Peterson Test 2

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Which of the following is a primary cause of acid precipitation?

The burning of coal by large industries is the primary cause of acid precipitation, which occurs when atmospheric pollutants mix with moisture in the air. Temperature inversion occurs when warm air traps cold air and prevents the dispersal of pollutants.

Which of the following becomes thick in preparation for the implantation of a zygote?

The endometrium is the lining of the uterus. The lining becomes thick to prepare for the implantation of a zygote, which is a fertilized egg.

Which type of cancer has been linked to sexually transmitted diseases?

Cervical cancer is related to the human papillomavirus, which is a group of viruses that cause genital warts. However, only a small percentage of HPV-infected women get cervical cancer, so other factors play a role in the disease. The same link to sexually transmitted diseases has not been shown for breast, ovarian, and colon cancers.

Air Quality Index warnings and recommendations are typically issued when the AQI exceeds

100. AQI warnings are usually issued when the AQI values are higher than 100. The EPA uses the AQI to determine whether levels of air pollution pose a significant health concern.

Which of the following groups experiences the highest number of non-fatal injuries each year?

18-25 year old males. Young adult males have the highest rate of non-fatal injuries among men and women of all age groups. Studies suggest that young men participate in riskier behaviors than other groups, such as riding motorcycles, driving fast, and binge drinking.

An unfertilized egg typically disintegrates after

24 hours.

Wearing a bicycle helmet while riding a bike can reduce a person's risk of head injury by


A tumor that is cancerous and capable of spreading is known as

A malignant tumor is cancerous, while a benign tumor is not cancerous. A substance known to cause cancer, such as tobacco, is carcinogenic. Regulatory genes control cell replication and tumor suppression.

How many cups of fruit should be eaten each day, according to MyPyramid?

According to MyPyramid developed by the USDA, people should eat 2 cups of fruit each day. Dairy consumption should be 3 cups, and people should eat 2 ½ cups of vegetables daily.

What is indicated by pale, colorless urine?

Adequate fluid intake. Clear urine indicates a person is consuming enough fluid, while dark urine may indicate the need to drink more fluids. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies would not likely be indicated by urine color.

Which of the following psychological stages of dying is often associated with peace and introspection?

Acceptance. In the acceptance stage, patients feel calm about dying and no longer feel angry or depressed. During this stage, patients realize they are going to die and prefer to be alone or with only a few close friends or family members.

The process of removing uterine fluid through a needle in the expectant mother's abdomen in order to detect possible birth defects is known as

Amniocentesis is a method of detecting possible birth defects by analyzing fluid from the uterus. An analysis of the fetal cells may reveal conditions such as Down syndrome and Tay-Sachs disease.

The end of sexual stereotypes as a result of feminine and masculine qualities becoming blended is known as

Androgyny refers to how male and female stereotypes have been blended together in recent years. For example, women have jobs that were once typically for men, and men perform housework.

Which of the following refers to an individual's sense of being self-directed?

Autonomy refers to a person's independence and sense of self-direction. Psychologically healthy people are autonomous; they are able to act independently despite potential consequences in their social environment. Authenticity refers to the state of being genuine, and self-esteem refers to an individual's positive feelings about himself or herself.

Which of the following is a stress management technique that involves the use of electrical signals to detect muscle tension?

Biofeedback is a method for teaching people how to use signals from their bodies to manage stress levels. Electrical devices send an alert that muscles are tensing; individuals learn new habits to relax and decrease stress.

Which of the following is a reversible hormonal contraceptive?

Birth control pills are an oral contraceptive containing estrogen and progestins. Birth control pills are not a permanent birth control method. Diaphragms, vasectomies, and cervical caps are not hormonal methods of contraception.

Which of the following is known as the "buffet germ" because of its tendency to grow quickly among large food portions that are kept at room temperature?

Clostridium perfringens is referred to as the buffet or cafeteria germ because of its fast growth among food that is prepared too soon before consumption. Botulism is caused from poor canning, while E. coli is associated with unwashed vegetables. Salmonella is found in raw and undercooked eggs, meat, and poultry.

A defect of the heart or major blood vessels that is present at birth is known as

Congenital heart disease is a birth defect that affects 40,000 babies born each year and causes about 4,000 deaths each year. Rheumatic heart disease, congestive heart failure, and mitral valve prolapse are not birth defects.

Which of the following is the most widespread cause of death for cigarette smokers?

Coronary heart disease has been directly linked to the most deaths from cigarette smoking. Smoking speeds up the rate of plaque accumulation on the interior walls of heart arteries, which leads to heart disease. Stroke and emphysema are correlated with cigarette smoking, but coronary heart disease is the most widespread cause of death among smokers.

The primary treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus involves

Daily doses of insulin are required for people with type 1 diabetes in order to keep glucose levels within a normal range. A modified diet and physical activity are often recommended for the treatment and prevention of type 2 diabetes.

The process of heating an alcohol solution and collecting its vapors is known as

Distillation is the process used to make whiskey, gin, rum, and vodka. Such distilled beverages are assigned a proof value that is double the percentage of alcohol, so 140 proof gin contains 70% alcohol. In fermentation, sugar is converted to alcohol under low-oxygen conditions.

Which of the following is the most effective method for managing stress?

Exercising regularly releases endorphins, which are chemicals that reduce pain. Exercise also forces a person to breathe deeply, which is a key element of stress management.

Which of the following may help diminish the effects of alcohol?

Drinking water. Alcohol causes dehydration, so drinking water can help restore the body after consuming alcohol. People try to sober up by sleeping, showering, and exercising, but none of these activities speeds up the oxidation process.

Monitoring personal feelings, showing self-control, and participating in satisfying relationships are methods of achieving

Emotional wellness occurs when people are optimistic and trusting. People who experience emotional wellness exhibit self-control, enjoy healthy relationships, and monitor their feelings and emotions.

A disease characterized by the destruction of air sacs in the lungs is known as

Emphysema is a condition in which air sacs in the lungs lose elasticity and are slowly destroyed, which causes breathlessness. People with emphysema often die from heart damage because their hearts have to pump extra hard which leads to enlargement. Lung cancer involves excessive tissue growth, and bronchitis involves inflammation of the bronchial tube membranes.

The "runner's high" experienced after running several miles is most likely due to

Endorphins are brain chemicals that suppress fatigue and produce euphoria, such as a runner's high. Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals that increase alertness and reduce stress.

Which of the following is a naturally occurring brain chemical that subdues pain and counters stress?

Endorphins are natural chemicals in the brain that increase pleasure, counter stress, and alleviate pain. Exercise, laughter, and social activities can activate endorphins.

Which of the following may protect a woman's heart from certain cardiovascular disease risk factors?

Estrogen improves blood lipid concentrations and may protect women from cardiovascular diseases. Hormone replacement therapy was recommended to reduce the risk of heart disease and relieve menopause symptoms, but recent studies have found HRT may increase a woman's risk for heart disease.

Which of the following is responsible for bringing about puberty in females and for maintaining reproductive functions?

Estrogen is a female sex hormone produced by the ovaries. Estrogen is responsible for maintaining reproductive functions and for initiating the development of the uterine wall. Testosterone plays a role in puberty onset and reproductive function for males.

Which of the following may indicate that water has been contaminated by sewage?

Fecal coliform bacteria live in the intestines of warm-blooded animals and indicates contamination if found in a water supply. Nitrate sometimes leaches into water supplies from fertilizer and has been linked to certain types of cancer.

Which of the following is believed to be related to chronic fatigue syndrome based on overlapping symptoms?

Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome have similar symptoms, and both conditions tend to occur after periods of stress, disease, or trauma. The exact causes of both conditions remain somewhat unknown, although the immune system may be related. Fibromyalgia displays more extensive overlapping symptoms with chronic fatigue syndrome than do SARS, pneumonia, or acute rhinitis.

Strange thoughts that occur after a drug's chemical effects have worn off are known as

Flashbacks are perceptual distortions that take place when a drug has been eliminated from a person's body. Even after the chemical effects of a drug have worn off, bizarre thoughts may still occur. Hallucinations occur when a person is under the influence of certain drugs.

Which of the following has been found to reduce the risk of neural tube defects if consumed during pregnancy?

Foods rich in folic acid have been found to reduce the risk of neural tube defects. Folate occurs naturally in leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, and berries.

The number of times each week that a person should exercise is known as

Frequency refers to how often each week a person should exercise. Intensity refers to level of effort, while duration is the amount of time needed to reach a target heart rate.

Which of the following is believed to be the primary cause of schizophrenia?

Genetics. Research shows that schizophrenia occurs primarily because of heredity. Environmental stressors play a smaller role in schizophrenia.

Which of the following is considered the most important contributor to wellness for the majority of people?

Health behavior. A healthy lifestyle is the biggest contributor to wellness. Although genetics, health care, and the environment are important factors, many health risks can be reduced with healthy living.

Many Americans consume too much salt, which increases their chance of developing

High blood pressure is associated with high salt intake and can be reduced with a lower salt diet. Salt contains minerals that are essential, but most people only need to consume about one teaspoon of salt each day. Type 2 diabetes is associated with obesity and excessive food intake.

Which of the following has been described as good cholesterol?

High-density lipoprotein. Atherosclerosis occurs when the inner layers of artery walls are thickened by plaque, which reduces blood supply to the heart. Angina pectoris is a term for chest pain, which may be mistaken for a myocardial infarction, or heart attack.

Which of the following activities provides the greatest risk of asbestos exposure?

Home and building renovation, which typically involves tearing out insulated walls, provides the greatest risk of asbestos exposure. Paint and carpet cleaners may contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that cause minor irritation to the throat and eyes.

Which of the following is the term used for programs that provide physical, emotional, and spiritual comfort for dying patients and their families?

Hospice care programs are an alternative to hospitalization for dying patients and their families. Hospice care helps patients die comfortably through pain control and family involvement. Life support helps prolong the life of an individual who most likely could not live on his or her own without assistance from medical devices such as breathing machines.

Which of the following is attacked by HIV infection?

Immune system. Human immunodeficiency virus is a chronic and progressive infection that attacks the immune system. HIV invades and controls the body's CD4 T cells, which are critical elements of the immune system. The central nervous system, lymphatic system, and reproductive system are not the primary sites of attack for HIV infection.

A procedure that involves mixing eggs and sperm in a laboratory before implanting a fertilized egg into a woman's uterus is known as

In vitro fertilization involves harvesting eggs from a woman's body and combining them with sperm in a laboratory dish. If one or more eggs are fertilized, the resulting embryos are implanted into a woman's uterus. In intrauterine insemination, sperm are placed in the cervix or uterine cavity through injection.

Inner controls that prevent people from participating in adventuresome or destructive behavior are known as

Inhibitions prevent people from engaging in certain types of behavior. Alcohol can loosen people's inhibitions and cause them to behave differently, perhaps being more outspoken, more relaxed, or more adventurous. Blackouts occur when an individual loses memory or consciousness.

Which of the following remains the most stable among healthy individuals during the aging process?

Intelligence and creativity remain stable during healthy people as they age, while strength, vision, and hearing change as a result of the aging process. Participating in hobbies, developing new interests, and reading help aging people to maintain their mental abilities.

Which of the following is a characteristic of many youths who have caused school-related violent deaths, such as the tragedy at Columbine High School?

Lack of adult supervision, isolation from peers, and angry outbursts characterize many of the youths who have been responsible for school violence. In many cases, poverty, legal difficulties, and drug use characterize gang-related violence.

Which of the following would most likely be performed by a local health department?

Local health departments are responsible for inspecting and licensing restaurants, while the FDA regulates chemicals used in food and drugs. State health departments inspect milk tankers, dairy herds, and processing plants.

An autoimmune disease characterized by a reddish rash, joint discomfort, and fatigue is known as

Lupus is a gradual autoimmune disease that is most often seen in women and involves periods of fatigue, stiffness, and chest pain. Crohn's disease, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis are all chronic diseases but with symptoms unlike those of lupus.

Which skin cancer is considered life threatening if not detected early?

Malignant melanoma was the cause of more than 80% of skin cancer deaths in 2005 and is considered highly dangerous. Basal cell and squamous cell are considered nonmelanoma skin cancers, and they have a nearly 100% cure rate.

Which of the following is the most at risk for contracting tuberculosis?

Malnourished individuals. People with damaged immune systems, such as unhealthy older adults or malnourished individuals, are especially at risk for tuberculosis. Although pregnant women, children, and teenagers could contract the bacterial infection, people with weaker immune systems are at a higher risk.

Which of the following stress management techniques involves quieting the mind and focusing on a specific object or word?

Meditation is a relaxation technique that involves focusing on a word, object, or process, such as breathing. Meditation helps the body and mind become quiet for a while, which leads to stress reduction. Hatha yoga is a type of exercise involving body movement.

An infection of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord is known as

Meningitis is an infection of the meninges, which are the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. Viral meningitis is typically mild, while bacterial meningitis requires antibiotics and can be life threatening. Tuberculosis and pneumonia both affect the lungs.

The process of converting food to energy and building tissue is known as

Metabolism is the body's method for converting food to energy. The metabolic rate can be increased through exercise.

How many calories does the average adult need to consume each day to meet energy needs?

Most adults need about 2000 calories each day to meet their energy needs. People who burn many calories through exercise may need more, and people who are dieting may need less.

Which of the following is the best way to add muscle mass?

Muscle mass can be added most effectively through resistance training, such as weight lifting. Although activities such as swimming, walking, and Pilates can add muscle tone and strength, none are as effective as weight training.

Long-term relationships based on love are most often characterized by

Mutual respect is the basis of most satisfying, long-term relationships. Love does not necessarily have to include intense passion, although in many cases it will.

Which of the following is one of the warning signals of cancer if it is experienced for more than five days?

Nagging cough. nagging cough or hoarseness is one of cancer's warning signals and should be looked at by a physician if it does not go away in five days. Although fatigue, back pain, and stomach upset may warrant a doctor's visit, they are not considered warning signs of cancer.

Which of the following is the daily maximum recommended caloric intake from fat?

Nutritionists recommend that people consume no more than 20-35% of their calories from fat each day. Saturated fats should be limited, and most fats should be monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.

Which type of oil that is commonly found in fish has been shown to be beneficial to heart health?

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are commonly found in fish, are good for cardiovascular health. Although monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can be beneficial, they are not found in fish.

Which of the following suggests that people want assistance finding suitable partners?

Online matchmaking sites. The popularity of online matchmaking sites suggests that people want help finding partners. and are two of the most well-known sites that attempt to match people with suitable partners. Choices A, B, and C do not directly reflect the desire to have assistance finding suitable partners.

A decrease in bone density that weakens bones and affects postmenopausal women is known as

Osteoporosis is a condition that is prevalent among older women. Decreased bone density leads to brittle, weak bones that are prone to fractures. Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that involves deterioration of cartilage around the joints.

Behavior that occurs in response to outside pressure or societal expectations is referred to as

Other-directed behavior is guided by the values and expectations of others. Other-directed individuals may fear the disapproval or rejection of others.

Which of the following is characterized by sudden bouts of anxiety, shortness of breath, and a racing heartbeat?

Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by panic attacks that seem to occur unexpectedly. Individuals experience physical symptoms including shortness of breath and a rapid heart rate. Obsessive-compulsive disorder, specific phobias, and schizophrenia are also psychological disorders, but sudden bouts of anxiety are characteristic of panic disorders.

Eating well, exercising regularly, and getting regular medical and dental check-ups are examples of how to achieve

Physical wellness refers to the choices a person makes about his or her physical body. Exercising, medical check-ups, injury prevention, and healthy eating habits impact a person's physical wellness more than they impact other types of wellness, such as spiritual or intellectual.

Which of the following is often associated with Internet addiction?

Poor job performance. Internet addiction often results in poor academic and job performance due to too much time spent on the Internet. Internet addicts are so preoccupied with the Internet that they constantly plan and think about their next opportunity to be online.

Which of the following are living bacteria believed to prevent disease and strengthen the immune system?

Probiotics are good bugs that make the digestive system uninviting for harmful bacteria; yogurt is an example of a food with probiotics. Nutrient-dense foods are those containing high amounts of vitamins and minerals with relatively few calories.

A naturally occurring radioactive gas that is emitted during the decay of uranium in soil and rock is known as

Radon is a potential health risk because it may seep into buildings from the dirt surrounding the concrete foundation. Lead, asbestos, and radium are all naturally occurring, but they are not emitted during the decay of uranium.

Which of the following involves treating patients with light therapy?

Seasonal affective disorder is a mood disorder characterized by depression in the wintertime when daytime is shorter. Treatment involves having patients sit with their eyes open in front of bright lights. Choices A, C, and D are generally treated with methods other than light therapy.

Which of the following is the highest level of growth in Maslow's hierarchy?

Self-actualization is the highest level of growth in Maslow's hierarchy. At that stage, people are fulfilling their greatest potential.

Unwanted physical contact, sexual gestures, and displays of sexually suggestive pictures are examples of

Sexual harassment is any kind of unwanted sexual attention that creates stress or embarrassment. Sexual assault refers to actual acts of sexual violence, whereas sexual harassment is typically subtle and sometimes difficult to prove.

Which of the following is a recessive disorder that primarily affects the hemoglobin of African Americans?

Sickle-cell disease affects African Americans and some Latinos by changing the shape of red blood cells and impeding oxygen flow. Cystic fibrosis mostly affects Caucasians, thalassemia mostly affects Italians and Greeks, and Tay-Sachs disease mostly affects Jews of Eastern European ancestry.

Which of the following is found naturally in fruits and milk?

Simple carbohydrates are found naturally in fruits and milk and are often added to candy, desserts, and soft drinks for sweetness. Refined and unrefined carbohydrates are types of complex carbohydrates, which include starches and dietary fiber.

Which of the following is the most likely reaction for a person who takes a small dose of amphetamines?

Small amounts of amphetamines typically make individuals feel alert and less tired. Low doses of amphetamines decrease hunger, elevate mood, and increase feelings of energy.

Which of the following refers to male germ cells?

Sperm is the male germ cell. Germ cells are produced by gonads, which are the primary reproductive organs.

The termination of a pregnancy at less than 20 weeks' gestation is known as

Spontaneous abortion, which is also known as a miscarriage, refers to the termination of a pregnancy before the twentieth week. Many miscarriages are the result of chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus. Premature birth occurs when an infant is born before the end of the normal pregnancy term, and a cesarean section is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby.

Which of the following is found as a primary component of vegetables, fruits, and grains?

Starches are found in vegetables, fruits, and grains, and they provide many nutritional benefits. Starches are a type of carbohydrate containing vitamins, minerals, protein, and water. Amino acids, fats, and enzymes may also be found in vegetables, fruits, and grains, but starch is the primary component.

Sexual interaction with an individual younger than the legally defined age of consent is known as

Statutory rape is the term used for having sex with a minor. Sexual assault from a known assailant is considered date rape; incest is sexual activity between close relatives.

The collective physiological and emotional responses to unanticipated and disruptive events is known as

Stress refers to how a person responds emotionally and physically to disruptions or unexpected changes. Stress can be the result of real or imagined events. Anxiety and depression are associated with stress and can be caused by it.

A weather event in which warm air traps cold air and prevents pollutants from dispersing is known as

Temperature inversion may contribute to smog by trapping pollutants underneath layers of cold and warm air. The greenhouse effect and global warming are theories regarding the warming of the earth's atmosphere.

Health experts anticipate an explosion of new AIDS cases in

The AIDS epidemic began a decade later in Asia than in Africa, so experts predict a large number of cases to occur in Asia. Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest number of AIDS cases in the world, and AIDS is spreading across Eastern Europe due to high rates of injection drug use and commercial sex.

Which of the following groups is responsible for the majority of elderly abuse cases?

The adult children of elderly victims are responsible for nearly half of all elderly abuse cases. The emotional and financial stress related to caring for aging parents may be the cause of many abusive situations. Though elderly abuse may occur in medical care situations and may be carried out by strangers, adult children are responsible for a greater percentage of cases.

A fetus receives nourishment and oxygen through the

The placenta serves the fetus by bringing it oxygen and nutrients. It also transports waste products out through the mother's circulatory system. The amniotic sac is the membrane in which the fetus develops.

In Prochaska's stages of change, new, healthy habits are well established in the

The termination stage is the sixth and final stage of Prochaska's stages of change. In this stage, new habits have been established, and the process of change is complete.

Diminished sensitivity to a drug so that a larger dose is required for the same effect as previous smaller doses is known as

Tolerance occurs when a person no longer receives the intended effect of a drug and requires larger doses. Heroin users often need to take much more heroin to achieve the same effect they achieved when they first began using the drug. Intoxication occurs when a person experiences the effects of drugs or alcohol, and withdrawal occurs when a person stops using a drug they have become physically dependent upon.

Minerals such as zinc, iron, copper, and iodine that are seen in small amounts in body tissues are known as

Trace elements are minerals that exist in small amounts in the body, but are essential for good health. Phytochemicals are components that may function as antioxidants, amino acids are the basis of proteins, and enzymes control the rate of physiological reactions.

Vessels that carry blood to the heart are known as

Veins carry blood to the heart, and arteries carry blood away from the heart. Capillaries serve to exchange oxygen, while platelets are cell fragments in the blood.

Both the common cold and influenza are caused by

Viruses are the cause of the common cold and the flu. Unlike bacterial infections, viral infections cannot be treated with antibiotics.

Which of the following is one of the initial symptoms of multiple sclerosis?

Visual impairment and an altered gait are the initial signs of MS, and mental deterioration and impaired movement typically occur as the condition progresses. Chest pain is not a symptom of MS.

Which of the following has been found to help prevent osteoporosis?

Weight bearing exercises, such as aerobics, walking, and running, have been found to strengthen bone density. Women are also encouraged to increase calcium intake, especially while they are young, in order to prevent bone loss.

Which of the following is carried by birds and passed to humans through mosquitoes?

West Nile virus originates in birds and is passed to humans through infected mosquitoes. Ebola is transmitted through infected blood; hantavirus is spread through rodents. Epstein-Barr virus causes mononucleosis.

The uncomfortable and toxic response of the body during the absence of a drug for which a person is physically dependent is known as

Withdrawal occurs when a person who is physically dependent on a drug does not ingest the drug. Common withdrawal symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and tremors. Synesthesia refers to a condition in which the stimulation of one sense (sight, hearing, etc.) causes sensation in another.

Sprinting, rope climbing, and other activities that quickly cause muscle fatigue are considered to be

anaerobic activities. Short-duration activities that quickly lead to muscle fatigue are categorized as anaerobic activities. The energy demands of such activities far exceed the body's aerobic energy production capability. Aerobic activities are conducted in the presence of oxygen and cause muscle fatigue less rapidly.

Individuals exposed to lead contamination may be able to reduce the toxic effects of lead by eating foods rich in

calcium and iron. Studies have found that a diet rich in calcium and iron may reduce the harmful effects of lead contamination. People who live in older houses with metal plumbing, for example, may be exposed to lead on a daily basis. Other minerals, such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and folic acid, are beneficial to overall health but have not been shown to reduce the toxic effects of lead as calcium and iron may do.

Alcohol, sedatives, and barbiturates slow down activity predominantly in the

central nervous system. Depressants, such as alcohol and barbiturates, slow down activity in the central nervous system. Central nervous system depressants reduce anxiety, cause drowsiness, and impair muscular coordination. Other biological systems may be affected by depressants, but the central nervous system receives the main impact.

Blaming others, expecting perfection, expecting the worst, and focusing on negatives are examples of

cognitive distortion. Focusing on negatives, expecting the worst, and blaming others are examples of cognitive distortion. Cognitive dissonance refers to the anxiety or discomfort that occurs when a person receives new information that is contradictory to established beliefs.

Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is an area of research that studies the connection between stress and

disease. Psychoneuroimmunology is a growing area of research into the relationship between stress and disease. PNI is based on the idea that stress affects the nervous system and endocrine system, which leads to impairment of the immune system.

A pregnant woman who experiences high-blood pressure and fluid retention would most likely be diagnosed with

preeclampsia. High blood pressure, protein in the urine, and fluid retention are symptoms of preeclampsia. Women with mild preeclampsia must rest and be closely monitored; severe cases can be life threatening for both mother and child. Eclampsia involves seizures and is usually seen in patients who first have preeclampsia symptoms.

The primary goal of the Healthy People initiative is to improve every American's

quality of life. The Healthy People initiative is a government program that sets quality of life goals for Americans. The Healthy People initiative hopes to eliminate health disparities and improve wellness among Americans. It does not address health benefits, hospital access, or managed health care as its primary goal.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is associated with numbness and pain in the

wrists. Carpal tunnel syndrome stems from repetitive use of the hands, especially while using a computer. A person may feel numbness, tingling, and pain in the wrist and hand. Carpal tunnel pain primarily affects the wrists and hands, and not the elbows, lower back, or shoulders.

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