PED 101 Final

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The continent with the most reported cases of HIV/AIDS is


Cardiac output increases with training.


The most common steroid in the body is


Characteristics of addiction include


Allostatic load can lead to

high blood pressure

Exercise intensity is most closely related to

how hard you exercise

A muscle contraction with constant speed is


Physical fitness is the ability to

perform moderate to vigorous physical activity without undue fatigue

The right ventricle pumps blood through the ________ to the lungs.

pulmonary atery

The upper respiratory passages

warm, humidify, and filter the air

Which condition can cause a forward tilt of the pelvis and an increased curvature of the lower back?

weak trunk flexor muscles

A pattern of losing/gaining weight is known as

weight cycling

The daily protein requirement for an elite athlete is approximately

1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight

When stretching, you should hold each stretch for at least

10 seconds

According to the physical activity pyramid, individuals should work on muscular fitness

2 days per week

Overweight is defined as a BMI of

25 to 29.9

What percentage of the sexually active population is between the ages of 15 and 24?


Approximately what percentage of all traffic fatalities in the United States in 2010 were alcohol related?


What percentage of adults in the United States are physically inactive?


In 2013, the World Health Organization estimated that ________ of the world's adults are overweight or obese.


Approximately what percentage of college students report having consumed alcohol in the last 30 days?


In the United States the average life expectancy for a female is


Approximately what percentage of people who try dieting regains the weight within 2 years or less?


Mandy is 23 years old and just graduated with a degree in education. She wants to spend the summer getting in shape for her new job as a teacher starting in the fall. What will Mandy's predicted HRmax be as she begins to exercise regularly?

197 beats per minute

How long should the exercise-to-rest transition take?

5 to 15 minutes

An alcohol that is 100 proof contains ________ alcohol.


According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Americans consume an average of approximately ________ calories more per day now than they did in 1970.


If you are obese and a non-smoker, your life expectancy is approximately

6 years less than that of a normal-weight person

Isotonic contractions are characterized by consistent muscle length.


People who stop exercising lose fitness gains at the same rate as they gained them.


Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching can increase muscle power.


Stress does not cause loss of libido in young people.


Stretching should always be done to the point of pain.


The best time to stretch is just before a workout.


The dimensions of wellness are independent of one another and not interconnected.


The ease of modern life encourages increased levels of physical activity.


The most important aspect of proper footwear is the cost of the shoe.


To prevent dehydration, it is recommended that you start drinking fluid approximately 30 minutes after beginning an activity.


Which of the following is most true of habits?

Habits are determined by demographics and do not involve deliberate choice

Jenna and Daria both want to splurge on a restaurant for dinner tonight. Which meal would be their healthiest choice to eat?

Japanese: Steamed brown rice, grilled tofu with broccoli

Which of the below is an action-oriented objective in a SMART goal setting system?

Run on the trail 4 times a week

Where can you buy Safe Ride tickets on campus?

Sharky's Game Room and Box Office in Fisher Student Center

Which drug is used legitimately as an anesthetic in hospitals and veterinary clinics but is cooked, dried, and sold on the street as a hallucinogen?

Special K (ketamine)

If you want to learn more about safer drinking, where can you find the Crossroads office?

Student Rec Center 104

STIs are spread through

All of the answers are correct

________ is a component of spiritual wellness


Why should you eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, and especially a variety of colors?

Each color we add gives us another type of vitamin or mineral

Which of the following statements regarding syphilis is true?

The steepest incline has been among young homosexual and bisexual men

What is TRUE about fad diets?

They have a 90-95% failure rate

Syphilis is caused by the pathogen

Treponema pallidum

A group of repetitions is called a set.


A one-rep maximal bench press would be primarily fueled by the immediate energy system.


According to current research, 18- to 20-year-olds need more than 8 hours of sleep a night.


All food sources of fats and oils contain both saturated and unsaturated fats.


Approximately 1 million people in the United States are infected with HIV/AIDS.


Birth control pills with perfect use are 98-99% effective and 85% effective with typical use?


Brain and nerve cells are dependent upon a steady supply of glucose.


Circuit training may consist of resistance training, aerobic training, or a combination of both.


Concentric contractions occur when force is developed in the muscle as the muscle is shortening.


A single muscle cell is called a fascicle.


Prolonged stress results in an elevated immune system response.


The "bad cholesterol," which leads to plaque deposits in blood vessels, is known as


Food portion sizes in America contribute to overeating.


Having physical activity regulated by someone else is negatively associated with activity levels.


Which of the following statements is true of spot reduction?

Spot reduction is not possible by any means

________ flexibility is a measure of a joint's overall range of motion.


A measure of the amount of chemical energy that a food provides is known as

a calorie

Myofibril strands within muscles contain

actin and myosin

The best method for burning calories is

aerobic exercise involving large muscles

The respiratory system consists of the

air passageways and the lungs

Tolerance to nicotine develops

almost immediately

Gas exchange (the delivery of oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide) in the lungs takes place in the


Jan went out with friends and had too many drinks last night and now has a hangover. Which symptom is Jan most likely to experience?

an upset stomach

Physical activities that can best relieve feelings of stress and tension

are fun

Submaximal tests are typically used to assess fitness because they

are safer than maximal tests

The two major types of blood vessels are

arteries and veins

Changing your behavioral response to stress involves

assessing the stressor

Stretching characterized by bouncing or jerky movements is known as ________ stretching.


Sarah is a gymnast. Normally she performs stretch-and-hold movements prior to her routine. Based on her sport, Sarah might also benefit from incorporating ________ into her warm-up.

ballistic stretching

An action plan, a list of support sources, and a public declaration of intent are all part of what strategy for change?

behavior change contract

A syndrome characterized by negative self-perception in which a person becomes obsessed with a physical defect is known as

body dysmorphic disorder

One of the most important variables in determining a person's caloric needs is

body size

Essential nutrients

can only be obtained from the diet

The greatest threat from HPV is

cervical cancer in females

The most common bacterial STI in the United States is


Which mineral assists with the breakdown of glucose?


Small hairlike projections in the respiratory tract that filter out unwanted particles are called


A condition in which the liver cells are damaged and scar tissue develops is known as


The physical activity pyramid

consists of layers of types of physical activity and gives recommendations for each

If a stretch reflex is activated, the muscle will


Muscle spindles trigger the muscle to


Which of the following is a way to get more heart-healthy fat into the diet?

cook with unsaturated oils

Healthy People 2020 establishes national public health priorities.


Training that alternates exercise modes within a given program is


Gentle stretching and relaxation of muscles will

decrease stress hormones

The FITT formula is used to

design a safe and effective exercise program

Which of the following conditions would always require a medical clearance before exercising?


Gender differences in flexibility seem to indicate that

differences are specific to particular joints

Atypical, abnormal food consumption that diminishes wellness but is not long-lived is known as

disordered eating

On a dare, Suzanne smokes a cigarette. Since she is a first-time smoker, the effects of nicotine poisoning that Suzanne might experience include


Which of these is the best source of soluble fiber?

dried beans

Which of the following training techniques is most likely to lead to muscle strains?

eccentric contractions

Which of the following would be a likely source of eustress?

entering college

Recycling and using public transportation are examples of ________ wellness.


Physiological damage, reduced immunity, and increased susceptibility to physical or mental illness are characteristic of which stage of general adaptation syndrome?


Which of the following best describes plyometric exercise?

explosive exercises that mimic quick movements needed in many sports

If gonorrhea is transmitted from an infected mother to her newborn baby, it can cause ________ in the newborn.

eye infection

Water is used in the body to

facilitate transport of substances

Improved flexibility results in greater freedom of movement.


In the maintenance stage, people work to prevent relapse into old habits.


Increased levels of body fat put an individual at risk for diabetes.


Physical fitness is defined as the ability to perform sports skills with proficiency.


Research shows that the vast majority of drivers are functionally impaired even at the legal limit of 0.08 blood alcohol content (BAC).


Resistance training is beneficial in preventing osteoporosis.


Ritalin is an amphetamine used for medicinal purposes.


Stress is a significant contributor to cardiovascular disease mortality.


Strong core muscles can lead to increased performance levels in all of your activities.


Which of the following would help motivate someone to use condoms consistently?

fear of pregnancy

A child's condition caused by a pregnant mother drinking alcohol is

fetal alcohol syndrome

Which lifestyle factor is related to weight gain?

getting less than 6 hours of sleep

Stored adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the muscle is used in the ________ energy system.


Bettina has been exercising for a few weeks and is becoming adjusted to her current intensity level. To improve further, she must

increase her overload training

Studies have shown that exercise can reduce the symptoms of depression.


Tendonitis is a form of overuse injury.


The Mediterranean Diet encourages people to use olive oil liberally in cooking and at the table.


Jim and Steve have been working out together for 3 months. Although they have been doing the same workout, Steve has shown faster improvement. This difference in their responses to exercise illustrates the principle of


The best time to shop for new exercise shoes is after a workout or at the end of the day, when your feet are at their biggest.


Learning a second language is most likely to improve ________ wellness.


A planned confrontation with an alcoholic that involves friends, family, and counselors is known as a(n)


Alcohol use becomes alcohol abuse when

it negatively affects social and family relationships

People living in rural areas tend to experience stress from

limited employment opportunities

Anemia results in

low blood oxygen levels

The "M" in the "SMART" system for setting goals stands for which of the following?


When assessing muscular strength, a 1 RM test

measures the maximum amount of weight that can be lifted one time

Cellular structures where oxidative energy production takes place are known as


Which factor is the reason why teens and young adults are more likely to contract an STI than older adults?

more likely to have multiple partners

In the past 25 years, obesity rates for adolescents have

more than tripled

According to the Campus Dietitian, which types of fats are the HEALTHIEST?


The major psychoactive substance in tobacco is


Muscular fitness is defined as the ability

of the musculoskeletal system to perform daily activities without undue fatigue

An oil high in monounsaturated fatty acid is

olive oil

A disease associated with low calcium intake is known as


Two months ago, Mike broke a bone when he took a spill on the basketball court. His bone has healed now, so he wants to start getting strength back in his deltoid muscles. What exercises would you recommend to him?

overhead press

Which of the following would be considered a complete protein source?

peanut butter

An infection of the female reproductive tract that can result from an untreated sexually transmitted infection is known as what?

pelvic inflammatory disease

A physically fit person is best defined as someone who

performs moderate to vigorous physical activity daily without undue fatigue.

Being physically fit, getting regular medical exams, and having a healthy diet are all components of ________ wellness.


Research has shown that ________ decreases a person's risk for chronic disease

physical activity

A common overuse injury is

plantar fasciitis

Starches and other complex carbohydrates are also called


An acute stress disorder caused by experiencing an extremely traumatic event is

post-traumatic stress disorder

The ability to perform work or contract muscles with high force quickly defines


The stage of the transtheoretical model in which a person does not acknowledge a need to change a behavior is


People who have thought about what they might do to change a behavior and are within a month or so of taking action are in which stage of behavior change?


The wave of blood that can be felt moving through the arteries when the heart contracts is the


The Harvard Medical School pyramid recommends minimizing the consumption of

refined carbohydrates

Which of the following is a role of sodium in the body?

regulate the water contents of blood and body fluids

When performing range-of-motion exercises, your movements should be ________ and ________.

relaxed; controlled

Which of the following occurs as a result of the fight-or-flight response?

respiration increases

Patella-femoral pain syndrome is also known as

runner's knee

Which of the following types of fiber is associated with lowering cholesterol?


SMART goals are

specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and time-oriented

Damage to ligaments or joint structures due to acute injury is known as


During the specific cool-down, you should

stretch the muscle groups worked during the activity

Healthy life expectancy is calculated by

subtracting years of disability or illness from overall life expectancy

Men who use marijuana are twice as likely to develop

testicular cancer

Muscular endurance is defined as the ability

to contract a muscle repeatedly over an extended period of time

The fatty acids in most foods and in the body occur in the form of


The mode of activity chosen is known as


A deficiency of what vitamin is linked to development of fibrocystic breast disease?

vitamin E

The leading causes of death for Americans overall are heart disease and cancer.


The more strongly you state an intention to change a wellness habit, either verbally or on paper, the more likely it is you will succeed.


The transtheoretical model divides behavioral change into chronological stages.


Ultimately, the majority of lower-back pain is caused by acute injury.


Vitamin C is an antioxidant.


Jeff is a hard-driving, competitive, perfectionist. His personality type is most likely

Type A

Adaptation is defined as

a change in the body as a result of overload

Stress can be described as

a disturbed emotional state caused by an event or circumstance

"Hookah" refers to

a pipe that draws smoke from burning substances through water

Which of the following activities would be primarily fueled by the anaerobic energy system?

a sprint down a football field

After achieving your target weight, you should

add back in enough calories to maintain the new weight

The hormone secreted by the pituitary gland in response to stress is

adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

The simultaneous changes that occur in the body to maintain homeostasis are called


A primary purpose of the general cool-down is to slowly return ________ back to resting levels.

breathing rate

A state of stress-induced physical and mental exhaustion is known as


The best sources of energy during exercise are


Going for a walk instead of eating dessert is an example of


Kristina's mom wants to begin an exercise program. However, she is overweight and concerned about the impact exercise might have on her knees. To decrease her chance of injury, Kristina might recommend that her mom try

cross training

Weight loss regimens that focus on portion size and make allowance for variations in daily routine, appetite, and food availability are known as ________ diets.


People with low vitamin intakes tend to not eat enough


To counter a lack of motivation, you should choose exercise that is

fun and convenient

Which of the following is an example of a viral infection?

genital warts

Which of the following sexually transmitted infections is not caused by a virus?


Conflict is most likely to occur when we

have to choose between competing motives

Physical inactivity contributes to which of the following health conditions?

heart disease

To progress safely and improve fitness, it is recommended that you

increase overload frequency, intensity, or duration by no more than 10% each time you make changes in your program

Hypertrophy is a physiological change resulting from resistance training that involves which of the following?

increased muscle cross-sectional area

The American Cancer Society estimates that smoking causes approximately ________ of all lung cancer cases.


Which racial/ethnic group has the lowest percentage of overweight?

Asian Americans

Which of the following strategies is recommended as an effective way to manage your time?

Avoid overcommitment

A general warm-up consists of 15 to 20 minutes of resistance training.


A monitor is a person who watches and encourages a person lifting weights, and assists him if needed.


According to current research, the more money a person makes, the more likely he or she is to be overweight.


Combining alcohol with carbonated beverages allows alcohol to be absorbed more slowly by the body than combining it with non-carbonated drinks.


From a health standpoint, body weight is more important than body fat percentage.


Genital warts are treated with a shot at the site of infection.


Going to a bar with a friend when you are trying to quit drinking is an example of effectively controlling your environment.


HIV is highly contagious


HPV damages the liver.


Having an external locus of control means that a person believes that he has control over his behavioral choices.


High-risk sexual behavior includes mutual masturbation.


Improvements in flexibility can only be made while you are young.


In terms of calories burned, basal metabolic rate is higher than resting metabolic rate.


It is more difficult to decide to change a behavior than to commit to changing it.


Lacto-vegetarians are at high risk for developing vitamin D and B12 deficiencies.


Most people who try to stop smoking are successful in their first attempt.


Overweight job applicants are hired at the same rate as normal-weight applicants.


Short-term stress generally depresses the immune system.


When checking your pulse during exercise, you should measure your heart rate for 30 seconds.


Winning the approval of someone else is a good reason to change a behavior.


According to the UNCW Peer Educators, what are three curable STD's?

Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Chlamydia

________ is the virus that causes AIDS.


Which of the following statements regarding HSV-2 is true?

HSV-2 can be transmitted to a newborn if the mother is infected

Which of the following statements is true regarding herpes?

Once established, it remains in the body for life

A sequence of exercises performed on a mat or special equipment designed to stretch and strengthen muscles is known as


LSD and mescaline are considered to be hallucinogens.


Lowering your weight and body fat levels to within recommended ranges will reduce your risk of lower-back pain.


Marijuana is the most popular illegal drug used by students.


More than 65 million Americans are currently living with an incurable STI.


Most "low-carb" foods are highly processed.


Nicotine increases blood sugar levels.


Non-walkable neighborhoods with no open space for recreation have child obesity rates twice as high as neighborhoods that have those amenities.


People on rigid diets tend to have a higher percentage of body fat than people on more flexible plans.


If you take either prescription or over-the-counter medications, before exercising you should

ask a physician about potential side effects

Medical treatment extends the ________ stage of HIV.


Stretching exercise should be performed

at the end of the specific warm-up

People who successfully maintain their weight over time tend to

average an hour of physical activity daily

The maintenance of equilibrium is


The physiological reaction induced by nervous and hormonal signals that readies the heart, muscles, and other organs and systems in ways that promote survival is called

fight or flight response

HDL cholesterol

helps protect against heart disease

A protein that transports oxygen in blood is which of the following?


Muscles that tend to be tight in most people because of extended sitting are known as ________ muscles.

hip flexor

Researchers think that cortisol and cytokines damage a part of the brain known as the


An example of hypnosis would be

implanting a suggestion to lessen one's phobia of snakes

Changes in flexibility with aging are primarily associated with


You have learned that your 12-year-old cousin has been sniffing rubber cement to get high. In this situation, the rubber cement may be classified as a(n)


Which of the following is a high-risk behavior for contracting HIV?

living platonically with someone who is HIV-positive

Which of the following is a financial advantage of having a high level of wellness?

lower health care costs

The majority of people who die as a result of environmental tobacco smoke die from

lung cancer

Successful weight loss can be best accomplished by

making small dietary changes over time

Which of the following is high in trans fats?


Which of the following is a benefit of maintaining a good level of flexibility?

prevention of lower back pain

A stress management technique that identifies muscular tension and releases it one muscle group at a time is called

progressive muscle relaxation

Anabolic steroids are primarily used in an attempt to

promote muscle growth and strength

Which nutrient makes up antibodies that protect us from disease, assists with building and repair of bone and skin, and helps to transport oxygen?


The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is called


Mentally picturing success in reaching a goal is known as which of the following?


Problems associated with long-term use of alcohol include

shrinkage in brain size and weight

Resistance training intensity is usually measured by the

size of the muscles when contracted during activity

Which of the following is an example of a habit that fights the negative effects of stress?

sleeping in a quiet, dark room

Being significantly underweight can be related to


The principle that only the body systems worked during training will show adaptations is known as


A good source of complex carbohydrate includes


Damage to muscle or tendon fibers due to injury or overtraining is known as


Which of the following activities would burn the highest amount of calories per minute?


The left ventricle pumps blood to the

systemic circulation

Connective tissues that attach muscle to bone are called


Activities at the top of the physical activity pyramid represent activities

that you should spend the least amount of time on

All of the following are tools for enhancing flexibility except

the Valsalva maneuver

Small genital warts can usually be treated with

topical drugs

Muscles that are often weak in people who are sedentary or overweight are known as ________ muscles.

trunk flexor

Infections of the urethra or bladder caused by microorganisms are known as

urinary tract infections

The primary infection stage of HIV is characterized by

night sweats

Chemical compounds that supply the energy and raw materials we need to survive are known as


Overconsumption of food is often encouraged by

restaurant portion sizes

The principle that states that training levels will decrease towards initial levels when training is stopped is known as


A signal of fullness from the body is known as


The degree to which a person believes in his or her ability to achieve a goal is known as

self efficacy

Which of the following coping mechanisms is most important in determining how you experience stress?

self efficacy

Which of the following characterizes the resistance stage of the general adaptation syndrome?

the body establishes a new level of homeostasis

People living in crowded urban environments tend to experience the greatest stress from

the high cost of living

People under stress often

use sugar to alter energy levels

An STI (sexually transmitted infection) is a(n) ________ infection spread through intimate contact.

viral or bacterial

A vitamin that increases the absorption of calcium is

vitamin D

Deficiency of what vitamin causes rickets in children?

vitamin D

Which of the following is an action you can take to develop better mental skills for stress management?

worrying constructively

A set of breathing and stretching exercises based on ancient Indian practices is termed


You are more likely to remain healthy throughout your life if

your body's fat deposits tend to occur around the hips and thighs

The most important factor to keep in mind when losing weight is

your overall percentage of body fat

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