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Larry has a grade of normal (N) in his bilateral upper extremities. Based on the muscle grade, which of the following types of exercise is appropriate to the muscle grade, which of the following types of exercise is appropriate to build strength?

(Isotonic) resistive exercise

What is the purpose of a contrast bath?

To increase collateral circulation which effectively reduces pain and edema.

AOTA states that physical agent modalities may be used by OT and OTA as an adjunct to or in preparation for intervention that ultimately enhances engagement in occupation.


What is the appropriate method of assessing a pt's pulse at the brachial artery?

Use 2 or 3 fingertips to apply gentle pressure on the artery, avoiding use of the thumb.

An OTA is teaching an individual to carry household cleaning supplies while walking with a cane. The individual has difficulty and consistently drops items. The OTA varies the technique and introduces various methods without success. To assist the individual in learning this motor task, the OTA should:

Use consistent approaches

What is passive stretch?

Used to increase restricted joint range

Which end feel would be described as "firm"?

When joint capsules or ligaments are stretched, as in hip rotation.

Which of the following is the absence of disease-producing microoganisms?


An OTA is developing an intervention to teach an individual how to maneuver a w/c in the hospital cafeteria. Before treatment the OT should:

Assess CNS function to determine learning tasks and teaching methods.

What are contrast baths?

Combines the use of hot and cold, resulting in alternating vasoconstriction and vasodilation of the blood vessels.

To decrease edema, cold is always more effective when combined with:


Which type of muscle contraction describes a relative shortening of the muscle?


Inhibition taping is typically completed:

Distal to proximal

True or False: A result of cold modalities is increased blood flow


True or False: Changing a pt's position in bed is required only once per day to prevent pressure sores.


True or False: Contraindications are conditions that you should pay special attention to and under which special care be taken when using the specified modality.


True or False: Keep pillows under a pt's knees while in bed to promote good positioning.


True or False: Once tension level is at 20% or above in KT tape, the elastic polymer is not strong enough to recoil.


True or False: When applying a hot pack to a pt's back, the preferred, safer method is to have the pt lie in supine w/ the hot pack between the lower back and treatment table.


True or False: When transferring a pt, grab the pt's arms when pulling to a standing position from sitting at the edge of bed.


What type of KT tape cut/strip would be used when taping for swelling?

Fan cut

What is cryotherapy?

Include ice massage and cold packs as types of therapy

What is kyphosis?

Increased convexity in curvature of thoracic spine

Therapeutic exercise is contraindicated for pts who have:

Inflamed joints

What type of therapeutic exercise builds endurance?

Low-load, high repetitions

What area of the spine is host to most injuries caused by lifting?


What are adjunctive activities?

Methods to prepare a client for activity; may include splinting, hot packs, etc.

What pathology would cause an abnormal bony end feel?

Osteophyte formation

If your pt is bed-bound and cannot move alone at all, what type of ROM would you do?


Which type of ROM exercise is most appropriate at the site of an unhealed fracture?


Which type of motion involves no voluntary contraction of muscle and, therefore, will not help prevent muscle atrophy?


An OTA is teaching an individual who has had a stroke to tie her shoes using the one-handed tying method. Using the whole-to-part-to-whole learning, the OTA should teach the individual:

Parts of the skill in the context of the whole

What is systole?

Period of greatest amount of pressure exerted on wall of arteries; contractible phase

What is dystole?

Period of least amount of pressure exerted on wall of arteries of heartbeat; resting phase

Which of the following is NOT a contraindication of a PAM

Personal preference (Other options: pregnancy, cognitive or sensory impairment, malignancy)

Which trunk position has the greatest potential to cause damage in the act of lifting or reaching for an object?

Simultaneous trunk flexion and rotation

What is bradycardia?

Slow heartbeat

In which condition is full lengthening of the extrinsic finger flexors contraindicated?

Spinal cord injury with C6 nerve root sparing

For a person sitting at a computer terminal, at what level should the vision display be directed?

10 degrees below horizontal

What degree of hip flexion is contraindicated for a patient who has recently undergone a total hip replacement posteriorly?

115 degrees

The ultimate goal in progressive mobilization is for the pt to be out of bed _____ hours per day.


What is the normal respiratory rate for an adult at rest?

12-18 respirations/ min

What systolic/diastolic value of blood pressure is recognized as normal for an adult?


What is the recommended length of time for hand washing with ordinary soap and water?

40-60 sec

When there is a pulse increase of _____ or greater, the activity should be stopped and the pt should rest.

50 bpm

Once the tension level of KT tape is above _____%, the elastic polymer is not strong enough to recoil.


What is the normal resting pulse range for an adult?

60-100 beats/ min

What is the normal range of the resting pulse?

60-100 bpm

For a person seated at a workstation for prolonged periods, at what angle should the elbows, knees, and hips be bent?

90 degrees

What is a normal blood oxygen saturation reading at or near sea level?


What are TENS?

A type of electric current to decrease pain

What is paraffin?

A type of wax that is heated and used as a heat therapy.

What are enabling activities?

A variety of simulations in OT for persons not yet able to engage in purposeful activity; considered non-purposeful activity.

What is tachycardia?

Abnormally fast heartbeat

What is hypertension?

Abnormally high blood pressure

What is hypotension?

Abnormally low blood pressure

Which of the following objects I a potential host site for survival of pathogens?

All of the above (bar soap, sink rims, faucet handles)

Which of the following objects is a potential host site for the survival of pathogens?

All of the above (bar soap, sink rims, faucet handles)

Which of the following are advantages of hand rubbing with alcohol-based rubs?

All of the above (it is more accessible than sinks; it requires less time to use than soap and water; it causes less damage to the skin than soap and water when an emollient has been added).

What conditions can Kinesiology Tape be used for?

All of the above (muscle imbalance, postural correction, swelling)

Which of the following would increase an individual's base of support (BOS)?

All of the above (placing the feet farther apart in an anterior-posterior stance; placing the feet farther apart in medial-lateral stance; using crutches, canes, or a walker).

Which of the following should be included in an initial assessment of pain?

All of the above (the onset and pattern of the pain, the exact location of the pain, a description of the pain in words such as "burning" or "tingling"

For removing groceries, tools, or other items from the trunk of a car, which of the following body mechanics principles is recommended?

Bend your hips and knees slightly

An OTA is working with an individual who would like to ride the bus to the senior center to play cards once a week. The OTA is using a method where she rides the bus with the individual until a transfer point and allows the individual to continue independently for the remainder of the trip. This is an example of:

Backward chaining

An OTA is planning a cooking group for individuals with stroke. The individuals who participate in this parallel group may:

Be at various stages of motor development.

Which of the following would be a contraindication of cryotherapy use?

Hypertensive patients

What are the most common modes of transmission of pathogenic microorganisms?

Contact, droplet, airborne

Which muscle group is most important for movements and lifts that require extra effort?

Core stabilizers

Which description of pain is most indicative of muscle pain?

Cramping, dull, aching

Thomas fell and injured his ankle resulting in pain, swelling, and redness. Which PAM would be the most appropriate to use during the initial stage of an injury?


Which is the modality of choice for the first 24-48 hours after an acute injury or surgery?


Where should the w/c be placed when transferring a pt from the hospital bed to the w/c?

Determine strong side of pt and place w/c on strong side, parallel to bed

How should the hands of a caregiver be placed during an attempt to facilitate a muscle contraction?

Directly over the contracting muscles

Cryotherapy is often used in the treatment of which of the following problems?


Fan strips of KT tape are primarily used for:

Edema reduction

What is active resistive exercise?

Exercise performed by a person against manual or mechanical resistance

What is passive exercise?

Exercise performed by a person by manual or mechanical means; no voluntary muscle contraction occurs

What is active exercise?

Exercise performed by a person with manual or mechanical resistance

What is syncope?


Client does first step and the OT does all the rest of the steps in this process

Forward chaining

What is the most important activity that caregivers should perform before and after contact with a pt to control infection?

Hand hygiene

In order for a pt to be able to walk, he must be able to do all of the following EXCEPT:

Have a heart rate under 80 (Other choices were: assume a sitting and standing position; have good sitting balance; have good standing balance)

To increase strength, what is most effective?

High-load, low repetition w/ muscle contracting at or near it's max capacity

Which two joints can stiffen if you place pillows under a pt's knees when he is in bed?

Hip and Knee

An OTA is working with an individual who has difficulty with motor learning. The OTA should plan intervention with a focus on performing motor skills:

In a variety of environments and under a variety of conditions

Which type of muscle contraction describes a controlled and consistent speed of contraction?


If a joint or soft tissue is painful when moved through its range, or when inflammation is present in the area, which type of exercise should be used to maintain muscle tone?


_____ is a muscle contraction that develops tension but does not perform any mechanical work.

Isometric contraction

What is dyspnea?

Labored or difficult breath

Janice is a 75 y/o female who has R sided hemiplegia following a stroke. Her right arm has edema currently, impaired sensation, and limited ROM. Would the use of a physical agent modality be indicated?

No, it is contraindicated.

How should pts be instructed to breathe when performing active resistive exercises?


How should pts breathe when performing physical activities, specifically lifting?


Which lift involves picking up an object in a manner similar to the way a golfer removes a golf ball from the cup?

One-leg stance lift

Which of the following is a way of grading ROM in an activity (or making the ROM challenge easier or harder) for the pt?

Placing items that pt needs to reach on higher shelf or to side

What is diaphoresis?

Profuse sweating

What direction of application of KT tape should be used to assist with muscle facilitation?

Proximal to distal

What most commonly occurs when the pt sits up for the first time?

Pt gets dizzy d/t blood pressure drop

All of the following are contraindications to using heat with a patient EXCEPT:

Pts w/ muscle stiffness (Other options were: acute illness; sensory loss; very young or very old pts)

What device measures the level of blood oxygen saturation, monitors pulse rate, and calculates heart rate?

Pulse oximeter

Which PAM would you select in order to increase tone in your hypotonic pt?

Quick ice

To develop and improve coordination:

Repeated practice is needed.

_____ is required for coordination to develop.


Miccroorganisms move from place to place by various means in a cyclical manner. What are the five elements in the cycle of infection?

Reservoir, exit, transmission, infection, and susception.

If Mr. Jones has a weak L side, on which side would you position the w/c for a transfer?

Right side

Which cardinal plane divides the body into left and right components?


What recommendation is helpful for reducing the body stress of an employee whose work requires a standing posture?

Stand on a cushioned mat in the work area

How should objects above shoulder or head height be approached?

Standing on a wide-based footstool or ladder

Heat is always more effective when combined with:


Which of the following indicates a rapid heart rate (greater than 100 beats/ min)?


If a pt's pulse increases too much each time an activity is performed, regardless of the level at which the pt is exercising, then:

The particular activity is too difficult for the pt and should be stopped.

Which of the following statements about passive exercise is TRUE?

The purpose of passive exercise is to maintain ROM.

An OTA is using the blocked practice method to teach an individual to use the telephone to renew a prescription. The intervention should focus on calling:

The same pharmacy repeatedly before introducing a new number

At what level is the approximate center of gravity (COG) of a standing person?

The second sacral segment

True or False: Bed activities should start as soon as a pt is hospitalized


True or False: Exercise is contraindicated in the initial injury state of tissue healing.


True or False: Heat is believed to have a relaxing effect on muscle tone by reducing muscle spindle and gamma efferent firing rates; there is also the theory that relaxation of muscle is assumed to occur with the disappearance of pain


True or False: If pulse is within a satisfactory range and there are no cardiac symptoms present, then it is ok for Jack to continue sitting up.


True or False: If you only do modalities in the treatment session, you are no doing OT.


True or False: In PROM no increase in joint range should be expected


True or False: In PROM no increase in joint range should be expected.


True or False: It is believed that when applied correctly, KT tape lifts the skin, decompressing the layers of fascia, allowing for greater movements of lymphatic fluid which transports white blood cells throughout the body and removes waste products, cellular debris, and bacteria.


True or False: It takes less time to become dependent than to get independent according to the progressive mobilization text.


True or False: Local pain awareness, proprioception, muscle strength, and agility are reduced immediately post-cryotherapy so use caution in prescribing activity.


True or False: PAMs generally assist in the treatment process by affecting tissue healing, inflammation, pain, muscle tone, or ROM restriction.


True or False: R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) is a way to remember recommended treatment after an acute musculoskeletal trauma.


True or False: Sitting tolerance parallels a pt's strength and ability to progress up the staircase of independence.


True or False: The combination of tension and direction of tape/tissue recoil provides the stimulus to improve muscle function.


True or False: The longer the pt stays in bed or remains inactive, the less muscle strength he has and the less he can perform activities alone.


True or False: When stair climbing, step up with the unaffected (good) first and down with the affected (bad) leg first.


True or False: When using thermal modalities, the risk of burn increases with the amount of subcutaneous fat because fat serves as an insulator.


True or false: Good sitting balance means sitting unsupported even against resistance.


For this method of teaching the OTA would say, "brush your hair". Generally the least effective method of teaching.

Verbal instruction

What is fluidotherapy?

Warm air blown through finely ground corn husks

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