Pediatrics Select-All-That-Apply CH 15 - 22

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ANS: A, B, D

The nurse outlines what principles of discipline for an infant? Select all that apply. a. Firmly say "No." b. Distract child to another activity. c. Bribe the child with a sweet treat. d. Remain consistent. e. Ignore child until behavior improves.

ANS: A, B, C, E With the exception of an increased white blood cell (WBC) count, which is always pathological, the other options are all maturing changes that equip the toddler to better fight disease

The nurse points out that which physiological change(s) in the toddler serves as protection against disease? Select all that apply: a. Toughening of the skin b. Increased capillary response for thermoregulation c. Stabilization of body temperature d. Elevation in white blood cell count e. Enlarged adenoids and tonsils

ANS: B, D, E Finger foods that are varied and colorful and served in colorful dishes at a moderate temperature are all attractive. Foods can be chopped into small pieces, but not pureed.

The nurse suggests offering which food(s) to support the toddler's desire to self-feed? Select all that apply: a. Pureed foods b. Finger foods c. Foods served cold d. Foods in colorful dishes e. Foods that are varied and colorful

ANS: B, E The Portion Plate for Kids is a placemat that uses common objects such as a deck of playing cards or a baseball to measure serving portions.

The nurse suggests to the parents of an obese 10-year-old that they use the Portion Plate for Kids placemat. How does this tool help with selection of portion sizes? Select all that apply. a. Cartoon characters eating healthy foods b. Tips on healthy food choices c. Portion measurement in tablespoons for common food d. Calorie values for cup-size portions of common foods e. Familiar objects such as a deck of cards to measure servings

ANS: A, B, C, E Foods should be introduced in small, warm servings, one food at a time. Sweets and milk should not be offered until after solid food.

The nurse suggests what approach(es) for introducing a toddler to new foods? Select all that apply. a. Serve one food at a time. b. Avoid showing personal likes or dislikes. c. Offer foods in small amounts, less than a teaspoon. d. Entice the toddler to eat with sweets. e. Serve food warm.

ANS: A, B, C, D All options are soothing and bedtime suggestive rituals except energetic playing, which would be stimulating and counterproductive to sleep.

The nurse suggests which bedtime preparation ritual(s)? Select all that apply. a. Telling a story b. Placing a favorite toy in bed c. Placing a glass of water at the bedside d. Turning on a night light e. Playing energetically

ANS: A, B, E The developmental history has information about the child and the child's developmental and cultural needs and personal preferences. The information relative to history of illness or allergies would be covered in the medical history.

The nurse taking a developmental history will include what information? Select all that apply. a. Previous experience with hospitalization b. Cultural needs c. History of illness d. Allergies e. Child's nickname

ANS: A, B, C, E Children are in a continuous growth and development pattern. Children have a greater surface area and a higher metabolic rate. All of their organ systems are not mature.

The pediatric nurse reminds a group of parents that children differ from adults in what way(s)? Select all that apply. a. Higher metabolic rate b. Greater surface area in relation to their weight c. Less mature organ systems d. More fluid reserves e. Continuously changing growth and development pattern

ANS: A, C Adolescents may experiment with an alternate sexual expression as part of their self-discovery. Homosexual activities are not uncommon in adolescence.

A mother confides in the school nurse that she witnessed her son kissing another boy. On which of these concepts should the nurse base his reply? Select all that apply. a. Homosexual behavior in adolescents is not uncommon. b. Homosexuality is a mental disorder. c. Adolescents often desire to explore alternative lifestyles. d. Homosexual tendencies should be addressed with counseling. e. Parents should seek a support group for parents of gays.

ANS: A, B, D, E The informed consent establishes that the patient, parent, or legal guardian understands the purpose and risks of the procedure. It also establishes that the patient, parent, or legal guardian understands what they have been told; the document should be signed and witnesses

Informed consent for a minor guarantees that the parent or legal guardian understands what aspect(s) of a procedure? Select all that apply. a. Purpose of the procedure b Associated risks with the procedure c. That no suit can be brought for damages d. That the document must be signed and witnessed e. That information was given

ANS: A, B, C, D Childhood communicable diseases requiring strict transmission-based precautions (contact, airborne, droplet) include: diphtheria, chickenpox, measles, mumps, tuberculosis, adenovirus, hemophilus B, mumps, pertussis, plague, streptococcal pharyngitis or scarlet fever. Strict isolation is not required for parvovirus B19.

Strict isolation is required for a child who is hospitalized with (choose all that apply): a. Mumps. b. Chickenpox. c. Exanthema subitum (roseola). d. Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease). e. Parvovirus B19

ANS: A, B, D, E Insulin, hypoglycemics, narcotics, digoxin, inotropic drugs, anticoagulants, potassium, and calcium salts all must be checked by a licensed nurse prior to administration.

The nurse is aware that which specific drug(s) should be checked with a second licensed nurse prior to administration? Select all that apply. a. Insulin b. Digoxin c. Vasodilators d. Calcium salts e. Anticoagulants

ANS: A, B, C, E The tray attachment to a high chair is an inadequate restraint. All other options are good precautions to prevent an infant from a fall.

What should the teaching plan include about infant fall precautions? Select all that apply. a. Remove all unsteady furniture. b. Keep crib rails up and in locked position. c. Steady infant with hand when on changing table. d. Use tray attachment on high chair as restraint. e. Keep infant seat on the floor.

ANS: A, B, C Potty chairs should be small and sturdy and supportive for the child's back and arms. The composition is not important as long as it is stable

When selecting a potty chair the parents are encouraged to select one that has which characteristic(s)? Select all that apply. a. Small enough for the child's feet to touch floor b. Sturdy and stable c. Supportive of child's back and arms d. Made of plastic or fiberglass e. Capable of being taken apart easily

ANS: C, D Cheese and raw vegetables are acceptable healthy snacks. Bubble gum, chocolate-covered peanuts, and dried fruits all contain high amounts of sugar.

Which healthy snack food(s) would the school nurse suggest to a group of adolescents? Select all that apply: a. Bubble gum b. Chocolate-covered peanuts c. Raw vegetables d. Cheese e. Dried fruits

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