Personal psych quizzes

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Which is a type of nonprobability sampling?

Convenience sampling

A Latin square is a method for ____________.


Experimental designs are the only research designs that allow for causal inferences.


If you use a quote from a book, you should cite the entire book in your reference list.


When should DK (Don't Know) alternatives be used?

when there is good reason to believe that some respondents will genuinely not know an answer

Avoiding sequence effects is a design problem for

within-subjects designs

An APA style list of references is ordered by:

Alphabetical by first author's last name

Which of the following is not a goal of academic writing? To prove that you...

Are clever

In a matched group design participants ________.

Are matched with a subject in another group on a certain characteristic

Anytime you include information from a source, you must provide _______ and ______ in the body of the text.

Authors' last name; publication year

Survey items that can be answered with a double negative response are problematic because they


The following is an example of a _____ question: "Are you interested in getting your degree in psychology and getting a job in the field?"

Double barreled question

Which of the following should be avoided when writing survey questions?

Double negatives. Complex wording. Leading questions.

Select the correct use of in-text citations:

Experienced listeners are better able to comprehend accented speech, regardless of the type of accent (Gass & Varonis, 1984)

If you re-write an idea from a book or article in your own words, there is no need to cite it.


Placebos never have the intended effect.


Which of the following questions may be susceptible to social-desirability bias?

Have you ever used illicit drugs?

Which of the following is NOT an example of a helpful question to guide you in outlining your paper?

How can I use more words to meet the word count?

Which is an example of an open-ended survey item?

How is a closed question different from an open question?

In APA citation

Is a reference to a published or unpublished source Is used to attribute work or ideas to the correct source Is shown in parentheses in the body of a paper Is down at the end of a paper in a list of references

Which is a double-barreled Likert-scale survey item?

On the whole I am satisfied with my marriage and my spouse

Which of the following is a benefit to using open-ended questions?

People are more likely to respond in detail.

The basic definition of ____________ is that all members of the population have exactly the same chance of being selected as participants.

Probability sampling

In APA format, the list of references at the end of your paper is called a:

References page

Good survey items should be _______ and _________.

Reliable and valid.

Reverse scored items and manipulation checks are methods of minimizing _____.

Response bias.

Why do psychologists bother with quasi-experiments, if even the strongest quasi-experimental designs have lower internal validity than true experiments?

Sometimes it is not feasible or ethical to conduct a true experiment

Which is always true of simple random sampling?

Subject pool is selected from the entire population.

Writing in APA style, when do you need to provide in-text citations of sources?

Whenever you use any information from the source.

Which is the APA-style reference for this article...

Zentall, T. R. (2011). Maladaptive "gambling" by pigeons. Behavioural Processes, 87, 50-56.

If subjects are tested once in each condition,

a Latin square can be used to accomplish counterbalancing

In a between-subjects design, the differences between conditions could be due to all of the following except

a carry-over effect

The performance of participants in a within-subjects design sometimes deteriorates because of fatigue or boredom. This problem is known as

a progressive effect

Five golfers each hit 50 brand A golf balls, and then 50 brand B golf balls. On average, the brand B balls go significantly farther. Which of the following is true?

a warm-up effect a wind change brand B is better any of the above are possible explanations

Creating equivalent groups is a design problem for

between-subjects designs

In within-subjects designs,

block randomization can be used as a method of counterbalancing

"On average, how many cigarettes do you smoke per day (circle one)?" 0 1-5 6-10 >10


"On how many days in the last month did you have a headache?" is an example survey of a(n)

closed item

To study math achievement in West Virginia's third graders, a researcher randomly selects 5% of the state's school districts and gives all the students in each district a math test. What sampling procedure is being used here?


The general procedure used to control for sequence effects is called


The Clever Hans study is an example of how experimenter bias can influence the results of a study. To control for experiment bias, a ______ study should be conducted.


Experiment is to quasi-experiment as _____ is to _____.

equivalent groups; nonequivalent groups

In a within-subjects design, the differences between experimental conditions could be due to all of the following except

individual differences

I can quit smoking whenever I want" Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree


When is random assignment preferred over matching as a means of creating equivalent groups?

when a large number of participants are available and can be used

"On average, how many cigarettes do you smoke per day?" ______________

open ended

What is accomplished by random assignment?

possible confounds are spread evenly through the different groups

When survey items are all worded favorably , the result can be a response bias called

response acquiescence

A researcher who selects a probability sample by drawing up a list of names from the phone book using a list of random numbers is most likely to be using __________ sampling.

simple random

On surveys, subjects can try to present a positive image of themselves, a problem referred to as

social desirability bias

A researcher who selects a probability sample of psychology majors that is 45% bachelor of science students and 55% bachelor of arts students is most likely to be using __________ sampling.


Nonresponse bias occurs when

those returning a survey differ in some important way from the initial sample

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