PHI 325 Final Review Questions

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Barnes considers the following argument: (i) Having a disability is the kind of thing that makes life harder; (ii) Because (i), disability has a negative impact on quality of life; (iii) Because (ii) disability is a negative difference-maker The problem with this argument, according to her, is that

(ii) is ambiguous between local and overall quality of life

The life expectancy of Aboriginal Australians compared to non-Aboriginal Australians is

19-20 years lower

In the U.S., how many times more likely are black women to die from pregnancy-related causes than non-black women?


In Braiding Sweetgrass, when Kimmerer is exploring a polluted lake, she happens upon a/n

Halloween exhibit

In, "A Defense of Abortion," Thomson argues that abortion isn't usually morally wrong. The violinist example is taken to show that abortion isn't wrong in cases of rape. The growing child example is taken to show that abortion isn't wrong when the fetus threatens the mother's life. And the people seeds example is taken to show that abortion isn't wrong even when

a person consents to sexual intercourse while taking reasonable precautions to prevent pregnancy

Being intersex means

a person's biological characteristics do not align with traditional male/female categories

According to Myser, "whiteness" is characterized by

a person's location within a hierarchical social system

Which definition best describes systemic racism?

a system of entrenched harmful patterns, norms and barriers that preserve the power of white people over non-white people

Being enacted means

adults make decisions for children

One article assigned for this class argued that improving health care for Indigenous people will require

all of the above i. address racism against indigenous people and recognize trauma caused ii. increase medical professionals' understanding of indigenous customs and values iii. fairer allocation of resources to indigenous peoples

Defining disease is important since

all of the above i. affects distribution of healthcare resources ii. may impact access to health insurance and/or cost of it iii. may be influenced by drug companies

According to Jabr, in order to help prevent future pandemics caused by zoonotic diseases, humans must

all of the above i. change the way we relate to nonhumans ii. stop viewing humans in a vacuum iii. become aware of effects of human practices (deforestation, urban sprawl, etc)

Children are situated within

all of the above i. families ii. cultural context iii. a language

One problem with surgeries standardly performed on intersex infants is that

all of the above i. intersex adults often wish they hadn't been done ii. can interfere with future sexual experiences iii. can interfere with reproduction

When Myser claims that whiteness is normative within bioethics she means that

all of the above i. non-white voice are excluded ii. white voices are dominant iii. white people construct mainstream theories and methods

Smith argues that HPV vaccination for both males and females is ethically required since

all of the above i. vaccinating females only increases female sexual stigma ii. leaves males who have sex with males vulnerable iii. males carry some risk of HPV infection

The holobiont persective of the human microbiome views the human microbiome as

another part of one's body, much like a heart or stomach

All three of the perspectives discussed in, "Health, Ecology and the Microbiome," view health and disease

as a matter of management, restoration and sustainability

Barnes thinks that aborting a fetus because it has a disability

assumes falsely that disability will have a negative impact on overall quality of life

Which of the following is an example of epistemic injustice?

assuming a child is exaggerating about the stomach pain they're feeling

Dunn cites studies that point out a correlation between

both a and b a = diversity of wildlife in your yard and microbes on your skin b = diversity of microbes on your skin and risk of allergies

In "Children and Health," one key takeaway is that

children's vulnerability is a more naked version of our own (adult) vulnerability

Thomson uses the growing child in a house scenario to address the question of whether a "third party," may perform an abortion. She argues that in cases where a fetus threatens the mother's life, an impartial person should

choose to save the mother

For Barnes, in "Disability, Minority, Difference," disability is a


In the "How to Hear a Smile," podcast, Kristen emphasizes that when she was pregnant her health care providers repeatedly

doubted her ability to parent

Looking up the word "disability" in the dictionary will tell you

how English speakers use the word 'disability'

The discussion of a pregnant teen in the article, "Children and Health," was provided as an example of

how children are sometimes unable to recognize particular symptoms due to how much their bodies are constantly changing

Zoonotic diseases usually move from nonhumans to humans as a result of

human activity that reshapes our environment

On the conception of health based on natural selection, human microbiomes are not the types of things that can be healthy or unhealthy, since

humans don't pass on their microbiomes' traits genetically through reproduction

The claim that a fetus is a person

is a point that Thomson grants to her opponent, as she argues that even if the fetus is a person, it is nonetheless sometimes okay to kill it

According to the ecological perspective of the human microbiome, is your microbiome the type of entity that can be considered healthy/unhealthy?

it depends on whether you understand functionality as determined by natural selection or functional efficiency

Marquis believes that

it would be wrong to kill aliens if they had valuable futures

One objection Marquis considers to his argument that abortion is usually immoral is that

killing someone is wrong only if they desire to go on living

One difficulty for those who view disability as a negative difference-maker is that

many disabled people don't feel like their disability makes them worse off

In contrast to models of healthcare based on consumerism (where the patient knows best and is in full control) or paternalism (where the provider knows best and the patient is prevented from making decisions), one author advocates a model based on

maternalism, which centers a caring and trusting relationship between the parent, child and physician that values the child's independence

Being a mother is _______________ for being a grandmother.


Both Barnes and Scully, the two authors we read on disability, compare disability to gayness in order to show that

none of the above (NOT gayness and disability can be cured, significant overlap between the two communities, or that they both have been persecuted historically)

An arrow in an argument map pointing from "1" to "2" means

premise 1 provides a reason for believing premise 2

In "How to Hear a Smile," Kristen recalls

singing with her baby

The study in the Radiolab podcast, "Gut Feelings," found that gut bacteria affect

stress hormone levels and consequently behavior

Marquis claims the deprivation of a future of value is a __________________ condition for the wrongness of killing.


Our class discussion on Braiding Sweetgrass focused on

the different meanings of "land"

One of your classmates' videos mentioned the notion of cultural competency and contrasted this with cultural humility. As the video explained, cultural humility is

the idea that you don't know everything about another person's culture, so you should remain humble as you approach cultural differences

One explanation for the correlation between having a diverse microbiome and a reduced risk for developing allergies is that

the immune system lacks adequate practice distinguishing good and bad bacteria

The difference between the medical and social models of disability is that

the medical model treats disability as an aspect of a person's biology, while the social model holds that societal factors are as important as biology in producing disability

Biss introduced us to the notion that we are "a garden within a garden." This means that

we are complex, interdependent beings, and this complexity and interdependence exist both within and outside of our bodies

A leading explanation for the poor pregnancy outcomes of black mothers, including the deaths of their infants, is

weathering, the toxic stress black women experience from being exposed throughout their lives to racism and discrimination

Epistemic injustice is

when the beliefs of people from a particular social group are treated as inferior or not credible

Biss writes that "immunity is a shared space - a garden we tend together," meaning that

whether someone is immune to an infection depends on what the people around them are doing

One reason women are impacted disproportionately by Covid is that

women are overrepresented in caretaking roles

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