PCC HI 102 Test 2

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how many people died during the potato famine in ireland

1 million

when did the dutch arrive in south africa


Eli Whitney develops the cotton gin


reform bill grants suffrage to all middle class males


cyrus mcCormack patents the mechanical reaper


what were the years of the victorian age


charles darwin publishes on the the origin of species


british north america act makes canada a self-governing commonwealth


suez canal completed


fabian society formed


years for the boer war


missionary to japan, invented the rickshaw


formed the china inland mission

J hudson taylor

abolished child labor in the mines (england)

Lord ashley, earl of shaftesbury

officially joined england and ireland, (politcally)

act of union

wrote wealth of nations

adam smith

descendants of dutch settlers


invented the telephone

alexander graham bell

missionary to india, rescued indian temple girls

amy carmichael

"champion for the people" british conservative who became liberal

benjamin disraeli

invented a process to turn iron into steel independently of each other (2 men)

bessemer and kelly

british invasion of transvall

boer war

dutch farmers in south africa


founded the salvation army


made canada a self governing nation

british north america act

catholics freed from restrictions allowed them to vote and hold government office

catholic emancipation act

imperialist, empire builder, prime minister of the cape colony (loyal to england)

cecil rhodes

promoted the use of the turnipand a 4 field crop rotation (wheat oats clover turnips)

charles townshend

working class activists who supported the peoples charter (england)


laid the first successful transatlantic cable

cyrus field

invented the mechanical reaper

cyrus mcormick

british doctor turned missionary to the interior of africa, first european man to see victoria falls

david livingstone

hight quality goods in a low quantity

domestic system

defeated napoleon, called the iron duke, prime minister under willaim IV

duke of wellington

invented the power loom

edmund cartwright

established the modern sanitation system

edwin chadwick

englands house of commons was made up of who

elected nobles

invented the cotton gin

eli whitney

protect the rights to private property (abolished the common pasture system in england)

enclosure acts

socialists of the 19th century, practiced evolutionary socialism

fabian society

law passed to abolish child labor in the factories

factory act

low quality goods but in a high quantity

factory system

singlehandedly created the modern nursing profession

florence nightingale

boers leaving their original land after the british take over

great trek

missionary to newfoundland and labrador


made the automobile affordable

henry ford

invented the miners safety lamp

humphrey davey

moodys song leader

ira sankey

invented the spinning jenny (which made spinning thread faster)

james hargreaves

invented first practical steam engine

james watt

invented the seed drill

jethro tull

invented the steel tipped plow

john deere

invented the flying shuttle (which made sewing faster)

john kay

built the crystal palace for the great exhibition

joseph paxton

invented the first automobile

karl benz

freed slave missionaries in liberia and sierra leone

lott carey and colin teague

general of the transvaal army during the boer war

louis botha

what did the railroads do

made us keep time

son of irish-italian immigrants invented the wireless telegraph


worked in callibar africa, called the queen of callibar, saved twins from being killed

mary slesor

famous for his devotional writings


further questioning of God


known for his work in england (from america)


reasons for population growth during the industrial revolution

more food less disease fewer wars

established orphanages in england


englands house of lords was made up of who


president of the transval during the boer war

paul kruger

queen victorias german husband

prince albert

queen victorias father

prince edward, duke of kent

what did a british man need in order to vote and hold office


widened the vote to include middle class males (england)

reform bill of 1832

father of the factory system (introduced water powered spinning frame)

richard arkwright

pioneer of the first steam powered locomotive

richard trevithick

missionaries to south africa

robert and mary moffat

invented the first practical steamship

robert fulton

founded the london police force

robert peel

invented the diesel engine

rudolph diesel

invented the spinning mule (spinning jenny + water powered spinning frame)

samuel crompton

invented the electric telegraph

samuel morse

hindus/muslims rebelled against the british fearing religious freedom

sepoy rebellion

prince of preachers


former cricket player who became a missionary to china, india, and belgian congo


inscentive inventiveness willingness to work

the wealth of nations

invented the first steam engine

thomas newcomen

five points of chartism

universal male suffrage equal sized electroal districts voting by secret ballot no property qualification annual elections of parliament

early english socialists "the greatest happiness for the greatest number"


missionary to india, helped stop the practice of suttee

william carey

british liberal who was originally conservative "grand old man"

william gladstone

british prime minister that worked for reform

william pitt the younger

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