Philosophy. Midterm

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Where in the countries of the Ancient East were the first philosophical views and judgments formed?

Ancient Egypt and Babylon

A characteristic feature of the philosophy of the Renaissance is:


The most important feature of the philosophical thought and culture of the Renaissance is:


Type of worldview, according to which man is the center and the highest goal of the universe:


The ancient Chinese philosophical texts include

Tao Te Ching

Eschatology is

Teaching about the fate of the world and man

The first philosophers expressed the version that water is the root cause of the world in their teachings

Thales in Greece

The basic principle of ancient philosophy was:


The worldview principle, according to which the world was created by God out of nothing, is called:


The most important philosophical work of Immanuel Kant

Critique of Pure Reason

What is the name of the doctrine of being in philosophy


Works of early Christian literature not included in the biblical canon, i.e. recognized by the official church as "false"


Find out the schools of thought in ancient India that recognize and do not recognize the Vedas

astika and nastika

The direction that denies the existence of God is called:


Find out the structure of the worldview.

attitude, understanding and perception

The doctrine that developed in the Renaissance, and affirms the identity of God and nature, that "nature is God in things"


The name of the period of the creative ministry of the "Church Fathers" (III-VIII centuries), who laid the foundations of Christian philosophy and theology; in their works, in opposition-dialogue with Greco-Roman philosophy, a system of Christian dogma is being formed:


Italian poet, author of sonnets to Laura, founder of humanism, critic of scholasticism


The basics of being, problems of cognition, the purpose of a person and his position in the world are studied by:


World outlook form of public consciousness, rationally substantiating the ultimate foundations of being, including society and law:


Author of "Speech on Freedom and Human Dignity"

Pico della Mirandola

In antiquity, the merit of the discovery of the supersensible world of ideas belongs to:


Objective-idealistic philosophy was founded:


The source of knowledge is the memory of the soul about the world of ideas, he believed:


The statement that the soul before the birth of a person was in the world of ideas, therefore, in the process of cognition, it is able to recall them belongs to:


Who put forward the doctrine "On the world of ideas and shadows"?


Basic idea of ​​the philosophy of the French Enlightenment

Priority of reason as the highest authority in solving problems of human society

On the basis of movement in philosophy laws divided into

Private, general, most general

The saying: "Man is the measure of all things" belongs to:


The principle that God determines the entire course of history and the fate of each person


First used the word "philosophy" and called himself a "philosopher":


Position: "Number is the essence and meaning of everything that is in the world" belongs to:


Who was the first used the term Philosophy


Philosophical direction, recognizing the mind as the basis of knowledge and behavior of people


The essence of deism is

Reducing the role of God to the creation of matter and the first impulse

The defining feature of a religious worldview is:

belief in supernatural, other wordly forces that have the ability to influence the world

According to Marxist philosophy, the essence of the main question of philosophy is:

driving forces of society development

Representatives of which philosophical school posed the problem of being, opposed the world of feelings to the world of reason and argued that movement, any change is only an illusion of the sensual illusory world:

eleatic school

Movement, any change are only an illusion of the sensory world, they argued:


The section of philosophy in which the problems of cognition are developed



generalization, as far as possible, of views regarding the surrounding world and the place of a person in it

Knowledge according to Socrates is identical:


The ideological function of philosophy is that:

helps to understand ourselves, our place in the world

The law of retribution in Indian religion and religious philosophy, which determines the nature of the new birth of reincarnation:


Thesis belonging to the thinker Thales:

know yourself

From the Greek language, the word "philosophy" is translated as:

love of wisdom

What kinds of actions do you know

machanical, physical, chemical, biological, social

Find out the name of understanding the primacy of matter and the objectivity of the reality of its existence outside of human consciousness


Features of rationalism of the XVII century. conditioned by


Dualism is characterized by the following thesis:

matter and consciousness are two principles that exist independently of each other

Chronological framework of German classical philosophy

18-19 centuries

Chronological framework of the development of ancient philosophy:

6th century BC- 6th century AD

Determine the time of origin of philosophy:

7-6 centuries BC

The name received as the cycle of life or the wheel of life in Indian philosophy


Which of the following features is not characteristic of medieval philosophical thought


Liberation from church influence


Roman philosopher, educator of Nero, author of "Letters to Lucillus", representative of Stoicism

Seneca the Younger

A trend that considers sensory experience to be the only source of our knowledge about the world


The idea of ​​the rule of law includes a provision on

Separation of powers

Name of the founder of Buddhism

Siddhartha Gautama

"I know that I know nothing...". The author of the aphorism:


Teaching on the salvation of the soul


The statement: "What is important is not what happens to us, but how we relate to it" corresponds to the worldview:


The era of restoration of the ideals of antiquity in Europe:


French philosopher, supporter of sensationalism

Étienne Bonnot de Condillac

"Six Days" is a book that stated:

Christian ontology and cosmogony

French philosopher who believed in the omnipotence of upbringing and argued that people from birth have equal abilities

Claude Adrien Helvétius

D. Hume's central philosophical problem


The author of the doctrine of the undesirability of what you do not wish for yourself


The concept of a "noble husband" as an ideal personality was developed by:


The main claim of rationalism is that

The mind plays a priority role in human cognitive activity

The main task of Christian apologists was:

justification of the advantages of Christianity over paganism

The concept of ancient Chinese philosophy, denoting a masculine, light and active principle:


The concept of ancient Chinese philosophy, denoting the feminine, dark and passive principle:


The golden rule of morality: "What you don't wish for yourself, don't do the same to others" was first formulated:


According to Aristotle, the human soul does not include

Mineral soul

Scholasticism is:

A type of philosophizing, distinguished by speculation and the primacy of logical and epistemological problems

A philosophical trend that denies knowledge of the world is ...


What is the name of the work of Al Khorezmiy that brought him the fame of a scientist

Al Jabr val Mukobila

Basic statement of empiricism

All human knowledge is based on experience

Philosopher, student of Plato, author of the books "Metaphysics", "Poetics", "Politics"


Philosopher, student of Plato:


The philosopher who considered logic to be the main instrument of knowledge:


Restriction or suppression of sensual desires, voluntary enduring physical pain, loneliness:


The name of the school that recognizes the sacred Vedas in Indian philosophy.


What are the Orthodox schools in Indian philosophy

Astika- nyaya, sakhya, mimasa, yoga

An outstanding representative of patristics, the author of the books "Confession", "About the City of God"


Find out the first religious and philosophical sources in Central Asia


Founder of empiricism, author of the first technocratic utopia "New Atlantis", author of the slogan "Knowledge is power"


Name the philosopher who proposed the use of experience and experimental method in science


What is the name of the philosopher, the founder of the inductive method in philosophy


According to I. Kant, in order for knowledge to be reliable, it must:

Be universal and necessary

What is the name of the creator of being and the highest deity in ancient India


Provisions about the infinity of the Universe in time and space, about the identity of God and nature was substantiated by


Representative of the philosophy of the Renaissance:


The name of the founder of Buddhism, meaning awakened, enlightened:


According to Francis Bacon, any knowledge must:

Build on experience and move from the singular to the general

First expressed the idea of ​​the atomic structure of matter:


Who is the founder of the atomistic theory

Democritus, Leucippus

Not a characteristic feature of German classical philosophy

Denial of transcendental, divine being

Dualistic philosophy is characteristic of


French philosopher, he is also the creator of algebra and analytic geometry


The idea "never to take for the true something that I would not have known as such with evidence" belongs to:


The statement: "I think, therefore, I exist"


What is the name of the founder of the deductive method in philosophy


Hegel's theory of development, which is based on the unity and struggle of opposites, is called:


The philosopher who lived in a barrel considered himself a "citizen of the world" and called for poverty, ignorance


On the question of substance, Rene Descartes adhered to


Bacon's division of experiments into "fruitful" and "luminiferous" corresponds to the division of knowledge into:

Empirical and theoretical

What is the name of the philosophical doctrine of knowledge


The art of interpretation of sacred texts, which developed in the Middle Ages


If Arastu was the first teacher in the history of philosophy, then who was the second


Who is the founder of the idea that man is the main subject of Western philosophy


In which city was the Platonic Academy revived in the 15th century


The center of European Enlightenment in the middle of the 18th century was


Philosopher, author of "Phenomenology of Spirit", "Science of Logic", "Philosophy of History", "Philosophy of Law":

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

The representative of subjective idealism is

George Berkeley

Theocentrism is a worldview position, which is based on the idea of ​​leadership:


The philosopher who took the so-called "monads" as the basis of being

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Who is the author of the expression that "you cannot enter the same river twice"


The ancient philosopher believed that one and the same river cannot be entered twice:


Who among the ancient philosophers taught that everything develops, that the primary cause of the world and its primary foundation is fire, that one cannot enter the same river twice:


Who is considered as a father of dialectics


Indicate the founder philosopher of dialectics in Western philosophy

Heraclitus, Hegel

The secular worldview position of the Renaissance, opposed to scholasticism and the spiritual domination of the church:


In Plato's philosophy, the idea of ​​a "horse" differs from a real, living horse in that:

Idea is primary, real horse is secondary

What is the meaning of the original thesis of Descartes's philosophy, which sounds like "cogito ergo sum" in Latin

If I think, I exist

A thinker who lived all his life in Königsberg and taught at the university there

Immanuel Kant

Divided reality into "the world of things in themselves" and "the world of phenomena"

Immanuel Kant

Philosopher, author of Critique of Pure Reason:

Immanuel Kant

Statement: "Do so that the maxim of your will can at the same time become the principle of universal legislation" belongs

Immanuel Kant

The opposition of an individual to society is characteristic of:


The type of worldview characteristic of the Renaissance, which is based on the opposition of an individual to society:


The main method of scientific knowledge, according to F. Bacon, should be


The main problem solved by the philosophers of the Milesian school:

Initial problem

The name of the Indian school explaining purification by the transfer of the spirit from one body to another


Philosophy of Hegel is inherent in:


"Man is born to be free, - and yet everywhere he is in chains," - said

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Representative of the philosophy of the French Enlightenment

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The philosopher who believed that the mind of a child is like a blank board of tabula rasa

John Locke

Name the person named Raphael of the East

Kamoliddin Bekzod

In Indian philosophy - the total amount of committed actions and their consequences, which determines the nature of the new birth


Chinese philosopher, founder of Taoism

Lao Tzu

Roman poet, follower of Epicurus, author of the poem "On the Nature of Things"


Representative of German classical philosophy:

Ludwig Feuerbach

The representative of materialism is

Ludwig Feuerbach

The main object of research, the measure of things and relationships in the Renaissance:


Savior, deliverer from troubles, anointed of God


According to I. Kant, for the formation of a person as a moral being,

Moral duty

Which of the following thinkers does not belong to the representatives of German classical philosophy


The central concept of Buddhism and Jainism, meaning the highest state, the goal of human aspirations:


The philosophy of the Renaissance is characterized by

Nostalgia for ancient culture

Reality, which is the basis of the world, according to Hegel:

The absolute idea

What does the concept of "dharma" mean in traditional Indian philosophy:

The eternal moral law, prescribing a certain way of life for everyone

How does the idea of ​​a "horse" differ from a real, living, real horse in Plato's philosophy. Please enter a wrong answer

The idea is richer in content than a living horse

The most important ideas of French philosophy of the Enlightenment cannot be attributed

The idea of equality for all people

The subject of theoretical philosophy according to I. Kant should be research:

The laws of the mind and its boundaries

In the philosophy of I. Kant, antinomies take place where, with the help of the human mind, they try to draw conclusions about:

The world of things by themselves

A characteristic feature of medieval philosophy is:


Representative of medieval Western European philosophy

Thomas Aquinas

Representative of medieval philosophy:

Thomas Aquinas

The problem of proving the existence of God was one of the central for

Thomas Aquinas

"War of all against all" is a natural state, he believed

Thomas Hobbes

The theory of "social contract" adhered to

Thomas Hobbes

The concept of "Logos" in the philosophical teachings of Heraclitus means:

Universal law, the action of which is subject to everything in the world

The ancient Indian philosophical texts include


The essence of Socrates' "ethical rationalism":

Virtue is the result of knowing what is good, while lack of virtue is the result of knowing

According to Hegel, the true engine of world history are

World Spirit

Find out the founder of the tariqah of the mortal world and supporters of the refusal to receive worldly pleasures


What do you think, the hypothetical dispute of which philosophers was depicted by A.S. Pushkin in the poem "Movement":

Zeno of Elea and Heraclitus

The meaning of the categorical imperative of I. Kant can be revealed as follows: = act in relation to others as:

action of a virtuous man

Indicate the sources influencing the formation of consciousness and human development

adaptation to the environment, work, speech

Deny the possibility of knowing the world:


Anaximenes took the fundamental principle of all things


What is the name of the doctrine of values


The title of the most famous book of Abu Nasr Al Farobiy

city of virtuous people

Find out the cause and source of the movement

confrontation of contradictions

Kant believes that space and time:

congenital, pre-experienced forms of sensuality

Matter of the highest level is...

consciousness and thinking

Idealism is characterized by the statement:

consciousness is primary, matter does not exist independently

What teachings were promoted in ancient times

cosmoccentrism, cosmopolitanism

Ontology is:

doctorine about being, about its fundamental principles

Ethics is:

doctorine about morality and moral values

Agnosticism is:

doctorine denying adequate knowledge of the world

What are the features of Aristotle's philosophy?

his dualism

Central issue in the philosophy of the French Enlightenment


The thought "the universe was created by divine power and controls it" refers to..


What is characteristic of the epistemic line in philosophy

identification of philosophy with theology

What does Muso Al Khorezmiy's contribution to the development of world science consist of

invented the decimal system, arithmetic equations, the theory of algorithms, algebra

Simple indivisible substance according to Leibniz


Find out the conditions for the existence of being

movement, space, epoch(time), matter

What kind of historical type of worldview are we talking about here: "This is a holistic worldview, in which various ideas are linked into a single figurative picture of the world, combining reality and fantasy, natural and supernatural, knowledge and faith, thought and emotions"


What manifestations of being do you know

nature, man, spiritual, social

Some Christian theologians claim the whole world. The entire Universe was created by God in six days, and God himself is an incorporeal intellect, the most perfect Personality. What philosophical direction does this view of the world correspond to

objective idealism

The cause of inequality in human society J.-J. Russo believed

own, ownership

For the first time the concept of being in philosophy used.


Follower of Pythagoras, the first who drew the system of the world and placed the Central Fire in the center of the universe


The direction of Western European philosophy, which denies the cognitive value of philosophy, the presence of her own, original subject:


Such features as speculativeness, interest in formal-logical problems, subordination to theology are inherent in:


Worldview is:

set of views, assessments, emotions that characterize a person's attitude to the world

What philosophical doctrine studies the social development of society


What is substance in Aristotle's philosophy?

spirit and water

Who owns this statement: "I affirm that there are no things. We are just used to talking about things; in fact, there is only my thinking, there is only my "I" with sensations inherent in it. The material world only seems to us, is it just a certain way to talk about our sensations

subjective idealist

In the philosophy of Heraclitus, the word Logos denotes the world law, the world order, to which everything that exists is subject. Which concept of Chinese philosophy has the same meaning:


Axiology is:

teaching about values

What is axiology a teaching about

teaching about values

The concept of a substance is ......

the basis of the universe and meaning

Anthropology is:

the doctorine about man(human)

Epistemology is:

the doctorine about nature, the essence of knowledge

What do the concepts of Brahman in Vedanta and apeiron in the philosophy of Anaximander mean:

the substance of all things

What is the foundation of medieval philosophy in Western Europe


A set of religious doctrines and teachings about the essence and operation of God:


Philosophy in the Middle Ages occupied a subordinate position in relation to:


What meaning did G. Hegel put into the statement that "philosophy is an era captured by thought"

thinking of philosophers is determined by the socio- economic conditions of the society

With the statement: "Thinking is the same product of the brain as bile is a product of the liver," a representative would agree:

vulgar materialism

The essence of the ethical teachings of Epicurus is that:

we should enjoy life

In the philosophy of I. Kant, "a thing-in-itself" is

which evokes sensations in us, but itself cannot be cognized

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