Pharm exam 2

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indications for acetylcysteine:

- acute tenacious sputum impending airway

what happens when a pt suddenly stops taking corticosteroids?

- addisons crisis -hypotension -hypogylcemia

nursing actions for albuterol:

- assess RR system -assess cardia system (HR) -auscultate lung sounds (inspiratory wheezing --> albuterol will decrease this) -assess for work of breathing (accessory muscles and retractions) -do not give SABA's with Beta 1 antagonists -take during emergency situations -rinse mouth after use (pts can get thrush) -clean the device

nursing actions for benzonate (tessalon)

- assess cough -ability to swallow and handle their own secretions -assess for safety: fall risk -dont give two antitussives together

nursing actions for acetylcysteine:

- assess respiratory system -open airway first with bronchodilator -not a home based, hospital based usually in ICU -when IV/ PO- antidote to acetaminophen

mechanism of action for salmeterol (servent) :

- create bronchodilation -maintenance med

side effects of trimethorprim/ sulfamethoxazole:

- crystalluria (breakdown of drug into little crystals that can get stuck in the kidneys which can harm them) -steven johnson syndrome

mechanism of action for acyclovir:

- decrease viral shedding -inhibits viral replication

indications for salmeterol (servent):

- maintenance of asthma -COPD

pt education for guafenesin (tussin, mucinex) :

-ensure they are only taking the med they are supposed to be taking -cannot take dextromethrophan and tussin together -max duration to take med is a week

desired outcomes guafenesin (tussin, mucinex) :

-increased mucous production -ease of breathing

desired outcomes for benzonate (tessalon) :

-less coughing -ability to rest

desired outcomes for salmeterol (servent):

-lung sounds remain clear -no wheezing on auscultation -maintained activity tolerance -no accessory breathing

indications for triotropium (spriva) :

-maintenance of asthma -COPD

Nursing actions for ciprofloxacin:

-monitor MSK system -educate pt to take it easy for a week (d/t side effect of tendon rupture -encourage fluids (to lubricate the tendon

nursing actions for IV gentamicin:

-monitor peaks and troughs -monitor and trend creatinine -s/s renal impairment -assess mental status -assess gait -assess for tinnitus

nursing actions for acyclovir:

-monitor renal function -assess skin for infection -will not cure but will decreased severity and duration

What are the side effects for all anitbiotics ?

-nausea -vomiting -diarrhea -photosensitivity

what are the 3 P's ?

-polyphagia -polydipsia -polyuria these are indicators of high blood sugar

what drug class is fluconazole in?


the provider has prescribed amoxicillin for a client admitted to the hospital for treatment of pneumonia. prior to administering the first dose of the med, what should the nurse ask? a. do you have any cardiac history b. do you have a history of seizures c. have you had any recent infections d. have you had a previous allergy to cephlosporins

d. have you had a previous allergy to cephlosporins

which nursing action would the nurse take to avoid red man syndrome when preparing to administer vancomycin? a. administer vit K and IV fluids b. bolus the med c. infuse the med through the largest IV possible in a proximal location d. infuse the med slowly

d. infuse the med slowly

a pt who is receiving an aminogylcoside (gentamicin) has a urinalysis result with all of these findings, which finding should a nurse associate most clearly with an adverse effect of gentamicin? a. WBCs b. glucose c. ketones d. proteins

d. proteins rationale: d/t nephrotoxicity side effect

a client receiving IV gentamicin reports ringing in both ears, which initial action would the nurse take? a. continue the admin, this is an expected side effect b. notify HCP c. consult an audiologist d. stop the infusion

d. stop the infusion

indication for pt taking prednisone:

decrease inflammation, pneumonia, COPD

mechanism of action for montelukast (singluar):

decrease leukotriene production resulting in less inflammation and less mucous

side effects of benzonate (tessalon) :


true or false: IV vancomycin will treat C-diff

false rationale: only oral will kill C-diff

true or false: benzonate (tessalon) is an OTC med

false its a prescription med

what is the role of the sympathetic nervous system:

fight or flight

what drug class is diphenhydramine (benadryl):

first generation antihistamines

what drug class is ciprofloxacin in?


penicillin should not be combined via IV with what drug?


what is a critical lab to monitor for a pt taking prednisone?

glucose abrublty stopping med can cause hypoglycemia

desired outcome for pt taking acyclovir:

healed lesions

what does Beta 1 do?

impacts the heart -accelerates HR in parasympathetic nervous system

what does beta 2 do?

impacts the lungs -responsible for bronchodialation

what is a leukotriene?

inflammatory chemical mediator

side effects of acetylcysteine:

inhalation admin: bronchospasms

mechanism of action for triotropium (spriva) :

inhibit action of acetylcholine a nuerotransmitter in the parasympathetic nervous system

mechanism of action for prednisone:

inhibit luekotrienes prostaglandins and -histamines (when they are blocked increased ulcer/ GI bleed, edema, hypertension)

mechanism of action for fluconazole:

inhibits growth of fungus

mechanism of action for nystatin:

inhibits transport of fungus

what drug class is salmeterol (servent) in?

long acting beta 2 andrenergic agonist

what drug class is azithromycin in?


what drug class is aminophylline in?


mechanism of action for pseudoephendrine (sudafed):

mimics the sympathetic nervous system (decreases secretions)

what drug class is acetylcysteine in?


what drug class is metronidazole in?


mechanism of action for cetirizine (zyrtec)

non-sedating blocks histamine w/out binding to it

are there any special side effects for amoxicillin?

none other than the side effects of all antibiotics

Nursing actions for cephalexin:

not all cephalosporins are interchangeable there are different generations of cephalosporins

mechanism of action for benzonate (tessalon) :

numbs the respiratory tact

what is a paradoxical bronchospasm?

overuse of med causes more constriction which is the opposite of what we want to happen

side effects of albuterol:

palpitations and tachycardia --> angina restlessness --> tremor paradoxical bronchospasm

What drug class of anitbiotics is the safest available?


what drug class is nystatin in?

polyene antifungals

desired outcomes for diphenhydramine (benadryl):

prevention/ decrease in non-life threatening allergic reactions -hives -rash -swelling -welts decrease in itching, severity, body surface area of rash etc.

what is the role of histamines in the body?

produce gastric acid in your stomach

mechanism of action for guafenesin (tussin, mucinex) :

pulls water in to thin secretions (decreases viscosity) NOT A MUCOLYTIC

what drug class is acyclovir in?

purine analog

side effects of nitrofuratoin:

rust-yellow/ brown urine

side effects for salmeterol (servent):

same as albuterol

indication for cetirizine (zyrtec):

seasonal allergies

what drug class is cetirizine (zyrtec) in?

second generation antihistamines

mechanism of action for diphenhydramine (benadryl):

sedating, decrease inflammation in immune response

Mechanism of action for amoxicillin:

stops and kills bacterial infection by stopping replication of good and bad bacteria

side effects for fluconazole:

topical route: -redness -puritus -stinging

side effects of nystatin:

topical route: -pruritus (itching) -redness -burning

indication for nystatin:

treatment of yeast infection (oral thrush or genital yeast infection)

indication for taking fluconazole:

treatment of yeast/ fungal infection

true or false: therapeutic drug levels need to be monitored for aminophylline


acetylcysteine mechanism of action:

when inhaled breaks the proteins in mucous making the viscosity of mucous decrease (breaks mucous)

what is addisons crisis?

when you stop taking corticosteroids abruptly body is not producing cortisol causing pt to have no stress hormone

what is a disulfiram reaction?

when you take an antibiotic like metronidazole with alcohol causes nausea/ vomiting, dizziness, sweating, chest pain

why should we not give two antitussives together?

puts pt at risk for sedation

mechanism of action for aminophylline:

relax smooth muscle in the bronchi (bronchi dilates)

what drug class is trimethorpim/ sulfamethoxazole in?


mechanism of action for dextromethorphan (delsym):

supresses cough reflex in the medulla

what drug class is pseudoephendrine (sudafed) in?


what drug class is tetracylcine in?


side effects of triotropium (spriva):


what drug class is nitrofuratoin in?

urinary tract antiseptic

What to do if a client is taking long-term corticosteroids:

- do not abruptly stop taking the med -notify HCP to taper off

nursing actions for pseudoephendrine (sudafed):

- dont give to cardiac or HTN pts -dont take with other stimulants -only intended for 3-5 day use -needs to be used as directed to prevent rebound congestion -assess cardio, respiratory, and nuero system -dont give to pt more than 2hrs before bed (insomnia effect)

pt education for vancomycin:

- if for C-diff educate on precautions: washing hands with soap, using bleach, contact precautions -educate pt to attend follow up labs

pt education for diphenhydramine (benadryl)

- if going for immune testing let provider know you are on med or stop taking it -not a daily med (only prn for allergic reactions) -best taken at bedtime

Nursing actions for trimethorprim/ sulfamethoxazole:

- med hx for med allergies -minimum fluid intake of 1.5 L a day (to prevent crystalluria) -monitor I& O

nursing actions for all antibiotics

- monitor and trend WBC -assess for infection -monitor vitals -Hx of allergies -monitor for effectiveness -monitor N/V -monitor for superinfection -baseline kidney/liver function -culture and sensitivity if possible -avoid antiacids

pt education for benzonate (tessalon) :

- no alcohol -dont drive -pt must be able to swallow

nursing actions for nystatin:

- provide oral care 1st -have pt swish and swallow -dont want client to eat or drink anything immediately after -be aware of respiratory pts and how much powder you are shaking around

what drug class is albuterol in?

- short acting beta 2 adrenergic agonist

nursing actions for vancomycin:

- skin checks daily -if rash stop med notify HCP -for IV admin there are therapeutic levels (peaks and troughs) -no peaks and troughs for oral vancomycin -monitor creatinine - monitor signs of renal impairment: I & O, weight gain etc.

pt education for acetylcysteine:

- smells like rotten eggs in nebulizer form -may suction after giving nebulizer

side effects for tetracyclines:

- teratogenic children: -long bone formation -tooth staining/ discolortion

indication for taking albuterol:

-acute broncho-spasm: constriction of airway -wheezing -asthma/ EIA (exercise induced asthma -pt should take right before exercising) -COPD -PNU (pneumonia)

indications for aminophylline:

-acute bronchospasm

side effects of montelukast (singluar) :

-agitation -suicidal thoughts or behaviors

indications for montelukast (singluar) :

-allergies -COPD

nursing actions for diphenhydramine (benadryl):

-anticholinergic side effects -safety -older adults and children less than 2 should not take this med -dont give to pt w/ glaucoma (d/t blurred vision side effect) -avoid any CNS depressant (dexromethorphan) -avoid alcohol

nursing actions for triotropium (spriva):

-assess anticholinergic side effects -daily maintenance med -not a rescue med -assess RR system -assess urine output -bowel movements -assess vision

nursing actions for salmeterol (servent)

-assess cardio system (could increase HR) -clean discus (of inhaler) -daily med

pt education for gentamicin:

-attend follow up lab appointments -have peak and trough measures -if the have difficulty hearing notify HCP (ototoxicity)

pt education for aminophylline:

-avoid caffeine and other stimulants -attend lab appointments -contact HCP is restlessness, insomnia, or palpations occur

What kinds of things would a pt take diphenhydramine (benadryl) for?

-blood transfusion reaction -bee sting -PB allergy -latex allergy

desired outcomes for triotropium (spriva):

-clear LS -no accessory breathing

nursing actions montelukast (singluar):

-daily maintenance med -assess nuero stat -assess respiratory system

desired outcomes for pt taking albuterol:

-decreased dyspnea -increase ease of breathing -normal RR (eupnea) -clear LS for EIA: - no wheezing -no exercise induced tachypnea

desired outcomes for pseudoephendrine (sudafed):

-decreased secretions -pt is able to breath through their nose -pt states they have less congestion (subjective finding)

nursing actions for metronidazole:

-do not drink alcohol with this med (including good, products, liquids) -dont drive on this med -can cause disulfiram reaction -can cause metallic like taste -urine or stool can become reddish/ brown color -assess GI system -assess nuero stat

pt education for dextromethorphan (delsym):

-dont combine with alcohol -dont drive after taking -this med is in NyQuil

nursing actions for dextromethorphan (delsym):

-dont give pt at risk for aspiration -dont give to pt on any other centrally acting med (like tramadol) -assess RR system -assess cough characteristics -use no more than a week -potential for abuse

nursing actions for tetracycline:

-dont give to pregnant pts -don't give to children -question client who may become pregnant or plans to -don't take with calcium or dairy products and hour before or after taking med (interferes with absorption)

side effects of diphenhydramine (benadryl):

-drowsiness -anticholinergic

side effects of dextromethorphan (delsym):

-drowsiness/ dizziness

pt education for pseudoephendrine (sudafed):

-educate on proper nasal admin -dont blow nose directly after

pt education for triotropium (spriva) :

-educate on using saline tears for dry eyes -fluid and fiber intake increase -sucking on sugarless candy or gum -be aware of staying out in the heat for a long time -dont swallow the capsule -take small sips of water -clean mouthpiece

patient education for all anitbiotics:

-encourage probiotics -take full course of meds -avoid direct sunlight, where sunscreen, long sleeves, wide brim hats (for photosensitivity) -avoid drinking alcohol -decreased effect of oral contraceptives -s/s C-diff -s/s oral thrush -s/s genital yeast infection -notify HCP if s/s worsening infection -dont combine with antiacids

nursing actions for aticholorgenic side effects (the ABCD'S)

-ensure pt safety -increase fluid and fiber intake -increase activity -theratears/ saline drops (for dry eyes) -frequent mouth care -encourage fluids -sugarless gum/ candy -for a distended bladder (bladder scan) -decrease tome in the heat (d/t stasis of sweat)

what are side effects of metronidazole:

-headache/ dizziness -may cause fluid discoloration

indication for acyclovir:

-herpes zoster -herpes simplex

Nursing actions for amoxicillin:

-if allergic to one penicillin usually allergic to the other

pt education for amoxicillin:

-if they develop allergy to mold or BC let provider know

nursing actions for guafenesin (tussin, mucinex) :

-increase oral fluid intake -assess lung sounds -cough characteristics -for wet productive cough -do not crush mucinex it is an extended release -if they cant swallow pills they will take tussin which needs to be taken more frequently than mucinex (q4 hrs) -helps manage mucous plug

side effects of ciprofloxacin:

-prolonged QT interval ****-tendonitis (inflammation of the tendon)/ tendon rupture (increases over age of 65 and/ or w/ corticosteroids *****

side effects for azithromycin:

-prolonged QT interval (client can go into cardiac dysrythmia)

nursing actions for azithromycin:

-question med with pt hx of cardiac dysrythmias -first day you take a loading dose of the med

desired outcomes for acetylcysteine:

-reduced congestion/ accessory breathing -clear LS

desired outcomes for dextromethorphan (delsym):

-reduced coughing (subjective of objective_ -pt is able to rest

desired outcomes:

-relief of accessory breathing -clear LS

pt education for montelukast (singluar) :

-report changes in mood -educate family member or friend if possible on the nuero changes

desired outcomes for pt taking nystatin:

-skin back to baseline integrity -resolution of infection -decrease iritation

pt education for salmeterol (servent):

-teach how to use discus -educate on difference between maintenance med and rescue med -reduce caffeine intake

indications for pt taking guafenesin (tussin, mucinex) :

-tenacious (thick) sputum -cold -COPD

nursing actions for aminophylline:

-therapeutic lab draws -weight based oral med -usually ICU based -monitor vitals (BP and HR)

patient education for albuterol:

-when to appropriately take this med -not to overtake (paradoxical bronchospasm) -educate how to use inhaler -decrease consumption of caffeine and other stimulants -call 911 if chest pain from albuterol

a nurse monitors a pt who is receiving gentamicin for symptoms of vestibular damage. which finding should the nurse expect the pt to have 1st? a. unsteadiness b. vertigo c. headache d. dizziness

c. headache

a nurse is teaching a pt who is to start taking an expectorant. the nurse provides the pt with which of these instructions? a. restrict cold fluids to promote reduced mucous secretions b. take the med once a day, usually at bedtime c. increase your fluid intake to reduce the viscosity of secretions d. increase your fiber and fluid intake to prevent constipation

c. increase your fluid intake to reduce the viscosity of secretions

a client is prescribed metronidazole (flagyl) and ciprofloxacin (cipro) for diverticulitis. which statement by the client indicated a need for further education? a. i should increase my fluid intake to reduce my risk of tendonitis and deep tendon rupture b. my urine and stool my turn a reddish-brown color c. it is okay to have a glass of champagne when i go out to celebrate tomorrow night d. the medications are ok to take since i do not have cardia history

c. it is okay to have a glass of champagne when i go out to celebrate tomorrow night

the nurse is caring for a pt who is receiving vancomycin q 12 hrs. the primary health care provider prescribes trough levels of the antibiotic. the nurse schedules the blood sample to be obtained at which time? a. half way between the scheduled doses b. in the morning after the client eats breakfast c. just before the med is due d. after the med infusion is completed

c. just before the med is due

after completing a week of antibiotic therapy, an infant develops oral thrush. which medication is indicated for treatment of this condition? a. flucanzoale b. acyclovir c. nystatin d. metronidazole

c. nystatin

when caring for a client who is reveiving an aminoglycoside antibiotic. the nurse should monitor which lab value? a. serum calcium b. serum sodium c. serum creatinine d. serum potassium

c. serum creatinine

a pregnant client with an infection tells the nurse that she has taken tetracycline for infections in the past and prefers to take it now. which is the best response by the nurse? a. tetracycline causes fetal allergies b. ill tell the HCP to prescribe the medication to you c. the medication can cause malformations to the fetus d. it increased fetal tolerance to the medication

c. the medication can cause malformations to the fetus

a client is prescribed levofloxacin. which clinical manifestations of the superinfections should the nurse assess for? a. white patches in the oral mucous membrane b. increase white vaginal discharge c. prolonged QT interval d. more frequent BMs e. deep tendon rupture

a. white patches in the oran mucous membrane b. increase white vaginal discharge

side effects for aminophylline:

above therapeutic range: -restlessness; insomnia can be toxic: -dsrythmias; seizures

what form is impenem usually given oral or IV?

acute care antibiotic is usually IV

nursing action, pt education and desired outcome for cetirizine (zyrtec):

all the same as benadryl

indications for diphenhydramine (benadryl)

allergic reactions

what drug class is gentamicin in?


what drug class is penicillin in?


What drug class is benzonate (tessalon) in?


side effects for cetirizine (zyrtec):

anticholinergic more likely to develop these side effects than benadryl because it is a daily med

what drug class is triotropium (spriva) in?


what drug class is dextromethorphan (delsym) in?


a client has been prescribed nitrofurantoin for treatment of lower UTI. which instructions should the nurse include when teaching the client about this med? select all a. increase your fluid and fiber b. take the med on an empty stomach c. youre urine may become dark brown in color d. take the med until your symptoms subside e. tale the med with an antiacid to decrease GI distress

c. youre urine may become dark brown in color

what drug class is vancomycin in?


what are the ABCD'S of anticholoregenic side effects?

A: agitation B: blurred vision C: constipation D: dry eyes/ mouth S: stasis of sweat and urine

which meds require therapeutic lab draws? select all a. theophylline b. tiotropium c. albuterol d. ipratropium a. theophylline

a. theophylline a. theophylline

what drug class is guafenesin (tussin, mucinex) in?


what drug class is prednisone in?


a client is admitted to a medical surgical unit with a complicated UTI that resulted >100,000 candidiasis. the client is prescribed fluconazole intravenous. which lab values would be the priority for the nurse to monitor?


side effects of pseudoephendrine (sudafed):

CNS: restlessness, irritability, anxiety, insomnia CV: tachycardia, hypertension overuse = rebound congestion

what drug class is cephalexin in?


side effects for vancomycin:

For IV admin only: -nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity -rapid infusion- red man syndrome (chest and face turn bright red d/t rapid infusion of the medication; med need to be slowed) -steven johnson syndrome (rash that turns into blisters and peels; it is treated like a burn)

what labs should you monitor for long term corticosteroid use?

GLUCOSE, calcium, sodium, potassium

side effects for gentamicin:

IV admin only: -nuerotoxicity (ataxia: unsteady gate) -nephrotoxicity -ototoxicity

side effects of acyclovir:

IV only: -nuerotoxicity -nephrotoxicity

what does the nurse identify as a possible adverse effect of long-term corticosteroid therapy? select all a. adrenal insufficiency b. osteoporosis c. hypoglycemia d. hyperkalemia e. cataracts

a. adrenal insufficiency b. osteoporosis e. cataracts

short term side effects for prednisone:

NEED TO KNOW pt will be in fight or flight -mood swings -polyphagia (body hungry for food) -HTN -moon face -weight gain

long term side effects of prednisone:

NEED TO KNOW! -cataracts -osteoporosis -DM II -suppressed immune system -prolonged wound healing -trunkal obesity -thin skin -bruising -purple striae -buffalo hump -moon face -HTN -weight gain -depression -gynocomastia -amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) -hirtsutism

What is a superinfection?

Superinfection is defined as a new infection that appears during the course of treatment of antibiotics -C-diff -oral candidiasis (thrush) -genital candidiasis (yeast infection)

Indication for nitrofuratoin:


which medication is indicated for suppression of cough ? a. benzonatate (tessalon) b. guafenesin (mucinex) c. acetylcysteine (mucomyst) d. fluticasone furoate (veramyst)

a. benzonatate (tessalon)

the nurse is preparing to give a drug to stimulate activation of andrenergic receptors. which effects indicate sympathetic stimulation? a. increase in HR b. constriction of pupils c. antrioventricular block d. sinus bradycardia

a. increase in HR

before administering an aminoglycoside it is important for the nurse to assess the pt history of what? a. myasthenia gravis b. asthma c. HTN d. DM

a. myasthenia gravis rationale: this is weakness and rapid fatigue of muscles d/t the nuerotoxic side effect of these meds

a nurse should monitor more frequently the BP of a pt with a hx of HTN who taken which medication for allergic rhinitis? a. pseudophedrine b. montelukast c. mometasone d. oxymetazoline

a. pseudophedrine

a pt prescribed piperacillin/ tazobactam, which instruction would the nurse include when teaching about the use of this med? a. report signs of an allergic reaction, such as skin rash or itching b. take the med on an empty stomach c. stop taking the med as soon as you stop coughing d. do not take this med if you have any sulfa med allergies

a. report signs of an allergic reaction, such as skin rash or itching

a pt is experiencing symptoms of the "fight-or'fight" response. which autonomic process stimulated this response? a. sympathetic nervous system b. predominant tone of the organs c. baroreceptor reflex d. parasympathetic system

a. sympathetic nervous system

a pt with a UTI is to take nitrofurantoin 4 x a day. the client asks the nurse, "what should i do if i forget a dose" what should the nurse tell the pt? a. take the prescribed dose as soon as you remember it, and if it is very close to the time for the next dose delay the dose b. double the amount prescribed with the next dose c. take a lot of water with a double amount of your prescribed dose d. you can wait and take the next dose when it is due

a. take the prescribed dose as soon as you remember it, and if it is very close to the time for the next dose delay the dose

then nurse is preparing to give a drug that stimulated the parasympathetic nervous system. which pt response is an expected outcome of this drug? a. wheezing decreases due to bronchodilation b. HR decreases to 60 beats/ min c. diarrhea stool count decreases d. O2 improved because of bronchodilation

b. HR decreases to 60 beats/ min rationale: parasympathetic nervous system slows the HR

a nurse is caring for a group of pts who are all receiving anticholinergic drugs. in which pt is an anticholinergic drug contraindicated? a. a 60 yr old women with an overactive bladder b. a 72 yr old man with glaucoma c. a 45 yr old women with peptic ulcer disease d. a 26 yr old man being prepared for surgery today

b. a 72 yr old man with glaucoma rationale: pts with glaucoma have potential of increased intraoccular pressure taking these meds

before administering trimethoprim, it is most important for the nurse to assess the pt for a history of what? a. heart failure b. alcoholism c. diabetes d. emphysema

b. alcoholism

which receptors are considered andrenergic receptors? select all a. alpha 1 b. beta 2 c. dopamine d. beta 1 e. alpha 2

b. beta 2 d. beta 1

the nurse identifies which symptom as a result of activation of histamine 1 by allergic reaction? a. hypertension b. bronchoconstriciton c. sweating d. pupillary dilation

b. bronchoconstriciton

which OTC med would the nurse teach a client taking antihypertensice medications to avoid ? a. benzonate (tessalon) b. psuedophendrine (sudafed) c. dextromethorphan (delsym) d. codeine (tylenol #3)

b. psuedophendrine (sudafed)

the nurse is assessing a pt who is receiving a sulfonamide for a treatment of a UTI. to monitor the pt for the most severe response to sulfonamide therapy, the nurse will assess for what? a. diarrhea b. skin rash and lesions c. HTN d. bleeding

b. skin rash and lesions

which instruction should the nurse include in the teaching for a pt prescribed cetrizine (zyrtec) for seasonal allergies? a. clean the nasal applicator after use to prevent contamination b. take the med daily throughout the allergy season c. expect a decrease in your nasal congestion in a day or two d. take a stool softner daily to avoid the side effect of constipation

b. take the med daily throughout the allergy season

a pt asks a nurse " why should i switch to fexofenadine (allegra) for my allergies when ive been taking diphenhydramine (benadryl) for so long? which response from the nurse is appropriate? a. youll have much less risk of cardiac problems b. there is not nearly as much drowsiness and sedation c. the biggest benefit is that the cost is so much lower d. the dosing is more convenient because you take it once a week

b. there is not nearly as much drowsiness and sedation

the nurse is caring for an asthmatic pt who is on inhaled steroids. which rationale explains why the pt is instructed by the nurse to rinse the mouth and preform oral hygeine? a. to prevent nausea b. to prevent irritation in the oral mucosa c. to prevent bronchodilation d. to prevent dryness of the mouth e. to prevent oral fungal infections

b. to prevent irritation in the oral mucosa e. to prevent oral fungal infections

the nurse knows that there is an increased ototoxicity in a pt receiving an aminogycoside if which level is high? a. concentration b. trough c. peak d. dose

b. trough

which prescribed med would the nurse initiate for a pt with C-diff? a. levofloxacin b. vancomycin c. gentamicin d. penicillin

b. vancomycin

a nurse should teach a pt receiving oral pseudoephendrine (sudafed) to observe for which adverse effects? select all a. sedation b, irritability c. paranoia d. anxiety e. weight loss

b.irritability d. anxiety

what is another name for trimethorprim/ sulfamethoxazole?


Which substance history of a severe allergic reaction results in avoidance of the cephalosporins such as cefazolin, cefditoren, cefotetan, and ceftriaxone? a. tetracycline b. trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole (bactrim) c. amoxicillin d. levofloxacin

c. amoxicillin

when providing pt teaching for oral sulfonamide therapy, the nurse should instruct the pt to take the sulfonamide in what way? a. at mealtime, when food is available b. with soy or nonmilk products c. between meals with a full cup of water d. on awakening before breakfast

c. between meals with a full cup of water

a client with an infection receiving bactrim. which lab blood test result would the nurse report? a. hematocrit 45% b. WBC 10 c. creatinine 1.2 d. specific gravity 1.005

c. creatinine 1.2

when administering prednisone to a pt, the nurse will do what? a. administer the prednisone in the evening to coincide with the natural secretion pattern of the adrenal cortex b. instruct the pt to stop takin prednisone immediately if diarrhea develops c. ensure that meals are at bedside so that administration with food reduces gastric irritation d. avoid intravenous delivery to prevent adverse effects

c. ensure that meals are at bedside so that administration with food reduces gastric irritation rationale: side effects are gastric irritation and ulcers so it should be given with food

a client reports a fever, cough, muscle aches, night sweats and chest pain. the clients laboratory report indicated the presesance of fungus coccidioides organisms in the respiratory tract. which medication would the nurse anticipate administering to this client? a. metronidazole b. nystatin swich and swallow c. fluconazole d. acyclovir

c. fluconazole

what drug class in impenem in?


What is the role of the parasympathetic nervous system?

controls nuerotransmitter acetylcholine -when it decreases pts have opposite effects -mainly controlled by alpha and beta

mechanism of action for albuterol:

create bronchodilation quickly

what lab(s) need to be monitored for gentamicin?


what labs do you need to monitor for vancomycin?


the nurse knows that which nuerotransmitter is most commonly found at the synapses of the peripheral nervous system? a. norepinephrine b. epinephrine c. dopamine d. acetylcholine

d. acetylcholine

a client is prescribed a 5 day Z-pack (azithromycin) for pneumonia. the prescription is to take two tablets on day 1 and one tab on days 2-5. what is the rationale for taking two tablets on day 1? a. reduce the risk of developing an allergic reaction b. kill off lots of bacteria on the first day c. limit the number of days the med is needed d. assist in reaching the therapeutic drug level faster

d. assist in reaching the therapeutic drug level faster

a nurse is peparing to give a med that stimulated the beta 2 receptors. which response will the nurse expect from this drug? a. increased peristalsis b. constriction of the pupil c. hypoglycemia d. bronchodilation

d. bronchodilation

the nurse is teaching a client about taking antihistamines. which information should the nurse include in the teaching plan? a. do not use alcohol with antihistamines b. increased fluid intake at least 2L/day c. the effect of antihistamines is not felt until a day later d. continue taking antihistamines even if nasal infection develops e. operating machinery and driving may be dangerous while taking antihistamines

d. continue taking antihistamines even if nasal infection develops e. operating machinery and driving may be dangerous while taking antihistamines b. increased fluid intake at least 2L/day

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