periodontology practice questions chapter 2

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9. Which of the following is NOT a function of the periodontal ligament? a. Suspends the tooth in its socket b. Provides feeling to the tooth c. Builds and maintains cementum d. Prevents food from becoming packed in the sulcus


18. Which of the following lymph nodes drain most of the periodontal tissues? a. Deep cervical b. Submental c. Jugulodigastric d. Submandibular


11. Lattice-like bone that fills the interior portion of the alveolar process refers to what? a. Cortical bone b. Cancellous bone c. Periosteum d. Cribiform plate


15. Nerve supply to the periodontium is derived from branches of the ______________ nerve. a. Transseptal b. Trigeminal c. Transoral d. Trigingival


17. Blood vessels can anastomose with nerves to create a vascular system that carries oxygen to tissues and feelings to the pulp of the tooth. The major function of the vascular supply is to carry carbon dioxide and other nutrients to tissues. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true, the second statement is false d. The first statement is false, the second statement is true


39. What shallow linear depression separates the free and attached gingiva? a. Gingival Sulcus b. Mucogingival junction c. Free gingival groove d. Gingival margin


47. Which of the following is NOT one of the layers of the alveolar process? a. Alveolar bone proper b. Cortical bone c. Ramus d. Cancellous Bone


49. Lymph nodes from the periodontal tissues is drained to the lymph nodes of which of the following a. Armpits b. Groin c. Head and Neck d. Armpits, Groin, and Head and Neck


60. The principle fiber bundles in the connective tissue that run from the cementum to the alveolar crest and protect the periodontal ligament are called the a. Circular group b. Transseptal group c. Dentoperiosteal group d. Alveologingival group


62. Cementum contains all of the following elements except one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. Cementocytes b. Cementoblasts c. Nerve endings d. Hydroxyapatite e. Sharpey's fibers


66. The redness in the gingiva is the result of a. Melanin in the tissue b. Unusual tissue growth c. Inflammatory response d. Gingival fluid seeping into the tissue


69. The thin layer of bone that lines the socket to surround the root of the tooth is called what? a. Cancellous bone b. Periosteum c. Alveolar bone proper d. Compact bone


70. The alveolar crest follows the contours of the cementoenamel junctions of the teeth. In health, the alveolar crest covers the cementoenamel junctions of the teeth. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true; the second statement is false d. The first statement is false; the second statement is true


71. Extends from the cementum to the bone running in a diagonal direction and is the largest group. a. Interradicular fiber group b. Apical fiber group c. Oblique fiber group d. Alveolar crest fiber group e. Horizontal fiber group


75. The presence of gingival fluid will increase a. After mastication of soft foods b. Before periodontal surgery c. With inflammation d. After menopause


3. If a tooth did not have one of the following anatomical structures, it might fall out of its socket. a. Periodontal Ligament b. Gingiva c. Cementum d. Alveolar Bone


5. A dentist extracts a third molar tooth because it is crowding the adjacent teeth and is difficult for the patient to clean. Once the tooth is extracted, if the dentist looks into the tooth socket, she will be looking at which anatomical structure? a. Alveolar bone proper b. Cortical bone c. Cancellous bone d. Spongy Bone


76. __________________________ is a resorbed area of bone over the facial surface of tooth root: a. Dehiscene b. Fenetration c. Basal Lamina d. Rete Pegs e. Root Anomaly


8. The difference between the free gingiva and the attached gingiva is what? a. The free gingiva is unattached, and the attached gingiva is tightly connectd to cementum b. The free gingiva is tightly attached, and the attached gingiva can be greatly stretched away from the tooth surface c. The free gingiva forms the soft tissue wall of the sulcus, and the attached gingiva does not d. The free gingiva has varying widths that can be measured, and the attached gingiva meets the tooth in a thin, rounded edge


19. A dental hygienist inserts a periodontal probe into a deep 6 mm periodontal pocket until she reaches the base of the pocket. Which anatomical structure forms the base of the periodontal pocket? a. Junctional epithelium b. Sulcular epithelium c. Basal epithelium d. Oral epithelium


2. During mastication, the tooth is cushioned from occlusal forces by what? a. Periodontal Ligament b. Gingiva c. Cementum d. Alveolar Bone


22. Which of the following groups of fibers attach the gingiva to the bone? a. Alveologingival, periostogingival b. Intergingival, transgingival c. Alveologingival, intergingival d. Circular, intercircular


26. Cementum contains no blood vessels or nerves. Acellular cementum never regenerates after it is removed during periodontal instrumentation. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true, the second statement is false d. The first statement is false, the second statement is true


28. One of the differences between the cementum and the alveolar bone is what? a. Cementum has no blood vessels and nerves; alveolar bone does have blood vessels and nerves b. After the bone is resorbed, it can reform, but after the cementum is removed , it cannot reform c. Sharpey fibers attach periodontal fibers to the alveolar bone but do not attach periodontal fibers to the cementum d. Bone is mineralized, but the cementum is not


10. The existence of the alveolar bone is dependent on the presence of teeth. When teeth are extracted, the alveolar bone resorbs. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true; the second statement is false d. The first statement is false; the second statement is true


14. The space in the alveolar bone that houses the roots of teeth is referred to as what? a. Alveoli b. Sulcus c. Periosteum d. Col


16. Innervation of the teeth and periodontal ligament of the maxillary arch is from the ____________ alveolar nerves, and innervation of the teeth and periodontal ligament of the mandibular arch is from the ____________________ alveolar nerves. a. Superior, inferior b. Nasopalatine, buccal c. Infraorbital, mental d. Supramaxillary, inframandibular


20. All of the following are functions of gingival fibers EXCEPT which one? a. They connect adjacent teeth to one another to control tooth position b. They prevent plaque biofilm from entering the gingival connective tissue c. They provide free gingiva with rigidity needed to withstand frictional forces during chewing d. They unite free gingiva with the cementum of the root


21. Which of the following group of fibers encircles the tooth in a ringlike manner? a. Alveogingival b. Circular c. Intergingival d. Transgingival


24. The ends of periodontal ligament fibers that embed in the bone and the cementum are known as what? a. Interradicular fibers b. Sharpey fibers c. Rete pegs d. Endpoint fibers


27. Which of the following statistics is TRUE? a. In 25% of all cases, a small gap is present between the cementum and enamel b. In 80% of all cases, the cementum meets the enamel c. In 60% of all cases, the cementum overlaps the enamel for a short distance d. In 10% of all cases, the cementum meets the enamel


32. Innervation of the teeth and periodontal ligament of the maxillary arch is from the inferior alveolar nerve. a. True Statement b. False Statement


4. While assessing the gingival tissue, the hygienist notes there appears to be "open spaces" apical to the contact areas of many of the patient's teeth. Which anatomical area of the gingiva is "missing," resulting in the "open spaces"? a. Attached gingiva b. Interdental gingiva c. Gingival Sulcus d. Interdental Col


72. The window of bone in healthy bone structure covering the surface of the root is called a dehiscence. The dehiscence is a significant structure in periodontal disease. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true, and the second statement is false d. The first statement is false, and the second statement is true


12. The thin layer of bone that lines the socket to surround the root of the tooth is called what? a. Cancellous bone b. Periosteum c. Alveolar bone proper d. Compact bone


13. The alveolar crest follows the contours of the cementoenamel junctions of teeth. In health, the alveolar crest covers the cementoenamel junctions of the teeth. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true; the second statement is false d. The first statement is false; the second statement is true


23. All of the following are functions of the periodontal ligament EXCEPT which one? a. It attaches the tooth to the bony socket b. It provides sensory and nutritive function c. It unites the free gingiva with the cementum d. It produces the osteoclasts to resorb the bone


25. All of the following are functions of cementum EXCEPT which one? a. It seals (covers) the dentinal tubules b. It attaches the periodontal fibers to the tooth c. It lines the bony sockets and protects the roots of the teeth d. It compensates for the loss of the tooth tissue caused by attrition


31. Innervation of the gingiva of the maxillary arch: a. Infraorbital nerve, greater palatine and nasopalatine nerves, buccal nerve b. Mental nerve, buccal nerve, infraorbital nerve, greater palatine c. Superior alveolar nerves, infraorbital nerve, greater palatine and nasopalatine nerves d. Superior alveolar nerves, mental nerve, buccal nerve


33. The vascular supply to the maxillary gingiva, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone include a. Inferior alveolar artery, infraorbital artery, greater palatine artery b. Anterior superior alveolar arteries, infraorbital, greater palatine c. Anterior and posterior superior alveolar arteries, infraorbital, greater palatine d. None of the above


34. Drain most of the periodontal tissues a. Deep cervical nodes b. Submental Nodes c. Submandibular Nodes d. Jugulodigastric


37. Extend from cementum to bone running in a diagonal direction. Largest group. a. Interradicular fiber group b. Apical fiber group c. Oblique fiber group d. Alveolar crest fiber group e. Horizontal fiber group


7. What shallow linear depression separates the free and attached gingiva? a. Gingival Sulcus b. Mucogingival junction c. Free gingival groove d. Gingival margin


1. A dental hygienist inserts a calibrated periodontal probe into a healthy sulcus until the tip reaches the base of the sulcus. What anatomical structure forms the base of the sulcus? a. Periodontal Ligament b. Gingiva c. Cementum d. Junctional Epithelium


29. Type of bone that does not show up on a radiograph: a. Alveolar bone proper or cribiform plate b. Cancellous or spongy bone c. Periosteum d. Cortical bone e. Alveolar crest


30. Innervation of the gingiva of the mandibular arch: a. Superior alveolar nerves, infraorbital nerve, greater palatine and nasopalatine nerves b. Infraorbital nerve, mental nerve, sublingual branch of the lingual nerve c. Mental nerve, buccal nerve, nasopalatine nerves d. Mental nerve, sublingual branch of the lingual nerve, buccal nerve e. None of the above


35. Extend from the cervical cementum, running downward in a diagonal direction to the alveolar crest a. Interradicular fiber group b. Apical fiber group c. Oblique fiber group d. Alveolar crest fiber group e. Horizontal fiber group


59. The functions of the dentogingival unit (junctional epithelium, attached fibers, and connective tissue) are considered to be all of the following except one. Which one is the exception? a. Protecting the periodontal ligament b. Protecting the junctional epithelium c. Supporting the junctional epithelium d. Maintaining the free marginal gingiva e. Maintaining the tone of the attached gingiva


6. The coronal most edge of the gingiva is the alveolar mucosa. Alveolar mucosa is distinguished by its dark red color, and smooth, shiny surface. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true; the second statement is false d. The first statement is false; the second statement is true


73. Cells attracted to areas of the body by stimuli such as microbial influence or trauma are referred to as a. Cytokines b. Blood Cells c. Chemotactic Cells d. Inflammatory Cells


36. Located apical to the alveolar crest fibers a. Interradicular fiber group b. Apical fiber group c. Oblique fiber group d. Alveolar crest fiber group e. Horizontal fiber group


41. The interdental gingiva has two interdental papillae. The interdental gingivae has one papilla on the facial and one papillae on the lingual. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true; the second is false d. The first statement is false; the second is true


44. The periodontal ligament can remodel the alveolar bone in response to pressure. The periodontal ligament can provide nutrients to cementum and bone. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true; the second statement is false d. The first statement is false; the second statement is true


46. The existence of the alveolar bone is dependent on the presence of teeth. When teeth are extracted, the alveolar bone resorbs. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true; the second statement is false d. The first statement is false; the second statement is true


53. Acellular cementum a. Covers approximately the cervical third or half of the root b. Covers the apical half of the root


57. The slight depression in the gingiva appearing between the buccal and the lingual interdental papilla is called: a. Col b. Gingival Space c. Gingival Groove d. Embrasure Space


58. The histologic sulcus depth in healthy gingiva is approximately a. 1 mm to 3 mm b. 2 mm to 5 mm c. 3 mm to 4 mm d. 3mm to 5 mm


61. Sharpey's fibers course through the periodontal ligament. They provide the brush-like attachment of the periodontal ligament fibers to the cementum and bone. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true and the second statement is false d. The first statement is false and the second statement is true


40. The space between the free gingiva and the tooth surface is called what? a. Interdental gingiva b. Gingival sulcus c. Periodontal Ligament d. Junctional Epithelium


42. The depth of a clinically normal gingival sulcus is no greater than what? a. 1 mm b. 3 mm c. 5 mm d. 7 mm


45. A thin layer of yellow, hard, mineralized tissue that is attached to dentin of the root refers to which tissue? a. Alveolar Bone b. Cementum c. Periodontal Ligament d. Enamel


48. Nerve supply to the periodontium is derived from branches of the ______________ nerve. a. Transseptal b. Trigeminal c. Transoral d. Trigingival


51. The ends of periodontal ligament fibers that embed in the bone and the cementum are known as what? a. Interradicular fibers b. Sharpey fibers c. Rete pegs d. Endpoint fibers


54. Cellular cementum a. Covers approximately the cervical third or half of the root b. Covers the apical half of the root


64. The alveolus (plural form is alveoli) is the a. Lamina Dura b. Tooth Socket c. Lamina Propria d. Cribiform Plate e. Alveolar Process


67. The loss of stippling is the result of a. Melanin in the tissue b. Swelling in the tissue c. Unusual tissue growth d. Gingival fluid seeping into the tissue


38. Which of the of the following tissues is NOT part of the periodontium? a. Periodontal Ligament b. Gingiva c. Cementum d. Alveolar Mucosa


43. The col is the space between the tooth surface and the free gingiva. It is a space that lies directly apical to the contact area. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true, the second is false d. The first statement is false, the second is true


50. Which of the following are not filtered out by the lymph nodes? a. Bacteria b. Fungi c. Viruses d. Enzymes


55. The attached gingiva is demarcated from alveolar mucosa by the a. Gingival sulus b. Marginal groove c. Unattached gingiva d. Mucogingival junction


56. The name of the structure that surrounds the tooth and creates a cuff or collar of epithelium extending aprroximately 1.5 mm is a. Stippled gingiva b. Free gingival groove c. Attached gingiva d. Marginal gingiva


63. The alveolar process is defined as bone that a. Makes up the lamina dura b. Makes up the cribiform plate c. Forms the dense compact bone of the tooth sockets d. Extends from the mandible and maxilla to surround the teeth e. Permits the passage of blood vessels and nerves to the apex of the tooth


65. Hypersensitivity reactions a. Are not life threatening b. Cause no tissue damage c. Are only localized in nature d. Can be delayed or immediate


68. Which of the following is NOT a function of the periodontal ligament? a. Suspends the tooth in its socket b. Provides feeling to the tooth c. Builds and maintains cementum d. Prevents food from becoming packed in the sulcus


74. Inflammatory cells perform all of the following functions EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. Lyse cells b. Phagocytize bacteria c. Remove damaged tissue d. Reduce osteoclastic activity


52. Located apical to the alveolar crest fibers a. Interradicular fiber group b. Apical fiber group c. Oblique fiber group d. Alveolar crest fiber group e. Horizontal fiber group


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