism in State Dptmnt* stalled plan of action...To avoid scandal FDR create War Refugee Board 4. USA Jews ask to strike the RR's leading to Auschwitz. FDR no respond. Did send USA troops to rescue. Gov't View Civilian rescue *as Diversion from decisive military operations* 5. Saw the TRUE horrors of Nazis when they liberated death camps.

Domestic Propaganda

1. the OWI: engage press, radio, film industry in an informational campaignj --Gather Data + Control release of news. Need to make reports on war *Dramatic + Encouraging*. --Ban Publication of Adverts, Photos, News showing *Dead Americans*. No want to Demoralize the Public When USA ppl got Overconfident, start show *WOUNDED* Americans! + PUblich leaflets/booklets for armed services + flood enemy ranks w/ Subversive propaganda *Help* sell war bonds. More bonds=more bullets into hitler's body! --But ppl hated Japan more... Made *Morgenthau* use Stereotypes *Most ppl* bought bonds to invest *Safely*, Counter inflation + Save for post war purchases.

Prisoners of War

120k POWS --Olfags for Officers, Stalags for conscripts. Sat out the remainder of the war...boredom. --Could receive packages of supplies + occasionally join work brigades,..registered by Swiss Red Cross. Russians: POWS starved + murdered @ german camps Pacific POWS: Conditions horrible. only 40% survived in the PHilippines as POW. 6k US + Filipno prisoners, beaten + denied food/water, died on the 80 mile "Death March". Died from Disease + squalor Japanese Army: HATED POW. Assigned most brutal troops guard prisoners + impose strict/brutal discipline. --90% POW in Pacific beaten. --This is why GI's treat JAp. Prisoners way more brutal than other POW.

Testing of the bomb in New Mexico

1st Atomic bomb. Flash visible in 3 states 4X's temp. of the center of sun, light rivaled 20 suns Blew out windows in houses more than 200 miles away Killed every living creature within 1 mile. FDR want small nuclear research program (Manhattan Project) under direction of Army Corps of Engineers. Led by Enrico Fermi --He produce 1st chain rxn in Uranium. Los Alamos: Construction of new houses slow. Cause disputes w/ Long Hairs vs. Plumbers in charge of grounds. --MOST were young. Few married. CLOSE KNIT COMMUNITY bc of need of SECRECY + ANTAGONISM against ARMY guardians. --Military atmosphere=oppresive. (barbed wire/guards) --Linens + food packages stamped "gov't Issue" --Scientists followed by security wheenever they elft. Many were REPRIMANDED for discuss work @ home...MANY WIVES work 48 hours @ Technical Area. *All Outgoing mail was censored + Many went under ALIASES/CODE NAMEs* --Children reigstered w/o surnames @ school. Accidents/weddings/deaths UNREPORTED. *URGENCY* mmotivate the team (Include refugees from Nazi Germany + Fascist Italy + Large # of Jews. *Many Fear test might Fail + Scatter precious plutonium., as plutonium INCREASE, they agree test it!

Yalta Conference

Atlantic Charter: enter war, state objective for the world after defeat of fascism: nat'l self dtmnation, no territorial aggrandizement, equal access of all ppl to raw materials/collaboration for the improvement of economic opportunities, reedom of seass, disaramament, Freedom from fear --Now Brits nor Soviets can't abide by the code...conflict w/ eachother's interests! ---New AGreement: project "sphere's of influence" over central Europe. YAlta: Spheres guided all the negotiations... Neither US/GB object to Soviet's plan retain Baltic states (+ Poland) as buffer zone to protect it against any future German aggression --Britain REclaim empire in Asia, US hold Pacific island to monitor military resurgence in Japan. Negotiate Terms of MEMBERSHIP in the U.N. *Most Controversial= Soviet entry into Pacific War* --STalin agree declare war against Jap. after German surender. --FDR say it was "great success"..but revealed that hte Charter was just a faulty *IDEA*...

The Advantage the Allies Had over the Axis

Axis control central Euro + Large section of Sov.Un. + parts of China + Southwest Pacific 1. Us Shipbuilding outpaced the damage Nazi Subs did, + Sub-sinking destroyers reduced submarines' threat. 2. US outproduce Landing Craft + amphibious vehicles, 2 of MOST IMPORTANT INNOVATIONS of the WAR 3. out-#'d by the Allies, The German Air force could only be defensive! -US + Brits had trucks/jeeps for fully MOBILE armies...Germans still had packhorses

Medical conditions During the War

Being killed 1 in 50 chance...but injury risk much higher 1milly casualties, 200k KIA. --Euro Theater= greatest # casualties, Pacific had GRAVE dangers. Disease everywehrer. malaria, typhus, diarrhea, dengue fever etc. *Battle Fatigue*: prolonged stress of combat. +1milly soldiers suffer psychiatric symptoms. Men discharged for Neuropsychiatric reasons 2.5X's previous wars. -*Not bc individual weakness..but long stints @ front lines* --200 days of fighting @ france. Inflict self-wounds to go home!. Eddie slovik tried/executed for desertion! -There should be rotation system to relieve exhausted soldiers + 8 months maximum!

Double "V"

Blacks mobilize for rights as citizens. At least Fair housing/equal eployment.--Randolph mobilize against discrimination. Prepare send all to DC for "great rally" of 100k ppl @ Lincoln Memorial --FDR want to prevent March on Washington.--> *Executive order 8802*: Blacks permit to work in plants. + ban dscrimination in industries + gov't. --fair Employment Practices Committee to hear complaints+ redress grievances *CORE* sit ins @ chicago, Detroit, Denver. Use nonviolent means to challenge racial segregation --the NAACP took stand agnts discim. in defense plants/military. 450k ppl. Toughest struggles took place in local communities About 1.2 million African Americans left the rural South to take wartime jobs. Faced serious housing shortages. *Whites were intent on keeping African Americans out of the best jobs and neighborhoods* *Hate Strikes* + Detroit's Race Riots

Hate Strikes + Race Riots

Broke out in defense plans when Blacks hired/upgraded to positions usually held by white workers --20k white workers in Detroit WALKED OUT protest promotion of 3 black workers --US RUBBer Comp. 1/2 white workers walked out when Black women began operate machines. Detroit had Bad Race Riots: black families move into apartments next to Polish community, white protestors halt vans + burn cross on project's grounds --Police had to supervise their moving Then ppl killed, 700 injured in the following summer. -Property losses $2 milly. *270 racial conflicts in 50 cities*

Women Enter the Military.

Edith Rogers: legislation for formation of Women's corps. Army Instead drafted OWN BILL: WAC (women's army corps), other bills establish division of Navy (WAVES) and Airforce + Marines --350k women in WWII, 2/3rds in WACS + WAVES. --better educated/more skilled, *paid less* than average soldier *Military policy*: prohibit women from supervise male workers, even in office --Not protected from Danger. Nurses treat men *Under Fire* + dug /lived in FOX HOLES. 1k women flew planes --Some Photographers + Cryptoanalysts.* Majority stay far from battle fronts + stay mainly in US. @ administration, communications, clerical health care facilities * Wacs + WAVEs got hostile comments/bad publicity. Many believe that WACS mostly prostitutes + War Dptmnt fear immorality of these women. Monitor their conduct + establish stricter rules for women than for men. --Marines use intelligence officers to weed out suspected lesbians/ homosexual tendencies. (dishonorable discharge)

Pop Culture

Global events shaped American civilians' lives, but indirectly touch their everyday activities -Food shortages, long hours in factories, and separation from loved ones not take away pleasure of wartime employment and prosperity -- resorts, country clubs, racetracks, nightclubs, , and movie theaters -- Book sales skyrocketed + Spectator sports attracted huge audiences Music: bridged racial divisions of neighborhood + work place -- Southern musicians brought regional styles to northern cities --Music played on jukeboxes -- Country/ rhythm/ blues won over new audiences and inspired musicians to cross old boundaries *Musicians of the war years paved the way musically for the emergence of rock and roll a decade later*. Songs featured war themes

Soviets vs. Nazis

Hitler move west, frustrated w/ Brit's Royal Air force, move east to Conquer Sov.Un. b4 USA entered war! --Delayed invasion to support Mussolini, who was pushed back to AFrica/Greece. Attack on russi came 6 WEEKS later than planned...and during the WINTER!! 1. Nazi overran Red Army...didn't expect Civilian resistance -They cut German supply lines + send all resources to Soviet troops outside Moscow. then Red Army launch counterattack, caught freezing Germans off guard. *For the 1st time*, the Nazis sufffered major setback 2. Intense House-to-House fighting @ Stalingrad + Massive Soviet Counterattack hurt Nazis bad. Defeat German 6th Army, 100k soldiers surrender 3. @ Kursk *Greatest Land Battle in History* --Stunning Defeat. Germans lost Initiative..Now just want to delay the advance of the Red Army against the Homeland. 4. Soviets assited by Lend Lease program, 10's of millions starving. Soviets were outproducing Germany in many types of weapson + other supplies. Nazis + German civilians no believe in Hitler no more.

Public Health

Improved. Many spent large $$ on doctors, dentists, prescription drugs --Medical benefits given to men in armed forces + their dependents. --Typhoid + TB + Diphthera dropped! --Infant mortality Dropped, Life expectancy increase 3 years Death rate was LOWEST in HISTORY ---The *South/South west* had Racism + poverty led to HIGHEST INFANT/Maternal Mortality rates in nation

The Allied Invasion in Europe

Italians disgusted w/ Fascist Gov't. celebrated Allies invading Sicily. --Italy Surrendered, but Hitler sent new troops to Italy, occupy North Peninsula, + stalled hte Allies. --When European war ended, Germans/Allies still fighting Uprisings Against Nazis: Warsaw's ghetto rose up. They executed collaborators + fought invaders. Partisans Stalin want 2nd Front. Operation Overlord: Campaign retake Continent w/ counterattack through France. Fill South 1/2 of England w/ military camps. --All Leaves were canceled. New Weapons (amphibious armour Vehicles) carefully camouflaged --Hitler had few planes/ ships left...Germans could defend coast only w/ fixed bunkers (We Knew where they were). Dropped 76k tons of bombs on Nazis. *Begaan* with D-Day: brought 175k troops + 20k vehicles to Normandy *UNPRECEDENTED*. Germans prepared defense w/ machine guns/ mortars. --Allied bombers hit factories producing Germ. Ammo @ Paris --Revolts in Paris. Soon occupied Euro nation one after another.

Island Hopping

Navy + MMarines : capture important atolls from Jap. Defenders = open path to Japan 1. First was on TARAWA. --occupy guam, saipan, tinian + marianas Islands withign range of Jap. home islands --Battle of the Philippine Sea: the Jap. fleet suffer huge loss 2. MacArthur try take Philippines. Practically all the Japanese Navy thrown at hte USA in the Battle of Leyte Gufl *largest naval battle in history*. Gave USA control 3. Iwo Jima meanwhile. Manila was destroyed. 4. Okinawa prety bloody, *largest amphibious operation mounted by Americans in the Pacific War* --waves of Jap. Kamikaze --Soldiers use flamethrowers napalm. More ppl hurt here than at Normandy. 5. US Subs reduce ability ships reachJapan with supplies. 6. Since the taking of Guam, US bombers reach Tokyo. Fire bombs burn alive, left 1ook's homeless. --W/o navy/air force, the gov't cant transport oil, tin , rubber, grain to feed soldiers. ] --Want unconditional surrender, no want Russia take over Jap. owned land


Padded shoulders and straight lines became popular for men and women Patriotic Americans liked uniforms - Civil defense volunteers and Red Cross workers § Women employed in defense plants wore pants for the first time Material restrictions influenced fashion:* Production of nylon stockings* was halted because the material was needed for parachutes Women's skirts were shortened War Production Board encouraged cuffless "victory Suits" for men * Executive Order M-217*: Restricted the colors of shoes manufactured during the war to black, white, navy blue, and 3 shades of brown


Personify Idealism tht help scientists overcome moral RESERVATIONS they had w/ making atomic bomb --Directed Research @ Tech.Area. --Oppie's whistle call other scientists to labs to work w/ theoretical/practical problem w/ build bomb.

Last stages of War

Roosevelt want crush Axis powers + system of collective security to prevent another World War ---Needed cooperation of other Leaders, Stalin,Churchill the Big Three met to decide postwar stuff --no final agreement...didn't anticipate how fast they'd be confronted w/ global events --The *only thing holding the Allies TOGETHER= Desire to DESTROY the AXIS*

Juvenile Delinquency

Rose during war. Employers lower minimum age. Many teens quit school for factory jobs --Runaways drift city to city, get temporary work at plants Gangs formed in urban areas: fighting, prostitution, GTA (Grand theft Auto), joy rides. --Many young men employed/serve in armed forces...crimes by juvenile + ADULT MALES *declined*. --complaints on girls for sexual offense/runaway *Increase* --Create youth agencies + charge them to develop recreational + welfare programs. --Local school want Industry *Hire older workers*..soon dropouts declined.

Zoot Suit riots

Sailors in L.A. search for Mex-Am. in Zoot suit. Assaulted ppl. 5 days --Sailors recently uprooted from hometowns + regrouped in boot camp --awaiting departure overseas...face to face w/ Mex.-Am. teens w/ zoot suit. they thought it was signal of *Defiance + lack of Patriotism* However: zootsuits= small percentage. 300k Mex-Am. serving, in MOST HAZARDOUS branches (partrooper, marine corps) --Others employed in war industries in L.A. (Home of Largest # in nation.) --Were getting well paying jobs for 1st time, want protection against discrim Contained the riots by rule sections of L.A. off limits to military personnel. + Legislation make wearing of zoot suit public criminal Offense.

The War in Asia and the Pacific

Scattered here, more than all of Europe. Jap. Cut supply routes tw Burma + China, crushing British Navy + Seize Philippines, Hon Kong, Wake Island, British Malay, Thailand --China officially joined the Allies, the military mission there was on the DEFENSIVE. --US troops retreated to Austrailia after the Bataan Peninsula battles Japan Succeeded bc nationalist/antiColonial sentiment --Brits + France colonies no want fight for them! -Famine in india, took 3.5milly lives. Nationalists in indoChina to Philippines turng against Jap. + had guerilla armies tht cut their supply lines! USA regain naval superiority + halt Jap. expansion. @ Battle of Coral Sea (block Jap. threat to Australia.) Jap. go to Midway Isalnd (vital to USA communications + defense of Hawaii). Sank their vital aircraft carriers + destroy 100's of planes, end their threat to us! *They believe that BITTER Fighting eventually wear us down* Allies counteroffensive campaign @ Papua/Solomon Islands. Fought in jungles + attack @ Guadalcanal. Both sides low on food, NOT WELL PLANNED (winter coats)...Soon secured supply lines in naval battles, won + defeat Jap. in jungle combat.

Changes bc of the war

South States Huge surge population (cali. got many from MEx.) --Economic expansion of West Erosion of farm Tenancy w/ South Blacks + Appalachian Whites --Increase employ Married women Force relocation 112k ppl to camps. 1000's race riots broke in cities. *L.A., Mex-Am. yoputh w/ new style of dress, made white sailors assault them.) --Families strained by wartime dislocations --WWII made USA stronger than Euro allies. --We NOW STRONG enough to be leading superpower.

Internment of Japanese Americans

Suspected loyal japanese ppl . Fed. gov't froze financial assets of Japanese Born (Issei), barred from US citizenship.. Although many were American born, + certified their loyalty...ONLY ETHNIC GROUP SINGLED OUT FOR LEGAL SANCTIONS Charges of Sedition masked Racial Prejudice! stereotypes, songs, --*EXECUTIVE ORDER 9906*: Authorize exclusion of 112k Jap-Am. from Designated military Areas (Cali,OR,Washington, AZ). --Forced evacuation preparation --1 weeks notice close up businesses + homes, bring *what they could carry*. Transported to 1 of 10 camps managed by WRA. Located as far as *arkansas*, others located in desert areas in Utah, CO. --*every West coast person w/ at least 1 Jap. Grandparent interned* Japanese American Citizens League: say It's Racial animosity, not military necessity. *Some groups protest against their interment*...But in *Korematsu v. USA*, upheld constitutionality of relocation bc nat'l security! --Gradual release. Last center was in Cali. -6k Jap-Am. renounce US citizenship. Many lost homes/businesses $500milly. ..'88 reparations of $20k + public apology to 60k survivors!.

American Farmers....How they do?

There was: "FOOD FOR FREEDOM" program... --Farmers can't keep up w/ DEMAND intnat'l or the DOMESTIC market for milk,potatoes, fruits, sugar Only reached goals in Live stock production bc skyrocket prices for meat War speed development of large, mechanized producetion of crops + *1st wisdespread use of chem. Fertilizers/pesticideds* *Farm income Doubled by '45* *1000's Small farms...Disappared...never to return*

Officer Corps

Top ranking members from Command/General Staff School @ Fort Leavenworth --High professional, Conservative, Autocratic --Douglas MacArthur: admire discipline of Germans. Eisenhower distrusted by MacArthur, try to be model of leadership Shortage of officers: huge expansion in Officer Training corps. STILL COULDNT MEET DEMAND!. Marshall opened schools for officer candidates, produced 54k platoon leaders. --The kind of leaders that Eisenhower sought.

Scattered Revolts (partisans) @ European War

Uprisings Against Nazis: Warsaw's ghetto rose up. They executed collaborators + fought invaders Scattered rvolts in Labor camps where POW were worked to death Partisans: Untrained/unarmed by military standard, organized groups of ppl risked lives to distribute antifascists propaganda --Smuggle food/weapons to resistance groups + prepare way for Allied ofensives. As Axis forces grew weaker partially withdrew, + partisans work more to arm ppl + fight for freedom. Paris: French Resistance unfurled French Flag @ demonstrations on Bastille Day. RR workers stage 1 of 1st successful strikes against Nazi occupiers. --New president of French Republic --European nations occupied by Allies, one after another.


WWI: immobile armies kept in trenches by bursts of machine gun fire WWII: War of offensive maneuver + surprise attacks. Tanks + airplanes (mobility + concentrated firepower) + artillary + explosives. --Improvements in communications (2 way radio transmission + contact w/ divison leaders) Hitler: used these methods to get advantage.

Japan's Imperialist Ambitions

Want natural resources (oil_) @ Manchuria. Withdrew from LON after confronted by League of Nations. Full scale invasion of China. Murder 300k ppl. Destroy MUCH city. --1 year, Jap. Controll ALL but China's West interior + threaten ALL ASIAN + Pacific.

Good War

War themes in Songs: Personal sentiment meshed with government directive to depict "a good war" + *Justify massive sacrifice*. worthy and noble cause Hollywood artists threw themselves into fundraising/ morale-boosting public events -- Movie stars called on fans to buy war bonds and support the troops -- Combat films made heroes of ordinary Americans under fire Movies with anti-fascist themes promoted friendship btw Russ.+ USA ppl others:loyalty/ resilience of families with servicemen stationed overseas * Wartime spirits infected juvenile world of comics* patriotic superheroes: Green Lantern and Captain Marvel. Bugs Bunny wearing a uniform and fought enemies * Even those who did not serve in the war experienced intense change* -- Popular music, Hollywood movies, radio programs, and advertisements encouraged a sense of personal involvement in collective effort to preserve democracy at home and save the world from fascism * All was screened by the Office of War Information*

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