PHED 1301 Final

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_____ goals typically focus on interpersonal comparisons and the end result of an event.


The performance of aerobic activities requires a constant supply of ____.


Formula to calculate maximal heart rate of an individual.

220 - age

The National Association of Sport and Physical Education recommends ____ minutes per week of instruction at the middle and secondary school levels.


It explained how feedback is used to update the cognitive representation of movement and improve subsequent performances of the motor skills.

Adam's closed loop theory

____, founded in 1954, is the largest sports medicine and exercise science organization in the world.

American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

____ describes personality as traits possessed by an individual that are enduring and stable.


___ is thought to have been one of the first scholars to study the muscles and motions of the human body, which he described in his book De Moto Animalium On the Movement of Animals.


Stages of learning

Cognitive --> Associative --> Autonomous

____, which involved engaging in sport to build moral character, helped reconcile sport and religion during the early and mid-1800s in Great Britain.

Muscular Christianity

Which law provided a free and appropriate education for children aged 3 to 21 and is the most widely known law related to education for people with disabilities in the United States?

Education of All Handicapped Children Act of 1975

The ____ test is a three-pronged test developed by the Office of Civil Rights in 1979 to determine if institutions are in compliance with Title IX.

Effective Accomodation

____ is regarded as the father of Danish physical education.

Franz Nachtegall

Identify a trend that developed during the 1800s in the U.S. in the field of education.

Free public education began to slowly become available for boys and girls.

Identify a true statement about ancient Greek society.

Gymnasiums served as centers for intellectual discussions as well as sport instruction and physical training

Stages of the Developmental Sequences Approach.

Initial --> Emerging --> Proficient

The standards established by ____ provide information for beginning teachers about behaviors and expectations for performance.

Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium

How was the condition of physical education and sport during the Golden Twenties in the United States?

Intramural athletic programs increased in college and universities.

_____ argued that sports activities provided a means to teach and reinforce moral values and virtues, thus serving to build character.

Muscular Christianity

____ provides a national framework for organizations and agencies that provide coaching education and training.

National Standards for Sport Coaches

Who was one of the first researchers to study students' participation patterns and teachers' perceptions in coeducational classes?

Pat Griffin

____ in skeletal muscle is important to the production of adenosine triphosphate.


It proposed the idea that movement patterns such as kicking or throwing could be generalized to a variety of sports and settings.

Schmidt's schema theory

What professional organization focuses on promoting lifelong habits that contribute to individuals' health and physical activity by establishing standards of excellence for school health and education and physical education?

Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America

Identify a significant transformation that has occured after 1970 in sport.

Sport participation at all levels and within all segments of the population have exploded

Identify a true statement about sports participation during the early to mid-1800s during the national period in the United States.

Sports participation grew as settles became more established.

After Per Henrik Ling's development of medical, educational, and aesthetics gymnastics, Ling's gymnastics came to be known as the ____.

Swedish system

What was the state of physical education during the early twentieth century of the United States?

The "new physical education" emphasized the contribution of physical education to the total education of an individual.

What law sought to end discrimination against individuals of all ages with disabilities and to remove barriers to their integration into the economic and social mainstream life?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

____ was developed by Friedrich Ludwig Jahn in an effort to strengthen German youth during the early modern European period.

The Turnverein movement

It suggested that the neuromuscular system plays a prominent role in the selection of physical movements.

The dynamical systems theory

___ was one of the most influential factors for the increase in the number of opportunities in sport for women because it mandated equal treatment for women and men in programs receiving federal assistance.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

Identify a goal of motor behavior identified by Thomas and Thomas.

To understand how motor skills are controlled.

____ served as an influence of the physical activity of Native Americans.

Tribal differences in culture

_____describes personality as "the unique blend of psychological characteristics and behavioral tendencies that make individuals different from and similar to each other."


____ define personality as "those characteristics or blend of characteristics -- that make a person unique."

Weinberg and Gould

An academic discipline consists of a conceptual framework that provides structure for _____.

a field

Aspects of academic progress rate (APR).

academic eligibility, retention, academic success of student-atheletes

According to the holistic health approach, individuals who are healthy have _____.

achieved a high level of wellness

In the context of the objectives in the psychomotor domain developed by Dave, the lower-order objectives focus on the _____.

acquisition of basic movements and perceptual abilities

____ is concerned with the preparation of teachers and sport leaders to provide programs and services for individuals with disabilities.

adapted physical activity

The aerobic system is tremendously efficient at extracting ___ from the food nutrient molecules.

adenosine triphosphate

____ consists of organized efforts to highlight critical issues that have been ignored and submerged, to influence public attitudes, and to enact and implement law and public policies so that the vision of 'what should be' in a just, decent society becomes a reality.


_____ is the study of the nature of beauty and art.


The ___ domain includes the promotion of values, the fostering of social skills, and the enhancement of emotional development.


In the context of interscholastic sport, ____ are used by athletes coupled with intense physical workouts to enhance performance.

anabolic steroids

___ are synthetic forms of the male hormone testosterone.

anabolic-androgenic steroids

Body fuels can be metabolized to produce small amounts of ATP for energy without the use of oxygen. This is referred to as ______.

anaerobic metabolism

Measurement of the human body.


____ is the process of gathering information to learn what participants know and are able to do, in order to determine their progress towards achievement of goals and objectives.


In the ____ stage of learning, the basics of a skill have been learned and a learner concentrates on refining a skill.


_____ refers to highly organized, competitive sports engaged in by skillful participants.


____ examines the nature of values.


Four phases of the skill themes approach.

basic skill --> combinations --> skill in contexts --> culminating activity

In _____, electrodes are attached to an individual's body at the wrist and ankle, and a low-level electrical current is sent through the body.

bioelectrical impedance analysis

A ___ allows an individual to pursue many different jobs within a specific area, such as sport management.

career pathway

In the human body, the center of mass is known as the ___ __ ___.

center of gravity

_____ reflects attainment of a prescribed level of competence, knowledge, skills, and abilities.


5 philosophical concepts of Project Adventure

challenge, cooperation, risk, trust, problem solving

____ work with clients with a host of conditions, such as cardiovascular and pulmonary disorder, as well as those who may have orthopedic or musculoskeletal problems.

clinical exercise physiologists

The ____ domain is concerned with the acquisition of knowledge and its application.


In the 1960s, Franklin Henry published his landmark paper on the memory drum theory, which discussed the role of _____.

cognitive activity in motor learning

_____ recognizes that individuals' thoughts about themselves and a situation influences their action.

cognitive psychology

Vividness in imagery is enhanced through the use of ____.


In the context of sport psychologists' study of elite sport performers, a component of hardiness includes _____.


____ implies having the capacity to function effectively as an individual and an organization within the context of the cultural beliefs, behaviors, and needs presented by consumers and their communities.


The most formal approach to fitness education is the _____, where students engage in classroom discussions, laboratory activities, and physical activity experiences.

concepts-based fitness and wellness model

Professional theory courses focus on ____.

conveying knowledge within a discipline

Professional theory courses focus on _____.

conveying knowledge within a discipline

____ focuses on challenging individuals' beliefs that lead them to accept negative statements as being the truth.


____ focuses on challenging individuals' beliefs that lead them to accept negative statements as being truth.


Identify an important aspect of the existentialist philosophy.


During the 1800s in Great Britain, sports such as ____ found popularity among the upper class men, many of whom had played such sports at their private boarding schools.


____ refers to integrated patterns of human behavior that include the language, thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious or social groups.


In the context of the transtheoretical theory, ___ ___ involves weighing the relative pros and cons of the behavioral change, that is, perceived benefits, drawbacks, and barriers to change.

decisional balance

In the context of standards-based education in the United States, one of the purposes of the national standards movement was to ____.

decrease the achievement gap between the economically advantaged and disadvantaged

Cornerstones of the wellness movement.

disease prevention and health promotion

During the 1970s and 1980s, there was a growing emphasis on ______.

disease prevention and health promotion

The belief that the mind and the body are separate entities is termed _____.


Use to measure force, torque, or power produced during a movement.


In the context of modern educational philosophy, progressives believed that ___ was the avenue to improving the social conditions of society.


_____ _____ significantly affected the development of physical education pedagogy.

educational reserach

Technique that canbe used to provide information about the angles of the joint as part of a total motion pattern.


Measure the electrical activity produced by a muscle or muscle group.


The proficient stage of the development sequences approach is marked by ____.

enhanced coordination

One major reason Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 came into existence in the United States was to ____.

ensure that girls and women receive the same rights as boys and men

____ is the branch of philosophy concerned with examining the nature of knowledge.


___ is concerned with issues of right and wrong, responsibility, and standards of conduct.


____ is the process of interpreting the information or data.


Cultural competency requires ______.

examining the privileges and disadvantages associated with one's own culture

____ ___ is the study of the effects of various physical demands, particularly exercise, on the structure and function of the body.

exercise physiology

____ ___ is the scientific analysis of exercise or, more inclusively, physical activity.

exercise science

According to ____ ___, reality is determined by individuals' experiences.

existentialist philosophy

_____ ___ see themselves performing as if they were watching a video of their performance.

external imagery

In the context of the information processing model, ____ is the information about the performance of a movement and its quality, appropriateness, or outcome.


___ = "combination of a well established discipline and one or more professions that deliver a social service" and are "focused on common goals"


Newton's ____ Law: a body at rest will remain at rest and a body in motion will remain in motion at the same speed and in the same direction unless acted on by outside force.


The fulcrum in between the weight and force.

first-class lever

Danish programs of gymnastics emphasized ____.

fitness and strength

In the context of kinetics, ____ is any action that changes or tends to change the motion of an object.


___ are statements of purposes, intents, and aims that reflect desired accomplishments.


When compared to the federal rate, the ___ was thought by the National Collegiate Athletic Association to be a more accurate reflection of the academic success of their athletes.

graduation success rate

The Turnverein movement developed by Friedrich Ludwig John was an association of ____.


What is the Puritans believe to be secrets to eternal life and blessedness?

hard work, stern discipline, austerity, and frugality

Areas within health education.

health instruction, provision of health services and environmental health

Elementary school education programs focus on ____.

helping children attain competency in the fundamental motor skills

The additional lessons students learn based on indirect messages teachers deliver are what PE teachers refer to as the ____ ____.

hidden curriculum

The overarching framework of advocacy is ____.

human rights

A ___ ____ emphasized the development of the full potential of each individual.

humanistic philosophy

____ emphasizes the mind as central to understanding and the critical role that reasoning plays in arriving at the truth.


Vealey and Greenleaf define ____ as the "process using all the senses to re-create or create an experience in the mind."


____ is a versatile mental training technique and can be used in different ways by athletes to enhance their performance.


According to Magill and Anderson, a performance characteristic associated with skill learning is _____.

improvement, consistency, stability, persistence, adaptability, and reduction of attention demand

Since the 1970s, expansion in physical education and sport results in ______.

increased salaries of sports professionals

_____ is a standardized pattern or set of behaviors sustained over a period of time and from one situation to another.


Connecting the standards, instruction, and assessment components of physical education curricula and units of instruction is referred to as ___ ___.

instructional alignment

The four primary themes of the personal and social responsibility model (PSRM) include the levels should be ____ across all physical education content; personal and social responsibility behaviors should be ___ outside of PE & school; student should be ____; and teachers and students should develop a ____.

integrated; transferred; empowered; relationship

What was the condition of physical education during the early to mid-1800s during the national period in the United States?

intercollegiate athletics began during this period of time

_____ _____ is when athletes construct the image of the performance from the perspective of their own eyes as if they were inside their body when executing the skill.

internal imagery

Practical experiences associated with non teaching physical education, exercise science, and sport programs are commonly referred to as ____.


Tactical problems use what problems?

invasion, net/wall, striking/fielding, target

Drawback of teaching in nonschool settings.

irregular work opportunity; lack of job security

When an individual is performing _____, the length of the muscle changes while the contraction is performed at a constant velocity.

isokinetic exercises

Archibald Maclaren, who was one of the leaders of physical education in Great Britain, believed that ____.

it is important to treat physical training as a science

Identify an important role played by sports in the lives of Native Americans.

it promoted group identity.

According to the American Kinesiotherapy Association, a(n) ____ is a health care professional who, under the direction of a physician, treats the effects of disease, injury, and congenital disorders, through the use of therapeutic exercise and education.


Drawback of teaching in school settings.

lack of commitment from schools

Identify the time period of the kinesiology era in the United States.

late 1800s to 1960 AD

Identify the components of a placement file.

letters of recommendation, a resume, demographic information

A ____ is a mechanical device used to produce a turning motion about a fixed point, called an axis.


Identify the factor that cultural competency helps achieve in the physical activity of people.

lifespan involvement

According to the wellness approach, ___ exert a significant influence on one's well-being.

living conditions

What do sports philosophers use as a tool to advance knowledge and arrive at decisions?


____ focuses on the examination of ideas in an orderly and systematic way.


The ____ marked the beginning of the growth of motor development as an area of study within physical education.

maturational period

___ is the process of gathering information or collecting data.


In the United States, starting in the late 1800s, the term kinesiology was used to refer to the science of applying ___ to the study of movement.


____ focus on providing services to individuals with chronic diseases and multiple risk factors.

medical fitness centers

According to Anshel, a highly skilled athlete would score relatively high in ____.

mental toughness

____ seeks to address the ultimate nature of reality, that is, what is real and exists.


According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, adults are recommended to engage in ____.

moderate-intensity exercise, 2.5 hours a week

____ views the mind and the body as a fused, unified entity.


____ refers to a condition within an individual that initiates activity directed toward a goal.


____ is the study of the neurophysiological and behavioral processes affecting the control of skills movements.

motor control

_____ _____ studies the factors that influence the development of abilities essential to movement.

motor development

In the context of physical education, ____ ____ is the study of changes in motor behavior that are primarily the result of practice and experience.

motor learning

Physical education is the only area within the school setting that helps students in developing their ____.

motor skills

According to O'Sullivan and Kinchin, ____ ___ is defined as the infrastructure, norms, practices, policies and values associated with sport, recreation, and physical activity at the local, national, and international levels.

movement culture

The performance of an individual's physical activities diminishes greatly when sufficient ___ cannot be provided by the cardiorespiratory system to the working muscles.


According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, children are recommended to engage in ____.

muscle- and bone-strengthening activity 3 days a week

The ability of a muscle or muscle group to exert force against a resistance is known as ____.

muscular edurance

The belief that life is governed by the laws of nature is a central to the philosophy of ___.


____ are derived from goals; describe learning, specifically what individuals should know, do, or feel as a result of instruction.


According to Lambert, job opportunities are limited to the traditional teaching-coaching career if physical education is defined as ______.

only the coaching of sports, dance, and exercise in public schools

____ are skills that are performed in a variable, unpredictable environment.

open skills

As a form of therapy, dance is used to provide ____.

opportunities for individuals to express their thoughts and feelings

Benefit of teaching in nonschool setting.

opportunity to specialize

Identify the objectives of physical education articulated by Hetherington.

organic development (fitness), psychomotor development (skill), character development (social), and intellectual development (mental)

Salient teacher behaviors

organization, communication, instruction, motivation, and human relation

Great Britain during the early 1800s took a different approach to physical education as it emphasized programs of _____.

organized games and sports

___ goals refer to the individual's actual performance in relation to personal levels of achievement.


Identify differences included by DeSensi in the extended version of his definition of cultural diversity.

personality, sexual orientation, veteran status, physical appearance, marital status, and parental status

Domains of coaching competency.

philosophy & ethics, safety & injury prevention

____ ___ ____ can be defined broadly to include the study of teaching and learning in school and nonschool settings.

physical education pedagogy

____ exerted an important influence on the development of sports medicine and adapted physical activity.

physical therapy

The theory of ____ incorporates the tenets of the theory of reasoned action and adds another concept -- perceived control.

planned action

______ ___ focuses on how to apply the information learned within your instruction or area of practice.

practitioner-based research

____ experiences -- not ideals or realities -- are the basis of truth.


___ goals focus on how a particular skill is performed.


A(n) _____ is an occupation requiring specialized training in an intellectual field of study that is dedicated to the betterment of society through service to others.


Opportunities for ____ may be found with theater companies, television shows, and resorts.

professional dancers

___ provide students with knowledge relative to a discipline and are designed to prepare majors for their chosen career.

professional theory courses

The ____ domain involves the development of motor skills and physical fitness.


Used to learn more about the social context in which participants live.

qualitative research.

Based on numbers.

quantitative research

____ emphasizes the use of the scientific method to arrive at the truth.


The theory of ______ is based on the idea that the most important determinant of an individual's behavior is the intention to perform that behavior.

reasoned action

____ use techniques of play and other activities to help individuals achieve appropriate goals in physical, emotional, mental, and social development.

recreation therapists

____ is the study of the movement patterns of people who are injured or who have a disability.

rehabilitation biomechanics

______ work primarily with individuals who exhibit the effects of coronary heart disease, and they focus on helping these individuals attain a functional state of living and an enhanced quality of life.

rehabilitative exercise program specialists

Purposes of Kinesiology according to Hamilton and Luttgens.

safety, effectiveness, and efficiency

___ ___ is based on a systematic approach to gathering information that potentially answers an investigated question.

scientific research

Newton's ___ Law: a change in velocity of an object is directly proportional to the force producing it and inversely proportional to the object's mass.


The weight is between the fulcrum and the force.

second-class lever

_____ formed the foundation for the development of sport and exercise psychology, motor development, and sport philosophy.

social sciences

Level 4 of the physical activity pyramid indicates that ____.

some rest and inactivity are important

According to Vealey, ____ is the systematic scholarly study of the behavior, feelings, and thoughts of people engaged in sport, exercise, and physical activity.

sport and exercise psychology

___ ___ applies the methods of physics and mechanics to the study of human motion and the motion of sport objects on the body and sport objects.

sport biomechanics

The ___ was first developed by Daryl Siedentop in 1984, to create an authentic sports experience for students in physical education that is developmentally appropriate and to provide opportunities for boys and girls to participate equally.

sport education model

According to Coakley, ___ is defined as a set of norms accepted as the dominant criteria for defining what is required to be defined and accepted as an athlete in power and performance sports.

sport ethic

____ is concerned with the study of teaching and learning processes of physical activity.

sport pedagogy

____ ____ examines sport from many different perspectives.

sport philosophy

___ ____ is the study of the role of sport in society, its impact on participants in sport, and the relationship between sport and other societal institutions.

sport sociology

___ refers to highly organized, competitive physical activities governed by rules.


_____ is where players from certain racial or ethnic groups are disproportionately represented at certain positions.


___ involves gently and slowly moving into a stretch position and holding it for a certain period of time.

static stretching

____ work to assess, motivate, educate, and train athletes for the primary goal of improving sport performance.

strength and conditioning professionals

Identify the physiological components involved in kinesiology.

structure of muscles, function of muscles, skeletal framework

____ assessments inform teachers and students about what students have learned over the course of a unit and are usually associated with a grade.


____ ____ begins at the threshold of training and defines the upper limits of training and the optimal level of exercise.

target zone

___ organizes objectives in a progression hierarchy, from low to high, using developmental theories as a basis for formulating those objectives.


The ___ was based on modified game play that set up tactical problems for students to solve with different skills and movements.

teaching games for understanding model

Wireless recording of various aspects of movement.


The transtheoretical model has most frequently been applied to _____.

the cessation of unhealthy addictive behaviors

Professionals who follow the tenets of idealism lay emphasis on _____.

the development of character

At the professional level, many of the same responsibilities performed by the sports information director are handled by ____.

the director of public relations

Identify the theory that explains human movement as the result of the interaction between three systems: the individual or the organism, the environment, and the task.

the dynamical systems theory

What happens when an individual performs the contract-relax technique?

the muscle opposite the one to be stretched is contracted for at least 5 seconds

School physical education programs focus on ____.

the promotion of lifespan involvement in physical activity

The guiding principle of the Athenian society, arete, meaning ___ encouraged individuals to push themselves to achieve to the highest extent possible.

the pursuit of excellence

What happens in the elementary emerging stage of the developmental sequences approach?

the spatial and temporal elements of the movements are better synchronized

The key to the isokinetic exercise approach is _____.

the speech at which a resistance is moved

During the Civil War period through 1900, women's sports consisted of those in which _____.

they could participate and continue to be ladylike

Newton's ___ Law: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


The force is between the fulcrum and the weight.

third-class lever

___ __ ___ is the minimum level of exercise needed to achieve desired benefits.

threshold of training

In the context of the selected biomechanical terms related to human motion, ___ represents a twisting, turning, or rotary force related to the production of angular acceleration.


During the early period, motor learning researchers focused on ____.

trying to understand how the mind worked

In prehistoric times, the Greek ideal stressed the ____.

unity of mind, body, and spirit

____ is a state of being in which an individual's physical, emotional, social, mental, spiritual, and environmental aspects of health are in balance.


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