OW Comms/callouts extreme basics

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Flex DPS

A DPS who is typically played by both HS and Proj DPS players, depending on the comp. This will vary by meta and team comp. Current meta examples: Sombra, Tracer, Soj


A combination of Target calling, fight planning, pathing, etc. Typically the job of the IGL but can be taken over by someone else if the tank is unavailible.

Set up

A part of Dive or Brawl where the team gets ready to commit to an action.

Projectile DPS

Any DPS hero who's primary fire has a high travel distance and requires prediction rather than accuracy. Examples: Genji, Pharah, Junkrat, Echo, etc.

Hitscan DPS

Any DPS hero who's primary fire has little to no travel time and incredibly high accuracy. Examples: Soldier, Ashe, Widow, Cass, etc.


Any type of High Ground Positioning


Any type of terrain that goes under the enemy team typically on high ground


Backing away from a Point, choke, or place on the map to reposition or regroup to put ourselves in a good position to fight.


Basically Brawl, but focuses around abilities and heroes who deal damage to multiple targets at once.

Death Ball

Death Ball is when we get a big pick or its the last fight and we need to stick together to cap and win the fight. Basically like brawl, but can be used with any type of comp.

Flex Support

Flex Supports are in charge of supporting one person on the team individually. They need to know who to heal and who to focus on supporting and when/where to se their cooldowns on. They're the primary healing and damage dealing support, since the Main Supports job is to keep track of the team. Examples: Ana, Zen, Bap, Illari, Kiriko, Moira


Helping a member of your team with whatever situation theyre in. it could be that your team is getting dove and they need peel, someone on your team needs healing and shielding to get out of a situation, or anything like that.

Fight planning

IGL comm used to inform the team how were going to approach the fight. Its to make everyone aware what the plan is and how were going to play that fight. Example: "This fight stage for dive, and on dive we blade the backline" OR "When they use Kiri Rush, use beat to match and push"

"Care me"

If someone says "care me" that means that everyone should drop what theyre doing to help them. 95% of the time it will be the tank or support, so they need all resources and help they can get.

Prio call

If something becomes insanely important immediately there will be a prio call. It can be anything we decide, but itll always be an insta switch to another comm. ill think of a better example later.

"Get out or die"

If the fight is lost, ill call "get out or die". This just means to either die on the point, or leave completely and back to our spawn. This will help me manage things and allow us to put ourselves in a proper position to win next fight.


If we are ina position where we have the point, there are times where stalling will be called. Stalling is just staying on point until you die to try and force our important cooldowns or ults, while still getting percentage on the point (if that applies)

Main Support

Main Supports are in charge of Supporting the team as a whole. Main supports typically are in charge of tracking the other teams Ults, Knowing when to use their cooldowns to help the team effectively, and become the secondary IGL if the tank is unable to do so. Examples: Lucio, Mercy, Brig, Lifeweaver (sometimes the Main Support will play certain Flex support heroes like Bap, Kiri, or Ana it all just depends on the comp)

Ult tracking

Main Supports main job in comms. The Main Support keeps track of the enemies ults, so the IGL can plan for the fight accordingly. If the Main Support cant track very well, then someone else can also help, but either way, ults need to be tracked.


Opposite of brawl. Played from a distance and mainly used to force the enemy to waste resources to give the poke team an advantage with cooldown rotations. It also allows the Poke team to watch their aggression so the other team is unable to punish bad positioning or decision making as effectively. Counters Brawl/Rush comps and loses to Dive comps.


Pairing two ults together to wipe a team. Ususally used to force out other ults, or to win a fight quickly. Examples: Nano Blade, Grav Dragon, Window OC, etc.


Playing around your Tank and using your resources to support the team as a whole. (Brawl or Rush)


Push without any cooldowns, typically called before a push call


Switch is called when Switching targets to another hero. Example: Switch _________

Main Tank

THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO OVERWATCH 2 SINCE ALL TANKS DO THE SAME THINGS. Any tank that can hold and occupy space, to allow the team to move freely and to properly rotate around their part of the map. Examples: Rein, Winston, Orisa, Bal, Ramattra, Doomfist

Off Tank

THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO OVERWATCH 2 SINCE ALL TANKS DO THE SAME THINGS. Any tank that uses the occupied team space in order to peel, protect, or set up their team. Examples: Dva, Zarya, Sigma, Roadhog, Junker Queen


The direction were going to go and play from. Example: Walk bottom left, and play around the mega pack


The hardest, and most teamwork dependent comp style. Requires the Tank and Dps to work together to take down one target while the supports sit in the far back away from the team. Dive is used on maps with High ground, or on Hybrid maps where things are fast paced and hectic. Counters Poke comps but loses to Rush/Brawl.


The leader of the team. This is always the Tank and it will always be the tank. unless the tank is not there or unavailable for a fight, which it will then be on the main support to take over.


The most recognizable team comp there is. It typically requires the team to stay together as a unit all focusing one target until that target dies. If one person splits or is caught out of position, everything fails. Counters Dive comps, and loses to Poke comps.

Flex Tank

This is the Pure Overwatch 2 Tank style. All good tank players have adjusted to this style and mainly focus on swapping on what is good or what is bad depending on map, enemy matchup/comp or anything else like that.

Ready Check

Typically asked before a dive, just generally so everyone is prepared and knows their assignment

"No CDs"

Typically used when an important target has no abilities. This is an important call, since it allows the tank and dps to stage a dive onto said target


When one team wins the fight, they'll look for a stagger. Looking for staggers can help prevent the other team from pushing and might prevent them from getting a fight.

Target calling

When the IGL makes a target call, everyone needs to shoot that target. Whatever target is called, the team needs to echo the call. Example: IGL calls for Rein, everyone else should be shooting at the Rein while calling to kill Rein


When we use our cooldowns to take space and initiate a fight on point


When we use ults that negate the other teams. Can also be to support our team through their ult. Examples: Beating for Blade, matching kiriko rush, etc.

Dive Target

Whichever target is called by the IGL to dive (usually the support line or an out of position DPS)


calling for peel is basically when you protect a member of your team. its usually for helping supports and making sure that you have more bodies and resources on a dive, but it can be other situations as well. ill go in depth more in the future, but this is okay for rn.


used by the IGL when setting up a dive target. it tells all people on the team who to focus, where to look, and will allow them to position accordingly

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