PE Praxis 5091 Content and Knowledge, Form 2 Practice Test

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Teacher can minimize the avoidance reaction in a child learning to catch a ball by having the child practice catching a

Yarn ball

Which of the following principles of stability is best exemplified when a gymnast squats to regain balance on a balance beam?

A lower center of gravity affords better stability

To burn one pound of fat per week, a person would need a weekly caloric deficit of approximately

3,500 calories

Which activity is most likely to result in the highest level of blood lactate accumulation?

400-yard dash

When a teacher is creating or posting rules for an elementary school PE class, what is the optimal number of rules to list?


A computer software program that would best help a teacher create reports to document progress toward stated achievement in standard based outcome

A spreadsheet program

What is an effective and readily available form of technology for a wide audience of physical education teachers to use to communicate about a specific topic?

An online discussion group

Which of the following instructional practices best manages space in a physical education teaching area to achieve equitable learning opportunities and increased time on-task? A.Moving through the gymnasium to visually monitor students and provide feedback B.Having all students retrieve equipment for the lesson at one time from a central location C.Teaching different skills to small groups so all students have equipment to practice D.Working directly with small groups of students who have the most difficulty remaining on task

A.Moving through the gymnasium to visually monitor students and provide feedback

Which of the following pairs of hormones works with the kidneys when a person is hot and perspiring to assist in avoiding dehydration and conserving water?

ADH and Aldosterone

An example of a teaching approach that uses a differentiated instruction

Ability grouping in classes

What is the tennis score when a server has won 4 points and the receiver has won 3?


After a person matures, what generally decreases because of the aging process?

Aerobic capacity

Which of the following is considered a depressant?


Which of the following is created to ensure that a child with a disability receives specialized instruction and related services in school?

An Individualized Education Program

What is the most effective way for a high school PE teacher to reinforce positive behavior in the gymnasium?

Asking students to evaluate their own behavior in writing or verbally at the end of the week

When is the best time to establish classroom management expectations?

At the beginning of the school year

A PE teacher that is committed to being a continuous learner is most likely to do which of the following on a district wide professional development day after attending in-service workshops in the morning?

Attend afternoon in-service workshops and take notes about new information

What is one major way to minimize the risk of heart disease?

Avoid smoking

Which of the following is a common teaching cue for shooting a basketball?


Why should a signed consent form the obtained from the parent or guardian of a student who is going on a sport or adventure field trip?

Because the form shows the teacher that the parent or guardian knows what activity is planned for the student and does not object

After a person matures, what generally increases because of the aging process?

Body fat

What are the most typical sequence of the three phases of motor learning for learners who are high school age or older?

Cognitive, associative, and autonomous

The human body's center of gravity is a point that

Can be within or outside the body, depending on the body posture

Which of the following best describes the roles of the physical educator on the planning and placement team (PPT)?

Collaborating with other members of the team to ensure that students learning needs are met

What would be a good use for technology in PE?

Communicate and enhance student learning

Which of the following is the most appropriate way to assess students in a PE class for a final grade?

Conduct formative and summative assessments to identify learning outcomes

Performance of which of the following activities can be classified as aerobic activity?

Cross Country Run A soccer game

What is a good way for a teacher to establish a supportive classroom environment at the beginning of the year?

Develop and maintain clear established classroom rules

What is the focus of NASPE?

Developing national standards that reflect quality K 12 physical education programs

In swimming, which of the following kicks is in the butterfly stroke


According to current research, to comply with the No Child Left Behind Act, a physical education curriculum should include which of the following?

Ensuring that the physical education curriculum emphasizes moderate-to-vigorous activity in support of fitness

Heavy resistance training, such as strenuous weight training, should be avoided in early childhood because of the potential for developing what?

Epiphyseal Seperations

A student has a sprained ankle. What should the teacher immediately do?

Evaluate the ankle apply ice to the injured area call for the athletic trainer or school nurse

Three appropriate uses of the FITNESSGRAM assessment?

Facilitating fitness education to students Helping students track fitness results over time Allowing teachers to analyze data in order to reevaluate the curriculum

In creating an emotionally safe environment for students to learn fitness, which of the following techniques is the most effective for a physical education teacher to use to promote student learning participation, and performances?

Giving a fitness in the fall, using it as a guide to assist students in creating an individual fitness plan for the school year, and rewarding students who show improvement

Which of the following is the best example of an appropriate use of self assessment?

Having students develop personal improvement goals based on a skill related pretest

What would be a relay race strategy that allows for maximum practice of locomotor skills?

Having students take turns continuously until signaled to stop

And effective way to help elementary school students develop efficient basketball skills is by

Having the students play with balls that are smaller and baskets that are lower than standard

A tripod is most commonly used as a lead up activity for which of the following skills in stunts and tumbling?


Which of the following is the federal law that ensures appropriate education for students with disabilities?

Individuals with disabilities education act IDEA

What would be the most appropriate for the first 10 minutes of an exercise session that includes 30 minutes of continuous soccer playing?

Jogging, calisthenics, stretching, sprints

The most widely used and regularly issued practitioner resource for planning and professional development in physical education is

Journal of physical education, recreation, & dance

What is the most appropriate feedback when helping a student who is having trouble learning to throw at a target?

Keep your eye on the target

Characteristics of mature execution of a basketball jumpshot

Knees slightly flexed Non-shooting hand supporting the ball Shooting hand, elbow, and shoulder aligned with the target

According to research, in a typical physical education class most students, are engaged in vigorous activity approximately what percent of the time?

Less than 40%

Which of the following is the most appropriate safety measure a teacher can use for a student who has asthma and will be participating in a volleyball game

Limiting the duration of participation

Folk dances for students in grades K -2 should emphasize

Locomotor skills

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between mental practice and performance of a task?

Mental practice works best with individuals who have the skills necessary to perform a task

When an activity is being observed in PE the teacher should follow which of the following practices regarding teacher placement in the gym?

Moving along the perimeter of the gym

Which of the following physical fitness components is most likely to be a assessed in a battery as health related fitness test?

Muscular strength

After three years of teaching, certified physical ed teachers can apply for an advanced level of certification, known as the

National Board Certification

A physical education teacher gives a student individual feedback at a station and also monitors the performance of other students in the gymnasium. Which of the following classroom management techniques proposed by Jacob Kounin is the teacher most likely using? A.Ripple effect B.Withitness C.Overlapping D.Momentum


What is not considered a disability by the 2004 IDEA?


How often should a teacher assess students in class?

On a regular basis

Which of the following actions best represents a corrective classroom management approach? A.Establishing clear consequences that are appropriate for specific misbehaviors B.Consistently reminding students of the classroom rules C.Collaborating with students to construct a social contract D.Facilitating role-play scenarios that support positive interaction

Option (A) is correct. A corrective approach to classroom management utilizes appropriate consequences to redirect inappropriate behavior.

Which of the following physical effects is most closely associated with the abuse of anabolic steroids? A.Mood swings B.Hallucinations C.Memory loss D.Hepatitis

Option (A) is correct. Anabolic steroids cause a variety of adverse effects. The most commonly known effect is the onset of mood swings that result in violence and aggression. Hallucinations, memory loss, and hepatitis are not generally associated with abuse of anabolic steroids.

By actively participating in physical education and having positive experiences in class activities, students can most likely improve which of the following? A.Self-worth B.Motivation C.Attention span D.Interpersonal communicatio

Option (A) is correct. Any successful experiences in physical education class activities can help increase a sense of self-worth and contribute to positive personal attributes.

Which of the following best demonstrates reflective practice by a physical education teacher? A.Having a colleague observe a lesson and make suggestions about what went well and what needs improvement B.Using lesson plans found on file from a national professional organization during classroom instruction C.Showing an instructional video to new teachers as a guide about teaching in the district D.Administering a survey to students about their favorite parts of a lesson to instill confidence in the teacher

Option (A) is correct. Having a colleague observe a lesson and make suggestions is an important part of reflective practice. The teacher can then take the points made by the observer, both positive and negative, and improve teaching practice. Observations are routinely done of teachers throughout their career to ensure teacher quality. Observation is especially important in the first few years of teaching because it is one of the factors that determine whether a teacher is offered tenure.

During a lesson on locomotor skills, a physical education teacher wants to provide variability of skill practice. Which of the following movements includes practice in both spatial awareness and locomotor skills? A.Hopping in a zigzag pathway B.Skipping while changing tempo C.Sliding while facing a partner D.Galloping through a series of cones

Option (A) is correct. Hopping in a zigzag pathway is an example of spatial awareness using locomotor movements.

A high school physical education teacher notices that a student is reluctant to participate in team sport activities. Which of the following instructional strategies can best encourage the student to participate? A.Helping the student see the value of his or her role B.Providing positive verbal feedback to the student C.Explaining to the class that everyone is expected to participate D.Creating healthy competition between students

Option (A) is correct. If the teacher can help the student understand how social factors affect the team, the student will be more likely to participate.

During a softball game, a runner remains on the base he or she occupies when a teammate hits a fly ball to the outfield. Once the ball is caught, the runner advances to the next base before being put out. Which of the following correctly identifies the strategy? A.Tagging up B.Stolen base C.Force play D.Infield fly rule

Option (A) is correct. In softball, tagging up is a baserunning strategy or situation. The runner must return to the occupied base and stay in contact with that base until the fielder has caught or dropped the ball. The base runner may then attempt to advance to the next base before being put out.

A middle school physical education teacher introduces a new skill during an adventure education unit that will take most students outside of their comfort zones. Which of the following strategies best uses a concept of sociology to encourage students to engage in the activity? A.Assigning students to predetermined groups in which they have already formed relationships B.Inspiring students to practice independent of others in their own space to gain confidence C.Modeling the new skill for the group and allowing volunteers to demonstrate as needed D.Permitting students to opt out of the new skill and advising them to repeat a more familiar one

Option (A) is correct. In this scenario, students who feel comfortable with each other and can lean on each for support will be more apt to not only engage in the activity but be determined to successfully complete the activity as a team. Some adventure activities involve risk, and students who are outside of their comfort zone will perform better in a predetermined group before moving on to groups where they do not know the others in the group as well.

Which of the following scenarios best demonstrates a physical education teacher working to incorporate community events into a school's physical activity program? A.Inviting the director from the local parks and recreation department to visit the school to discuss summer recreational opportunities B.Offering an intramural program that coincides with the current physical education instruction unit C.Logging students' laps on the walking trail during recess and rewarding the highest achievers with coupons donated by local businesses D.Providing all school personnel with professional development focusing on ways students can become more physically active throughout the school day

Option (A) is correct. Physical educators should collaborate with community organizations to promote physical activity opportunities for students. One way to accomplish this is to invite event organizers to discuss recreational opportunities with students.

The fact that a 5 year old takes twice as long to process and react to stimuli as an adult is largely due to which of the following? A.Response time B.Movement time C.Reaction time D.Visual stimulus tim

Option (A) is correct. Response time, which is movement time combined with reaction time, is two times longer in 5 year olds when compared to that of older adults. This is a very important factor in teaching skills to different age groups.

Which of the following strategies is most likely to help a young gymnast develop fundamental movement skills? A.Participating in unorganized daily activities B.Attending gymnastics school three times a week C.Repeating routine-specific moves multiple times D.Using mental practice to supplement physical actio

Option (A) is correct. Results of a research study indicate that an increase in children's unorganized daily activities improves the development of fundamental motor skills, not just those involved in gymnastics.

Which of the following strategies best illustrates a physical education teacher using technology for professional development purposes? A.Recording a video while teaching a lesson to capture teacher actions and interactions for later evaluation and reflection B.Using pedometers to determine the amount of time students spend being physically active during class C.Creating a Web-based forum to post suggestions and resources for other physical education teachers D.Developing an online comment box so students can post suggestions of ways to improve the classroom experience

Option (A) is correct. Self-reflection is a powerful tool for professional development. Recording a video of a classroom session allows teachers to observe themselves objectively and reflect on what they do well and areas where they may need to improve.

In accordance with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSAE S S A), physical education teachers and performing arts teachers can best collaborate with cross-curricular content by doing which of the following? A.Developing evidence-based standards and implementation guides B.Participating in the creation of national standardized testing methods C.Writing personal success stories to the Department of Education D.Lobbying for activist groups with physical education and performing arts professionals

Option (A) is correct. Students in physical education and performing arts classes require evidence-based measurement of skill performance. Due to the overlapping nature of content in performing arts and physical education, the collaborative effort to develop standards and implementation guides would benefit the two content areas as stated in the provisions of ESSAE S S A.

Which of the following instructional strategies is the most developmentally appropriate way to teach students who are in the cognitive stage of motor development of a new skill? A.Verbalizing and demonstrating the steps of the new motor skill B.Assisting students in breaking down the new skill through practice C.Allowing students time to investigate the skill independently D.Grouping students together to assist each other in acquiring the new skill

Option (A) is correct. Students in the cognitive stage of motor learning require actual verbal instruction and demonstration of the skill to assist in correct execution.

In which of the following ways can students best demonstrate that they have reached the fifth step in Hellison's personal and social responsibility model? A.By acting responsibly outside of physical education class B.By performing selfless acts that show kindness to other students C.By teaching other students how to act responsibly D.By arriving to class on time

Option (A) is correct. The fifth step in Hellison's personal and social responsibility model deals with acting responsibly outside of physical education class. Although the model is intended for physical education classes, what students learn in class can be used outside the classroom. Their responsible actions can demonstrate that they have reached Hellison's fifth step in the model. (RESCO)

When developing an effective behavior-management plan, a physical education teacher is most likely to put the greatest emphasis on which of the following strategies? A.Providing specific positive feedback to students for displaying acceptable behaviors B.Using token reinforcers as tangible rewards for appropriate student behavior C.Offering verbal praise with statements such as "good job" or "excellent performance" D.Giving public corrective feedback to students who display negative behaviors in class

Option (A) is correct. The foundation for improving student behavior is reinforcing acceptable behavior by providing specific, positive feedback to the student so that he or she will have a clear understanding of expectations.

After a lesson on partner dancing, an elementary physical education teacher reflects on how to better plan instruction to increase student learning. Which of the following teacher statements best uses the reflective cycle to meet the teacher's goal? A."I noticed many students stepping on their partners' feet during the dance steps. I need to provide more demonstration and time to practice with better feedback." B."The lesson on turns did not go as planned and seemed to be too challenging. I will move on to the next dance step and maybe come back to this later." C."The students are stepping on each other's feet while dancing. I need to eliminate dancing from the curriculum to avoid injuries." D."The students who are still stepping on their partners' feet after the next class will need to change partners to help determine the root cause of the issue."

Option (A) is correct. The most appropriate thing the teacher can do in his situation is to use the reflective cycle to adjust teaching plans to make them more effective for the needs of the students. In this case, it would mean more demonstration, feedback, and practice time until the students become more efficient at the task of partner dancing. Moving on to another activity, eliminating it from the curriculum, or doing an experiment in class will not help the situation. Even if the teacher used reflection to make those decisions, they would not be appropriate for the situation.

Which of the following strategies best integrates a piece of personal technology into physical education classes to enhance student performance and promote self-monitoring for proper physical fitness? A.Integrating a heart rate monitor through the use of a portable application B.Using spreadsheet software to document a student's heart rate over time C.Recording lessons for self-reflection and teacher assessment in a word processing program D.Having younger students watch game and practice videos to learn a sport

Option (A) is correct. The portable application provides a way for the physical education teacher to ensure that the students are working within their target heart rate without requiring individual heart rate monitors. Additionally, the application would provide the students with a way of continuing to monitor their heart rates outside of the classroom.

Which of the following outcomes is a primary reason for using affective statements when communicating with students? A.Promoting respect between the teacher and the students B.Creating confidence so that the students trust the teacher C.Emphasizing privacy regarding what students share D.Increasing motivation for students to participate

Option (A) is correct. The use of affective statements by the teacher promotes respectful interactions in the classroom. Affective statements are personal expressions of feelings in response to behaviors so that students understand how their behavior is affecting themselves and others.

Which of the following activities best helps develop student mastery of critical elements needed for a competent dance performance? A.Moving across the floor using dance steps that require a shift of weight from one foot to another B.Learning a dance and practicing the choreographed movements slow and fast C.Listening to the music from the routine and identifying the emotional nuances of the music D.Practicing movements in front of a peer to help control anxiety before a performance

Option (A) is correct. Weight shifts are considered a critical element and technical skill in dance performance.

Which of the following strategies best motivates students to create a physical activity plan that they will continue to use during summer vacation? A.Allowing students to choose summer activities that they enjoy to add to their plan B.Assigning a different sport or activity for each week of summer vacation C.Developing a daily schedule for the students to follow throughout the summer D.Encouraging students to sign a pledge that states they will stay active over summer vacation

Option (A) is correct. When individuals are able to choose the activities they are to participate in, those activities will likely have more individual meaning and the person will continue to participate in those activities on a long-term basis

During a basketball unit, a physical education teacher divides students into teams to play mini games. The teacher increases the length of the games over the course of the unit. By doing this the teacher demonstrates an understanding of which of the following? A.Building cardiovascular endurance while practicing skills B.Providing an opportunity for teamwork and cooperation C.Using teacher-directed instruction to increase playing time D.Improving sportsmanship to help develop skill performance

Option (A) is correct. While the students are participating in the games, they are working on their basketball skills. As the teacher increases the length of the games throughout the unit, the students are building their endurance over time.

A.The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in skills-related team sports such as basketball, football, and volleyball. B.The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. C.The physically literate individual demonstrates mastery in physical fitness as assessed through semiannual standardized physical fitness testing. D.The physically literate individual demonstrates proficiency in various gross motor skills to better perform general life activities

Option (B) is correct. "The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns" is SHAPE America's Standard 1 for physical education.

Which of the following is the best practice for a teacher to use to encourage maximum participation when introducing a skill to a group of second-grade students? A.Using a large outdoor space to reduce potential distractions B.Encouraging movement during more than half of the class period C.Increasing direct instruction to improve student skill mastery D.Incorporating large group activities, such as soccer or softball

Option (B) is correct. A high-quality, well-designed physical education curriculum is designed to maximize physical activity during lessons and keep students moderately to vigorously active for at least half of class time. Students will likely be more engaged in learning a new skill if they are provided with multiple opportunities to be active and practice the skill.

Which of the following activities best meets guidelines for recommended daily physical activity and is appropriate for elementary school students? A.Jumping rope and playing a tag game with peers during a 30-minute recess period B.Participating in hopscotch during a 20-minute recess period and riding a bicycle for 40 minutes C.Walking to and from school for a total of 35 minutes D.Playing tag during a 20-minute recess and completing a 30-minute circuit-training workout in physical education class

Option (B) is correct. According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Children and Adolescents, the recommended amount of physical activity for children and adolescents is 60 minutes a day. Most of the 60 minutes a day should be either moderate- or vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity such as riding a bicycle. A focus on bone-strengthening activities such as hopscotch is important for elementary students because their bone mass grows the most during this time.

Which of the following muscles create movement when one contracts and the other extends? A.Deltoid and trapezius B.Hamstring and quadriceps C.Abdominal and gastrocnemius D.Latissimus dorsi and bicep

Option (B) is correct. Agonist and antagonist muscles usually exist on opposite sides of a joint, such as the hamstrings and quadriceps at the knee. The agonist muscle is directly responsible for the movement at the joint through contraction while the antagonist is responsible for controlling the motion, slowing it down, and returning the joint to its original position.

A physical education teacher varies equipment choices during a volleyball unit by using beach balls and balloons in addition to volleyballs. By varying the equipment during the unit, the teacher demonstrates the ability to A.increase student interest in the unit B.create equitable learning opportunities C.promote lifelong active lifestyles D.emphasize sportsmanship

Option (B) is correct. Allowing the use of various pieces of equipment during the same lesson or unit gives each student an equitable learning opportunity and chance for success by participating at his or her particular skill level.

An elementary physical education teacher wants to diversify student learning opportunities in the classroom. Which of the following is most effective in helping the teacher meet the goal? A.Listening to a podcast by a fitness instructor about training professional athletes B.Attending a workshop on combining physical education and other subjects into the curriculum C.Meeting with parents to discuss their input for student engagement and ideas for activities D.Reviewing previous lesson plans to determine if revisions are needed to bring them up-to-date

Option (B) is correct. Attending a workshop about how to combine physical education with other academic content in lessons can lead to beneficial learning for the students and diversify learning opportunities for the students.

An elementary physical education teacher provides several activities for students to participate in during class. Which of the following instructional strategies will best facilitate effective learning? A.Setting up the activities close to one another B.Creating brief instructional cues for each activity C.Using a whistle to help keep students on task D.Taking class attendance quickly

Option (B) is correct. Because there are multiple activities happening simultaneously in the class and only a short amount of time for the students to experience them, it is best for the teacher to use brief, clear cues for instructional and transitional purposes.

Which of the following statements regarding the special education referral process is true? A.An evaluation for services is performed by the school district at a nominal cost to families. B.Parental consent is required before the school can begin an evaluation of a student. C.Services are provided for a student as soon as the initial request for an evaluation is made. D.Requests for evaluation for services may only be made only by the parents of a student.

Option (B) is correct. By law, schools must provide special help to eligible children with disabilities. A school professional or parent may request that a child be evaluated. Parental consent is needed before a child may be evaluated for special education services. Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEAI D E A) regulations, evaluation needs to be completed within 60 days after the parent gives consent.

A physical education teacher has different skill stations set up around the gymnasium. The teacher notices a group of students at one of the stations are off-task and moves closer to that group to try to get them back on task. Which of the following categories of nonverbal communication is the teacher using? A.Haptics B.Kinesics C.Proxemics D.Intonation

Option (C) is correct. Proxemics is a nonverbal form of communication using space. The teacher is likely to stop the students' current behavior by standing closer to the off-task group.

Following a unit on running, a physical education teacher assesses students' participation based on their target heart rate. Ben, a student with cerebral palsy who uses a cane, has an impaired ability to achieve a target heart rate while running. Which of the following modifications is most appropriate for the teacher to use to assess Ben's participation? A.Assessing Ben's running gait by determining whether he applies the correct pressure on his feet B.Using a pedometer instead of a heart rate monitor to determine whether Ben walks a predetermined number of steps C.Administering to Ben a written paper-and-pencil test about proper running form D.Allowing Ben to record his peers' target heart rates after completion of the activity

Option (B) is correct. Cerebral palsy often impairs a student's ability to participate in motor skill activities due to reduced muscle strength and control. Inclusive education requires that modifications be made so that all students may participate in the curriculum. By utilizing the assistive technology of the pedometer, the student is able to participate in class period fully and work toward a health-related goal of a predetermined number of steps.

A new student has recently immigrated to the United States. The physical education teacher wants to build cohesion and understanding in the classroom in welcoming the student. Which of the following strategies best supports the teacher's goal? A.Teaching the student basic motor skills in isolation before asking the student to engage in more complex learning tasks with his or her peers B.Inviting the new student to demonstrate and teach the class about a favorite sport from his or her home country C.Immersing the new student in the classroom without acknowledging culture to ensure the other students in class do not view the student as different D.Giving the new student assignments in his or her preferred learning style that can easily be accomplished so that the new student does not become discouraged

Option (B) is correct. Encouraging the new student to express something personal about his or her culture helps to build cohesion and understanding in the physical education classroom. The teacher can understand more clearly the new student's diverse background and prior knowledge in order to serve the student's learning needs effectively.

Which of the following activities in a physical education class best supports the Common Core State Standards (CCSSC C S S) ? A.Replacing physical activity once a week with a read-aloud session on sports history B.Having the students create a new game with written rules and directions C.Requiring the students to read a sports-related book or magazine for homework D.Providing verbal cues and instructions as the students learn new skills

Option (B) is correct. Having students develop a new game with written rules and directions supports literacy education in a creative manner and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

Learning objectives for specific lessons are based on which of the following? A.What teachers are expected to do in the lesson B.What students are expected to learn during a particular class period C.What students are expected to learn by the end of the instructional unit D.What students are expected to learn by the end of the grade level

Option (B) is correct. Learning objectives for lessons are brief statements declaring what students are expected to learn by the end of that particular lesson.

hich of the following outcomes is a potential metabolic response to overtraining? A.Extreme muscle toning B.Decreased immune system functioning C.Experiencing euphoria D.Distorted body image

Option (B) is correct. Overtraining can result in a metabolic response of decreased immune system functioning.

Because of scheduling issues, a high school physical education class has increased to 45 students. The teacher is concerned that each student will not have enough time to actively participate in all of the activities offered in class. Which of the following strategies is most appropriate for the teacher to implement to provide the best possible instruction? A.Using short, whole-group skill sessions and drill sessions that lead into game play more quickly B.Setting up a series of stations focusing on different tasks so that a group that has mastered an objective can move onto the next skill C.Asking the students to bring in their own equipment from home to ensure that there is enough equipment for each student D.Separating the students into groups by skill level and gender to ensure the safety of all students

Option (B) is correct. Physical education teachers are commonly faced with large class sizes that decrease student time spent in activity during class. Teaching methods and strategies that utilize station work focusing on different tasks can help minimize some of the challenges that may be typical with large class sizes and allow students more time to practice learned skills and progress at an individual pace.

Which of the following strategies is most likely to help a teacher in the maintenance and the usage of an effective behavior management plan? A.Incorporating a behavior incentive program that allows students to accumulates points for prizes B.Prompting students by modeling the desired behavior C.Rewarding students with free playtime during class for good behavior D.Allowing students to share their opinions about the behavior of others in class

Option (B) is correct. Prompts are used to remind students to perform desired behavior and encourage the development of new patterns of behavior. A teacher can also use modeling by performing the behavior desired, with the expectation that students respond in similar fashion.

Recent research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCC D C) indicates certain associations between alcohol and drug use and students' academic achievements, although the report notes that the associations do not prove causation. Which of the following does the research show? A.Students with higher grades are more likely to engage in stimulant use to increase their alertness and accomplish more studying and homework. B.Students with higher grades are less likely to use alcohol and drugs than are their classmates with lower grades. C.Students with higher grades are more likely to become depressed and attempt suicide because of academic pressures. D.Students with higher grades are more likely to avoid participation in extracurricular activities that take time from studying and academic achievement.

Option (B) is correct. Recent research by the CDCC D C has concluded that students who earn higher grades in school are less likely to use alcohol and drugs than are students who earn lower grades. However, the study did not indicate causes for the usage patterns.

When a physical education teacher is researching professional development opportunities to improve teaching tactics, which of the following components should the teacher consider most about the information being offered? A.Looking for professional development opportunities that introduce new curriculum models for purchase B.Finding professional development opportunities that are focused on pedagogical standards-based lessons C.Reviewing the professional development instructor's resume and prior teaching experience D.Checking to ensure that the methods being used are appropriate for the current students

Option (B) is correct. Recommendations for high-quality professional development emphasize the importance of intense, content-focused experiences as well as opportunities for peer collaboration and structured induction experiences for new teachers. When professional development is standards based, it is linked more directly to the classroom and is shown to improve teaching practices.

Which of the following resources provides physical education teachers with the most current interpretation of volleyball rules? A.The rule book found on the USAU S A Volleyball Web site B.The National Federation of State High School Associations C.The SHAPE America Web site D.The set of instructions included with a school volleyball set

Option (B) is correct. The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFSHSAN F S H S A) would have the most up-to-date volleyball rules for high school students, which are the rules that would most likely be used in a physical education class.

Which of the following is the primary benefit of using the Personalized System of Instruction (PSI ) to teach physical education? A.Using a teacher-centered approach to teach fitness B.Allowing students to progress at their own pace C.Encouraging students to work together D.Including students with disabilities in physical education

Option (B) is correct. The Personalized System of Instruction (PSIP S I ) model was developed by Keller and Sherman during the 1960snineteen sixties. It was developed out of the field of experimental behavioral psychology and based on major characteristics such as self-pacing and mastery learning.

A physical education teacher takes notes while observing students participating in a softball lesson. Which of the following is an observation written by the teacher that best supports the affective domain? A."Parker demonstrated difficulty throwing the ball from shortstop to first base." B."Camille left the batter's box and threw down the bat when she struck out during the game." C."Jackson ran to third base instead of first base after each time he hit the ball during the game." D."Rose frequently trips when attempting to run to the bases, which results in an out for her team."

Option (B) is correct. The affective domain encompasses the feelings, attitudes, and dispositions that students have toward participating in physical education class. By throwing the bat down after striking out, the student is expressing disappointment.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the skeletal system? A.Heavier individuals tend to have less bone mass than individuals of lighter weight have. B.Long bones stop growing in length when the epiphyseal plate disappears and the bone fuses. C.Bone density acquired during childhood remains constant throughout adulthood. D.Long bones grow in diameter until the individual is about 8 years old.

Option (B) is correct. The epiphyses are cartilaginous discs found near the ends of the long bones. During or shortly following adolescence, the plate disappears and the bone fuses, terminating longitudinal growth.

Which of the following phases of the tennis serve positions the body segments to generate potential energy? A.Release phase B.Loading phase C.Acceleration phase D.Follow-through phase

Option (B) is correct. The loading phase places body segments into position to assist in generating potential energy for a specific movement, such as the tennis serve.

Which of the following muscles are primarily activated during standing lunges? A.Calves B.Quadriceps C.Rhomboids D.Glutei

Option (B) is correct. The lunge is a lower-body exercise that works several muscle groups at once. The quadriceps are a group of muscles located in the front of the thigh that extend from the hip to the knee and are the primary muscles activated during standing lunges. The calves are a group of two muscles located on the back of the lower leg. The rhomboids are a group of muscles located on each side of the upper back near the shoulder blades. The glutei are a group of three muscles that make up the buttock.

Which of the following demonstrates the mastery learning style of instruction in a physical education class?

Option (B) is correct. The mastery learning style is an instructional strategy and educational philosophy that was first proposed by Benjamin Bloom in 1968. Mastery learning maintains that students must achieve a level of mastery (e.g.for example, 90% on a knowledge test) in prerequisite knowledge before moving on to learn more information.

A fifth-grade physical education class is in the final week of a flag football unit. For a culminating activity, the teacher challenges the eighth-grade physical education class to play against the fifth-graders. During the third quarter, one of the fifth-graders collides with an eighth-grader as they simultaneously jump to catch the ball. The fifth-grader is injured. The teacher could be held liable for the injury primarily due to which of the following? A.Inadequate instruction time B.Negligent pairing of the students C.Lack of proximity to the students D.Hazardous playing area

Option (B) is correct. The students were not paired according to appropriate age, size, strength, and ability. A physical mismatch was created by the negligent pairing of the students.

To most effectively use technology as a means of presenting new information to students in a physical education classroom, the teacher should have students do which of the following? A.Use a tablet to record a student performing a new skill for a demonstration for back to school night. B.View a Web-based virtual demonstration to learn how to use new fitness equipment. C.Type a short essay explaining the steps necessary to complete a lay-up. D.Prerecord a lesson on skill instruction for a substitute teacher.

Option (B) is correct. The teacher is using Web-based technology to teach students how to use new fitness equipment. This incorporates technology into the classroom while educating the students.

An elementary physical education teacher is providing feedback for students who are having trouble kicking a playground ball. Which of the following feedback strategies provides the most benefit for student learning? A.Encouraging students when they complete a successful kick B.Providing students with specific correctional cues for kicking C.Reteaching the steps needed to complete a proper kick D.Reminding students the goal for the activity is to successfully learn to kick a ball

Option (B) is correct. The teacher should use specific instructional cues to draw attention to key points of the activity to provide effective feedback for the student.

Which of the following best exemplifies prescriptive feedback during a softball lesson? A."You're doing a great job; just keep working at it!" B."Keep a wider stance instead of swinging with your feet together." C."Pay attention to the game; make sure you are focused." D."Way to go! That was an awesome hit."

Option (B) is correct. The teacher telling the student to keep a wide stance instead of keeping the feet together is an example of a prescriptive feedback statement; it tells the student exactly what to do to correct a flaw in performance.

Which of the following statements provides a struggling student with the most effective corrective feedback on gripping a softball bat? A."Make sure to grip the bat correctly." B."Get a firm grip on the bat and keep both hands together." C."Keep an eye on the ball when you attempt to swing the bat." D."You are still making mistakes; grip the bat more firmly.

Option (B) is correct. This statement provides specific feedback and instruction for improving the grip on the bat and contains no extra information that can confuse or upset the student.

Which of the following strategies is most effective for engaging students' families in additional physical fitness activities at home or outside of school? A.Talking to the students about how their families can become more physically active B.Designing a brochure and Web site listing fitness-related opportunities available in the community C.Hosting a special event where parents can participate with their children in physical education class D.Informing parents through e-mail about the value of physical fitness activities at home

Option (B) is correct. Using both print and Web-based formats to notify the public about after-school, fitness-related activities available in the community makes the information readily accessible to a wide audience.

Which of the following activities are most appropriate to include in warm-ups for sprinting? A.Shoulder stretches B.High knees C.Bicep stretches D.Side bends

Option (B) is correct. Warm-ups based on the actual activity will get the sprinter ready for competition. High knees are dynamic stretches that will help prepare for sprinting or running activities.

Which of the following practices best ensures maximum student participation during activities in a basketball unit? A.Using the classroom roster to set up two large, randomly assigned teams to play full court B.Designating courts for most- to least-competitive play and allowing students to place themselves accordingly C.Separating the class into male and female teams to ensure students are matched according to their ability level D.Designating captains to choose team members and initiate warm-up drills prior to game play

Option (B) is correct. When students are given the opportunity to place themselves in groups according to their perception of ability and competitive nature, they will most likely be more engaged in the activity.

Which of the following methods of self-reflection best allows physical education teachers to analyze instruction and make improvements for future lessons? A.Analyzing student assessment data at the end of a unit B.Writing comprehensive anecdotal notes at the end of each lesson C.Determining the number of student questions asked throughout the lesson D.Asking students for verbal feedback on the lesson before the class is over

Option (B) is correct. Writing anecdotal notes at the end of each lesson allows the teacher to make improvements to the lesson and can spark ideas to aid in the development of new lessons.

A physical education teacher can best assess students' skills performance at the end of a basketball unit by using which of the following methods to gather data? A.A portfolio of students' journals about the history of basketball B.A multiple-choice assessment covering the rules of basketball C.A rubric measuring strategy and teamwork during game play D.A student log of game minutes played and levels of perceived exertion

Option (C) is correct. A teacher can observe students playing in a basketball game and use a rubric to measure skills and performance. The rubric provides the teacher with objective methods to assess the skills that the students learned during the unit.

Which of the following characteristics of communication is the most important for a physical education teacher to consider when giving verbal instructions to a class? A.Creating eye contact B.Checking for understanding C.Enunciating in clear language D.Gesturing for emphasis

Option (C) is correct. A teacher speaking to a class should use clear, consistent language so that the students understand what the teacher is saying. Therefore it is most important for the teacher to clearly enunciate when speaking.

Which of the following is most likely to contribute to an increase in early elementary school students' fitness levels? A.Developing students' understanding of fitness education B.Ensuring proper safety by calculating students' target heart rate C.Engaging students in cardiovascular activity for a portion of the lesson D.Selecting different competitive team sports for students to participate in weekly

Option (C) is correct. According the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, children and adolescents should have 60 minutes or more of physical activity daily, with most of the 60 or more minutes a day being either moderate- or vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity. Having the students engage in cardiovascular activity for a portion of each lesson will improve the students' fitness levels.

According to the School Health Policies and Practices Study (SHPPSS H P P S), which of the following statements best represents a current trend in physical education? A.Schools with scheduled recess ensure that all classes have regularly scheduled recess immediately after lunch. B.Students are separated into skill groups that focus on motor development and safety. C.Schools are offering students a greater number of specific physical activity clubs or intramural sports programs. D.Students receive the mandated minimum of 20 to 30 minutes of physical activity time per week.

Option (C) is correct. According to the School Health Policies and Practices Study (SHPPSS H P P S), which was conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCC D C),there has been an increase in schools providing students with physical activity clubs or intramural sports programs that involve walking or cardiovascular fitness.

After attending a professional development workshop, Mr. Morales met with the other physical education teachers at his school and discussed what it would take for them to implement the latest techniques that he had learned. The group determined that further exploration was needed and agreed to gather information and reconvene the following week. Which of the following professional growth applications are the physical education teachers best demonstrating? A.Mentoring one another by providing support, feedback, and assistance for the purpose of enhancing problem-solving skills B.Creating curriculum maps, which are tools that provide a clear scope and sequence for what must be taught to all students C.Undertaking action research, which is a reflective strategy that requires the collection of data that can lead to enhanced practice D.Planning an integrated curriculum that cuts across subject-matter lines and uses resources that go beyond approved textbooks

Option (C) is correct. Action research is a reflective practice of problem solving led by individuals who work in groups to improve the way issues are addressed and problems are solved.

A physical education teacher wants students to take responsibility for their success in the activities they are participating in. Which of the following strategies would best meet the teacher's goal? A.Encouraging students to make adjustments to their work after a graded evaluation B.Providing feedback to the students on ways to improve after each lesson C.Allowing students opportunities to evaluate their own performance and make adjustments D.Communicating information from in-class assessments to the students' parents

Option (C) is correct. Allowing students to use self- and peer assessments will engage them more in classroom activities and enable them to take ownership of those activities.

Which of the following strategies best helps to establish productive, collaborative relationships between teachers and parents to support student growth in physical education? A.Sending home annual school calendars for parents to review B.E-mailing parents updates on their child's classroom behavior C.Inviting parents to help with the school's field day activities D.Requiring parents to engage in sports activities with their child

Option (C) is correct. Asking parents to assist with field day activities allows the parents to join in the event with their children and help facilitate the success of the event while collaborating with teachers.

The use of which of the following substances restricts oxygenated blood from reaching to the muscles and can slow down breathing capacity? A.Cocaine B.Ecstasy C.Cannabis D.Nicotine

Option (C) is correct. Cannabis use reduces lung capacity, which makes it difficult for oxygen to get to the muscles and slows down breathing. Cocaine, ecstasy, and nicotine increase heart rate and do not restrict oxygen flow to the lungs.

Which of the following is the opposing movement to plantar flexion? A.Supination B.Abduction C.Dorsiflexion D.Internal rotation

Option (C) is correct. Dorsiflexion is the movement of the ankle toward the superior surface of the body.

Which of the following factors are primarily correlated with psychological aspects influencing motor-skill refinement? A.Body fat and muscle mass B.Income and education C.Encouragement and self-confidence D.Competition and cooperation

Option (C) is correct. Encouragement and self-confidence are both psychological factors that have an impact on readiness to learn and refine motor skills. In order to improve motor skills and movement patterns, children need greater exposure to new activities and increased time to practice; however, for children to accept these challenges, they must feel confident that they are capable of improvement and mastery.

According to the referral process mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEAI D E A), which of the following procedural steps comes immediately after a student is identified as possibly needing special education and related services? A.The IEP meeting is scheduled. B.The student's eligibility is decided. C.The student is evaluated. D.The student's IEP is reviewed.

Option (C) is correct. Evaluating the student who is being referred is the second step in the process after the student has been identified as possibly needing special education and related services.

Which of the following movements best applies the principles of force projection and absorption for the development of locomotor skills? A.Bending at the hips to touch the toes B.Rocking back and forth while sitting C.Jumping rope independently D.Swinging the arms in a forward circle

Option (C) is correct. Jumping rope is a movement activity that promotes locomotor skill development and applies force-projection principles when jumping and force-absorption principles when landing.

An elementary school teacher introduces students to activities that include jump rope, non-elimination tag games, and hopscotch and then encourages students to play them on their own. By implementing these types of activities in class, the teacher is preparing students to do which of the following? A.Make a logical progression to organized team sports in the community B.Use enough energy so they can focus on lessons in the academic classroom C.Participate in physical activity outside the physical education classroom D.Write a report about physical activities that were popular in the early twentieth century

Option (C) is correct. Offering activities such as jump rope, hopscotch, and tag and encouraging students to play on their own provides students the opportunity to engage in physical activity outside the classroom setting using knowledge they have gained in school.

Which of the following accommodations is most appropriate for a student with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHDA D H D) during warm-up stretches? A.Allowing the student to walk around the perimeter of the gym while the rest of the class stretches B.Establishing verbal cues to redirect the student if it appears the student is not being fully attentive C.Placing the student in the front row and next to a student who is a good role model D.Having the student stand next to the teacher and help lead the warm-up routine

Option (C) is correct. Placement in the front row reduces the number of students visible for distractions, and placement next to a student who is a good role model gives the student with ADHDA D H D someone to mirror. This placement allows full participation in the stretching activity for the betterment of the student.

Which of the following is generally considered a breach of etiquette when playing golf? A.Marking the ball if it is on another player's line B.Allowing a group of faster players to play through C.Placing your golf bag on the teeing area D.Raking a sand trap after hitting a ball out of it

Option (C) is correct. Players should refrain from placing their golf bags on the teeing areas and greens as it is a breach of golf etiquette.

A physical education teacher wants to minimize the off-task and distracting behaviors that a student displays during activities. Which of the following strategies best encourages the student to take responsibility for his or her actions? A.Requiring the student to sit out of class for five minutes each time he or she displays disruptive behavior B.Giving the student a reward when he or she displays appropriate behavior for a predetermined length of time C.Redirecting the student with explicit instructions when his or her behavior is inappropriate for class D.Moving the student to a different task when his or her behavior attracts negative attention from peers

Option (C) is correct. Redirecting the student from inappropriate behavior with specific, positive feedback ensures the student returns to on task behavior quickly and encourages the student to take ownership of his or her actions.

Which of the following is a reflective teaching practice that best promotes student learning in a safe and well-managed environment? A.Selecting equipment that is appropriate for the developmental level of the students B.Calling parents to provide feedback on students who are trying and working hard C.Evaluating one's lessons and collecting evidence of personal and professional growth D.Being fair and objective with students during behavior correction situations

Option (C) is correct. Reflective practice involves evaluating one's teaching style while documenting personal and professional growth and student learning.

Which of the following activities best demonstrates agility? A.Sprinting a 50-yard dash B.Catching and throwing a ball while kneeling C.Running quickly while weaving through cones D.Skipping with high knee lifts for 25 yards

Option (C) is correct. Running quickly and weaving between cones is a skill-related fitness activity that develops agility. Agility is the ability to change and control the direction and position of the body while maintaining motion.

Which of the following strategies best promotes responsible behavior among students in a physical education environment? A.Using teacher-centered learning strategies B.Implementing short-term fixes to obtain desired behavior outcomes C.Modeling behavior expected of students D.Overpraising students for doing what is expected

Option (C) is correct. Students respond to a teacher's modeling behavior. Treating students with respect and following through with responsible action and words create an environment for students to do the same with one another.

A physical education teacher notices that several students are struggling to achieve success during practice of a newly learned skill. Which of the following strategies is most effective for the teacher to use to increase students' success rates? A.Selecting a highly skilled student to perform the skill in front of the class B.Allowing students to ask the teacher questions at the end of the demonstration C.Preparing task sheets to hand out to the class covering the day's activity D.Encouraging students to continue to practice the skill at home

Option (C) is correct. Task sheets list skill progression from simple to complex and allow students to work at their own pace so that even the lowest skilled in class can accomplish at least a few of the tasks. They also provide a reference for students to consult while they practice a newly learned skill.

Which of the following pairs of alternative assessments is best for monitoring and evaluating fifth-grade students' progress toward physical fitness?A.Written tests and teacher observations B.Peer evaluations and student journals C.Student logs and physical fitness tests D.Teacher checklists and peer evaluations

Option (C) is correct. Teachers can best monitor fifth-grade students' progress toward physical fitness by using student logs and physical fitness test results. Students can individually keep track of their daily and weekly progress toward goals, while the teacher can evaluate progress by comparing the results of fitness tests with norm-referenced and criterion-referenced data.

Which of the following is the best use of technology for making professional connections among physical educators? A.Sending e-mails and making phone calls to colleagues B.Creating a personal class Web site and discussion board C.Sharing resources and making them available online D.Blogging about successful lesson and unit plans

Option (C) is correct. Teachers can post resources online in order to share them with other teachers, discuss their merits, and explore how they are to be used. These professional social networking sites are dedicated Web sites designed to allow individuals to interact with others who have similar interests.

A.Posting the goals of a lesson on the wall B.Having a behavior contract listing specific goals C.Measuring attitudes about a lesson on a rating scale D.Modeling examples of expected behavior

Option (C) is correct. The affective domain can be measured with rating scales to gain understanding of students' feelings and attitudes toward lessons and the material covered.

Which of the following parts of a neuron is primarily responsible for the transmission of stimuli? A.Soma B.Schwann cell C.Axon D.Nucleus

Option (C) is correct. The axon is considered to be the "output" of the neuron. The axon transfers information to other neurons in the nervous system.

Which of the following most accurately describes validity in assessment? A.The tendency of test scores to be consistent on two or more occasions of testing B.The score that indicates a test taker's relative rank in a specified group C.The extent to which scores on a test are appropriate for a particular purpose D.The systematic collection of materials to demonstrate a person's knowledge

Option (C) is correct. The basic definition of validity in testing is the extent to which scores on a test are appropriate for a particular purpose.

Which of the following best represents the use of constructivist theory during physical education? A.Explaining the rules of badminton on the first day of the unit so students will apply them as they practice B.Giving students learning to play soccer a coaches' handbook to study C.Asking students to assess a peer's volleyball serves and offer appropriate feedback D.Having track and field students list the muscles they use in various exercises so they can choose the most effective workout

Option (C) is correct. The constructivist classroom emphasizes the collaborative nature of learning by shifting the focus from the teacher to the students. Peer assessment allows students to interact with each other and to be involved in the process of their own learning.

In children 5-9 the largest gender difference is generally evident in which of the following?

Over arm throwing velocity and distance

Which of the following best illustrates an appropriate method of teaching students how to communicate respectfully with their peers during physical education class?A.Posting written rules throughout the gymnasium instructing students to refrain from put-downs B.Teaching noncompetitive activities for the majority of the semester C.Requiring students to use positive language toward one another D.Monitoring students in the locker room to avoid inappropriate behavior

Option (C) is correct. The physical education teacher must ensure that students communicate with one another in a positive and safe manner. Posting rules, eliminating competition from the curriculum, and only monitoring students when in the locker room are insufficient and do not actively encourage students to respect one another.

A physical education teacher can best demonstrate the basic concepts of biomechanics to help students do which of the following? A.Learn how the body changes position in time and space B.Investigate the science of human movement C.Improve performance and reduce the risk of injury D.Identify how humans acquire movement skills

Option (C) is correct. The study of biomechanics is to help in movement and reduce the risk of injury.

A ninth-grade physical education teacher uses a tablet device to record and play back students' execution of the tennis serve. Which of the following is the best example of this technology being used effectively? A.Allowing students an opportunity to teach the activity to one another B.Providing documentation of students actively participating in a tennis activity C.Offering an accurate assessment of students' ability to perform the skill D.Monitoring students in the class who are not participating in the activity

Option (C) is correct. The teacher can use the tablet to record the students in action and then use the playback feature for video analysis to provide an accurate assessment of the students' abilities.

physical education teacher is leading a class of first-grade students in a lesson on underhand throwing. Which of the following teacher demonstrations best encourages mature form? A.Throwing the ball using equal force between the left and right arm B.Swinging the nonthrowing arm straight back before release C.Rolling the ball off the fingers when it is released from the hand D.Placing the feet together and aligning the shoulders square to target

Option (C) is correct. Underhand throwing is a developmentally appropriate skill for first-grade students. A teacher demonstrating mature form for tossing a ball underhand should place the feet together and shoulders square to target, swing the throwing arm straight back, shift his or her weight forward by stepping forward onto the opposite foot, roll the ball off the fingers, and finish with the throwing arm outstretched toward the target.

When a teacher develops a plan to change a student's behavior, which of the following is the best first step? A.Selecting various behaviors to monitor and then reflecting on student progress B.Posting a list of undesirable behaviors and their consequences in the classroom C.Identifying a single behavior that needs to be changed, improved, or strengthened D.Lecturing the entire class about improving undesirable behaviors

Option (C) is correct. When a teacher attempts to change a student's behavior permanently, it is best for the teacher to be patient and choose a single behavior at a time to address.

Which of the following best illustrates the most effective way for a teacher to demonstrate a particular motor skill? A.Standing in the middle of a circle of students so everyone is an equal distance from the demonstration B.Stopping the class and calling the students in from their stations to demonstrate a performance C.Using the left hand to demonstrate the skill, when facing the group, if the students will use the right hand D.Having students who perform the skill incorrectly demonstrate for the class to show flaws in the skill performance

Option (C) is correct. When facing a group, the demonstrator should mirror the group instead of using the same hand as the students (e.g., if the students are to use the right hand, the teacher should demonstrate with the left hand).

A physical education teacher wants to assess each student's cardiovascular fitness and provide feedback that will help students set fitness goals for the school year. Which of the following student activities is most appropriate to use to achieve the goal? A.A 25-meter shuttle run, recording each student's completion time and heart rate B.A 50-meter sprint, recording each student's completion time and body mass index C.A 100-meter jog, recording each student's completion time and rate of perceived exertion D.A 1-mile (1.6-kilometer) fast walk, recording each student's completion time and heart rate

Option (D) is correct. A 1-mile fast walk around a track is an assessment that can be used to measure the cardiovascular fitness of a student. A 25-meter shuttle run, a 50-meter sprint, and a 100-meter jog cannot effectively measure cardiovascular fitness because they are anaerobic activities.

Which of the following student activities is the best way to implement technology into a physical education lesson? A.Using document-sharing technology to download a task sheet from a teacher B.Accessing the Internet to determine the meaning of new terminology given in class C.Discussing the results of an activity with other students on social media applications D.Recording data about heart rate and calories burned during activity in an online exercise journal

Option (D) is correct. A heart rate monitor and online exercise journals are appropriate uses of technology in the physical education environment. The information about heart rate and calories burned from the online exercise journal can be used for lesson instruction, to provide feedback to the student, and for the student to track his or her progress toward a specific goal.

Which of the following is best described as a self-designed student activity that demonstrates learning at the end of a unit and allows the teacher to assess the psychomotor and cognitive domains? A.Student journaling B.Peer observation C.Portfolio D.Event tas

Option (D) is correct. An event task requires a student to create an event or a game that may be entirely psychomotor in nature or may include cognitive aspects to demonstrate his or her learning in a unit.

Which of the following represents the most effective use of technology when teaching high school students the correct execution of a volleyball dig? A.Reading students an online article on the proper way to perform a dig B.Having students create a slide presentation of an individual playing volleyball C.Assigning students a research project using credible Internet sources on a famous volleyball player D.Showing students videos of themselves executing a dig during game play

Option (D) is correct. Research shows that students examining video clips of themselves performing a skill is an effective way to help them learn the skill.

Which of the following teacher strategies best allows students to use self-assessment in the physical education environment? A.Administering a questionnaire related to an upcoming unit to students to gauge prior knowledge B.Having students record and give feedback to their peers on ways to improve performance C.Creating a list of physical activities for students to practice at home that are similar to those learned in a recent lesson D.Asking students to contribute to the creation of a rubric that defines success for a particular skill

Option (D) is correct. Asking students to contribute to the creation of a rubric that defines success for a particular skill or for participation for the day engages students in self-assessment and allows them to take ownership of their learning. The physical education teacher will be able to use students' self-assessment to provide feedback to them.

A middle school physical education teacher plans a new unit and creates goals and expectations for students. Which of the following best establishes clear communication of the student goals and expectations? A.E-mailing students' parents to explain the unit's goals and expectations B.Handing out a rubric for the unit and reviewing objectives with the students C.Discussing the unit informally with students to engage them before beginning work D.Posting daily objectives in the classroom and reviewing them with the studentS

Option (D) is correct. By posting objectives in the classroom and reviewing them with students, the teacher has chosen the best way to communicate the daily goals and expectations.

When working with students identified as English Learners (ELsE L s), which of the following strategies most effectively communicates instructional information in physical education class? A.Providing written prompts to check for students' understanding of instructions B.Speaking in a louder voice to help students understand instructions C.Printing instructions for station activities on task cards using large print D.Using gestures and demonstrations to give instruction for new task

Option (D) is correct. By using gestures and demonstrations with ELE L students, the teacher is supplementing a verbal description of a task with cues to help the students better understand.

During a softball lesson, the physical education teacher encounters two students arguing over a piece of equipment. Which of the following strategies best encourages the students to use appropriate social behaviors to resolve the conflict? A.Placing both students in time-out for the remainder of the lesson B.Removing the piece of equipment to avoid further disruption C.Encouraging the student who started the conflict to apologize D.Asking both students to describe how they are feeling

Option (D) is correct. During a conflict, describing feelings that their peers can understand can help students develop empathy. By expressing emotions, students develop positive social behaviors and begin to learn how to resolve conflict productively.

A physical education teacher asks fourth-grade students to complete mileage charts to help students track their physical activity throughout the school year. Which of the following strategies will best help the teacher to introduce the concept of tracking workouts? A.Reminding students that they will be assessed based on the completion of their charts B.Incorporating running laps into cooldown and warm-up activities to help increase students' mileage C.Requiring students to purchase a fitness tracker to ensure an accurate calculation of mileage D.Encouraging students to bring their charts to class and to work toward personal goals

Option (D) is correct. Encouraging students to bring their mileage charts to class and to work toward their goals at recess, during after-school activities, or at home supports the students in learning to track fitness and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Which of the following is a component of the FitnessGram® assessment? A.Speed B.Agility C.Reaction time D.Flexibility

Option (D) is correct. FitnessGram evaluates the five components of health-related fitness: aerobic capacity, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition.

Which of the following sports was originally devised in 1946 in an effort to rehabilitate Second World War veterans who were visually impaired? A.Beep baseball B.Bocce C.Tenpin bowling D.Goalball

Option (D) is correct. Goalball was developed in 1946 to enable veterans who were blind to participate in a ball sport, using unique accommodations. The sport, exclusively for athletes with visual impairments, consists of two halves of twelve minutes each, and athletes wear blackout masks on a playing court.

Which of the following activities best establishes productive relationships among community members that in turn support student growth and well-being? A.Scheduling field trips to locations throughout the community for students and their families to participate in B.Inviting students, parents, and community members to participate in Individualized Education Program (IEPI E P) planning meetings C.Holding an assembly for students, families, teachers, and community members to ensure all stakeholders understand their roles within the school D.Hosting a family wellness night with community experts offering physical activity and nutrition sessions to attendees

Option (D) is correct. Inviting physical activity and nutrition professionals from the area to share their expertise is an excellent way to build relationships with community members while educating students and adults alike.

Which of the following physical movements best incorporates the biomechanical principle of optimal projection? A.Running a mile at a moderate to vigorous pace B.Completing three sets of ten push-ups C.Holding a back-bend stretch for twenty seconds D.Kicking a soccer ball into the upper corner of a goa

Option (D) is correct. Kicking involves the biomechanical principle of optimal projection while the others do not.

A physical education teacher is introducing a new skill and providing directions to first-grade students who continue to talk and ignore the explanation. Which of the following will best help the teacher to manage the situation and get the students back on task? A.Separating the class into four different groups and giving each group a re-explanation B.Informing the students that they will have to run laps if they continue to talk C.Ignoring the students' behavior until it stops completely and continuing with the explanation D.Ringing a bell to signal to students that they need to stop what they are doing and focus on the teacher

Option (D) is correct. Novelty items such as a bell, whistle, or wind chime tend to successfully capture young students' attention and shift focus back to the teacher.

Which of the following is the most appropriate reason to use portfolios for assessment in physical education? A.Portfolios lessen the time needed for teacher planning. B.Portfolios allow for evaluation while minimizing the need to establish criteria. C.Portfolios can be stored in any way that is suitable to the teacher's needs. D.Portfolios display students' progress and attainment of learning goals over time

Option (D) is correct. Student portfolios provide teachers with an ongoing look at students' work, which can show improvement and goal achievement over time. Portfolios require considerable planning on the part of the teacher and should have clear goals, purpose, guidelines, and criteria for evaluation. A physical or electronic organized storage system is necessary for effective use of portfolios as an assessment method.

The most appropriate way a physical education teacher can use fitness assessment data is to A.inform high-stakes testing that measures a school's performance the performance and effectiveness of other physical educators C.assist in the writing of scholarly papers for graduate classes D.promote a quality physical education program to the school and community

Option (D) is correct. The best way a physical education teacher can use quality, evidence-based fitness data is to promote the physical education program in the school system by demonstrating the positive effects that the program has had on students.

During an outdoor physical education class on a warm day, an elementary student trips and hits her head on the asphalt playing surface. Which of the following actions is most appropriate for the physical education teacher to take first? A.Informing the principal and the student's parents of the injury B.Moving the student to a cool, shaded area C.Checking the student for head injuries and fractures D.Administering basic first aid while sending another student to seek medical help

Option (D) is correct. The physical education teacher is expected to have first aid certification and administer basic first aid to the student. The teacher should also make sure that medical help is on the way by sending a student or by some other means.

Which of the following instructional models best emphasizes strategic play, fairness, and responsibility by having students engage in different roles with a team? A.Direct instruction B.Tactical game C.Cooperative learning D.Sport education

Option (D) is correct. The sport education model is designed to engage students in various roles or assignments associated with authentic sport competition. These include coaches, referees, scorekeepers, managers, publicists, etcetcetera. This model goes beyond the skill-and-drill approach, providing a deeper understanding of the complexity of the sport culture, strategic play, fairness, and responsibility.

A high school physical education teacher notices a student having difficulty moving the basketball forward and backward during a figure-eight dribbling drill. Which of the following statements can the teacher make to provide the student the most specific instructional feedback? A."Keep your head up when dribbling, and allow your hands to feel the ball as it moves." B."Try using a bounce pass to pass the ball to a teammate so you can learn the feel of a correct dribble." C."Dribble with less force while spreading your fingers wide and using your palm to push the ball down." D."Practice moving the ball from your right hand to left hand. Once you feel comfortable, move the ball through your legs while keeping a wide stance."

Option (D) is correct. The teacher provides the student with specific instructional feedback related to proper skill performance of the figure-eight dribbling drill, which allows students to practice their ball-handling skills. To execute correct form, the student should bend over slightly and stand with the knees about shoulder-width apart. The student should pass the ball between the legs in a figure-eight motion from the right hand to the left hand. The student should then swing the ball to the front, then pass it from the left hand back to the right hand through the legs.

When teaching a new skill, a physical education teacher models the skill using key words and instructions. After modeling, the teacher repeats the instructions twice and asks students if they have questions before practicing the skill. Which of the following is most likely the purpose of the teacher's instructional progression? A.Using effective time management B.Encouraging peer collaboration C.Assessing student skill level D.Ensuring student understanding

Option (D) is correct. To ensure understanding the teacher models or demonstrates the skill coupled with verbal instruction, then repeats the verbal instruction twice. This method has been shown to be effective to ensure student understanding of instruction.

To most effectively use posters as a tool for classroom management and instruction, a physical education teacher should do which of the following? A.Display posters that depict all sport activities that will be taught during the year. B.Select posters that contain minimal use of color to minimize potential distractions. C.Use posters that include information from other content areas to maximize learning. D.Include posters with pictures of student-identified role models across a range of activities.

Option (D) is correct. Using posters with pictures of roles models that students identify across a range of activities can be inspirational and motivating to students. Wall displays and posters should be vibrant, colorful, topical, and updated regularly.

Which TWO of the following are valid principles about games to consider when selecting activities for young children? A.Team games that require many children on each team are highly valued because it is desirable to have as many children as possible participating in a game. B.The most highly valued games for children are those in which scoring or other successes happen frequently so that children can receive immediate positive feedback. C.A highly valued game for children employs simple rules and requires the use of skills that have previously been mastered. D.Elimination games, games that require picking teams, and relays promote public success for children.

Options (A) and (C) are correct. Team games that include many children on each team are highly valuable because they maximize participation, which is a goal in physical education. Also, when planning games for children it is important to employ simple rules that require the use of a skill that the students have previously mastered to ensure success.

Compared to the earliest stages of running, which TWO of the following tend to change as a child progresses to the most mature stage? A.The support leg extends fully at takeoff B.The thighs swing outward as they come forward C.The arms swing horizontally across the body D.The arms swing vertically in opposition to the legs

Options (A) and (D) are correct. During the mature stage of running there is complete extension of the support leg, the recovery thigh is parallel to the ground, the arms swing vertically in opposition to the legs, and there is minimal outward rotation of the leg and foot.

Which THREE of the following technology applications are most useful for a high school student to track his or her strength-training progress throughout the year, enhancing teacher, peer, and individual assessment? A.Spreadsheets B.Graphing software C.Heart rate monitors D.Digital video recordings E.Pedometers

Options (A), (B), and (D) are correct. Using spreadsheets allows the teacher and student to gather data in an organized fashion over time. Graphing software can be used to illustrate the data gathered in understandable terms. Digital videos can be used by students to record themselves while executing strength-training routines and then to analyze their form by reviewing the recording.

Which THREE of the following activities best describe how to improve students' motor skill learning in physical education class? A.During a baseball unit, having students catch a thrown ball while partners are moving on the field B.During a rhythm and dance unit, having students observe a sequence of dance steps C.During a basketball unit, having students change the speed and direction of a basketball while dribbling D.During a softball unit, having students practice throwing from the outfield to home plate E.During a soccer unit, having students practice foot dribbling by changing speed and direction during drills

Options (A), (C), and (E) are correct. Catching a thrown ball is appropriate for elementary students in grades 2-through5. Changing the speed and direction of a basketball while dribbling is appropriate for middle school-age students. Practicing foot dribbling in soccer by changing speed and direction is a motor skill learning drill.

Which THREE of the following actions are examples of relationships within movement concepts? A.Placing an object in front of the body B.Calculating individual running speed C.Arranging parts of the body to match a position the teacher makes D.Balancing an object with the hands E.Positioning the legs together when stretching

Options (A), (C), and (E) are correct. Placing an object in front of the body is a movement concept demonstrating a knowledge of direction. Mirroring is a relational movement concept that requires physical body parts to be arranged in comparison with those of another person; in this case, the teacher. Placing the legs together is an association of two things: one leg with the other.

Which THREE of the following sports require an emphasis on aerobic training? A.Softball B.Soccer C.Lacrosse D.Tennis

Options (B), (C), and (D) are correct. Soccer, lacrosse, and tennis all require an emphasis on aerobic training, as they involve running and endurance for a duration of time. Softball requires an emphasis on anaerobic training, as it involves short bursts of intense exercise.

During an exercise class, a 16-year-old student whose heart rate is 140 bpm is considered to be

Performing submaximal exercise

Young children who are first learning to strike or catch a ball tend to focus primarily on the

Person throwing the ball

Which of the following actions by a teacher will best contribute to the effective development of PE students?

Planning activities that build confidence and competence in skills

What is the correct sequence of the steps of the reflective process in teaching?

Plan, teach, access, reflect

Which of the following best describes the effect of sports participation on personality?

Players are not affected in a predictable way

What is an example of a developmentally appropriate physical education activity integrating math concepts for lower elementary students?

Playing number line tag

Which of the following is the most effective method of training to develop explosive legs in jumpers in field events?


Which of the following is the most effective and appropriate assessment to use to evaluate the development of a student's fitness levels throughout the school year?

Portfolio assessment

What would be a way to help a young inexperienced roller to advance to the next developmental level of forward roll?

Providing a variety of readiness experiences, especially when they involve weight bearing on my hands and curling the body

The teacher best enhances student learning during the physical activity segment of a class by

Providing feedback to students as they participate

Which of the following of the Mosston and Ashworth teaching styles incorporates students working in pairs?


Which of the following is the most effective way for a physical education teacher to conduct a self evaluation on academic learning time during a lesson?

Recording the lesson and completing an observation tool while reviewing it at a later time

During a lesson on the overhand throw, the physical education teacher observes that a student never steps with opposition to the throwing hand. Which of the following approaches will best help improve the student's throwing form? A.Encouraging the student to keep the hips and shoulders square to the target B.Reminding the student to stand sideways in a good straddle position with the nonthrowing shoulder pointing to the target C.Ensuring that the student is directly facing the target with both arms extended outward toward the target D.Asking the student to stand facing the target and follow through with the hip on the same side as the throwing arm

Reminding the student to stand sideways in a good straddle position with the nonthrowing shoulder pointing to the target ption (B) is correct. A mature performance of the overhand throw includes standing sideways in a good straddle position, keeping the eyes on the target, rotating the hips and shoulders to generate power, stepping with opposition to the throwing hand, and following through to the opposite hip.

In addition to supporting physical educators professional growth, the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) also supports which of the following?

Representing the organization and its members in the political arena

Which of the following is an important principle of assertive communication?

Taking responsibility for one's feelings by using the "I" statements

A scoring tool that list the criteria for level of performance expected on a skill.


What is a good indicator that a physical education teacher is using the reflection to improve teaching and learning?

Setting aside 15 minutes at the end of the school day to think and write about the classes taught that day

What is one of the best first steps for minimizing misbehavior in a physical education class?

Setting clear expectations of behavior and explaining the consequences and rewards with consistent follow-through

Effective instructional feedback provided verbally to students by a teacher in PE class helps develop which of the following?

Skill acquisition

What are three sports that should be taught with the whole-part-whole approach during PE?

Soccer, Volleyball, Badminton

What should a teacher do if they notice that a student has suddenly become reserved and doesn't want to participate in activities or is no longer motivated?

Speak with the child's classroom teacher to see if they have noticed any changes in the child's behavior.

What kind of drug is crack cocaine?


What two types of people will most directly benefit from lesson collaboration across subject areas?

Students and teachers

Public law 108-446 IDEA 2004 states that students with disabilities shall be educated in the least restrictive environment. what would be an example of the least restricted environment?

Students with disabilities are placed into classes if they cannot participate in the program safely is successfully

Which of the following is a key principle of teacher-student communication?

Teachers should treat students with respect

During a softball game, a runner is hit by a batted ball while attempting to advance and before the ball passes an infielder, which of the following rulings is appropriate?

The ball is dead, the base runner is out, and the batter is awarded first base

Which of the following characteristics will be evident in the side of a child whose sliding skills are at a mature stage of development

The flight pattern of the body is low. The knees are bent during flight

Which of the following statements about the mature overhand throwing pattern is true?

The forearm lags behind the upper arm and shoulder during the foreword movement

Participation by students in a physical education class should be motivated by which of the following?

The intrinsic reward of feeling a sense of accomplishment

Which of the following does a PE teacher accomplish by using appropriate wait time?

The number of student responses increase

Which of the following variables is generally the strongest predictor of student success in a PE class?

The way students perceive their teacher's expectation for their success

Supporting the weight of the body through the vertebrate column is achieved by which of the following structures?

The pelvic girdle

Evaluation of students' body composition during a FITNESSGRAM testing could be accomplished most effectively through a collaboration between the PE teacher and

The school nurse

Teambuilding and cooperative activity in a physical education class are most effective when

There is a debriefing session at the end

Which of the following is the most appropriate personal goal a physical education teacher can set to attain during classes?

There will be verbal and nonverbal interaction between the teacher and every student

The federal law that prohibits discrimination based on a person's sex in any educational program or activity that is a recipient of federal funds is known as

Title IX of Education Amendments of 1972

For which of the following purposes should physical education teachers reflect on and evaluate their programs on a regular basis?

To ensure the program goals are being met

What is a good way to explain why down proofing (survival float) is superior to treading water as a swimming survival skill

Treading water uses more effort and it cannot be sustained as long

The line along which the pulling force of a muscle acts at a joint because it can be considered a vector and resolved into which of the following pairs of components?

Vertical and horizontal

Having students use different part of the body to volley a balloon or a lightweight ball best enhances skills for which of the following sports?

Volleyball and soccer

When teaching a forward roll which of the following types of mats may best be used to assist the student?


A whole-learning approach to teaching a skill is most appropriate for which of the following situations?

When the risk of a student being injured is low

They clean and jerk motion in weightlifting, an aggressive rebound in basketball, and a sprinter's start are all considered power moves because these skills effectively combine which of the following factors

Work and time

Which of the following statements is an example of providing evaluative feedback during a soccer unit?

You are not dribbling with the correct part of the foot

When deciding whether to use a whole method or the part method to teach a skill, a PE teacher should most importantly consider the

complexity and organization of the skill to be learned

In the implementation of an assessment, test validity is important because it

indicates whether a test measure what it is intended to measure

Which of the following list names, in the correct order, the four phases of the reflective cycle of teaching?

plan, teach, assess, reflect

A student with cerebral palsy has clearance from a doctor to participate in physical education class. Which of the following adaptations to a lesson on swinging a racket will best ensure safe and appropriate participation? A.Assigning a partner to assist the student with swinging the racket B.Affixing the racket to the student's hand with a strap C.Encouraging the student to observe how other students use the racket D.Having the student be a line judge while other students are playing a match

ption (B) is correct. By affixing the racket to the student's hand, the student is able to participate directly with nondisabled peers in a safe manner.

Which of the following approaches will most effectively increase students' intrinsic motivation? A.Assigning students easily attainable tasks B.Fostering a mastery-oriented learning environment C.Giving students a specific number of attempts to complete a task D.Grouping students based on similar ability levels

ption (B) is correct. Task mastery emphasizes student accomplishment and is used in physical education to increase students' intrinsic motivation. Matching activities to students' abilities, the teacher provides students with increasingly difficult tasks; students receive positive reinforcement upon successfully completing each task.

Physical educators in the United States who were influenced by the progressive education movement of John Dewey developed programs that emphasized

sports, games, and rhythm and dance

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