PHIL Quizzes 4&5

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Congressman Baxter, I know you will want to support our application to clear-cut the old growth timber in the Great Northern forest. After all, surely you don't want the media to find out about that affair you've been having with a certain Capitol Hill intern.

appeal to force

The war in Iraq is justified beyond any question. America was founded in the spirit of freedom and self-determination, and it finds its destiny in liberating the victims of tyranny wherever they languish! America is a beacon of hope for the oppressed, a refuge for the downtrodden, a shining star of freedom for the whole world! The hand of the Almighty points the way! Every true patriot will heed the clarion call of freedom for all humankind!

appeal to the people

Radio host Rush Limbaugh argues that America's foreign policy is a great success. But who is this screwball Limbaugh? He's nothing but a fascist, sexist, homophobic, drug-addicted moron, who will say anything to stir up the ultra right. Every sane person shuts him off.

argument against the person, abusive.

Louise is running for class president. In her campaign speech she says, "My opponent does not deserve to win. She is a smoker and she cheated on her boyfriend last year."

attack on the person, abusive

Margaret says that all blonds are brilliant, but I wouldn't listen to her because, even though her hair looks red, her natural color is blond.

attack on the person, circumstantial

Dorothy has blue eyes and blond hair. Therefore, probably her identical twin sister Theodora has blue eyes and blond hair.

no fallacy

Dr. Niels Langer, the universally recognized climatologist, says that global warming is an extremely important problem that must be addressed immediately. Therefore, we should take him at his word and get to work on solving this problem right now.

no fallacy

It's never a good idea to allow your teenage kids to have a sip of champagne on New Year's Eve. Next you know they'll be drinking beer during TV football games. Then it'll be wine every night at dinner. Then bloody Mary's every morning. Soon they'll be raging alcoholics, and the costs for rehab will be enormous.

slippery slope

Morgan Mayfield gives a number of reasons why we should turn off our cell phones during class. It appears that Mayfield is one of those Luddites who are opposed to technology altogether. No computers, no iPods, no Palm Pilots--that's what Mayfield wants. But that's just ridiculous. It's clear that Mayfield is wrong.

straw man

Capital punishment is wrong, because if it were wrong, it wouldn't be legal.

Begging the question

Did you enjoy breaking your grandmother's heart by being late for the ceremony?

Complex question

Anthony and Marie have a heated argument. During their fight, Anthony tells Marie that he hates her and wished that she would get hit by a bus. Later that evening, Anthony receives a call from a friend who tells him that Maria is in the hospital because she was struck by a bus. Anthony immediately blames himself and reasons that if he hadn't made that comment during their fight, Marie would not have been hit.

False Cause

The problem with the Giants is the Loma Prieta earthquake. They haven't won a league championship since the earthquake hit during the World Series in 1989.

False cause

Whatever you do, never accept a date from Ken Bradshaw. The last woman to date Ken broke up with him in just 3 weeks and became a lesbian.

False cause

I owned a Ford once, and it broke down on me. They are terrible cars, and I will never buy one again.

Hasty generalization

Vioxx, Celebrex, and Bextra are painkillers, and all of them are risky for heart patients. It must be the case that all painkillers are risky for heart patients.

Hasty generalization

There is a lot of talk these days about the need for greater fuel economy in SUVs. But today's SUV's are really beautiful. The Lexus LS 450 has clean lines, supple leather, and polished hardwood. The Lincoln Navigator features beautiful paint and the feel of strength and security. And the Mercury Mariner has wonderful styling and a great sound system. Who could ask for anything more?

Red herring

Jeff's mom is concerned when she finds out that he skipped class one day. She tells him that she is concerned that since he skipped one class, he will start skipping more frequently. Then he will drop out altogether, never graduate or get into college, and end up unemployed and living at home for the rest of his life.

Slippery slope

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